story from the srimala sutra

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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Story from the Srimala Sutra.


心 靈 講 座



• 勝鬘夫人是舍衛國波斯匿王之女,也是踰闍國的王妃。

• Srimala was the daughter of King Prasenajit of Saravasti and the wife of King Ayodhya.

• 勝鬘夫人地位尊貴,但面貌卻長得不太好看,她心裏常常因此生起疑惑。

• Although she held a very high position in life, she was not at all beautiful. She always wondered why this was so.

• 有一次,當釋迦牟尼佛在舍衛國祇園精舍的時候,她來到佛前頂禮佛陀之後,很恭敬地向佛陀提出幾個問題:

• One day, when the Buddha came to stay at the Jetavana Monastery, she went to pay him her respects and asked him the following questions:

• 世尊! 一、為什麼有些女人 面貌醜陋,體態 粗劣,望之可怖 ,且窮苦卑賤?

• “Lord Buddha, why are there some women who are ugly, terribly rough in manner, hold a low position in lige and are poor?

• 二、為什麼有些女人面貌醜陋,體態粗劣,望之可怖,但是大富大貴?

• Why are some women ugly and terribly rough in manner but hold a high position in life and are rich?

• 三、為什麼有些女 人長的美麗出



• Why are some women beautiful but hold a low position in life and are poor?

• 四、為什麼有些女 人長的美麗端




• Why are some women blessed with beauty and are gentle, virtuous, wealthy and noble?

•佛陀開示說:「勝鬘!女人面融醜陋,體態粗劣,望之可怖,而且貧苦卑賤,是由於過去世性情暴躁,容易發怒,有人稍說她不是,就心懷怨恨,氣憤憎惡;同時她也不以吃的、用的、以及各種財務,或是香花之類布施沙門 (出家修道的人 )、婆羅門;又生性善妒,看見別人得到財物、榮譽、尊重、敬仰、禮遇、崇拜,就生妒忌,因忌生怒。

• “Srimala,” the Buddha replied, “those women who were born ugly, are terribly rough in manner, hold a low position in life and are poor in this lifetime were in their past life irascible and angry by nature, held grudges against those who criticised them, never offered any alms, daily requisities or anything else to samanas or brahmins, and were envious of people who were wealthy, honorable, respected, courteous and generous.


• “One the other hand, Srimala, those women who were born ugly and rough in manner, but hold a high position in this lifetime and are rich were in their past life irascrible, angry, hateful, and held grudges against people who criticised them, but they failed not to offer food, drinks, fruit and flowers, daily requisites, and property to samanas and brahmins. Also, they did not envy those who were wealthy, honorable, respected, courteous and generous, but praised and appreciated them.


• “Those women, Srimala, who were born beautiful and gentle in this lifetime but hold a low position in life and are poor were in their past life gentle by nature, and met criticism with patience and perserverance instead of anger. However, they did not make any offerings to samanas and brahmins and were envious of those wealthy, honorable, respected, courteous and generous.

勝鬘!女人長得端莊美麗、清秀,品行高潔,多財富且福德高貴,是由於過去世性情溫柔,又能忍讓,人說她非,毫不計較,亦不生氣,她又能以一切財物建地舍宅香花水果飲食醫藥,恭敬供養布施沙門及婆羅門,並廣行善事,對別人不生嫉妒之心,言行謙遜有禮,而且對他人之好,時常隨喜讚歎。 勝鬘啊!這就是婦女們貧富貴賤和美醜的緣故了。

“Those women, Srimala, who were born beautiful, gentle, kind, well-mannered, rich, virtuous and noble in this lifetime were in their past life gentle and kind by nature. They were patient, not angry with those who cirticised them, and respectfully offered property, flowers, fruit, drinks and medicine to samanas and brahmins. They also did a lot of meritorious deeds, were never envious, spoke mindfully, and praised and appreciated all good beings.These, Srimala, are the reasons for rich, poor, high-positioned, low-positioned, beautiful and ugly women.


• Srimala felt ashamed upon hearing the Buddha’s reply, but at the same time felt elated and said, “Lord Buddha, after listening to your words, I understand the reason why although I hold a high position in life, I am not beautiful. It is like a light has dispelled the darkness, a path has been found in the wilderness. The truth is marvellous !

• 我從今天起,縱然有人說我壞心,也不生氣,對別人更不生妒嫉之心,常隨喜讚嘆他人之善,並要以一切財物、飲食、醫藥、建地、屋宇、香花供養沙門及婆羅門。

• From now on, I will not be angry, even though people may criticise me. I will praise and appreciate those who live virtuous lives and not be envious of others. I will also offer property, food, medicine, and flowers to samanas and brahmins.

• 歸我統制的婦女很多,我也要教她們如是學,如是行。請世尊收我為弟子吧!我要皈依佛、法、僧三寶,直到終身。

• There are a lot of women under my command. I will teach them all to do the same. Lord Buddha, please accept me as your disciple. I would like to take refuge in the Triple Gem in this very lifetime.

結後語• 聽完了佛陀的回答,勝鬘夫人的心靈已經得到光明;聰明的讀者,你是不是已經把握到兼具美麗與富貴的要訣了呢?首先要培養溫柔的性情、謙虛忍讓、不計較、不忌妒、並且能夠隨喜讚嘆別人善行的美德。其次要以衣服、飲食、臥具、醫藥、香、花、舍宅、財物廣行布施,恭敬、供養出家的修行人。今生種下的種子,來生就可以收穫了;如是因、如是果,佛陀的真理讓您永遠遠離貧窮、醜陋與卑賤。

conclusion• Listening to the Buddha’s teaching, Srimala’s doubts

were cleared up and she was filled with understanding. Have you yourself attained the true understanding of how to become a beautiful, rich, noble, and honorable being? First, you have to cultivate a kind personality, be modest and not jealous, practise patience and perseverance, rejoice in others’ merits and skills in doing good. Second, you have to be generous and respectfully offer clothing, food, beds, medicine, incense, flowers and property to practising monks and nuns, for as you sow in this lifetime, so shall you reap in the future. Heeding the principle of cause and effect, the true nature of the Dhamma will lead you from being poor, ugly and having a low position in life.

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