strategic planning presentation nctc 2010

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North CarolinaTheatre Conference

Get on the Strategic Planning Bus!

Presented by Dave OlsonUniversity of North Carolina School of the Arts

July 26, 2010

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Goals of today’s session What is strategic planning and why is

it important?

Is planning for everyone?

Steps in the planning process


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Why plan?

Let’s take a bus trip!!

What’s the point here?

Why is this process valuable?

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Quote of the day…

Alice: Which way should we go? (when coming upon a fork in the road)

Cat: That depends on where you are going.

Alice: I don’t know where I’m going!

Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go!!Lewis Carroll

Through the Looking Glass, 1872

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What is strategic planning? ”Strategic planning is the systematic

process through which an organization agrees on – and builds commitment among key stakeholders to priorities that are essential to its mission and are responsive to the environment. Strategic planning guides the acquisition and allocation of resources to achieve those priorities.” (Allison and Kaye)

So, why plan? Greater opportunity for achieving mission

by creating a roadmap of how to get where you’re going

Increased awareness of the ever-changing external environment

Provides a framework for internal decision-making Allows major decisions to support

organizational objectives

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So why plan (cont’d) Allows for more effective allocation of

resources People and $$

Gives people something to work toward – provides direction

Improved understanding of the world around you, and its impact on your operation

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All kinds of excuses!! Fire-fighting – “too busy”

Waste of time

Too expensive – remember that planning is an investment in the future!


Content with status-quo – classic “head-in-the sand” response

What do I mean here?

Fear of failure – “what if we can’t do it?”

Overconfidence – “we don’t need this…I know what we’re doing!!”

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More excuses Prior unsuccessful experiences

Self-interests – will this new plan threaten my position? Not working for the best interests of the company overall

Fear of the unknown

Honest differences of opinion – can’t come to an agreement

Suspicion - lack of trust

Poor reward structures – incentives not in place to get people going

Ties to annual individual goal-setting? Performance reviews??

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Why planning fails Not fully committed - doing it just to

jump through the hoops

Employee-related issues Failing to involve employees in process Failing to get buy-in from the employees Not communicating plan clearly to those

responsible for implementation

No support from management

Why planning fails (cont’d) Failing to create and support a

culture and climate of success Make planning a part of the culture

Shortsightedness – worrying only about today (too busy)

Lack of creativity and flexibility in the process – criticizing ideas, etc.

Lack of leadership experience(c) David L. Olson - 2010 11

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Keys to successful planning Involve employees and keep them informed

Don’t stifle the creative process – you just don’t know where ideas may come from or where they may lead!!

Management MUST drive and support the plan

You should see the plan in action in the decisions that are made, and in the language that is used

Don’t ignore it once it’s drafted

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Should you plan? Is strategic planning required?

It may not be the right time Leadership transitions Financial crisis Right people aren’t in place No boar support Other institutional transitions

Ok, enough theory…

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Steps in the planning process

1. Pre-planning - planning to plan2. Mission, vision and values3. Situation (SWOT) analysis4. Institutional goals and objectives5. Strategies to achieve objectives6. Execution7. Evaluation

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Step 1: Planning to plan Who to include?

How best to involve each group? Roles? Board, staff, funders, patrons, volunteers,


Structure of the group?

Timing and timelines Tentative duration of process (wkd, 1 mo. 6

mo?) Where held? Deadlines, due dates

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Planning to plan (cont’d) KEY: Who should lead the planning process?

Board member? Executive Director? External facilitator?

Pros and cons?

Who makes the final decision on the content of the plan???

Whose plan is this, technically?

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Planning to plan (cont’d) Who will actually write the plan?

Language, tone, voice are important

Keeping people updated**Communication and inclusion are two

of the key components of success in this process**

Step 2: It all starts with the mission! We are mission-driven organizations

Who are we? Why are we here? What’s our purpose?

Goal here: Review, reaffirm, or revise mission

Use rich, inspiring language that people can get behind – “Galvanize!!” Create something that inspires people!

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Abingdon Theatre – New York City (existing)

“Since 1993, Abingdon Theatre Company has developed and produced new plays by American playwrights exclusively. Our actors, directors, designers, producers and dramaturges have collaborated with more than 200 playwrights to develop original plays. Under the artistic direction of Jan Buttram and Pamela Paul, the company provides a safe home in which playwrights collaborate with other theatre artists and receive audience feedback through the utilization of our five-step development process: First Readings, Staged Readings, Workout Labs, Studio Productions and Mainstage Productions.”

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Abingdon Theatre (proposed)

“Abingdon Theatre Company's mission is to develop and produce new plays by American playwrights. We explore socially relevant, high-impact plays that speak to who we are as people, how we got here, and where we are going. We believe that new theatre, created by American artists, presents the most powerful tool for raising social awareness in this country. We cultivate striking theatrical experiences, creating a vibrant home for playwrights, actors, designers, directors and audience.”

Jim Farrell, UNCSA MFA - 2007

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Step 3: Situation analysis Puts your organization’s situation (both current

and potential future) into some type of context Internally Externally

Two primary goals of this step Assess how well you are doing currently What do you need to know and consider to do better

in the future

This is the “getting your head out of the sand” step!

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A really important step This info is the foundation of your plan

If not done well, it will affect the integrity and quality of your plan

You need to get this right!!!

MUST be an honest assessment Sometimes people find it difficult to be honest here (“We

don’t do ________ very well”) Structure of the “process” must be conducive to openness

and honestly, in a non-hostile environment Possible criticism of departments, operations, individuals Don’t want to offend anyone, or to appear critical

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What to include here?

Historical frame of reference Where we’ve been Current strategies, conditions, etc.

SWOT analysis

Competitive analysis

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SWOT Analysis Strengths (internal) Weaknesses (internal) Opportunities (external) Threats (external)

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Internal components Strengths

Things we do well

Weaknesses Things we don’t do well

Things under our control


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External components Opportunities and threats

We do not have direct control over these factors

Best we can do is anticipate them, and develop a process for addressing them

Heighten your awareness of what could possibly affect your organization keeping your head in the game!

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External components (cont’d)

Examples of external forces1. Economic2. Social3. Political, legal & governmental4. Technological5. Competitive

SWOT analysis: brainstorming

SWOT analysis typically done in a group, brainstorming-type setting

Use of a facilitator

(will see an example shortly)

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Brainstorming guidelines Create an environment for creativity

Free thinking

No filtering of ideas Don’t throw anything out on the 1st pass

No idea is a bad idea!!!

Ideas lead to other ideas – the final ideas may come several steps down the line

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Step 4: Develop objectives Objectives: what you want to


These are your institutional goals

“Where are you going?”

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Developing clear goals Example goal: “We want to sell more

tickets than last year” Any problems with this statement?

Well-written goals should be SMART goals!! Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Timely (timeframes, deadlines)

Step 5: Develop strategies Strategies: how are you going to

reach your goals Specific steps

“How are you going to get there?”

This is your roadmap

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How strategies relate to goals

Goal:Achieve 3% growth in season ticket sales each year for the next 2 years

Strategies:1. Implement social marketing campaign2. Have two new subscriber events3. Implement a “bring a friend” program

Step 6: Implementation

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Step 7: evaluation

It’s important to use the plan

Follow-up on your progress How?

Management must keep the plan in the forefront

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Let’s look at an example

Welcome to the All-Pippin Dinner Theatre…

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Summary Planning is a vital part of your organization’s


Any plan is better than no plan

Structure process and outcomes to fit your organization’s needs (timeframe, scope, depth, etc.)

Use this process to help heighten your awareness of what’s happening around you

Don’t operate in a vacuum!! Don’t assume everything will just stay the same

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Planning resources “Strategic Planning in Nonprofit

organizations,” Allison and Kaye

“Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations,” John Bryson

Strategic Planning Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations,” Bryan Barry

“Nonprofit Strategic Planning,” Shea Smith

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Contact information

Dave OlsonUniversity of North Carolina School of the ArtsSchool of Design and Production1533 South Main StreetWinston-Salem, NC 27127Phone: 336-770-2927 (school)Cell: 612-799-1490E-mail:

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