strength in unity - in...

Post on 01-Apr-2020






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Australian Government

HELP STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING FOREVER Currently over 27 million people are trapped in the nightmare of human trafficking, which is the

equivalent of modern day slavery. Human trafficking is a multidimensional, global issue rampant in Asia and Europe but not void from the shores of Australia and even breaching the borders of America in the

tens of thousands per year. It includes but is not limited to sex trafficking, bonded and forced labour, child solders and domestic servitude. There are many organizations which chip away at the issue of human

trafficking, each performing the same tasks and in similar areas, yet with separate resources required and being exhausted in each. Furthermore, each organization is actually competing against one another.

TRAFFICK LIFE is a body created specifically to unify anti trafficking organizations, in resource, reach, structure and organization to strengthen each and combat the issue as a unified and collaborative force.

By Paul Cattanach

The issue chosen to address is human trafficking which is a multidimensional, global issue and includes but is not limited to sex trafficking, bonded and forced labour, child solders and domestic servitude. There is approximately 27 million people currently trapped in human trafficking and hence many organizations that exist to combat the problem.

BibliographyThe New York Times, When the American Dream Leads to Servitude, By DAVID GONZALEZ, Published: April 24, 2007 • The New York Times, The Girls Next Door, By PETER LANDESMAN, Published: January 25, 2004 • • World Vision, • • Susan Mizrahi, Campaign Leader, Don’t Trade Lives • Time Magazine, People Smugglers Inc. By Tim Padgett/Minatitlan;Hilary Hylton/Austin and Dolly Mascarenas/Mexico City Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 • Dreams Die Hard video presentation • Time Magazine, South Africa’s New Slave Trade and the Campaign to Stop It By E. Benjamin Skinner Monday, Jan. 18, 2010 • Not For Sale Newsletter Jan 2010 • Stop The Traffik Article, The Salvos Newsletter; Salvation Army First Quarter, 2010 • Front Image Uploaded on December 19, 2008 by ‘ashlee’ © All rights reserved, • Chain image Uploaded by ‘matchstick’ on Jul 9, 2005


The NeedThrough research and observation, what I have identified is that many organizations chip away

at the issue of human trafficking, each performing the same tasks and in similar areas, yet with

separate resources required and being exhausted in, for example, marketing, administration and

advertising yet at the same time each organization is actually competing against one another.

A general principal for business is that if one dollar goes one mile two dollars will go three miles.

I believe that if these organizations were to pool their resources and move together unified, then

their impact would be far greater. In my initial research I plan to find out whether this is fact,

possibility or opportunity.

ProposalThe organization I have chosen as the subject of this assessment is a body created specifically to

unify anti trafficking organizations, in resource and whatever other way possible, to strengthen

each and combat the issue as a unified and collaborated force. The purpose of the organization

is not specifically to be a governing authority of all trafficking bodies, but rather as a bridging

facility, much like a union. Through research however, I may find that to be successful in this, the

organization will actually need to be a governing authority.

Research GoalMy primary concern is whether such an organization would actually be beneficially to help

overcome human trafficking. Secondary to this is whether such an organization would be viable

structurally and legally and thirdly to what magnitude or in what capacity the company could serve.

Research Plan Important research for the project will be to speak to other unifying bodies and gauge,

fundamentally, how realistic the proposed organization is, and uncover what is actually involved in

grouping resources of different Not-For-Profits. I think this could best be done through interview

style. It is quick and comprehensive and doesn’t inconvenience the organization too much.

Other anti trafficking organizations will need to be contacted to discover whether

such an organization as proposed would be beneficial and in what capacity it could

function. The holes and gaps in the organizations will need to be uncovered and a

proposition created to overlap each organization and mend these shortfalls. Most

importantly, what needs to be addressed is whether an anti trafficking organization

could excel if united with another such body. I think this could best be done again

through interview style and also with questionnaires so the participant is able to

really consider and contemplate the question.

Sometimes I believe people in any organization require fresh perspective to move

forward. Speaking to anti trafficking organizations and finding what their vices

are would uncover much, but for a rounded approach and for full triangulation I

think a focus group with selective individuals, not necessarily in that sector yet with

knowledge of human trafficking, would be ideal.

Eventually the logistics will have to be sorted and therefore it will be necessary to

speak with a lawyer or government official to find the business law and red tape that

will hinder such an organization and alternatively they might be able to answer what assistance is

in place or could potentially be resourced to fund such an organization, such as grants.




For the advertising I chose to use bold and eye catching imagery that spoke a deeper message. I

have chosen dark backgrounds to represent the shadows in which human trafficking festers. The

lights represent all the organizations, coming together to break the bonds of human trafficking -

represented by the chain. I wondered whether the association with human trafficking would come

across in the image. For the poster I could put in words to identify the purpose of the organization

but for a billboard I needed something extra for instant understanding. People will rarely have time

to read deeper into images. Where the posters imagery can draw people in and then the text provide

further explanation, for the billboard I added the child’s face to add extra instant comprehension.


SponsorsThe three sponsors I chose were the Australian Government, Amnesty International and Free the

Slaves. Free the Slaves because it is a strong organization in the field of human trafficking and is an

international company. Is it also one of the leading anti trafficking bodies in America. I chose the

Australian Government because it would mean that the organization meets the given regulations

and instantly raises its profile and authority. Lastly I chose Amnesty International because it is a

very strong international organization which ties in with similar goals and ideals of fighting for

human rights.

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LogoWhen creating the logo I experimented with many forms and shapes to create an icon. I experimented

with the colours and form of a traffic light but then decided against it because really, a traffick light

has little to do with the organization apart from the word play with traffick, and I specifically wanted

to differentiate from the traffic concept. I decided to experiment with the idea of an animal emblem.

A design problem existed in which I needed to raise the authority of the organization. I wondered if

I should use aspects from say a coat of arms, using imagery to raise the profile similar to a country

or government. Researching other companies and their logos, something I discovered was that

authority of an organization is instantly conveyed in the strength of their logo. If a company has a

very cheap and nasty looking logo, you would instantly have the impression of that company being

small, possibly too small to afford a decent logo. In contrast, when you see a very strong logo,

well balanced, not too complex or busy and almost iconic in itself, it gives the impression that the

company is large.

A thought I had was that if I use an icon that needs explaining to understand the purpose of the

organization, then really it wouldn’t be successful. What is needed is the logo adding understanding

to the purpose of the company and in an instant, not requiring further explanation.

I chose to experiment with the idea of a butterfly for the icon, an insect that exemplifies freedom.

It also speaks deeper in that a butterfly emerges from the constraints of its cocoon similar to the

release of slaves from captivity, so much more beautiful for their freedom.

My chosen organization is called Traffick Life. The word ‘Traffick’ in the name was chosen because

it instantly associated the organization with human trafficking. The word ‘life’ was chosen because

when deciding on the ethos and positioning of the company, I set out to create an organization

that differs from all other anti trafficking companies, focussing on the hope of ending trafficking

rather than the despair of the current situation. It is through hope that the organization will

attempt to combat trafficking and unify all organizations.

ConclusionMuch of the initial research that is fundamental to this organization will be in whether it is

actually viable or beneficial. Once it is established whether such a body should exist, then the it

can be researched how it can exist and function and to what extent. As mentioned, traffick life is

an organization that focuses on the hope of a solution to the problem of human trafficking, rather

than the negatives. I have adopted a professional feel to the branding to give the sense of a large

and organized body. I have chosen this feel because I think it will be the most effective in fulfilling

its purpose of uniting anti trafficking organizations. In due time it will be revealed if this is true.

Australian Government

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By Paul Cattanach

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