step-by-step install guide mahara eportfolio & integration with moodle lms v1.0

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IntroductionMahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Māori, is user centered environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner communities.The ePortfolio option allows you to collect, reflect on and share your achievements and development online, in a space you control. The networking option allows you to create online communities and social network through Groups, Blogs and Forums.Moodle is a free and open source e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System, Learning Management System (LMS), or Virtual Learning Environment. Moodle is designed to help educators create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction. Its open source license and modular design mean that people can develop additional functionality. Development is undertaken by a globally diffused network of commercial and non-commercial users, streamlined by the Moodle Company based in Perth, Western Australia.Hands-On Labs SessionIn this Hands-on manual, you will learn to setup your own Mahara ePortfolio server and integrate it with Moodle LMS. We assume that you know how to install and configure Linux CentOS-5 server, and also how to install and configure Moodle LMS on Linux. In this lab session, you learn how to install and configure Mahara on Linux CentOS-5. Next, I will show how to integrate it with Moodle LMS using SSO via XMLRPC authentication scheme. The entire hands-on lab was done using VMware, however, you can also use any other virtual machines like MS VirtualPC, Linux Xen, or VirtualBox from Oracle. Upon completion of this hands-on lab session you should have gained expertise and skills to plan design implement and deploy your own Mahara ePortfolio and its integration with Moodle LMS.


Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training


Global Open Versity Systems Integration Hands-on Labs Training Manual

Step-By-Step Install Guide Mahara ePortfolio & Integration with Moodle LMS on Linux

Kefa Rabah

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada

Table of Contents Page No.


Introduction 2

Hands-On Labs Session 2

Part 1: Mahara Install Prerequisites 3 Step 1: Enabling Cookies on Firefox 3 and IE8 3

1. Cookie Settings on Firefox3 on Linux 3 2. Cookie Settings on IE8 on Windows 4

Step 2: Create Mahara Database 5 Step 3: Download and install Mahara: 5 Step 4: Create Mahara Home Directory 7 Step 5: Install Mahara 10

Part 2: Integrating Moodle with Mahara 17 Step 1: Enable SSO: Mahara 19 Step 2: Configuring the XMLRPC Plugins 20 Step 3: Enable SSO: Moodle 22 Step 4: Advanced SSO: Mahara 31 Step 5: Creating a new User in Moodle & SSO into Mahara 34

Part 3 SSO into Moodle from Mahara 36 Step 1: Configure Peer services from Moodle 36 Step 2: Configure Network Authentication from Moodle 38 Step 3: Configuring SSO Authentication on Mahara to enable SSO into Moodle 40 Step 4: Creating Account in Mahara to SSO into Moodle 41

Part 4: Troubleshooting 44 Step 1: Troubleshooting Mahara Installation and Configuration. 44 Step 2: Troubleshooting SSO Authentication from Mahara to Moodle 44

Part 5: Hands-on Labs assignments 45 Web Content Management Training 45

Linux Administration Training 45 A GOV Open Access Technical Academic Publications Enhancing education & empowering people worldwide through eLearning in the 21st Century

Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training


Global Open Versity

Systems Integration Hands-on Labs Training Manual

Step-By-Step Install Guide Mahara ePortfolio & Integration with Moodle LMS on Linux

By Kefa Rabah, Sept 3,, 2010 GTS Institute


Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Māori, is user centered environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner communities. The ePortfolio option allows you to collect, reflect on and share your achievements and development online, in a space you control. The networking option allows you to create online communities and social network through Groups, Blogs and Forums. Moodle is a free and open source e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System, Learning Management System (LMS), or Virtual Learning Environment. Moodle is designed to help educators create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction. Its open source license and modular design mean that people can develop additional functionality. Development is undertaken by a globally diffused network of commercial and non-commercial users, streamlined by the Moodle Company based in Perth, Western Australia.

Hands-On Labs Session

In this Hands-on manual, you will learn to setup your own Mahara ePortfolio server and integrate it with Moodle LMS. We assume that you know how to install and configure Linux CentOS-5 server, and also how to install and configure Moodle LMS on Linux. In this lab session, you learn how to install and configure Mahara on Linux CentOS-5. Next, I will show how to integrate it with Moodle LMS using SSO via XMLRPC authentication scheme. The entire hands-on lab was done using VMware; however, you can also use any other virtual machines like MS VirtualPC, Linux Xen, Citrix XenServer, or VirtualBox from Oracle. Upon completion of this hands-on lab session you should have gained expertise and skills to plan design implement and deploy your own Mahara ePortfolio and its integration with Moodle LMS. Some of the related links that you may need to get you started are listed below:

1. Install Guide Linux CentOS5 Server 2. Step-by-step Install Guide for Moodle with Dimdim Web Meeting 3. Step-by-step Install Guide Moodle on Linux with Sclipo Live Web Class 4. Using Webmin and Bind9 to Setup DNS Server on Linux

Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training


Part 1: Mahara Install Prerequisites

Step 1: Enabling Cookies on Firefox 3 and IE8

Mahara ePortfolio requires that you enable cookies for it function properly. Cookies are small text files given to you by websites. The websites use these text files to store information about your preferences. Generally, cookies are harmless. We recommend you enable cookies in your web browser so that websites will function properly. Cookies are stored on your computer by websites you visit and contain information such as site preferences or login status. This section describes how to enable and disable cookies in Firefox.

1. Cookie Settings on Firefox3 on Linux

Cookies are enabled by default in Firefox. To custom configure your cookies settings on your Linux CentOS 5 server, do the following: 1. Click Edit menu and then select Privacy tab 2. Under History heading, set Firefox will: to "Use custom settings for history" as shown in

Fig. 1. 3. Checkmark "Accept third-party cookies" 4. Next, choose how re allowed to be stored (choose as desired):

• Keep until: "they expire: " Each cookie will be removed when it reaches its expiration date, which is set by the site that sent the cookie.

• Keep until: "I close Firefox: " The cookies that are stored on your computer will be removed when Firefox is closed.

• Keep until: "ask me every time: " Displays an alert every time a website tries to send a cookie, and asks you whether or not you want to store it.

Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training


Fig. 1 5. Click Close to exit the window. 6. You’re done with this section.

2. Cookie Settings on IE8 on Windows

1. Within Internet Explorer 8, click the "Tools" menu and choose "Internet Options." 2. Click the tab labeled "Privacy." 3. Click the button labeled "Advanced." 4. Check the option labeled "Override automatic cookie handling."

To enable cookies: Set "First-party Cookies" (and "Third-party Cookies", if you wish) to "Accept." To receive a prompt to accept or decline cookies on a site-by-site basis: Set "First-party Cookies" (and "Third-party Cookies", if you wish) to "Prompt."

Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training


5. Click "OK" to save changes and close the dialog box 7. You’re done with this section.

Step 2: Create Mahara Database

1. Create Mahara database and database user using MySQL database, as follows:

[root@linuxc ~]# mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE mahara DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mahara.* TO 'mahara'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mahara123'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql>quit

2. You’re done with this section.

Step 3: Download and install Mahara:

cd wget -xzvf mahara-1.1.2.tar.gz

cd mahara-1.1.2

cp -pr htdocs /var/www/html/mahara

cd /var/www/html/mahara

cp config-dist.php config.php

1. Next open "config.php" fiie to adjust to suit our setup. The parts that are of interest are marked in

blue color.

vi config.php



* Mahara: Electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder and social networking

* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Catalyst IT Ltd and others; see:

Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training




* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

* (at your option) any later version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


* GNU General Public License for more details.


* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

* along with this program. If not, see <>.


* @package mahara

* @subpackage core

* @author Catalyst IT Ltd

* @license GNU GPL

* @copyright (C) 2006-2009 Catalyst IT Ltd






// Copy this file from config-dist.php to config.php, and change the values in

// it to suit your environment.


// Information about this file is available on the Mahara wiki:




$cfg = new StdClass;

// database connection details

// valid values for dbtype are 'postgres8' and 'mysql5'

$cfg->dbtype = 'mysql5';

$cfg->dbhost = 'localhost';

$cfg->dbport = null;

$cfg->dbname = 'mahara';

$cfg->dbuser = 'mahara';

$cfg->dbpass = 'mahara123';

$cfg->log_environ_targets = LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;

Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training


// Note: database prefix is NOT required, you don't need to set one except if

// you're installing Mahara into a database being shared with other

// applications (this happens most often on shared hosting)

$cfg->dbprefix = '';

// wwwroot - the web-visible path to your Mahara installation

// Normally, this is automatically detected - if it doesn't work for you

// then try specifying it here

//$cfg->wwwroot = '';

$cfg->httpswwwroot = '';

// You will only need to specify this if you want to use HTTPS for

// logins, but not for regular pages. If you want to serve all of your

// Mahara content via HTTPS, just set $cfg->wwwroot to use HTTPS instead.

//$cfg->httpswwwroot = '';

$cfg->httpswwwroot = '';

// dataroot - uploaded files are stored here


// For example, valid paths are:

// * /home/user/maharadata

// * /var/lib/mahara

// * c:\maharadata

// INVALID paths:

// * http://yoursite/files

// * ~/files

// * ../data


// This path must be writable by the webserver and outside document root (the

// place where the Mahara files like index.php have been installed).

// Mahara will NOT RUN if this is inside your document root, because

// this is a big security hole.

$cfg->dataroot = '/home/mahara';

// closing php tag intentionally omitted to prevent whitespace issues

Step 4: Create Mahara Home Directory

2. Now create the Mahara home directory, as follows:

mkdir /home/mahara chown apache:apache /home/mahara

[root@vleinternal mahara]# crontab -e

Global Open Versity ICT Labs Install Guide Mahara & Integration with Moodle on Linux v1.0

© April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada EBT105 – Web Content Management Training


1. Add last line to root crontab:

*/5 * * * * wget -q -O /dev/null * * * * * wget -q -O /dev/null

2. It is necessary to now install the following PHP modules before Mahara's Web based installer will run:

yum install php-devel yum install php-pear pear install pecl/json yum install php-pgsql yum install php-gd

1. For full access to the hands-on training manual follow the link below: 2. To download the download hove over to

• Step-By-Step Install Guide Mahara ePortfolio & Integration with Moodle LMS v1.0

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Fellow us on Twitter: Global Open Versity and Kefa Rabah ----------------------------------------------- Kefa Rabah is the Founder of Global Technology Solutions Institute. Kefa is knowledgeable in several fields of Science & Technology, Information Security Compliance and Project Management, and Renewable Energy Systems. He is also the founder of Global Open Versity, a place to enhance your educating and career goals using the latest innovations and technologies.

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