stress busting for working parents

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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How to empower your most valuable asset


Stress busting for working parents – empower your most valuable asset

Stress busting for working parents

Working parents: greater stress than non-parents

An average of 30.6 working days are lost, per company, through stress, depression or anxiety - the largest contributor to the overall estimated annual days lost from work-related ill-health in 2007/8.Source: Health & Safety Executive

Each year business pays for 8 days absenteeism at an average of £666 per employee.Source: CIPD Absence Management Survey, 2008

Stress busting for working parents

Self reported work-related stress, depression or anxiety account for an estimated 10.5 million reported lost working days per year in Britain

One in five workers reports feeling extremely stressed at work. This equates to 5 million in the UK

Stress is likely to become the most dangerous risk to business in the early part of the 21st century

Only 33% of workers say that their employer has any family-friendly practices or personal support services in place

Source: The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Stress busting for working parents

Working parents are likely to have more complex issues to give them stress

Are the children at school and how are they behaving?

What friends are they making and where are they spending their time?

What else do I need to do as a parent and partner?

Am I looking after my own health and well-being?

Do I balance my time between my work, life, children and partner?

Stress busting for working parents

Possible approaches

The occupational health approach tends to focus on the physical

The employee assistance approach tends to focus on counselling

Our unique approach utilises leading edge techniques to focus on empowering

There’s been no support designed specifically for working parents of teenagers (does that starts about 9 these days!) – until now

Stress busting for working parents

Our unique approach combines the best of

Stress management

Work/life balance

Communication and listening skills

Team working

And leadership skills

Stress busting for working parents

Benefits to you

Improved productivity and profitability

Improved recruitment and retention

Enhanced employee engagement and loyalty

Creation of a higher value organisation

Contribute to Corporate Social Responsibility policy

Stress busting for working parents

Who is the Family Coaching Café?

Develop Your Child Pioneered coaching and emotional literacy programmes in families

Every Family Matters (registered charity) Takes the programmes into families and the community

Family Coaching Café Takes the programmes into the workplace and onto the High Street

Our mission is to create an ethos of empowerment around young people, through the family dynamic (10% of profits go to Every Family Matters)

Stress busting for working parents

Who is the Family Coaching Café?

Our Founder has over 2,000 hours coaching young people and families, on behalf of NSPCC, Kent County Council, Medway Adult Ed, Foster Care agencies, Children's Centres, Arethusa Venture Centre, NACRO, charities, schools and youth clubs

We have more than 5,000 newsletter subscribers, and have made 800 book sales and 500 DVD sales

Representatives in UK, US, Sweden, Singapore and New Zealand, working with coaches, trainers, facilitators and teachers

Stress busting for working parents

Working parents are crying out for

A programme targeting work-family balance

An evidence based programme with flexible delivery options

Delivered by a specialist trained practitioner

A programme that addresses ‘teenage’ behaviour with a family ethic

Stress busting for working parents

Our core curriculum

How to create a different reality

How your feelings and emotions affect behaviour in others

How to influence rather than control

How to acknowledge your successes

The different levels of listening

The importance of questions

How to get clarity on the priorities in your life

Stress busting for working parents

Our offering can link with your HR/Employee strategy

A tailored programme can include research, workshops, personal clinics, teleconferences, telephone and email support

Participants can progress onto the Develop Your Child, Family Coaching Certificate accredited by NOCN

The best value would be one of our Gold, Silver or Bronze packages

Stress busting for working parents

Gold option

We research the requirements of your employees (a day) in terms of issues, timing and assessment which will increase buy in

A series of eight weekly 1.5 hour workshops accommodating up to 15 working parents and an internal coach/facilitator

Unlimited telephone and email support

A Sustainability workshop integrates and embeds the process providing the parents with peer-mentoring skills and internal coaches to use this process in house

Stress busting for working parents

Silver option

We research the requirements of your employees (half day) in terms of issues, timing and assessment which will increase buy in

A series of eight weekly 1.5 hour workshops accommodating up to 15 working parents and an internal coach/facilitator

Limited telephone and email support

A Sustainability workshop integrates and embeds the process providing the parents with peer-mentoring skills and internal coaches to use this process in house

Stress busting for working parents

Bronze option

A series of eight weekly 1.5 hour workshops accommodating up to 15 working parents and an internal coach/facilitator

A Sustainability workshop integrates and embeds the process providing the parents with peer-mentoring skills and internal coaches to use this process in house

Stress busting for working parents

We know our programme can make a significant impact on your employee’s mindset, stress and motivation levels It will impact on your bottom line

Stress busting for working parents

Thank you for your time We look forward to partnering with you to empower your most valuable asset

Stress busting for working parents

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