stepping up to behavioral marketing

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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Assemble the right team: The market is moving toward more personalized marketing touches and experiences, so building on your team’s competency in behavioral marketing will reward you in the long run. Hire and train with an eye on building both creative prowess (modeling customer journeys, creating compelling messages, etc.) and analytical skills (assessing events within buyer journeys, building campaign logic, etc.).

The job of a marketer has become central in business strategy and customer relationship management. Getting to know prospects based on their behavior and predicting the best ways to serve that person can turn a prospect into a lifelong customer if done correctly.

Behavioral marketing techniques allow marketers to follow a contact’s unique interactions and use that data to tailor a message or strategy that’s specific to that individual. Each behavior triggers a specific opportunity to better understand that person’s needs.

In our experience working with marketers who are looking to implement behavioral marketing techniques, we recommend these five starter tips and tricks:

Avoid becoming overwhelmed: Prospect and customer behavior is constantly changing; people search, shop and change their needs and wants from day to day. How does a marketer know which behaviors to focus on? The good news is that it’s all about taking small steps driving toward a big result. Gradually adding data points and behavior-driven messaging triggers can add up to big revenue growth over time.

Evaluate where you are now: It’s important to have a good understanding of where you are in your current behavioral marketing capabilities and a reasonable goal in where you realistically want to be. Having a quantified measure of your “now” state allows you to measure improvement over time.

Assess your technology stack: As your marketing lists mature and your desires become more behavioral, you may find it’s time for an update to your current digital marketing stack. Do your research, talk to your industry peers, and review use cases. Be your company’s main advocate for marketing technologies by building out an ROI case for the solution you recommend.

Stepping Up toBehavioral Marketing

Track and segment your audience based on website behaviors: Learn from your current customers and their online patterns on your site. Then work with your IT team to install the JavaScript tracking to allow for a customer-level view of their behaviors. Use this data to drive more relevant, personalized content tailored to the web page the visitor looked at or the stage that person is in within the customer journey.

Keeping prospects and customers central to the entire process – no matter which channel, platform or system they’re coming from – is a core tenet of behavioral marketing. Once you have the systems in place, you’ll be well-positioned to modify your outbound marketing based on what you know the contacts are interested in.

For more details on getting started with behavioral marketing — including the three campaigns that typically drive the most success — check out our tip sheet, “7 Tips for Getting Started with Behavioral Marketing.”

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