stress disorder

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Explain how the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine

system interpret and respond to arousal, fear, and danger.


Explain, using a diagram, either the sympathetic nervous

system or the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathway as it

relates to the stress response.


Describe the similarities and the differences between acute

stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.


Imagine that a friend of yours has been a victim of sexual

assault (rape). What is the short-term and long-term course of

her stress response to being raped likely to be?


Discuss in some detail the factors related to higher rates of

posttraumatic stress disorder in some groups following the

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City.


Certain conditions make stress disorders more likely to occur.

Briefly describe two factors from each of the following areas:

biological/genetic, personality, childhood experiences, social

support, and severity of the trauma that put people at greater

risk for developing a stress disorder.


Describe three different treatments that have been effective in

treating combat veterans experiencing stress disorders. Be sure

to be specific in what happens during these treatments.


Imagine that there has been a dormitory fire on your campus

that killed five people and injured 100 others. First, define what

debriefing is, then describe what you would do to help the

victims, and lastly, discuss the research on the effectiveness of



List four distinctly different psychophysiological disorders. For

each, discuss in detail the interaction between psychological and

physical causes.


Describe any three of the following treatment techniques, and

then identify the specific psychophysical disorder for which

each has been found most helpful: relaxation training,

biofeedback, cognitive interventions, meditation, support



The portion of the nervous system that is responsible for

changes in response to fear and arousal is the ______.

sympathetic nervous system or autonomic nervous

system (True Answer )



Reactions to trauma that happen almost immediately and

gradually disappear in a month or so are likely to be diagnosed

as ______.

acute stress disorder (True Answer )



Reliving an event that happened months ago, avoidance of

things associated with that event, and a generally reduced

responsiveness, are symptoms of ______.

posttraumatic stress disorder (True Answer )



Clinicians eventually have come to realize that many soldiers

also experienced serious psychological symptoms long after

combat is over. The disorder that can follow combat is called


posttraumatic stress disorder (True Answer )



The mayor of Lockerbie, Scotland, still wakes up in a cold

sweat thinking about a burning jetliner crashing into his town,

although it happened decades ago. This is an example of


posttraumatic stress disorder (True Answer )



Forced sexual intercourse is called ______.

rape, or sexual assault (True Answer )



A biological explanation for the stress disorders involves the

activity of the neurotransmitter/hormone ______.

norepinephrine (True Answer )



The aspect of the response to or recovery from posttraumatic

stress disorder or acute stress disorder that involves friends and

family is ______.

social support (True Answer )



The “rap group” was invented to treat the psychological

disorder called ______.

combat fatigue or posttraumatic stress disorder (True

Answer )



A local psychologist accompanies APA and Red Cross

personnel to help firefighters deal with the stress they

experience shortly after a disastrous fire. The psychologist is

providing ______.

psychological debriefing or critical incident stress

debriefing (True Answer )



A disorder involving an “apparent” (but not actual) physical

illness is called ______.

somatoform or factitious (True Answer )



According to some theorists, wide-ranging stressors, chronic

social circumstances, and transient stressors are types of

sociocultural factors that may contribute to the development of

_____ disorders.

psychophysiological (True Answer )



Lesions or holes that form in the lining of the stomach or

duodenum and result in burning sensations or pain are called


ulcers (True Answer )



Extremely severe and often immobilizing aches located on one

side of the head, often preceded by an aura, are called ______


migraine (True Answer )



High blood pressure is also called ______.

hypertension (True Answer )



The personality type that is MOST likely to have heart disease

is called the ______.

Type A personality (True Answer )



Nadia never quits. She is always in quest of the “deal.” She is

aggressive, hardworking, and not even a little fun loving. Her

personality would be described as ______.

Type A (True Answer )



Albert is relaxed and in control. Nothing seems to faze him for

long. He is about as laidback as they come. His personality

would be described as ______.

Type B (True Answer )



Part of the point of the research conducted by Holmes and

Rahe is that common daily adjustments can produce ______.

stress (True Answer )



People are at risk after an enormously stressful life event

because of the effect of stress on the ______.

immune system (True Answer )



Poor health is BEST described as a:

stress. Incorrect

stressor. (True Answer )Correct

stress response. Incorrect

stress model. Incorrect


A person who copes well with a happy event in life is showing a


stress. Incorrect

stressor. Incorrect

stress response. (True Answer )Correct

stress model. Incorrect


Having to walk the dog several times a day when it is raining is

an example of a:

stressor. (True Answer )Correct

stress response. Incorrect

stress disorder. Incorrect

psychophysical disorder. Incorrect


Looking for rainbows while walking the dog in the rain is an

example of a:

stressor. Incorrect

stress response. (True Answer )Correct

social support system. Incorrect

potential stressor. Incorrect


In the face of fear, a person is unable to concentrate and

develops a distorted view of the world. This person is showing

which of the following fear responses?

physical Incorrect

emotional Incorrect

cognitive (True Answer )Correct

The person is showing all three responses. Incorrect


A student who dreads being called on in class, and in fact

panics at the thought of public speaking, is experiencing a(n)

______ response to stress.

physical Incorrect

cognitive Incorrect

emotional (True Answer )Correct

developmental Incorrect


A student who turns pale and feels nauseated when called on to

speak in class is experiencing a(n) ______ response to stress.

emotional Incorrect

cognitive Incorrect

developmental Incorrect

physical (True Answer )Correct


The statement, “This is awful, but I guess I can deal with it like

I do everything else,” MOST impacts one's:

stress. Incorrect

stressor. Incorrect

stress response. (True Answer )Correct

somatization. Incorrect


What do acute and posttraumatic stress disorder have in

common with dissociative disorders?

They are disorders of the twentieth century; that is, they

were not diagnosed before 1900. Incorrect

They are most successfully treated with the same sort of

medication—antipsychotics. Incorrect

They are triggered by traumatic events. (True Answer


They are varieties of depression Incorrect


The part of the body that releases hormones into the

bloodstream is the ______ system.

nervous Incorrect

exocrine Incorrect

endocrine (True Answer )Correct

autonomic Incorrect


In response to a threat, we perspire, breathe more quickly, get

goose bumps, and feel nauseated. These responses are

controlled by the:

somatic nervous system. Incorrect

peripheral nervous system. Incorrect

sympathetic nervous system. (True Answer )Correct

parasympathetic nervous system. Incorrect


The gland that produces a hormone that is involved in the

reaction to fearful and stressful situations is the:

ganglion. Incorrect

adrenal gland. (True Answer )Correct

hippocampus. Incorrect

medulla. Incorrect


Imagine that you just had a “close call” while driving, but now

you feel your body returning to normal. Which part of your

nervous system is controlling this return to normalcy?

somatic nervous system Incorrect

peripheral nervous system Incorrect

sympathetic nervous system Incorrect

parasympathetic nervous system (True Answer )Correct


The group of hormones that appear to be MOST involved in

arousal and the fear reaction are the:

prolactins. Incorrect

corticosteroids. (True Answer )Correct

adrenalaltoids. Incorrect

beta-blockers. Incorrect


Which of the following accurately describes the sympathetic

nervous system pathway of the stress response?

The hypothalamus excites the sympathetic nervous system,

which then excites body organs to release hormones that serve

as neurotransmitters, causing even more arousal. (True Answer


The parasympathetic nervous system excites the sympathetic

nervous system, which then excites body organs to release

hormones that serve as neurotransmitters, producing even

more arousal. Incorrect

The hypothalamus excites the parasympathetic nervous

system, which then excites body organs to release hormones

that serve as neurotransmitters, causing even more

arousal. Incorrect

The hypothalamus inhibits the sympathetic nervous system,

which then inhibits body organs to release hormones that serve

as neurotransmitters, causing a reduction in arousal. Incorrect


Norepinephrine is to ______ as corticosteroid is to ______.

acute stress; posttraumatic stress Incorrect

fight response; flight response Incorrect

sympathetic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous

system Incorrect

sympathetic pathway; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal

pathway (True Answer )Correct


Which of the following accurately describes the hypothalamic-

pituitary-adrenal pathway of the stress response?

The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a

stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release

corticosteroids. (True Answer )Correct

The hypothalamus produces corticosteroids, which stimulate

the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the

adrenal gland to release adrenocorticotropic

hormone. Incorrect

The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce

corticosteroids that cause the adrenal gland to release

adrenocorticotropic hormone. Incorrect

The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a

stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release

hypothalamic hormone in a feedback loop Incorrect


If a deer jumps out in front of you while you are driving, which

part of the stress response is active?

parasympathetic nervous system Incorrect

cortisol system Incorrect

conservation system Incorrect

sympathetic nervous system (True Answer )Correct


A teammate of a basketball player says, “Congratulations on

making those game-winning free throws. Weren't you bothered

by the fans waving their arms behind the basket?” The

basketball player replies, “Thanks. I felt a little nervous, but to

tell the truth, I didn't even notice the fans.” MOST likely, the

player who made the foul shots has:

high situational and trait anxiety. Incorrect

low trait anxiety, but high situational anxiety. Incorrect

high trait anxiety, but low situational anxiety. Incorrect

low situational and trait anxiety (True Answer )Correct


I am generally a calm, relaxed person. If you are generally a

tense, excitable person, we differ in:

trait anxiety. (True Answer )Correct

state anxiety. Incorrect

situation anxiety. Incorrect

content anxiety. Incorrect


For me, crossing a bridge is terrifying. If you hardly notice

crossing a bridge, we differ in:

trait anxiety. Incorrect

state anxiety. Incorrect

situation anxiety. Incorrect

physiological anxiety. (True Answer )Correct


Some people are stimulated by exciting, potentially dangerous

activities that terrify others. These varying reactions represent

differences in:

trait anxiety. Incorrect

state anxiety. (True Answer )Correct

neurotic anxiety. Incorrect

existential anxiety. Incorrect


A person who witnessed a horrible accident and then became

unusually anxious and depressed for three weeks is probably


posttraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect

pretraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect

combat fatigue. Incorrect

acute stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct


Posttraumatic stress disorders:

begin immediately after the stress occurs. Incorrect

last between one and three weeks. Incorrect

don't begin until years after the traumatic event. Incorrect

last longer than a month. (True Answer )Correct


A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that

begins shortly after a horrible event and persists for less than a

month is called:

hysteria. Incorrect

acute stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct

generalized anxiety disorder. Incorrect

posttraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect


One distinction that DSM-5 makes between acute stress

disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder is based on:

how intense the anxiety-linked symptoms are. Incorrect

what the cause of the anxiety-linked symptoms

was. Incorrect

how long the anxiety symptoms last. (True Answer )Correct

what sort of treatment is contemplated for the anxiety-linked

symptoms. Incorrect


Dorian was only 10 miles away when Mt. St. Helens exploded

with one of the largest blasts in history. There was ash and lava

everywhere, and he was terrified and sure he was going to die.

He was terrified to the core of his being. When rescue teams

found him a week later, he was cold, hungry, and scared. More

than a year later he still has nightmares and wakes up in a cold

sweat. This description BEST fits a(n):

phobia. Incorrect

acute stress disorder. Incorrect

generalized anxiety disorder. Incorrect

posttraumatic stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct


Salina was terrified during the San Francisco earthquake of

1989 (who wouldn't be!). For a couple of weeks after, she did

not sleep well or feel comfortable inside a building. However,

the fears gradually diminished, disappearing within a month.

Her reaction to the earthquake would MOST likely be

diagnosed as a(n):

panic attack. Incorrect

phobic reaction. Incorrect

acute stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct

posttraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect


Almost every night, Cara wakes up terrified and screaming for

the boys to get off her. Two years later she still can't get the

gang rape out of her mind. The fear, anxiety, and depression

are ruining her life. This is an example of a(n):

phobia. Incorrect

panic reaction. Incorrect

acute stress reaction. Incorrect

posttraumatic stress reaction. (True Answer )Correct


A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that

persists for years after a horrible event is called:

hysteria. Incorrect

acute stress disorder. Incorrect

generalized anxiety disorder. Incorrect

posttraumatic stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct


Which of the following is the BEST example of “reduced

responsiveness” as it relates to posttraumatic stress disorder?

feeling detached or estranged from others and loss of interest

in activities (True Answer )Correct

feelings of extreme guilt for surviving the traumatic

event Incorrect

reliving the event through daydreams and night

dreams Incorrect

excessive talking about the event in inappropriate

settings Incorrect


Which of the following does NOT characterize stress disorders?

recurring memories, dreams, or nightmares about the

event Incorrect

a compulsive need to engage in activities that remind one of

the event (True Answer )Correct

reduced responsiveness to the world around one Incorrect

signs of increased arousal, such as poor sleep and

exaggerated startle reactions Incorrect


Which of the following is typical of posttraumatic stress


increased arousal, anxiety, and guilt (True Answer )Correct

inability to remember the event that led to the

stress Incorrect

increased responsiveness and emotion right after the

event Incorrect

a tendency to want to go back to see the site of the

stress Incorrect


A person with posttraumatic stress disorder who is upset by

what she or he had to do to survive and perhaps even feels

unworthy of surviving is:

reexperiencing the traumatic event. Incorrect

experiencing avoidance. Incorrect

experiencing reduced responsiveness. Incorrect

experiencing increased anger, anxiety, and guilt. (True

Answer )Correct


A person with posttraumatic stress disorder who is having

“flashbacks” is:

reexperiencing the traumatic event. (True Answer )Correct

experiencing avoidance. Incorrect

experiencing reduced responsiveness. Incorrect

experiencing increased arousal, anxiety, and guilt. Incorrect


A person with posttraumatic stress disorder who refuses to talk

about it is:

reexperiencing the traumatic event. Incorrect

experiencing avoidance. (True Answer )Correct

experiencing reduced responsiveness. Incorrect

experiencing increased arousal, anxiety, and guilt. Incorrect


A person with posttraumatic stress disorder who has symptoms

of derealization is:

reexperiencing the traumatic event. Incorrect

experiencing avoidance. Incorrect

experiencing reduced responsiveness. (True Answer )Correct

experiencing increased arousal, anxiety, and guilt. Incorrect


Women are ______ as likely as men to develop stress disorders.

just Incorrect

twice (True Answer )Correct

three times Incorrect

four times Incorrect


People with low incomes are ______ as likely as people with

higher incomes to experience one of the stress disorders.

just Incorrect

twice (True Answer )Correct

three times Incorrect

four times Incorrect


When was acute stress disorder as a result of combat (called

“shell shock”) first recognized?

after World War I (True Answer )Correct

after World War II Incorrect

after the Vietnam War Incorrect

during the Iraqi War Incorrect


Those who are MOST likely to experience a psychological stress

disorder are:

female, or low-income individuals. (True Answer )Correct

male, or low-income individuals. Incorrect

female, or high-income individuals. Incorrect

male, or high-income individuals. Incorrect


Years after the U.S. Civil War was over, many veterans

diagnosed with “melancholia” or “soldier's heart” still

experienced vivid flashbacks of their combat experiences, as

well as nightmares and guilt about what they had done. Today,

their MOST likely diagnosis would be:

factitious disorder, or somatoform disorder. Incorrect

posttraumatic stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct

acute distress disorder. Incorrect

psychophysiological disorder. Incorrect


Based on recent research, it can be concluded that the impact of

repeated combat deployments:

significantly increases one's risk of developing PTSD. (True

Answer )Correct

doesn't impact troops much at all. Incorrect

actually decreases the risk of a soldier experiencing

PTSD. Incorrect

increases PTSD risk, but only by a small amount. Incorrect


A friend says, “If we could just eliminate combat traumas, we

could eliminate a great deal of posttraumatic stress disorder.”

Of the following choices, your MOST accurate answer would


“Yes—in fact, combat trauma is the leading source of PTSD

worldwide.” Incorrect

“Yes—combat trauma produces as many cases of PTSD

worldwide as civilian trauma does.” Incorrect

“Yes—although civilian trauma causes many more cases of

PTSD than combat trauma does.” (True Answer )Correct

“Maybe—however, many researchers think that combat

trauma is significantly overrated as a source of

PTSD.” Incorrect


Which of the following is the MOST common experience for a

veteran of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars?

seeing dead or gravely wounded civilians Incorrect

seeing friends seriously wounded or killed (True Answer


being injured or hospitalized themselves Incorrect

being treated for a combat-related stress disorder Incorrect


How concerned should we be about victims of sexual assault

and terror? Is there a very great risk that they will experience


Yes, the risk is great; over a third of sexual assault victims

and about half of terror victims experience PTSD. (True

Answer )Correct

Yes, the risk is great; virtually everyone who experiences

sexual assault or terror eventually experiences

PTSD. Incorrect

No, the risk isn't great; only about 10 percent of sexual

assault and terror victims experience PTSD. Incorrect

No, the risk isn't great; the number of people in these groups

who experience PTSD is probably overestimated. Incorrect


Which one of the following statements about rape is MOST


Most rape victims do not know their attackers. Incorrect

Most rape victims are young. (True Answer )Correct

About equal numbers of men and women are

raped. Incorrect

About 1 in 10 women are raped in their lifetime. Incorrect


In which of the following racial groups is a woman's risk of

being raped the greatest, relative to the group's percentage of

the population?

white Americans Incorrect

African Americans (True Answer )Correct

Hispanic Americans Incorrect

The risk is virtually the same. Incorrect


Which of the following statements about the long-term effects

of rape on women is MOST accurate?

Rape impacts a woman's psychological well-being but not her

physical well-being. Incorrect

Rape impacts a woman's psychological and physical

health. (True Answer )Correct

For the vast majority of women, the impact of rape does not

persist beyond about four months. Incorrect

The greatest stress is experienced many months after the

rape rather than immediately after the rape. Incorrect


What proportion of women are the victims of rape at some

point during their lives?

1/2 Incorrect

1/4 Incorrect

1/6 (True Answer )Correct

1/8 Incorrect


Surveys suggest that about what percent of female rape victims

in the United States are teenagers, or younger?

20 percent Incorrect

40 percent Incorrect

60 percent Incorrect

over 70 percent (True Answer )Correct


What percentage of rape victims qualified for the diagnosis of

acute stress disorder in Rothbaum, et. al.'s (1992) study?

12 percent Incorrect

43 percent Incorrect

76 percent Incorrect

94 percent (True Answer )Correct


Those MOST likely to experience substantial stress symptoms

after the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11,


lived near New York City. (True Answer )Correct

lived near Washington, DC. Incorrect

lived far away from New York City. Incorrect

lived on the West Coast of the United States. Incorrect


These days, many people experience disasters secondhand

through the media. For example, online and TV sources

recently aired graphic coverage of severe earthquakes, which

killed hundreds and made thousands homeless in Turkey.

Studies show that watching coverage of disasters:

actually decreases the likelihood of watchers developing

stress disorders (the “insulation effect”). Incorrect

does not increase the likelihood of watchers developing stress

disorders. Incorrect

increases the likelihood of watchers thinking they will

develop stress disorders, but does not increase the likelihood of

them developing stress disorders. Incorrect

increases the likelihood of watchers developing stress

disorders. (True Answer )Correct


A torture victim who is subjected to threats of death, mock

executions, and degradation is experiencing what type of


psychological (True Answer )Correct

physical Incorrect

deprivation Incorrect

sexual Incorrect


Investigators have shown that traumatic events are related to

abnormal activity of the neurotransmitter:

GABA. Incorrect

serotonin. Incorrect

epinephrine. Incorrect

norepinephrine. (True Answer )Correct


Current research suggests that those who experience severe


have abnormal levels of norepinephrine and cortisol

following the trauma. (True Answer )Correct

are less anxious than the average person before the

trauma. Incorrect

were likely to be wealthy as children. Incorrect

were not directly exposed to the trauma, but experienced it

second-hand. Incorrect


A person's levels of cortisol and norepinephrine are in the

normal range. MOST likely, that person is experiencing:

posttraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect

the flight-or-fight syndrome. Incorrect

severe stress response. Incorrect

no stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct


According to DSM-5, the most common diagnosis for those

receiving outpatient therapy is:

posttraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect

insomnia. Incorrect

acute stress disorder. Incorrect

adjustment disorder. (True Answer )Correct


About 30 percent of those receiving outpatient therapy are

diagnosed with an adjustment disorder. Some experts say

adjustment disorders are:

overdiagnosed, because they are easy to apply to many

problems and are less stigmatizing than other diagnoses. (True

Answer )Correct

overdiagnosed, because clinicians often fail to see that what

they label adjustment disorders are in fact stress

disorders. Incorrect

underdiagnosed, because many clinicians suspect

malingering is the problem, not an adjustment

disorder. Incorrect

underdiagnosed, because many clinicians are unwilling to

give a diagnosis when a person might not really have a

disorder. Incorrect


Someone you know has just been diagnosed with an adjustment

disorder. You can be reasonably sure that this person's

disorder is:

actually within the range of normal functioning, so it is not

really a DSM-5 disorder. Incorrect

not normal, but less severe than acute distress disorder or

posttraumatic stress disorder. (True Answer )Correct

not normal, and more severe than acute distress disorder, but

less severe than posttraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect

not normal, and more severe than either acute distress

disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder. Incorrect


What do we know about the inheritance of PTSD?

The tendency to develop PTSD cannot be passed on from one

generation to the next. Incorrect

The tendency to develop PTSD is a characteristics located on

the Y chromosome. Incorrect

Both men and women appear to be able to pass on their

tendency to develop PTSD. Incorrect

Women who have high cortisol levels tend to have children

with high cortisol levels. (True Answer )Correct


Based on current research, what is the BEST conclusion about

the cause of acute and posttraumatic stress disorders? Is nature

or nurture more responsible for these disorders?

It's probably an interaction. Both nature and nurture are

important. (True Answer )Correct

Stress disorders are due to situational factors, not to

inheritance. Incorrect

Stress disorders are inherited; situational factors have no

impact. Incorrect

To date, there is almost no research on this

question. Incorrect


Based on current research, what is the relationship between

personality and stress disorders?

Certain personality characteristics are related to the

development of stress disorders, but not to recovery from these

disorders. Incorrect

Personality characteristics are related to both the

development of stress disorders and recovery from them. (True

Answer )Correct

Certain personality characteristics are related to recovery

from stress disorders, but not to their development. Incorrect

Personality characteristics are related to neither the

development of nor recovery from stress disorders. Incorrect


Those people MOST likely to develop stress disorders are:

anxious, and think they can control negative things that

happen to them. Incorrect

not anxious, and think they can control negative things that

happen to them. Incorrect

anxious, and think they cannot control negative things that

happen to them. (True Answer )Correct

not anxious, and think they cannot control negative things

that happen to them. Incorrect


The people MOST likely to develop stress disorders lived their

childhood in:

well-to-do families, and had parents who divorced when the

people were in their teens. Incorrect

well-to-do families, and had parents who divorced when the

people were younger than 10 years old. Incorrect

poverty, and had parents who divorced when the people were

in their teens. Incorrect

poverty, and had parents who divorced when the people were

younger than 10 years old. (True Answer )Correct


Research suggests that which of the following people would be

most likely NOT to develop a stress disorder following trauma?

someone who believes that events are generally under his or

her control (True Answer )Correct

someone who has a poor level of psychological adjustment

prior to the trauma Incorrect

someone who is unable to find anything positive about a

horrible situation Incorrect

someone who could be described as not very handy Incorrect


After Marie's plane crashed, her mother came to stay. Her

friends visited often and went to lunch and dinner with her

occasionally. This situation, which probably contributed to

Marie's coping ability after the accident, relates to stress as a

factor in her response to the accident.

personality Incorrect

social support (True Answer )Correct

severity of the trauma Incorrect

the nature of her childhood experiences Incorrect


Kelly was in a passenger plane that had engine trouble. She

watched as all four engines quit, one at a time. Then the plane

exploded and she was thrown free 5,000 feet in the air. It was a

miracle that she survived, although severely injured. She had

landed in a thick pine forest covered with 10 feet or more of

snow. When she regained consciousness several weeks later, she

had a stress reaction that lasted for years, and she could never

fly again. The factor that probably MOST contributed to her

extreme posttraumatic stress reaction was:

her personality. Incorrect

her social support. Incorrect

the severity of the trauma. (True Answer )Correct

the nature of her childhood experiences. Incorrect


Several studies have demonstrated that Hispanic American

combat veterans and police officers have higher rates of PTSD

than other veterans or officers. Research into the causes of this

difference have MOST often focused on possible:

genetic and neurotransmitter causes. Incorrect

cultural belief system and social support factors. (True

Answer )Correct

prejudice within military and police forces. Incorrect

early childhood differences in educational

experiences. Incorrect


A friend says to you, “I know someone who is a combat veteran

who was just diagnosed with PTSD. Do you think therapy will

help this person?” Which of the following is the BEST answer

you can give based on current research?

“Probably—about two-thirds of those receiving therapy for

PTSD eventually show improvement.” (True Answer )Correct

“Probably—over 90 percent of those receiving therapy for

PTSD eventually show improvement.” Incorrect

“Almost certainly—about 80 percent of those receiving

therapy for PTSD show almost immediate improvement, and

most of the rest show improvement within two years of starting

therapy.” Incorrect

“Yes—almost everyone receiving treatment for PTSD shows

improvement within a few months.” Incorrect


A combat veteran receiving the best treatment for a stress

disorder would be likely to experience all of the following


antipsychotic medication. (True Answer )Correct

family therapy. Incorrect

rap groups. Incorrect

exposure therapy. Incorrect


A combat veteran undergoing “eye movement desensitization

and reprocessing” is experiencing:

exposure therapy. (True Answer )Correct

group therapy. Incorrect

insight therapy. Incorrect

drug therapy. Incorrect


A returning combat veteran with a stress disorder would

MOST likely be in ______ to help change dysfunctional

attitudes and styles of interpretation that resulted from the


cognitive therapy (True Answer )Correct

family therapy Incorrect

EMDR Incorrect

a rap group Incorrect


“The therapist wants me to imagine scenes where I was in

combat and imagine them like I was there. I don't want to do

that! How can this possibly help me?” Which of the following is

the BEST answer you can give to a combat veteran who says


“That really can't help you. The best thing to do is suppress

your fear, control it.” Incorrect

“Your therapist is suggesting something called 'virtual

exposure,' but no one knows if it helps.” Incorrect

“Your therapist is suggesting an effective form of exposure

called 'flooding.'” (True Answer )Correct

“You should try drug therapy; that usually works, even

without additional therapy.” Incorrect


Combat veterans in a therapy group express a great deal of

guilt and rage. MOST likely, the veterans are in a(n):

desensitization and reprocessing group. Incorrect

rap group. (True Answer )Correct

“experience writing” group. Incorrect

exposure group. Incorrect


Ideally, critical incident stress debriefing occurs:

immediately, and is long-term. Incorrect

immediately, and is short-term. (True Answer )Correct

after a “recovery” period, and is long-term. Incorrect

after a “recovery” period, and is short-term. Incorrect


A flash flood hits a small Appalachian community. Those

providing critical incident stress debriefing intervention


provide long-term psychological therapy for flood

survivors. Incorrect

provide short-term counseling services. (True Answer


keep their efforts separate from those of disaster relief

agencies such as the Red Cross. Incorrect

focus first on the high-income, resilient residents. Incorrect


If someone asked you about the effectiveness of psychological

debriefing following a disaster, you would be MOST correct

(based on the research) in saying that:

there have been no controlled research studies on the topic

of debriefing. Incorrect

there is little evidence that debriefing works. (True Answer


there is strong, convincing evidence that debriefing works

well. Incorrect

there is evidence that debriefing works only if conducted by

community members themselves. Incorrect


The MOST accurate of the following statements about the

effectiveness of psychological debriefing in the aftermath of a

disaster (based on research studies) is:

Debriefing helps both rescuers and victims. Incorrect

Debriefing by victims is more effective than debriefing by

professionals. Incorrect

Debriefing doesn't work too well; it might even make

victims worse. (True Answer )Correct

Debriefing is so ineffective that it is no longer

done. Incorrect


Disorders that are thought to have both biological and

psychosocial causes are:

factitious. Incorrect

somatoform. Incorrect

psychogenic. Incorrect

psychological disorders affecting medical conditions. (True

Answer )Correct


René Descartes' mind-body dualism is:

inconsistent with modern views of the relationship between

the mind and bodily illnesses. (True Answer )Correct

supported in diagnoses such as factitious and somatoform

disorders. Incorrect

reflected in current research on the psychophysical

disorders. Incorrect

supported by the idea that one's emotions can have an

impact on physical health. Incorrect


If a physician believes that a patient's disorder is due to

hidden needs, repression, or reinforcement, then the patient

may receive a diagnosis of:

malingering. Incorrect

factitious disorder. (True Answer )Correct

psychosomatic disorder. Incorrect

psychophysiological disorder. Incorrect


A woman complains of an assortment of physiological

ailments. You think that she is intentionally producing the

physical symptoms in order to gain attention. You also think

that the ailment fills some psychological need. You would


factitious disorder. (True Answer )Correct

conversion disorder. Incorrect

generalized anxiety disorder. Incorrect

psychophysical disorder. Incorrect


An example of evidence for psychophysiological disorders is


ulcers, asthma, insomnia, and chronic headaches probably

have physical and psychological causes. (True Answer


disorders such as bacterial and viral infections have only

physical causes. Incorrect

disorders such as hypertension and coronary heart disease

have only psychosocial causes. Incorrect

cancer has been found to have a significant psychological

cause. Incorrect


Surveys show that people are LEAST likely to do which of the

following in order to relieve stress?

drink alcoholic beverages (True Answer )Correct

talk to someone Incorrect

exercise Incorrect

pray or meditate Incorrect


If you are similar to most other people, which of the following

are you MOST likely to do to relieve stress?

drink alcohol Incorrect

exercise Incorrect

use a cell phone to call, text, etc. Incorrect

watch TV, read, or listen to music (True Answer )Correct


All of the following are considered traditional

psychophysiological disorders EXCEPT:

asthma. Incorrect

insomnia. Incorrect

cancer. (True Answer )Correct

chronic headaches. Incorrect


The MOST common of the following psychophysiological

disorders is:

ulcers. Incorrect

chronic headaches. Incorrect

asthma. Incorrect

hypertension. (True Answer )Correct


Which of the following BEST illustrates the interaction of

psychosocial and physical factors in the development of a

medical condition?

ulcers caused by H. pylori bacteria. Incorrect

asthma caused by a weakened respiratory system and

allergies. Incorrect

hypertension caused by obesity and constant stress. (True

Answer )Correct

chronic headaches caused by feelings of depression and

anxiety. Incorrect


About what proportion of the U.S. population experiences

insomnia in a given year?

1/2 Incorrect

1/4 (True Answer )Correct

1/5 Incorrect

1/10 Incorrect


A person feels well rested during the day, does not have

burning sensations in the stomach, and appears to have

normal breathing function. If you are told this person has a

psychophysiological disorder, your BEST guess about what

the disorder is would be:

insomnia. Incorrect

asthma. Incorrect

ulcers. Incorrect

hypertension. (True Answer )Correct


If your parent has just been diagnosed with essential

hypertension, you know that the physician thinks your

parent's hypertension:

is caused by purely physical factors. Incorrect

has both physical and psychological causes. (True Answer


is caused by purely psychological factors. Incorrect

is likely to lead to other disorders such as diabetes and

ulcers. Incorrect


A graph that shows a spike in deaths due to heart attacks on

the day in which a community experienced a significant

disaster demonstrates that:

the disaster caused the heart attacks. Incorrect

the community was an unhealthy place to live prior to the

disaster. Incorrect

medical care is not adequate in times of disaster. Incorrect

stress plays an important role in coronary heart disease and

death. (True Answer )Correct


Obesity and lack of exercise have been linked MOST closely to

which of the following psychophysiological disorders?

coronary heart disease (True Answer )Correct

ulcers Incorrect

muscle contraction headaches Incorrect

hypertension Incorrect


A friend of yours has been diagnosed as having a high risk for

coronary heart disease. His high risk is MOST likely due to:

an interaction of psychosocial and physiological

factors. (True Answer )Correct

psychosocial factors alone. Incorrect

physiological factors alone. Incorrect

psychoneuroimmunological factors alone. Incorrect


A friend of yours has just been diagnosed with a dyssomnia.

Your friend's particular diagnosis could be any of the

following EXCEPT:

narcolepsy. Incorrect

nightmare disorder. (True Answer )Correct

insomnia. Incorrect

sleep apnea. Incorrect


A person diagnosed with sleep apnea is MOST likely to be

someone who:

snores, and is significantly underweight. Incorrect

does not snore, and is significantly underweight. Incorrect

snores, and is overweight. (True Answer )Correct

does not snore, and is overweight. Incorrect


Narcolepsy is a:

psychological disorder often triggered by biological

factors. Incorrect

psychological disorder often triggered by strong

emotions. Incorrect

biological disorder often triggered by biological

factors. Incorrect

biological disorder often triggered by strong

emotions. (True Answer )Correct


Of the following, the individual with the MOST risk of

developing heart disease is:

Type A, with little concern about time. Incorrect

Type B, with little concern about time. Incorrect

Type A, hostile. (True Answer )Correct

Type B, hostile. Incorrect


A person who has difficulty expressing unpleasant emotions

such as anger or hostility is displaying a ______ and is at

greater risk for heart disease/asthma.

sociocultural stressor Incorrect

type A personality Incorrect

type B personality Incorrect

repressive coping style (True Answer )Correct


People who are consistently angry, impatient, competitive,

driven, and ambitious are displaying a ______ and are at

greater risk for heart disease.

sociocultural stressor Incorrect

type A personality (True Answer )Correct

type B personality Incorrect

repressive coping style Incorrect


Which of the following aspects of Type A personality make a

person MOST vulnerable to heart disease?

hostility and time urgency (True Answer )Correct

ambition and competition Incorrect

impatience and anger Incorrect

cynicism and tension Incorrect


Researchers have found at least a small link between Type A

personality and:

lack of aggressiveness. Incorrect

somatoform disorder. Incorrect

coronary heart disease. (True Answer )Correct

generalized anxiety disorder. Incorrect


Hypertension is more common among African Americans

than among white Americans. Psychosocial stressors that can

explain this difference include all of the following EXCEPT:

evolutionary factors, making African Americans more

susceptible to hypertension. (True Answer )Correct

higher rates of poverty among African

Americans. Incorrect

higher levels of crime in African American

communities. Incorrect

racial discrimination. Incorrect


Hypertension is more common among African Americans

than among white Americans. If someone believes this is

because African Americans are more likely to live in

dangerous areas, work at unsatisfying jobs, and suffer

discrimination, one is emphasizing the role of ______ factors

in the development of the disorder.

sociocultural (True Answer )Correct

psychological Incorrect

biological Incorrect

interactive Incorrect


Compared to white Americans and African Americans,

Hispanic Americans have:

lower rates of high blood pressure and lower rates of high

cholesterol. (True Answer )Correct

lower rates of high blood pressure and higher rates of high

cholesterol. Incorrect

higher rates of high blood pressure and lower rates of high

cholesterol. Incorrect

higher rates of high blood pressure and higher rates of high

cholesterol. Incorrect


Recent research shows that high levels of anxiety and other

emotional problems among those living in poverty may be

caused by:

psychological factors such as Type A behavior

patterns. Incorrect

dietary deficiencies. Incorrect

physiological changes resulting from stress. (True Answer


sleep deprivation. Incorrect


If someone were to correlate scores on the Social

Readjustment Rating Scale with the numbers of physical

(health) complaints, one would MOST likely find:

a significant positive correlation. (True Answer )Correct

a significant negative correlation. Incorrect

no correlation. Incorrect

the most illness for people experiencing very low and very

high stress. Incorrect


Of the following, the MOST serious limitation of the Social

Readjustment Rating Scale is that it:

does not show a significant predictable relationship with

physical illness. Incorrect

has not been revised and is thus outdated. Incorrect

does not take into account the stresses of diverse

populations. (True Answer )Correct

was normed only on college students. Incorrect


Research using the Social Readjustment Rating Scale indicates


low but not high levels of stress are associated with physical

illness. Incorrect

the greater the life stress, the greater the chance of

illness. (True Answer )Correct

physical but not psychological stressors are related to

illness. Incorrect

serious illnesses like cancer are related to stress. Incorrect


African Americans rate all of the following more stressful than

white Americans do, EXCEPT for:

major personal injury or illness. Incorrect

major change in work responsibilities. Incorrect

death of a spouse. (True Answer )Correct

major change in living conditions. Incorrect


If you were working in the field of psychoneuroimmunology,

you would be studying:

the relationship between brain functioning and

illness. Incorrect

the links between stress and illness. (True Answer )Correct

the correlation between immune functioning and

health. Incorrect

the development of the neurological system when one is

ill. Incorrect


Which of the following would you NOT find on the Social

Readjustment Rating Scale?

death of spouse Incorrect

jail term Incorrect

pregnancy Incorrect

exercise (True Answer )Correct


Which of the following people is experiencing the MOST stress

as measured by the Social Readjustment Rating Scale?

one who has just won the lottery Incorrect

one whose spouse has just died (True Answer )Correct

one who has just retired Incorrect

one whose child is seriously ill Incorrect


Foreign invaders of the body that stimulate a response from

the immune system are called:

antigens. (True Answer )Correct

lymphocytes. Incorrect

killer T-cells. Incorrect

helper T-cells. Incorrect


The generic term for the white blood cells that react to foreign

invaders in the body is:

antigens. Incorrect

lymphocytes. (True Answer )Correct

killer T-cells. Incorrect

helper T-cells. Incorrect


Recent research suggests that stress interferes with human

immune system functioning by:

slowing lymphocyte reproduction. (True Answer )Correct

reducing lymphocyte effectiveness against

antigens. Incorrect

triggering the production of immune cells. Incorrect

destroying antigens. Incorrect


The white blood cells that destroy infected body cells are


B-cells. Incorrect

antigens. Incorrect

natural killer T-cells. (True Answer )Correct

helper T-cells. Incorrect


The reduction in activity of the immune system when a person

is under stress is related to the activity of the


GABA. Incorrect

dopamine. Incorrect

acetylcholine. Incorrect

norepinephrine. (True Answer )Correct


The effect of norepinephrine and corticosteroids on a body

experiencing stress is:

to keep the body's immune system functioning at a high

level throughout the stress. Incorrect

to keep the body's immune system functioning at a low level

throughout the stress. Incorrect

initially to stimulate the immune system, then to inhibit

it. (True Answer )Correct

initially to inhibit the immune system, then to stimulate

it. Incorrect


If you have a high level of cytokines, we know that:

you have developed antibodies to protect you from

infection. Incorrect

you are at greater risk for heart disease, stroke, and other

illnesses. (True Answer )Correct

your liver is not producing bile. Incorrect

your immune system is unusually healthy. Incorrect


A friend says, “I feel like I'm stressed out and sick all the time.

What kind of person is least likely to have an immune system

messed up like mine?” Your BEST answer is:

“an optimist who is highly spiritual” (True Answer )Correct

“an optimist who is not highly spiritual” Incorrect

“a pessimist who is highly spiritual” Incorrect

“a pessimist who is not highly spiritual” Incorrect


Based on the research to date, a cancer patient has the BEST

shot at overcoming the disease by:

trying to remain cool, calm, and collected, and not getting

angry about having cancer. Incorrect

letting control of medical treatment rest solely in the hands

of those who are most knowledgeable about the

disease. Incorrect

accepting that his or her thoughts about the disease don't

matter, since only medical procedures have a bearing on

cancer recovery. Incorrect

raging against the unfairness of this happening in the first

place. (True Answer )Correct


Which of the following is BEST supported by current


Angry cancer patients have worse outcomes than those who

do not express anger. Incorrect

No studies show any relationship between personality

characteristics and cancer outcome. Incorrect

Social support seems to aid recovery in cancer

patients. (True Answer )Correct

The chief cause of cancer is uncontrolled stress. Incorrect


If a friend of yours was suffering from hypertension, the

BEST advice you could give from the following alternatives is


combine relaxation training with biofeedback. Incorrect

combine biofeedback with medication. Incorrect

combine meditation with biofeedback. Incorrect

combine medication with relaxation training. (True Answer



Relaxation training, biofeedback, meditation, and hypnosis all

illustrate the use of:

psychological treatments for physical illnesses. (True

Answer )Correct

physical treatments for psychological illnesses. Incorrect

combinations of physical and psychological

treatments. Incorrect

insight and social support therapies. Incorrect


Maureen is learning to warm her hands. She looks at a dial

that reflects the output from a heat-sensitive device on her

fingers. She simply tries to make the dial go up. This is a form


meditation. Incorrect

relaxation training. Incorrect

biofeedback training. (True Answer )Correct

cognitive intervention. Incorrect


A patient who treats severe pain by meditating, paying

attention to her thoughts and sensations, but remaining

nonjudgmental is engaging in:

biofeedback. Incorrect

cognitive therapy. Incorrect

hypnosis. Incorrect

mindfulness meditation. (True Answer )Correct


According to your text, meditation, hypnosis, and cognitive

interventions are all useful in:

treating infection. Incorrect

controlling pain. (True Answer )Correct

treating asthma. Incorrect

reducing “mindfulness.” Incorrect


People who are coping with severe pain by telling themselves

that they can get through it by focusing on the end of the pain,

and by remembering that they have gotten through it before,

are MOST likely to have received which of the following


insight therapy Incorrect

cognitive intervention (True Answer )Correct

behavioral medicine Incorrect

psychotropic medication Incorrect


One study showed that playing with a Game Boy prior to

surgery was ______ in relaxing young patients.

less effective than holding their parents' hands Incorrect

more effective than antianxiety drugs (True Answer


effective in girls but not boys Incorrect

not effective at all Incorrect


A friend says, “I'm going to get some therapy to help reduce

my headaches. What do you suggest?” Based on current

research on the effectiveness of treatments for stress-related

physical disorders, your BEST answer would be:

“Forget it; only the passage of time is really very

helpful.” Incorrect

“Just take your medicine; drugs alone work as well as

anything.” Incorrect

“Try any of the psychotherapies like relaxation training or

support groups; you don't need drugs.” Incorrect

“A combination of psychotherapy and drug therapy works

better than any therapy by itself.” (True Answer )Correct


Which of the following BEST sums up the author's views of

the latest trends in understanding stress disorders?

We tend to underestimate the significance of psychological

factors in physical illness. Incorrect

There are too few creative prevention programs being

developed. Incorrect

The line between enlightenment and overenthusiasm is often

thin. (True Answer )Correct

Psychoneuroimmunology is a thing of the past and not likely

to be used much in the future. Incorrect

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