storyboard evaluation

Post on 26-May-2015






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Media coursework


We see her shoes before her face as we want her to be kept mysterious. Shoes tell a lot about a persons class and position

which is why I decided to make her wear heels so that the audience understand she’s classy and sexy

We see a mid-shot of the female character again and still we don’t see her face which keeps the mood of mystery going, we can see that she

is brushing her hair this shows the audience that they is girly.

When the camera switches to the male character we see his face right away which may suggests his not an important enough

character to have suspense built around him

We see an establishing shot of the male character walking down the road bear feet, this is bound to make the audience laugh as

they realise that his a homeless person

Medium shot of both characters in the frame as they meet for the first time. We can see the different between their clothing as

she looks neater than the male character

Extreme close up of their hand to symbolise their growth of love

We see a medium shot of both characters as the frame zooms out from their hand. We understand that they are having a

conversation as there lips are moving

We see an over the shoulder shot as the camera focuses on the male character, this has been done so that we can see him touch her face from a good angle

Another mid-shot is used when we see the main character with a new character we didn’t see earlier in the trailer, this shot helps

us to hear and understand their conversation properly

A long shot is used so that we can see them clearly as they keep coming toward us, I have made this part in slow motion so that

its more effective to look at

We see a shot-reverse-shot that is used here, this is good when we film conversations and only want to focus on individuals emotions separately

which is what I wanted to achieve

Extreme close up of her eye which is good as the audience can understand the pain she’s going through. The fact that it fills the

whole screen also makes it very memorable

A long shot is used her so that we can also see her body language as well as her facial expression. From the picture we

can understand that she's not happy

It goes to a close up when the other character starts talking to stress the fact that what she is saying is important

Here I have used an extreme close up of the phone to make it clear to the audience that he rejects her call

This side shot helps us see both the characters but mostly the female as her emotions are what the audience would want to

know after the guy has cheater on her

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