stone film by chris columbus thesis

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Submitted to the Board of Examination

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For Literary Degree at English Literature Department



NIM: AI.162606







Jambi, 19 Mei 2020

Pembimbing I : Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

Pembimbing II : Adang Ridwan, M.Pd

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora


Kepada Yth

Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora




Assalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami

berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Merli Santri, Nim. AI.162606, yang berjudul

„“The Intra System Shift and Level Shift in English-Indonesian Subtitle of

Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone Film by Chris Columbus”‟, telah dapat

diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas - tugas dan memenuhi

syarat – syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada Fakultas

Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi

tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi

kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Ulfatmi Azlan, MA Adang Ridwan, S.S., M.Pd

NIP: 198411272011012012 NIDN: 2109069101



Jambi, May 19

th 2020

Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

Supervisor II : Adang Ridwan, M.Pd

Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty

.. State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


The Dean of Adab and Humanities


State Islamic University



Assalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the

thesis entitled “The Intra System Shift and Level Shift in English-Indonesian

Subtitle of Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone Film by Chris Columbus” can be

submitted Munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree

of Humaniora Scholar. We submitted it in order to be received well. Thus, we

hoped it can be useful for all.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Ulfatmi Azlan, MA Adang Ridwan, M.Pd

NIP: 198411272011012012 NIDN. 2109069101






And dear prophet ( Mohammad- peace and blessing be upon him), when My

bondmen question you concerning Me, then surely I am close; I answer the

prayerr of the supplicant when he calls on Me, so they must obey Me and

believe in Me, so that they may attain guidance. (QS. Al- Baqara: 186)1

Dan apabila hamba-hamba Ku bertanya kepadamu ( Muhammad ) tentang Aku,

maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang

berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepada Ku. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi

(perintah) Ku dan beriman kepada Ku agar mereka memperoleh


1 Maulawi Sher, The Holy Quran, (United Kingdom: Islam Internasional Publications,

2004), p.29 2 Al-Karim, Al-Qur‟an Terjemahan, (Semarang: Thoa Putra, 2007), p. 546.



First of all I would say the grateful to Allah SWT

always gives me health to finish this thesis.

I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved Father, Imron for your love, supporting and praying

My beloved Mother, Eli Suryani for all your patients to educate me so far,

gave me a way to be the student, for your love, supporting and praying

And My beloved brother, My beloved Sister and My Friends, Aliya ,Fauziah

Syahraani , Putri Hikmah , Widianti, Santri Prima, Abdur rahman, Andi

Setiawan, Imron Rosyadi, Muhammad Nabil, Yani Saputra, and My beloved

squad sampe nikah.

also for your supporting and praying.

All of you are my diamond who Allah has given to me.

I do really want to make you happy and proud of me!

Then to Ulfami Azlan, MA and Adang Ridwan, M.Pd as my supervisors,

for your patients as long as you guided me to finish my thesis

for your help and praying.

My beloved gengs, Literature 2016 A. Thanks for the advice, love, help, support,

ideas and great experiences that we have made together.

for your help and praying, for your inspiration

All you are the good example for me. I am so happy and grateful because living

around the skilful and wise people as you all.

At last, for all people who have helped me in this thesis.

I would like to proclaim;




Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil‟alamin, all the

praise to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting

point of my study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salam

be upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa‟at later

at The Last Day. Secondly, I would like to express her deepest gratitude to people

who helped the writer in accomplishing this thesis. I would like to thank my

supervisors Dr. Alfian, M.Ed., Adang Ridwan, M.Pd who have helped, adjusted,

supported and suggested me in writing this thesis. I also would like to say thanks

for all classmates English Literature 2016 who have given additional suggestion

and support to finish this thesis.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many

people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Prof. Dr. Suaidi, MA., Ph. D as a Rector of State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Halimah Djaar. S. Ag., M. Fil. I as the dean of Adab and Humanities


3. Dr. Ali Muzakir, M. Ag as the first Dean of Academic. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd,

M.Ed as the second Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag.SS M.Pd.I as

the third Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

4. The Head of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA.


5. The Secretary of English Literature Department Chandri Febri Santi M.Pd

6. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then

contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

7. The Head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi


8. The last but not least, to my beloved parents, brothers and sister who gave

fully supporting to the writer.

This thesis is still far away from perfection. I need some critics and

suggestions, so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this

thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of

English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, May 19

th 2020

The writer

Merli Santri

Nim: AI. 162606



Merli Santri, 2020 : The Intra System Shift and Level Shift in English-

Indonesian Subtitle of Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s

Stone Film by Chris Columbus

Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

Supervisor II : Adang Ridwan, M.Pd

The translation shift is divided into two types, namely level shift and

category shift which are to achieve a good level of equivalence for the quality of

the resulting translation. The category shift is further divided into four sub

sections, namely structure shift, class shift, unit shift and intra system shift. The

objective of this research is to describe what do the intra system shift and level

shift in subtitle of Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by Chris Columbus,

the causal of intra system shift and level shift in subtitle of Harry Potter and

Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by Chris Columbus, the more dominant between intra and

level shift in subtitle of Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by Chris

Columbus. Object in this research is Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by

Chris Columbus.

This research employs qualitative research with descriptive method. The

object of this research was Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by Chris

Columbus. The data used subtitle in Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone who

containing intra system and level shift. The data classified in J.C. Catford theory

about translation shift, they are containing of intra system shift, level shift, and the

causal of intra system shift and level shift. The findings of research show that

from intra system shift, the researcher founds all sentence that contained intra

system shift, level shift, and causal of intra system shift and level shift that used

by characters in Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, the intra system was found in

subtitle are 12 data, level shift was found in subtitle are 10 data, and the causal of

intra system shift and level shift was found in subtitle are 7 data. In conclusion,

intra system shift was mostly dominant used in sentence by characters in Harry

Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film.

Keywords : Intra system shift,level shift, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone

Film, Translation shift



Merli Santri, 2020 : The Intra System Shift and Level Shift in English-

Indonesian Subtitle of Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s

Stone Film by Chris Columbus

Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

Supervisor II : Adang Ridwan, M.Pd

Pergeseran terjemahan dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu pergeseran antar

tingkatan dan pergeseran kategori, yang dimaksudkan untuk mencapai tingkat

kesepadanan yang baik bagi kualitas terjemahan yang didapatkan. Pergeseran

kategori dibagi menjadi empat sub bagian, yaitu pergeseran struktur, pergeseran

kelas, pergeseran unit, dan pergeseran antar sistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini

untuk menggambarkan apa itu pergeseran antar sistem dan pergeseran tingkatan di

dalam teks terjemahan Indonesia-Inggris film di film Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s

Stone Film by Chris Columbus, penyebab terjadinya pergeseran antar sistem dan

pergeseran tingkatan di dalam teks terjemahan Indonesia-Inggris di film Harry

Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by Chris Columbus, serta yang lebih dominan

antara pergeseran antar sistem dan pergeseran tingkatan di dalam teks terjemahan

Indonesia-Inggris film di film Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by Chris


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan metode

deskriptif. Objek penelitian ini adalah Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone film by

Chris Columbus. Analisis data ini menggunakan teks terjemahan Indonesia-

Inggris mengenai pergeseran antar sistem dan pergeseran tingkatan. Data ini di

klasifikasi menggunakan teori J.C. Catford tentang pergeseran terjemahan yang

berisi tentang pergeseran antar sistem dan pergeseran tingkatan, penyebab

terjadinya pergeseran antar sistem dan tingkatan, serta yang lebih dominan

diantara keduanya. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari pergeseran antar

sistem, peneliti menemukan semua kalimat yang berisi pergeseran antar sistem,

pergeseran tingkatan, penyebab terjadinya pergeseran antar sistem dan pergeseran

tingkatan, dan yang lebih dominan diantara keduanya. pergeseran antar sistem

yang ditemukan sebanyak 12 data, pergeseran antar tingkatan ditemukan sebanyak

10 data, dan penyebab terjadinya pergeseran antar sistem dan pergeseran tingkatan

ditemukan sebanyak 7 data. Kesimpulannya, pergeseran antar sistem lebih

dominan digunakan di dalam kalimat oleh karakter di film Harry Potter and

Sorcerer‟s Stone Film by Chris Columbus.

Kata Kunci : Intra system shift,level shift, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone

Film, Translation shift



NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii

LETTER OF RATIFICATION .................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT............................................................ iv

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... x

ABBREVIATION .......................................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xii


A. Background of the Problem ........................................................... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ........................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem .............................................................. 5

D. Purpose of the Research ................................................................. 5

E. Significance of the Research .......................................................... 6


A. Translation Theory ......................................................................... 7

B. Definition of Translation................................................................ 7

C. Function of Translation .................................................................. 9

D. Process of Translation ........................................................................ 10

E. Types of Translation .......................................................................... 11


F. Shift in Translation .............................................................................. 14

G. The Causal of Intra System Shift and Level Shif ................................ 18

H. Review of Related Research ............................................................... 23


A. Design of Research ............................................................................. 25

B. Source of Data .................................................................................... 26

C. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................ 27

D. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................... 28


A. Reserach Findings ............................................................................. 30

1. What do the Intra System Shift .................................................... 30

2. What do the Level Shift ................................................................ 35

3. The Causal of Intra System Shift and Level Shift ........................ 38

4. The More Dominant Shift Between Level Shift and Intra System

Shift .............................................................................................. 45


A. Conclusions ......................................................................................... 49

B. Conclusions ......................................................................................... 50







A. Background of Study

Translation is the activity related to sharing ideas in different

languages, which may have different rules and different background cultures.

According to Peter Newmark translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to

replace a written message in one language by the same message in other

language3. The writer conclude translation is not only changing or transferring

words, but more importantly, it has to take into consideration the meaning or

message behind the words and without change the meaning, translation is so

important to make people understand about language that has so many

varieties in each country and also translation is very needed to translate the

meaning from SL to TL with the manner.

Catford also defined translation as the replacement of textual material

in the other language (TL)4. Translation shift are changes that occur during the

process of translation from SL to TL. In contrasting text in different languages

translation shifts are observable every where. Newmark defined shifts as a

translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from SL to TL5. It

means that shift is the process of going from the SL to the TL, there are two

main types of translation shifts: level shifts and category shifts.

Level Shifts are shifts from grammar in to lexis. It is a grammatical

unit in English, such as noun and affix, has a lexical unit in Bahasa Indonesia

as its translation equivalent. For example, John has stopped smoking and its

translation John sudah berhenti merokok. The form “has” as a unit in English

grammar is translated into Indonesian language by the lexis “sudah”6. While

Category shift is about unbounded and rank-unbounded translation. In

3 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (London Prentice Hall, 1987), p. 85

4 J.C Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press,

1965), p. 73 5 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Traninslation, p. 85

6 J.C. Catford, The Theory and Practice of Translation, p. 73-80


unbounded translation equivalences are not tied to a particular rank and may

additionally find equivalences at sentence clause and other levels, while in

rank-unbounded translation an equivalent is thought in the Target Language

(TL) for each word or for each morpheme encountered in the Source

Language (SL) Category shifts are divided in to four subgroups: structure

shifts, class shifts, unit shifts and intra system shift7.

Intra System Shifts refer to those changes that occur internally within a

system. They are regarded only on the assumption that is formal

correspondence between the two languages, SL-TL should possess

approximate systems. The equivalence is said to occur at a non-corresponding

term in the TL system. All languages have their systems of number, deixis and

articles. Intra-System shifts happen when a term is singular in the source text

and its textual equivalent is plural. However, to avoid the excessive discussion

of category shift, the shifts becoming the main focus in this research is Intra

System Shift and Level Shift.

In this research, the writer is interesting analyzing the causal of intra

system shift and level shift between the source language and the target

language that often becomes one source of difficulties in subtitling that focus

in intra system shift and level shift. According to Hatim subtitling is a method

of language transfer which is used in translating types of mass audio-visual

communication such as film and television8. Subtitling is the main form of

translation or language transfer in television. For many people, the subtitle is

the key to understand the contents of films and television programs in foreign


Film is one of part of literature, film and literature have the

relationship because most of film was adopted from novel and because

literature is a kind of a documented of social product and it takes place in the

society. There are some definition about film. According to Villarejo in his

book entitled Film studies the basic, he stated that: “Film is structured like a

7 J.C. Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press,

1965), p. 73 8 Hatim, B & Mason, The Translator as Communicator, p. 233.


language, composed of fundamental units, called shots, filmnrely upon to join

shots together into larger strings called (a series of shots united in time and

space), just a words become sentences.”9 It means that film is important thing

and as a tool of people to give or to deliver a message to the other person.

Capacity of film to grant aesthetic pleasure in the contemplation of camera

movement, composition, editing, color, sound, and other formal elements is as

significant as any other end.

In the film there is subtitle. In fact, there are so many subtitles on

screen almost everyday, everywhere; on television, film screen, and nowadays

on DVD. Usually the viewers watch the programs and read subtitles without

thinking or knowing how the translation has been done. Technically, a

translator has to know that in translating the source language to target one,

shifts, equivalency and techniques are inevitable. In this occasion, the writer

only focuses to the shifts in making the research. The object of this research is

the translation which is found in the subtitle of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer`s

stone film from Source Language (English version) into Target Language

(Indonesia version). Particularly, subtitle is created and used as a tool of

communication and displayed as text and overlaid on the video in order to

make the audience become easier to understand the film.

In this case, the writer is interested making a research in subtitle of

film. The film that would analyzed is based on a film entitled Harry potter

and Sorcerer`s Stone directed by Chris Columbus, this film is the first series

of the story which is it has seven story that has relations of each story. The

film was released to cinemas in the United Kingdom and United States on 16

November 2001. It became a critical and commercial success, grossing $975.1

million at the box office worldwide. The highest-grossing film of 2001, it is

the 46th highest-grossing of all-time (2nd at the time of its release; behind

Titanic). The film was nominated for many awards, including Academy

9 Amy Villarejo, Film Studies the Basic, (London: Routledge, 2007) p. 24


Awards for Best Original Score, Best Art Direction and Best Costume



In this film tells about Harry as the main character tries to find the

stone that has the strength of Voldemort as the antagonist character. Knowing

that philosopher‟s stone is in danger Harry and his friends have a mission to

get the stone to keep it from Voldemort. They should find a way to past the

dog, after getting past the dog and defeating various protective spells, Harry

reaches the room in which the stone is hidden and he suddenly shock that

Quirrel there. Voldemort also said that he has been sharing Quirrel‟s body

until he can got to the stone and become fully alive again, and Voldemort fight

Harry and Harry fight for possession of the stone and Dumbledore saved him.

The stone is to be destroyed and Voldemort escaped11


From the explanation above it can be seen that there is one of example

from intra system shift in Harry Potter And The Sorcerer‟s Stone in English-

Indonesian subtitle is when Harry and their friends got the punishment and

they should find the unicorn in the ban florest and then Draco Malfoy said

“Why we should go there, there are so many were wolfs”12


SL : Were wolfs

TL: Manusia serigala-serigala

From the example it cannot to translate in Indonesian become manusia

serigala-serigala even it does not change the meaning, but it makes sound

become ambigous. The intra system influence the word from plural become

singular. From the quotation the writer will analyze the thesis proposal entitle

“The Intra System Shift and Level Shift in English – Indonesian Subtitle in

Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone by Chris Columbus”.


accesed on September 09 2019 at 19.00 AM. 11, accesed on September 09 2019 at

20.00 AM 12

Chris Columbus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 01:43:30.


B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the study explained above, the writer

found the problem as follows:

1. What do the intra system shift and level shift found in Harry Potter and

Sorcerer`s Stone film by Chris Columbus?

2. What are the causes that occur of intra system and level shift used in

English - Indonesian subtitle in Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone film?

3. Which are the dominant shift between intra system shift and level shift in

English - Indonesian subtitle of Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone film?

C. Limitation of the Problem

There are many aspects that the writer can analyze in the film, but in

this case the writer will discuss the intra system and level shift in film Harry

Potter And Sorcerer‟s Stone by Chris Columbus, where the writer only

focused in English-Indonesian subtitle of Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone

film where English subtitle was written by Steve Kloves as screenplays of this

film on 200113

, while Indonesian subtitle was translated by Pein Akatsuki on

09 april 2010 was taken on subscene.com14

. The writer also used English

script of this film by Steve Kloves to help the writer easy to understand15


D. Purpose of the Research

Based on limitation of problems above, the purpose of this research


1. To find out the intra system shift and level shift in Harry Potter and

Sorcerer`s Stone film by Chris Columbus.

2. To find out the causes of intra system and level shift in Harry Potter and

Sorcerer`s Stone English-Indonesian Subtitle.

3. To know more dominant between intra system shift and level shift in

English-Indonesian subtitle in Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone film

13 Pein Akatsuki,


books/kloves- steve-1960-steven-kloves 15 stone


E. Significant of the Research

In this research, the writer would like to find out the causal of intra

system shift and level shift as Seen in Indonesian and English subtitle in

Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone film by Chris Columbus. The writer hopes

this research is expected to broaden knowledge about the translation of the

intra system and level shift in the subtitle of film, writing ability and give

additional information and knowledge to the writer and the readers, especially

to the student and lectures English Literature Department wants to watch the

film and try to understand the subtitle and even who wants to analyze the same



another language in theway that the author intended the text.

on signs, as with sign languages of the deal


n comes from Latin; trans, across and datum, to carry. From

Its terminology we can see that translation is the connection between two

to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language source to another

target in social life, whether the languages are in written oral form; whether

the languages have established orthographies or do not have such

standardization or whether one or both, it also because languages is based



A. Translation

Translation is a

phenomenon that has a huge effect on everyday life. This can range from the

translation of a key international treaty to the following multilingual poster

that welcomes customers to a small restaurant near to the home of one of the


From the quotation above,

translation is rendering the

meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the

text. As the conclusion of translation based on those definitions given by the

experts above, it can be said that translation is a process of transferring the

original message of the original author into another language by using the

exact meaning of words or the equivalent one without changes the meaning.

However translation has a unavoidable phenomenon that occur in

translation is Translation shift, shift are occur during the process of translation

from SL to TL. There are two kinds of translation shift, Level Shift and

Category shift. Even in categorys shift it has structure shift, class shift, unit

shift, and intra system shift. In this case the writer only focus on Intra System

Shift and Level Shift.

16Douglas Robinson, Becoming A Translator An Introduction to the Theory and Practice

of Translation, (New York, Madison Avenue, (2003), p. 6 17

Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday, Translation an Advance Resouece Book, p. 3

different languages.16

Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into

translation is the general term referring


Intra system shift is refer to those changes that occur internally within

a system. They are regarded only on the assumption that is formal

correspondence between the two languages, i.e. SL-TL should possess

approximate systems. The equivalence is said to occur at a non-corresponding

term in the TL system. All languages have their systems of number, deixis,

articles, etc. Intra-system shifts happen when a term is singular in the source

text and its textual equivalent is plural. For instance, both indonesia language

and english language have a system of number, but the numberical system is

not always have the same. Some nouns in English are always in plural form,

but if it translated translation equivalent in indonesian language may take form

of singular noun, for example18


SL: a pair of scissors ( plural) TL: sebuah gunting (singular)

In the example it can see that from SL it is plural, but if it translated to

TL it become singular. The reason is if it translated still be plural the sounds

will be ambigous and redundant. The one of function intra system shift is to

make the translated become natural, and to avoid the redundancy and

ambigous meaning. In this case the writer used Newmark and Catford theory

of translation, however the writer more focused in Catford theories.

Level shift is a shifts from grammar to lexis19

. It means that a

grammatical unit in English, such as noun, affix, etc, has a lexical unit in

Indonesian language as its translation equivalent. The other hand, level shifts

means a SL item at one linguistic level has a TL translation equivalent at a

different level. This shift commonly occurs with shift from grammar to lexis

and vice versa. The examples of level shift20


18 Citra Nora Selviana Simanjuntak, An Analysis of Unit Shift in Harry Potter and The

Order of Phoenix Movie Subtitles into Bahasa Indonesia, University Of Sumatera Utara, Medan, 2010, p. 18

19 J.C Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press,

1965), p. 73 20

Citra Nora Selviana Simanjuntak, An Analysis of Unit Shift in Harry Potter and The

Order of Phoenix Movie Subtitles Into Bahasa Indonesia, University Of Sumatera Utara, Medan,

2010, p. 12


1. (a) Ricky and Tanaka have accomplished the assignment.

(b) Ricky dan Tanaka telah menyelesaikan tugas tersebut

2. (a) Even father dislikes shopping at shopping centre.

(b) Ayah pun tidak suka berbelanja di pusat perbelanjaan.

In example (1), it can be seen that in English if „have‟ comes together

with past participle of „accomplish‟ then it indicates the act of „accomplishing‟

has begun before the time of speaking and the effect of the action still resumes

at the time of peaking. The form „have + past participle‟ in English is

translated into „sudah‟, a lexis in Bahasa Indonesia. Similarly, „pun‟ in (2 a), a

unit (morpheme) in Bahasa Indonesia grammar is translated into „even‟ a lexis

in English.

B. Function of Translation

Translation functions as medium of communications. As Robinson

states that translation means communication, because it has three essential

elements to form a process of communication.21

The three essential elements

are source, message, and receptor, and these elements must be found in all

communication activities.

As stated before that translation is so important in helping people who

want to know all about information in this world, moreover information about

development of science, technology, and culture by translating the science,

technology, and culture book, all people in the target country will get the

information about them. Even, nowadays translation had covered

entertainment and our household equipments. For example if we buy an

electronic tool or laptop and get the book guide which is written in foreign

languages and its translation, so from that it make us know and understand

how to operate the material. While in entertainment, translation has the main

role, for instance while watching the Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone film

by Chris Columbus, they will see the translation text typed on the screen as

called as subtitle. The translation text typed on the screen will make

filmegoers understand what the film tell about.

21Dauglas Robinson, Becoming A Translator an Introduction to the Theory and Practice

of Translation, p. 3


C. Process of Translation

According to Larson when translating a text, the translator‟s goal is an

idiomatic translation which makes every effort to communicate their meaning

of the SL text into the natural forms of the receptor language22

. Furthermore,

he states that translation is concerned with a study of the lexicon,

grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the

SL text, which is analyzed in order to determine its meaning. The discovered

meaning is then re-expressed or reconstructed using the lexicon and

grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its

cultural context.

According to Nida and Taber they distinguished translation process into

three stages: (1) Analysis, in which the surface structure is analyzed in terms

of (a) the grammatical relationships and (b) the meaning of the words and

combinations of words, (2) Transfer, in which the analyzed material is

transferred in the mind of the translator from language A to language B, and

(3) Restructuring, in which the transferred material is restructured in order to

make the final message fully acceptable in the receptor language23

. The

translation process can be illustrated in the following diagram.

A (Source)


B (Receptor)


X (Transfer) Y

Figure 1. Translation process by Nida and Taber24


22 Mildred L. Larson, Meaning Based Translation, (New York, 1984), p. 3

23Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies, (New York, 2011), p.40

24 Jeremy Munday, p.40


D. Types of Translation

According to Lawrence Venuti the types of translations are also varied.

Here, the writer quotes some experts and types of translation issued by them.

They are as the following:25

1. Literal translation

The ST grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest

TT equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of

context. As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problems to be

solved and an interlinear translation is a completely literal translation. It is

done by reproducing the linguistic feature of the SL text, whether that is in

form of words, clauses, phrase, sentences, etc, into the TL text. Larson

adds although it may be very useful for purpose of the study of the source

language, they are little help to the speakers of the receptor language who

are interested in the meaning of the source language text.26

A literal

translation sounds like nonsense and has little communication value.

Vinay and Darbelnet in Lawrence Venuti book‟s stated that literal,

or word for word translation is a direct transfer of the source language text

into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate target language text in

which the translators task is limited to observing the adherence to the

linguistic servitudes of the TL. For example27


SL: This train arrives at Union Station at ten.

TL: Kereta ini tiba di stasion union jam sepuluh

If, after trying the first three procedures, translators regard a literal

translation unacceptable, they must turn to the methods of oblique


25Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p. 84

26Larson, Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence, (New

York: University Press of America, 1984), p. 67

27 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p. 84


It is unacceptable if the message, when translated literally28


a. Gives another meaning

b. Has no meaning

c. Is structurally impossible

d. Does not have corresponding expression within the metalinguistic

experience of the target language or

e. Has a corresponding expression, but not within the same register.

2. Transposition

The method called transposition involves replacing one word class

with another without changing the meaning of the message. Beside being a

special translation procedure, transposition can also be applied within a

language. There are two types of transpositions: obligatory and optional

transposition. Obligatory transposition is when the target language has no

other choices because of the language system. For example29


SL: As soon as he gets up TL: sesegera mungkin dia bangun

An optional transposition is a transposition that, for the sake of

style, can be chosen by the translator if it fits better into the utterance. For


SL: After he comes back to Bali.

TL: setelah kedatangannya kembali ke Bali

3. Modulation

Vinay and Darbelnet in Lawrence Venuti‟s book stated that

modulation is a variation of form of the message, obtained by a change in

the point of view. This change can be justified when, although a literal, or

even transposed, translation results in a grammatically correct utterance,

but is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic and awkward in the target


Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p. 86 29

Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p. 88


language. There are two types of modulation: free or optional modulation

and fixed or obligatory modulation.

Free or optional modulation can be done because of non-linguistic

reasons. It is mostly used to stress the meaning, to make coherence or to

find out the natural form in the target language.

For example30


SL: By the wilt of God

TL: Di luar kemampuan manusia

Fixed or obligatory modulation occurs when a word, phrase or a

structure cannot be found in the TL. When an active sentence is translated

into a passive one, this is an instance of this type of modulation. For


SL: I grew up in Jakarta TL: Saya dibesarkan di Jakarta

4. Equivalence

One and the same situation can be rendered by two text using

completely different stylistic and structural methods. In such cases they

are dealing with the method with equivalent text. For example31


SL: as like as two peas

TL: seperti dua kacang

From the explanation above, it can conclude that the process of

translation in this research will help the writer to know how the process of

translation itself. From the analysis of texts the writer should read the texts

carefuly and then transferring the meaning uses of mind to find the

equivalent and the last reconstructuring to decide the meaning itself

without changing the meaning. These types will be used to help the writer

to find the finding and besides the types of translation above, the types of

translation could also divide based on the language that involved in the

30 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p. 89

31 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p. 90


process of the translation. The writer wants to uses these types to find out

the analysis.

E. Shift in Translation

Lawrence Venuti defines „shifts‟ as departures form fomal

correspondence in the process of going from the Source Language to the

Target Language. There are two kinds of translation shifts32


1. Intra System Shifts

A system is available in each system in one language can show

fundamental differences from the terms of the same system in another

language. This can be considered as a major source of shift at this level of

language description. In other hand, Intra-System Shifts refer to those

changes that occur internally within a system. They are regarded only on the

assumption that is formal correspondence between the two languages, i.e.

SL-TL should possess approximate systems. The equivalence is said to

occur at a non-corresponding term in the TL system. All languages have

their systems of number, deixis, articles, etc. Intra-System shift happen

when a term is plural in the source text and its textual equivalent is singular.

For Example33


Source Language Text Target Language Text



Victories in the source language text is plural form. It is translated in

to kemenangan in the target language text and it is a singular form. The

word in target language should be in plural too but if it is transferred into

“kemenangan- kemenangan”, the meaning will sound weird. But it should

32 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p.141

33Herman. Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text.

International Journal of European Studies. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017, p 72-77.


be in singular (vice versa). The changes from plural to singular is called

intra-system shift.

From the explanation above, it can conclude that there are five kinds

of shifts, there are : level shift, category shift, unit shift, class shift and intra

system shift. In this research the writer only used intra system shift and level

shifts to find the causal of intra system and level shift in the English-

Indonesian subtitle of Harry Potter film. The writer only focus in two point

because it is related to the subtitle that the writer will analyze and also the

level shift and intra system shift is not become the commonly object in the

other researchers.

2. Level Shift

This is a shift of level. By level shift, it is meant that a source

language item at one linguistic level has a target language translation

equivalent at a different level. As pointed by Catford in Lawrence Venuti‟s

book, it may occur because the translation between these levels of

phonology and graphology - or between these levels of grammar and lexis –

is impossible.34

Translation between these levels and the levels is absolutely

ruled out by the theory, which posits „relationship to the same substance‟ as

the necessary condition of translation equivalence. Then, with shifts from

grammar to lexis or vice versa as the only possible level shifts in translation;

and such shifts are, of course, quite common. For example35


Source Language Target Language

He is eating Dia sedang makan

In this translation, there is a shift from grammar to lexis in which the

patterns to be +v-ing (grammar) in the source language text is translated

into lexicon sedang in the target language text.

34 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p.142

35Herman. Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text.

International Journal of European Studies. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017, p. 72-77. 11


a. Category Shift

Catford refers it to the unbounded and rank-bound translation.

The first being approximately „normal‟ of „free‟ translation in which

SL-TL equivalences are set up at whatever rank is appropriate.

Usually, but not always, there is sentence equivalent, but in the course

of text, equivalences may shift up and down the rank scale, often being

established at rank lower than the sentence. Translation is used only to

refer to those special cases where equivalence is delibarately limited to

ranks below the sentence, thus leading to „bad translation‟ that is

translation in which the TL text is either not a normal TL from at all,

or is not relatable to the same situational substance as the SL text.36

However, it is clearly meaningless to talk about category shift unless

we assume some degree of formal correspondence between SL and


b. Structure Shift

This is among the most frequent category shift at all ranks in

translation: they occur in phonological and graphonological translation

as well as in total translation. Structure shift is indicated by a situation

when there are two languages which have different element of

structure besides, the source language and target language should have

formal correspondence.

For example:

Source Language Text Target Language Text

Old man Laki – laki tua


36 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p.141


old man in the source language text is constructed of modifier (old) +

head (man), meanwhile in target language it becomes laki – laki tua

which is constructed of head (laki-laki) + modifier (tua.)37

c. Class Shift

In this term, Catford is following defiition on class. Class is

defined as that grouping of in the structure of the unit next above.38

Class shift occurs when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a

member of a different class from the original item due to the logical

dependence of class on structure, it is clear that structure shift usually

involve class shifts, though this may be demonstratable only at a

secondary degree of delicacy. For example39


Source Language Text Target Language Text

Medical student Mahasiswa kedokteran

In this example, medical in the source language text is an

adjective, meanwhile kedokteran in the target language text is a noun.

Here, the translation equivalent has different class from the original


d. Unit shift

In this term, kind of shifts involves change in rank. It departs

from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a

unit at one rank in the SL is the unit at a different rank in the TL. For


: a phrase into a clause.

37 Herman. Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text.

International Journal of European Studies. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017, pp. 72-77. doi: 10.11648/j.ijes.20170103.11

38 Lawrence Venuti, p. 141

39 Herman. Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text.

International Journal of European Studies. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017, p. 72-77. 40

Herman. Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text, p. 72-77.


Source Language Text Target Language Text

The boy buy banana

Anak laki – laki yang membeli


The boy buy banana in source language is a phrase and translated

into anak laki-laki yang membeli pisang as clause, since it has a

subject (anak laki-laki) and a predicate ( yang ). The change of group

in the source language (SL) to sentence in the Target Language (TL) is

called Unit Shift.

F. The Causes of Intra System Shift and Level Shift

1. Intra system shift

Intra system shift is occur when translation involves selection of a

non corresponding term in the target language system. There are several

reason that can be identified as the cause of intra system shift, there are41


a. The use of the noun as a generic

It means that when we will refers to anything of words in

general the writer can declare a generic reference it by using singular

noun. For example, “a cat is an intelligent animal”. In this sentence it

is not refer to a specific cat, but only revealed a concept generally

accepted that cat are intelligent animals. The statement, in indonesian

language it can translated as a formally equivalent become “seekor

kucing adalah seekor binatang yang cerdas”. But this expression do

not acceptable in indonesian language, so the writer need shift function

to make it clear and the translate become“kucing (adalah) binatang

yang cerdas.” From example above, determiner or article (a,an) are

not realized in tranlation. This phenomenon wa called as zero

tranlsation or omission. In indonesia language, the number, article

41 J.C Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press,

1965), p. 80


(a,an) become “satu, sebuah, seekor, sebilah and the others” are do not

need to be tranlated. When refering to the generic noun, though

formally the couple words is the formal correspondence.

In fact, the expression “a dog” and “an animal” above, can also

be realized in the plural, without changing the meaning and function of

the sentence that refering to the generic noun. However, should any

adjustment of other word to make the sentence is acceptable. And the

sentence will become “cats are intelligent animals”, and in indonesian

language become “kucing (adalah) hewan yang cerdas” and it cannot

be expressed in the plural noun become “Kucing-kucing adalah

binatang-binatang yang cerdas”.

b. The use of the plural noun after plural pointer.

In indonesian and english there are singular and plural, so a

correspondence. For example:

SL : houses in downtown area are very expensive.

TL : rumah-rumah di pusat kota sangat mahal.

In this case, word “houses” has formal correspondence with the

word “rumah-rumah”. However, when the plural was preceded by the

plural number, which indicates that the noun more than one, then there

is a difference in the grammatical system of the language. if the

reference refers to countable nouns in english, every time there is a

determiner that indicates the amount is more than one, then the noun

form should be plural. Difference grammatical system is causing inta-

system shift in translation.


SL : Many houses on the coast were swept away by the flood.

TL : Banyak rumah di pinggir pantai tersapu banjir.

Word “houses” must plural in english grammar system, for

their words plural pointer in front of it, that ”many”, in order to meet

the rules of language (agreement / concordance). By contrast, in the

indonesian language, if there is plural that indicates the noun phrase,


the noun that follows it should not be plural. In this case, the form of

the word in thus expression “banyak rumah-rumah” is ambiguous and


c. Different concept on plural of word.

Intra system can also occur when translate the words were

viewed differently by the two communities users of this language. the

difference is because the one of them understand it as a whole, while

others understand it as two parts in to one.

Table 1.6 differences between English and Indonesian


English (SL) Indonesian Language


a pair of trousers Sebuah celana

a pair of scissors Sebuah gunting

a pair of glasses Sebuah kacamata

From the table above can conclude that, the three things above

were singular in Indonesian language, while in English those things

were two parts of thing which become unity to get appropriate

function. So in this case it caused of Intra system shift.

English (SL) Indonesian Language


A pair of hands Sepasang tangan


In the last table, there is no difference concept, so there is no

translation shift. Intra system shift only happen when there are two

perspectives or difference concepts of a things. Based on the

explanation from the table above that there is no difference concept of

plural thing so there is no intra system shift. Intra system shift only

happen when there are two perspectives or difference concepts of a

things. Two nouns from example above is the single object in

Indonesian language, while in English is two parts that must be one in

order to function as the purpose. So when in Indonesian language use

word plural or use the replay word in translate into English needs to be

done carefully.

d. The differences in the concept of words and tenses

Intra-system shift could occur when in indonesian language,

the writer can use exprssion “saya sudah bertemu dia minggu lalu”. In

this case the writer choose perfective with “have+v3” or based on the

past tense “v2”. So translated became “I have met him” or “I have met

him last week”. In this case the writer cannot expressing both markers

perfective and past tense in english became “I have met her last week”,

because the grammar system will say the sentence is not natural.

2. Level Shift

The writer have already pointed out that level in level shift mean a

source language (SL) item at one linguistic level has a target language

(TL) trans-lation equivalent at a different level. Because translation

A pair of shoes Sepasang sepatu

A pair of handkerchiefs

Sepasang saputangan


between the levels of phonology and graphology, or between either of

these levels and the levels it was of grammar and lexis is impossible.

Hence, translator needs level shifts in translation shift. Level shift is the

shift which happened from level of grammar into lexis or vice versa. It

means that a grammatical of language (like in English which has pattern

Have+V3), because every language has different grammar. As we know

that in English use tenses to identify the time of the event whereas in

Indonesian language does not know about tenses. Then, to solve the

problem of the differences pattern between English and Indonesia,

translator needs a change of grammatical pattern.

Like level shift, if in English has grammatical pattern

(have/has/had+V3/V+ing) and it must translate become word (lexis) of

another language, as in Indonesia using word “telah” or “sudah”. In A

Linguistic Theory of Translation, Catford stated that:

By shift of level the writer mean that a SL item at one linguistic

level has a TL translation equivalent at a different level42

. Then, he stated

that by level shift means a shift from grammar to lexis; and here are the




1) SL: I am working hard.

TL: Saya sedang bekerja keras

2) SL: I have worked hard.

3) TL: Saya sudah bekerja keras

From the text in the source language above, it is found that In the

Data 1, the sentence shows that the activity was temporary activity, it may

happen before the speaker speaks. In English pattern it called present

continuous tense the grammatical item tobe + v-ing (pattern of Present

Continuous Tense in English) in the source language is translated into

sedang in the target language. So the level shift in the translation is

42 J.C. Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press,

1965), p. 73 43

Margono, Essentials of Theory and Practice of Translation, (Denpasar, 1999), p. 21


indicated by grammar in the source language which is translated into lexis

in the target language.

Level shift also happens in the example (2) because the forms have

+ Perfect Tense marker (pattern of Present Perfect Tense in English) in the

source language is translated into target language by using the lexis sudah.

All of the sentences above can conclude that they have different pattern

but it was a grammar. Since in level shift need the change from grammar

to lexis and those grammar was translated become lexis (there is lowering

level) also. Hence, whatever the structure, if it was translated become

lexis, it was called level shift. In other words, it is simply a shift from

grammar to lexis.

Based on the explanation above it can conclude that there are some

causal of Intra system shift and level shift. The writer will use the theory

to find out the causal of intra system and level shift.

G. Review of Related Research

In this thesis, there are researchers that have been found by the writer

who have discussed about intra system and level shift they are:

Firstly, the student of Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan-

Pematangsiantar, Indonesia 2010, named Herman, thesis entitled “Category

Shifts in the English Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s Stone

film Subtitle into Indonesia”44

. The data of this research were taken from the

movie subtitle of Harry Potter from English into Indonesia by Togap. The

writer uses the combination of way of using descriptive qualitative and

quantitative approach. One indispensable and important tactic to Indonesian

translation of Newmark„s eight translation methods which then becomes a

reasonable choice and the quality of translation are decided by the translator„s

cultural awareness and creativity. The writer finds that Category Shifts found

in Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s stone Movie Subtitle After analyzing the

data, the researcher found in his research that all kinds of category shifts

44 Herman, Category Shifts in the English Translation of “Harry Potter and the

Philosopher‟s Stone” by J.K.Rowling. Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan-Pematangsiantar,

Indonesia 2010. P.3


found in the subtitle of Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s stone Movie. The

category shifts used are: unit, structure, class, and intra-system shifts. Then, it

classifies the idioms into different categories. In the end, gives some

techniques and procedures to translate them.

Secondly, Student of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta 2010, Named Suhaila, Entitle Unit-Shift Analysis of English

Indonesian Translation of the Tale of The Three Brothers by J.K. Rowling45


The objective of this research to find out the patterns of unit shift in English-

Indonesian translation and also to figure out what are the factors that can

cause or affect each unit shift. The theory of unit shift used in this research is

based on translation shift theory by J.C. Catford. The methodology used in

this research is qualitative descriptive method. This research is accomplished

by the writer by reading and comparing the English text and Indonesian text.

The data where unit shift from source text to target text occured. The data are

classified according to each unit and the patterns of the shift are found after

classified.The writer found some interesting translation equivalent when

reading the translation of the tale of the three brothers, which included in The

Tales of Beedle the Bard which was written by a very phenomenal author, J.K.


Thirdly, Student of University Sumatera Utara, Medan 2010, named

Citra Nora Selviana Simanjuntak, entitle of thesis an Analysis of Unit Shift in

Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix Movie Subtitles into Bahasa


. The problem of the analysis in this thesis is how the unit shifts

occur in Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie subtitles. There are

five units representing ranks in english which are described in this translation.

They are morpheme from morpheme into word,phrase from phrase into clause

and phrase into word, sentence from sentence into phrase,and sentence into


Suhaila, A Unit-Shift Analysis of English Indonesian Translation of “The Tale of the Three Brothers” by J.K. Rowling. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2010. p.3

46 Citra Nora Selviana Simanjuntak, An Analysis of Unit Shift in Harry Potter and The

Order of Phoenix Movie Subtitles into Bahasa Indonesia. University Sumatera Utara, Medan,

2010. p.3


clause , word from word into phrase, clause from clause into word and clause

into phrase. This thesis using Newmark theories.

Finally, in this case the writer disscus about what do intra system shift

and level shift and also the causal of both of them and the more dominant

between intra system shift and level shift that found in subtittle from English

to Indonesian. In this case the writer try to found what the factor that can

influence Intra System and Level Shift while do translate from English to

Indonesian, and try to know what are the significant factor that become

dominant factor while tranlated. The writer hopes that this thesis will be useful

for both theoritical and practical source in learning how to translate English

Indonesian subtitle and how the Intra System and Level Shift influence the

proses of translated from English to Indonesian subtitle.




A. Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the writer uses qualitative research with

descriptive method because that is suitable with the aim of this research.

Qualitative research may be in descriptive form. The data are collected in the

form of words as a descriptive explanation than a number. The result of the

research contained quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the

presentation. Descriptive method is a research which aims to describe a

phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research.47

In this thesis,

the writer will use qualitative research, where the data are analyzed through

interpreting, not statistic analysis. Nyoman Kutha Ratna stated that:

“Metode kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah, data

dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaanya. Cara-cara inilah

yang mendorong metode kualitatif dianggap sebagai multi metode

sebab penelitian pada gilirannya melibatkan sejumlah besar gejala

sosial yang relevan. Dalam penelitian karya sastra, misalnya, akan

dilibatkan pengarang, lingkungan social di mana pengarang berada,

termasuk unsur-unsur kebudayaan.”48

Based on the quotation above, the qualitative research can be used in

this research due to the qualitative method did not only involves the intrinsic

aspect in literary work. So, that is why, the qualitative method also can be said

as multi method. Descriptive is: “Data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata,

gambar dan bukan angka-angka,hal itu disebabkan oleh penerapan metode


Qualitative research in research procedures which produce descriptive

data as spoken words of the person or behavior being researched.


John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, (United States of America:

California 1997), p. 15. 48

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-III edisi

revisi,(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), p. 47. 49

Martinis Yatim, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan Sosial Kualitatif dan

Kuantitatif, (Jakarta: Bogor Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2009), p. 191.


Moh Nazir stated that “Metode deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk membuat

deskripsi, gambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, factual dan akurat

mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang


. It makes easy the research to get the right data. It means that

qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive data are used documentation

in this research, by using this qualitative method, the writer felt easy to

analyze the novel.

Based on those statements, it can conclude that qualitative research is

analyzing about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the situation

of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by

using qualitative research the writer will get the answer about the question in

analyzing the factor that influence shift translation in subtitle of Harry Potter

And The Sorcerer‟s Stone film by Chris Columbus.

B. Sources of Data

Primary data were the main data directly related to the discussion of

the thesis. In this research the writer takes the primary data From Harry Potter

and The Sorcerer‟s Stone film, a film which was directed by Chris Columbus

and rilis on 4 November 2001, with the duration 152 minutes. The writer uses

the text and subtitle. The data which support this research such as some

internet, books, dictionaries, and the other source that have correlation with

the research.51

The film was download in Indo XXI while the subtittles was

download on 12 November 2019.

C. Technique of Data Collection

In an effort to get the data and fact, in this research the writer uses

qualitative research, the techniques in qualitative research. The writer uses

documentation. Sugiyono stated that “Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa

yang sudah berlalu dan dokumen ialah setiap bahan tertulis, film atau pun

dari record yang dipersiapkan karena adanya permintaan seorang

50Moh. Nazir, Motode Penelitian, (Bogor: Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2011), p. 54.

51Tim Penyusun, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, (Jambi: Fakultas Adab-Sastra dan

Kebudayaan Islam, 2011), p. 14.



It means that in qualitative research, the writer uses some

documents that have correlation or support the problem of the research,

because this research is descriptive that is why the writer describes and

analyzes the data that has been found in Harry Potter And The Sorcerer‟s

Stone film to answer of the problems that has been formulated in the

formulation of the problem. The writer has some steps in collecting the data

and also used Sugiyono theory based on Sugiyono‟s book, in order to make

this research more specific. The steps in collecting data53


1. Collecting all data from the film that had been taking from script and other

sources which are closely related to the research and also watching


2. Reading the data repeatedly, after getting all important sources, the writer

checked it to make sure that the data are relating with the research.

3. Marking on the words or sentences and all the important statements and

information, making a note of data. After reading the sources carefully, the

writer marks any important statements to make the writer easier in the

analyzing process for the research.

4. Identifying and classifying the data, after finding all the data completely,

the writer processes the data to analyze them. Finally, the writer makes a

good arrangement for the thesis proposal itself as the last in finalizing


D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative

research, technique analysis data are used to answer the formulation of the

problem in analysis data, the writer used a technique of data analysis.

The writer has several techniques from the data analysis, in order to

make this research more specific. According to Susan Stain back, “Data

analysis is critical to the qualitative research process. It is to recognition,

study, and understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that

52Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,

2009), p. 9. 53

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, p.9


hypotheses and assertions can be developed and ecaluated”.54

Nyoman Kutha

Ratna stated that “Sesuai dengan namanya analisisisi terutama berhubungan

dengan isi komunikasi baik secara verbal maupun nonverbal55


In this research, the writer uses technique descriptive analysis because

this research is descriptive. It was way the writer describes, analyzes the data

that has been found in the Harry Potter and The Sorcerer‟s Stone film to find

the answer the formulation of the problems that have been formulated. The

writer has some steps in analyzing the data, in order to make this research

more specific and the writer used Nyoman Khuta Ratna theory56


The steps are:

1. Identifying

The writer identifies the data and make assumptions and try to

finds the statement that has changed from English subtitle to the

Indonesian subtitle Harry Potter And The Sorcerer‟s Stone film by Chris

Columbus and the causal intra system shift and level shift in English-

Indonesian subtitle.

2. Classifying the data

The writer classifies the text which has correlated with the source

and subtitle combined in Harry Potter And The Sorcerer‟s Stone.

3. Analyzing, describing, explaining

The writer analyzes, describes and explains the data about the intra

system and level shift that influence in subtitle of Harry Potter And The

Sorcerer‟s Stone film.

4. Making the conclusion

After all the data have been done by all of the steps, the writer will

make the conclusion of the research.


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, p. 244. 55

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p. 48. 56

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p.





The writer has done all the research methods to find all the data from the

English-Indonesian subtitle in Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone film who have

been conducted and the data is described in this chapter. The data was collected

from the text, subtitle and also the other source that have correlation with the


A. Findings

The writer has been explaining the theory of the translation shift

focused on intra system shift and level shift in the previous chapter. In this

chapter the writer is going to apply that theory in the research finding.

This research finding source from the film titled Harry Potter and

Sorcerer‟s Stone by Chris Columbus. The film was pulished in 2001. The

writer also used English-Indonesian subtitle to analyse the data. In this

research findings, the writer collects and classify the data where some of Intra

system shift and level shift, and also the causal of intra system shift and level

shift that found in the data. The findings of research show that from intra

system shift, the researcher founds all sentence that contained intra system

shift, level shift, and causes of intra system shift and level shift that used by

characters in Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, the intra system was found in

subtitle are 12 data, level shift was found in subtitle are 10 data, and the causal

of intra system shift and level shift was found in subtitle are 7 data. In

conclusion, intra system shift was mostly dominant used in sentence by

characters in Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film

B. Analysis

1. Intra System Shift Found in Harry Potter and Sorcerer`S Stone Film

Intra-system shift is one of the kinds of categories shift. Intra

system shift is a shift that occurs internally, within a system; that is, for

those cases where SL and TL possess systems which approximately

correspond formally as to their constitution, but when translation involves


selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL system. A system is

available in each system in one language can show fundamental

differences from the terms of the same system in another language. This

can be considered as a major source of shifts at this level of language

description. They are regarded only on the assumption that is formal

correspondence between the two languages, i.e. SL-TL should possess

approximate systems.

The equivalence is said to occur at a non-corresponding term in the

TL system. All languages have their systems of number, deixis, articles,

etc. Intra-System shifts happen when a term is singular in the source text

and its textual equivalent is plural57


(Picture 1 )

( Data 1 of intra system shift )

SL : “Sorry about him. He does not understand what it‟s like, lying

day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on


TL: “Maafkan dia, ia tidak mengerti rasanya tinggal disini hari

demi hari, melihat orang menempelkan wajah mereka yang

jelek untuk melihatmu”59

The following picture explains the writer analyzes form of English

syntactic, that Noun+S/Es was indicated for plural things. Like places,

books, windows, etc. That words have formal correspondence in target

language, as same as indicate plural. It will be different if it translate in to

57 Herman. Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text.

International Journal of European Studies. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017, p 72-77 58

Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:06:19 59

Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub.


TL may take form of singular noun. As the example it could be seen that

from SL it is plural, but if it translated to TL it becomes singular. i.e in

picture 1 : SL : “Sorry about him. He does not understand what it‟s like,

lying day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on you” and if

it translated in to TL with using the intra system shift it will become

“maafkan dia, ia tidak mengerti rasanya tinggal disini hari demi hari,

melihat orang menempelkan wajah mereka yang jelek untuk melihatmu”.

In this translated the word faces it is refers to plural word caused of the S

as a marker of plural, but it has singular meaning if it translated to

Indonesian language, becaused in Indonesian there is no repetition word. It

is the example of intra sytem happened. But if the SL translate in to TL

without using the intra system shift it will become TL : “Maafkan dia, ia

tidak mengerti rasanya tinggal disini hari demi hari, melihat orang

menempelkan wajah-wajah mereka yang jelek untuk melihatmu”. The

reason is, if it translated still be plural the sounds will be ambigous and

redundant and also will affect to the grammatical system because of the

equivalent was not correspondent. It based on the theory of Catford that

Intra-System Shifts refer to those changes that occur internally within a

system. They are regarded only on the assumption that is formal

correspondence between the two languages, i.e. SL-TL should possess

approximate systems. The equivalence is said to occur at a non-

corresponding term in the TL system It is the one of function of intra

system shift make the translated become natural, so it has corresponden of

each system and also to avoid the redundancy and ambigous word.

(Picture 2 )

( Data 2 of intra system shift )


SL : You are the boy who lived60

TL : Kau anak yang bertahan hidup61

The following picture explains the writer analyzes the bold text

classify as an intra-system shift. It can analyze from the word you are the

boy who lived in SL that was translated into kau anak yang bertahan

hidup in TL. Literally, you are the boy who lived in SL should be

translated into kau anak laki-laki yang bertahan hidup in TL, but intra

system happen in this word so the translated become Kau anak yang

bertahan hidup . In English NP, the is determiner, boy is the modifier and

lived is the head while in Indonesian NP, anak is the head and bertahan

hidup is the modifier. The determiner the is not translated in TL because it

is a marker to show general word, so it has corresponding system in

English as the source text and also in Indonesian as the target language.

( Picture 3 )

( Data 3 of intra system shift )

SL : “it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your


TL :“Membutuhkan keberanian besar untuk melawan


The following picture explains the writer analyzes there is a part of

structure shift occurring called Intra System Shift, i.e. the change form the

source language “your” which comes as the pre-modifier before the

headword “enemies”, becomes post-modifier “mu” which comes after the

60 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:30:57

61 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub

62 Duration 02:14:4

63 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


headword “musuh” in the target language. If the grammatical system of

the source language is maintained in transferring the expression “your

enemies” and translated literally, it will be “kamu musuh” or “kamu

musuh-musuh”. That expression is not acceptable in the target language.

Therefore, the translator uses shifts in transferring the expression becomes

“musuhmu” that has corresponding system in English as the source text

and also in target language.

( Picture 4 )

( Data 4 of intra system shift )

SL : ““No blasted letters today””64

TL : “tak akan ada surat hari ini”65

The following pictures explain the word “letters” translated

into “surat” in the target text. The morpheme-s in the word “letters” is

a plural marker. The plural marker of Indonesian language is by

repeating the word twice it is not realized in the target text. The word

“letters” is translated into “surat”. It sounds strange when it is

translated into “surat-surat”. The word “letters” signifies the plurality.

Because of that reason, the “letters” is translated into “surat” and it

has corresponding in SL or TL. It is the function of intra system.

Based on the research the first question about intra system

shift, the writer found twelve data of intra system. This finding is

matched with the theory by Catford, saying that there are twelve data


Duration 01 :36:03 65

Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


of intra system shift it is different with the finding of another research.

The writer only focused on intra system shift and found twelve data,

but Herman from Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan the

researcher found all kinds of category shifts.

2. Level Shift Found in Harry Potter and Sorcerer`S Stone Film

The writer have already pointed out that level in level shift mean a

source language (SL) item at one linguistic level has a target language

(TL) translation equivalent at a different level. Because translation

between the levels of phonology and graphology, or between either of

these levels and the levels it was of grammar and lexis is impossible.

Hence, translator needs level shifts in translation shift.

Level shift is the shift which happened from level of grammar into

lexis or vice versa. It means that a grammatical of language (like in

English which has pattern Have+V3), because every language has

different grammar. As we know that in English use tenses to identify the

time of the event whereas in Indonesian language does not know about

tenses. Then, to solve the problem of the differences pattern between

English and Indonesia, translator needs a change of grammatical pattern.

Like level shift, if in English has grammatical pattern

(have/has/had+V3/V+ing) and it must translate become word (lexis) of

another language, as in Indonesia using word “telah” or “sudah”66


(Picture 5)

( Data 1 of level shift )


Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p.142


SL: “Hagrid is bringing him”67

TL: “Sedang dibawa hagrid”68

The following picture explains the writer analyzes the sentence

shows the activity start in the temporary activity, it may happen before the

speaker speaks that called present continuous tense. The pattern is (S +

tobe + V + ing) “is bringing”, and it has translated become “sedang”

because in that time it is happen. The bold text, “is bringing” in SL is

translated into “sedang” in TL. The level shift applied in this NP,

because the level in the SL was changed in TL “bringing” is the head and

modified by the word is. In this sentence “his” is indicate as a word that

has changed become “phrase”.

(Picture 6)

( Data 2 of level shift )

SL: I think we have given a bad influencer on her”69


TL: “kupikir kita telah memberikan pengaruh buruk padanya70

The following picture 2 before, the sentence shows the pattern of

present perfect (have+V3) which is showing that the activity has been

done but still happened. Then in target language (TL) has translated

become lexis “telah”. The bold text, “have give” in SL is translated into

“telah” in TL. The level shift applied in this NP because the level in the

SL was changed in TL “given” is the head and modified by the word


For the example based on the data :

67 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:01:54

68 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub

69 Duration 01:26:44.

70 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


( Picture 7 )

( Data 3 of level shift )

SL: “ I think he has leave the Dungeon ”71

TL: kupikir troll itu sudah meninggalkan dungeon72

The following picture explains, the sentences “have read” and

“has leave” are the pattern of present perfect (have/has+V1) which is

showed that the activity has been done, but it is still happen till now. Then

in target language (TL) has translated become lexis “telah” and “sudah”.

All of the sentences above could concluded that they have different pattern

but it was a grammar. Since in level shift need the change from grammar

to lexis and those grammar was translated become lexis. Hence, whatever

the structure, if it was translated become lexis, it was called level shift.

Based on the research in the second question about level shift, the

writer found ten data of level shift. This finding is matched with the

theory by Catford, saying that there are ten data of level shift it is different

with the finding of another research. The writer only focused on intra

system shift and found twelve data, but the reseach named Suhaila from

State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah the researcher found the

factors that can cause or affect each unit shift and only focus on unit shift.

C. The Causes of Intra System Shift and Level Shift

1. The use of the noun as a generic

It means that when the writer will refers to anything of words in

general the writer can declare a generic reference it by using singular

71 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 01:27:34

72 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


noun. In English when the writer want to indicate something that are

generally, the writer can indicate it using determiner a, an and the73


For example:

( Picture 8 )

( Data 1 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

SL : “blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash”74

TL : “ledakan? Kau bilang dulu orangtua ku meninggal dalam

kecelakaan mobil” 75

The following picture explains the writer analyzes determiner or

article “a” was not realistically in the translation. This phenomenon called

zero translation or omission. In Indonesian Language, was not important to

explicit numeral of the things like “satu, sebuah, seekor, sabilah”and so

on. If the writer want to indicate general things, although formally the

things were a pair, it would be called formal correspondence. In a fact, in

English determiner “a” can be realist as a plural with unchanged the

meaning and function of the sentence and also to refer the generally word.

But, it must be suited with another word, so the sentence has formal

correspondent and it can be more logical. The translation of “a car crash”

is “kecelakaan mobil” it cannot be translated as “sebuah kecelakaan

mobil” because it become illogically in this context. And also article a in

the sentence is refer to the generally word “car”.


J.C Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p. 80

74 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:16:49

75 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


Another example of noun as a generic :

( Picture 9 )

( Data 2 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

SL: “The staircases change”76

TL: “Tangganya suka berubah”77

The following picture explains the writer analyzes, determiner or

article “the” was not realistically in the translation. This phenomenon

called zero translation or omission. In a fact, in English determiner “the”

can be realist as a plural with unchanged the meaning and function of the

sentence. But, it must be suited with another word, so the sentence can be

more logical. the translation of “The staircasess” is “Tangganya suka

berubah”, it cannot be translated as “tangga-tangga suka berubah”.

Because people know that stair is the general and also as a plural noun, but

it cannot become plural if it translate in to Indonesia because in Indonesian

there is no repetation word. This phenomena it‟s called Intra system

caused of a noun as a generic.

( Picture 10 )

( Data 3 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

76Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 01:04:32

77 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


SL : “A pity they have let the old punishments die”78

TL : “Sayangnya mereka telah menghapuskan hukuman

zaman dulu”79

The following picture explains the writer analyzes there are two

intra system shift and also level shift in one sentence. It indentified based

on have that has the meaning as a “telah” if it translated in to indonesia

and become lexis and it is the example of level shift. Therefore the intra

system identified based on the word “Punishments” that indicate the intra

system shift if it translated into indonesia and become “hukuman” and if

it‟s translated without using intra system shift it become “hukuman-

hukuman” the sentence become not natural and does not have

correspondent of equivalent.

2. The using of quantifier to show that the noun was plural

The form of English syntactic, that Noun+s/es was indicate for

plural things. Like places, books, windows, etc.

That words have formal correspondence in target language, as

same as indicate plural. But it will be different if there is quantifier which

is show that the noun was plural. There are many kinds of quantifier: a

little, a few, much, many, some, any, each, every, a lot of, most, more,

enough. In English, when the quantifier was show countable noun, so the

translation of noun must be singular. Intra-system shift appear to solve

those problem of differences language system.

(Picture 11)


Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 01:42:44 79

Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


( Data 1 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

SL : “There's more than were wolves in those trees”80

TL : “Bukan hanya manusia serigala yang hidup disana”81

The following picture explains the writer analyzes, the word “more

than were wolves” has translate in to TL become “bukan hanya manusia

serigala-serigala”. Because there is a quantifier “more” which is to fulfill

the agreement or concordance, in Indonesia language there is no

expression to show plural like “manusia serigala-serigala” and also the

quantifier “more” it also show that the word are plural. So, the translate

from SL to TL it become “bukan hanya manusia serigala” to make this

sentence has formal corresponden of each other. It will make natural in the

target language. The reason why the translate not become “Lebih dari

manusia serigala” because the meaning “bukan hanya” it is refer to

meaning “more” as plural quantifier. In this sentence level shift does not


( Picture 12 )

( Data 2 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

SL : I remember every wand I've ever sold82

TL : Aku ingat setiap tongkat sihir yang pernah kujual, Mr. Potter


The following picture explains the writer analyzes, the word

“every” as a quantifier. The writer has already explained in earlier that

quantifier as a plural marker of the word. The quantifiers are adjectives

and adjective phrases that go before nouns. The sentence “I remember

80 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration

01:43:58 81

Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene

Sub 82

Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration

00:27:33 83

Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene



“every” wand I've ever sold” in SL if it translated in to TL become “Aku

ingat “setiap” tongkat sihir yang pernah kujual, Mr. Potter”. It is the

example of singular but has plural meaning every always means more than

one. The word “every wand” it has meaning as “setiap tongkat” in TL.

So, from the quantifier it make the readers know that the sentence has

plural meaning.

( Picture 13 )

( Data 3 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

SL : Voldemort started to gather some followers84

TL : “Voldemort mulai mengumpulkan pengikutnya”85

The following picture explains the writer analyzes, the word

“some” as a quantifier. The writer has already explained in earlier that

quantifier as a plural marker of the word. The quantifiers are adjectives

and adjective phrases that go before nouns. The sentence “voldemort

started gather “some” followers” in SL if it translated in to TL become

“Voldemort mulai mengumpulkan beberapa pengikut-pengikut nya”, but

this translation has not formal correspondence of SL to TL. So, it should

be “Voldemort mulai mengumpulkan pengikutnya”. Quantifier “some” has

meaning “beberapa” and it is refers to plural. At the same time the word

“followers” refers to plural also. But based on the explained at the

beginning it can be translated as plural in TL because it will not

correspondence between SL to TL. So, from the quantifier it make the

readers know that the sentence has plural meaning.

84 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:39:46

85 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


3. The differences of pluralities concept of certain word

Intra-system shift also can happen in the thing that has two

perspectives based on the two communities with different language, like

English and Indonesia. One of them sees that the thing was unity, but in

other perspective sees that the thing was two things which become unity.

Let see the table bellows. things which become unity.

The example of the data :

(Picture 14)

( Data 1 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

SL : “A pair of handsock”86

TL : “Sepasang sarung tangan kulit naga”87

The following picture explains the writer analyzes, the sentence

has two perspectives based on the two communities with different

language especially English and Indonesian. In this sentence “A” pair of

handsock” it identified as a unity in indonesian “sepasang”, but it has

another perspective in another language especially English as a source

language that the sentence show the thing was two things which become

unity. So in Indonesian “sepasang” means unity but become plural in


4. The differences in the concept of words and tenses

Intra-system shift could occur when in Indonesian language, the

writer can use expression “saya sudah bertemu dia minggu lalu”. In this

case the choose perfective with “have+v3” or based on the past tense “v2”.

86 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:18:20

87 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


So translated became “I have met him” or “I have met him last week”. In

this case the writer cannot expressing both markers perfective and past

tense in english became “I have met her last week”, because the grammar

system will say the sentence is not natural.

The example of the data :

( Picture15)

( Data 1 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )

SL : “No, you have made a mistake”88

TL : Tidak, kau telah membuat kesalahan.

The following picture explains the writer analyzes the example of

level shift. It can identify from the grammar that changed to lexis. While

the meaning of the sentence it is depend on the context but the word

“have” of the SL it should change as “telah” in the TL become lexis.

Based on the explanation above it is one of the example of level shiftt. It

can indicated by the meaning and also the formula that have changed

become lexis “telah”.

( Picture 16 )

( Data 2 of Causes of Intra system shift and level shift )


Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:15:15


SL : “ He killed my parents, didn't he?89

TL : ia yang membunuh orangtuaku, bukan ?90

The following picture explains the writer analyzes the perfective

that used in the example is V2. The formulation of grammar that used is

(have+v3) and only use one perfective of the grammatical, it is because of

the difference concept of word and tenses cannot used perfective more

than one. In this case it show that it is only focuse on the perfective of the

grammar that used in the sentence. The perfective that used as a clue of

intra system so people will know what are the kind of the sentence if it see

from the perfective. The different of perfective as level shift and intra

system shift is based on the meaning and context. In this case the writer

cannot express both markers of perfective and past tense in english (SL) in

level shift, because the grammar system is not natural in TL.

( Picture 17 )

SL : “I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of

opening your Chocolate Frogs”

TL : “Nampaknya temanmu, Ron telah membantumu membuka

cokelat katakmu”

The following picture explains the writer analyzes there are the

intra system shift and also level shift in one sentence. It indentified based

on perfektiv Have + V3 that has a meaning as “telah” and if it translate

into Indonesia become lexis to make corresponding between SL and TL.

from the explanation above it show that in the sentence “I see your friend

Ronald has save you the trouble of opening your chocolate” it is the

89 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:28:55

90 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s S tone, Subscene Sub


example of level shift which is the word „has‟ should change to lexis

become “telah”. While the intra system it identify based on the word

“frogs” that has morpheme-s as the marker of plurality. If it translate to

indonesia without using intra system shift it become “katak-katak”, but

based on the explain earlier we cannot express the repetition word in

indonesian language because it will not correspondence between the sl and

tl and become ambigous and also redundancy word. so, it sould use intra

system sift and the translate sould changing become „katak‟ to make it

correspondence each other. It concluded that the point of Intra system

shifts is occur when translation involves selection of a non corresponding

term in the target language system. There are several reason that can be

identified as the cause of intra system shift, there are: the use of the noun

as a generic, the using of quantifier to show that the noun was plural, the

differences of pluralities concept of certain word, The differences in the

concept of words and tenses91

. Meanwhile, level shift if in English has

grammatical pattern (have/has/had+V3/V+ing) and it must translate

become word (lexis) of another language, as in Indonesia using word

“telah” or “sudah”.92

D. The Dominant Shift Between Level Shift and Intra System Shift

After analyzing the data above, the writer found that the dominant

category shifts used in the subtitle of Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s stone

movie subtitle is Intra System Shift. It can be seen by the writer in counting

the data from the subtittle of Indonesia by Pein Akatsuki. Knowing that, the

most difference between Indonesia and English language is the position of

Head-Modifier and Modifier-Head93



J.C Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p. 80

92 Lawrence Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader, p.142

93 Herman. Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text.

International Journal of European Studies. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017


In this case the writer used J. Catford theory to help writer found the

reason of the intra system that caused it dominant rather than level shift they

are :

1. Noun (plural) Translated into Noun (singular)

In intra system there are several data that include the noun (plural) that

translated into noun (singular) that make the data of intra system more

dominant than level shift data. It can be seen from the data of intra sytem in

picture 3 in the point of intra system shift.

SL: “it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies”94

TL : “Membutuhkan keberanian besar untuk melawan musuhmu”95

The English plural noun was translated into Indonesia singular noun in

the datum above. The word “takes” was English plural noun transfer into

“membutuhkan” in Indonesia singular noun. The word “membutuhkan” was

Indonesia singular noun, but there was no change for the message from the

source language. So, there is intra-system shift happened on this sentence. But

it not happen in level shift because it only happens in intra system shift. It is

one of the reason why intra system more dominant rather than level shift.

2. Verb-ed Translated into Verb

The verb-ed translation into verb is the second reason of intra sytem

shift that make it is more dominant rather than level shift. Meanwhile,

commonly the reason why intra system shift more dominant rather than level

shift it also caused of the several part of formula in the structure of

grammatical such as S, ES, ED,ING that occur in the grammatical of intra

system. The example of the verb-ed translation into verb it can be seen in the

picture 17 of the data in point of intra system shift.

94 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 02:14:4

95 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


SL : “ He killed my parents, didn't he?96

TL : ia yang membunuh orangtuaku, bukan ?97

In this case the word “killed” was verb-ed in English, translated into

“membunuh” a verb in Indonesia. It can conclude that this data was intra

system shift. The word “killed” was past tense but in Indonesia language

there are no differences between present event and past event, so this sentence

was suitable for the context from source language into the target language.

To make it clear the writer make the table of the comparison data

between intra system shift, level shift, and the causal of intra system shift and

level shift that found in the data of the subtitle of Harry Potter And Sorcerer‟s

Stone Film. To know which one of the data that more dominant, lets see the

table and graphic bellow :

Tabel 1: The Comparison of More Dominant Between Intra

System and Level Shift

Number Type of analysis total %




Intra system shift

Causal of intra system and

level shift

- Causal of intra system

- Causal of level shift

Level shift









Graphic 1. Intra System Shift and Level Shift

Intra System and Level Shift

Intra system shift

Causal of intra system and level shift

96 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:28:55

97 Pein Akatsuki, Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone, Subscene Sub


From the table and the graphic above, it can be seen that the intra

system shift is in the highest found in translation shift, reaching 12 data that

found in the subtitle of film or 41% of the total occurrence. However, it is

being followed by the causal of intra system shift and level shif 10 data or 34

%, and level shift 10 data or 34%.

From the finding and discussion above, the reason why intra system

shift more dominant rather than level shift it caused of the several part of

formula in the structure of grammatical such as S, ES, ED,ING that occur in

the grammatical of intra system. While in level shift it is only focus in

grammatical that changes in to lexis because of the different level of grammar

between SL to TL, and if it translate to the TL the SL should be change by

Lexis to make it correspondence and more be naturalness.




This research of this thesis is objected to find the kinds of translation

shifts in the translation of English language into Indonesian Language. This

research is done based on the theory of translation shift by J. C. Catford. This

theory of translation shift is applied to analyze the film of J. K. Rowling and

directed by Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer‟s Stone and its

Indonesian translation Harry Potter dan batu betuah by Chris Colombus.

A. Conclusion

1. There are twelve data of intra sytem shift and ten data of level shift

that found in English-Indonesian subtitle of Harry Potter and

Sorcerer‟s Stone film by Chris Columbus. In conclusion, the more

dominant data that occur intra system shift was dominantly found on

the sentence of the English-Indonesian subtitle of Harry Potter and

The Sorcerer‟s Stone by Chris Columbus.

2. There are four causal intra system and level shift that found on the

subtitle of film, they are; The using of quantifier to show that the

noun was plural, The differences of pluralities concept of certain

word, The differences in the concept of words and tenses. The causal

of intra system was found 7 data and the causal of level shift was

found 3 data which is totally 10 data. In conclusions the causal of

intra system shift was mostly dominant in English-Indonesian subtitle

of Harry Potter and The Sorcerer‟s Stone by Chris Columbus.

3. There are twelve data that was found in English-Indonesian subtitle

of Harry Potter and The Sorcerer‟s Stone by Chris Columbus and ten

data of level shift, seven data of the causal of intra system shift and

level shift. In conclusion the more dominant between them is intra

system shift which is the data that was found twelve data.


From the summary above the writer conclude that, the writer found the

data of intra system shift and also level shift that can answer the question of

number one. From the findings above the writer know that the translated

without intra system shift and level shift will make the sentence not have

formal correspondence between SL to TL and also make the sentence

ambiguous if it translated in to another language without natural

correspondence, but in this research the writer only discussed about English

and Indonesian subtitle. The writer also found the causal of intra system shift

and level shift that found in English-Indonesian subtitle. And then the writer

found the data that was dominant between intra system shift and level shift

which is the intra sytem sift was mostly dominant and have twelve data.


B. Suggestion

The writer would like to suggest that in doing the level shift and intra

system shift and also to know the causal of level shift and intra sytem shift, the

most important thing is to keep the meaning or the message of the source

language remains the same when it is being translated into target language

because of diverence in cultural background of the two languages, a translator

may not find the best equivalent with similar form in the target language.

1. Suggestion for University

The writer also suggest to the next researcher especially for student of

islamic university sulthan thaha saifuddin jambi who want to analyze about

Translation. Thare are many benefits for analyzing about translation. The

writer can know how the source language change to the target language

caused of the shift in translation shift.

2. Suggestion for the Student

The writer also suggest for student, the writer hope they can expert in

linguistics field, especially for translation shift so they can easy while learn

about translation and the factor that can change the language. the writer hope

the other researcher can use this thesis as well.


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Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

SL : “Sorry about

him.He does

not understand

what it‟s like,

lying day after

day, having

people press

their ugly faces

in on you”

TL: “Maafkan dia, ia

tidak mengerti

rasanya tinggal disini

hari demi hari,

melihat orang

menempelkan wajah

mereka yang jelek

untuk melihatmu”

SL: “No blasted

letters today”

TL: “tak akan ada

surat hari ini”

SL : “it takes a great

deal of bravery to

stand up to your


TL :“Membutuhkan

keberanian besar

untuk melawan


SL : “This mirror

gives us neither

knowledge or truth”

TL : “Cermin ini

tidak memberi kita pengetahuan”

Duration 00:06:19

Duration 00:10:57

Duration 02:14:4

Duration 01:36:03

Duration 01:34:34

Picture 5

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8

Picture 9

Picture 10

SL : “do you think this

mirror shows the


TL : “Menurutmu

apakah cermin ini

memperlihatkan masa


SL : “your train leaves

in 10 minutes”

TL : “Keretamu

berangkat 10 menit


SL : “It's a Nimbus


TL : “ itu sebuah

nimbus 2001”

SL : “an owl, a cat or

a toad”

TL : “Seekor burung

hantu, seekor kucing

atau seekor katak”

SL : “your Chocolate


TL : “cokelat katak


SL : “It's the cards

you want”

TL: “Ini tiketmu”

Duration 02:21:05

Duration 01:15:52

Duration 00:18:40

Duration. 02:15:00

Duration 00:31:26

Duration 00:37:3

Picture 11

Picture 12

SL : “You two better

change into your


TL : ”Sebaiknya

kalian berdua bersiap

pakai jubbah”

SL : “The players

take their positions as

Madam Hooch steps

out onto the field to

begin the game”

TL : ”Para pemain

mengambil posisi

mereka sementara

madam Hooch

memasuki lapangan

untuk memulai


Duration 01:17:10

Duration : 01:32:19


Picture 13

Picture 14

SL: “ I have read

about these”

TL: “ aku sudah

membaca tentang itu”

SL: “ I think he has

leave the Dungeon”

TL: “kupikir troll itu

sudah meninggalkan


Duration 00:20:54

Duration 01:02:47

Picture 15

Picture 16

Picture 17

Picture 18

Picture 19

SL: I think we have

give a bad influencer

on her”

TL: “kupikir kita

telah memberikan

pengaruh buruk


SL : “You have safe


TL : “Kau sudah

aman sekarang”

SL : “We had it


TL : “Kita sudah

salah duga”

SL : “You see what I

have become”

TL: “Kau lihat aku

sudah jadi apa”

SL : “You have


TL : “Sepertinya kau

sudah bersiap”

Duration 01:26:44

Duration 01.48.56

Duration 01:49:15

Duration 02:30:23

Duration 01:58:35

Picture 20

Picture 21

Picture 22




A. The use of the noun as a


Picture 23

SL : “I see your friend

Ronald has saved you

the trouble of opening

your Chocolate Frogs”

TL : “Nampaknya

temanmu, Ron telah


membuka cokelat

katak mu”

SL: “No, boy. I have

tried to kill you ”

TL: “bukan, bocah.

Akulah yang mencoba


SL: “What are you

looking at?”

TL: “Apa yang

sedang kau lihat”

SL : “blown up? You

told me my parents

died in a car crash”

TL : “ledakan? Kau

bilang dulu orangtua

ku meninggal dalam

kecelakaan mobil”

Duration 02:14:54

Duration 02:30:05

Duration 00:31:12

Duration 00:16:49

Picture 24

Picture 25

B. The using of quantifier to

show that the noun was


Picture 26

( Picture 27 )

(Picture 28)

SL: “The staircases


TL: “Tangganya

suka berubah”

SL : “A pity they

have let the old

punishments die”

TL : “Sayangnya

mereka telah


hukuman zaman


SL : “There's more

than were wolves in

those trees”

TL : “Bukan hanya

manusia serigala

yang hidup disana”

SL : I remember every

wand I've ever sold98

TL : Aku ingat setiap

tongkat sihir yang

pernah kujual, Mr.


SL : Voldemort

started to gather some


TL : “Voldemort

mulai mengumpulkan


Duration 01:04:32

Duration 01:42:44

Duration 01:43:58

Duration :00:27:18

Duration :00:39:46

98Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:27:33

99 Chris Colombus, Harry Potter and Sorcerer`s Stone. Duration 00:39:46

C. The differences of

pluralities concept of

certain word

(Picture 29)

D. The differences in the

concept of words and


(Picture 30)

(Picture 31)

(Picture 32)

SL : “A pair of


TL : “Sepasang

sarung tangan kulit


SL : “No, you have

made a mistake”

TL : “Tidak, kau telah

membuat kesalahan”

SL : “ He killed my

parents, didn't he”

TL : “ia yang


orangtuaku, bukan”

SL : “I see your friend

Ronald has saved you

the trouble of opening

your Chocolate


TL : “Nampaknya

temanmu, Ron telah


membuka cokelat


Duration 00:18:20

Duration 00:15:15

Duration 00:28:55

Duration 02:14:54


Synopsis of Harry Potter and Sorcerer‟s Stone Film

Lord Voldemort, an evil and powerful dark wizard, has just been defeated.

When he tried to kill a one-year-old boy, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), the

killing curse rebounded upon him, destroying his body. Harry is left an orphan

with a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead, Voldemort having killed his parents,

Lily (Geraldine Somerville) and James (Adrian Rawlins) Potter. Professors

Dumbledore (Richard Harris) and McGonagall (Dame Maggie Smith) and

Gamekeeper Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) leave him on the doorstep of his ultra-

conventional, insensitive, negligent Muggle (non-magical) relatives, the Dursley

family, who take him in. Harry's relatives decide to conceal his magical heritage

from him and make him live in a cupboard under the stairs for ten years. Shortly

before Harry's eleventh birthday, he receives a letter addressed specifically to him.

His outraged uncle, however, reads and burns it before Harry has a chance to look

at the contents. The sender does not give up, and the Dursleys receive

successively larger numbers of the same correspondence. Soon, his Uncle Vernon

(Richard Griffiths) becomes so paranoid that the Dursleys, with Harry in tow, hide

in a hut on a small island to escape. That night (which happens to be before

Harry's birthday), he is visited by an enormous man named Hagrid who bursts

through the locked door of the hut. With Hagrid holding the Dursleys at bay,

Harry finally reads his letter, in which he learns he has been invited to study

magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The next day Harry and

Hagrid head to Diagon Alley in London (the secret magical location hidden

behind the famous wizarding pub The Leaky Cauldron). Harry enters the

wizarding world for the first time, learns to his surprise that he is famous, and

meets the new Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor

Quirrell (Ian Hart). Hagrid takes Harry to Gringott's Bank, where Harry learns that

he is quite wealthy. Following this, Hagrid stops at a different vault to retrieve a

small, wrapped parcel for Dumbledore. Using his newfound money, Harry buys

everything he requires for his first school year, including and owl, and a wand.

Interestingly, the wand that chooses him is the brother wand of the one that was

used to kill Harry's parents and give him the scar. He then takes the train to

Hogwarts from Platform Nine and three-quarters, befriending Ron Weasley

(Rupert Grint), and meeting Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), a Muggle-born


Upon arrival, the Sorting Hat places Harry, Ron and Hermione in

Gryffindor House. Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), an arrogant and elitist student,

gets placed in Slytherin. At the end of their first week at Hogwarts, Harry and Ron

discover that Gringotts, the wizarding bank, was broken into and a vault that

Harry and Hagrid visited had been the subject of the robbery. Later, Harry

discovers he has a talent for riding broomsticks, and after an incident with

Malfoy, is recruited to join Gryffindor's Quidditch team as a Seeker, much to

Malfoy's displeasure. Harry, Ron, Hermione explore Hogwarts late at night and

accidentally stumble across the door to a corridor. A three-headed dog, christened

Fluffy by Hagrid, guards a trapdoor. On Halloween, Quirrell informs everyone

that a troll has entered the castle; Harry and Ron fight the troll to save Hermione,

who is trapped in the girls' bathroom, and the three become best friends.

At Harry's first Quidditch match, Harry's broom becomes possessed,

nearly knocking him off. Hermione sees Professor Severus Snape (Alan

Rickman), the sinister Potions master and head of Slytherin House, staring at

Harry and mouthing words, making her believe that Snape has caused the broom

to misbehave with a dark curse. Hoping to save Harry, Hermione sets Snape's

robes on fire, distracting him and others and allowing Harry to survive. At

Christmas, Harry receives an Invisibility Cloak, once belonging to his father,

which renders its wearer invisible. Harry uses it to explore the Restricted Section

in the library to research information on Nicolas Flamel, a name Hagrid lets slip

when confronted about his knowledge of Fluffy. Eventually, Harry learns that

"Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone, which produces

the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal."

Harry sees Snape trying to get information from Quirrell about getting past

Fluffy; Quirrell says he does not know what he's talking about. Harry, Ron, and

Hermione are sure that Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone in order to

restore Lord Voldemort to power, but Hagrid denies it. While at Hagrid's hut, the

trio discover a dragon egg Hagrid was nursing in a fire. Later the egg hatches a

Norwegian Ridgeback dragon, and Hagrid decides to call him "Norbert". The

friends are nervous for Hagrid, since dragon breeding had long been outlawed in

the wizarding world, and Hagrid had something of a reckless nature, who has long

since nursed a strong desire for a dragon. Finally, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are

able to convince Hagrid to let Norbert go live with other dragons of his kind in


Harry, Hermione, Ron and Draco are caught out late at night, and are

forced to serve detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. Harry sees a

hooded figure drink the blood of an injured unicorn, which makes Harry's

forehead scar start burning. Firenze, a centaur, tells Harry that it is a monstrous

thing to slay a unicorn, let alone drink its blood. He also tells Harry that unicorn

blood will keep one alive, and that the hooded figure is in fact Voldemort. Harry,

Hermione and Ron find out that Hagrid has told a hooded stranger how to get past

Fluffy, and they believe the theft of the Stone is imminent. Rushing to finally

confide in Professor Dumbledore their news, they meet Professor McGonagall,

who is shocked to find out how much they knew about the Stone, but reassures

them all the same that it is safe in the castle. She also tells them that Dumbledore

has been sent away on an important mission by the Ministry of Magic. Positive

that Dumbledore's summons was a red herring to take Professor Dumbledore

away from Hogwarts, the trio make plans to thwart Snape's theft of the stone.

They set out to reach the stone first, navigating the security system set up by the

school's staff, which is a series of complex magical challenges. The three make it

through together until finally, Harry must enter the inner chamber alone. There he

finds that Professor Quirrell, not Snape, is attempting to steal the Stone. Realizing

that Snape was trying to protect him from harm all along, Harry confronts Quirrell

and survives a second encounter with Lord Voldemort, who has possessed

Quirrell and appears as a ghastly face on the back of Quirrell's head. Quirrell

crumbles when he touches Harry's skin, and Harry passes out because of his close

proximity to Lord Voldemort. Voldemort then pitilessly abandons Quirrell, who

dies in the aftermath of his possession. Harry wakes up in the hospital wing.

Dumbledore reveals to Harry that Harry's mother died to protect Harry as an

infant. Her pure, loving sacrifice provides Harry with an ancient magical

protection from Voldemort's lethal spells and also prevents Voldemort from

touching Harry without suffering terribly. Dumbledore also says that the

Sorcerer's Stone has been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to

steal it. Finally, at the end-of-year feast, the House Points totals are given:

Gryffindor is in last place. However, Dumbledore gives a few "last-minute

additions", granting points to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville for their bravery

and service towards school. So that Gryffindor wins the House Cup100


100 Imdb, „”” was taken on (accessed

March 12, 2020 at 12.00 AM)



1. Harry Potter : Harry Potter is the

main character in The Philosopher‟s

Stone. The whole story revolves

around him and his adventures. He

is definitely the protagonist of the

story. Harry has a scar on his

forhead which he got from his first

encounter with his nemesis, Lord

Voldemort. As he matures, he shows

himself to be caring and shrewd, a

loyal friend, and an excellent

Quidditch player.

2. Hermione Granger

Initially an annoying goody-two-

shoes who studies too much and

obeys the school rules too much.

Hermione eventually becomes

friendly with Harry after she learns

to value friendship over

perfectionism and obedience. She

comes from a purely Muggle family,

and her character illustrates the

social-adjustment problems often

faced by new students at Hogwarts.

3. Ron Weasley

Ron is a shy, modest boy who comes

from a poor wizard family. Ron is

Also known as Lord Voldemort, the

Harry‟s first friend at Hogwarts, and

they become close. He is very loyal

and helps Harry throughout their

adventures. Ron‟s mediocrity despite

his wizard background reminds us

that success at Hogwarts is based

solely on talent and hard work, not

on family connections. Ron‟s

willingness to be beaten up by the

chess queen shows how selfless and

generous he is.

4. Professor Dumbledore

The kind, wise head of Hogwarts.

Though he is a famous wizard,

Dumbledore is as humble and

adorable as his name suggests.

While other school officials, such as

Professor McGonagall, are obsessed

with the rules, Dumbledore respects

them (as his warnings against

entering the Forbidden Forest

remind us) but does not exaggerate

their importance. He appears to have

an almost superhuman level of

wisdom, knowledge, and personal

understanding, and it seems that he

may have set up the whole quest for

the Philosopher‟s Stone so that Harry

could prove himself.

5. Voldemort

that can restore him to full power).

Unfortunately, Harry retrieves the

Stone for before Voldemort can get

it and, upon Professor Dumbledore's

Dark Lord, and He-Who-Must-Be-

Named, Voldemort rose to power in

the 1970s with a faithful following

of dark wizards called Death Eaters.

During his reign of terror through

the 1970s and 1980s, no one was

safe from Voldemort's cruelty except

for those at Hogwarts; Professor

Dumbledore was the only wizard

that Voldemort still feared.

Voldemort was unexpectedly torn

from power when he attempted to

perform the Killing Curse ("Avada

Kedavra") on the infant Harry

Potter. When Lily Potter sacrificed

herself to save her son, she created a

protective shield over Harry and, not

only was Voldemort unable to kill

the child, he nearly destroyed

himself in the process. For the next

eleven years, Voldemort existed

only as a wraith, waiting to regain

his strength. With Professor

Quirrell's help, Voldemort

successfully infiltrates Hogwarts in

his effort to find the Sorcerer's Stone

(which produces the Elixir of Life

A professor of Potions at Hogwarts.

Severus Snape dislikes Harry and

appears to be an evil man for most

of the story. His name associates

entrance, Voldemort escapes in spirit

form and leaves Quirrell to die. In

the book, Voldemort is characterized

by his ambition, resourcefulness,

manipulation of weaker minds, and

determination to regain his former

power. Significantly, however, he is

also identified for his lack of

knowledge about love, an emotion

which provided Harry with his

mother's protective shield.

6. Hagrid

An oafish giant who works as a

groundskeeper at Hogwarts. Rubeus

Hagrid is a well-meaning creature

with more kindness than brains. He

cares deeply for Harry, as evidenced

by the tears he sheds upon having to

leave the infant Harry with the

Dursleys. His fondness for animals

is endearing, even if it gets him into

trouble (as when he tries raising a

dragon at home). Hagrid symbolizes

the importance of generosity and

human warmth in a world filled by

conniving villains.

7. Professor Snape

husband. Described as a beefy man

with a large mustache, Vernon

Dursley happily spoils Dudley and is

exceedingly proud when his son is

accepted to Smeltings Academy, his

own alma mater. Vernon is

particularly distrustful of Harry and

him not only with unfair snap

judgments of others but also with his

violent intentions to snap the bones

of his enemies. Snape‟s grudge

against Harry, which is nevertheless

far from a murderous ill will, helps

us remember the difference between

forgivable vices and unforgivable

evil intentions.

8. Professor Quirrell

A stuttering and seemingly harmless

man, and a professor of Defense

against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

Quirrell appears as nervous and

squirrelly as his name suggests for

most of the story. It is he, for

example, who nearly faints when

announcing the news that a troll is

loose in the school. It turns out later,

however, that Quirrell has faked his

withdrawing meekness and is

actually a cold-blooded conniver

9. Vernon Dursley

Harry's Muggle uncle and Petunia's

A centaur described as having

blonde hair and blue eyes. Harry

first meets Firenze in the Forbidden

Forest when the centaur rescues

Harry from a mysterious cloaked

figure, later identified as Voldemort.

Firenze often clashes with his fellow

shares Petunia's fear that the

neighbors will find out about him.

Vernon is particularly proactive in

trying to stamp out the "dangerous

nonsense" of the magical world,

even to the point of moving the

entire family to a tiny island in the

middle of the ocean to avoid

receiving mail from Hogwarts.

10. Petunia Dursley

Dursley‟s wife.Petunia is an overly

protective mother to her spoiled son,

Dudley, and a prison- keeper to

Harry. She is snobbish and

excessively concerned with what the

neighbors think of her family. She is

somewhat humanized for us when

we discover that she was always

jealous of the magical gifts of her

sister, Lily, Harry‟s witch mother.

Perhaps her hatred toward Harry

springs from an earlier resentment of

her sister.

11. Firenze

centaurs because of his more liberal

view of the relationship between

humans and centaurs.

12. Argus Filch

Argus Filch is the caretaker at

Hogwarts. He has a pet cat called

Mrs. Norris who is usually on the

prowl, keeping an eye out for him.

He is bitter, cruel and seems to hate

the students. He seems to work well

with oppressors, seeing their use of

rules as only natural and correct; he

would be a perfect tool for a

totalitarian regime. Every year he

asks Dumbledore to read out what is

banned. An example of things that

are banned are Fanged Frisbees and,

later, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes


Merli Santri



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Jambi, 03 June 2020


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