strategic planning

Post on 21-Oct-2015






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how to stragically plan for an organization, factors to consider







UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLANNING IN ORGANIZATIONS:........................................................................................................................3

UNDERSTAND THE IMPACT OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS ON ORGANIZATIONS:........................................................................................................................6

UNDERSTAND THE STRATEGIES THAT ORGANIZATIONS USE TO ACHIEVE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE:.................................................................................................12





A goal can be defined as a specific desires state over a specific period of time. The goals are

established in an organization to attain the objectives developed according to the mission and

vision statement of the organization. The mission and vision statements explain the purpose of

organization as well as its broader future perspective respectively. Developing best objectives

and strategies do not work for an organization until and unless they develop goals which ensure

their success. Organizations should use the SMART principle when setting goals. SMART is an

acronym for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time Bound.

Specific: Goals should be very specific and clear. After communicating the goals, corporate

leaders should make sure employees in the organization understand the what, why and how of

the goals as well as are able to identify how they can benefit from and help to implement the

goals. This is often referred as buy-in, where all employees or team members personally identify

with the goals and the corporate mission behind the goals. A lack of employee buy-in can

significantly undermine the effective implementation of goals.

Measurable: If you don't measure it, you cannot manage it. This is a key attribute that many

corporate leaders and goal setters do not consider when setting goals. It's often an afterthought.

So, during the goal-setting process, goal setters should ask themselves, "Is it measurable?" If the

goal is measurable, then it fits the SMART framework. There are tools and techniques corporate

managers can use to manage the goal. One popular methodology used by large corporations is

the balanced scorecard methodology. The balanced scorecard is a measurement and performance

tracking methodology used to measure and balance financial, customer, process and innovation

goals daily.

Actionable: Goals should be actionable. Actionable goals are goals where each employee or

team member knows exactly what she has to do and when. For this reason, goals cannot be

vague, too broad or based too far in the future. The strategic mission and vision can be lofty and

motivational, but bottom line goals must be immediately actionable.


Realistic: falls in line with actionable. Realistic goals are believable. Believable goals are

actionable. For this reason, goal setters should make sure that goals are realistic for employees

and team members. To support this realistic requirement, goal setters must ensure employees and

team members have the skills, tools and resources they need to accomplish the goals.

Time Bound: A goal is not a goal unless it is time bound. To establish urgency and motivate

immediate action, set a clear start and completion date.

Values are the standards that guide our conduct in a variety of settings. An organization’s values

might be thought of as a moral compass for its business practices. While circumstances may

change, ideally values do not. Organizational values guide your organization’s thinking and

actions.  You can think of your organizational values in terms of dimensions: prosocial, market,

financial, achievement, and artistic.  Your values are your corporate culture.  When it comes to

culture and values, actions speak louder than words.  To figure out your organizational values,

see what people spend their time on and what they talk about. Vision and mission statements

provide direction, focus, and energy to accomplish shared goals. Values express the integrity that

individuals and organizations believe in. They serve as a decision-making tool in daily

interactions that guide behavior. Ultimately, defining and adoption of organizational values must

be an organizational commitment. Values are living (not static), traits or qualities that help define

the organization and the people who work there. Integrating these values must be a priority for

everyone, therefore, include everyone in the decision making process. The values of an

organization express what it stands for and guide everyone’s behavior when dealing with

everything from product development, to each other, to customers and suppliers.

Support an employee's behavior by demonstrating to them (likely through training), how they

can use these values as they would use tools to do their job. Measure and reward their success by

integrating them into each employee's performance objectives. It's not easy work, but it is

valuable in aligning the goals and objectives of your organization, your departments and your


How Do You Find Organizational Values: Grady writes the following point on finding the



In order to understand and identify the values of an organization and to gauge their

influence on the company, managers must carefully examine how that organization


While it may be helpful to listen to people describe what they believe the values of the

organization are, it is far better to observe those people in their day-to-day activities.

Note how employees spend their time, how they communicate within the organization

and how they go about their daily job responsibilities and tasks.

Although values are often difficult to define, they are usually revealed by employees’

actions and thinking, how they set their priorities, and how they allocate their time and

energy. An employee’s actions are more revealing than their words



Strategic business management and planning is the basic need of an organization. It helps to

establish the strategic goals for an organization and also the way to achieve them. Strategic

planning is to a business what a map is to a road rally driver. It is a tool that defines the routes

that when taken will lead to the most likely probability of getting from where the business is to

where the owners or stakeholders want it to go. And like a road rally, strategic plans meet

detours and obstacles that call for adapting and adjusting as the plan is implemented.

Strategic planning is a process that brings to life the mission and vision of the enterprise.

A strategic plan, well crafted and of value, is driven from the top down; considers the internal

and external environment around the business; is the work of the managers of the business; and

is communicated to all the business stakeholders, both inside and outside of the company.

As a company grows and as the business environment becomes more complex the need for

strategic planning becomes greater. There is a need for all people in the corporation to

understand the direction and mission of the business. Companies consistently applying a

disciplined approach to strategic planning are better prepared to evolve as the market changes

and as different market segments require different needs for the products or services of the

company. The benefit of the discipline that develops from the process of strategic planning,


leads to improved communication. It facilitates effective decision-making, better selection of

tactical options and leads to a higher probability of achieving the owners’ or stakeholders’ goals

and objectives.

External environment aims to help an organization to obtain opportunities and threats that will

affect the organization’s competitive situation. External opportunities are characteristics of the

external environment that have the potential to help the organization achieve or exceed its

strategic goals. External threats are characteristics of the external environment that may prevent

the organization from achieving its strategic goals. Therefore, organizations must formulate

appropriate strategies to take advantage of the opportunities while overcome the threats in order

to achieve their strategic goals. The external environment consists of variables that are outside

the organization and not typically within the short-run control of top management. They may be

general forces within the macro or remote environment, which consists of political-legal,

economic, socio-cultural, technological forces – usually called PEST. Political-legal force

influences strategy formulation through government and law intervention. For example, the

environment law requires the world’s automobile manufacturers to reduce emission of green

house gasses, and therefore these manufacturers have to reformulate their product strategy.

Economic force influences strategy formulation through economic growth, interest rates,

exchange rates and the inflation rate. For example, exchange rates affect the costs of exporting

goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an economy, and thus influence strategy

formulation of exporters. Socio-cultural force is about the cultural aspects, health consciousness,

population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in

social-cultural factors affect the demand for a company's products and how that company

operates. For example, increasing health consciousness can influence strategy formulation of

fast-food companies that may have to adopt product innovation strategy, so on and so forth.

Stakeholders can be defined as all entities that are impacted through a business running its

operations and conducting other activities related to its existence. The impact can be direct in the

case of the business's customers and suppliers or indirect in the case of the communities in which

the business chooses to place its locations. Businesses must consider the needs and expectations

of its stakeholders, though it need not consider them to be of equal importance. Certain

stakeholders such as owners and investors are more important than others. The impact of


stakeholder needs and expectations on businesses is inescapable and ubiquitous. Businesses exist

to meet the expectations of one specific stakeholder in the sense that businesses are set up and

operated to produce profit for their owners and investors. Businesses also must consider the

needs and expectations of other stakeholders because of their ability to help and hinder their

operations. For example, a business should be considerate of its host communities because that

improves its reputation and strengthens its market presence. On the other hand, if the business

chooses to ignore its host communities, that disregard becomes a black mark on its reputation

and can result in other sanctions if relations become bad enough. The only stakeholders that

businesses can ignore are the ones with little interest and influence on their operations.

 Forecasting techniques help organizations plan for the future. Some are based on subjective

criteria and often amount to little more than wild guesses or wishful thinking. Others are based

on measurable, historical quantitative data and are given more credence by outside parties, such

as analysts and potential investors. While no forecasting tool can predict the future with

complete certainty, they remain essential in estimating an organization's forward prospects.


The RAND Corporation developed the Delphi Technique in the late 1960s. In the Delphi

Technique, a group of experts responds to a series of questionnaires. The experts are kept apart

and unaware of each other. The results of the first questionnaire are compiled, and a second

questionnaire based on the results of the first is presented to the experts, who are asked to

reevaluate their responses to the first questionnaire. This questioning, compilation and

requisitioning continue until the researchers have a narrow range of opinions.


In Scenario Writing, the forecaster generates different outcomes based on different starting

criteria. The decision-maker then decides on the most likely outcome from the numerous

scenarios presented. Scenario writing typically yields best, worst and middle options.



Subjective forecasting allows forecasters to predict outcomes based on their subjective thoughts

and feelings. Subjective forecasting uses brainstorming sessions to generate ideas and to solve

problems casually, free from criticism and peer pressure. They are often used when time

constraints prohibit objective forecasts. Subjective forecasts are subject to biases and should be

viewed skeptically by decision-makers.


Time-series forecasting is a quantitative forecasting technique. It measures data gathered over

time to identify trends. The data may be taken over any interval: hourly; daily; weekly; monthly;

yearly; or longer. Trend, cyclical, seasonal and irregular components make up the time series.

The trend component refers to the data's gradual shifting over time. It is often shown as an

upward- or downward-sloping line to represent increasing or decreasing trends, respectively.

Cyclical components lie above or below the trend line and repeat for a year or longer. The

business cycle illustrates a cyclical component. Seasonal components are similar to cyclical in

their repetitive nature, but they occur in one-year periods. The annual increase in gas prices

during the summer driving season and the corresponding decrease during the winter months is an

example of a seasonal event. Irregular components happen randomly and cannot be predicted.

Broadly speaking, the environment of business is composed of the microenvironment and

microenvironment. The microenvironment is also called the operating, competitive or task

environment. It consists of sets of forces and conditions that originate with suppliers,

distributors, customers, creditors, competitors, and shareholders, as well as trade unions, and the

community in which the business operates.  These forces, on a daily basis, impact the

organization’s ability to obtain inputs and discharge of its outputs.  Factors in the

microenvironment are largely within the control of the managers.  In this way, organizations can

be much more proactive in dealing with the task environment than in dealing with the macro


Forces in the microenvironment result from the actions of four main elements or groups, namely

suppliers, distributors, customers, and competitors.  These groups affect the manager’s or firm’s


ability to produce on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, and thus significantly impact short-term

decision making.  Let’s examine these main actors.


Suppliers are individuals or organizations that provide (supply) an enterprise with the various

inputs (such as raw materials, component parts, or employees) required for production.  It is

important that the manager ensures a reliable supply of input resources.  The effectiveness of the

supply system determines the organization’s long-term survival and growth.

Changes in the nature, numbers, or types of any supplier result in forces that produce

opportunities and threats to which the managers must respond if their organization is to prosper.  

Another major supplier-related threat that confronts managers pertains to prices of inputs.   When

supplies bargaining position with an organization is so strong, they can raise the prices of inputs

that they supply the organization. 

A supplier’s bargaining position is especially strong if the supplier is the source of an input and

if input is vital to the organization.


In the microenvironment of business, another group of actors are distributors.  Distributors are

organizations that help other organizations sell their goods and services to customers.  The

decisions that managers make on how to distribute products to customers can have an important

effect on organizational performance. The changing nature of distributors and distribution

methods can also bring opportunities and threats for managers.  If distributors are so large and

powerful that they can threaten the organization by demanding that it reduces the prices of its

goods and services, then, the manager becomes constrained and challenged.  In contrast, the

power of the distribution may be weakened if there are many options or alternatives.



Customers are another group of actors in the operating environment of business.  Customers

are the individuals and groups that buy the goods and services that an enterprise produces,

changes in the numbers and types of customers or changes in customers’ tastes and needs result

in opportunities and threats.  A forward looking organization must meet the needs and wants of

its customers or exceed the customers’ expectations.  The organization must have a customer

orientation to succeed in this competitive, unpredictable and challenging business environment.


Competitors are businesses that produce goods and services that are similar to a particular

organization’s goods and services.  Put differently, they are organizations that are vying for same

customers.  Rivalry between competitors is potentially the most threatening force that managers

must deal with.  A high level of rivalry often results in price competition, and falling prices

reduce access to resources and lower profit.


This environment refers to the wide ranging economic, socio-cultural, political and legal, and

technological forces that affect the organization and its operating environment.  These forces

originate beyond the firm’s operating situation.  The macro environment is also called the

external or remote environment.  The macro environment presents threats and opportunities that

are often difficult to grapple with (that is, identify and respond to), than with events in the



The economic forces have significant impact on the success of any organization.  These forces

on factors affect the conditions of procurement (buying) and sales market.  In the same vein,

during periods of unhealthy economic growth occasioned by such factors as inflation, rising

unemployment, high interest rates, and high taxes, among others, individuals as well as

businesses have problems.  This is more serious in the case of emerging enterprises, or new




The political and legal forces are paralleled to the social environment.  This is because laws are

ordinarily passed following social pressures and problems. Others are equal employment

opportunity, contract of employment, and law of collective bargaining, among others.  These

regulations influence business operations either positively or negatively. Besides, political and

government leaders, the actions or political activities by pressure groups and lobbying groups

should be taken into consideration, when considering investments or projects.


Technological forces or factors could be said to be the most pervasive in the environment. 

Technology refers to the application of knowledge base which science provides.  It is a well

established fact that information and communication technology has revolutionized business

operations.  Consequently, organizations that apply knowledge that is rapidly changing and

complex are highly vulnerable. These changes bring about new inventions and gradual

improvements in methods, in design, in materials, in application, in efficiency, and diffusion into

new industries.  Corporate managers must adapt or adjust to these changes, in order to survive

and prosper in this competitive and challenging business environment.  The changes constitute

threats and opportunities for any manager.


Socio-cultural forces have to do with the attitudes and values of the society, and these to a great

extent, shape behavior. Changes in socio-cultural factors also impact the business enterprise in

its internal relations with employees within the context of changes in attitude to work changes in

political awareness, and cultural norms, among others. In sum, the impact of the social forces is

felt in changing needs, tastes, and preferences of consumers, in relation with employees, and in

expectations of society form the company with regard to its social responsibility.




COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE:High-performance organizations consistently outperform competitors and realize bottom-line

impact from their human capital functions. To outperform the competitors an organization can:

1. Set clear growth and profitability goals. Not just a fuzzy idea of where you want to be

next week, next month or next year – your goals must be much more specific. What are

your sales targets? What steps do you need to take each week to meet your sales goals? 

Break it down into small steps.  The problem most small businesses face is too much

distraction, too many projects at once, too little focus. It’s a lot easier to beat the

competition when you are focused on it. 


2.     Know your customers’ needs and wants better than your competitors. If you haven’t

done a customer survey within the past 12 months, it’s time for one.  And communicate the

results widely through your company – a survey is no good unless you use the data

gathered. Most companies do not share their survey results widely internally – you’ll be

better than average if you do. Or go on customer visits. Call on your customers to see how

they are doing, or whether they have any problems you can help them with.  You’ll get a

chance to see them in their working environment, which will help you understand their needs



3.     Find out why customers leave. Are you spending more time bringing a customer into your

sales process than figuring out why they left?  You’re not alone – many companies

(including competitors) put their efforts on filling the sales funnel, but never bother to track

or analyze lost sales or lost customers. This dooms you to an endless replay of the same

mistakes over and over, like something out of the movie Groundhog Day. Put in place a

formal process to ask customers why they are cancelling your service or why they chose a

competitor’s product. This can be done by phone or by online questionnaire. Compile the


results into a report that is shared with managers and other key personnel each month. 

You’ll soon spot patterns suggesting weaknesses to fix.


4.     Focus outside the 4 walls – and use social media to help. Know your competitors, what

they are offering, their marketplace reputation and their weaknesses and strengths.  Insist that

your product development, sales, marketing and customer service personnel become and stay

familiar with competitive offerings.  Comparisons should be to external standards – i.e., how

your company stacks up against competitors.  Don’t compare progress to internal standards.

Checking out what competitors are doing…and even their reputation in the marketplace…

has never been easier with social media.


5.     Know your “customer numbers.” Do you know your customer retention rate? Do you

know your acquisition cost for new customers, i.e., how much it costs to get each new

customer?  These metrics can be eye-opening, and may cause you to rethink how much

effort you place on getting new customers once you realize the typical high cost.  Companies

that track these two metrics better appreciate the value of keeping existing customers happy.


6.     Benchmark. Have you measured your progress against others in your industry? Sure, you

want your business to be unique/original/one of a kind.  But it makes sense to measure how

your business performs compared to others with roughly similar products, services or

business models. Knowing how your business stacks up can tell you how much and where to


7.     Review, review, review. None of this stuff will be any good to your business if you don’t

track your results and review your findings, not just day to day in the beginning while it

remains a shiny new priority but monthly/quarterly/yearly to determine whether you’re on

the right path.

A firm positions itself by leveraging its strengths. Michael Porter has argued that a firm's

strengths ultimately fall into one of two headings: cost advantage and differentiation. By

applying these strengths in either a broad or narrow scope, three generic strategies result: cost


leadership, differentiation, and focus. These strategies are applied at the business unit level. They

are called generic strategies because they are not firm or industry dependent. The following table

illustrates Porter's generic strategies:

Cost Leadership Strategy

This generic strategy calls for being the low cost producer in an industry for a given level of

quality. The firm sells its products either at average industry prices to earn a profit higher than

that of rivals, or below the average industry prices to gain market share. In the event of a price

war, the firm can maintain some profitability while the competition suffers losses. Even without

a price war, as the industry matures and prices decline, the firms that can produce more cheaply

will remain profitable for a longer period of time. The cost leadership strategy usually targets a

broad market.

Firms that succeed in cost leadership often have the following internal strengths:

Access to the capital required to make a significant investment in production assets; this

investment represents a barrier to entry that many firms may not overcome.

Skill in designing products for efficient manufacturing, for example, having a small

component count to shorten the assembly process.

High level of expertise in manufacturing process engineering.

Efficient distribution channels.

Differentiation Strategy

A differentiation strategy calls for the development of a product or service that offers unique

attributes that are valued by customers and that customers perceive to be better than or different

from the products of the competition. The value added by the uniqueness of the product may

allow the firm to charge a premium price for it. The firm hopes that the higher price will more

than cover the extra costs incurred in offering the unique product. Because of the product's

unique attributes, if suppliers increase their prices the firm may be able to pass along the costs to

its customers who cannot find substitute products easily.


Firms that succeed in a differentiation strategy often have the following internal strengths:

Access to leading scientific research.

Highly skilled and creative product development team.

Strong sales team with the ability to successfully communicate the perceived strengths of

the product.

Corporate reputation for quality and innovation.

Focus Strategy

The focus strategy concentrates on a narrow segment and within that segment attempts to

achieve either a cost advantage or differentiation. The premise is that the needs of the group can

be better serviced by focusing entirely on it. A firm using a focus strategy often enjoys a high

degree of customer loyalty, and this entrenched loyalty discourages other firms from competing

directly. Because of their narrow market focus, firms pursuing a focus strategy have lower

volumes and therefore less bargaining power with their suppliers. However, firms pursuing a

differentiation-focused strategy may be able to pass higher costs on to customers since close

substitute products do not exist. Firms that succeed in a focus strategy are able to tailor a broad

range of product development strengths to a relatively narrow market segment that they know

very well.

Businesses that survive the shakeout face new challenges as market growth stagnates. As a

market matures, total volume stabilizes; replacement purchases rather than first-time buyers

account for the vast majority of that volume. A primary marketing objective of all competitors in

mature markets, therefore, is simply to hold their existing customers—to sustain a meaningful

competitive advantage that will help ensure the continued satisfaction and loyalty of those

customers. Thus, a product’s financial success during the mature life-cycle stage depends heavily

on the firm’s ability to achieve and sustain a lower delivered cost or some perceived product

quality or customer-service superiority. Some firms tend to passively defend mature products

while using the bulk of the revenues produced by those items to develop and aggressively market


new products with more growth potential. This can be shortsighted, however. All segments of a

market and all brands in an industry do not necessarily reach maturity at the same time. Aging

brands such as Adidas, Johnson’s baby shampoo, and Arm & Hammer baking soda experienced

sales revivals in recent years because of creative Marketing Strategies. Thus, a share leader in a

mature industry might build on a cost or product differentiation advantage and pursue

a Marketing Strategy aimed at increasing volume by promoting new uses for an old product or

by encouraging current customers to buy and use the product more often. Thus, success in

mature markets requires two sets of strategic actions: (1) the development of a well-implemented

business strategy to sustain a competitive advantage, customer satisfaction, and loyalty; and (2)

flexible and creative marketing programs geared to pursue growth or profit opportunities as

conditions change in specific product-markets.

Eventually, technological advances, changing customer demographics, tastes, or lifestyles, and

development of substitutes result in declining demand for most product forms and brands. As a

product starts to decline, managers face the critical question of whether to divest or liquidate the

business. Unfortunately, firms sometimes support dying products too long at the expense of

current profitability and the aggressive pursuit of future breadwinners. An appropriate marketing

strategy can, however, produce substantial sales and profits even in a declining market. If few

exit barriers exist, an industry leader might attempt to increase market share via aggressive

pricing or promotion policies aimed at driving out weaker competitors. Or it might try to

consolidate the industry, as Johnson Controls has done in its automotive components businesses,

by acquiring weaker brands and reducing overhead by eliminating both excess capacity and

duplicate marketing programs. Alternatively, a firm might decide to harvest a mature product by

maximizing cash flow and profit over the product’s remaining life. When the market

environment in a declining industry is unattractive or a business has a relatively weak

competitive position, the firm may recover more of its investment by selling the business in the

early stages of decline rather than later. The earlier the business is sold, the more uncertain

potential buyers are likely to be about the future direction of demand in the industry and thus the

more likely that a willing buyer can be found.


No organization is immune to risk. Moreover, each organization's business risks change

constantly. The nature and consequences of business risks facing organizations are becoming

more complex and substantial. The speed of change, higher customer expectations, increased

competition, rapid changes in technology, and countless other factors affect organizations in

ways that managers are often unprepared to handle. Risk is inherent in operating a business or

running a program; an organization cannot eliminate business risks. Management has to decide

how much risk is acceptable and to create a control structure to keep those risks within

appropriate limits. The key to business risk management is achieving a proper balance of risk

and control. An organization must expose itself to a certain level of risk to satisfy the

expectations of its customers and stakeholders. A balance is achieved when the risk and reward

expectations of stakeholders are understood and a system of controls that appropriately responds

to the organization's risk exposure is in place. Therefore, a research institution's strategic

management process should be designed to reduce business risk and attain its goals and

objectives by implementing an appropriate and effective control environment.

If management fails to identify a significant risk or does not adequately consider business risks,

the organization is unlikely to have in place control activities to manage those risks.

Alternatively, if management does not consider environmental changes carefully, its existing

control activities may no longer be adequate or appropriate. However, if an organization has a

strong risk-management process, including an effective control environment, management can be

reasonably sure that it has identified the significant business risks and responded to them















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