student relationship management system user manual.pdf · user manual for icd and c&c department...

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  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.



    USER MANUAL for ICD and C&C

    Version 1.0

    Management & Science University University Drive, Off Persiaran Olahraga

    Section 13, 40100 Shah Alam

    Selangor Darul Ehsan

  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.


    Effective Date: 10 April 2017

    Document Owner: Information Technology and Innovation Centre (ITIC)


    Date Version Description Author

    1 August 2016 0.1 Document creation Ain

    1 December 2017 0.2 Document review and update Ain

    3 April 2017 1.0 Document review and update Ain

  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 5

    1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 5

    1.2 System Requirement ............................................................................................................... 5

    1.2.1 URL ..................................................................................................................................... 5

    1.2.2 Internet Browser .................................................................................................................. 5

    1.2.3 User Access ........................................................................................................................ 5

    2 USER LOGIN and SIGN OUT ......................................................................................................... 6

    2.1 Login ........................................................................................................................................ 6

    2.2 Sign Out .................................................................................................................................. 7

    3 CHANGE PASSWORD.................................................................................................................... 7

    3.1 Change Password After Login ................................................................................................ 7

    4 SCHOOL UNIT MODULE ................................................................................................................ 8

    4.1 Activity ..................................................................................................................................... 9

    4.2 Event ..................................................................................................................................... 10

    4.3 Roadshow ............................................................................................................................. 11

    4.4 School Unit Report ................................................................................................................ 12

    5 DATA ENTRY MODULE ................................................................................................................ 13

    5.1 Prospect Profile ..................................................................................................................... 13

    5.2 Data Entry Report ................................................................................................................. 17

    5.3 Personal Data Entry Report .................................................................................................. 20

    6 DISTRIBUTION MODULE ............................................................................................................. 21

    6.1 Distribution ............................................................................................................................ 21

    6.2 Request Approval .................................................................................................................. 22

    6.3 Distribution Report ................................................................................................................ 25

    7 TELEMARKETING MODULE ........................................................................................................ 26

    7.1 Prospect Profile ..................................................................................................................... 26

    7.2 Telemarketing Report ............................................................................................................ 29

    7.3 Mode Vs Call Report ............................................................................................................. 32

  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.


    Figure 2.1:Login Page ............................................................................................................................. 6 Figure 2.2:Sign-Out ................................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 3.1: Change Password Page After Login..................................................................................... 8 Figure 4.1:Default page list of current school activity ............................................................................. 9 Figure 4.2:Link of Date to Edit School Activity ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 4.3:Link of Date to Edit Event Activity ........................................................................................ 11 Figure 4.4:Link of Date to Roadshow Activity ....................................................................................... 12 Figure 4.5:List of Type of Report .......................................................................................................... 12 Figure 4.6:Example activity school unit report by overall ...................................................................... 13 Figure 5.1:Default page of list of prospect ............................................................................................ 14 Figure 5.2:Page to edit a prospect, print a letter ................................................................................... 15 Figure 5.3:List of prospect based on user searching/filtering ............................................................... 15 Figure 5.4:Page if user not found the result of searching ..................................................................... 16 Figure 5.5:Profile button for modify the ic number ................................................................................ 16 Figure 5.6:Update data after modify the prospect information .............................................................. 17 Figure 5.7:List of Type of Report .......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 5.8:List of total no of prospect that is key-in by staff based on filtering ..................................... 19 Figure 5.9:Page list of details prospect by overall/all staff .................................................................... 19 Figure 5.10:List of prospect assign to individual staff ........................................................................... 20 Figure 5.11:List of prospect based on filtering of individual data entry staff ......................................... 21 Figure 6.1:Default page of list of prospect that was distributed ............................................................ 22 Figure 6.2:List of prospect that is distributed but not attach with any counselor .................................. 23 Figure 6.3:List of Approval Prospect ..................................................................................................... 24 Figure 6.4:Total number of approved record from all MSU branch including MSU .............................. 24 Figure 6.5:Total Distribution Prospect that attach to counselor based on filtering ............................... 25 Figure 7.1:Default page of telemarketing counselor ............................................................................. 26 Figure 7.2:List of individual counselor prospect .................................................................................... 27 Figure 7.3:List of prospect follow up call ............................................................................................... 27 Figure 7.4:Form to modify the follow up data ........................................................................................ 28 Figure 7.5:List of MyMSU prospect under specific user ....................................................................... 28 Figure 7.6:Display based on user searching ......................................................................................... 29 Figure 7.7:Display if user not found the result of searching .................................................................. 29 Figure 7.8:List type of telemarketing report .......................................................................................... 30 Figure 7.9:Individual report of counselor ............................................................................................... 31 Figure 7.10:Display Total No of Registered Student Under All Counselor ........................................... 31 Figure 7.11:Total prospect under data source and split up to fresh call, follow up and status call ...... 32

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.


    Student Relationship Management System (SRM) version 1.0.0 is a system for user to collect data of

    potential prospect , distribute the data and this prospect will be called by C&C staff to joining study at

    Management and Science University (MSU) after they finish their secondary school . There are two

    main user in this system which are data entry from International and Collegiate Department (ICD)

    and Communication and Counseling(C&C) department.

    1.1 Scope

    The manual guides the user on how to use the system in every stages starting from the input school

    activity, add prospect profile, distribute the prospect that is done by C&C, follow up the prospect by

    calling to get the more details prospect profile, current status of the prospect until they applied study

    at Mangement and Science University (MSU).

    1.2 System Requirement

    1.2.1 URL

    The system is available over the internet via the URL and accessible only by

    the registered and authorized respective MSU’s staff.

    1.2.2 Internet Browser

    It is recommended to run the system on the following internet browser

    • Mozilla Firefox version 35 and above (recommended)

    • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 and above

    • Google Chrome version 56.0.2924.87(64-bit)

    1.2.3 User Access

    The MSU’s staff that has been identified as data entry, school unit/team, C&C can access the SRM

    system once the SRM admin registered him/her into the system. By default Employee ID will be the

    user id to access the SRM system.

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    2.1 Login

    This is the first page sight by the ICD or C&C staff to enter the SRM system.

    Figure 2.1:Login Page

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. Open any Internet Browser of your choice either Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft

    Internet Explorer

    2. Enter this URL to access the system

    3. Login page will be displayed in which the user needs to provide the User ID and Password.


    1. If the User ID and Password are incorrect, the system will prompt an error message and the user

    needs to provide the right User ID and Password again.

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    2.2 Sign Out

    Once the necessary or required activities has been done or completed, the staff can quit from the

    system by clicking on the Sign Out button.

    Figure 2.2:Sign-Out

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. Find the Sign Out button located on the right top corner of the system Header section.

    2. Click on it and you will be logout from the system successfully.




    3.1 Change Password After Login

    For the security reason, the user is strongly recommended to change the password at first successful

    login to the system.

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    Figure 3.1: Change Password Page After Login

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. Click on the Control Panel tab from the system Top panel section.

    2. The Change Password menu will be displayed and click on it.

    3. As security measure, the system will ask Current Password from the user.

    4. The follow by the New Password and Verify Password.

    5. Click Change Password button to save the newly change password into the system


    6. User can use Reset button if wanted to clear the entry on each fields.


    1. If the provided Current Password is incorrect, the system will prompt an error message and the

    user needs to redo from the step above.

    2. If the provided New Password and Verify Password are mismatched, the system will prompt an

    error message and the user needs to provide the match password for both.The user cannot

    reuse the last 3 passwords which have been used before.


    Function of school unit module is for user from International & Collegiate Institution (ICD) department

    key-in the incoming activity, event and roadshow that involving school student. School unit module

    have four sub-module :-

  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.

    4.1 Activity

    Details of activities that is handle at school

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. User click Activity on the left panel . In this screen, there are a few button:-

    Dropdown : Search Activity

    User can view a list of activities based on the available list at dropdown list of search activity.The view can be selected by current,weekly,all and etc.

    ADD To add an incoming activity at school

    Print Print an activity list directly to printer

    Print In excel View an activity list in excel

    Figure 4.1:Default page list of current school activity

    2 In an activities list, it has a link and button. Link at date is for user edit an activity and Slip button

    is for user view a slip/summary of activity.

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    Figure 4.2:Link of Date to Edit School Activity



    4.2 Event

    Details of event that involving school student but it is not often

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. User clicks the Event at left panel. In this screen, there are a few button:-

    FIND To search an event, choose a start and end month along with year then click it.

    ADD To add an event then another screen will display. User key-in the details of event

    Print Print an event list directly to printer

    Print In excel View an event list in excel

    Link at Event ID To edit an event that is created


    activity Slip/Sum

    mary of


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    Figure 4.3:Link of Date to Edit Event Activity



    4.3 Roadshow

    Details of roadshow that involving school student but it is not often

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. User clicks Roadshow at left control panel. In this screen, there are a few button:-

    FIND To search a roadshow, choose a start and end month along with year then click it.

    ADD To add a roadshow then another screen will display. User key-in the details of roadshow

    Print Print a roadshow list directly to printer

    Print In excel View a roadshow list in excel

    Link at Event ID To edit a roadshow that is created

    Edit an


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    Figure 4.4:Link of Date to Roadshow Activity



    4.4 School Unit Report

    Report of school activity in certain period of time.

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. To view the report, user clicks School Unit Report. In this screen, user can choose a report

    they want to view by clicking a radio button.

    Figure 4.5:List of Type of Report

    Edit a


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    2. When user choose School Unit Report < Total Activity (School Unit): Overall .Then,

    another screen will appear. In this screen, there is a few button that user can use to view a

    report .Besides that, user can choose either they want to view Daily & Weekly or Monthly &

    Yearly report. After that, They can choose to view a report for certain school or all school at

    navigation tab.

    FIND This button is to view a report based on certain criteria. Exp: User choose start from and to date by clicking Pick Date. Then, user choose a Qualification and State

    Print Report User can print a report directly from PC

    Print Excel User can view a result searching in excel. Then print it.

    Figure 4.6:Example activity school unit report by overall




    Function of data entry module is for user from International & Collegiate Institution (ICD) department

    transfer the information from survey paper to the SRM system.

    5.1 Prospect Profile

    Basic information of the prospect that is key in by the user

    Pre-Requisite Step


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    1. User clicks Prospect Profile at left panel. Default page of the screen as below:-

    FIND List down prospect name based on the user searching

    ADD PROSPECT To add a prospect based on the collection survey

    MODIFY IC NO Modify an ic number for particular prospect

    Print To print a list of prospect

    Print In Excel View a list of prospect in excel

    Button of Non Distribute and Distribute Prospect

    User can choose to view the prospect, by choosing between two button..

    Figure 5.1:Default page of list of prospect

    2. This screen display a list of prospect based on user searching. For each prospect, there is a

    few buttons:-

    Prospect To edit a basic information of prospect

    Prospect New To edit a details of prospect

    Letter To print a letter based on the list letter user searching

    Edit To edit a letter based on the list letter that user searching.

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    Figure 5.2:Page to edit a prospect, print a letter

    3. After click ADD PROSPECT button, screen below will be display. This screen is a list of all

    prospect based on user searching.

    Figure 5.3:List of prospect based on user searching/filtering






    Print a letter

    based on user


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    4. If search prospect not found, this message is display “THIS PROSPECT DOESN’T EXIST IN



    Figure 5.4:Page if user not found the result of searching

    5. After clicks MODIFY IC NO, screen below is displayed. List of prospect is appearing based

    on user searching a prospect. In the list, there is a Profile button for user views a profile

    prospect and edit it.

    Figure 5.5:Profile button for modify the ic number

    Add Enquiry

    *If search prospect

    not found.




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    6. After click profile button, screen below is displayed. After finish edit the data click Update

    button to save the data.

    Figure 5.6:Update data after modify the prospect information



    5.2 Data Entry Report

    Report of all data entry from MSU and branch of MSU.

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. User Clicks Data Entry Report. In this screen, user can choose a report they want to view by

    clicking a radio button.



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    Figure 5.7:List of Type of Report

    2. User clicks Data Entry Report < Total Prospect: Category/Type. In this screen, there are

    view buttons:-

    Pick Date Pick a date of financial year (exp: oct/2015 – sep/2016)

    Print Report Print a list of all prospect report that is key-in by all the user

    Print In Excel View a list of all prospect report in excel

    FIND Click this after users choose a branch, type of report and pick a date. For qualification it is optional

    Dropdown: Branches List of all MSU branch

    Dropdown: Report List type of report that user want to view

    Type of

    report that

    user wants to


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    Figure 5.8:List of total no of prospect that is key-in by staff based on filtering

    3. User clicks Data Entry Report < List of Details Prospect: Overall. In this screen, there are

    view buttons:-

    List of Prospect Assign to Staff

    After user click, there is another screen will be display where that screen is for user view a list of prospect assign to staff. That list will display based on the prospect that user searching.

    FIND Click it after user chooses the prospect, the output screen is a list of prospect from all branch of MSU.

    Print Print a list of prospect

    Print In Excel View a list of prospect in excel then print it

    Figure 5.9:Page list of details prospect by overall/all staff

    List of MSU


    List of


    assign to staff

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    4. User clicks Data Entry Report < List of Details Prospect: Individual. In this screen, there

    are view buttons:-

    Select After click it, there is another screen where that screen will display a list of staff. User can view a list of prospect assign to the chosen staff

    FIND User choose a prospect .Then, a list of prospect will be display based on the user searching. User must choose the staff first before proceed to this button

    Print Print a list of prospect

    Print In Excel View a list of prospect in excel

    Prospect Edit an individual prospect profile

    Figure 5.10:List of prospect assign to individual staff


    1. Only Admin of the system can view this report

    5.3 Personal Data Entry Report

    Report of individual data that is entered by the user

    Pre-Requisite Step


    User select a


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    1. User clicks Personal Data Entry. This is for individual data entry report. In this screen, there

    are view buttons:-

    Dropdown : Report User choose type of report they want to view

    FIND After user choose a month and year, or qualification (optional) the result will be display.

    Print Print a list of prospect

    Print In Excel View a list of prospect in excel

    Figure 5.11:List of prospect based on filtering of individual data entry staff




    Function of distribution module is a data that is stored in a system is will be distributed by admin of

    C&C to counselor/user from C& C department. In this module,

    6.1 Distribution

    Report of total distribution prospect based on certain criteria

    Pre-Requisite Step


    Type of report

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    1. User clicks Distribution. This screen is for user view a list of prospect based on user

    searching. In this screen there are a few button :-

    FIND User choose type of prospect and list of prospect based on type that user choose will be display.

    Print Report Print a report

    Print In Excel View a report in excel

    List Of Prospect Assign to Staff

    After click it, another screen is displayed. That screen is for user view a list of prospect assign to staff (counselor) based on user searching

    Assign User can assign a viewed prospect as user’s prospect by tick checkbox at Assign field then to submit click Assign button.

    Prospect View a prospect profile

    Figure 6.1:Default page of list of prospect that was distributed



    6.2 Request Approval

    This is for admin of C&C approve the request from other counselor to attach the prospect with that


    Pre-Requisite Step




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    1. User clicks the Request Approval. After that, user will see three tab. First tab is REQUEST

    APPROVAL. This screen will display a pending request of prospect .Administrator or user

    from C&C department must take an action to approve a prospect or disapprove. To approve

    or disapprove, user must tick a checkbox button at left of a list prospect. Then click button

    APPROVE or DISAPPROVE. If user click APPROVE, the requested counselor will attach to

    that prospect.

    Figure 6.2:List of prospect that is distributed but not attach with any counselor

    2. Second tab is APPROVAL RECORD. This screen will display a list of prospect that is

    approved. There is a few button :-

    FIND User view a list of approval based on prospect searching

    Prospect User view a profile of prospect.

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    Figure 6.3:List of Approval Prospect

    3. Third tab is REPORT. This screen will display total number of approved record from all MSU

    branch including MSU. There is a few button:-

    FIND To view a report, user must key –in name of Institution/School and choose month and year.

    Print Report To print a listed report

    Print In Excel To view a listed report in excel

    Figure 6.4:Total number of approved record from all MSU branch including MSU



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    6.3 Distribution Report

    Report of total distribution prospect based on certain criteria

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. User clicks Distribution Report < Total Overall Prospect: Category . In this screen,

    system will display a list of counselor and total no of prospect under that counselor based on

    certain criteria. User can view a report either Daily & Weekly or Monthly & Yearly. In this

    screen, there is a few button:-

    FIND To view a total prospect based on certain criteria, user choose a type of report, then user choose a branches, after that user pick a date.

    Print Report Print a total prospect based on certain criteria

    Print In Excel View a total prospect based on certain criteria in excel

    Figure 6.5:Total Distribution Prospect that attach to counselor based on filtering

    Type of


    List of


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    Function of telemarketing module is for user from Communication & Counseling (C&C) department to

    do a follow up call of potential prospect.

    7.1 Prospect Profile

    Consist details of the prospect and any changes happen to the prospect, Exp: Update, delete

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. User clicks Prospect Profile. In this screen, it has a few button

    FIND System will list down prospect name based on users searching

    MyMSU View list of people that fill-up admission form (MyMSU)

    ADD PROSPECT Adding the details of the prospect

    MODIFY IC NO Modify an ic number of prospect based on users searching

    Print Print list of prospect

    Print In Excel View list of prospect in excel

    Selection Letter Drop down list of available letter

    Figure 7.1:Default page of telemarketing counselor

    2. In this screen will list down list of prospect based on user searching. In each prospect, it has

    two buttons which are:

    View View the call made for the particular propect.However it only list the student’s name which created by the user (consultant)

    Propsect Edit an individual prospect details

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    Figure 7.2:List of individual counselor prospect

    3. After user click View button, screen below will be display. This screen is a list of follow up call

    that is make by consultant. There are two button:

    ADD FOLLOW UP To add another follow up call. A blank form to add a new call will appear

    Edit To edit a particular call.It only can be edited by this counsellor

    Figure 7.3:List of prospect follow up call

    4. After user click Edit button, screen below will be display. Two button in this screen.

    Delete To delete the information of follow up call

    Modify To update the information of follow up call

    Add follow

    up data

    Edit follow

    up data

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    Figure 7.4:Form to modify the follow up data

    5. After click MyMSU, interface below will be display. There is a few status that user must know


    ONLINE REGISTRATION Counselor able to edit the student details

    TRANSFER TO KLAS2 Counselor unable to edit a data has been transferred to KLAS2 system

    Figure 7.5:List of MyMSU prospect under specific user

    6. After user click ADD PROSPECT button, screen below will be display. To search a prospect,

    click dropdown list, then click FIND. In this list, the entire prospect’s name based on user’s

    searching will be listed.

    Update data

    Delete data

    View details of

    people profile

  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

    Internal Use Only

    © MSU 2017 Page: 29 of 33

    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.

    Figure 7.6:Display based on user searching

    7. if search prospect not found, this message will appear “THIS PROSPECT DOESN’T EXIST


    PROSPECT”click ADD PROSPECT button to add a record.

    Figure 7.7:Display if user not found the result of searching



    7.2 Telemarketing Report

    Report of telemarketing of all counselor

    Pre-Requisite Step


    Search prospect

    * All data that

    match with that

    prospect will


    Add prospect

    * If search prospect

    not found

  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

    Internal Use Only

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.


    1. User clicks Telemarketing Report. In this screen, the system will view a type of report for

    telemarketing. User can click a radio button to view next screen of the report.

    Figure 7.8:List type of telemarketing report

    2. User clicks List of Detail Prospect: Individual. This screen is for user view an individual

    report of counselor. There are a few buttons:-

    Select After click it, a list of counselor will be display. User chooses a counselor and a list of details prospect under that counselor will be display.

    FIND There is a dropdown list of prospect. User chooses a prospect and a list of report is view based on user searching.

    View View a follow up call that is make by a counselor

    Prospect View a profile of the prospect

    Print To print a report

    Print In Excel To view a report in excel and print it.

    Type of


  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.

    Figure 7.9:Individual report of counselor

    3. User clicks Total Prospect: Category/Type. This is a report where users can view a

    registered student by counselor. User can choose to view a report in Daily & Weekly or

    Monthly & Yearly .There are a few button in this screen.

    FIND This button is used for user view a report based on specific searching. First user choose a type of report, then choose month and year along with qualification.

    Print Report To print a report

    Print Excel To view a report in excel and print it.

    Figure 7.10:Display Total No of Registered Student Under All Counselor



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    Internal Use Only

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    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.

    7.3 Mode Vs Call Report

    Report of individual modes vs call report of prospect

    Pre-Requisite Step



    1. User clicks Mode vs. Call Report. This is a report for individual data source vs status call of

    prospect under user. User can choose to view a report in Daily & Weekly or Monthly &

    Yearly. There is a few button in this screen :-

    FIND This button is for user view a report of mode and status call of his/her prospect. First, user choose a type of report ,then to be more specific, user can choose to view a data either By Qualification, By Overall or By All Data . Then choose a date or qualification depends on the type of report user choose.

    Print Report To print a report

    Print In Excel To view a report in excel and print it

    Figure 7.11:Total prospect under data source and split up to fresh call, follow up and status




  • User Manual for ICD and C&C Department Student Relationship Management System (SRM)

    Internal Use Only

    © MSU 2017 Page: 33 of 33

    This document is prepared by Information Technology and Innovation Centre, MSU. All rights reserved. Under no circumstances can this document be reproduced (in whole or part), reformatted or altered in any way for either internal or external purposes.

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