student internship guide - fort hays state university · review the newspaper’s employment...

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CAREER SERVICES600 Park StreetHays, KS


Career Services. We can help you get there.



What is an internship?An internship is a short-term job that, ideally, provides you with experience in the occupation or

industry that you are considering for a career. Internships can be paid or non-paid and can be for college credit in some, but not all majors.

Why should I pursue an internship?• Allows you to experience the work environment of your potential occupation.• Helps you make decisions regarding your future career.• Provides you with real-life, hands-on work experience in your fi eld, which looks great on your résumé!• Gives you the opportunity to try something new with the knowledge that it is not permanent.• Helps you determine what academic majors or courses outside your major will be most valuable for future success.• Introduces you to people in your fi eld who can serve as mentors, networking sources and references.• Can lead to job offers without you ever having to apply. Many companies look to their interns to fi ll full-time job vacancies and use the internship experience as a screening process for future employees.

When should I start an internship?It is never too early to start getting experience – the most important thing is to do an internship!

It is best to acquire as many good experiences as you can during college. Thus, it is recommended that students begin searching for internship opportunities by their sophomore year. Internships can be full-time work during the summer or part-time work during the school year. They can occur locally, out of state or abroad.

How do I fi nd an internship?First, it is important to have an idea about the type of fi eld in which you want to perform your

internship. By considering your skills, interests, major and career goals, you will be able to narrow your focus.

Next, make sure you have a current résumé and cover letter before beginning your search. Career Services can help you with this.

Once you have narrowed your areas of interest and have an updated résumé and cover letter, you are ready to search! There are many ways to locate an internship opportunity, so do not rely on just one approach.



Finding an Internship…Register with Careers for Tigers, upload your résumé, interview on campus attend career fairs, etc.

There are many ways to fi nd an internship. Here are some places to start:Family and Friends can help you out, especially if you would like to fi nd an internship in your hometown for the summer. Hometown internships may or may not be advertised. Talk to business owners or directors of organizations where you would like to gain experience. They might be willing to set up an internship even if they never thought of that as a possibility before.

Faculty often have professional connections with resources. They will often have their own professional contacts in the industry or they may know of former students who have interned. Once a company has hired one FHSU student, they are generally more open to hiring another in the future.

Campus Organizations are another place to make contacts. These organizations will routinely bring in speakers from related industries.

Consider joining a Professional Organization. Many professional organizations have local chapters and most are open to college students joining. Not only will you make contacts and expand your network, you might also fi nd someone to serve as a mentor. Often, professional associations will also list job opportunities on their websites.

Chambers of Commerce- - are great resources for researching companies in your industry and for locating job opportunities. Search for companies in your fi eld and then go directly to the organization’s website. Contact the company directly to inquire about internships, jobs or informational interviews.

Professional Networking Sites such as LinkedIn provide the opportunity to network electronically. Users can build connections, join professional groups and search for jobs, people and business leads. When networking electronically, be sure to conduct yourself in the same professional manner as you would during a traditional, face-to-face meeting.

The Internet is especially valuable if you are seeking an internship in a city, an international internship or an internship with a particular agency. Career Services has already researched links for internship opportunities. The internship website ( provides a wealth of information at your fi ngertips. Some of the sites are general for all majors and some are more specifi c.

What if you do not have any contacts in your fi eld of interest? Conduct an informational interview to learn more about a profession and to expand your network. You can ask someone in the fi eld about their day-to-day duties, relevant training and experiences, along with tips and advice to be successful in the career. Remember, the informational interview is not a job interview so it is important to emphasize this when setting a meeting. Never ask for a job during an informational interview.

Browse the Yellow Pages for businesses.

Review the Newspaper’s Employment section for businesses that are hiring.



Log into Careers for Tigers at:

USERNAME: tigers PASSWORD: fhsutigers

To search for internships, select Job Search from the menu bar. Next, select the Internship position type and choose search. Be careful when including additional search criteria in order to avoid missed opportunities. It is suggested that you only choose Internship as your criteria.

Additional internship resources are available through Career Services homepage at Click on the Students link located on the menu bar and then select Be an Intern.



FHSU students can search for internship job listings through Career for Tigers, a Web-based system. This database can be accessed by visiting the Career Services’ website at Careers for Tigers lets you search for employers for contact information. Just because an organization does not have a position posted does not mean that it doesn’t have anything available. Use the contact information for employers in the system to generate potential opportunities for internships. View information about upcoming workshops, job fairs and on-campus interviews.

Some companies have a careers section listed on their website, and there are an overabundance of job databases on the Internet. If you know the fi eld that you want to perform your internship in or the region you want work, you can limit your searches.

Career library resources for internships-Career Services has internship directories to help you in your search. The following directories are kept in the Career Services Resource Center located in Sheridan Hall, Room 214.

Directory of International Internships, Gliozzo, C.A. & Tyson, V.K., Career Services and Placement, Michigan State University, 1998.

International Internships, (International Career Employment Weekly), Carlyle Corporation, Stanardsville, VA, 2001.

International Internships and Volunteer Programs: International Options for Students and Professionals, Cantrell, W & Modderno, F., Worldwise Books, Oakton, VA, 1992.

International Workcamp Directory, Volunteers for Peace, Belmont, VT, 1998.

Internships with America’s Advertising Agencies, Career Education Institutes,Winston-Salem, NC 2009. Internships with America’s Top Companies, Career Education Institutes, Winston-Salem, NC 2009.

Peterson’s Internships, Peterson’s Guides, Princeton, NJ, 2005.

The Back Door Guide to Short-Term Job Adventures, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, CA, 2000.

The Big Green Internship Book: Internships and Summer Jobs for the Environment, Career Education Institute, Winston-Salem, NC, 2002.

The Broadcasting Internship Guide for College Students, RA Publishing, Arvada, CO, 2008.

The Complete Guide to Seasonal State Park Employment, Career Education Institute, Winston-Salem, NC, 2002.

The History Internship Book, Career Education Institute, Winston-Salem, NC, 1998.

The Internship Series Mid-West Regional Edition, Volume 1, Career Education Institutes, Winston-Salem, NC, 2005.


The Internship Series Mid-West Regional Edition, Volume 2, Career Education Institutes, Winston-Salem, NC, 2005.

The Journalism Internship Guide for College Students, RA Publishing, Arvada, CO, 2008.

The Leadership Institute’s Broadcast Journalism Internship Directory, Putnam, C., The Leadership Institute, Arlington, VA, 1998.

The National Directory of Internships, Botros, R. & Bailey, N.R., National Society for Experiential Education, Raleigh, NC, 1998.

The Resort Internship and Seasonal Employment Guide, Career Education Institute, Winston-Salem, NC, 1999.

The Sports Internship Book 2002, Career Education Institutes, Winston-Salem, NC, 2001.

National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Latino Students, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Washington, D.C., 2003-2004.

Directory of Direct Marketing Summer Internships, (Women in Direct Marketing International), Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, New York, NY, 2000.

National Directory of Arts Internships, National Network for Artist Placement, 2008

Career Services also has a Book of Lists to help you in your search. The books have names of companies in major cities such as Dallas, Denver, Metropolitan Kansas City, Puget Sound (Seattle), and Wichita. The books are kept in the Career Services Resource Center located in Sheridan Hall, Room 214.



The résumé is the marketing tool describing your skills, abilities, accomplishments and experience. It is important to understand that a résumé is not the tool that gets you an internship or a job- it is the means by which you secure an interview. Rarely will an employer hire off the résumé alone. It is also important to realize that a résumé is not a chronological listing of everything that you have done in your life. It is a sales device that is skimmed by the reader. A recruiter usually spends no more than 30 seconds on an initial review of a résumé. Therefore, it is imperative that your résumé be easily read and understood.

Résumé Tips• Because a résumé is skimmed, not read, ensure that the important information about you

can be quickly recognized. Use bold to highlight information that you want prospective employers to know.

• Résumé should have absolutely NO errors. If an employer fi nds errors in your documents, they are likely to believe that you will be careless in your work as well.

• Strive to keep your résumé to one page. Most employers believe that there is no reason for a college student or recent graduate to use more than one page. There may be exceptions.

• Be certain that the résumé is not just a run-down of job descriptions but is tailored to demonstrate your skills, abilities, accomplishments and experience relative to your prospective position. Employers want to know what you can do for them.

• Put your résumé on professional paper; high quality white, off-white, or ivory preferred. Avoid colors that do not photocopy well, such as gray.

More résumé examples can be found on the Career Services website at- .


MARY ALDRICH4714 Louisiana Apt. B

Hays, KS 67601(785) 625-0000

OBJECTIVE An opportunity to obtain an internship which allows me to apply my analytical skills and acquired knowledge.

EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, May 2014 Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS Major: Applied Mathematics Minor: Business Administration GPA: 3.5 on 4.0 scale

WORK Supplemental Instructor, 2012 – PresentEXPERIENCE Math Department, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS • Instructed Calculus Methods Individual Math Tutor, Fall 2012 Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS Paper Grader, 2010-2011 Math Department, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS

SPECIAL • Computer experience with Microsoft Word, Windows, SKILLS Access and PowerPoint • Excellent problem solving, leadership, time management, and

communication skills • Excellent mathematical background, proven adaptability and reliability • Excellent aptitude to work well with others

SCHOLARSHIPS Dean’s ScholarshipAND HONORS Math Departmental Scholarship Anonymous Math Scholarship Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman Honor Society) Kappa Mu Epsilon (Math Honor Society) Phi Kappa Phi (National Honor Society)

ORGANIZATIONS National Student Exchange Program (Sophomore year)AND ACTIVITIES Memorial Union Activities Board Math Club President Student Alumni Association Volunteer for FHSU Endowment Telethon

REFERENCES Available upon request


JOHN SIMONSENCampus Address Permanent Address410 East Fifth 4225 Cypress AvenueHays, KS 67601 Topeka, KS 66601(785) 628-0000 (785) 655-1111

INTERNSHIP OBJECTIVE To obtain a position in public relations or advertising that will utilize my educational background

and creativity and provide practical experience in the fi eld.

EDUCATION Candidate for BA in English, May 2014 Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS Minor: Business GPA: 3.41 on 4.0 scale

RELEVANT COURSES Advertising Theory Business Law English Media Financial Accounting Creative Writing I & II Beginning Journalism

QUALIFICATIONS • Computer experience in Microsoft Word, Windows, Excel, Access and PowerPoint • Strong communication, leadership, time management, and problem solving skills

RELATED EXPERIENCE Writer/Associate Editor, Spring 2012 – Present The University Leader, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS • Write and edit articles, computer layout, paste-up and assist the supervision of a 36-page,

twice-weekly paper

Administrative Assistant, Summers 2009-2011 Theatre-by-the-Bay, Chicago, IL • Assisted in all aspects of offi ce administration for a small summer stock theater • Handled mailing lists, wrote press releases and promotional copy, and developed

computer skills Computer Lab Assistant, Fall 2008-Spring 2009 Business Department, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS • Oversaw student use of business computer systems • Provided assistance and logged usage reports

HONORS/ACTIVITIES Student Government Association Dean’s Honor Roll Meals on Wheels Volunteer Intramurals



It is essential to keep in mind that professionals communicate very differently than you may communicate with your close friends or family. When seeking a job or internship it is imperative that you be able to communicate effectively in a professional manner.

The fi rst rule of thumb is that a résumé should not be sent without a cover letter, unless instructed by an employer. The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce you and to encourage the employer to look at your résumé.

While you may have a template for a cover letter, you should always adapt the cover letter to the specifi c internship opportunity for which you are applying, just like you do with your résumé. For example, if there is a description provided with qualifi cations listed, you should provide evidence of how you meet those criteria in your cover letter.

More cover letter examples can be found on the Career Services website at .


Don’t forget to proofread all of your correspondence. Misspellings and/or poor grammar can make the difference in whether you actually receive an offer or not. While spell check is an excellent feature in most software programs, there are a number of errors that can slip through the process. There can be no replacement for reading and rereading your documents! If you want to be sure of yourself, you may drop off letters to be reviewed and critiqued by a Career Services staff member.



4239 Clinton Street Wichita, KS 67201(316) 833-0408Date

Ms. Elaine JohnsonVice-President and Intern Coordinator American Creative Advertising527 Parkway Avenue Kansas City, KS 66100

Dear Ms. Johnson:

As my senior year at Fort Hays State University rapidly approaches, I am eager to apply and supplement my business administration and advertising studies through an internship. After researching advertising and public relations fi rms, I found that you offer an Advertising/Public Relations internship opportunity and that many of my qualifi cations refl ect my suitability for this position.

As my enclosed résumé indicates, I have focused my studies and work experience in business areas-particularly marketing and advertising. On a practical level, as Advertising Manager of the The University Leader, we achieved record sales last year, helping the newspaper reach a yet unequaled fi nancial security by implementing a unique sales/advertising incentive program. Also I gained basic accounting experience as a cashier at Whitham’s Department Store, and upon my work record and related interests, was asked to design seasonal merchandise displays.

I would like to speak with you to learn more about the specifi cs of the Advertising/Public Relations internship at American Creative Advertising. I will call you on Monday, January 18, should you not contact me before, so that we might arrange a date to discuss the details of this position.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


(Handwritten Signature)

Your Name Typed




501 East 12th Hays, KS 67601(785) 623-0000Date

Mr. Julio RodriguezPersonnel Administrator The Hughes Corporation2539 East Corporate DriveWichita, KS 67201

Dear Mr. Rodriguez:

As a junior majoring in Business Communications, I am interested in pursuing a summer internship in my major fi eld of study. I am particularly interested in human resources management within the Hughes Corporation and I am eager to learn about the various job responsibilities and how they relate to the organization as a whole.

I would like to increase my knowledge of the interviewing, selection, and placement process of newly hired employees and the training programs involved. Additionally, I am interested in exploring automa-tion and how it is utilized and incorporated in human resource management.

As noted on my enclosed résumé, my work history has given me an opportunity to learn more about small business personnel management. The corporate structure of The Hughes Corporation offers a great opportunity to gain insight into the workings of a large human resources department.

I am eager to learn more about an internship opportunity with your organization. I can be reached at (785) 623-0000 or to set up a time to visit with you at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


(Handwritten Signature)

Susan Adams




When you are granted an interview, it’s time to sell yourself while evaluating the position against your goals and objectives. Remember that as you interview with organizations, you are also “interviewing” them for the right fi t for what you wish to accomplish. Interviewing styles and techniques differ with every company. Here are some tips that can assist you.

1. The key to a good interview is preparedness! It is essential that you spend time researching an organization so that you are knowledgeable about its industry, business strategy and corporate culture. It is also important that you have a good understanding of the type of internship for which you are applying.

2. Be prepared to talk about yourself. Human nature sometimes makes it diffi cult for us to feel comfortable selling ourselves. Interviews, however, are the time to do so. Create an inventory of who you are: strengths, weaknesses, values, interests, personality type, skills, etc.

3. Have an understanding of the interview process. Identify potential questions and be ready to respond to them. Write down your own questions based on what you wish to accomplish in the experience. Know whether or not you need to prepare a portfolio or any other examples of your work.

4. Think about your body language. The larger part of human communication is nonverbal. If you’re in a positive mindset, you’ll probably convey this in your body language. Stand up straight with your chest out and shoulders back. Don’t exaggerate it, make it look natural. Keep head up or level, and don’t look down (ever). When you walk into the room of your internship interview, your body language should say that you are confi dent and sure of yourself.

Last, but by no means least, make sure that the interviewer knows who you are before you leave. Be sure that you have made some connection so that when you follow up, the recruiter will remember you.

More interviewing information can be found on the Career Services website at .



Sample Interview Questions an Employer May AskWhy are you interested in doing an internship with our organization?What do you hope to gain from your internship experience?How did you become interested in this career fi eld?How did you decide to major in ________?How have the classes you have taken prepared you for this position?What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?What are your strengths and abilities as they apply to this position?What work and/or other experiences have you had that relate to your interest in this internship opportunity?What do you hope to do after graduation?What is the timeframe for your internship? Hours and days available?Do you anticipate any need for time off or fl exible scheduling during your internship?

Sample Interview Questions a Prospective Intern May AskWhat are the specifi c responsibilities of the internship?Who would serve as my site supervisor? Is it possible to work on a special project related to my interest in _______?What type of orientation and training are new interns given?



Dress like the serious professional that you are! Follow the interview attire guidelines below. A good rule of thumb is to lean toward the conservative side. When in doubt, contact Career Services to help you.

A nice appearance is an investment in your career. Although it will not take the place of a good education or competence in your job, it will enhance those requirements and increase your chances for getting ahead in the business world.

An interviewer’s decision not to hire a job applicant is usually made within the fi rst thirty seconds of an interview. That’s a lot of sizing up in a little time – mostly on the basis of appearance. Your looks with or without appropriate business attire will make up approximately 80 percent of that impression before you even open your mouth. The right makeup and hairstyle can make a person look more professional and not only increase his or her chance of being hired, but increase his or her starting salary by as much as 8 to 20 percent.

Clothing:Your appearance refl ects how you feel about yourself and your job. You are not only representing yourself but you are also representing your employer. How you are perceived determines how your offi ce or business is perceived. “dress for the position you want, not the one you have,” says Martin Yates in Knock’ Em Dead. One rule of thumb is to “Dress for the job above you.” The majority of interviews will require you to wear a suit. Before you even try the suit on, gather and squeeze the fabric to see if it will wrinkle easily. If it does, the suit is not for you. Your suit should stay looking as freshly pressed at the end of the day as it did when you fi rst put it on. A good 80/20 wool-polyester blend is both resilient and multi-seasonal.

Business CasualBusiness casual is slightly less dressy than regular business dress. A good guide is the “one-step down” rule: Exchange one or two items of clothing for a slightly more casual item. When in doubt, go for the conservative side – you can not be embarrassed by looking too professional at a meeting. Women’s casual wear may consist of slacks or a casual dress. Men could wear an open-collared shirt with a sports jacket with coordinated slacks. Jeans, shorts, or T-shirts are not acceptable.

Formal AttireFormal attire is generally not required; however, if the occasion arises, a “white tie” tuxedo and full ball gown is preferred. For semiformal attire, women should wear a knee-length cocktail dress, a tea length dress, or a long dress. Men should wear “black tie” apparel, which is a tuxedo or a dark suit.

A Few General Tips:• Be clean and use (unscented) deodorant liberally.• Arrive early. In a restroom, check your clothes, hair, hands, nails and face: corners of eyes, nose, and teeth. • Carry and use a travel mouthwash and carry breath mints with you but don’t use them during the interview.• Men make sure your shirt is comfortable. It’s inappropriate to unbutton the top button of your shirt in an interview.• Take off your jacket prior to an interview or while traveling to keep it neat and wrinkle-free and to keep yourself cool.• Cologne or perfume is used in moderation so that the smell is not overpowering.


• Nails should be well manicured and hands should be well moisturized and not fl aking, peeling, or callused.• Do not chew gum in an interview.• Glasses should not be tinted. It is important for an interviewer to make eye contact with you.• Always carry extra copies of your résumé.• Don’t tap your feet, yawn, stare at the interviewer, touch your hair, appear nervous or bored during the interview.• If you have a coat, umbrella, backpack, etc., ask if you may leave them with the secretary or ask if there is a designated area for storage.

Finally, when you are impeccably groomed, make sure you have a map and good directions to the interview. Always try to arrive early in order to have time to check yourself and take those important few minutes to compose yourself.

MENDark suit (black, dark blue or gray is best)White (or light-colored) ironed dress shirtConservative tieDark, polished dress shoesDark socksNeat, well-groomed hairWell-groomed or no facial hairMinimal or no cologneNo jewelry other than wedding or college ringClean, trimmed fi ngernailsPortfolio or briefcase

WOMENDark suit (pants or knee-length skirt acceptable)White (or light-colored) ironed dress shirtDark dress shoes (no super high heels)Conservative hosieryNeat, well-groomed hairConservative make-upMinimal or no perfumeNo more than one ring on each handNo more than one pair of earringsClean, trimmed fi ngernails (if polish is worn, itshould be clear or conservative)Portfolio or briefcaseNo big purses



Thank you letters can be hard copy typed, handwritten or e-mailed. Hard copy are most formal and are always appropriate after an interview. Handwritten are more personal, and can be appropriate for brief notes to a variety of individuals you may have met during the on-site interview or who may have helped you in other ways. E-mail is appropriate when that has been your means of contact with the person you want to thank, or if your contact has expressed a preference for e-mail, or if you want to send a quick thank you to be followed up by hard copy.

Fewer than 1 percent of people interviewed take the time to send a follow-up letter, so you can be certain that if you do, it will be noticed. It may be brief, but the letter should express your appreciation for the interview, mention a key point that was discussed during the conversation, reiterate your continued interest in the possibility of employment and convey your desire for a favorable response.

Thank you letters should be written within 24 hours or a maximum of two days of the interview. This letter displays common courtesy, professional etiquette and your ability to pay attention to details. It also reinforces your continued interest and brings your name across the employer’s desk again.

The thank you letter should always be typed on 8-1/2” x 11” bond paper, using personal business letter format.



6031 E. 12th Street Hays, KS 67601(785) 000-0000Date

Ms. Mary JonesCorporate RecruiterWatkins CorporationP. O. Box 4321Denver, CO 80203

Dear Ms. Jones:

Thank you for meeting with me yesterday to discuss the internship position available at Watkins Corporation. I am excited about the opportunity to intern with such a well-regarded organization.

The internship, as you presented it, seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. I am confi dent that my coursework in accounting will enable me to be a productive member of the team. In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position a willingness to learn, both about the company and the accounting fi eld.

Again, thank you for your time to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you. If I can provide you with additional information, please let me know.


(Handwritten Signature)

Your Name Typed



General Online Internship Resources:

General Job & Intern Listing /

Government & Corporate

Internships Abroad /prospective/iopother/intern.shtml

Social Cause Internships

Art, Media & Design / /internship-opportunities



So, you have the internship…now what? It is important to know what to expect during your internship. Here are a few tips to help you with the transition. Some of these may seem like no-brainers, but they are all important.


1. If you make a commitment, KEEP IT!

2. Be honest.

3. Do not make personal phone calls.

4. Do not take offi ce supplies. None of these excuses

are acceptable:

“It’s only a pen” (yep, and you didn’t pay for it).

“Nobody will care” (don’t assume).

“Everybody does it” (still doesn’t make it right).

“Nobody will fi nd out” (there you go

assuming again).

“I’ve earned it” (think the boss sees it that way?).

5. Keep breaks within the allotted time.

6. Do not abuse sick time.

7. Use computer equipment, copiers, and fax

machines for work purposes only.

8. Be honest about your time sheet.

9. Maintain and submit accurate expense/

travel expenditures.

10. Keep confi dential information to yourself.

11. Ask for written permission to use company

information or forms for classroom projects.

12. Learn and practice appropriate gender etiquette.


1. Be there and be on time.

2. Learn and adhere to all safety rules.

3. Turn off your cell phone.

4. Respect all employees.

5. Do not discuss your salary.

6. Avoid gossip and politics.

7. Be neat and clean in appearance.

8. Dress appropriately per the company’s dress code.

9. Do not wear face jewelry or piercings.

10. Use “please” and “thank you” often and sincerely.

11. Use appropriate English. (Leave ain’t at the door).


1. Do the job thoroughly and of the BEST

quality possible.

2. Follow instructions-take your duties seriously.

3. Meet all deadlines.

4. If you don’t know, ask questions; take notes.

5. Observe and learn as much as you can every day.

6. Be a good team player; be fl exible.

7. Ask to attend meetings and events that

seem appropriate.

8. Expect to do some menial work. (running errands,

making copies).

9. Ask for things to do. (if assigned duties are done).

10. Exhibit a can-do attitude.

11. Communicate respectfully and tactfully your ideas

and suggestions.

12. Set realistic goals and expectations.



Internships are an essential part of a well-rounded, career-focused education. The more effort you put into excelling at your internship, the more benefi ts you’ll achieve from it.

Stay in contact with Career Services so we can continually help you make the most of your internship experience. Remember, Career Services is a free resource to help you be as successful as possible. So take advantage of our resources at every opportunity.


CAREER SERVICES600 Park StreetHays, KS


Career Services. We can help you get there.

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