strategies for success

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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Every major event or movement in life or history has a major tipping point. A point beyond which, man cannot move forward without taking a stand or a position. This determined act of faith and courage once made forever changes the lives of all who participate. We are at just that moment again and your decision will have an irreversible impact on everything you do the rest of your life.


MasterMind To Personal Power

Strategies for SuccessIn

A New Economy

• Every major event has a major tipping point.

MasterMind To Personal Power

• Our United States of America came into existence

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• Now, there is a phenomenal challenge developing

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• Our Country and our Government has lost control of its destiny

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• Here is what is happening to our Middle Class:• The last 10 years have been a "lost decade" for

the average American Family. • The U.S. stock market is 20% lower than it was

10 years ago. • U.S. households have lost more than $25

trillion over the last 10 years. • That's more than $85,000 for every man,

woman, and child in this country.

MasterMind To Personal Power

• The baby boomers alone have lost more than a quarter of their collective net worth.

• Even the wages that U.S. workers earn at their jobs are declining.

• And with less money in our pockets, the American family is faced with rising prices everywhere we turn.

• Since 2000, health insurance is up 69% . . . college tuition has doubled . . . food prices are near all-time highs . . . and it now costs 48% more to fill up your tank!

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• The very foundation of the American dream is that we become wealthier and more secure as the years go by, but instead, we are falling behind.

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• The American people are perplexed and unprepared

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• However, there are millions of us who believe the best days of America are not behind us.

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• Principle Centered Leadership

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• We need to revisit the John Kennedy approach– “Ask what you can do for your Country”

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• Rather than worrying and doing nothing, here is a proposal for you to consider that can be initiated today:

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• What if you started today to get involved in a movement that will help everyone who joins it to make a substantial secondary income starting at $15,000 a year or more with the likelihood of becoming $150,000 annually or more within five months?

• What if your trusted connections got involved as well and suddenly saw their secondary income soar to $15,000 or more?

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• What if your trusted connections involved their trusted connections in this new economic wealth generating system?

• Could we change the economy if a million people were making $15,000 a year or more?

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• What if a hundred million agreed to get involved- what would our economy look like then?

• What’s keeping us from creating this new economy?

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• What if you realized that without your leadership, trust and support, this new economy would not come into existence?

• We are at the same seminal turnaround moment as our founding fathers except the enemy is different but just as evil.

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• What would our Country look like today if our Founding Fathers hadn’t taken any action?

• What will our Country look like after this decade if we don’t take action now?

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• It’s up to you and your connections to take the actions today to begin the turnaround.

• Every great movement requires its own continental congress and you are being called to become a leader in this movement.

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• Your connections alone could provide the stimulus to get thousands back and working in the very near future.

• We can’t change all the economic factors disrupting our economy overnight, but with your support we can create enough wealth in this country to create new spending leading to new jobs and opportunities.

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• You and I have a crucial role to play and we need to get started today by signing up and getting this message out to all of our connections.

• Imagine this nation once our middle class families have re-established their abundant lifestyles.

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• The time is now! We can do this by supporting one another and getting into immediate action.

• If you’re tired of the direction our nation is going, sign up now and you can play a role in personally turning the economy around.

• Let’s stop whining and take powerful action together.

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• Here’s your personal start-up plan:– Become a member today!– Receive your customized website tomorrow.– Mail an invitation to all your contacts inviting

them to view this message on your personal website.

– Invite Your Top 10 Personally to view your website.– Schedule and request a follow up phone meeting

to discuss their perceptions of this business and this solution.

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• Our Program:• Simple straghtforward Compensation Plan.• Personal and Business Development System.• MasterMind Format to insure Personal


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• Politicians can build a bridge or resurface a road and that’s good, but only we, the people, can stand up and do something that will help each other, our Country and our economy.

MasterMind To Personal Power

• We need to rekindle the entrepreneurial spirit in each of us. We can all get involved by bringing this message to our direct connections.

• We all want to be connected to a movement that can have a monumental impact on turning around our economy.

• Let’s get started now!• Click The “Join” Button Now

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Your time is NOW!

Let’s get started now!Click The “Join” Button Now

MasterMind To Personal Power

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