statue inspires herald (1888-present)/1941-1950... ·...

Post on 12-Apr-2018






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1,000.00 13%6,200,00 85%

53,420.00 8~lo/,"50.00 %

$61,670.00 . 44%

"." It_

PAGESSection One

Pages 1 to 8

Statue InspiresHome-Bound Vet


Mrs.. Wrighl's

VICTORY BONL6This is the last time you

will be asked to bUy bonds

-buy your share!

•.. are the sole support

In fighting TuberculosiS'.

Your purchase of seals i!

your contribution in this



White orWheat;

20-01. Loaf



gcRye orCr, Wheat;

16-01. Loaf

to·lb.Mesh Bag




Garrots ~~~~ ~~i~~~~ia;. Lb. BeSweel Polaloes YeJlow Jersey.Lb. aePolaloes ~~I~~~Er 10 Lb•. 33c


No.2V2 fOc. ... Can

No, 2V2 23c.... Can

N3~; llcNo,27fJ l'4c'.... Can

N~~ 14c

9:00 D, m,

2 Lbs. 27e2 Lbs 27e

Lb. 14e

DRS, GRIFFIN & GRIFFIN, OPTOMETRISTS208 Toy Bank Bldg. :--;iollx ('it;.:, 10WII,

There are many Rood glasseR fitted lmd Ir tilt' patient ('h~c'ks

~~:~)I~~l'I~~~~I;lt::~n;::o:~~~~ ~~~~t~~I~~(,~o~~~[~~I;~~~~~r~l~n~~~:und 80' do not get along comfortably. Dilating the ('Iy~" to hi'fitted (h~8trn:rs th('l symptomR without wbkh you ('annot arriveIII a l)rolJer diagnosis of your troubh~,

It b. th18 orrle'e that worked out tht' ('all~f' and It Is h('re :\'011will nnd th,,,", answer to your eye troubleM. •

Hr. Griffin win be in Wayne at Dr. Kilian's Offif·P. \\"f'dnl's~by.

Df'C'ember <'Sth, from 9 a, m. to 5 p. m. '

Growers report a bumpercrop. Buy a good supply. Size96, Texas, Marsh Seedless,white "meated."



c Admission: 7.5c including tax

SundoWll; wholeunpeeled, in syrup.

Petite brand;halved, in syrup.

Wayne Memorial Park

Benefit: Dance

Wayne Audit:orium

Wednesday, Dec. 5

Country Home; golden,whole kernel, fancy

Highway Brand; golden,whole kernel, extra standard.

Gardenside; standard, No, 2Sweet variety. . Can


Sponsored by BWliness & Professional Women's Clllh

L· k S Top quality;In ausage small, fresh.",,,, .. Lb,

Sausage ~~!'k:~~~~Y; ,. c ",., .Lb,


Ring Bologna Best quality ....• , ,. Lb,

Frankfurters Large, top quality.

Spiced luncheon Sliced .... ,., .. Lb,


Gr en Beans Gardenside; cut,e standard quality

Ct B t -for salads orU ee S side dishes ..

Apples ~~~~~~~uty;

Apples Spltzenburg:an·purpose .

.Pascal Celery

SUbject to only market cba.n~. prices eUective thru Dec. If in·wa~e

Dairy AssociationTo Be Represented

When Waync County Dairy as­sociation met Monday evening atRalph Beckenhnuer's, it was decid­ed that the group should be rep­resented in Lincoln December 3when the organi:.mtion of a stateassociation will be considercd.Ralph Bl'ckenhaucr will representthe county association, and JoeEcckenhauer and W. R. Harderalso plan to attend. Directors ofthe local group meet the first Tu('s-

I ' ~

'lew to cook steaband ehops


Pan-BroilingSlightly grease heavy frying pan andheat to Brown me~t

well, about 1 minute. on both sidesthen reduce temperature. Turn meatat intervals and continue cookinguntil done. Pour off fat, as it accu·mutates. Do not cover pan. Do notadd water. -

BROILlNG- DIRICT HEATSteaks and chops should be 1 inchthick or thicker for broiling, Placemeat 2 to 3 inches from heat, Brownone side of meat then turn, by in·

~~ht~~g1d~~t~~ttth:lfdo~rlt'~ilr~:time is required for each side. reduc­ing heat to complete cooking afterturning and browning. Season meatafter browning or just before serving.


Steak 1 !1 inches thick:15 minutes-rare20 minutes-medium

I 25 minutes-well-done

Lamb chops I-inch thick:12 - 20 minutes

Lamb chops 2 i'lches thick:'20 - 30 minutes

Juice ~~:p~z:~~se.;.. .....N~~ 13cJuice ~~~~oD~~~.:. . .. ~6C~~ 23cTomJltoes ~~~~~~ld~.; N~~~ lieFlour ~~:~~ 5.~~g $1.69Flour ~::::~a.t;:m.i~~.: ~~B~~ 30cB. Powder K.c.",".'; 23eCereal ~ahb~:~~~orth ~:;.. 11cNoodles :"~~".: cuI 12~~~ I ~cPeanuts Salt.d ., .... '~~~ 25ePopcorn Yellow. . 'B~~ 25e.Soap Palmolive . 2 ~:~: 1geSoap PalmoH" . . 3 ~:;'::: 20eBowlene 22c~~ ,~;1e

Cleanser 2 14-o~ J5eOld Dutch .. Ctna, ':'



@ Safeway .:. Homemakers' Bureau :

.-, e JULIA LEE WRIGHT. D1redor :


•....................••••..•I II •o·••0,oo••••••oo·o••i ~~~dU;nbthS~cC~~~~~gS~f~t~a~: !~~m chops to arrive at full flavor and ten­: derness. The broiling times listed be-

~ Jow will be a quiclt and easy referencepasted ih your scrap book of recipes.

To Omaha. Meeting'.Aug. MC'icrhC'nry of Hoskins,

Owen Owpns and T. P. RohC'rt.s ofCarroll, W. R. Harder, Ward Gil­liland Iwd Ed. Caauw(' plan 10 at­tend th(' paslun'-forllgf'-livpstockme-ding which will be hl'ld inOmaha this Thur~dilY.

Show Health FilmsAi Town Schools

Health films will be shown intown schools of the county nextweek by Harold Fuller of Lincoln,and rut;al students arc invitC'd tosec t!wsc at thp most com'f'nif'ntplace. Others intere-sted may alsosee the films. They will be at Win-

~~dre3,a~:~t~~~~~0:~7~~I~r~h~~~~I~TuE'~day, 10 Il. m.; Carroll highSChOClI, Tuesday, :L10 p. m.; Wayne

high school, W('dn('sd~,_L_:::t_O_P_._-3~3'3'==-=-=-=-=-=_=_=_=_=..=_=__=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=__=_=_=_=_===-=_=.3'3':=:==-=-=-=-=-=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_====='1

Named to NationalSafety Committee

Dr. M. B. Strcf't has bepn ap­pointed to the public rf'lationscommitteC', one of fivC' committf'eSmaking up thc C'xP{'utivf' pC'Nonnf'lof the National E]plT]{'ntal'y SchoolSaf~ty Council wilh he-adlllJ.artprsin Chicago. The public rC'lat ionsgroup disseminatps informationconcerning whot is heing dOlle insafety education in this country,


STATUE INSPIRES-(Contlnupd trom PlUte One)

Cartoll School m.; Sholes high ~~;~l,-Thursda';- day oJ eac~ qu~rte-r and--~XeCuti.veI~:~~-f-~-~c~ mo~t-~-~~~~-"~I: boar~ ,

Honor List Named 2·,30 p. m. committee mee_1S_l_h~e_sec_~~d_Tu_e,=--,=-oesn.."'meet. .....TWelve Carroll high school stu~

dents earned places on the honorMias Marcella Holt Is Bride roll for second six~week period.

Of Donald Lewis at Rites 'Ruth Owens and ~ Dorothy Reth~

Performed in West. ~~:~h.~~~O~~p~~~~I~s:~:~sf~~~A's. Orleta Vlasak, juniOl', earnedthree A's and one' B. Mary AnnEvans and Dorothy Hurlbert,sophomores, Charlene RPI hWisch.Dalbqrt 1som, Milton Owpn.'l andGloria Swanson, frpshmt'n, had twoA's and two B's. Keith OWf'ns,freshman. earned one A and threeB's.

Miss Marce-lla Holt, daughter ofMr. and Mrs, Arthur Holt of Dal·ton. formerly of Wayne, and Don­ald Lewilo', son of Mrs. DouglousChryst of Sidney, wcrt:' unite-d inmarriage-, , Wcdn£tsrlay, November14, at the SI.. Paul Lutheran par­sonag(' n('ar Potter, with Rev. Jun­gel perfonning the double-ringCt.'remony.

The bride wore a white satin andnet floor-length gown trimmedwith tiny white satin buttons downthe front of the waist with a sweet­h~~art neckline. Her veil was alsofloor length and fell from a wreathof orange blossoms. She wore two­strand pf'arls and ear ring~ toma girl s of the bridegroom.Sh(' carried a round hand bouquetof white carnations, red ros('~ andpink cushion mums tied with awhite' satin bow with narrow satinribbon 5treamers.

Miss Gertrude Steffen, friend ofthe brick, was bridesmaid. Sh('wore a pink taffeta and nel. floor­length gown. She carried a "oundhand bouquet of pink and whitecaron t ions and pink cushion mUmstk'n with $I pink bow. ShC' WO]'I' ahalo of pink cushion mums in hC'rhair.


No. 48

Last week's coldspell b r 0 ugh t itvery forcefully toour attention thatmany of you do nothave a supply ofcoal on hand. Real_ >',ly, winter is just ,<:~:

beginning, so WhY~Mtake chances? Bel""",.sure you haveenough coal to seeYO\l through anybad storm that maydevelop.

mountains of Afri·ca are so beautifultha t no man whohas seen them hasreturned to civiliza­tion. Shucks, t.hatcan hap pen any­wlwre.

a~FARMNEWSTIl(' df'ad-linp is NOVl'ml)f'r 30

fOl- ,)uly, August ond S('p!C'nlherdail'y ft,t-'d suh...;jdy pi.lymcn1s. Ap­plication must lit' m,ult' on 01' be­fon> No\'emlwl' :~Il.

To datI' about half of the farm·f'rs wllo 11<\\·(' signc intentions. tocomply \vith 1he 1 5 [arm pro­gram hHvc signed the compliancefOl'01s. Community c mmittf'-{'manwill not visit your fl\ to ('001­

plt'ti' thest:' lortll.". M( ~tings havl'b('('n held at pach pri'C'inci for thatpuq)OSf'. It will lhf'rf'forc hl' neces­sary for thosC' not having signf'dihf'ir fonns 10 comf' to the countyoffic('. '1'111' final datl' for signing1'('p<1I'1s fm' pcrformance- is Dl'Cf'ln­bel' 31, 1945.

with the s t tee tcar."

You can't aUorda leaky roof, :espe­dally when YOQ canbuy roll roofing foras little as $1~15 aroll or a'snhaltshingles as low as$4.95 a square. Fixthat roof now!

Wayne. Neb., Thur., Nov. 29, 1945


To Hosplt81 Here.Mrs. Aug. Lubberstedt was mov­

ed Friday from a Sioux City to aWayne hospital,

e-fJoC",iooJ'd.Mrs. Albin Peterson returned

Sunqay tQ- Concord from a Wayne.- lIiiiIiliiiilillliili -',hospitaL

Vol. 7

Heavy, galvaniz­ed barbed wire can

Combination doors be had for onlykeep out the cQld $4.45 per 80 rodand wind. How dif- spool., We also haveferent yoUr house on han d 26 inchw 0 u I d have be~~ ~vJen wit:e in thed u r.i n g that col~ ium and heavyspell la&t week if had had a earn·bination door over An explorer reRevery outside door ports that blondesin thhe house, Why in the H ogg a I' The un s i gne dgd t rough the baJ- communication, the~~~~o~[ t~he~,;inter I"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=",1 bane of the live,S of

editors and others,takes a new form.A~ Weston, Ontario,an anollymousskunk is dropped ina Jetter box,

Cutle: "r intendto marry an otficerand a gentleman."

Sailor: "But, hon_ey, thet would hebigamy."

Jennlter clone.sJ08~Ph eotlen

• Hal Wallis'-.;"

''{oove 6e~ri...... ANN RiCHARDS....

Cedi K.llawuy Glad,. Coo,.,Anita louin· Ro,bert SunyDIr.IN"WllUo\MIlIU••U·~"-Y.,A.. """,

1IoMIl.~ on. "'_1"1-",,.-........

Get you watersoftener today andhave all the softwa ter you want.Enough for theaverage cistern on­ly 85e.

Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Bessire ofLoveland, Colo., came Wednesdayto visit the former's sisk\', Mrs.J. G. Miller, here and with friendsin Laurel.

Br~nna Go Gdror~ -:\I('of't.Brenna Go Getters 4-H club mN

Novemher 23 in the- IIt'rb Wehrcrhome with all members pn'sent. AnE>W mf>mber, Victor Knif'-Schp, jt'_,joined. Members decidpd to havesongs and yells at euch nwpting.Thp ''i-II dub n'co~d book" W('IT

distributNl. County Agent WalterR H,n'der explained how to keepthe..rec(lni book. Mrs. Wehrer serv­ed luncheon. The next m('eting willbe at Uw Cal'!, Troutman home.January 18.

'nlC' hride-groom wore a blur' S\litand his attendant, Nonnan Rush­nw n, won' brown. Both wore WIll tecarnatinn boutonnieres.

Thf' bride's mother chos£:' a bluevclVf't drf'ss and the bridegroom'smother chose a blue crepf'- dl'P'-;s.Both wore white carnations.

Aftr'r th(' wedding a dinn!'r \\'11S

Sf'rvf'd to ahout .1~ relatives at thehride's home. Thf'- bride and hl'it!p­groom's tahle was centered with aj hn'{'-ti0r wf'dding- cake whiC'h wnswhit!', trimmC'd in pink and lPPfl<'dwith n miniature bride and brid.e~

groom. The cake was baked byMrs. Hans Rushman. Both tableswere decorated with pink stITam-

Filt" ProPl'rty Dreds. ers and pink and white- C'Rndlf's.PropNly dl'Nls filed in \Vaync Placecards were also pink and

county 1hi' past \\'('ek include the white, df'corated by Miss Luvprtafollowing: Schneider. cousin of the bride.

RcfpJ'('p 10 O. E. RobC'rts, Novf'm· A reception was held for thebcr 26 for $:;,200, \\"('sl 75 f('et of young folks in thp Jim Frandstnnsguth hrrlf of lot 21, Taylor & Wa~ hall in Dalton. Music was furniSh­chob addition to Wayno. prJ by th(' Barker orchpstra. Plate

\\'inston C. and Violet C. Swan- lundH'on and icc crcam were sprv­son. T Al't1l\ll' ;lnti Dorothy S. Lal- ('(]

I~~~~~~!!!~~~~~! IlY to \Vinstun C Swanson, Novem- Ollt-of-town guPSts inclurlC'd Mr.I: l)f'-r 26 for $SOO, part of NE~ of nnd Mrs. Malll1-ips Holt, sr., Mr.SE1~ of 13<26-3. and Mrs. Andrf'w Parker of

Carhart Lumber Co. to Winston Wayne,~Miss Delpha Horstman ofC and Vink! C. Swanson, Nnvem- Carroll, Hans Brogl'en and Rill ofher 26 fllr $:;15. part of outlot "I, Gretn3_Bl"itton & Bressler addition to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left SundayWayne. for a short trip to Colorado af1e-r

Star and Mary West to Elmer F. which they will make their homeand .Jl'tm;p. F. ShiC'lds, NovC'mber on one of the bride-'s parents' farms26 for $2.000, lot 1 and north half near Dalton_of' 2, block 11, Norih addition to ~ _Waynp.

T. J. and Dorothy Hughes toWm. Bowir's. Mary Dunn, SadieLoi<'m:, Nannic Ham;pn and HazelRohde, Novembr'r '27 for $1, undi­vidf'd 1-1'2 inierest in NEt,; of 20­27-1.

O. F.. and Eva M. Mendenhall toHans and Fi'rn l-wt hwisch, Nove-m­bf'r 27 for $10,000, NW v,;. of NW %of 13-26-3.

Andrew and Christine Nielsen toAlbert H. and Amalia D. Bahe, Na­ve-mber 24 for $400, west 16 feetof east 66 feet of lot 6, block :.l2,original Wayn('.

Pheoe Benthack and husband toEdw. and Elizabeth Seymour, No­vember 2~ for $5.000, lots 6, 7 and8, block 11. Crawford & Brown'saddi! ion to Wayne.

Nebraska Central Building &Loan association to Wm. Becken­hauer. November 24 for $100. east60 feet of west 100 feet of lots 10,11 and 12. block 12, North additionto Wayne.


morc bloon, for we can't get pf'3Ceformulated hy people who arehungry," Col. McDermott statl'd.

Col. McDermott r('countf'n ob­:-iervations in Europe and Asia andpmphasized the need to invf'~t inhonds as a safeguard for thefu1urf'. The Omaha banker, whosf'rved in the fiscal department ofthe army. DC'w {rom Washingtonto Scotland in a C-54. He paidtributf' to the provisional govC'rn·ment of France. He was there 11days after DeGaulle entered Paris.After his mission, he returned toAmerica on the QIJf'en Elizabeth.

Just r(,(,f'ntly Col. McDermottwas in China on an army mission.I-Ie flew from LaGuardia field tothe Azorf'~. Tripoli, Cairo and thento India. He described Calcutta,India, as a place of disease. pesti­lenc('-. stench and poverty. Wateris polluted and many die of chol­ero and typhUS. He complimented

Patrolman to Come. Lt.. Col. F. V. Peterson who speaksA highway patrolman will be at here this Thursday evening. He

the- 'cOUrt house the afternoon of said Lt.. Col Peterson had an op-December 13. portunitv to learn India well.

________ Col. McDermott did some flying

;'1~~;;!;~~~i;~~~~~:Th~X~I~s:J):e~li~nq:..~1e~n~t.~~~1 in ~hina and noted that becauseFirst half of personal tax be- of t.he- few bases in that nation, it

comes delinquent December 1. is well to reach the· destinationsought. China, with its miserablehuts, is, he stated, a land of pov­ertv.

The speaker concluded by stat­ing that one way each can helpperpetuate victory is to invest inthe Victory loan.

Rev. O. B. ProeH presentedHenry E, Ley, president of theChamber of Commerce, who intro­duced the speaker.

With. Prof. Russel Anderson andF. L. Blair as leaders, the clubsanJ{ "Battle Hymn of the Repub­lic:' "Little Brown Church in theVale" and "Wukkin' on de Rail-road." .

War bond drive leaders whowere special guests were C. N.Olson. T. J. Hughes. Ed. Bahe.Henry E. Ley, Geo. Bruns, L. B.McClure and T.' S. Hook. C. L.Pickett. a rT!ember, is also one ofthe precinct leaders. Other guests

.were Col, J, Francis McDermottand Arthur Eveland of Omaha,John Smith of Nemaha, and O. M.Jeffrey.

Kiwanians will en tertain guestsat dinner and proln'am in· the. audi­torium next Monday evening at 7.J. E. Lawrence, editor of the Lin­coln Star. will speak on ',uA FreePress Is More Than a Phrase."

FfN~~iiERE Marry in Service SilVfJl' Wedding Marry at Servicel.u$~hell bought 1\1,,:, Eva Performed in west Day Is Observed At Potter Churchsldonce ~ . west second Th¢ 25th wedding anniversary

$, nd will have possession next of 1\.1t", and Mrs. Clare-nee Ks'hlerN~.'..,.,.'C~.• Ml'S~"Ash ,,,,m rcnmin in her ,Miss Virginia Milliken Is was observed Satu.rday eveningll(;irh~'l'o~hIS winter and she plans to' Bride bf A. J. Carzoli when guests in their home wereeqnttrtue- t6 make he'r homO' in In California.. the Vernon Rebensdorf family of-"VCllYn~. I Cheyenne, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs, Wm.

, . Miss Virginia Milliken, daughter Brummond of Norfolk Arthur:~ h: ~-Ttanslerrod. to \Vest. of Mr. and Mrs. Lu.ther Milliken Brummond family of Sta~ton. 'Otto

:Richard' \Vullace, who C8me to of Laurel, was mamed to Arthur Brummond family of Winside, Mr.the ]<X:al post office after his re· J. CarzoU of Los Angeles, Sunday, and Mrs. John Bahl' and Mrs. Cla1'­(.'(}nt disclll13:ge, is bt1Ing tratlsfcrred November 18, at 3 p. m .. at the ence Reding of Osmond, Aug.

to.t~!~lf.lfst off~ce i\ Los Angeles. ~~e~,a~~~,l church ut Belvedere ~~~.1~1'~1~~il:t~~('~,a~;~~~n~~~~~*4 Mrs.. Wayne Fellgler, sister of Korth, Mr. and Mrs. Cari Samuel­

the ~pdl'groom, and her husband .'>on, Charles Franzt'n family, Mr.were 8tte~dants. find Mrs. Cl~ll'("nCl' Corbit. Henry

The bnde wore n powd{'r blue Bush family, Elwood' Sampsontailored suit with blacJ{ accessories. family and Melvin Samuelson fam.A gardenia corsage compll'ted her i1y. Prizes in cards went to Mrs.attire, Mrs. Felkner's colors were WIT]. Brummond, Mrs. Elwoodblack and peach. Sampson and Mr. and Mrs. Bush.

~"'==========__ I Miss Anita Felknt.'r, daughter of Mrs. Arthur Brummond tl[lkf>d theWedne-sday and Thursday Mrs. Felkner, sang "Ave Maria" thn"t:'·tier cak{' sl'rvcd with lunch-

November 28 and 29 and "L' Amour - Toujours - L' A- f'on.mour" (Love Ev('rlastingJ before- The Kahle-rs have thrt'€' childrt:'n,

..~l~:rl'y Show \\"ednt'lsda:r at 6:00 the wedding march. Immediate Mrs. Mt'lvin Samuelson, Floricerelatives of the bridegroom at~ and Jarn('s. Tht'I't" are thl'C'f' grand­tended the Cf'remony. children, Lyll" Marilyn and Lucille

The wedding dmner was held at Saml1f'lson.Rene & Jean's in down town Los The Vernon RC'hl'm;dorf familyAngeles. had dinner with the' Kah!(>rs Sun·

Mrs. Carzoli attended Randolph day and then left for Chf>ypnnl'.high school and Wayne' State'Teachen; collpge and for the pa~t

three yC'8rs taught rural schoolsin Wayne county. Befon> her mar­riage she was emploYf'd in I)f'nvl'r.

Mr. Carzoli roceiw>d a dischargefrom the anny two months ago.Re sC'rved ov('rseas fOl' two years.with the 507th pamchute infantryin the Europt.-'an l.hl'atn' of opera­tions.

After a short honeymoon innorthern California. Mr. and Mrs.Carzoli will make th('lr l1nme In

Los Angeles.





To ('onduct Sl'1·vIN\<;J.Douglas McQuislan will conduct

morning services at Wakcfi('ldChnst I.-In church Sundays Uhlll therll~t Df the year

WAKEFIELDMr. and Mrs. Walter Fredrick~

son, Mr. and'Mrs. Ezra B(){'cken~

hauer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wriedtand Miss Cora Haglund we-reThursday 6 o'clock dinner guestsoC Mr. and Mn;. Walter Haglund.

For Annl\-,('rsnry.Mr. find Mrs. Ellis Johnson. G,

Alfrpd Johnson joined the MelvinLarspn family at a cooperativebirthday lunch in the E. W. Lun·dahl home- Friday evening for Mr.Lunlahl's anniversary of that day.

By were houseguests untH Satur­day when they went to Sloux Cityto sIwnd Sunday with Rev. andMrs. Donald Roberts.

:FltESn no,\STED

r~~~UB!.S.,.,......,., 25e

Old :Eng. ODd ~Ok8

Swankyswlg, 5 0'.

-- Music by --




No. 10 can 54e No. 10 can 7ge

Friday, November 30


West, Ra,!dolph Ballroom"Where the Good Bands Play"

llJaCctOl'jHum <:IBnmdy


Cal Carson and His 9-piece Orchestra

• This tasty fruit cake madewith imported rum and brandyis loaded with fruit and nuts,

~~dnteed1~ha~~b~~~lhtb;old:en l:lOund cake mix.

~o;.p~~: ,..... $1.89

..... ,., ,_.34c

Cream StylI'Golden

~:~2 __ 13cWhole Gra:n


~~2 ,.14c



USES~A Rec dy-lo-use Boking MIXGRAND NEW Fl.AVOR • You'll like thenew ond different lasTe and telllure lurpriseof everything 'IOU make. wiln STURDlM1X.




We Will Pay












96 Size

Oranges252 Size



P&G()ran~~ & Gral){',fruit



All Good

Tamato'Juice~";,,= ... __ ." .. 27c



2 l'ounols "29c

All Good

Tomato Juice

2 ~:~;_25c

3 for










Green Onions


Waxed Parsnips

""~Bran Flakes

BAB.O2 for


(mADAM {)RACKERR­Independent. 2 Lh!>.

OLD DUTCH CLEANSER- ---.3, for. )

RonA CRACKERS­Johnson ('afe, 2 Lh!'l.

ROD A C'R..\('I\ERS­,'ohn.-mn Cafl',. 1 Lh.

(.RAHAM ('RACKERS-Johnson. 2 Lb". __ .

GRAHAM CRA(;KERS­,Johnson. 1 Lb.

no~o~:~~. 2 for 23cr---'-=='--"-~----~I



For Old and New Cusf:omers

Johnson's Market:




Our Meat Market is now l'('ady to s(,I've ~'Oll with

highest quality meats in a very good \·ariety. We

can also supply you with chicken and other fowls.


Glunt Size

Giant Size

Giant Size

Grapenut Flakes

Sweet Potatoes


Fresh Tomatoes


., 2 Kellogg's '

~o" ..,.. ". __ :. __ .. 29c '2~for, 29c '

Post Toasties

It is time to make arrangements for your winter bUfchering.

date for your butchering now.

West 3rd St.

2 for

o Corn Flakes


THE WA\"NE IIERALD. WA\";E. NEimAl'lKA. TllURSDAY, NOVEMB~R 29,1945 PAGI!lTJIRn'-'-'''''=~="--,;=-=."...,......,----..,.,..--=---=-_...:.:.:.:::...:~:..=:::~~~~~--~-~-~--~~:::;"'-"==-=:=-'7=====~=~~~

H· OSKINS NEWS home Sunday. Henry KraU5E' of Li· Ih al businE' t' I It 1h Be rd H b k h d" h Th k .,' " , , C' annu. . .s.!> me-e 109, e ec- 8 e rna a roc orne near ('f spc'n dng cr an sgIvmg va- l\lr. and Mht T. M. Gustafson. Mrs.I ' mon, Colo., and Mrs. Erwin Ulrich lIon of officN"S In the Sunday Emerson, for the noon meaL cation at home. Caroline Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Lf:'n-

By ~n. En,;!n A. Ulrich w~~ inkth~ ~{rause home Monday, school as well as the congregation- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Utecht and Mr. and Mrs. Harry BrC'ss]C'r of liS Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flor-----.----- an sg"IVtng sUpp('r gu("Sts at ,II officers. Gayle took F'2C Eldon Barelman Coleridge, :\lr. and :'ITrs. LindlC'y ine, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson.

I"" E Ulrich's wert' Re\'. and Mrs. Friday afternoon and evening, to Columbus Thursday morning to Rrf'sslC'I' and family \WTC' {'ntC"r- Dorjs and Janet werC' home forThe Erwin Ulrichs wero at Ed- 'Schmidt's. Mrs. Annn Klawitter Walter E. Ulrich. Lynn and Dale D('cember 7, the church will be go to .Shoemaker: Cal., air base. tailH'ct at SundHy ~linnC'r in the their Thanksgiving \'Ile-alion.

win tllrJc!l's Sunday afternoon. and Hcnnlln called in the after~ ~:frn~~~~u?~,tYil:.a·;n~Ii~;~~(~~~khost to the northeast N(>braska The'Vtffhts weI'(' dinner 6"1.IC'sts at Aisl rnp('.Lamb homl'. 1\11'. and Mrs. Ray lIallg-ren ac-Mrn. Erwin Ulrich anti Miss noon. i\ kingdom advance rally, Dclega- the home of Mrs. Utecht's parpnts l\liss AlicC' M;w Nimrod came companied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sun-

'~t~:;.,·Marten were in Wayne u:~~r;~ s~~~~~t~~ru~~~l:~t~~~ ~~~n~~lrji~n~n~;!iMI;~o:ndd~~:~~~e~~ p~~7 s~~~~~wNot1z:~a~~~ at~~:naO;:dMrs. Gus Lafl!>c"Mr'.nnn from {)m,lhn T\lt'~tby l'\'{'ninj;: and dell home from Omaha Sunday

TiH~ Ray Jochens family had and.~lrs, 1::n... in Ulri~h visitC'd Miss Sam Ulrich. LaDonna and Lor- Crofton will be pxpectNL Guest Mrs..Juhn Gr('\"(', Mr. Hnd MI·s. ~:I['1~I~O;rl;~:~~~~~~i;{~:\~rr::~1~lht(~ ~~'m~~ ~;:I~:J ~~~ew::~isv~~e~~ ~;. ~'a~~TImnksgivlng supper at Awalt LoUise Langl~nberg rw.'sduy last ~~~~e~~:~:"l\I~~~:eR~~~E;;~~1(~:;'r~:\~:~~:a~I:aW~'~~;:'I~~~;:>·r.~,~~:~~e~i ~~,i\\"G~~;~~',a~~' ~II~~. ~I:~; \Iv~:~~:;~ 1111 Thursday ('wning gren rcceived his discharge from

~~t.:~:~::la:~0~7~ve~~~,i~i~~1~ :·~::rk~~:~Y ~i~;i, ~~~~::<lBa;,~:::;~ ~!~I~o~:~d,n~lJ~ln,~"" 11". IL " ~~'I'~;:::~~;,':;:"~:~I '~,i~e~i,~~ ,~~i''i);~ ;~~~'h;a:::i1~~~nc~~~'~' f,,~1 ,;I"~7,~:~~fi,:;::I::,::~t:~~::~:: '~~~:::':~,~;i~,i~2;.P;: :~~;~;~~a~;'\\~~Sh::s.:.r:::and returned Sunday. dRY to \'iSlt at ('. fL. Walker·s. Mrs. At \\'illnrtll\lans 110mt"'o SUPll. :l. J\ 1!('in. of I{aslti~gs. ~ dir~71'1' Thank,;giv\ng. duck dinner in lill' Frt'd Johnson Lydia Anderson, all of West Point.

:;\Irs. Caroline F('n..'1ke l'E'turnNl Bancroft IS the furnwI' 1-:\'t'lyn ('<}1"( la WI' {'onH' IS pxtl'n( (' to a I'. and Mr~. Clan' Buskirk and hotl1(' 'j hnnksgl\'ing l'\t'nll'g. rV!r. and Mrs. Berne-al Gustafson ofSundny from ~ NOI'(olk hospit,ll \Valk{'r. Mrs. \Vtllard Maag was honored and I'~pl'cially lIwsc who have no Mrs. (;('0. Buskirk attended a gos- :\tr. ami Mrs. Wal1f'r Carlson \"ayne. were Sunday dinner gUf'sts

::~~T!~t.~~rE~1~11~;'IB~,~,~:;~:~;,~F';'i:t[~~:,~i\'~\\~I;;,::i;;I:,:~~; ~i:;'/';:~\':::,;:~~;di:'::'I~~~:~'~,':(Z;:'~II~~~ "I'U";:,,:::::':o'ormO'<l <1lurcb. ~~~";~:~':::::;'u~~::~:1~~,~:~~";::~~~.~~~~:(:,;::'::i',~Z~ ~0::~\;':'~'IE:,~:~~:i~~~ :~~e\E~~~:~'~~~~~~~:::~G;'~~~:;~of ~~~~~~~in~lj~.K)~~,~~:;tI Puis and ~~i~:l~~tl(im~~r~:\tu::~~(:~ ~!~I~~~l.~lild ~:.~':':::~H'IlJ·Y and Will Ma:l~ : ~;"l~(, (:\"(:rI:h:;)i(::~I'~':I~sll~~\(~) ~·«:::g(l.h~:l'0~~~·l:·;~~~~;~I'd p,':;;g::~~"l(';':~ g\l\~;.~ /lll~l: l~~}:'n~. Ij~;.\l~\~:~(~~()~l~i ~~;~ ~~(~t;~'~~n~ ;~~~ 1~;7t:y,rV~~~~S.~~:ill~~DUlwln und Mrs. Ernf's1 Pul... WI'I"1.' Re\-. and Mr.,:;. E. H. Sohl and . Sund'ay ~('ho01';ll 10:-1.") a. m. ~11SS Hf'It'n Erlandson and Ci'IH.' n;ll'\\-in \\"('\.,' TIH'o.;dny dilllll'r and Gustafson. Mr. and -:\lrs. Art Han-at 1\<lrs. Augusta Bruml'ls' Sunday Janws wl'nt to Spwanj Friday 10 Oh!Wrn\ nu·thdtl.v. Do!l!h Wl'n' gu('~ts "'crhll'sday {'\"I'- lllnrh'l)[l gu( S(" III th(' V\ lItPI s£'n Paul Pol('n and son !I,lroJdC"vening. \'isit the Ht'Ol)" Sohl lamlly. ,Jamps 'I Mr. Hnd _:\Ir~. ClarenC'I' Schr()('- Trinity E\'. Lnth. ehun·h. nlllg l! a gOf}~P suprwr ,II L .J \1111( 1 [wnw nl lr J),lkoln ('ll} Innd Mr Worlpy and son, Donald.

l\rtr. and Mrs. :-';orri~ S('h~o<>der W('fl{ on 10 Kansas CIty Saturday de'r t'n1l'rlHJIlN! \\'{'(\npsday ('H'- (f{l'\ H F BJI tOi f ..Polslof) HI, s"ler ~ I hllrsd,IY llWZ HI ('ssll r \11'" !pHl I AlHh r'lon sT")('nt t 111' dd)- all of Omahaand d~lught{'r rl'lurned SlltllrdHy lu "lwnd,a ft'w days with friends. I ning for .lhe latlPf"_" blrlhdny Ik((m!Jl'i 2 S( !\l('flS 111 I,ngllsh \\-lS , lhursday dll1lH'1 glH-s1 Ilt III tIll' ( III All(hTsOn home' I Rp\- and Mr<; DOlltllrl Roh('its Atteonds Mootlnl{.from LexinKton. Tlwy W('llt to 1\11'. and 1\'ln.;_ E. F. \\'mtl'r. 1trs. I Pnz('" III pItch wenl tll \Vlll PI(TC['. \\11h (( I( hr Ilion {IF holy commun- tho Bloom homp ,II l-lTltlSOn \lon- l\lr Hid MIS IIf'ITIltW Kay of of SIOUX CIty, i\-lr and \Its Fran- A group of SUpf'IVISors of wecdCasIX'r, 'A'yo. Jack lbn'nport 1111(1 SOilS W('L'\? Mr. and Mr>; j'\;OfTis 3('hro('(1('r, inn at lOA."). h.lIldJy dnnouncp den (\r'nll1g 1m'z JO\ .IIlll }'\( SIIlllX (It)- \11 mil Mr" ('III lip] (IS Roh(,lts Gerald Rnd Shl'rrell dlslllCls of the slate of Nl'bra.ska

Mr. and Mn>. PplC'r l."lrich, Rev. Thanks~iving gu('~ts Olt II. E. hue- Mrs. Kpnnanl ILlll and Ernest Sunday s('hool al 10. M(111l1 nll'Sshr dlllndc(J .l j)dr1 y l\Ls l-lllllIHt' lohn:-;on ,1l1d of C'OUllCl1 Bluff", and ;\llss M<lr* \\Ilh a ~roup from lilp slatE' pol-and Mrs. \V. E. Ulnch, Lynn and sll'r'" In )Jnrrolk. 1\-'11'. and 1\1rs. Machmiller. Ifol\- communlOn 1Il Gr-rm.ln Lin 'c11 II;oS('II<I Je IlSl'n s hOlllt In \\ Ik, - '\11(' Ind '\111 \ Ann Iknson II)rlt' Robprls or Om \ha \\prp ll'gl' al LIm oln are attendmg the

" Dale were Fridny .sUpptT gUt'sls at KUl'S1l'I' and Billy Iw(1 Sund;ly (lln- ~~ullg(' J)l'ct'mhcr ~) Ill' ( \\1 I' (nl 11 nn(t! ,11 fhClnksgJ\lIlg I Thank<;gl\ lIl l=!: omnpr glll'st!'! In lhl' nllChH'st eonfcrpnce including aElwinlflricll·.s. 111'1';11 \VIIllt'r's. FnrPhyllis:\ln.lls. j,adH':-;' ,\Id \\'dl 011'('1 .11 the \lIs I,mm,l lit ('chI dnd dlrHHI 111 1111' /<lllO Blnlpn hOO1( IM<lr\ln Mor1t'n~on ho01(' MUiS I,llgt' gl'Oupof st<ll('!i In !\I l!11ll'a po-

Mrs. G. A. (--;riot of SpritlgfiPld'IMr. and Mr~. I{puh('n F011k. Jim :\11'. anct ;\-lrs_ I<d, !\Tan" (>nlf'r- sw II 00 I I t'!lnsllll'l." pOlrl). })l'- IIII]lIrt (!1l1rtdlll{'t! <11 b 1 'Ill Illd \.1) ... \\'!Ilnn \1cCorklll- MarjoTlf' l'elurnld 10 ()mBha that 11<; lhls \\(Ik ClAre' Hu~klrk ofI '1l:!."".... nrri\"C'd W('dm~li.i\} (ll \ lsi!. <lfHI JUlli' wI'nt to ()maha \\'I't1ncc;- tallll'd \.1."1 \\1'('1, [(II' till' 1;lh lill·th- I ;11 :.' rlll1lh I I h,ml,sgl\lr.l; 1m J~( \ If d!ll' Inri ",on" ,f Llllr( I :'\1r nnrl!t'\pnlllg Thp Flanrl<; RnhC'rl<; f~lfn- \\ ntH coun1y I;; onl oj 1111' g:roup1 S)'l... Was a Sunday .1l1d l\lolltldY day 1[\ c;pt'lld Thank<;J:'\"lIlf,; With day of lh('I[' 11:lllghtl'l' (hldllll rrh( If I' FOI C!lllslmls l-\ ~~~H'i/. 'IJl(~tIlt~I~JI lI~(! I\t\r" \11"'; )1,lm illre'orklnd,ll' \'In I'n- RII.III!UI•••••II••• lllllli•••••• III1I1.-aa.II••"iii••••...--.-rn

,\:1.'11101- at E. L Put in:'>_ 1:\11"- :lnd ~l]'s. \VIll_ ~Ut'('n, .llm \\ IT\' tht' 11an-; A .... mll,.;. 1'\'" 1'\ "I'y Sllnda:.- ill :J: \:J 011 til(' ~III I \1'1 SIS 1 \ ;1111 Ij

h ( III II I lot 11' d I I tld'lk"J:I\ lIlg dlnO! r a\. The NlJrns .schro{'d.'r· famJly. Falk n'nlal11('d for 1ll1'(1l('i\1 ('ill"!' \-1:1;(_". .~!I·;III'. l<d ('\] 11 1'('h I !tid \lls \1111 1,( 1t dll( In IllI ]'()\ (l\\,n hom, In }onwr : Dance~us Schll.)('d('r and \\'ill Pi{'n'I~1 Donna H:'II QW'I'1l camp 11('1"1' 10 l'~"nnal'll ;11111 :\I]lI'l'! ,\nJlu:d or till' Mr ,md :\lls I_W('N.' Thanksgi\'llll; dlnfll'l' gllt'C;\.s "1'1} In(h'finill'ly Til.' H.t'uhpJl familll'''; Ill!' h ... l "I ':HlI0n \\ ill Ill' 1)1'('l'nlIHT and :\,11''-' \ j .. ill'i1 11<'1" 'I:at C'lan'O('(' SchnH'dt"I"'s FHIk.., w('r(' Fnday dlnrwr gu('sls Illll('I1," :\t IIH' school. I: F FL,.Ill'I' who IS •

TIll' fllmilil's uf 1-:]']1('.<;t Km'\)('l, iiI He\'. F (' Ebing-t'r's in Omaha 10 Trinily {'hUITh. ),'1 .. 111'1". ;1 .'-'ilJtl" 11(1<;- :I-tHn)" StratI' and Ed\" _StratC' Mrs_ liPrberl SchwlIldt Hnd DOI"~ I pil:t1. ;11 I('rnf)()n was.und Simon SIndt' \\'('1"(' Sunrl;1y olh) "fl"IlI Fnd;ly ""'Iling With 1':\"llng"t"lh'lll (,hnn'h. Illstrlt't 4-1. 'I qIPP"I' gll['sl ,d lwr ll101!wr, ;\11';;. I:dinnl'T RUt'~ts <It Eo_ Mau~' :\lrs. \llnnJ{' Krau~! :\ll·~ I(];l II~,,\. 1</1'1\ II. S(ll]l, pOlslnrl VIl'l'r. !f';lch('rl l:l h TV k f· ldl Anna S~lf'aI't'r_ I_

Mr:-. Erhvin \Vit1l'nherg of Al'-iWlCk \\'a" <l SaJIln:l<-lY ~;lwsl, :\tl'. 111111(' "('!lool at II) ;1Il1! di\'ilw !\Il1llt .."t<l['dt. ()aklcv ItJOlll ealJt rr a e Ie P,]]"~. /.01;1 KIl('l"lJz of Wichita, :

~~I~~~~ni':I~~~~fl. al~~('1t~;,I"Sikl~:~I.~;~:~ I::~~~,l" \l~~;Il~·~~~l\I~·I~~):,~.n,~;~)[~~:;:ll·;:,\~ :lll'\\'\·1111.~ ;\t (; thr c n~n'- ;l!l~\;;ll:~nl\~~' 1;1~~('.\I;~p~~:;~~~ __(BY Mrs. Ellis Johnson) ~~:l,:~... (:l~\. :t2:~n~;~':;1l:/t~;~~dL~~~'il~, innd Cilllt'rt . Wl'fl' Thllllk."J.:]\ Ill.1.: Q\lI'('J1,. :\lr'i. Iku!Jt'rl. J.';lll{ <ttll.l 111'1"- ~:;l tllill \\ III h:n I' :\ kllll\\ ."hi "llp- 1111"('(' mUll I lis' jll'rll'ct \. I, ,',n,1 'I, '.' !\rl hill' Florinf' I! ];11'l)l,ln \\ "1,'1"",:,',n,.t I',',',lrllln

i,',',d '\''',0

'-1 =_

dinner' g II 1''' t <; ate II ~ I :1 \ t' 111'1'1 hr;IlISl' Wl'l'i' In Ill!' h.r:lu.q' PI'I' :11-(1'1" \\ hwh \\'" \\"111 1;1 '(' lip SI h'I'r .'II ar,; f[II' a monl h'_s .. , , .,

..-•••:ii-••••••• lIlli1 •• I'Ii1nn=um-;muemrllJ-nm.IfI:ll III11.II.Ill •• na11I111111••••• " ••••• ; ••• --"' !lnF"I'1 ;l1ll'ndnncl' haw 1,('1'11 (',~rn- \\"'I","lI~dI\Y dinll,'r !~\lI"'I" in till' _ :• ·:II'd I)ot'_"clll'I·. lone \y( ..,,('I.l'Y LI'!llh HlIlg h{)~'. . ~;l.111 :\1r". (;('{). Bonn<;lra Of._: : ~Ind \·ol'ck". ',l[~_ 11ckn AlHkrson <;!wlll:l \\'<'I"l' ;--;~llllnlay o\'('rnlghl~:. _I lndlOlll :,>('('n('s mad!' hy Janw" I f('\\' ,]:IY<; 1:I_"t \\·l'l·l, :n 11\(' .1<11111 111 11](' .101m :\IcCorkind;I\(' I.

0, • M k ·\\'('Ici] Iill !Ill' ~;lnd Llhll'. An l:l"Tkl'nha\l('I' h"llll'. hi>l1ll Inri n!1 SUIHI,y dl rompdnlPd 1= Admission: SSe plus 12c tax

penl'n9 ar et: : Indl;ln ,1'\:(' \\,.IS ]n'ollght l.lY 10.11(' I 1. 11". ,.tnd :\-11:-;_.1). P. Quimhy W,TI' 1111 m 10 tllr \\ !lIon MI Corl<tnda.le : • •: ITJnllksgi\'ln)~ (1:ly dlnIHT gill'S!'> JI1 III 1111 III II I llll( I r'll r!ITltH I' • Comlng-Frl., flee. 7-Pat Boff1nanII :\11~:'" 11~';11"d ;tli tn a ditl- till' Hl'rl Harn"()n homl'. \11 (Ill! ;\11'> (Hl0 ~!'ls()n (n- :: In,'1' ~1J\('J1lI}('l" .) rur jl('r lllr1hd<-lY, \11 dnl! ;\-11"",. ell;I" PjpI'Son \\'1'1'" II II lHl Ii II 1111111 "L::I\ In T dlnnl I I qlJ ••• I!IIII' ••••••••• !I~IIIl••••• Ii••••• II •••••IIII •••••••• "1'1"\('11 nnd I ---------------- ---------

- .(';'].;1' J~l for his (limwl' In Jilp t()y I. '.I('I'SOI1 !ti~E~;=:=:;;=i==;:;r'lm . I !l'1I11(' In)..;" ('\','nlng:1 l"lll'lllilrthd;l:'- 'l!<' :,nd \11', :lt1d :\l("~. \\',1111'1' (ltll' ~lnd

~I:"',~',," ,,,d ""~l,;::;:::)'H~::':""':~:1 :~:'I~'I:~~:::;";':II," ",,01 "";;:~~;~~"e CE "11UDS'IT~\ Th""I«""',," I',,,ye, "n' 'C"'g,. ..' O\"~'''"hl nnd I, "dIn' h- "'OU:"',mll(,.lrJWd this month_ ~ 1I'l]" In \\fll!pr()ltp 11: A (''r;111\-I' Th:lnksgi\'in!-': dln- i. I'. ,.\. i.(i~,nl',Y.. ~n~! ,John _~ ~ ~ ..,!ill: Iwr' \\-:1" Nov/'mlH'r :!I ILI)h[)n \\('f( l-IHldy yi;;- lVITH LOW CEILING PRICES AT-

:1 Tn'," "",,' 'n Ihe "fl- ,t,,,, en 1111' W"II,'; Ott" hun",. AWApSHINpGTONLWIENESA,sP OU••IL OAK',l:llitTnonn. 1\-11". ;uHI ;\-Irs_ \V. D. 1.1:111 or ~ 1.'1....~i \11 jln'!Xlrlllg a Cllrisln1:1s \\'en' Slmda;.· .alll'rllonlli

:1 [ll"llgl':lrn. '\If's ;~.~ll:~ Rf'rt lIarJ'ls;:)~dh~111;~: ASSORTED:! j\l:il"1in IInlmht'rg Mrs. CRISP. JUICY, I 131 Sit.

Let Us schedule a ::I 1.T(}hn Bo('cke'nhrtllf'I' l\-1onct:JY atter- HIGH COLOR, POUND.... ..... 2C wan ySWlg., J ESUE 'noon. T CALIFORNIA EMPEROREll ' ..J ... I Mr and Mr~ C'. A. Kinnpy were exas Relish Cream: i (By Mrs. Grace Buskirk) . 11.l:knk~gi\'ing (iinn('r :lnd htn~hf'on Seedless LEMONS GRAPES Pineapple Cream=.1 [,"11,', ... t~; 1I1 thl' lkrnani Klnn('y I G f "t Pimento Cream

:: }):,Ipll II!" L:ll11·('I. \\-.IS a VI:· 111I)~1;~. ;md :\Irs. l-{f'nncth {Jilckrr l:pe6!ul PER LBg. l1e PER LB•. 15e Olive l"imentoIii': I d'l:, \'j...;ilor al A. \1: Udlph'" O1nd children \\'P1"(' SlInd::t.y ;1[11'1" ,C 5-oz. Glass81 J.r'sl('r Korths pn1!'rl,1if1l'd:l 1M" II I 5'il-!!)~C'1l'il SAl-A" CABBAGE Ib 3c: II; of I'l'laliv('s Ti1ursda:.-·. n()lln ~·i;~~(~).I'S ill l1C J arllJl tl In- ~lfu~r M MY M M , •. •..•...••..

: i r('lali\'l'~ a and Mrs. Fr('d Ha.rrisnn and WAXED PARSNIPS, lb. . BeWayne, Nebr. Ell dinller at the lkllr). MI'."-_ Paul t::v('rin,Qham VJSll('rl John

: I Harrison at the ho!"pit:l1 Sunday ~1AI::I::U BELL PEPPERS Ib 20c' L1m1lllrgl'r- • "rlo'm"on. ,"\."". • ,- - . . . . . . . . . . Swankyswig, 5 0,.mIiR••IllJiailB.II.illI.mliJfilmrJIlIIilIJlJIllIllIiiI!ilSm~~.IiIIlI~~!_~~~Ii!:i.IIB1IiIl.i!I~~~~~II.!'flil!iJml!n1i!l~I!E!Df:!I;Wl!Il!nlll'1 .\lrs. F'lwl Il;lrrison 'lttl'ndt'd a

3 lA' P*;gUUUJJ;.... ;7~('(.~tliI~~ 1~;U~:~~~("I~~~;)il;~~~~~;1.:)f.~:~~~:('\·elllng.Alfred Johnson. ::\11'. :Incl MI"~.

Ellis ./ohn..nn enll'l'lainl'd atin tlJl' Melvin

L1rS('n1\.'1r. ani! 1\11'" .lohn H(1('ckcnhau-

('I' and Mrs. llekn Andpr'son1\-I"ry IIans('1l and family \\-('n' dinner

others al the ,lnl' Chllleika I in lhe Elmer Bo, cl"en!lalletin Sioux CIty. for Thanks- ?vIr. and J\.II"" . .John Bardell nc-

gl\-ing dinnpr. companipd MI'. Ilnn Mrs. Carl Hc!-:'vIr. a~ld. Mrs. John Lutl wcre hYT('t1 to SIOUX Cily Sunday Bnd

Thank~glvlng supper gl.H'sts al wert' -guests; in tho Ift'rrnan KayH<ln'PY LUll's. Tht'Y spent SUilclay home.('\'t'ning at Frt'd .Jahdl's. Pnu! Olson ;lnl1 LaV('rnc. Pvt.

Mr. <lnd Mrs. 1.. J. Bl'essl('r and Myron Olson and l\1i"s Marion Gus­family. MI'. apd Mrs. H<lrry Brl'ss- tafson WE're ('r)tcrt::lin~d at dinnf'r)t'r of Co\l'ridge. \-\"('1'(' Sunday din- in 1II(' Ed. Gustafson home Mon~

n('1' gUt'st<; at Gpo. Aistr.?pe's. day evening.1\11'. and Mrs. }Il'nry (,w\"(' Wf'1"(' I -:\11'. and M,rs. Arthur I-Iansen.

'\'rst Point SundClY. Tht'ir Mrs. Mary Lund. Mr. and :\-1rs. Ber-granrldelll[;hh'I'. Mylet 1..<1:1SI', un- ne-ar Gustafson were 7 o'clock din­rlrrwt'nt an. apppndC'ctomy al the ner guests in lhe Ed. Gustafsonhospital. _ home Thanksgiving.

1\11'. and Mrs. Lou]:" A. Holmt's of 1\11'. and Mrs. Roy Sundf'JI andGrnno l."land, snl'nt llWil' \'Clcalion Dorothy were- in Omaha Sunday I:JR111 \Va.;hington, D. C. fMrs .. lfolm('s dinner gucSl'ts of Miss Myrtle andhas rf'lillivcs here and is well M:c;<; Helen Sundell. Miss Dorothy

known.) .' '. . Iw(-'nt to Lincoln that ('\"('ning aft~Mr. and Mrs. AI\in Johnson ,- ,----- - ------

sl)('nl Thanksgl\·in.~ \acation at I Iii - A ..!f('n]"\-" Harclman's. Ah'in remninpdhe]'(> hut MI·s. Johnson rl'turned toIwr school at Dorch£'ster.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hanspnand Mrs. Henry Rubpck \V(>re

at Art Longe's NovemberMary BpI h spenl Saturday

nigh1 at tl1(' Hansen homt'oVisitors WPN'- pntl'r1ainro at

John Siev(>rs' at a goose dinnerThanksgivin~. Mrs. Frpda Peter­spn nnd chilrlrl'n of Omaha, werespending thf'ir vacation therf'.

MI'. and Mrs. F:rvin ClinkE'n­beard, Mrs. Mary Hansen and Ma·bel WE're at Norfolk. Sunday atGeo. Michelson's. The Arp rf'la·tivE's from Oregon were guests

1:heI'e'.Mr, and Mrs. Herby Hansen and

family of Iowa. were guests at theHenry Korth home November 22.1I.fany other relatives and friendshave called to visit Mrs. Korth whohas been m.

Pvt. Merlin Bressler and broth~

£or, Tommy. were at Alfred Borg'sat Dixon, for dinner anti'·at MiltonGustafson's for luncheori Wednes~

day. The former returned to FortRiley Friday. ,, Mr. and Mrs. \V. C: Ring andM~rlc. Mr. and Mrs, Clare Bus­kirk, Oliver Johnson" Mr, and Mrs:Geo, Buskirk were., '1l!I,;nksgiving w:turkey :dinner guest!l'l""t A_ w. ayne'Dolph's and the·Dan Dolph familyl,... .we~ supper guests. They.had been i

'1",,-, "/"'",1..



GCfIt11,~.-> The Friendly Slore . '-


Colton or rayon dress socks hrdad, Assorted cO!'Jrs and pal·ferns in men's sizes. 3 pOI'r's f.Jr

, $1°0

Gay plaid scorfs for Ihe highs::.hocl crowJ. They're rSQlly

for boys, but girls like them, 100.


We have a grand selec:tion ofmen's ties in pallarns and colorsto suit every taste. Each 98c

B)an~et cloth rebElS designed

like a m~n's ... for boys from

4 to10.Assar:ed plaid paller"s.


A new handbag for dress-up oreveryday is a lovely gift. Choose

one from our collection for a

Xmas gift ........ , ...1298­-Plus Tax


Move to Omnha.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erxleben

and Duane arf' going to live inOmaha this wintq so that Duanemay be ncar a specialist. He hasbe('n ill with asthma for some timeand is in the city. Mrs. l'Jrxll'benwent there Monday and Mr: Erxle~

ben went Tu('.sday, tHking a trailerin which the family wlll live.

of Lincoln, spent the Than~sgiv­ing holidays in the Frank Pfluegerhome.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frevert andMrs. Clarence Carlson and daugh­ters were 'Thanksgiving eveningdinner guests in the Walfred Carl~

son home.Mrs. August Erxleben recently

went to Olympia, Wash., with Mr.and Mrs. J{urt A. Heinhold andson, Curtis. Mr. Heinhold who repcently received his honorable dis·charge came here for his family,who had been making their homewith the Orville Erxlebens in Wis­ner.



All w:::·ol cJrdigans for leen-ag9S\I..'ea:cr girls. Sizes 7 to 14

E.-ighf colorod mi!tenslo k-"JE:p tinyfingers worm, 100r~ wo':)l. Pair

C)Zy rol:Je; for tots from 2 to 6.Deep:! nopped chenille In rm9

cr bleo '$298


~~~ ~~~~~ in the Mrs. Annfl C'arl~ :J.

Miss Martine Kenny flrriv('dhome from Los Ang0lps Saturdaynight to be with h('f pHI"pnls, Mr.and Mrs, Lcnicc Kpnny.

Mr. and MfR, John Krl'i of flan­dolph, and IA'e Bahcock of Frpc­por( III., WtT(, Thanksgiving din~ncr guests in llw StIrl lsom home.

Lee Bahcock I<'ft Sal urday forhis home in Fn'('port, ]11., 'aftervisiting in 11w S1 Jrl Isom bome.Mr. Babcock was di.e.,chargl'u fromthe army

Thanksgivin;..:; guests inthe, Harry NI'I.e.,('n hunw \\'('rc Mr:and Mrs. Waldon Ihllggf'r' andfamily of ncar WlIN(j(,. ilnd Mr.and Mrs. Andn'w ;-";('Isl'n ofWayne.

Max Stahl i>; lJll1ldlll~: ,\ newbarn on his farm ~lllll h lI( lnwnto repl.ace th(' nne byfIre thiS ~limmer wllet]struck it. I';rnest Larc,"11 I.e., 1hecarpcnlpr.

Mr. and Mrs, Mart 111 -;'11,111:-;('11

were Thanksgiving dinl)('t' g\I(':.;t~__Iin th(' Evcn't t Robins hOllll'. ( )1 hl'r

SHOLES guests ~th{'re were Mr. Hild Mrs.Raymond Rohins o{ ~

by Mrs. Ellen Rohins and Mro,Mrs. Martin Madsen man Clark of Carroll.

.----------- an~ :~lt~s~(~r~~'\s;Hll~);:,1 J~ll(~;~,-i.~(l,(il~;~The Ray N(''lsons w('rp Sunday Hnd ;son and Mr, and Mr."_ LO\lic

Iguests in tbe Lpland Thompson Rohd(' \-\-1'1'(' Sunday dinnl'!' gU('s1.,;

i home south of Wayne. In lhc Cliffol'd Rohdr' 11(J!lw LnMr, and Mrs. Iknry Hicdel and honor of l)onnic's and j{(J1lII ic'::;

by family of Pierce, were Sunday SIxth birthday Monday,

"-__S_I_a_ff_C_o_r_r_e,_p_on_d_e_n_'__! IgU;~~n~~g\~~n~O~~~nl:;n~~~~~<;e. in TIl(' c~i1dren of Mr. Rnl! ;\lrs.the Chub Smith home wcre Mr. Earl ;<,1111er, \vith the excpption of

TIll' \Valtn Splitlgl'rbers were d M El R I' f T/S Gail Mi1l('r who is ,<;tationedSunday pvening VIsitors at Albert ~ayne~' mer ees ane DIck 0 ~tt ('am, P, Attprbury. Inri., and son-Greenwald·s. In hv,; J-. i 1> I 'I I

Mr. and Mrs. WRI1;>r SpliUgf'r- Mr. and .Mrs. Lester. ,Bode~- tJs~ II('I(~~:~]):n tr;::~e i\~li~~/;:"o~<l~I~~!l('I" <Ind.famil y. called sund.lty aft- stedt..,and.chlldren were vJslt~rs.lnlc".('dat the pan.tllal.hlllTW Sun(\ilY('!'noon In lhc Paul Fredrickson the Ed. Lindberg home at Wmsldc for a turkl'Y IllnntT Tlw Milkrshome at ppndcr. Sunday, ........ ,..... wdl be milr'rwr! :\~) Novem'_

Miss Louevfl Pflueger of Frc_ Mr. and Mrs. Iva Fredericks ofIbel' :2~l and thl' used Sun-mont, and Miss Leatrice Pflueger I ncar Randolph, were Sunday din~ day CIS tho anniVerS<lI')-


Hf'r('l 011 Furlou~h.

Joe }-'. Bush, SIC AHM, arrived:1\ his par('ntal John Bush homelast wl~ek Monday to spend a 15­day furlough. 11(' completed navalair gunners' school at JacksonVille,Fla., and will report at Daytona,Fla., for furthpr training, He andhis sistcr, Mn.. J. H. Gray, wereThanksgiving guests of Mr. andMl's. John Bush and Jimmy.

day evening in the George Bartelshomp.

Mrs. John Dunklau and Wilmaspent from Wednesday last weekuntil Sunday in the Harvey Kam-mann home at Holdrege. '

Thanksgiving dinner guests inthe Roy Day home were Mrs.Frank Hicks and Mary, the latterof Plattsmouth, find Mr. and Mrs.Getald HidtS find family. Mrs"I-lick'S and Mary remained in' theDay home Thursday over night.

Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sund andfamily of Bloomfield, were Fridaydinner gu('sts in the Roy Day home.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hefner andfamily of Coleridge, were Sundayevening callers in the Fred Heier,jr., home.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young andfamily and Robert Thun called atLut her Milliken's Thur~day eve~

Neckties designed jusl for boys.They come in boxes all sel rNChristmas .. 59(

Comfortably casual sport shirts formen, Convertible collars to wear

wilh or wilhout a tie ... '$298

Crib blankel~ for the youngestmember of th~ family. Reversibledesigns In pink, while or blue.

! $219

"A lovely gift, alwaysled, is a pair of gloves,

fabric gloves come in SeVCf~J!

styles and colors. rair 98(

Ccntr;l.l Club Holds Hll''entt'al club held thl'ir bilzilal­

at Central schoo] Saturd<1Y eve­ning. The program included a vo­cal solo by Mrs, Nels N<'lson,Thanksgiving reading by Mrs.Reuben Holm, quartet number byRobert Hollman, Bertrand Ander­son, ~rval Utcmark and VerII:'Holm, vocal number by Carol 11011­man. The bazaar art icles v,'orcauctioned by Brock 'and J('ns('n.Sandwiches, pic and coff('e weresold. The sum of $lOR.4U was recl!­ized. Th(' Christmas party will lH'held in the Otto Nelson home D(·­cember 13. The club C'xll'ncts t bpirthanks to all who contributed tDthe sU'ecess o[ thc hazu,ll' andquilt sale.

, -- ---------- ---



J"ROM ASHES.Congressman Karl Stefan of

this district, is a member o[ thecommittee to build a S'uitahlememorial on the si te of Udicewhich was ruthle!';sly_wiped outby nazi brutality, its everybuilding shelled and burned., itsmen, women and children mur­dered. Lidice was a peace-lov­ing little village in Czechoslo­vakia. On May 27, 1942, twoCzech patriots killed HangmanHeydrich, deputy gestapo chief,who had been sent from Berlinto impose worse than slaveryon unoffending people, To re­taliate, 2,000 people of nearbyPrague were slaughtered. Thenfollowed laying waste the pas­toral community of Lidice. Butthanks to the spirit of freedomwhich has b~en given renewedimpetus, a new Lidice will riseand a great memorial will testi­fy to the martyrdom of Lidiceinhabitants who perished beforenazi annies. Says an account:"This will be the new village ofold Lidke, destroyed in slavery,reborn in freedom.' And foreverlooking down upon it fromamong its cherry trees on the­hill will stand the great Me­mo;ial of Lidice, a memorial forthe dead, for the living an in­spiration. There at the foot ofthe memorial, children will ,playagaili, singing as children havesung since the dawn of light.But this time their song will bethe song of freedom, sung,brightly to the peoples of all who rose in their st~ngtlrto destroy freedom's enemies."

Alllr'rt Peters and Pauline \\'(']'1'

SUndtlY aftprnoon visitors in thICEmil Rogers home. i

Mrs. Marvin Felt spent (hew('I'k-end III thl' Uscar AnderSOhhomE' ncar Oakland.

Betty Anderson of Omaha wasFl supper guest in the VelnH'r An­derson home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Fell andMynm were Thursday dinnerguests in the Marvin Fplt borne.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beith of Al­Ien \-.....ere Sunday aftL'rnoon andluncheon gue~ts in the Geo. Je!1::;enhome.

Mr. and Mr...,. 1Jnnald Ikith andSRndl'a o[ SlOUX w('r(' S;llur-day dinnor guests the GeorgeJl'nsen home.

The Clare and H{'ul)('n Holmfamilies sll1'nt Slinday aftlTnuonItl the lloy l {olm home in honor ofIJoris' birthday,

'Mr. and Mrs. VclmlT Andersonand family l'njoy('d coopl'rativcdlllner with relativl'~ in the Ed.Carlson home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Monic Lundahlwere among the rcla'Uves that en­joyed dinncr in the Hans RosenhomC' in Sioux City on l1mrsday.

Mrs. Oarencr Pearson, Mrs.Melvin Larson and Patty, Mrs.Walter P('arson and Von IS, Mrs,Emest Johmon spent Frid,ly aft­ernoon in the Harvey Henningson

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hiscox \\'lTC

ill Omaha Monday on bllSinl'~:-;

Mrs. ('has. Bakor left lasl \~'l'l'k

for Washington, D. c., to ViSl1 herdaughter.

M-r. And Mrs. Jay Shumw<lY ofHartington, Mr. and Mrs. C W.McGuire of Penner, and MISS AliceBcckcnhauer wpn' Sunday dillnerguests at Hpnry Bush's.

Miss Florence Peterson who isemploypd in Sioux City, spent from\Vl~dnosday to Sunday with herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pe­terson, here.

Mr. and Mr.s. Otto Gerleman\vcnt to Washington, Mo., Mondayto visit Mr. Gerll:man's fat!llT whois vcry ill. T1H'Y plan t () lw gonefor a f('\v

MI'. and Ed, Sl'yrno\ll'.~'Mr's.

Marion P('tprsl'n and Bud KIlianw('re !n'SJOUX City Wodne::;day ('\,e­ning o[ last WI'('k to hear the DonCossack chorus.

, .,1 da~I;~l~~~~~ ?~c~:a~a~~~~('~~~l~~

INortheast Wakefield lo,h home,

The Herbert Thuns ~pent Sun-(By Mrs. Jewell Killion) • ----__.


\-\-·ayn." Markds XO'L 2R.1Prlrps ~;ubj('ct 10 rhang(')

COl'll $ LOO;)Oals {jOeBarley \J5e

FUllC'ral services were conduct­ed Thursday fOl' Miss Maxine Hop­pe, Hi, daughter of Mr. and Ml'S.Albert Hoppe of Wisner.

('Iuh in l\'Il'-f'ting.B. and P. VV, club, mcding Tues­

day ('vening-, made fmal plans for apark hplwfit danCl' next W{'dn('s­day. Mrs. Lucy Syas, Miss Marsa­lint' Long(" Miss Elna Baiet' andMiss Marjorie Gildt>rslec-vc, served.

Goo. Langenberg. /wifers at $15,6;);E. A. Stl'atf', .stl'(']"s cd $16.6;);Adolph l\1l1kr, bogs at $14.50;Lynn hogs al $14.~O; SarahEdwards, at EddieJones, hogs

Jacob Ft~ilmeier, sr., 8'1, of Eart­ington. di('d at his home Sunday­morning last week.

SOUTHEAST WAYNEMr, and Mrs. Pete' Jorgensen

spent Friday and Saturday in theRUdolph Wilke home at Columbus.

Mr. and Mrs. Goidon 'Jorgensen,Mr, lind Mrs. Aug. Slahn anddaughter an~Mr: and MrS. AlvinWillel'S were Thanksgivinil' guestsin the PeteJorg~,!sen home: ,

x.ea.v~' f~m': COncord.'PfC. ErV!n 'KJ;a~mer,'~~ft M;~mQ.a~'

WINSIDEVerdelle Niemann spent Sunday

afternoon in the M. W. Barnerhome. w

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reeg wereTh~rsday evening callers in theFlorenz Niemann home.

Mr. and Mrs. Florenz Niemannand Leon were Thanksgiving din­ner guests in the August Bronzyn-ski home. I

Herbert J. Fox of Chicago,bought the Laurel creamery fromEd. V. Jones, who had managed thebusiness and had been associatedwith thp Tyson interests the past

Isevera~ ~l(~~~~S: _

Betty LHmp, Alice Langmackand Eva Williams of Emerson, hHdminor bruises Sunday last weekwhen the car driven by Betty turn­ed over after a tire blew out.

-------- ": NORTHEAST WAYNEII Mrs. Ray Robi~sotr' and Jewell'=were entertained Thanksgiving daya in the J. K. Johnson hom,e.~ Miss Nonna Powers of Lincoln,II spent the Thanksgiving holidays in

I =her parental Lloyd Powers home.II


COLUMNIST Louis Bromfieldwrites of the huge cost lind evi­dent failure of new deal experi­

ments which' practiced a new form ofdemagoguery and fooled many hopefulpeople. Here are two of Bromfield's para­graphs:

"Measure after measure, announced loudlyas an autht'ntic fOrel"Unner of Utopia or themillenniurn-----the AAA, the, NYA, the NRA andcountless others, have gone their way. Theyfaded at lust into futility. They accomplishednothing but f'nor1Jl-0u~ expenditures of mon"yand the establishment of a huge, antlike. annoy_ing bUl'('Rucracy

"Certainly 'Npw Dpalism' solved none of lhelabor and industrial problems but only .servedto sharpen and intensify them. It set labor an~l

capilul again.';t PReh otht'r and gave organizedlabor vast pO\ver without n:'~ponsibility."


A magazirH' arUc!(, says human spiritsare sometimes up and ~ometim(:s clown,and that when they arc in the dumps, theyshould avoid muking plans ih.ey cannotchange.

Those who pay thp most taxes arcusually the olle~ who favor public improvc­menLH. Those who pa....' little or nothing dothe kicking,


The World Herald holds that womenknow how to do Christmas shopping lIuie k­ly and satisfactorily b{'cam~e they read iheads. Men are often sO neglectful of suchhelps that. in trying to IH1Y what they wantthey wandl'r aimlessl~' and helplcRRly.

A ruhber surplus is now rcporii.'<l. Dc­mand ought to absorb any eXCCRR. vVe arcstill on the market for tell ccnt:-1 worth ofgenuine rubber brtnd::-;. \Vt' arc over-fed onthe g~'nthetic variety.

OpPo8ing unification of command, Ad­miral Nimitz said: "Don't let the armyswallow the nan-that would be fatal toour f.1pa POWf'r."· On the other hand, \vhynot fear the n<l\'y would 8wallov·,r the army'!

FROM EINSTEIN. ,~~::.':~~t~~~~~ of Mrs., Henning-

Writing about the atomic Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Carlsonbomb for a current magazine, and Gordon, Mrs. Elmer FrosbergAlbert Einstein expresses the of Sioux City, were Thursday cLin­belief that the terrifying instru- ner and sUpper guests in the Harryment of death should be com- Johnson home"mitted to control of a world Mrs. Marvin Killion and childrengovernment, but that its secret went to Sioux City Fridny to as­should not be revealed to the 'sist in the Harry Roberts homc.united nations organization. The Mrs. Roberts returned home f!'Omscientist thinks a world govern- the hospital Sunday.ment should be organized under Mrs. Allen Keagle, Mr. and Mrs.the leadership of tbe United Jewell Killion were Thursday din­Statcs, Great Britain Hnd Hus- ncr hnd supper guests in the llen~sia With' a constitution duly PI"C-~ ry Druhe home In Randolph. Capt.par('d. lie docs not beliE'vC' rule Kenneth Druhe had jlli;t returnedby a minority in RUSsia is a from Europe.threat to world peace. lIe is Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fisherconvinced that the three lC'ading and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Berm'al

~~~~:~~:hnOtUlda~~Sh~~~na~1~~~~ ~~~~~~~o;, a~~~~~~the~r~lbcr~u;~~~Suppose big indu:.;irial ]llants ihat are ~~:~~rT~~ti;~~ ~~uf~ ~~a~~ ~~ gU~I~~ ~~dth~l;~'t~~l~e~fic~~~I~~~on

harrowed by striki.'::; at a time of cxtra- dictate forms of governmcnt, of Pocahontas, 101., Wpre Saturdayordinary demand, ~hould ~tlHpend '! Thi~ but to force the rule of Iihl'r1y overnight guests in Ow Paul Kil-would .be tough on the public which need~ and prevent flggr('ssion. In con- lion home. Mr. Hnd Mr:-;. Ul'lnH.'r

new thing:.;, but., if SllHPl\lI~ion lasted long, ~~U~\~~f{~;.i{~;:t~~\~l:t~~~}~~~iJ~~~~,t'~ He\ines and Susan of Wilt('rloo, 1\1"it would be toughl'r on strikers who couhi gy is to be'a great boon [01' a who were on thcll' way tu Punca,not support them~dves indefinitely with- long time, I ha\'C to say that were evening caller;;.o ut"'\l.6b s. ]n Ruch an unfortunate eventual- Wm. Richardsons of I'ocahon-ity, )abor UniOllt1 would undoubtedly ask i~crr~~~sI:~ei:c~el\tt~'ia~li~ll~~l')~~'I~ t<ls,·la., Mrs. AII('fl Kcagh" thethe -government to compel resumption of u('. It nlilY intimidate the hu- Paul, Marvin, Albert and .Jewel!

what they had forced to stop, If indu:.;ll'Y man race into bringing ordpr ~~~~;~l}~:::~~;;l~~~)~J;~;~~~"~nf~~refu:4cd to reopen, govprnmeni mrght step into its int('rnational Fred Tan'ant home Sunday inin and become the operator. This would which, without tile' prcssUI'l' Sioux City.

p L:~ase un io llS t ha t \\'0 ul d Ii kc Lo HC(' p rivate ..fc~,_,,·~,~i'_W::-ou::::l~d_n~o::-'::-(::-IO::-'''=__j IehM"ldrr'"ann,dwMcrlSe

, JTl'h"U·s,.~.'.I(I,JJ'ya rk'I',. "ann,.drmanagement squt'e,wd out and inexper- _~" . ., ,

ienced JlO~_i,_'i_a_lls_'_g~~'~_C_Ol_lt_n_)I_,_ for Washington. 1). ('., after sIH'nd- ~~te;.t~~s.U~u~~~~~~'I~I::;lll~ ~~i~(~~'~~~ing a furlough with his par('n1s, returned home with (h('nl and vis­~(~;l("~~~. Mrs. Gust Kracmer of ited until Sunday \Vh('ll t!l('y u'ft

for thf'ir home at AI\'(mJ. la.

If the pr('sirll~nt cannot Have' enoughfrom hifi :::;alnn' to li\'l~ after income taxand other IIcn:s:.;ary burden'" are endured,it would Rl'em congTP;';s ought to removesome of the impositi()n~. The prpsidentialca~h illCOnH' and outgo ShOU~{be so a1'­rangpd that. olle who is not· millionaireeould afford to hold the nffi ~. An out­standing leader could lw poo in worldlygood~.


.... acy'j'j~'!,ii { . . I,~n' .Druggists


NebraBka.. 6Sact ot March 3,

a.yne, 1I7')bras]tQ.

steers scoring $15.25 for a nt'Wyear's top. Stock stpl'r CFllvP$ hit$l6.25. Butcher hogs and sows beldsteady at ceiling prices, $14.50 and$13.75 respectively. Fat lambswere ~~ to 50 cents higtlPr at 1he'close of trade Tuesday, with choicefed wooled weslerns cashing at$14.75, nativps at $14.50. SlaughtC'rewes were 10 cents higb('r, mostly$5 to $6.50, and feed('r lambs larg('~

ly steady, with som(' to $14.50 andchoice- strongv.reights quotable to$14.75.

Among this week'>; shipments

were the following:Louis Dinklagc, stC'ers at $17..6~;

Chas. Pflueger, stC'crs at $17.05;Herb. Wehrer, sV'-ers at $17.65;


..."" memBeR~.~.; I~" ap'THe

S'-'I~~.''e 191.5'... ·.·.:.~.1JIOALI~LAE~~DJnQRIAL~:I~~_-i ::'i'hufscta,-, November 29~_4~ _

t=. . .J,' FROM THE state board of

~~n;~'lOn health we have received..(lHealth two timelv communica­~ tguchinl( a physical';nd mental state01' ::heAlth. The influenza which is now unth~J'march, is treated with these words ofadvice:

"ThC'Tt" is no .sure way of p,('\,pnting it, but'>"»ou may ]pssen your chancL's uf catching the

fiu by building good body resistance and byguarding against infection, Eat H. varipty of~riourishing (oods, get enough ~l('('p lind outdoor'recreation. Avoid chilling the body. Keep out oftJ;'O\vds when influenza is preva!C'nt. Stay awayfrom persons known to have the flu. Wash'hands frequently and carefully. Use only rlE'aneating and drinking utensils and your ownteilel. articles. If you calch the flu avoid ther¢al danger of serious complications. such asm\eumoQia, and protect. other people by callingthe doctor, going to bed, following the doctor'sittders and keeping other people awa:y,"

Jl1'hen the health department tacklesstnte of mind, which is more vital to healthth!il1' many persons suppose, Its contribu-. S!lYs:

flA, healthy state of mind is a sign of good1 health. A happy, well-adjusted homerelationships are right and where chil­

"6retJ's needs are oonsidered, is a sign of goodmental health.

"Mental health seems to be a rather intan­gible thing because every person is dIfferentand what seems right to one person mightmean the opposite to another person, dependenton 'background, attitudes and practices.

"The family ties of childhood can be amongthe richest of human relationships. When theseare satisfactory, they are reflected in the cl1ar­~cter of all future relationships.

i:ea;'~ofr:~~o~f~~~~. ~~e fi~~ni~alse:~~it:-or the' ability to be at peace with one's ~C'lf.The second is the feeling of being needcd, or ofbeing important to certain other persons.

"Positive health means more than the mereabsence of disease. Positive health is concernedWjth all of the aspf'cts of healthful living:- phy­&kal, mental, social and emotional. A healthyBtate of mind is onc reflection of positive)j~alth,"

Subscription Rat~:, In W~yne. Piercer cedar, I>~x.on, Thurston, Cumlng,

I St'l,;;!Qn and Madison .countles, $2.50 per year; $1.25. : fdr-SiX'months, 75 cents' for three months. Outside, counties mentiOf}ed. $3.00 per year. All payable ina_co. '

*~~.t!:.,.·I,.;,i.....f:..';.!.i~..g~i1,,.;~rit6)=()=()Ji,:;i~e'tter grade fat catt~e sold_tady, with loadlots of heIfers asWf;)l as steers" commanding asmuch as $17.65, the ceiling price,~day and Tuesday on the Siouxct'fy market. Some weakness wasnoted under the $17 mark. Cowswere steady at $7 to $14, andst~.-ekers and feeders strong to 10c;~ higher, wit,h choice ,feederb" I







Tennis Balls

5ge ea

Sbuttle Cocksf for 1.59

Trouble LIght2.95

Ready for instant nae.25-rt. cord. Pre·warquaJity.

T. U. at a Christmas party in herhome December 7 at 2_ Mrs. ErviIGustafson and MI'!k Herbert <l,ohn­son assist. Singing of carols ft'tJd aprogram will b(! enjoyed. Gifts willbe brought for the children's -de­pendent home in Lincoln. Every­one IS welcome.

Fly Reel ~4.95 .~::.

Lightweight, ~{~~rustle88 .­aluminum.Ventilated. '"'

~..Arcbery Set

Eight pieces inclnding a.5%-ft. lemonwood boW.Wonderful gift idea!

. A. R. ELLIS, Own.erPHONE 126 ,222 MAIN

ZEFIELDno ns, tD Home. l

Mrs. J. . Seagren re!u!"tledhome Fri y from n Waynl' hos­pital.

Home from Ih)SllitaI.Aug, Pehrson returned Monda~:

{rom a v.',ayne hOSlJltal.



....... &9c


PORK LINKS, 5mok;'dAll Meat. Per lb. _

WEINERSAll Meat. P~ lb.



..... 28c

....... 40c

Observe 8irthday.1\11'."..Emil Slcfl('n·', 1,lr;ht!;IY

W .. IS observed Monday l,!-"( Wl",i<

........... 39c

Has SpecialPenetrating·Stimulating Action

t~~Penetrates Stimulates

Into upper broneh;~1 chest and back sur-tubeswlth ibs.peclal faces like 8 nice,medlcmalvapols warmlnglloultice

Warming, soothing Vicks VnpoRub is the best­known home remedy you can use to relieve mis­ail'S of chest colds. Rub it well on throat, chestn~d bHC!C at bedtime, Its special penetrating~

stlmulatmg fiction starts right to wt>rk_andkeeps on working: for houn;-to V'Cbring grand relief. Invites rest- KSful sleep, too. Try it tonight. VAPoRuB


~ ,~c_,", __..._._.• _,_,._! .. 0::====:::2:. ~~NE HERALD, WAYNE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1946

wh~* relatives Elnd friends spent A gift was prescntd to Mrs. Rob-~ 8:15 p. m. Finance committeea sOCial evening: With her. serY_ crt Fishbach who left for Port- meeting at 7:30 p. m.iog ~un('heon after cards. John land. Mrs. C. E. Carhart gave the ' Tuesday, choir rehearsal at 8Hnd Miss Wilma Voss nnd Alfred troop bias tape and embroidery o·clock.

:~~~~a~~e~Jair. were here from ~~~~l~~ use in trimming tea Altona Trin. Luth. Church. Wednesday, Junior Walther Lea-

* * * * * * (Rev. O. E. Scqlecht, vacancy f:; ~i~ep~':n~ and business meet-Reads from Book. Pleasant Valley Club. ,pastor) Hear Dr. Walter Maier. th{' Lu-

D., D. members we're guests of Pleasant VaHey club· members Divine services" English lan- theran hour spe-aker, eAch SundayMrs. Jessie Reynolds Monday were entertained by Mrs. Ray. guage, Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.. afternoon over WJAG, Norfolk, at

~~~~n~Z~dw~~~('~~~sA'f;~~I~~; ~~~r~;:~n;end~e:~; ~~~~ Ohureh of Christ., 5 O'CI~Ck.._____ En~rtaln w. C. T. 1:. wa: ~~r;a~u:l~~do~h~IC~':~~;~dbook, "This b My Best." Mrs, former's home. Other guests' (Alvin Giese. pastor) I - ,I....:10_1.:CS

.:.'-=-Jo:::h.:n:...:'l',-,el:::l-=e.:nt:::e:::rt:::a:::m.:::s_\:~\'.:.,,:C:::.:::":::·i:::th.....h::is--'f...a:::m:::il::.y:.. ,-_R. w. Lt'y will be hostess next were Mrs_ Martha Biermann and BillIe ~chooJ, 10 a. m. eommun.I/1 IMonday whon Mrs. Roynol"s Alice Mat., Mcs. Louise Longe, ion al II u. IT', ,NorthwestWakefieldwill ha\'e the program, Mrs, Lowt'il GlldC"rslcevc and You arc w\·lted to our serVlces

* * * daughter. Mrs. I'tlu] !3;Ul'r gave ..__ . (By Mrs. W. C. Ring)Church Men Entertain. a J"t'port on flag etIquette, Mrs. Tht'O(lhiluN Eva.ngeli(~l Church.

Men of H.cdeelTll'r church <,'u- Jerry 1 L1rncr on Thanksgiving IRc\". D, BucHer, pastor; Mrs. Oscar Bloomquist was Htcrti.uned thcJI' \\"l\'CS ut a 7 dinners and Mr:.. Emil Back~ Sunday school, 10 a. m. Divine guest of Mrs. Paul Dahlgren Mon-o·clock pheu.sant umner Tuesday strom on sewmg hints. A Chrbt- s('n·K'C', 11 H. m. Practicc for the day th\.' church parlors. FoJlowlIlg Jlla~ party WIth gift exchange is Chnstmas.program, 2 p_ m. Young Mrs. Arthur Felt \'isited Mrs.tht, dmncr Carlus Gutzman. Mex- planm'd December 19 with Mrs. People's League, 8 p. m. Amanda Lindberg and Mrs. Braw-\CHn student at lhl' western scm- Mal' Young. Mrs. Eva A~h as- Come and worship with us. nell Sunday afternoon.mary in !,'relHont, ;,pukc and Us- 51:.tS. .( -- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sahs ofcar LM'dtke showl'd motwn pic- * -lE' .)l. Immanuel E\·. Luth. Church. Wayne were Sunday afternoon VIS-tUl'l'S. For Parent Group. IH(,\'. F. C. Doctor, pastor) itors at Theron Culton's.

.;>:. ';f * 1'.-T. A. met at thl' t!"ainmg Sn\,lc(-'s in German ~unday at MI'. and Mrs, Art 1\-1£")"('rs at-Duplicate Meets~ sehoul Monday n·enillg when W:3() a. m' l Sunday school at 9:30 tender! the birthday party for :E'rcd

DuplH.:ate ml't .:'I1ondil)-" aftcr- .:'lit's. F. A. Mildnpr rc,,"il'\-H:-d the a. fTl. Meyers Sunday evemng. Inoun WIth .Mrs. Burr Ua\'is book, "The Gaunliet," by James Sunday school teachers' meeting Mr, and Mrs. Art Burmester and I.Mr~. Walden Felber was a Stl"l'cl. Prof. S. Eugene Bailey W('dne~day at 8 p. m. Irvin of Lyons were Sunday din-guest. Mrs, H. E. Ley twO hIgh jJresentC'd the clann('t quartet, Practice for ehildren·s Christmas ncr and supper guests of Em11 .:'vlJl-scc)/'e and Mrs. \\" A. Wolll'n- l>arlenc' Anderson, Delorcs My- Sen Ice Saturday from 9 a. m. to lers.haupl and Mrs, Felber tied Jur e/"s, Janet and ,Il'anettc Dawson, 1:.: noon. Mrs. Emma Levene, Harold,secund. The group Will IIllT! III III a number and Prof. J{ussl'1 Bernard and LeRoy werc Sundaytwo Wl'l'!{S wllll i\lr~ WuJlcn- And('rson presented the girls' Methodist Church. __ dinner guests in the Aaron HelgrenlUlUPI. sextet wilh ,Joe Gillesplc soluist iDr. Victor West, pastor) ~ home.

* -x- -;+ in Cowboy MedItation. The girls Mrs. J. T. Bressler, organist; Mrs. Godfrey Youngren and Mrs.Meets on Monday. In thc chorus are LOIS Vv'eseloh, Mr.~. Carroll Petersen, director. \Zerner Fisher wcre Fnday after-

Mrs, J, l-' Ahern enteI·tamed Virginia Df'nkmgl'r, Marybelle Decembf'r 2: noon guests in the Eml1 MilicI·('Ot.('I"IC mt'mbt'rs HlHl gUPsts, Samm'Lson, l\lyra Ald{'rson, church school, 10. Class- home.Mrs. R ;\1. Carhart, Mrs. J. N. MaryAlicl' Helleberg and Mari- es for all age groups. Mrs, Arthur Felt spent Satur-Elnung Hnd r....lrs. E, R. u1\'e, lyn Cl"os~. Dr. S. J3., Shivcly re- Morning worship, 11. Special mu- day tn the Man·in Felt horne whllt'Monday afternoon. Mrs. F.~, '\"Ie\\·('d the P.-T. A. magazine. SIC program III both organ and the latter visited her mother atMorgan had high score in con- Lyle Usterhout of Lincoln, had a \"()I('(' n~mbers..Dr, Vv'cst will Oakland.tract. The gruup will 11\('('t next fmC' display of books. The kin- speak. Mrs. Kenneth v.·enstrand and~lulld/.lY with ]\'1l"s .. W C~Shlll- tkrgartl'n and 1st grades .serwd Junior Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Terry and Miss Mabel Backstrom

R~~~I~~I~;l~Se~1~~~n'y"('glllar bW'I- tlul's. * * ~\;;I\r:g~,t,I('I~·~~~~(.l\\~~.~~~m~~'~l('rl:r~ St'l1ior Youth Fellowship, 7. ~~r; ll~~~~~~ ~l~~~noon guests of

nt'ss mecting at the" hall Friday Have Dinner Guests. ~{,"t"~kR'ln!\d" IlKi~tk'nt'nC(','tl\Dr.J(G'h('n~..'o·gne, :-.>t Paul' E~ L th Ch h Mr. and Mrs. K~nneth Packcr lp\'('mng ~ ',- , .,," H.~'\.. T. ~. "C':" ;'Ch:ldt, ;a~:r; nd h·ld e \\E' S d it

Class Reorg:';;z:d, i~,~il;n~~~,.;~:;I"~~~~~~l~;i~:~; '~~~ti~~X;,:~;(~~'~:~~:~(,%I:.~:~ ~~~::d:;r;si~:~~\ ~O ;:;. m. ;~~n~~dr~:ri~P~of~~~t;gO~ ~7r'~lrs . .1, n. Bridgman im·itt'd Artman of Omaha, 1\1r. ,and Mrs. Miss Nina Lamkin from the dp- \\,pdnesday, 8 p. m" choir Mrs. Anna Stolle, Mr. and MI·S.

hN c!;ISS of Jtl\{'rmpdla(l' of H. H.. Bl'ssJr{' of L{I\'~lahcl, ~·ol(l.. ~~::~ll~~'~~k~f health at Lincoln, hl'iJr...;;-il. ~~~a~n S:~tl~~na~~daaUngdhte~u;~~~

::~('ll{~;n~~;~~::':;l'~~::SrlS,u"nil"'\'('h",'do ~l;'~~~da~~\.. l\~\r~d \'II.~~'l~o<~~:(~: ~) L~;·~(~:·s~,~'g~)\·e~~~~t;~~s~ Pi..on:~ guests In the Harry Stolle home,lTorg;!I11"c f(lt" th(' year. Vcmp:;llT of LHur('l. TIll' same BIRTH RECORD ZI'plm; les.son, Charles Surber' rc- Mr. and Mrs, Leo Schultz and

* * * gI'OUP ('x('(-'pl Mrs, Artman w{'re A dauKht.{'r W<.\:i horn at a lucal frl':-hments, Ela!tle Colson 'and children were Sunday afternoonMrs. Jones, Hostess. dlnncr gUPl'ts Monday eVC'ning in hospItal No\'cmhcl· :24 to Mr'. and Joan Foster. guests in the Richard Kumrn home

Mr" .J. W J{)nc~ t'n1('rlllincd the Fahn~t()('k horlle at Laurl'1. AIrs. Peter Haberer of \Vayne. Saturday, 1:30 p. m., junior cate- in Norfolk. The ladies arc sisters,Conlrdct cluh Mr~ T. +:. * +:" A daughh'r W,'i'i born recently c]wti('aI class. Saturday, 3 p. m., Mrs. I{enneth Packer and

T .I"rH'''' and i\-olr:'. !l G. Q. C. Meets. I to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin l'hil]e() St'lllur c;:J!C,chrtlcal class. ~~~gs~~~tn~u~~~yLa~~~~~~o;l~h7~n!llll had ~1l"' M;'~'. ~,. ~\'. ~~~~'t: l·:~uc:~:~(;,~~~,c ~i~~ (J.f Cenng. Thp ot.her t.\.\'o Children. \- .--- Lall!"el with Mrs. John N. Johnson

* * * Hay Sud)('J"·~ LJil'thday. IVlrs. arc also daughters. J! First.Jlaptist Church. rAJlaCt's,.~'~srOa"t'nOerllchsPCarnd',SUN~.,dl>a,y "a"n'hdA daul{hk-r wPlghmg 7 pounds (c('\'. Rohert J. Bulkley, pastor) L- .<:: <:: _ •

Masquerade Party. Surher was learkr lor Mrs. \'cn- 1J OUl1C'l'S was born to l\-Ir. and 'sunday, Ih"Ccmher 2: especially to visit with a nephew\\'ayne Dancing cluh held <l ~~s~~~,:~~·~c~n~I::~~{~'1I~'(,l~. ~;) .:".lrs_ B, L Eaton of Wakl'flcld, No- BJlr]e school, 10 a. m. who recently returned from Haly

masquerade party Fnday c\-'c- Lynch and Mrs. Ro()'S('\"{'It Pl'ter- \l'mbl'r 23 III it local hospital. Worship hour, 11 a. tn, Sunday after three years overseas.nlng Ht Hot{'l ;v[ornsotl. A. thr<'(-'- son. 1\'lr5. Surl}{'I. l'nt(-'I"!;:\lns Ul'- A dlmJ(htf"r \\eighing 6 pounds of sClcnficf'. This morning we join Mrs. Minnie Miller and Arnold

Ol'clwstra r'..irnlShl'O music. ('C'rnbel' 1'1 when 2\1I'S. Roc'>, 1.) ounces was uorn Sdturday to wllh the ho.sts of other Christians visited her"sister, Mrs, Hans Jen-club holds It:,; fH'xt party Dl'- bJrthday w1l1 be o]).'>{'fW'rl and Mr. and l\lrs. Enoch Martinson of to enter into the' great Vv'orld Mis- sen, and Mr. Jensen in E.merson

('('mlll'!":.!J. '* .;.:_ -J!. Christma!' party I!' planlled. Wakpfll'ld, in a local ho:;pital. slon crus~de with our gifts. The from Tuesday until Monday after-* * * A s-on weighing H pouncL" was ~;~~~g~IS~ ~~~e.'?astor will be noon when Mrs. Theron Culton

Gi;~ l~~~~t~g~~~~' p(J('nb <lmi ~~,r7n'~::~~~g/~'i~r,ct:~d~~~~~~:.;~, ~outh meetings, 6:30 p. m. ~~::. to Emerson to bring them

1-: 1\('[1 roll call ry ~:arstL~tlS ~I PJlge.r•.•There arC'ivv~:\~ct~-/~~h~~i~~pe~~ls~:3Up. m. Mr, and Mrs, E. \V. Smith and;I( 1roop (Ill! ~()\t'h' ~oCu~......~!' afoel i1f()~r daughter;, Come Ye that Thirst and Hunger son of Denver and Mrs. Catherine'fu{'sday 1;I>,t Wl'l'k. Alll.'IWi! In C "an'll ens aIll ). aflC'r ,Righteow;ness. Culton were 6 o·clock dinnerTh,<nl,,,',,,,,,, 'o"('t"!, :-.ung . .J()~('(' guests Friday in the Theron Cul-:-;1 roh. c.;us!l(lnl, l'alsy COLLEGE SOCIETIES First Prf"shyt(~rln.n Church. ton home. Mrs. Smith is a daugh-V:('I·I, I:o'>l'lla ~('h(ln lind lJoJ"u- \Vaync colll'ge Katz club 1:-- C()mfT uf Third and Linc.oln Sts. ter of Mrs, Catherine Culton andthy Hilson gavl' seasypal riddk~. sponsorIng a S~die Hawkins party (fle\', Oliver B. Proett, minister) sister of Theron Culton.(;;H1H'S \\'('1'(' lt1 dlilrg(' oj Clal!"e and dance w!lI:h ,Vr:dl be hl'1rl ltl Sunday, D('cember 2: Mr. and Mrs, Herbert LessmanSinHllcrm;lI1, TIillir' Iknth<lt'k, the slud~nt-unJon ti.wJ,ding Satur- Church school, 10 a. m, Dr. W. and children of Des Moines werePhyllIS FllstLT and lJunJlhy nil- day, {'v,enmg, D~cemh('r 1. The usu- G. Ingram, superintendent. Saturday supper guests in the,son. aJ SadJc Hawkms-:day rule~ ,Will he I Junior church, 11 a. m. Mrs, AI- Emil Miller home. Mr. and Mrs.

'* ~k * oh~rved wjth th(' gIrls talong the bprt M. Kern, director, Paul Lessman joined the gmup forfor Two Birthdays, boys. Katz dU.b r,wmbN>' Jfl charge \\-"orship 11 S m "Th the evening. The Lessmans were

Mrs. G{'(l. lIUghl'~ \\';IS are JUI1~n. T(;l-g('rson, Virgi.nia F()und~tio~ of ~r;~do:,"~~e sec: overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs./landkl'rchlC'j :--hower· I\1r..;. l~arms, v.- !Ills 1- lemIng and Gall onci sermon from Galatians, the Fred Flege in Wayne.H., POrl{'I·flCld a tr'a towel shuw- !\Jwl'swant:;t'l". Book of thc Year. There will be Tha.nksglvlng Dinner,('I' ,tt a !J<-1rty ror theIr sf)('elal music.

:~.s:l~~:{:;,~t.l~~~;~>st~)~l:.~;~(,MISS Su- LOCAL NEWS Weslminster Fellowship. 6:30 Rev. and M~S. F. C. Doctor, M~sic Snudpt"s, ;>'1r.-. F 1\1. Krotch- Burr Davis, .Jimmv Burr and p. m. Topic. "The Coming of Jesus ~~. ~~~ ~:~s oy~sa~~~: a~~';onr_('r, Mrs. W. B. Byatt, l\lrs. \t\--',d- Sandra WNl' l\1otld;-lY luncheon in\~:~o~~~~;·i;~. invite you to wor- man Leatherby were 6 o'ciock din-

~~/'h~~::.~, ~~~:~/'U'~ll:~e;~~:: gU.~'~~~::fJ~~: ~~:~I~:I\:~a~;~·d MISS shIp with us. ;; :~~s~r:~ i:;:;~t~~l:~~sr en-

Knlcmf'T' anr! j)lHnn{', Mr~. I·:rn- Fr:lncl'S ciJllpo Sunday aflern()un Rl'flf'f"m{'r LlIt~~~(",urdl G.L.C. tertaincd, for their sons and fami-

~:~~J ~~~~~<~~i'I/:,n~ll~~(~~.daughters in ~1~~' ~;1~":·~I::~n;~~.h~)I~~hes and I P~t'\'. S. K. de Freese, pastor) lies at dmner: Mr. and Mrs. Vor-

* .x- * j)'lflna Jean ~:pl'nt Sunday in ttw A(l\·pnt Sunday, December 2: :~~P~~i~u~f;;::;:::'/;;;::'i~e~n~ethGirl Scouts Meet. li('nnan Frf'rlnck twm£' at Norfolk. S~nda~ scJ1o~)1 at 10 a. m. Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Swaggerty

l;lrl S('I)ub Iii lroop Two, with MI". and Mrs. Carl Nu:;s, Miss m~~O~~hlP sel'\lces ~t ~l a: .~. Ser~ were in the Cliff Nixon home atMrs. Leonard Strong kadel", dId }lelen Nuss and Mr. and Mrs. ft, " Sacred AssoclatJo~s. Pender for dinner and supper. Cal-h-'at.lwl' \\'()r1i. W..dnesdav last Peterson spent Sunday in Omaha., November 28, teach- vin has aecepted a jab in a weld-\VC"C'k at 'the city :;chnoi. Tlw Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larsen ~s f?eetmg ~t the home of Miss ing company in Pender ... Mr. andgil'ls ea;~ned $1 L50 from a fO:1d I spent Thanksgiving in the Ray_ o;me ~aye Kugler at 8 ~' m. . Mrs. Joe H. W. Johnson .enjoypdsale Friday to u5e in buying lea- 11}.1Ond F10rine home ncar \Vake- hursday, November 29, chOIr dinner with Mrs. Emma Levenether materiaL Last wcek each fIeld. praellce at 7;30 p, m. . and sons ... Mr. and Mrs. Josephgirl ·'t6ld~a ,'];1fanksgi\·ing slory. Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Bathke, . Saturday, December 1, confmna- Erickson entertained Mr. and Mrs.

Bobby and Gale Theo vbltC"d Mr. tlOn class at 2:30 p, m. Carl Sundell and G. A. Sundell ...and MI'''. Charles Bolton at ponca Mo~day, l:?ecember 3, church Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Olson wereSunday. co~,nCJ1 mcetmg at 8 p. m. .. entertained in the parental Erick

Mr. and Mrs. Dewaync Sass and ues~ay, Dcc~mber 4, M~sslOn- S. Johnson home. Her brother,Suzanne of Omaha. werc Thanks- ~~y SOCIety ChrIstmas meetmg at Harold Johnson, was home fromgi\'ing day guests of Mr. and Mrs, e, home of Mrs.. Bernard Meyer the navy on leave ... Mr. and Mrs.A. 11. Owens. at H fl, m. Leader 1S Mrs.!. Doring. Joel Dahlgren and sons were

M!"s. W. M. Hawkins, John and guests of Miss Edna Dahlgren ...""'C".. jl.1 Sally of lIc'ron Lake, Minn., Wl're' St. Mary's Cntholic Church. Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Lund enjoy-

Salur'day luncheon gUl'stS in the F. IRev, Wm. Kearns, pastor) eel cooperative supper in the Os-A. Mildncr home. Decembcr 2, first Sunday of Ad· car Bloomquist home complimen-

Mr. and Mrs. John Alden Lc-wis v('nt, the t>eginning of the Ecclesi- tary to Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Bloom­returncd to Tilden Sundny after a.stical year. The Advent season is quist, Margaret and Florence andspending the w('pk-l'nd in the Dr. the four weeks ·preceding Christ- Rose Ann Engstrom of McPher-A. D. Lewis horne. mas. These four weeks represent son, Kan/The- out-of-town people

Mrs. G. W. Artman of Omaha, the 4,000 years that man waited came to attend the 30th anniver­spent from Wednesday to Sunday for the promised redeemer. Hence sary celebration at Trinity Luth­with her sister, Mrs. J. G. Miller. it is a time of prayer and penance eran church in Omaha on Sunday_and husband here. to prepare our hearts for the com- Rev. Bloomquist was the first pas­

Mrs. Gertrude Hancock left ing of Christ on Christmas day. tor.,. Mr_ and Mrs. Clarence Wol~

Tuesday for Burley, Idaho, to spend Mass in Wayne at 9 o'clock. Con- ter and children and Mrs. Willa month with her daughter, Mrs. fessions Saturday at 7:30. Cate- Wolter were dinner and supperFred Sherrod, and family. chism and benediction after mass, guests in the Will Klein home at

Mrs_ Henry Frevert, Mrs. Lizzie Friday, November 30. will be the Battle Creek ... Mr. and Mrs. C., Longe and Edwin and Mr. and feast of 81. A1ldrew the apostle. A Lundberg and Rudolph were in

rs, Herbert Echtenkamp spent Mass,.in Wayne at 9 o'clock, the Ericl\ G. Johnson home ..•Sunday in the Ed. Frevert home. It is suggested that you read the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Felt and My­

Miss Elaine Benthaek who at- prophecies of Isaiah which fore- ron were in the Marvin Felt hometends medical college in Oma,ha, tells the coming of Christ and the • ~'. Mothers and a few other guestsspent Thanksgiving here with her characteristics that will show He enjoyed a Thanksgiving programparents, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Ben- was the promised redeemer. at Park Hill school Wednesday aft-thack ernoon. A cooperative lunch clos-

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sears of Grace Lutheran Church. ed the afternoon ... A coopera-Lincoln, spent from Friday' to The Church of the Lutheran Hour tive supper was enjoyed in theMonday With the 'former's sister, (Rev. Walter Brackensick, pastor) Harry Bartels home by the RoyMrs. Walter Bressler, sr" and hus- \Vednesday (this) evening, sen- Holm and Irvin Bartels families,band. ior Walther League Bible hour and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Walter, Mr. and

Lt. and Mrs. Gene Johnson were social at 8. Mrs..Lawrence Johnson and thehere the first of the week at Tom Friday, Sunday school teachers' Echtenkamp children ••• Rela­Johnson's. The form'er-began work meeting at 8 p. m. tives had a cooperative dinner andWednesday for the SIOUX City Saturday, Christmas program re- supper in the Lindberg·BrownellJournal. . pearsal at 1:30 p. m. Confirmation home. Others were Mr. and Mrs.

.Lt. and Mrs. Dale Samuelson of class at 3:30 ~p. m. Henry Erickson, Earl and John ofSIOUX Falls, spent the week-e~d , Sunday, the first Sunday in Ad- Alton, la., Mr, and Mrs. Ernesthere in the Otto 'Ol~on and S. E. 'vent, Sunday school at 10"}a. m. Anderson, Leon and Jeanette, Mr.Samuelson homes, Ll Samuelson German servIce at 10:10 a. In. The and Mrs. Oscar Johnson' and Nor­expectS t? be transferred to an- Eng~ servic~ at 1:J,. a. In. man Erickson who is in.the navy.

Iother station soon. Monday.. L. 1.. L. meeting at He has been in Shanghai,- China.

B£EF ROAST,A grade. Per lb.

PORK SAUSAGEPu~. Perlb. "'"

ROUND STEAKA grade. Per lb.

,'.' ,i...·.-...-.....~.....", = ~

-, ..\'.,

n N 81 ~l "hVl:lrn·.:i~r; ':ll

,BOBBY . ' Elf Cil!I rl~

SocietySOCIAL FOR£CAST part) nnd gift OXchnnge.~

C.' C. C. meets December 5 AHeL' Chance and M,rs. Orm"'ith.,Mrs., Art ·Villnow. Martin Un:' hostesses.

¢QJJcge Beautj-~ Shop. Phone Eldeen club will meet Tues-254., r4'9tf day, D8(~J'nber 4, at Mrs. Henry

Mrs: L. B. Young E>ntcrtalns ReUeke's for no-host 1 o·c1ockScoreboard this Frid;))'. lunchtlOIl. Ewryone i~ asked tl.)

Mrs. J. R. Johns.on t'nlertalns bl'lng l1£"r own servicp. Thi~ I~

Cameo cJub December 6. ttl£" Chrh;tmil~ nWt'tmg and gIftsF'ol·tnighLly mc.'t.'ts DeC"-'rnbl't' G wdl bp c'xehangpd.

wit.h MrS. F. VI". N:rbt·l"';. Baptist. Missionary soclety lindHiHs,iclc club HH.'t'ls next Tues- So{'ial S~T\'ICl' group havl' 11 joint

cloy with Mr~. Ernc-st Grolle, JIll'dlng pp(,"('rnber 11 wtth Mrs..':it. PeW) food sale ,nnd bazaar G. A- \Vadt'. Mrs. E. E. Flel't-

l'R:'c. 1 at b'd.S vinet,. 1l:.!:Jll wood nnd Mn.. W, S. lkl'ssler <.JS-Mrs, A. to'!. Jacobs Clllt.:'/"tUlfiS SlISt. and MI·s. J. T. Anderson

Acme club next Mohdil)', wJiI have the lpsson.M.r~, EcL We-her \\·111 enlt:'rtain \Vilhltr clull \\ ill nw<'t W£"d-

Contruct thIs Thurstb.\ l'\crHng. n('~dH'y. I lCC"Plllhi'l· 1:2, at Mrs.BrO\1Onk ~eout..., Jl)l't't tod;l)', John Uunldau·s for :1 ChJ'lstmasContl·n.ct club lllt'('tS NO\t>Ill- p'l.rt~ ,Mrs, IlolH'rt Auke-r wdl

bt~r 29 wiUI l\'lr~. Faul An!1l'rSt'rl. a;;.sisl Mrs. punkJau.E. O. F. meets thl;.. ThUl'sday H. and I) nH'l'ls FndHY C\'l'-

evening \\"It/1 Mrs. Lee CaU\.lWl' lltoE:;, 1Jl'ceml){'r 7, \...-ilh Mrs.St. Paul AIel llWl'ts !.J('('em!Jcr \\'m, \\';q:~n('r,

la at the church jJarlors. l 'oYer· Mr~...I..J Ahern wlil l'ntn-cd dish lunch,NHl WIll b(· s(,l"\cd. tato I\'londil~ club next Monday

Mrs. Yul(' l\.t's~lcr l'l1tc/"UUI1:. afternoon.J\ltineI"\'(\ dub Ill'.'t ;>,'lolldav l,\'{lt'tl :'\u-Fu meets 1)('('('mbl't";) withMrs. S. A. LUtbl'll 11,1:-- tIlt' Jlro- ;\'11'''.1. \\' SutlllTland.g:raffi_ !'l'l'sbyt('l"lan WOITl{'11 plan a

Wesley,ln eil'clt' IJH'('!S I]('xt pt.'J.I-"l' ::('n·]('(' :-;undi1Y ('v('nmg,Monday l'\'t'nmg \\II!J J\[I"."; Htlth lkcl'm!l('r ~j. in the church WIth\VJ!IiHnl'-'; at tlH' LI('uI1~ apart- Dr.J \\.', Prc!',;ly of ()maha, asmenls, s!)('akcl". 111l ...... publlc IS ill\·itf'd.•

Royal Kt'ighbors rTIeC't next Tlw next I-I'g-uNlr Aid !I](,l'lin!l isTuesd,ilY e\emng <It tnt' hall. IJt'e('ml){'r 1:2.GIftS \\'ill IJc exchanged a 1 <I

Chnstmas pal·ly. l\1r~. Mat' ElIJ)JMr~. Evl'lrn Dunklau ilnd ;0.,1]'>,La\'onllc \V('lls are to Sen'l'. ul­fln~n. \'-:tll bc' elected.

Red('('nwr AId has Cl)\·CI pddISh 1 o'clock luncheon andChristmas party D('cumbl'r 6 Hl

the church parlors. GIfts will LK'exchang(·d.

P. 1::. {l. m('l'l.s n('\:t TU1".;d;lywith f\·lr~. 1IowaI'd \'\"111 and .}lr·~

F \V al lhf' Jt>I"fTl('j" ~

hom<.'_ ;\lrs, Auk('l" gl\l'~ abook rC\"lt'\\".

\\". v\'. club mcC't,,, !lext TUl''';­

dar \\'ith 1\11"\. 1::. .J. FUl'Sj('r. 1\hs.John h:<i\ Hnd MI'~, \\'ilhclrnlnaR{)ggf'nll;ll'h JOlnt'cl ;15 ..l1t'\\ Ynel1l~""bel's last wt.'d~.

KlOg'S ! )l"l:ghl('I·!' !nC'{,t In 111('church !).(lr!ors UC"cembtT b WithMrs,·Ilarry Swinney and l\'lr". ('J. Boyce' hostes.!l('s, Mrs. LC\·IGiese ,s leader.

RcdN'm('y· Missionary f;(}('j('1 ymeets nC';..t TuC'sday evening\vith Mr,.;, ~kmnl·d Mf'y~r. Mr~.

Erving Dorjng IS leader· and aChrIstmas part3-' is planned.

Df:'gr('{' of Honor meets IW.\.I

\oVl'dIH' ('H"nJllg". ip the '-\I\'om­en·s dub room for a Christmil."

..... '



JJk .' ,..~rr~.. (.

•• ', ';jffio", . . W


Composition Dart Board:"-29¢·

~;:;;::t~sn·:!q~~c dart boardwith bull's eye target and twodarts.

Heavy Duty Tractor

$198Dctachahlf'i Dri\'prRrilinnt red and black plas·tic with huge, heavy-treadwheel.s


Push Toy that Rattles

5_iodl Whf'pl'i $119A roller ]lush loy or btig-hl1yt'narnell'd woud. Pink, red,light hlur',-----'-..--- ----------._- ._--



5-Sack Lots per 100 lb,~.

Daisy Sub!Machine Gun

$14923j-im-h Length"ChFlttermatic" style w~"crank ratchet that makesrat-tat-tal.

Double Gun and Holster

'leer HOlld Ile,'"n $179Tan Ica!lH'r In-It with twoho!sl('rs and t\VO plastic pis­tol.'!

Tree Ornaments

Of ~parldtng Glass 1Q¢For that magic "out-o,f-fau'y­land" touch. Plain or \vlth gaycontrasting designs,

12 In('hf"s Lonlt"N:lIural varnish Cinbh, redand blue trim. <

Tiny Town Dump Truck


Wayne Produce

Gooch Egg Pellets

Pull Line of Hig/t Quality Gooch and Omar Peeds

Gooch Ploltr for Best Results


Gun and Holster Set

Airplane Builder's Kit


SIx StylesCreate miniaturescenes,

All Wood Gas Truck


Boxed for GivingBuilds 10 Spotting modcl sil­houette planes, 6 to 8 inchspread.


('owhoy Dt\si~n

Tan leather holslf'r ,ann 11('11with hlack enameled 7_inehSi7(' pistol4t-__--.--- _

11~' 1m-hI'S Lon"Has rcal fuC'1 t<'lnk with threcfiller cap~. Blue, red, green



, ,, -




Open Body Ice Truck


Cunning Walky Duck~159

Mountain Freight Train

$14920i Int'hes LongWooden locomotive, box carand gondola, in red, blue andyellow.

Of Rri~ht Pllt~tit'Walks with awh('n pulled hyR inches.

Nativity Figures

lO? nnd 15¢Tiny assorted figures ror dc-'picting the Nativity_

\\'llod ('onst.rlJ('fI'd

Red, hIuf', gr('('n illlrl yC'llow,with balloon tYPl' \\"!H-'cls 11~

incllf's long.


ship, 11 a. m. Woman's Mi5slonary, Thanks~ving dinner for Mr. and I ~.IIiIl.III1l.II!\I!.IIIIIII-I-II-llill--=I-II!1!'I\!.Ii.IIIII11I1!I.II!II.I!!.I!I•••••a. :;society prayer day services and Mrs. Mrilk Simpson and Ronald I~- B'M~ _ rMMtemlfUfIllN iflzmm., mv .....program, 8 p. rn. Dean, and Mrs. Jessie Fox.

Welcome to worship with us. Mrs. A. L. Swan plans to relUrnThursday, December 6, DorcaS" to \V<lync this WN.'k after spending

society meets at the parsonage at three weeks in San Francisco2 p. m. Gift exchange. Mrs. Sulh- \vhe1'e she was call~d by the seriouserland hostess. Members and illness of a invited. M,'. and Mrs. Melvin Seymour

Friday, December 7, 8 p. 01,.' the of Des Moine~, and Mr. and Mrl-iLut~er Lea~e meets.. D(,\·(~t looal Lyle S('ymour of Amt'li, la., SPPfltse~IC~ ~USlOess meetmg, lollo\\'- from Friday to Sundny in the Edsh~p,. e come. Sl'yrnouI' honll' tw'!,£,. TIll' rami!y

'Lift up your hl'ac!f'l, U yf' glltp,.<;: gmu r1 had their Tllanks"riving din-

~~~~~1;:~II:~~d~~~/~~'/(\~:I:;.~~,S~~.I~~ 11('1' Sunday. .",come in," Psalm :,N :7. Sgt. and Mr,<;. MelVin GrlPr of

__"_.~_.. ,_. ,_ Minneapolts, and Mr. and Mrs

LOCAL NEWS 1~~~~dG~~r.~~~ ~~~rr~~'n.<;i~~~l \~:~~A. L. Swan returnpd Sunday \\'ednC'sday caller!> in the Ray 1'01'­

from Omaha where he slwnt S('\'- du(' home, Sgt. Grier is home' aft­eral days on bus'iness. t'l' four yC'ars in service with 18

Thanksgiving dinn('r RUe'...,1 s at months in Europe.Emil Siefken's were Mr, lind Mrs. Mrs. .John C:;rier, .ir., and sonHeino Sicfk('n ancI Miss Li!lian or Ca.rwll, Sgt and AIr'sSiefken. McInlYI·p of Omaha.' ,Inl!

Mrs. P. C. Crockett and Mr. ;Ind Cpl. Clnrence Nel~on called:->\ !laxMrs. Ralph Ct-ackett w(lre ThHl1ks-r P<>rr\U("S Sunday ('\,('njng. Sgt. Me Phone 213 DICK PINKHAM

~,v.~tJf~~s~:a~n{'~~('~~~~~~.r~:~~~ C ;~~i':~n~u~~n~~i\>u~nr~(~('~t~~~ ii~r~~~ 1;1lIl1lllll•••mllllllll.lIIl.iII!Ilillll!llll!lll!llllllllll.!lIIIIlBIIIIII!ll.1II12Inldll&IIIL.og.aln.~MI~Sr. ~e~lM~~xC, ~~t~';/~~~(:~~ iI);l~ ~~~st~T'~~(,D(~~I'~lb~~~I,:~lay (1Inn('r J elM 4 au tN.



Jrl;; Ho-nored Here.Sunday guests in the AI. Rubeckhome were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice

Kavanaugh and family and Mr. andMrs..10f' Garvin of Dixon, Mr. andMrs. Harry Dahm and Mr. andMrs. Mauricf' Kavanaug-h, jr., ofLaureL and MI'. and Mr::;. AldenServen. The occasion was to cele~

hl'ate the birthday of Mrs. GereleKavan:-,ugh which was Monday.

Plan to Give Play.Conrord high school junior play,

"Red Headed Royalty from Ark·ansas," i!> being rehearsed for De­cemher 13 presentation with MissMargaret Palmer in charge. Thecast includf's Genevieve Johnson,Marilyn Anderson, Norma Erwin,Mae Salmon, Anna Mae Klausen,Donald Kl\rdell, Forrest Magnu~

80n, Ernest Swanson, Ronald F'ish~

er, Kenneth Kraemer and PhyllisReynolds,

Infant Daug'hter Baptized•Janice Marlene, infant daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bose, wasbaptized Sunday. Dinner gueststhat day at the- Paul Bose homewere Rev. and Mrs, E, 1.. Borg­meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boseand Irene, Mr. and Mrs. RaymondMattes and Ronald, Mr, and MI;',$.

Fred \Volter, Lloyd and·, De ' 'Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wolter.Elinor Wolter of Sioux Ci,ty,Jim Geiger and Larry" CIBose and Jim Bykerk. MJ;': anMrs. Martin Rodell and Myrtlespent the evening at Bose's.






Oonconll3 Evan, Loth, Chultlh,.IRev. John E, Sutherland, pastor)

Thursdny, N<)vember 29, 8 p, m_.the Brotherhood meets at thechurch. Com!'!' out for the program,the' diseussion ,and' the fellOWShIP.

Saturday, December 1. the Juno.lor Ml$sion sOQiety meets at ~. The confirrn~tion class meet.!;:at same hO'ur. The choir rehearsesat 8 o'clocle.

SundaY; December 2, church ,,,_.... _school- and Bible class~i 10 a. m.Tfu~ children' of 'tbe 'Sundf;lY schoolwill "briQg i~: ,their..,thank,:"offering

~"";"~ :-"Iboxes:. for ~issioQs. Divine wor-

ATruly GREATMediumMMaturity Hybrid


Harry Kinder



•.." JI ~~,1"I."Cilt.aClYgfowlng CORNHUSKER'''$,..,yo...·re I,aming now-at pltkingftm~fla+ an outstanding hybrid It Is.

Y(lu'~e "~n how, lis slurdy slalks have CORNHU~KER 148 was. developed i~,tecidily otidined In attractiveneSi as they CORNHU$KER'S own breeding program

: ripened. And NOW you're finding how IN and FOR Ihis area. Of medium ma-~a$I,,~f~, b'9,! ,~eQvy-welghlng eors fill your turitv (116 days at Fremont) It Is esp~",b90ns ond cribs. dallv recommended for planf!ng In thIs

: If you're nol gro~ing CORNHUSKER county.,14!J: yet, vol. really owe II 10 yourself 10 Solei to dale of 148, though II 15 a

:;~~~h~$~nfi~f~.It'~,::,~~:o;,~~ngm~n;o:; . ~j,::a:~~':'~h~s:Wo~~b:~:; :~:=;~,.'~o,~t!l1·e1g~~at$'wi11 lell Y,au, lI'~ I~eir ere loueasing rapidly as harvel' pro-tiOlt COI,rll ;Atl~ .they'lIlen YQu tllat; along greSSe$ and liS lruly remarkablle perform-~I!h, lill :"'!~11.yieldi~9 l;Ibt~ity .and slro."g , ante betotn&1 better and better recog-

i':":"'(; ~~~'~~',t~:~ ..,1P~W$.ha~e,d,e~s ~~a, ctJ"y . nl1ed.


Cunl of Thank".I \\lsh to, tI1lJ.~(' \\iln (':\\T­

NI Oil n1l' Hnd I ('~IWCI;111.\ \'.. Inl 10

thank ('\('ryonp al IIII' .\l'i1Tl"lillgnll :Inri ki!ch.. n [or tl)(' lu\'(:lyTIl;lnksgl\ln.l: cbmwl :-'('nl \0

n](' It was n)nsl HPII"-""i,, 11'''_Mrs. lrefl(' SurhpI'. n~qt 1p


Card of Thnnks.I wish to C'xprcss my thanks til

those who spnt me If'ttprs anrIcards and othpr rc-mpmbranf'eswhile I was in the hO~pltal. -MI"'.A. H. Brinkmnn. n2911 p

('ard of Thank~.

We \',>i.'\h in this way to "XPI'('~<;

our thanl;;:s and appreciatlon f()l' th.'kindnpss and sympathy shown usat the time of our rCCl'nt IwrC'u'\ir,:·mpnt. Familif'S of John SchrOl'­del'. J{t'nry Schroed('r, hal' ,It'nsc,nand Cur! Linke. n:..!~Hl.p


Charge for Cards of Thanks JslOc per_li_ne_._~~__~__---. - Vard of ~'hank~

I wish to thank all my friendsand relatives for cards, gifts ai1dletters sent to me during my il!­ness the past two months.·~DuaneErxlebpn. __. __n2~:J~

Card of Thanks.To all who remC'mlw[·pd nw with

cards, flowcrs and l('t 1CfS whill' Iwas in tIl(' hospital, I want til L'X­

prl'.ss sincere thank",. Dalp St(ll­tenberg. n2~1tl


Improved 80 AcreWayne County farm

Wayne County FarmsFOR SALE

\\';\:\'T1-:0' Fcprl salesman innor1 t1l':isIPrll Nl'hrask<l by ps­\.lllllsl1l'd ;lnd ITII,II)\t' f('ed com­]Jany. l\lust have' car {<'ann rx­]11'1'11'1]('(' prdl'lTt'd hut n()t n['c('s-

.\ ('{jlllpll'l(' lint' of protein111ltwI'ai fe('fL~. For [urthpr

illfIJrm:IIIDI1 write \\' W. Havi-land. :2(17 \\·l'."t ~3rd SL. Sioux Card or Thank...

Fall". S. D. ,__ ~2Lt~p We \\Ish to Ih:.wk <Ill (lur frt(Ht(M!

.H1ST AHRIVED SmClll <;hlpmC'nt for tht'll" many Hf'1.'i oj klndlll'''sof prr'-\\-'!lr typf' coal and woorl dunn;.:- tll(' illness and dC:ltll of (,Clr(,II'r\11Fl1iq~ heat/'rs In 20 and 22- b('lovC'd wICe nnd moth!'I' (';111 Ifinr!1 sizf'. IIC'HVy cast iron body Lf'cmard, Cornelius, Jdfprso!l, !to!I­and flr0 box. PorCf'lain flnampl ert nnd LRRoy LponRnl, 1\11' :IIHIfinl:-::.h (-;:lmbk:-::.. n:29t1 Mrs. JHm('s Ll'onl1rrl and famll\,.

-_. --..,.----.. - Mr. and Mr" \V. P. Ilyd,' (I;d~ Jun('. n'!'1' 1

7£ L~"'D"~ Cumm!=: count.) I-J! 11(1:,:-;

L()ST' Ladl('s' rose gold 17-jf'wel and ~a\'f' recrntly m:~dl' ('11-wrio,! watch. Namp J,S PJlot Swis...; 14 ~tccrs of thl'12' 1)\\ nmOVl'rlH·nt. FmdC'r pl('asp !('HVl'l v'hich thl'Y \\"\11 (';:hlll[1 In;11 til(' IlI'rald office' or e'il'll 1114 IhC' mark!'! Ll!. o,l(wk :tlHI

nt (·;llT01I. Nebr., ('oll~ct. Ite- carl()t conyH't.Jlj()1l whwh \'.111 Ill'

ward. . Ie.. n:29t1~ ~;~\;:,~t~t';}:h~~'ago slock y:11']-.; 1)('-

For Further rartlclilars See

'Waller M. Rees, Real Eslale Broker, Norfolk, Neb.. . or. - _·t,_ .'

AdolpbZicht, Real Eslale Auclioneer, Norfolk, Neb.-', ,. n29d6p....._ _..-_....••..............~.~~~.~~~~


Kloke Investment Co.Omaha, Nebraska


Morris, IckIer. blacksmith -fShop,200 So. Main. n29tlp

WANTED: Waitresses. full or parttimp, pxpe-rience not neeesl'ary.Sp,· ~ylvia O'Neill at MorrisonCoffep Shop. n2911

Insulate with HomeguardHmnC'Jfuard Insulation pay~ for

itseJr hI three years. 'llave ourtrlllntld cre\\' Immlate your atticand silll'Walls.. Our Jobs are!.:·uarantf>l·d lI.I{llin8t Nmdenlta­tlOD and ..idewall settlln~. Attic.lobs as 10'" as $70.00 on 5-roomhonse. ~Idt-'wftII Bnd attic' as

::h~~ ;~:at~~t~i~O, Inl'ludlnJ{ labor


V:'Ai;T~: To b8;410 single shotWith at ICFlst two boxes of =-hplls.~('(' Phil lkbus, Mornson Coff('eShop. n29tl

------------\VA;\JTED: Custom hutchering any

timp. any\vhrfC'. Plcase gpt yourn'"pr\\ttion ns early as possible.Phone 325LJ. L. L. '(Verne)Thomp.son. n15tf

TIOLLAWAY BEDS Npv,' all stN'1"pring t ypc rollaway bros coo1-

f;:;::~ with mHttrc, $19.95. ~;;;1

We are offering two improved farms, in good

state of cultivation, on gravel highway southwest

of Carroll. A quarter section with buildings on

the Pierce highway," and another 240 acres with

buildings a half mile from gravel.

We would require 40'; down payment, [lnd ~ati~­

factory terms can be arranged for the "alallCf'.

For Full Particulars Write

AT AUCTION~e. "11:

&ii&&&bW& j ~=

Monday, Dec. 10, '45I~i~'." 2:00 o'clock at premises "~

lIuvinf{ d(l'cided to sell this SO.aere farm, will sell It at pnbJI(l.·~

audion to the hj~heRt hidder on above date. Farm j" locate~3 mile!'> west and 11;'2 mlli's north o( Wimdde. REA light" are' •dHS~ to farm. One-half mile to 8chool and 1 Yz miles from :A'ravpl road. •

=I Land ,~>:'S

~~ a~~r~~~nh:rf~lf~ila~~d~~~~~.en~~a~~~n~~d;~"~~i~~~?a~ct~~(r~~f!is free of all noxious weeds. _

Buildings &Good four-room house with pantry, claspt and part basement. :113m for four horses and stanchions for ten cows, with hay ioft •anr} has three grain "bins. Good hog shed. chicken ho~sc, two- '_t:~~~t~:r~.a~a~~.da~~h~~c~~~~lv~.Ui~~8~~ ~~~dWae~~ c~~~~-f~~~~~: ,:, 5

•Legal Description:

South 1/; of NW I4 of Section 29, Township 26, Range 2 East, :Wayne County, Nebraska. '!-~'-:

Terms ,,,.~/<'~

201fr day of sale. Balance March 1st, 1946. Owner will carry, _back $4.000 at 4% for .five years if desired. Land sells clear or-_ =all incwnbrances. ,. ,.,,,.


Possession .".::~arch 1st, 1946, when good warranty deed and abstract ~Ef:;EgIven. ~'''C' _

easy feeding kind, 1 % milesnorth of Pilger, Ed. F. Rennick& Sons. n8tf

Mb: with you: owngrain ... helps keepcows in conditionfor big milk produc.­tion' Ask us aboutit today)


NINE~room dwelling 721 Main St.All modern and in l'xtra goodcondi·tion. Lot is 100 ft. by ISO ft.Priced at $5,SOO. ('uYanau~h,

Wayne. n'29l1

FOUR-room dWPlling on 1}1("' backof lot at 1019 Pl'3rl SI. I!ou=-c I"in good condition and Ill'

movcd from prespnt location.PrieN,} at ~1,GO().


FOR SALE: Good Duroe JcY'SPYboars. New br(lNling for old cus­tomers. 10 miles north of \\':lYneon highway IS, Robert Er\~'jn,Laurel. n8tf

FOR SALE: Modern homC'. 1 hlockw('!'l of collpgr', 4 rooms (:2 hpd­rooms·) with hath and full hd=-P­mrnt, Mrs. R F. Raggl'nhach,',; Anton PflC'ugcr, \Vaynr._~~ n~:?l~p

FOR :-::ft:IY: Slm·f'.";. piano. 1l1'j~:l!1.

L-piec'f' living l'oomnf'\V 011'ctri('R-pi('CI' DunC:lndining room "ll1t(·.~

\\ilh cod ~rlI'lng"

spring mattn'''", od,ls{'vera] beels with coilclectric hpHtrr:--: .. ~) holeplate; Phtlco clN'lric' radio,hlE' morkl, not mml"rn butWayne MaltrC'ss Shnp.

FOR SiALF: I-Iu.ssmnnn rcfrigC'ra­1ion cfluipmrnt. 10 ft. '{ H ft.wnlk-in coolC'r, 2 srr\'icf' \vin­<lows, 10 ft. '{ :i ft. walk-in ('Iln]n

.storagC' typf'. l2 ff. d()uh l(,cnc;C', a ft. douhll' d\lty r;<"p,cu. ft. rpach-in rrfrigpr:11nr. Thisi" all uSf'd ('(juipnwnt in finC' con­dition. Comknsing units. coils,sharp frecze doors in slo('k, f) in.cork jnsulated. Wrik H. P. Hy­nish. 420 Dakota Aw'., SouthSioux City, Nchr. n814

HIGHLY impro\'pdproximFltply 20 Flcrrs.\Vayne. Locatrd at ond of4th sl red. All huildmgs havebf'pn rccC'ntly repairC'd ancl paint­ed. Seven-room dwelling, doublegarage with work shop, bnrn.hog house, 3 large nf'W In.yinghousC's, 3 new hroodC'r huildings wired for Jights.Water suppliC'd from prC'ssurc1ank with elC'etrlc pump. Finegrove, gravE'lC'd rO:1d to house.PriCf'. $11,000.'IYVO-apFlrl nwnt clwrlling. in (''{­('cUent shape. 4 rooms in (';1ellanartment. Gns hent. 2 h<1throoms. 2 kitchrns. grounn andgard('n is qUllrter block. I_ncFltfldfit 302 F:. 7th. Pricc. $6,:iOO.Tprms if dcsired.SIX-room dw~llinr.; \\'i1h ~un

pr1rch Hnd skrping porch. hnrd­wood finish. hot \\','.tC'r hN(f \':ithslokcr, doub]p f!:nnu:~{'. buildingHnd grouml in ('xlra gond eonfli­tion. Locall'(l at 121 \V, $6,000. TC'rms if desired.

CAVANAUGHPhont' R4, Waynf', Nebr. n29t1

FOR SALE: Dwrlling :II .1~1 1"lst41h. This pro(J£'rty is HI a nl('('local ion. lal';.(e lot. \ IInl' of-fCfrd. Pricl' ~:!..)()f) 11,1\ ('to nct qUICk on 1I1lS OtH'. :\l:lrtlll1... TlinJ::f'l'. n2!lt 1


FOIl SALE: Registered Spo1ted'Polnnd hoars, good ones. W. J.Kipper, 1 mile north, 1 ~'2 wC'stof Wayne. 04tf

FOR SALE: Pur€"bred Hampshirehoars. Adam Burbach & Sons, 2miles west of Hartington onhighway 84 and 80 rods north.


FOR SALE: An 18-acre tract inWayne. City lights and water.Improvements very good. Price$7,000. Martin L. 'Ringer. n29t1

FOR SALE: Heavy duty, air cool­ed gasoline engine, % h.p., kickstarter, $40. R. H. Banister, 1120Main St., Wayne, Nebr. n29t1p

FOR SALE: Registered spotted

~~~~~w~~~ l~~a:;d c~ro~~~~I----------==---HE'nry Kil"per, Wayne, Nebr.


FOR SALE: Vaccina ted Duroc andBlack Poland boars. Oil tankheater, used one year. HenryReeg, phone 28F120, Wayne.


Funror:l] ~('I'\'ir('" \\'('1'1' cnnflurtf'd -----------..--;'-;"fl\'e!1l1H'r 1-1 ,11 Wi.sner, for Mrs. \VARl\1 Morning Heater l]sE"d\Vm. Drllnr. 71. who passerl away only 4 months. Holds 80 Ibs. ofnt Jlf't home ~o\'emhrr 11. coal. ComplC'tc with draft regu-

. ._______ la10r $25. Gambles. n29tl

FOR SALE: My home at 920Do~~g-: W~~~~~ry ~~F~i;cH~~7l ~('ahk~~~~:i~~n~3a6;~s~~~~c~0E~v~~~~~ Morrison Coffee Shop. n29t1

"~~_. ' __~-+- Chicago 10, Ill. n29t2 WANTED: House or apartment.

~-----------IFOR SALE: Kelvinator refrigcra- furnished 'or unfurnished, bytor, good, electric, 6 1'2 cu. ft. permanent resident wi1h wifeRaymond Florine, 5 mi. so.. lh and 4-month~old baby. C€'cil R.west of Wakefield. n29U

SOUTHWEST WAYNES;ltl1rdrlv dinnf'r gUflsts

in l11r HI';lhf'n hnm(' in-r]'ldrd :\TI·. :lnd Mrs. \V,; Carl-son, fI.!r. and Mrs. (Hto Nebon amifClmrly. Mr. :mtl Mrs. Lenus Ring,Mr. ,]nd !V11'S. llc'nry IIolmlwrg and1\'Tr flnd l\hs. ::\Tartin HolmbC'rg ofWakdipld.

FOR SALE: Registered Durocboars. The bcst in Durocs, pricedto sell. Henry Stuthman & Son,5 miles north of Pilger. n8tf

FOR SALE: An improved 80 acres,2 miles from Wayne. A nice lay·ing farm with fair improvementsand on R.E,A Martin L. RingeT.

Washes the air in your home I ===- --",.-_:-::-:02,-,-9_11through a germicide~treated wal- SEVEN-room dwelling at 802 Lo-er bath, efficiently removing all gan St. Can be used for apart-'dust. mehts. Lot 100 x 100 ft. Priced

Humidifies - Restores life and at $3,500. Cavanaugh, Wayne.vigor to air.. nature's way, with n29t1water.

Gives valued aid in many res­piratory ailments by the additionof volatile inhalants to- the water.

Rexair performs the importanthealth phases of air-conditioning, n29t2p

O~er at once. ~n<!_ .!>rt your FOR SALE: Registered Duroc -C I H 'Rexa.. before Chrls~~~' bwrs and, open gilts. Pri~ed 0 son atchery

ANDREW JOHNSON pg~t. On hIghway 15, 10111 mIlesAuthorized Qe., ':" :~~~ ,of Wayne. Arnold S: Phone 134 Wayno, Neb.

Box 701 'Ilhone 167 . 11IIII \II UIIIIl ~1Il ..Wausa. Nebraska FO~ALE_: 30, head of purebred - -, lIIIB .... - • -

I ~....-----~.;..~I' I psmre boars, Fast groWIng. 11II- 11III


way.AHT:2r Rirh:lnl Lund :mll his

~~l~~~n~;~)~h~I:~~~~.n~~~.~~~;~.twrk, Friday aftrornoon 11(' 10ft

for Alameda, Calif..furlough \vilh hom"

Regardless of the color or the style, the modC'] or the make

... you'll soon be able to find the appliancc you need at the

McGuigan Radio Service. Place your order now beforethey come in.

Now On Display


H. L. Slaughter, Mgr.

On Highway 81

CATTL~ - 2500

)i,e GUlll_EMOTlAYS ON1..t.tON~ £.&G



Another .Big·Run

\V (' art' going to ha\'(· :-;('veral consignment~ of["('ul good steers, coming from Rome of the best­knll\\ 11 lJrands in the wpst. If you need cattleff)r imnH'diate feeding we arc Rure that we canplt"l,";(\ you at the salp this coming Saturday.\\"(' \\'ill also ha\"t~ a hig- rlln of stock cattle, both~tperc; and heifers, and a good run of butcher:-;tod, ilnd a few conRignments of big rough::--tt'('I'S th;lt have been running in the corn fieldsfor a :--hort time. In any event - yo~feel

:-;lln~ Ill' getting ,"hat \"ou ''''ant in the cattle lineif _"00 ('orne tn the sa-le'SATURDAY, DEC, 1st,al Yanktoll, ~ .. D. A f(~w cOl1Rignments of pigs\\"ill cOllstitu\~' the rlln of rw-rhaps. 2!)O pigs fromthv \\"(\st. \ .

Will include a good offering of Montana and

western South Dakota cattle with a few loads

of North Dakota and western Nebraska cattle.

Our Sale This Coming Saturday,December 1st,1945

Yankton, So. Dak.

Yankton Livestock Sales Co.

We have a Home Freezer' Unit on display. It's aU white

porcelain-has safety c~tch hinges--a separate quick freeze

unit~265 lb. storage space. Very economical to operate.


-We are niovi.~g .our shop to 3rd St., next to Wayne Creamery.,' . . . , .

Want to raise finer flo<::ks and slocks? Want to get agood price for your poultry, eggs and cream? We havethe' right feeds for every need and pay top prices forproduce. Come to the Sherry Bros. Produce with confi·dence. Best loading and unloading facilities in Wayne.




Wayne, Neb.n29tlp


Coryell Aut:o Co.

Things to J)O to Keep YOUI'

Car in Shape:TUNE ENGINE





Buroes You Will Like

Reliabl~ Service for AllMakes Cars or Trucks

We Have Modern Tools and Equip­ment - Expert Trained Mechanics

Kenneth DunklauPhone 6-1'23

• When I s.tate that. I have \ome very eta..,.sy, high Q1liJlity­DUROCS, With ~xceptlOnally dccp han:, thwk, r!f'pp-\}odipf! Rnnsound, I mean Just what I say. Wntc nw or St'P Illy hf'l'd.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-II •••a ••••~~.;;.~

••=•••••••••••·: .....· .

,I Minn.~ ~ere F~a~ evening d~~~-·s-I~('nt·.satu~~.gin-.~~ . jguests In .the Etnest Bahde home Robf'rt Frahm home MI· ,-~n(l;.J"

at Wakefj{~ld. Th~ Fremont folks r.s. Elmer Karnetz· left Sun~lIY

return~d to thetr, home from for their home at A\l~tin. Minn..WakefIeld that evemng. Mr. an, flf\('!' .spending Thani<sgiving vaea­Mrs. DeUef Bahde and Miss Leon". t ion in the DeUef nahde homeang Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Karnet:l herr-

Buy Your Christmas Tree HereNOW!

J,>rices effective'November 29 and SO aod December 1

., .CASH...............-

Larson s Fppst"M~rk~t

Lettuce Large .. 11c YellowHeads, ........ .Each,..PO~ CORN

Carrots Per 9c I-lb... Bunch.. I'kg, 15eCelery Large Per 1geStalks.. ......... Bunch.Radishes .2 Bchs.. 9c

\-'ankM Doodle


Yams 2 Lbs. 2lc I-lb. 19Pkg'.

Cabbage Per 4c......Pound.MAGARONI and

Potatoes RusseL 10Lbs.4]c SPAGHETTI;Pears Per 17c

2-lb. 19..Pound l·k~ .

Apples Per l5cDeJicious._ .. ... PoundBologna Per 29c DRY BEANS

Armour's. .... -. ..... _Pound. __ 2~ih. 19Minced Luncheon Per 33c


... PoundLiver Sausage Per 29c Green.. Pound.. ,

Spiced Luncheon Ham 6-lb. .......$2.70 SPLIT PEASCan. I-lb. 12ePkg. ........ -. ...

Pressed Ham Per 35c... Pound..Salami

Per 35c YclowstoDC... Pound..MUSTARD

Smoke Salt Morton's 71j.-lb. 67c 2 ~~;~~ .. 25eSugar Cure.. ...Can .. __

LEWIS LYE- ... 23e RICE KRISPIES- r,25c3 for -

Kellogg's. 2 Pkgs•.

OLD DUTCII CLEANSER- 8e CORN FLAKES- 13ePer Can.. .. I{ellol{g's, Large Box, .. ..

SOILAX- 21c PEP- gePer Package ,- .... Kellogg's. Per Box... ........... ........_.


- 23c SHREDDED WHEAT- 25eDRANO-Per Can... Kellogg's. 2 Pkgs. ............. .................... ..

:S~,o. S. PADS-- 15c RIPPLED WHEAT- ge,l)'~. per Package

Per Packagc._ .. ................

43c MUFFETS- ge·:.oUST P1\N8- Per Package..- .Heavy Duty. Each.. ... -

DUST MOPS- 97c OATMEAL- 27eHeavy Duty. Each ......... ... Quaker. Large Box. .........._...........•.....

MATCHES- 21c PANCAKE n,oUB- 15eGood Housekeeping. 6-box carton.. Jersey Cream. 3-lb. Pkg.. .......-............

.. -

boys piled up an impressive 329points ns compared to 18 for theiropPOJ1('nts. The team \\-"a5 coachedby Julian Torgerson, senior at\Vayn~, State Teachers col!egr .

CourlC'sy Sioux City Journal

Coach .J. TorJ{cnmn; [ront row, L. \)'ilIcrs,(:. lIardcr, J. Killinn, 1\1. Echtcllkamp, R. Ron­fell1t, L. l\inJ{ston, K. Hall.

LOCAL NEWSMr. and Mrs. A. G. Wert .spent

Sunday in the Mrs. Stl'lla Chi­clwster home.

Mr. allli Mrs. Il. \\'. Ley wereSunday dinner guests uf Mrs. Wm.Bennett and childrcn.

Robert Bakel', son of Mr. andMrs. Chas. Baker, arrived Monday.lIe had served in Europe and re~

ceived his honorable discharge.Mr. and Mrs. Herman 'Sund, Miss

Freda and Donald visited Mr. andMrs. Adolph Tic-dtke at Pilger Sun~dRy. Miss Freda left from there toreturn to her teaching at NorthFlatte.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cavanaughand Miss Catherine returnL'd Sun­(by to Wayne and Fremont fromKansas City where they had spentThanksgiving with Mrs. MalcolmWoodbury and Mr. and Mrs. TomCavanaugh and baby.

Mrs. Hattie McNutt and M<lr­Icne entertained at Thank:;givingdinner for Mr. and Mrs. EverettSchultz, Ronald and Rodger ofMadison, Mr. and Mrs. Roy lJCjvis,Dorot.hy, Beverly and Becky ofWinside, and Chas. Mortun of Nor­folk.

Mrs. P. A. Davies, who had.spent Thanksgiving with herdaughter at Bloomfield, came hereTuesday and visited in the T. S.Hook and Mrs. Mac Young homesand with Miss Ruth Paden beforereturning to her home in Lincoln.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bathke,Dobby and Gale Theo spentThanksgiving in the Mrs. N. A.Bolton home at Bloomfield. Theoccasion was also in honor of RoyBolton who was recently dis~

charged after serving two years inthe armed forces.

Mrs. Stella Chichester, Mr. andMrs. 'Archie Wert and Lee, Mr.and Mrs. Edwin Lindsay, Mrs.Lucy Lindsay of Winside, Mr. andMrs. Everett Lindsay and Mrs.James Baird had Thanksgivingdinner and supper together in thehome of the first named.

C. L. Benson, Mrs. F. E. Harri­son and Mrs. Harold Stover anddaughter of Norfolk, Mrs. WalterBrassfield and three children andMrs. J. L. Benson of Owanka, S.D., were Sunday guests of Mrs. G.J. Hess and Mrs. S. J. Benson. Mrs.Brassfield and children remainedhere for a few days.

Mr. and MrS. Lloyd C. Sylvanusand Mrs. Art Piepenbrink ofWheatland, Wyo., and Miss AWarri:m of Omaha, were Satuand Sunday guests in the Johnvanus and Merton Hiltonhere. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fand Emmett of Chance~or, S. D.,were here Sunday with the Fowl­ers' daughter and husband, Mr. andMrs, Hilton.

Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Amen andson, Richard, arrived Friday fromWashington, D. C:, to visit Mrs.Amen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Wright. Mr. Amen's father, Dr.A. M. Amen of Yankton, spent SWl­day h~re-. Elvin Amen, navigatorfor 'TWA, went to Kansas CityM9J:1day to take a month's trajn~

'ihg as co-p,Hot. Mrs. ':Amen and sonwill l",mam at Wright's here,

Chief~pg,tty'Offieer and Mrs. LeoJ. 'Kauffman spent from Sunday to

to 0; Leigh, 48 10 0; Wama, 64to 6; Allen, 51 to G; and Emerson,Sl to O.

The imposjng total disclose.';that only three teams cro.ssed theWayne goal line, while the Prep

Undefeat:~dSeason for Wayne Prep

The Illayers, from left to rl~ht, hack row:Supervisor (;. \'. \\'alt, A. Baht', W. Morrison,E. E('htcnkltmp, R. 8hln'!;\', C. Surher, Htudcnt

\Vaync Prep school has just fin~

ishl..'d an undefl'atl..'U season or six­man football. Starting with a 25to 6 victory OVl'r Bancrof(, thePrep squad succ('ssivcly dl'uhbedCrofton, 50 to 0; Newcastj(', 40

SMOKERAn ideal gift for "'the man

. of the house" ••. a walnutfinished smoker, with re­movable ash tray thattakes heaps of ashes. Intwo,designs,each $37922 inches high" EA,


ptt!"'. Illl _•A

\O"1JII11,~.J.The Friendly. Store

TholUlands o/' {amum. will tdw SueHomebod:l. ,,!ish: uMake, mine aFornitureChristmas", .. at Gambk's!


For a brighter, warmerroom to bring Christmascheer ... a shag rug withtwisted loop8, soft andltushion-y. on heavy duckbacking - a choice' of

~~13~~~".":.. $3~9


In B,usJnessWayne ,Sales Co.

meeting Monday.


Walt Disney's colored film,"South of the Border," picturingsight:<; viewed by himself and 18artists on a trip through North,Central and South America, wasshown hy Dr. Geo. Seeck for col­lege convocation Tuesday. In Bra­zil were pictured street scenes inRio de Janeiro; in Uruguay, 1ivC'~

stock industry; in Argentine, viewsof Bolita street of Buenos Airesand sports such as football. poloand dancing; in Bolivia. weaving-.communal plowing and ruins ofIncas of the. Andes mountains; inEcuador, Colombia, Venezuela andCentral America, native life; inGua temala and Mexico, potteryand art.

Bowlers Win fromNorfolk Team Here

Wayne Produce bowling' teamdefeated one of the top bowlingteams of Norfolk here Wednesdayevening. The Wayne team's totalon pins was 2,496 and Norfolk's2A8l.

Standing in the local league isnow as follows: Tictgen Hatchery.10 ganies won and two lost;WY::lI1c Produce, nine won andthree lost; ,Legion. six won and sixlost; Business Men and Twin Bar,five \\'on and seven lost; \VaynePoultry, olle won and 11 lost.Tl..':'\IC'y Simmerman was top scor~

er for til<' week v>'ith 216.\Vnlwfield <lll,d Wayne lHdil's

bowl !w\'e FrirMy, NovC'mber 30.Nt':'\t week Twin Bar and TictgcnHatchery meet December :~; Le­gion /lnd Wayne Poult ry, Decem­her '1; Business Men and \VayneProducc. December 5.

Lambrecht EstateLand Is Auctioned

Tnmsfers to I{o.nsas.Pie,. John Berry, son of Mr. and

MfR. 'C. A. Berry, transferred thisweek from Watertown, S. D., toFort Leavenworth, Kan.

'Rec~lve9 Promotion.Jean Berry, who is in the ma~

rines stationed at Pearl Harbor,was recently promoted to privatefirst class. Pfe. Berry is scheduledto be in the states the week of De­cember L She is n daughler of Mr.and Mrs. C. A. Berry.


Elsie May Gordon, -creator ofmany radio characters, appears atthe college December 10 in a pro­gram entitled "Behind the Broad­casts." Miss Gordon has createdmore than 1,000 radio roles andhas appeared on such programs asTown Hall, Aldrich family, StageDoor Canteen, Report to the Na­tion, Easy Aces, Al Jolson's andFred Allen's features and many{)thers. In Al Jolsoo·s presentationof Uncle Tom's Cabin she took allthe feminine roles, She is referredto as fl. one~woman the-a tre andwill portray well-known radiocharacters here.



A gift sure to he enjoyed by everyonein the fariilly •.. twelve months of ayear-for many, many years! Re­laxing, restful furniture because beththe sofa and matching chair havespring Pase construction and revers­ible spring-filled cushions.

Use our Thrifty Payment Plan tosecure this "family" Christmas gift.


Per WeekPayable Monthly


69(Our Reg, Low Price 98e



Thrce pieces of Innd belonging tothe Lambrecht ('state Wl~J'(' offeredfnr sak' Monday by' F. :S. Berry,attorney. and Burr R Da\"is. ref·

Arrives tn Tokyo. erec. Willie Cary was high bidderPvt. R.a;ymond J. Rceg arrived at on the SWL,; of 20-26-2, offE'ring

'l·~o. ~rarmn, October 23. He is $H7.50 pc-r acre. Ed. Gathje bid $75wi~h the engIneers now. He is ,~n acre {1n the Nl,i..1 of NE1,~ of 30­,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;.;;,;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;,;,;.,;._;;-.;;- 26-2 and G. W. Hansen bid $75 fin

~ acre on the S 1 ~ of SE 1"1 of 19-:26-2.~ The sales are subject to confirma­

tion by district court which can-.,': venes December 20.





FUNERAL SERVICE- 't of flowers. She was a dcvottu Tuesday with tho [armor's sister,(Continued from Page Olll"!) wife an,d.mothcr and a kind friend. Miss Madf'linc, ,Kauffman. They

__ '. --- _ SurvIving Mrs. \Vcstropc arc were Thanksgiving guests in theCarroll, Nebr.: to. makr' j heir I~('r husoand and two child~C'n, I:~.rold JRnu]cwicz ~om.e in ~uP lhome. To thiS union \\,CI'(' born r. Sgl. John D. Garwood of Fort City. Mrs. JanulcwlcZ IS a sistert.hree children, Mildred, John D. Dix, N. J" nnd MildrC'd Lucille of of Miss Kauffman Hnd Chief Pet­and. Lamoino, the last named liv- Beatrice. and a sister, Mrs. Kath- ty Officer Kauffman. The latteriog only six weeks. After ry:n Vance of Madison, Wis. and l~is wife plan to spend a fewin Carroll 18 yeurs, Harwy T. Sgt. John D. Garwood of Fort days In Bassett visit.lng Mrs. Kauff·Garwood died November 11, 1918. Dix, and his wife, Mrs. Kathleen man's p.'lrents, after which they

At Court tl sc. Mrs. Garwood was married Ft'hru_ Garwood, \vho is in Chicago train- will go to Lincoln to make theirImprovement of instruction pro- ary 9, 19:n, to James H. L(lgan ing as a nurse, arrived Thursday home.

gram is planned at the court houst' wilo died in C~.1'1'011 D('cem]wl" 15, It,o at tc.'nd the rites. The latt~r Jeft .Ml" and Mrs. Dctlf'f Bahe andLoses Fore Flngcr. December 8 at 9 o·clock. 19:27. In May, 1919, decclls('d and Sunday and thc former w111 be IVIISS Leona, Mr. and Mrs. Irving

Otto Kahler of Beemer, sufferC'd _ _~_____ hPr son. John I)" moved to B(·I(1r'n. here a week. Wayne 'Westrope of Bahrlc, Irving, .ir., and Mrs. Chas.loss of the fore finger 6n his right Convene at ""inside. nnd til(' former \.... as malTit'd to IBataVia, 111., son of Henry E. Wes- FICIci of Fremont, and Mr. and Phone 152 Wayne, Nebr.hand Friday when the member was Projpct club ]cCl(1C'I""S meet at Henry E. \Vestropl.' of that \dacc, trope, Glenn ~arwood and daugh- Mrs. Elmer Karnetz of Austin, ••••••••••••••••••11.11•• 11•••••••••••••••••••••••11.

('aught in the fan belt. pulley on lhe \Vinside Wcdnpsday, DeccmhcI- 1:!, Scph'mhN 21. 19:3:L Itel'S of Walthill, Mr.s. nurt, Gar_I iPiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••••••••••••••••••••••"'~ 18" diamond or truck he drives for J. N. Einung. for training meeting. Mr.s. Westropc \va.s a lifl'long wood and _"on, EV<-J,n, of Atkmson, rl;~'~": octagon s;aplZ mC'mher of the Methodist 1'I1111'ch. and MISS Celia Garwood of Atkin-

,,"!\" l,cav(' [or Portland. Mrs. Edna Davis rdllrned Mon- She \vac; church in Cd!TO!l were here fI'om a distance for

V~~,:,'.GCU'I't~ Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fishhnch of last week fmtn Lincoln faocrt,.\~"lal,'nY j\,.,nl.I1(~~h",·,a.s,·,.• ". I the _ _ __. __: ;-ll1(i two chlldren 1('[\ \Vednesday she had visited her si.ster, ~ '-", ,

hy car for Portland, Ore.. where Mr~". Prudence Theobald. V\-'hile act In' lllCllll)('r of lon.L:' stand- ... 1111.'> ~Ja.ior 0lwraticm.The Friendly Store Ithey will make their home ~n.d Dr. in the city Mrs, Davis heard c in th(' !loynl ;'\Jelj~hlJnr ?vII'S. Roy Da\'is of

~~=========~.Fishbach will practicC' med1cllle. violini:.;t, Rubinoff. \\'('''tl'Oll(~ was i\ gn'al dl'l'"\\T'nl a_ __:-~_". ~~ . , ." in a localdaughter,

\ViUI Mrs.

I' -........(.~iP're Service News on page 3,~\ r " section 2)

~, "'Ill Arrive Soon.SJ."3G Arnold Kohrt left Hawaii

N~C'mbcr.. 21 aboard Ihe Protusfor: Nc\'l YO.l'k and t'xpccts to reachth~.eastern c~ty Decembel' 17. HewiU then come to Wayne to \"isithl~ mother, 1\'Irs. Mabel Kohrt.

Pages 1 to 6

Section Two

Will Be MarriedIn Altona Church

Breaks C1JlIarbone.R. B. Hanks of Wausa, fonnerly

of Wayne, suffered a broken leftcollarbone when he fell from ascaffold while helping with paper-­ing at the home of his son, Dale, :nSergeant Bluff, Ja. Ross Hanks 01Wausa, drove to Iowa and broughthis father home.

Program and SoeiaJ.A program and ~ox social will be

held Dec. 7 at 8 p. m.. in district8. Rosalie Hoeman, teacher. n2911p

To Excelsior Springs.Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Roeman

went to Exce~or Sp,rinilS; Tuesdayfor beaefit of the fonner, health.


Highway Improvements Are! L. Lemdecker of Wayne, is devel~Promoted in This Area oping a reputation as an artist.

In Early Period. He came to thIS country fromGermany.

Early Days from the Wayne Streets of Hoskms have beenHcrald for November 28, 1929: graveled.

SuperlOrtty of agricultural prod- A daughter was born to M~.ucts of \Vayne county, shown at ann Mrs Hans Hansen of Hoskins.Omaha's dlRmond jubilee, have at- Novemb('r 18, 1929tractecl wldesprC'ad attention ThIS Early \Vayne Events,area has proved Itself one of the From \Vayne Herald for corn grO\vlIlg sectIOns JIl the vember 30, 1899: R. D Merrill 13middle west. ThiS county's records Improving hIS !'tore at Carroll. ..

~lr\i~e~~ee~~eo~ni~~I~~t~~~n:~~pprogres-~(~n:lte~;nt~tthbeU~~~g;e~~~~,p~~Delf'gatlons from Norfolk, Hos- til(' rf't'('nt f'lcctlOn Wayne voters

klllS, Wlnslr!l', WakefIeld and polled R total vote of :229, ,M,\\'a)llI' \Islted Go\'. A .J \Vf'aH'r N Cnnmer rpturncd from Chicagodnd r"Tlglllt'pr Roy Cochran III LlIl_ wllerp hl' underwent an operatIOn.

~(:;~' ,\~:l t~~~~ll~:Ot~~~~O~)():~!S~lgh- fillr \~'JnSI~C('\~I~~~J~e~:e~n~~~i~t:"vTetllol!lst church mstallcd a Coil and E M SmIth and the new

nt'w ]J1!leorgan Cr'rm,ln church al (' ncar comple.Jens Anderson of WmsidC'. dlCd tJOn 1\.1ISS Ida Martin and

NO\'pmlwr 24, 19:29, aged 65. James Porterfield were marrl('c!EdgClr A. Johnson of SIOUX CIty, November 29. 1899, Joe Sheets

III the furn1ture bUSiness In Wayne and MISS Maude T1drick weresome years ago, dwd November marned In November, 1899.26, 1929, aged 65. Henry Baker and M15S Rosa

A nf'W elcctnc sound system Brudlgam "'ere rnarnE'd No\em~

\\,1", mstalJed In the Gay theatre, - ber 29, 1899 Rev C J, RlIlg-MISS Mane Cross and Roy Saf- er. new Lutheran pastor III ¥layne,

ley were marned 1Il November, will beglll duties December 3,19:L9. 1899.... Wayne K. of P, men

A daughter was born to Mr and C'ntertaJned Wmsldc members atMrs Ted Gl1derslecve November a banquet In the' Boyd hotel. , .:22, ]9:.29. Mr, ZlCmer of Hoskms, brokc a

A car belongmg to A C Sahs, leg when he fell from a bridgetal{en from the streets of Carroll, near Carroll An ordmance'was round abandoned In the coun- proposmg that business housestry close Sundays was tabled by Ihe

Wm Ikrg and MISS Dons Irene councd ... Eli Jones bUllt a fmcRuss were married November 17, brIck structure to replace one de_1929 strayed by fire. He will have a

Chas. Heikes sold hIS quarter large buggy room in addition to"ectlon southea!>t of Wayne, to stalls for horsesH B. Jones for $200 an acre. Dixon County Files.

Russell Kal, 4, son of Mr. and From Northern Nebraska Jour..Mrs, Emil Kal of Leslie preclOct, nal, Ponca, for November 21, 1884:was lllstantly kJlled November 26, Grover Cleveland of New York,1929, when struck by a large barn \\ rlS elected preSident, defeatingdoor WhICh was blown from a Mr. Blame J, J. McCarthybarn. sold to J Leonard an mterest III

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. the Emerson Echo, started a yearLloyd Miller November 27, 1929. ago by Feauto and McCarthy

A daughter was born to Mr. and A new and very effeet1VE' 0:" d

Mrs. Roy Surber of Wakefield, mentatIOn for a small sohNovember 19, 1929, strip of satin plush about fl\ ,.

John Westrand, 73, of Laurel, mches WIde on which is emb'formerly of Wakefield, died No- de red a vmc. . It 1S recommenc,·vember 23, 1929. ed that cheap wheat be fed to

A husking' bee was hell!l. for Ray hogs. \\Theat 1S brmging 50c andHammer who has been in a hos· 60c a bushel, and one farmer sayspltal. he made money by feeding 70c

Edw. Seymour of Appleton, wheat to hogs.... A six-day walk-Minn" bought the Wayne cream_ ing match is planned in London.ery from E. E, Kearns. , .. The- game of polo is popular

Evelyn Wendt suffered a gash at the Ponca rinkon the head when she fell at Much land IS changmg hands,

sC~~~~t~~d~~~~~s:e~a~:~t~arrol1, p~pe~h:s~~~~;t~d~~ca~~~. a~;~~~-had a flOger amputated becaw;e and Boyd Leedom ... ReV. 'J'.t,c.blood pOlsonlng Klllg 1S pastor of the new Congre_

A son was born to Mr Flnel Mrs. gatlon<J] church at Martinsburg.Clifforn Hale' NovE'ml)('r 22, 1929, Wuod IS bf'lIlg taken in ex-

C F. V..rill sold the Osmond Re- change fnr plctures at the photo­puuhcan to Matt LlCwer of Crof- graph gallery, .. , Opera Ill' trou­ton. badal'S appeared at Ponca opera

1fenry Leindecker, nephew of, house,

MISS Pearl :Marie ReInhardt,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EmilRf'lllhardt of near Wayne, and Les­II(' F Youngm~yer WIU be- mamedSunday, Def'ember 9, at 5 o'clockat Trmlty Lutheran church at Al­tona MISS Reinhardt has been em­ployed at the State NatlOnal bankhere, and Mr. Youngmeyer Just re­cently arrlved home from Europewhere he was with the armedforces for many months,

Thigh FrtcturedStudents Take Part In Fall on Walk

In Fremont Chorus' Mrs_ Henry Koch fractured herJoe Gillespie, baritane, and IE'ft thigh Friday evening about 9

Mary Belle Samuelson, first alto, o'clock when she fell on the sMe­Wayne Prep students, WIll go to walk near the Jacob Reeg place on

Fremont Friday and Saturday to :::tw~~~~gst~:~~~~. l~yOC:n';~=~:I~hP~~il ~~~~~ta~l~~~~:r~~~~= walk about a half hour before shemeetmg of state music educators. was found by Claire Mae Simmer-

Prof. J{ussel Anderson and Prof. ~~hw:~S~~~:t~~n~~~~~~-:::;~l~g~~~d~:i;e~o~~~~~e:~i~o:pany for care.


Superior ProductsShown in ExhibH:


Cecl1 R Morris of Lmcoln, vet_New appointments complete the eran of four years of flrmy service,

stdff for the college 1946 ycar- bought the S. J, IckIer blacksmithbook, SPIZZ, as foHows: Ehnor shop in Wayne and has takenSorlerberg, WakeflCld, senIOr, edl_ possesslcn Mr and Mrs. MorriStor-In-cruet; Darold BobJCr, South and 4-month-old son are moving

;~~~~ ~~~~ths:~:cJe~~~,;e~C'~~:I~~e~\T:~~~~y~l~n ~~~\~~OP~~~I ~~~Grove, sC'nlor, associate cdl- main to help Mr. Mornstor; Maxine Gauthun, SIIJUX CIty,jUnlor, assistant business manag­er; Rosemary Beckmann, AlbIOn,sl'nior, organizations f'dltor; GailN ceswanger, Cllmbmg HlIl, Iowa,S{'f hamar<:' editor; MUtJorJe R}cr_Iy, AltHon, frf'shman editor; Iva­d{';k Johnson, ·Wayne, sophomore,art e(lJtor, Joel Gatewood, Deca­tur. senIor, men's sports editor;Bet ty Mae GrIffm. SIOUX City,sophomore, women's sports; DuaneGrabf'r, Pilger, JunlOr, and ArleneKrantz, Newman Grove, senior, as­SOC18te business managers; JeanToblll, SIOUX City, freshman, pho­tographer.

Mrs, Paul Peterson arrivedhome Friday from Ft. Riley, Kan.,where she had visited ber husbandwho was transferred to CampPickett, Va. Mrs. Peterson is theformer Bernice Hampton.


Northeast Nebraska Field Men'sassociation convenes at Hotel Mor­rison this Thursday afternoon andevening. About 50 men who repre­sent mortgage loan companies willbe here. A. R. Marquardt of Lin­coln, state soil conservationist, winbe principal speaker. Dinner willbe served.


Defective ChimneyIs Origin of I<'irc

Blaze Wednesday EveningDamages Fullm9r House

On Main Street.

FIre Whlcll 1;; thought to lJd\C

orlgtnaled from a def,'ctlv(' chlm­nt'y danMgcc! the rOi nwr rnomlllghouse,l propel t y on sou 1h M..l.lnstrf'et last Werlnpsnay eV£'lllngahout 6, Loss IS estImated at about$3UO. and the propprty IS Insured.

The blaze burned through a ced­ing and between rafte'rs V\raynefiremen rt'sponded

The house IS owned by John Full­mpr of Long Beach. and It IS oc­cupied by the Marvey Guren fam­Ily.

Arrives In States.Cpl. Leo W. Nelsoa of Winside,

arrived in New York Thursdayfrom the EW'Opean theatre.

Wayne WildcatsWin in Football

Marry in ServiceAt Sheppard Field

MISS Nan Nicholaisen of Wayne,and Pvt. Richard C. Smith ofGrand Lodge, Mich" were marriedNovember 11 at Shpppard fi(>ld,Texas, Pvt. Smith 15 in the radIOdiVISIOn of the aony alT corps. Mrs.Smith, daughter of C. 1'-::. NJCholal­sen, IS employed a t Sheppard field.

Butler Happy Over, Passage of Bill

Defeat University 'B' Team "I feel lrke the fellow who hasIn Thanksgiving Game been trylOg 10 hook t h0 blggpst

At Grand Island. flsh m the stream and finally suc-Wilynp State Wildcats defcatf'd cpcds," was the comment of Ne­

the Unlverslty of Ncbmska "B" braska's senlOr SC'nator Hugh But­squad 7-0 in I he football gamc ler follOWIng the passage of the

played at Grand Island Thanl<s_ ~~~I:;~~:~~~n~~~rla~~d :~~'I~~ar~~~glvmg day. the congratulatIOns of hiS col-

onT~~e ~:~~~~ts~l~~u~~d~~nf~~:::~ leagues on the passage of the blll

~~~~~~fk~~~c~:~r~~~~~;r~r:::Y~IJ~,~~t~E;r~';;h~~'~~~::rI£~~game as the Nubbms, whb won the step In legislatIOn of ItS kind fortoss, had r-Iectpd to receIve. A the last quarter-century."

~~~:c~;£:~0c:f~'\l:;=f ~~~~~~ g~~;~m=~~d}r~~~~~~11~~~~:~~:~~Y:~~;'l;";u~;:~;~~;~e~~~1~ ~:~~~!!ir~E7;;~~}E!<~lOtercepted a Nubbm pass on Ne- i~;~~~~:,"~~I~~~I~:~:r~~~~~~

~~~ka~~ ~t:a~g_~~n~ tn~as:n;a= ~~~nf~~~:~~e;hte ~:~~:;It~~nsc~t~:st'cond pass to Pfund made two zens through theIr congressIOnal

E~~~:rt~~~~1~l~~n:~~:~~~:r~; ~:f~~~:~t~if::~:SS:;:r~~et~;;~~~:~::~~f,~efr::d·~;if~~:~~~t;~: ~:~;~~t:~F!~f~:~a;~!:;~~~~~s~o;~Mancil smashed across Bohler could learn lItt1p or nothlllg. Theplace_kicked the POlOt after the bllJ now prOVIdes for ("ongre"slOnaltouchdown control over the fmances of all

The Wtldcats had Nebraska on government corporatlOlls, and thatthl'lr one-foot hne at the end of post-audIts be made by the camp-the gamC'. trolle'r gC'neral to insure' ag'ilnst

The Imcup IS as follow~: r('ckless sprndlng One prOVlSlon ofWaynf' (7) Nebr. '8' (0) the bliJ. requmng most govcrn-Prund 11:' Kienker ment corporatIOns to flle annualOtto It Scheinost reports and to face audits byVon Seggern Ii-:" Sack establlshed federal authontll's, hadWolverton Riggs prc\iously bern passed.MJllpr rg Mpyer l'e'deral corvoratlOm heretofureAnsnes rt Rcmnger had heen allowed a flee rem ofBrady rc Christensen acttvlty. and was far from theAndpl'son qh Harrington scrutmy of the tax-paymg Citizen.

~:~~WO(ld ~~ ... ~a~~~~~ ;arl~~~Sa~~e;~ ~a~~~ ~l~~e{;d:r;~~~Mandl Ib ArkflCld nearly $30,OOO.OOO,QOO, liabilitIes

~~--~ ---- more than $28,000,000.000 Latestfigures avallable -- now severaly£'ars old-"--show government cor­poration losses at $14,000,000,000.The 1944 budget shows an mcom­plete list of corporatlOn borrow­mgs, totaltng more thlln $l2,OOO,­000,000, to which must be addl'dthe borrowings of the comlllg year.

Senator Butler had worked formore than a year for the passageof the Butler-Byrd bIll, and hadfought the OPPosltlOn of the cor­poratMns, which had been backrdby powrrful and extensive legal de­partments. HIS parting commentfollowmg the passage of the bill,"I am gOlllg to plan now for a hap­py holiday vacation in good old Ne­braska!"

Air Medal EarnedBy Wayne Pilot

The air medal has bpen awardedto 1st. Lt. Quentm F. Preston,pllot, of Wayne-.

The Indla-Chma division, withwhich Lt. Preston serves, has madehistory by flying cargo and pas­sengers regularly day and nightover routes once virtually unuse­able, primarily over the famedhump. In July alone 71,000 tons ofmaterial were taken over thehwnp.

Lt. Gen. Albert Wedemeyer,commander of U. S. forces in Chi­na, said tha t "through enemy fireand through all sorts of weather,over oceans, mouptains, desert andjungle, those pla.nes came, neverfailing. Upon their cargoes battleshave been fought and victorieswon. Upon their cargoes China sur­vived when there was no othercontact with the world Your fliersmade the hump the fost famous

Navy Man DIscharged... mountain range in the- universe."Maurice E. Wright, son of the

Carl Wrights of Wayne, recei~edhis honorable discharge from' thenavy at Great Lakes station Na­vember 22.


Miss Ruth Freeman Is BrideOf Virgil Greunke Who

Serves in Navy.

Marry at SeJ;viceHeld in Fremont

Al. Bahe ChosenAll-State Player

AI. Bahe of Wayne prep, hashpen named by Grf'gg McBnde ofOmahii, on the all-state six-manfootball team McBnde, who select­ed Bahe for end pOSitIOn on the all­stdte team, writes that "many ob­servers lIlSISt Bahc could havc wonpqual rf'CognlUon JIl the 11-mansport. Bahe, who can do anythmgIII thc slx~man sport, scored 254pOInts JIl seven games."

Brother of WayneMan Passes Away

Mrs, Ollie CorC'y, 88 last Api'll2, slsIPr of W. H Hoguewood. diedlast week at Perry, la, Funeralntes were hcld November 21. Mr.lloguewood would have attendedIf hIS health had permitted De­ceased lp8 vcs two sons and adaught('r. Her husband died 10years ago Mr Iloguewood is thelast of tlH' fanllly of three. l-hsbmther died III Alaska some yearsago.

Post Has MeetingHere Wednesday

\Vayne LegIOn post plans a spc­etal mel't mg next Wednesday, De­cember 5, a t the hall and urges allmembers and all other veterans ofboth wars to attend, The post IShavmg a membership campaign. Todate the post has 155 membersWith about 65 of thesc from WorldWar Two. A feed will be arrangedfor next Wednesday.

Chosen as All-Stars.Darrell McPherran, guard, and

Dick Carvcr, fullback, were re­cently chosen by Husker confer.encp fuotball officIals as membersof the all-star squad.

To Chicago Mooting.Ernest Peterson was in Chicago

from Saturday until Wednesday toattend a DeKalb corn mcetmg.

Alcohtllic Anonymous,Informatwn and hterature on

problem or uncontrolled drinkersWIll be sent on request to any wnt-

Rocelves Discharge, mg box 5, WakefIeld, Nebr,LL Kenneth Chne, who received -----~~~

his honorable dIscharge at Santa Serves in Pacific.Ana, Cal., Visited hiS parents at Lt. Commdr. Mervin Feddersen,Longmont, Colo., a few days and former Wayne teacher. Will, by thearrived here Wednesday last week tlme he rf'turns to his home into be With his wife and son at the Sioux City next June, have loggedM. N. Foster Imme. He IS on tenn- enough miles at sea to enCIrcle themal leave until January 15. The earth. He recently celebrated hisClines will be here about three third anniversary in service by en­weeks and then go to Ft. Collins, gagmg m the occupation of Japan.Colo" where they have an apart- Commdr. Feddersen participatedment. Mr. Cline, who scrved 46 in the landing of troops at Sasebo,months with eight months in Eng- Wakayama and Kure in his capa(ji­land, expects to enroll at Colorado ty as assistant operations officer onState college in Ft. Collins to take the staff of Rear Admiral Law­his master's degree in forestry. rence Reifsnider, commander of

amphIbious forces in the westernReceives Discharge. Japan sea.

Cpl. Richard Gifford, who had During the Okinawa operation,served as a marine for 18 months Comdr. Feddersen was assigne&1,on the U. S. S, Baltunore, received the task of directing the protectionhis discharge at San Diego, CaL, and movement of ships in and outand arrived home Monday evening of the port of Nago Wan. On onelast week to be in his parental Dal. OCCasion he successfully maneu­las Gifford home. Richard will help vered a group of naval ships outhis father on the farm. of the harbor despite enemy artil­

lery. He was recommended for thebronze star for his work Oil theadmiJral's staff.



Unprr'dwlahle CupId played hav­oc \\-Ith the plans ur Judge ClarkE Tuck!'l' of thl' probate court atKall!' Clly, Kim Judge Tuckerwas all set for ,I holJday when 15couples kppllpd for marrmgc 11­c('nsC'... ApplLcants "Hid tht'y hadbC'cn nll'C'ctNI to hIS home hy ga­rage m{'n, fdllllg st at ron Rttend­ants, d n1111lstt'r ann ,l Justlce of(110 peace'

M1S::-> Ruth Freeman, daughter ofMr and Mrs. W. G. Freeman ofNickerson. and VlrgJl Gruneke.water tender thIrd class In the

Mrs HlIby BarhC'r en'sham of navy. son of Mr, and Mrs. JohnMt'mphls, Tl'nn, fJ1ed sUIt for dl_ Greunke of Admgton. formerly of\ orcC' from Frank C Grpsham Wayne, ..... ere marrie\:i NovemberStw <tskpd an inJunctIOn to kcep 15 at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Le­t heir te]ephrl!lC'. Thp proceedings land Christensen in Fremont. Rev.\H'l't' fJlC'ri agRinst Mr Gresham Carl Hellman offiCiated.and 01(' Southe!'n Bell Tel phone The bride wore a gold coloredl'ompany, requestIng the eo rt to dress With black accessones. HerpITvpnl tr·ansfer of her tele hone corsage was of whltc Mr (;I'l'shanl's presenl ah e. MiSS Dorothy Freeman, who at­

tpnded her COU81O, wore black dressand matching accessorlCS and apmk carnatIOn corsage. The bride­groom and hIS brother, Pvt. Greun·kf', wpre III navy and army UnJ­fann.

A reception and dinner were heldat Petrow's In Fremont, for Imme­dIate rC]R,llv('s The navy man, whohas bt'en In servIce three yearswlth ~1 months of the tlme m thePaCific, reported In Philadelphiaand eX[l('cts hiS discharge the fIrstof the year, HIS hride will remainIn Nickerson untll hiS return.

No 11 IS plagu1l1g 11 Bar 'lrd,Neh, BI'my fur officer Statlo cdat the post threc dlrfl'!'cnt tlllW"',he It,lS 1)('('0 as... lgnf'd to I)('n 13c,ldl (1111C In til(' OflICC'I'S ([uartcrs

Tlwy nlln't IlPcd ,H1Y KIng Solo­mons Hround lIilmtiloll, Mont. ahlg game huntlrlg area, not as longas thpy have Shenfl F fl. Burrell.SI1('rJrf Burrell was called III tohelp settle fin drgument belweenlwo hllnters, each of <whom claim­f'n it two-pOInt buck I<llled III themountains ncar here The sheriff... uggC'stl'd that skmnlrlg the flnl­mal mIght prove somethmg Bul­]et ... rnlln ho! h huntcrs' TIfll'S werefound 10 lhe c({rcass The sheriFftold them 10 dl\lnl' thc meal.

fll\f'!tnrnhlng pllots who lluzz0dIll'" rlinry ('OWl' so (hsludlf'rl themthat thl'lr mill{ production fell offRnn the hUttl'lfrif cunlpnt was c!f'_(Tt'H ...ed, OHlry ()wner Clp!Hl ()Lynch (d Los Angell'S, helS tesll­t!f'r! :\11- LVl1c!l IS otW of l'e\f'r,ql{)wm'l'S or p'r·o]/f'yty 11l l1H' VH'lnllyof 1,ockhc('d AIr TCrn11l1dl \\-ho I~

SUlIlg Inr $100,000 damages andabatement of til(' airport

Edwnrd lprman of Ilollywpod,gavp t\\lO ::->"dor hitchhIkers thf'shirt ort hIS back, he n'}lorted topoltcp Indur'ed hy a pistol, alongWith hIs shlrt Mr. Lerman surren­dered hIS npcktlf', hiS trousers,~,}2 in rash and hIS automobile.He 1"('(,0\'('1'('0 Ihf' clothwg laterfrom a VfH'rlnt lot,

m the World-l {erald recently.Thrc'£' small hooks wl~h lovf'lystones are Chllstmas, by RuthSawyer, ilnd HapplOPss for Salcand The Glory of Gn mg, by Gracf'Noll Crowell. If you npcd matC'rlillfor a Chnstmas program comp mearly and look .'It the 10\lely newbooks for they are the best Inmany seasons.

Club Guest NightProgram PostponedMrs. Biram C. Houghton of Red

Oak, who was to speak for WayneWomen's club guest night meetingDeep-mber 7, was called to Wash­ington, D. C., for a General Feder­ation conference, so she will be un­able to come at that tlmp. The dubhas l}ostponed this meeting to alater date when Mrs. Houghtonwill be here. The club's regularmMting WIll bE' December 14 withMn;;. H. C,lIanna of Superior, statepreSident, and Mrs. I. E. Levineof Colwnbus, Third district presi­dent, as speakers.


Nearly 100%Coverage of tho

County Field

Norwegian Firm ExportsSalmon and Comes to

Buy Supply Here.

It loo}H'd llk;-/"arm \\Int£'rfor GC'orgc CasC"s/car at Suhktt(',Kans, when he I/Jought an aban­doned schoolhou,,(> at an auctIOnfor $361 He planned to move' Itto town Hnd convert It Into a ga_rage, hut the' car \v1l1 have towalt Mrs Case deCIded the' huJld­wg was too good for that and sheis nov.. relllodelmg It for a homf'.

A dozen dO\'/lllown Denvel",Colo, jJHrking mctt'rs drapf'd \\/lthsolft felt hals gave PatrolmenRalph Potter and Harry Wolfera sltght turn They rcco\('rcd thehnts. somr old, some n('w, WIth achOlec' selectIOn of style,Ii. hrandsand color::->, and look tlWIl1 topolice headquurif'rs Then 1Il

"'alked Patrolman R R Richard­son and Frank MarldHlIl1 With :':0hats \\hlch tht'y founn sCHtll'redalung n c!lrh In tllt' nowntown dl::->­trwt T/1I' qIH't'l' tv..a;t to the caseI'" that no one has ("omflhuner! tothe pollce about the lu:-.s o! evenone hat.

Salt Lak£' Clly ]101[('f' rpportstndll'ale Moton"t L;t\\ n'I1('(' I:Jells!'n drew a blank hut l{pptI'Ight on g01ng, and wllh nlllrJlydisastrous rf'sults TIl(' ]"('pnrler!cham of p\ienls gops somethlllglike thIS' Mr. Jensen dnves downthe street when hiS car begllls toshake, gOing out of control Thecar stnke's a pdrkcd automoblif'clOd Mr Jens0n bumps hiS head onthr wlndshl{'ld C'on:-'C'J(lusnpssjlllSs(,S Consclousne ...... Il'luI'n" andIhC' cflr IS tlPI1l'n over flvt' blocksHv,ay, ha\-lIlg sll'uc\{ anothpr park­ed CHI' l\tr Jensf'n IS rcco\enng.

\Vhpn Sh('lla Rogf'rs of KansasCity, fInished her song ann llll­

person,qtlon act III a 10cFll nIghtcluh sll{' was grC'e\('c! by II good­lookmg boy, "Do you remf'mhf'rme'" hf' asked "Well, I'm q.frclldI don't," MISS Rogprs adml1tpc!"A fmC' thlrlg," 11('1' quC'stlonf'rsmff('d "r carried you m thp mudfrom your slage to a ]('C]) whenyou Wf'rt' pntertamlrlg for t h(' sol­dlCrs In Italy, ncar Nap!ps Thphaul was a pret ty long one, too"

Ornuif PoulsC'n of SeCl.ttle,Wash, has arrived m Spat tIl' fromOslo, Norway, to buy SHImon, lIPrC'prespnts a firm which exporlsmild cured NorwegliHl ::->almonThe explanatIOn· "~'c f'xport ourown salmon beca\.lsP \\(' hav(' agood world mark£'t for It Hod tllll'"It IS too valuable 10 be ('on::->uOledlocally"

Beily Walerhollse of Dcnv£'r,Colo., H years oln, has s\....allOwf'deight penna's In the last twoyears. Each hme It happenedBetty was on her way home fromthe grocery' store. Her mothi'rhas fmally hit upon a plan 10 prp_

Poll{'e Capt Markw(1)ct and Sgt.Mdtlgdn, who WPle off duty fortrll' tlHy, stood 1Il front of thepollcf' st.-ilIon dnri w,l1('/wrl WithIn!f'n· ... t d nl'nous :l!HI llntateddn\('r tl'}lng to glt nul or a lMr!{­lng "'pilC'f' (',\111 M,lrk\\oorl re­11l,Il"k('d that (rw nldll W,I'" "prob­ailly llliltl !JCCdU"C 11<' had to pay a

The demand for 1"('(i hdlr dye' in rlne But t!ld! \\a" heFore.J W.Pueblo, Colo, IS on the UpSWing 'A'olff ran up t-o annO\lnCl' hIS carThere are many nt'w redlwads Ihild 1)('('11 ..,lo!r'namong Central hIgh school foot- -ball pla}£'rs rind other Pueblo I'ollcf' In Port Ian 1. (Ire, milYhoys Thf' girls say the boy-" want i liav(' tn W.-lI! llnlJ1 spring tn catchrC'd heur lIke Van Johnson I)Wlr rlr ... t tullp-lcggf'r, hut they're

sure lhf'y WIll e\l'ntllally nab hImTIl(' fhld slol,' l.OOn hulbs, afannl'r rt'portf'd Come nextspnng, anyone WIth too many tu­ltps III hIS front yard may bf' tap_perl hy the rInger of thl' li-\w

In New York City, womcn!>crpamed and mpn jumpf'd to sec1\ flvp-foot snake on thl' pavempntat Sixth avenue and 42nd stn'l'tPolice, at a loss to know wht'rcthe J'{'pllle Cflnw rrom, dIspatched1t. It wa ... non\">Olsonolls

Wondel'll of Science Will Be

Do;:~~.a~.dl:;;::: by ·S~I~X~T~Yf".~T~H~I~R~D~~":!YE~~A~R~.",__=_======",_",_:-.:-.:-.:-.-=-,,,_"'_:-'-=-I::--==~W~A~Y~N~E~,,..:N~~EB~RA~S~K~A;:,,,.,T~H~U~R~S~D~A~Y,!-,~N:.;O::.:¥:..E~~MB~E~R~2:,:9_.:...;'1:::94:::5~,,,,_,,,_,,,_= = -;==...,,_:-.","-","-,,,-=-= =====~N~U!,!M~B~E~R~T~W~E~N~T~Y~-N~T~N~E

H 0 M L s:Jr Only Item H V 1 Send Health Sealsats' rape el;ers ow Under Ration onor e erans To County PeopleRa. onmg of all foods excepting At W P t Christmas health seals havC' bcen

1ft Unsolved Problem ~~arp{~~~l~dh<~rJ~~n l~~r;:/~~g~t; ~yne ar ymaIled out by MIS" Mane Wright,

II m meats and fats. ' Chamber of 'Commerce Has ~~us~~d\%e:~:\~n:ae~~c~'~~;::~Il~o~~nSUnlC'l·s <Ire I requ('sted by Program, Dance and the county. It IS asked that peopleretail t~o~et~~~~e:.1 l~~t~~~~sa~ buy these at a cent each and send

Vf'nt a r('('urJ'('ncp TIl(' fIrst seven asked to make deposits of all Rally Monday. ~:~~hto~n te~;p('nnH'S c/tuSf'd no troublt'. but ~he' tokens to th('ir ration banks. They Veterans were honored at stamps may be bought and thet'lghth gave Bt'tty a stomach ac e, do not depOSit stamps, Wayne municipal auditorium Mon- others returned, or th£' pntlre sheeta I04-degrep f('vN, and had to he All con"umers must keep their day evening at a program, dance of stamps may be sent back If theremoved by n doctor It was then ratIOn books for use for future su- and bond rally sponsored by recipIent docs not wish any. The

~~~ ~~;:~ ';';,~tP;;~C~sP"~:~~~df~~ ya,~ ~~~~af~~c;>v~t;;::'~:s8~fn s~:~ ~l~Y~~o~~a~t~:~d';!d,C~:::~'~~~~:."~~~~ ~~~.:~c~,~~rc~~aJ~~~f ;~~~:1~~~~~lt'S ::->0 tllC'n' \\on't be any through December 31. ~~n~~S were sold dUring the eve- to the state and half rema1l1111g 10-

Waync lllgh school band. wIth cally. ,A . .r AtkinS director, opened theprogram wIth a half hour concert.Collf"ge dramatlcs studf'nts, III

charge of MISS Lenore Ramsey,presenled the play, "Rich Man,Poor Man." Parts were taken byulvonC' Buchanan, Dorothy Rode~

kohr, Gad Nleeswanger, Dt'lor<'sHlgglllS, Dona Rae John.son, JackiePlant enberg, I311! Cro;;s and DonLong.

1,t Col. Kprmlt Hansen of Oma­ha, spoke in behalf of the VIctorybond dnve. The SCf\'ICC man stress­ed the ne{'d for funds and the \ial­ue of lIlvestment In bonds,

A dance concluded the evpnmg'sentprtaInmcnL Verne Malsteadami hIS band furnished musiC forthIS.

School ResumesAfter Holidays

Wayne city school resumed Mon­day· nIter- the Thank~givlng recesswhich began \VC'dne::;day afternoon.Some members of the staff vIsitedat oth"r POints wlul.c se\'eral fl'­maInNl here.

The l"red RickE'I'S fanllly Spl~nt

Thanksgiving vacation m OmahaWIth un aunt. Miss Gretta! Hack-

· cnberg was In Omaha with a SIS­

ter. Miss Hazel Ret'\'£' viSited a SI!'­trr m Auburn. Miss Mj~deline Pat­ton spent the tln1l' With home folksat Dixon, and Miss Bel"lllCe Langen­berg with hom*-~ folk~ lit HoskinS.Miss Virgmia Clark went to hel'home a t Concord.

Mrs, H. S. Scac(' spent til(' week­end With her nw{'(' and husband,Mr. and MI'5, IL D r--,'clson, 10 Ha­cme, \Vis. She flc\\ from SIOUX Cityand was aecompnnlCd to \Vlsconslllby a sister

Mrs. Ruth lI,l..,ty \\,pnt to l fam­ily reunIon III Plymuu( h Ilt'r broth­er, M. Sg-l llalr} Struh, "a ... homeafter two yl'.llS' duty 0\ ('l'spas.Mrs. 111l..,ty also \I"'llpd In (ImHhH.

A, J, Alklns dlHl ldlllll)' \dsltedjn SIOUX CIty O\l'r Thank~~l\lng.

R A. Sp('£'ce "'ent huntmg un thePlatte n\C'r

G. L CHmpilt'11 s parents, Mr.and Mrs 11 C Campbell of DavldCity. were lwre for the hollday andwhlle here obscr\'t'd their 56thweddlllg anmversary. \

Mr. and :'-olrs, Frank Landrethwefe \\llh rclatlH's Hl NorfolkThank~gl\·lng-day.

O\her::-> of the sctHXI! staff spcntthe \acatlOll l!l \Va}ne.

a In'S Progrnm Hero.\Vondrrs uf SCICfH'C IS thc name

of the Wdynt' cII} school programto be gl\'t'll at the school audl­tonum Fnday afterno{ln Gradeschool b<md \~ III gn·e a hall hOurconcert. Dr W. G. Ingram of thecollege, IS to put on fm hour of en­tertainment, usmg SCientIfiC exper­iments, ThiS lS the ninth hIghschool actiVity for the fall.

Prin, Frank Landreth and fivemembers of the local I-Ii-Y attend·ed the Hi-Y councl1 in Lmcoln No­vember 18. Duane OUe and LeoKilian were delegates. John Parke,Nonnan Ellis and DLck Carver areothers who attended. The groupsaw the Nebraska-Dakota football

I~ game Saturday. Reports of th£'Lincoln mC{'tlng were gIven for thelocal Ih-Y group Monday eveninglast week. OtfrLf'd Bueltf'1' wasprogram chairman and IC'd dC'vo­tions.

SenlOI'~ sponsored an all-schooldance Tuesday evcnmg last weekin the IlCtl\lty room, Autumn col­'ors decorah'd the l"OOm. Ilnd h.-catsof lIT cream anti cookws wereserved.

Semol's have been working on.their school annual which \....111 bepublished In the spring La~t weel<

I ord('rs were 111kpn for the bool<Report carris for s£,("()IHI slx~weck

(}(,rlod were' Issut'd \'l ball pradlc(' stafll'd Mnn­

day. Fll'St game IS at Pender De­cember 14,

The Harbmger will be Issued Fri­day.

JUnLors present their class play,"And Came the Sprmg:" Decem­ber 7,

A nC'w book added to the schoollibrary IS "TwentIeth Cpntury Au­thors," J a book of bIOgraphies ofmore than 1,R50 writers who ha\ieflourished since 19()O.

Francl,ii, MItchell who was out ofschool seven \\ecks \\Ith a brokenleg, returned to school Monday,

Third (Jnul£l Ite..rn!'>.The cla ...s h..d Th,mksglvlng story

hour last \VpnnesdHY mOl'lllngChlld1"('n chOM'n a.:-: best story tell­ers twu '" l'oks ago competed wlth('ach 0111('1' Bobhy ""S1C'ckman andPatsy Wldoe won fIrst plact' In thiS

· group. B('st story tells In the othergroups were Bob Marek, EugE'fl('Hill, Billy Palmer, Drltla GIlbertand Kathryn Stammer.

The book of Mexico was fmlshedlast Wednesday ThiS has :12 pages. -~~-,~----- ------Each child kept hiS V t work and LOb Nstorles on the un" '" a follo. Best 1 rary ewswork was pu tint 0 the book.

,. Kindergarten Notes. Employ your time in ImprovmgJoan Larson treated all to ani- yourself by other men's Writing, so

mal cookies and Ice cream bars on you shall come caslly by whather 5th birthday of November 17. others have labored hard for,­· Duane Fitch brought PHgrlm Socrates.girl and Indian costumes used In The works of Charles Beard arcthe story of the first Thanksgiving. just what Socrates must have hAdDenniS Kl'rn brought a book, Pnt- m mind. HIS new book on Thety Strong a box of shells and Myla EconomIC BaSIS of Polltlcs IS allLueders a pumpkin. about the drastiC change now tak-

Classes made Indian headdress- ing place in the relatIOnship be­es, tents and November calendars. tween economics and politICS. ThiS

America, Turkey Song and Good sounds like a fonmdablc subjpctMorning arc new selectIOns learn- but Beard has a style of wrltmged The Turkey Strut was used in which makes it easy for anyonerhYthms. ' to understand even so depp a tOPIC.

Daylon Olsen treated all to cup The history section has a newcakes on his 5th birthday Novem- addition in a history of Mexicober 21. from Montezuma to our own day,

.. -,---~- Since we have a great need for un-STUDENT MU,5ICALE derstanding Mexloo. sinee our deal,

IS PRESENTED HERE mgs wlth our next door nelghborA student musicale was present- to the- south arc the touchstone of

ed TuesdaY evenmg at the college our whole policy of hemisphe-reauditorium. Numbers were by the solidarity, this book should. comemix£ ensemble, girls' sextet and under the heading of the writingmixed chorus from Wayne Prep, of men described by Socrates Jadies' choir, plano solo- Soon we will be reminded on aUisis, Martha Crellin ~nd Eleanore sides that it is only four weeks un. INSURANCE AGENTSWiberg" two-piano ~.ams, Elea. til'ChI'ISllnas. Are you thinking of MEETING IN WAYNEnore a,n4 Ruthe Wiberg ,and Con- a Christmas program for yourself Annual meeting of NorthwesternstancelJ'ohnson and Marilyn Haitz, or your cJub? We have some fine Mutual Insurance agents of Wayne Receives nlscharge.

new material for your USe--stories, district will be held at the Wom- S. Sgt. Donald Powers arrivedpoetry. music. articles and plc- en's dub rOom here this Thursday Monday afternoon last week fromtun:s. One of the books is the afternoon and evening. Hennan Benning, N. M.. to be in his par..Chru;UnaS annual put out by the Fricke of Omaha, whq insured the ental Uoyd Powers hO{lle. He re­,Ausburg Publishing company, An- largest number of lives of all ceived an honorable discharge atother Is the Fireside' Book of agents last year, 'will he Speaker.• Sioux City before returning home.'C!1Hstiilas Stories. This was give'! The meeting concludes with din-IRe plans to help his father on thea well desetved recommendation nero _ _ farm. '


For a youngster'safternoon lunch time.and "make believe!"

::,atf:;i~::l-fl~~ ;~~~face for drawing orlooking at pieture.<;. .this table and twochairs of TenneHSe8oak. Tabie top. 17~x

25~;heightJ20 .Chairseat, 12" ll'om flOor.






"It Dolly could onlywalk!" ••• perchancethillII walker J4IGBT be ofhell!. 1.2' long, $2196Whigh•••••.


G~the Friendly S'or.



Waynel Neb.

Cozy "'bunks" for twin dollieswhen nap-time .comes! Or turnthem into matching 4..poster bOOB.Beautifully made ofhardwood inmaple finish-turned legs. Over·all size. llWx26"j height, 21'.






Our Reg. Low Price 89c





~-Santa'. gift to a little girl ... woodfurruture-]UBt the right 8lm to furnish tBjDolly's house! Shown here are the liv- 0 0 I] ~mgroom p.1eces. Also available are kIt.. 0 0che*, bedroom, and bathroom Bet.. ..

EtCH SET 89c -

@&~~\~ G.-


:,~t1t;I5;~:~~!~leeted now (with 10% deposit)will be held until December 18.

Benthack HospitalPhone 106

306 Pearl St.


Writes every kind of insurance 1""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~P~h~"~0~e~8~',,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,~except life. Special attention to

Fann and Automobile Insurance




JR. DESK SETFor the pre.-school or nurserychild ..• a writing space, anddesk drawer for his pictures.Desk. 23!1 ~ high. Chair seat.12)1' from ftoor • , ••• "995

G~Tho Friendly Storl

Dr. E. L. HarveyVeterinarian

122 East Second StreetWayne, Nebr.

Day Ph. 75 - Night Ph. 460



Phone 305-J' forAppointment

111 West Second StreetWayne, Nebr.

Nellrocalometer Rervlce112 East 4th st..

Phone 49 Wayne, Neb.

------ -----_.~

J. M. CHERRY,County Judge.

J. M. CHERRY,C::ounty,Judge,



Winter Flo GreasePre8sure Gun Grease

Axel Grease






Wllkl'!fi{'ld, Nt>braskn.

Ap;£lnt for New York I,lfe

Litcralure and information willbe mailed on request


.,Have Your Tractm'

Tires Retreaded


For information ahout NationalSl'rviC'r Liff' InsurnnC'f', in con_verting til(> samC', (''',11 or write


300-Gal. Farm Fuel Tankswith hose and nozzle

Attention Ex·Service Men!

LEGAL NOTICET() Sid:!nni Bruno, Mary Druno,

first r0al namc unknown. his wiff',anc1 all pf'rsons having or claimingany intncst in, right or tit!(, to, Or]j0n upon

Lots 1hirty-fiW' (::l5l, thirty­~ix (36). thirtv-sf'ven 1::l7),thirty-eight (3Rl, thirty-nine(39) and forty (4Ql, in."

NOTICF: TO (~REI)JTORS IThe 'Iulc of Nebraska, Wayne Waync Iloli'pita

counly. ss. G. A. Lamherson Ph 61

Gelr~ r:l~~ ~~:~::i7~, t~~('(~;:.:~~~ ~f Real Estate and All KIn(ls or waY::te

Nebr.Cr"ditors of said ('slat!' Hrt' hrrf'--- Insurance Except Life a5tf \VIllard Wiltse"Llcens'd Embalmer

by notified, that I will sit at 111(' Wayne, Nebraska I'~==========~===========~county court room in Waynf', in l;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;:;; ------said county, on Ihl' Rth dny of Dc-

~~;:'~~~ ~~~5(~I~~r~~,lnr~4ti"~(~~~ Drs. Lewis & Lewiso'clock to r('('ci\'c and f'xaminf' all CHffiOPRACTORSclaims against said est ale, with n (Est. 1914)vif'w to 1hcir adjuslmcnt, and al­lowancC'. The' 1imc limitcd for thepN'spntation of claims against said('Statt' is 1hrf'f' months from 1heRth day of Dcc'f'mber, 194~, and *hetime limitf'd for paym~nt of debtsis one yC'ar from »aid 81 h day ofDC'cpmbC'r, 194;.,i.

Witncss my h~n{l rind the seal ofsaid county coust, this 17th day ofNovrmber, 1945:(Sca1)n22t:1

IBlock twenty-one (41-), in Col- Plaintiff prays In. its petition for the all~gations or plaintiff's petl- -Ilege Hill First Addition to the an accounting of the amount due tion will be taken as tru£." and a'City of Wayne, in Wayne and owing to it on its said certifi- decree made and entered for pluin-County, Nebraska, cate of tax Rail"; that the amount tiff as prayed In its IX'lillon.

or any part thereof, real names found due be adjudged and decreed Dalpd November 26, l~H;).

unknown, defendants. a valid first lien upon and against The City of Wayne III theYou, and each of you, are here- said real estate, for a foreclosure State of Npbrasl{;l, I'Llintirr.

by notified that on November 9, and sale of said premises for the By }o-rcd S. Berry,1945, the City of Wayne in the satisfaction thereof and accruing ,Its Spt'cilll Counsl'l. l1L9t4State of Nebraska, as plaintiff, fil- inten'st and costs, that each and I::::::::::========pd it's petition in the District Court all of you b(' forever barred and D l' T Jof Wayne County, Nebraska. and excluded from all rights and inter· r... onescommenced an action against you, est in, title to, and liens and de- Oliteopathic Physic-ian

~-~-'---- und ellch of you, as defendants, the mands against and equity of re·NOTl(;E 01<' PROBATE object and prayer of which peti- dcmption in said premises, and for Eyes Examined· Glasses Fitted

In 1hi, county court of Wayne lion is to foreclose a certificate of general equitable relief. Wayne, Nebr.county, Ncbrnska. tax sale number 60 issued and de- You, and each of you. are requir-

In thl' O18tl('r of the estate 01' livered to plaintiff by the County ed 10 answer said p('tition on orl'-~~~~~~;;;:;;;:.~._;::.===:;;;;;;;:;Ttwodore W. Wendt, deceased. Treasurer of Wayne County, Nc· before January 7, 1946, otherwise I·

The state of NC'braska, to all braska, on December 20, 1940, forpcrsons intcrpsteu in said estq.le: delinquent tuxcs against 1he real

You nrc h<'rcby notifif'd that estate above dcscrihc'd for theHUlda Wendt ha.s m('d a petition in years ]928 to 1939, both inclusivc"said court alleging that Theodore amounting to $af)~.lL, which cel'­W. Wendt departed this life intes- tificate is now owned by plaintifftate on or about thp 30th tiay of and on which there is now dup andSept0mhf'r, 1915, and praying 1hat unpaid said Rum of $:~52.12 withLlo~'d Avc hI' appoin1f'd adminis; intercst Ihereon at .7'/ per an­trator of said ('state. Hearing will num from Dc('em\)rr 20, 194().b0 had on silic] I){'tition brforc me _. _at the county court room inWnynf', Nehrn·ska. on the 1st dayof DcC{'mh('!', 1915, at I :00 o'clockp. m.(SC'al)n15t3

and for a discharge. Hearing willbe had on said account and petiMtion at the county court room inWayne, Nebraska, on the 8th dayof December, 1945, at 10 o'clocka. m., when all persons interestedmay appear to show cause why theprayer of the petitioner be notgranted.

.Datect this 20th day of Novem.ber, 1945. .(Seall J. M. Cl-fE:RRY.n2~13 , County Judge.




Tn 1hp county court of WaynC'county, Npbraskn.

The state of Nebraska, 'Vaynecounty, ss.

To all pf'rsons in1C'rf'-stC'd jn thecsta1(' of Claude O. Mitchrll, dc­ceased:

You Arr lwrf'by notirie{l that onthl' 20th day of NovC'ml)f'r, 1915,Katherine M. Mi1chf'l1, fi1<'d hf'rfinal ac-count and petinon for dis¥tribution of the residue of saidestatc, a determination of the heirs


Leaves for Service.Donald Pedersen left f!'Om Min­

nesota Wednesday thjs week forservice. He and his wife, the for­mer Barbara Jo Johnson. who wC'ntto Morris, Minn., lust WC'dnesday,were honored at oyster supper inthe Harold Sorenscn homc Tucs­day c\'cning last wc('k. Guestswere Mr. Hnd Mrs. Harris SOITtlspnand family, Mr. and Mrs. 1'0hnFranzpn, MI', and Mrs. I-~owa1jJ El~

ll~nbC'rg and family und'Ml's.',Gf'Q.Patterson. MI::. Pcdt>rsrn plannedto ff'l1lain in th(' Cal'! Peders('nhomt' at Morris for a while lind\vill come _her(' la ter.

observed Monday evening whenMr. and Mrs, Herman Rasmussenand Mr. and Mrs. John Surberwere guests at Aden Austin's,bringing lunCheon. Mrs. Oscar Pe­terson and Mrs. Abner Pearsonspent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.Austin for her birthday.


Ron Is &m.A Ron. Durward DcWilynr,

weighing 8 pounds, 14 Ounct's, '1-';15

born to Mr. nndlMr-s, Ralph Du­hachC'k of MC'adow Grov(', NO\'f'n'l­hC'r 1R, in a Norfolk hospi1;i1 'nlf'oth{'r chillI in 1hp family is adaug-hter, Kasandra. Mf"!';. Du­hachek is 11 <laughtrr of MI'. andMrs. S. J. Halc.

Anna Kohlmeier home a t Wake--field. ,

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Powers andJoann, Mr. And Mrs. Aden Austjnand Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pennwere Sunday afternoon last weekyisitors in the Dallas Gtffordhome.

Mr. and Mrs. Hennan Utecht en­t~rtained at evening Thanksgivingdinner for Rev. and Mrs. WalterBrackcnsick and family, Mr. aoo.Mrs. Roy Langemeicr, Vcrn Mord­horst nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. EmilUlp('ht IInel Melvin.

Thanksgiving dinnpl" guests inthe' Joe C"orhil home includcd MI',nnd Mrs. C. K. Corbit und Mr. andMrs. L. 0. Hunsen, Stevie nnd Kar­('n of Grnnd Island und Mrs. MaryMurTny of Sioux City.' Mr. Hansenis a braiher of Mrs; Corhit.

Lnst w('('k Sunday dinnr, gUN:.tsin thp Ernest Brammer hOll1P in­duded Mr. and Mr.". Simun 1.('8s·mnn and Kenn('th, Mr. and Mrs.Fred Lesgmun. Mr. and Mr::;. ('.rl'0.

Rod)('r and family anrl Mr. and

IN h W IMrs. Martin IYTey('r and Norman.or! east ayne·. Mr. and Mrs. I!Rny Baker nnd

(By Stafr Correspondent) ~~~~ i~~~~~ ~~tnn~~rnC';~~~~~h~~~for nn oystrT supp('r honorinl-; Pfe.Er\vin KrHellWr of Washington, D.C., Mis... F'nmcf's If'nz lind Mr. andMrs. Garnlel Troth of Ashton,Jdllho.

Mr. and Mrs. Gnrolrl Troth ofAshton, Idaho, Wf'r(' last wf'ckMonday uw'rnight an(1 Tlll'"day':''U('sts in j hC' Harry Bak('r home.The Trot hs w('ro mnrried Novf'm­h('r 4 and fU'C' sI)('nding 11 tl1re('­wf'C'ks' honeymoon in NPlll';lSk8.\'isiting- rt'ln1ivf's. Mr. Trolh is acousin of Mrs. Bllk!'r.

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Flf'gl' :tnodaughtpr<.; \w'rC' Thanksgiving sup"IX'I' gUl'<.;t,; in thl' Gust }\.],;lI'n1£'rhnnw HI Concorrl. Othl'r gll!'''t." in­Cllldl'd Mr. <lnd MI·,s. IIalTY Bilkprand Larry, Rp\·. and Mrs. E. L.BorgnwYf'I', Frl'd I\:f'rnp, l'k EI'­vin KrH.C'llwr of \Vashinglon, n. C ..and Miss Franc!'s Lt'nz of Ashloll,Idaho,

EvC'ning e1innC'r gUf'sts in 1heHerman Gl'('we home Thanksgiv­ing day incluckd Mr. and Mrs.Frcd Aev('rmann and Mr. <tnd Mrs.Harvey Ae-vermann of Winsidf',Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brudigam !'indsons of Pendf>r, Mr. and Mrs.Frank Brudigam and childrpn andMr. ;l[1(l Mrs. Gus M. Johnson ,'InrlRuth of Carroll.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bill\l'l' ,..('n­frrtainNl nf fi o'clock dinnPl' Sun­day pVf'ning Inst wr('k for MissFran('p~ I,('nz of Ashton, Idaho,pre. F.rvin Krn('mf'r of Washing­1on, D. C, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Krae­mer, Anita. Kenneth and Lavonncof Concord, Mr. and Mrs. JohnBaker and Mr. and Mrs, FranklinFloge, Ejlcen and Marlene.

Overcoat for· VoicewaysArch enemy of open telephone In years ahead. the r~place'ment~f

wires is ICE. Freezing rain or sleet. many open wire lines with cable is

buildillg layer upon layer of ice one- of the jobs on the list of thingswright,canbrcakthewiresandtum we are going to do.. That list is a.them into a tangle of lifeless metal. mighty big one, headed right nowEach winter takes its heavy toll of with the tremendous task of addingbroken lines, splintered poles and facilities to provide service for thou­"OUt of service" telephones. sands who have been unable to oJ>.

Combining telephone wires in a tain it because factories were turningsingle protective cable covering out war materials. This job, too,

, snakes a stronger scralld ... presents calls for millions of new dollars .• Q'

less total ice carrying surface. Only money that must come from' in ,its rp.OSt violent moods tors with 'faith in the credit andis likely to damage: a cable of this earning ability of the business.

kind. ~ For these and scores!f other plan~Wh.y n.ot all telephone wire In slated for peacetime l'ing we have

uble? rhat's a good qneStion and the guidance of this I g term poli.,there ls:.also a good answer-cost. cy-tO ptovide the est possiblenUct)t:;':would mea~ more depend- telephone service at th least COSt to

... ,able. ~rVice , .• arid that's It goal the P.ubliC consistent "'tith fair treat­toW#d :which we are constantly ment of employees an4 the financialworking, safety of the business.'

NOItYHWIlSlIlRII DEU 'lf1lL1Il'1fI01l1l gOM~.IU3Y


W..".. to> Oma....Daily Service

~~: =~i'::::::::"::::::lg~~g::'~:Ar. Omaha 11:45 a.m.Ar. Lincoln 12 :30 p.m.

BeturD ScheduleLv. Omaha .. 6:00 p.m.Lv. l.\ncoln .. 5 :45 p.m.Lv. Fremont ,.. .. 7:45 p.m.Ar. WaYne 10:15 p.m.

WAyne to> Sioux CityLv, Wayne 8:20 a.m.Lv.W~e....... ..2:20p.m.Lv. Wayne ........ . 6:05 p.m.

Wayne to NorfolkLv;] Wayne " 3:00 p.m.LVl Wayne 7:10 p.m.Lv. Wayne 10:35 p.m.

Arrow Stage Lines


. ,



"Pepperell" Baby BlanketsSeveral designs in dainty pinkor blue, size 36 x 50. Nurs,\rymedallion with fancy border.Edges bound with lustrous ray­on satin.

$2.25 to $5.95


Rom per s - hand-embroideredbroadcloth. Blue, white andmaize. Si~es 6 mo., 1 yr. and 2yr.

$1.98 and $2.98

~~~.~' have a very special de-

jW"" partmellt on MainFl?or for:11 wee, wee totR where It IS veryeasy to Belect just the right gift for a

show.!r, congratulations or a birthday., Docome in anytime.

"Comfort" Gau.ze Diaperswith pinked edges, size'~

20 x 40. Per dozen $2.35

Binkytoy Rattles, pretty cnlored plasticrattles in many designs, only ._._ _ _.39c

Stuffed Toys, soft, cuddly horses, cats,bears, lambs, etc, colorful and easyto hold on to, each .,__ . $1.25 to $3.98

Sweaters, all wool,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. $1.49 to $2.98

Dresses $1.98 to $2.98

Baby Sachet Hangers, baby pill k,daintily boxed $2.00 plus tax

All-Over C"-iHe Crib Spreads, size 42 x 60.Pink or bkie with _ry dC,jlign in colors.Each $3.49

Fn..lled Shawls, an wool,pink, blue or wIrite __$3.98

Reversible Taffeta ComfortersCombinations M: pink andblue, filled with Il&ft, downycotton. Each boxe<l ior giftgivitlg.

Velvelette Flannelette Diapers, doublenappcd, 27x27, pcr dozen. ..,,$1.98

Chenille Bahy Robes, ,izcs 1, 2.~. Whitebackground with pink, lJluc",,$1.98 to $3.9S

Bootees and Knit Shoes """"".. 59c to $1.00

, Mittens, white, pink, blue "."".... ", 25c - SOc

Wis., November 7 and came to the came Wednesday and spentAxel Fredrickson home. He appre-- Thanksgiving with the fonner'sdated receiving the Wayne Herald mothcor, Mrs. A. McEachen,while in service. Finley Helleberg, who attends

scnool at the University of Ne4braska, spent Thanksgiving vaca.tion with his mother, Mrs. Flor~

ence Hcllcberg.Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Brugger and

Marcella, Mr. and Mrs. JamesMaben and family and Mr. andMrs. E. A. Larson were guestsSundRy ~ening in the Dale Brug­ger home near Carroll.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larsen hadas dinnpr and supper guests Sun­day, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Larsen,Harold and Patty, Mr. and Mrs.Raymond Florine, Gerald andJudy. of Wakefield. Everett Lar_sen, Darlenc and Everett, jr., ofI'linton, la.. Mr. and Mrs. GlennGranquist and Karen and JoanMitchell.

CHURCHESImmanuel Refonned Church.(Rev. Chas. Riedesel, pastor)

Sunday school at 10:15 a. m.SerVices at 11 :15 a. m.

rMix-Master, used very little.Three 9x12 Rugs.DIning Room Table and

Buffet.Garden and Carpenter Tools.Garden Hose.Sewing Macliine.Single and Double Beds.Innerspring Mattresll..s Dressers.Porch Chairs.Bud Bath.Kitchen Cabinet.Many dishes and other items

too numerous to mention.

Trinity Lutheran Church.(Rev. H. G. Knaub. pastor)

Sunday school at 10 a. m. Wor­ship services B:t 11 a. m.

Saturday aftcrnoon at 1:30,confirmation class.

December 3, Teachers-Workersmeeting with Lloyd Meyer.

LO~NEWSMrs. Lucy Lindsay of Winside, is

spending this week in the W. E.Lindsay home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grahek ofCarroll, spent last week in the Is~

mael Hughes home here.Mrs. Magnus Westlund and Mrs.

Henry Wittler spent Friday after­noon in the' W. E. Lindsay home.

The T. J. Hughes and lsroaelHughes families had Thanksgivingdinner together in the latter'shome.

Mrs. E. S. Blair, Mrs. \Vm. Haw­kins, John and Sally of HeronLake, Minn., were Saturday eve­ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.Frank Morgan.

Miss Mildred Cash who stays

with her aunt, Mrs. C. O. Mitchell ~'and attC'nds the' college, returned. " •Sunday from Niobrara where shehad spent the holiday with homefolks.

Arrh'c In Rta~s. Dr. Esther McEachen and Miss

First Lt. Louis Rubin.of Wayne, IB~y::,r~d~~Tre:t:b~il.':'e':"'C:k:".'.:'b,".OI~h,--"or~O~m':li:.'.h~aJ'~=~~~~~~~~~~Pfc. Clarence Giese of Wakefield,and Pfc. Alfred Sievers of Winside,ar~ived in New York Thanksgivingday from the European theatre.

Arrin-"s from Sen·lee.Miss Dolores McNatt arri\'ed

Saturday from Santa Ana, Cal.,where she receivf'd her honorabledisch~rge from th(' women's ma­rine corps. Mr. McNatt met hisdaughter in Fremont.

Leaves for Station.Sgt. James Sharer left Friday

for his station at Truax field, Mad­ison, Wis.. Friday after spending10 days here with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Sharer. He is on thestaff at the separation center.

Stuilies Photography.Pf~. Mickey Gillespie. radio op­

erator in Japan, has recently beentransferred from the 6th to the8th army of occupation and isspending his leisure time studyingradio photography and radio me­chanics.

First NatL~, Belden, Clerk


of Household GoodsAUCTION SAt~

At the H. E. Westrope residence in Belden on-

Ke-hinator 5..root ElectricRefrigerator.

Electric Iron, new.Davenport and Matching

Chair.Hall Tree.Easy Chair.Electric Toa..<;ter.Eureka Vacuum Cleaner,

and Attachments.VOS8 Upright Piano.S Floor and Table Lamps.MusIc Cabinet.Round Oak Hard-eoal


Fred Jarvis, Auctioneer

Saturday, December 1:/

at 2:00 p. Ill.

:.". f. Weslrope, Owner



Hand Badly CutIn Corn Picker

Park City, Utah. after visiting in and Marilyn, Alvin Von Seggern,the Wm. Rabe home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wylie and fam­

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Trautwein of ily were Thanksgiving gu'Csts ofCarroll, were Thanksgiving guests George Von Seggern and the H. G. Trautwein home. John Martens. ,

Fred G. Miller and son of Val~ fa;;:l~~.fl~r~td ~:.s~~~~h~~~v~~~~;~~~~~ ;n~~w ~i:~::~as~r~:,~~~, in and family an'd Gene Behmer

Mrs. Artie Fisher. who is in an wgUeersetsThal'nnkStghieVingwevFe~inDgandginbneergr SERVICE NEWSOmaha hospital. IS reported fair . .and may undergo an operation. home at Wayne.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Radford of Miss Merna Hornby, whoRandolph. were Sunday dinner teaches at Battle Creek, and Missguests in the Fred Brader home. Lennie Mac Boring. who attends

Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Risser of junior college at Norfolk, spentNorfolk, were last week Tuesday thp Thanksgiving vacation withsupper guests at Maurice Han- Mrs. Belle Hornby.sen's l\-Trs..Joy Podoll moved to the

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hicks and Lloyd Kallstrom house Saturday.sons of \Vayne, were Sunday din_ Mr. and ~rf' Charles Grow, whonrr guests in the Burt Lewis had been In thc housc, moved re­home. ccntly to the one they bought

The Henry Lcnzen family were from Mrs. Cora Brodd.'Thanksgiving dinner guests in the Neal Grubb, who teaches atI Ierrnan Lenzen home at Ran- EWing. spent from last Wednesdaydolph. to Sunday in the Wrn. Misfeldt

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christoffer~ home with his wife. Mrs. Grubbson anrl family of Norfolk. called ha.'i hopn hpre getting their goodsFriday ev£>ning at James Trout- ,'rpady to move this·s. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brader and

lIa\-'t~ Sp{'l'lnl S{'rvi<"e. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff 1mel and Mr. son called m the Mrs. Pearl Jen-\\'01. Robert Price of Park City, and Mrs. Chris \Veible were Sun- sen home Thursday e\'ening to see

Utah, was eonfirmpd at the morn- day evening guC'sts at Louis Petl'r Jpnsen, who had just re­ing spryices Sunday at the Trinity Kahl's. turner! from service in England.Luthcran church. Colleen Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lenzen and lIP hus his discharge now.daught.C'r of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, family were Sunday dinner guests ]\11', and Mrs. Werner Janke andPrice, was baptized at the same in the Joe Pinkelman home at sons were Sunday dinner guests inservices. Mr. lind Mrs. Wrn. Rabe Wayne. thc I{crman Frese home. Mrs.and Miss Alma Lautenbaugh were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelsen Marvin Dunklau and daughters,sponsors. For tile two OC~SiOns and family of Wayne, were Sun~ Mrs. Wayne Anderson and Terryevening dinner guests in th Wm. day .supper guests at Waldon L('(' were afternoon callers.Rahe home WI('Te Rev. and Mrs. Brugger's. -:'I11·s. Gene Baird and Mrs. Mar­H. G. Knauh and sons, Mrs. eon_ Miss Arlene Cary, who attends vin Lciting went to Kansas Cityard Martens, Miss Gladys ~ich~ \\'cslf'yan at Lincoln, spent the las1 Wednesday morning, Mr.crt, Mrs. ROSH Lautcnbaugh nd Thanksgiving vacation in the Will Baird was in St. Louis getting hisMiss Alma and Mr. and Mrs. Cary home. discharge. Mr. and Mrs. BairdPrice nnd daughter. Chris Petersen and Anna of Pi1~ planned to return here this week.

gel', and Mrs. James Nelsen and :\-!r', and Mrs. \Valt, CarpenterEddip w('re Friday guests at M and Lloyd, Mrs. Lena Barnhart,Jorgpnsen's. MI·s. Lulu Foote and Delbert,

Mrs. Charks Roberts and son, :\1rs. Katie Wade, Mr. and Mrs.Charles, of Omaha. spent the Ted Foote and family were ,Sun_week-end with Miss Bess and day c\"t:ning guests at W. B. Wer-Irwin Leary. (' ner··s.

Mr. ami Mrs. James Troutman Ernest Ehlers, Soren Nielsen, Arrives from Brazil.and daughters and Harold Pallas Mrs, Max Lamson of Laurel, Vern Chas.< McEachran, who had beenwere Thanksgiving guests at Troutman and the Carl Troutman Red Cross director at Atol, Brazil,Clint Troutman's.' called"tSunday afternoon to a.r~'ved .Friday at Miami, Fla., and

Miss Betty Lou Weihlf', who Troutman, who is im- cal cd hIS wife Sunday from Wash-attends college at Lincoln. spent prm'jng after being ill with hcart In ton, D. C. Mr. McEachran plans1he Thanksgiving vacation wilh trouhle. to come to Wayne this week to beMrs. Hel('n Weible. Mr. and Mrs. Chris VIlible and with his wife and daughter.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Louis Ehlers and Ja~

family and MI'S. Otto Kant were ;~~l~~;~c,J~~;e;{ef~~i~e:aM~~ :~~ Here -from Okinawa.Sunday af(prnoon gues.ts in the Mrs. Alvin Bargstadt and sons Pfc. Dead Meyer arrived Wed-

:~~::ad~~~;~_h~??ne~er~~r~~~~~~~d~~a~~dne~~~;:::ei~~~ew~~~ :~:~~r~"i;~knr;~~~e~r;~~wcre Monday pvening callers last Jaeger home. ~~s s~7f~ ina Em~~~n, ~n~U~it:~isweek at Lyle Wade's. NIr. and Mrs. Carl Pfeiffer and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyer.

l\1r. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rine- pte. Meyer visited his father. whoand rlaughters, Mrs. Emma Swan_ hart, Dorothy and Merlin, Mr. and is in a Sioux City hospital receivingson wen:" Thanksgiving dinner Mt·s. t:-d. Mor~tz an.d family, Mr. medical care. Pte. Meyer reportsgUPsts at W. O. Smith·s. and Mrs. Martll~ Pfeiffer and Don, at Fort Leavenworth.

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conley and Mrs. Maria Pfelffpr were Sunday __Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson were dinnr'r guests in the Norris Weible Returns from Aleutians.Sunday dinner "and luncheon home. S. Sgt. Erwin Hatfield, whoguests in the Clair Swanson home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and served more than three and a half

Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Hanscn and son of Denver. Miss Marcella DiI- years and who received an honor.GUrtlcy and the Maurice Hansen Ion of Wisner, Miss Jeannette Dil- able discharge. arrived Friday tofamily were Sunday dinncr gu('sts Ion of Wesleyan at Lincoln, were visit his mother, Mrs. Hertha Hat­in the A. A. Risser borne at Nor_ Thanksgiving guests in the Rev. field. He had been in the Aleutiansfolk. Mrs, C'. T. Dillon horne. Mrs. Dil_ and Alaska on two tours of duty,

Mr. ,lnrl Mrs. J,lnlCS TroutmRn Ion rr>turned to Denver with her one 19 months and the other a<ind dallghtl'r~, 1\'11':". Clint Trout- nallgh!c'r and family to visit until year- He will likely enroil at theman and Soren Niclspn were in this Friday. University of Nebraska.Wayne last Wednesday after- The Hilf Jaeger, Albert Jaegernoon. anrl Herman Jaeger families, Mrs. Roeceh:es Ditwhal"J;"p.

WINSIDE LOCALS Henry Beut hien of Ottawa, Frank Dangberg. Miss Anna and Cpl. Marvin E. Fredrickson re-

was in ~:~~as ~~~ly, ~=~~l~'e~~d~:~~~d~: ~i~~:I~~ri~~nn;~er:u~~:n~~giVi~;~~~:~hheo~aedi;p~~tg~t~~~~~ii~~was in dinner guests in the Louis Ehlers Chris Wcjble home, Mr. and Mrs. the air transport command. He

home. Al\'in Bargstadt and sons and had been in service since June,Miss Nan Schrumpf of Lincoln, Harold Herbolsheimer were eve_ 1942. He received his honorable

Spf' nt Sa! urday wi t h Mrs. Etta l,n~i.n.gCI"lllelrls.·ii.ii••ii.idiiSicihairlgiei"itiTiriuiaX.fiieiId


, iMi"idiiSioni'IPerrin ,qnd Miss Gertrude Bayes. -~_~. _MISS Bayes entertained the two at •supper.

Mrs. Emma Swanson spent fromThursday to Sunday in the W. ,0.Smith horne. They al1 called inthe Wm. Swanson home Sundayafternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lucker anddaug-htC'r and Mr, and Mrs. AlbertMeierhenry and family wercThanksgiving guests in the E. A.St ra te home,

\Valter Ulrich and family ofStory City, Ia., visited fromThursday evening to Saturdaymorning in the Peter and ErwinUlrich homes.

Mrs. George Gabler and Mrs.Elva Hamm called last Wednes­day evening in the H. C. Hansenhome and attended the- school par­ty in district 63.

Mrs. Belle, Hornby, Miss MernaHornby, Miss Lennie Mae Boring,Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Roland wereThanksgiving dinner guests in thcEd. Hornby home.

Mr. and Mrs. LOUis Christoffer-son, Shirley and Bob and MissFrances Eaker of Norfolk, wereFriday afternoon callers in theClint Troutman home.

Chet and C. B. Misfeldt ,and Mrs.Eugene Lash were in Norfolk

~~~~~~rl~~ ~~fel~~~i~h:i~t~~proying in the hospital.

The Art Brummond and Maur­ice Hansen families and Mr. andMrs. Wallace Breitbarth and Con­stance were Sunday eveningguests at M. Jorgensen's.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hansen andGurney, George Jorgensen andMarlin Landanger, the last of Car~

roll, were Thanksgiving, dinnerguests at Maurice Hansen's.

The Waldon Brugger familywere Thanksgiving dinner guestsin the Harry Nelsen home at Ran-dolpb. Mr. and Mrs, An<lrew Nel­sen of Wayne, Were alsp there.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ulrich,Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ulrieh and Mr.and Mrs. Orrin Thon'Jas were'Thanksgiving evening ., dinner

guests in the Harold Ulrich home.I~••••••••illII•••••••••••I!I.~.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barelman 1

:Moves to Norfolk.Mrs. B('lle Hornby moves thi~

Fnoay to Nodolk to ttw house atllil:l I->iU'k Avt'., which she purchas­ed. 'rh(' Jloward Ikckenhi-\uer fam­tly \.... i11 movp to the Hornby farmand farm part of the land. MauriceLinrlsay will continue to farm partof the place.

'Haw'! f"khoor ProJt"rnm.Miss Arlene Marquardt and

pupils of dl~trict 63 gave a pro­gram for the patrons Illst Wed­nesday ('\"C'ning

On Way 110mt'"oEn.'iign ('has. lkncsia is on his

way homc from thl' Pacific. Heexpects 10 be hcre ncxt week.

Homp rrom Hospital.Mrs. Normi-J.n CClrr and infant

daugohtel" t'clurnpd home Thursdayfrom a Norfolk hospital.

~khool Roaril Mf'f't~.

\VlllSlrlP school bo;-lnl har! aregular nlCcting Monday c\·ening.


Sodal.Sodal ('Irdl:'! Cluh.

Soci;:l.1 Circle cluh O1rt this Wed_n('srla).' :!ft('rnoot1 with Mrs G. A.Lewis

G. '1'. c~~~::~~~~~ Friday Howard Beckenhauer Hurtafternoon with Mrs. G. A. Mittel· Saturday When Working

st~~~tracl club meets this Thurs- In Field Near Here.

day evcning with Mrs.. Thorvald Howard Beckenhauer had theJacobsen. thumb and forefinger on his left

Winsitic' Women's cluh meC'ts hand hadlv cut Saturday after­this Thursday afternoon with M.s. noon when- he caught the memberHelen \Veibk in a corn picker. Several stitches

Four Four's cluh mccts this WCfl' required to close the wound.Friday tlfternoon with Mrs. Esther The middle finger was badlyBcn~t;oof at Hoskins [or a clesscrt- hruisccl Mr. Bcckenhaucr wasbridge alone at the time. He pulled his

Trimty Ladil's' Aid has a on(' hano out with such spepd ando'clock euv('l'f'd dish luncheon force that it broke the machineDecember 12 at the church. Gifts but savcd his hand from worsewill he exchanged and officers injury. Callers in the Becken­ekctNl. huuer home Sunday to sec Mr.

Federated Womf'n's cluh has a Bcckenhauer were Mrs. HenryChristmas meeting ncxt Monday Nelson. Mrs. John Redel, LloydcWIling with Hev. Mrs. C. T. Dil- Meyer, Mrs. Joe Longnecker, DonIon. Mrs. Duane Thompson is and Joe Beckenhaucr and Amosa~sistinj:; hostcss. Miss Alma Lau- Bcckcnhaucr1t'nhaugh and Mrs. Eugene Lashhavc the program

Xo-liost l\-t(1{"t1n~.

\\'omcn's SOCIety of Chri~tian

ScrvJCt' hat! a no-host owt'lingTupsf!ay afternoon at the M('tho~

dj~l church

For Rob£'rt Boultln~.

;\-Ir and Mrs. Andrew Mann andfamily /lnd Harold Durnell were7 o'clock dinner guests Tuesday,:\'o\'{'mber 20, in the Robert Boul­tlOg home' fnr Mr. Roulting'sbJrthdi1.y

Mo\'('- to Sioux ('it;y.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lundak

and Bob, who had been at BurtLewis', moved Saturday t.o Sioux

For Two Of'f'a....inns. City. Mr. Lundak. who is on term-GuC'sts in the Andrf'w Mann inal ieave with the navy. will be

home Thanksgi\'ing day for [l no- employed a t the Y. I\1. C. A. untilhost rlinner and ,qbo honoring s('cond semcster \yhen he will re­Bobbip MilicI' and hie; 12th hirth_ .'-ume his teaching in the city.dR\' wcre Hllrold D8.rnp]l, theR~bert Boultmg and Fred Mannfamili('s.

For Dean \\,("jhk·.In hnnor of Dean \\'cih1c's first

bil·thdilY of Nov('m!lt'T' :!L Frirlayen'nmg' dinrH'I' guc~ts III the Nor­ri.'i v..'Plh1c homc W('r{, Dr. and'!\'1rs. N. L. DHman and sons. Mrs.Hp!pn Weible and Iktly Lou andFr<-ink and M. Sgt. ancl lVII'S. Wal­dron Weiblp.

of the groups of slates they arestudying

Gmdf"s Onf" a.nd Two.The ~tory of The Three Rilly

Goa!.s was dramalize(l in languagela.<;t \\'('('k.

In art, the pilgrim fath('r,moth('r and child we're drawn bythe youngsters.

Corn I,~ HuskedFor Carl Nllrnberg

l<igh!r'PIl m('I1 pickpd 1:-1 <"!('t'('S

of corn Frida)' afl('rnnll!l [nt· ('<11'1Nurnhcq.; who i.'i rC'covcring froma major operation. Thp mpn wereDav(' Luekf'r. Arthur Ulrich. Aug­

st Mpl('rhpnry, Clarpncc V/inter,Vm. Pi('rt'r, Roy Np,qry and Jim,

(lltn 1:;lrich. Clarpn('c and I[er­milt) I~ronzynski, Kenneth Stamm,Samuf'! t1lrich, E. A. and Rpuhf'nStn~tl'. Jff"rman and Gu>; Kol!.Rohl'n Nurnlwrg' and J lerllf'rtSchwmdt. MI·s. (lito and Mr". EdUlrich helped servc luncheon tothe men.

DauKhter Baptizf"d.Judith Ann, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Theodore Troxel of OmHha.,was bapt ized Sunday afternoon byRev. H. G. Knauh in the FrankFlpct· home. Mr. and Mrs. Fleerwere SJlonsors


< The fine fuel oil you buy for your homel thiswinter is really something to crow about.

WinsideDepartment-- -Wayne HeraldBY MIRIAM HUSE WIlT ,

New Period Is Opened atWinside School Monday

Of This Week.

Pedect ·AttelldaI1Ct~Re~ords Are Noted

\Vlnside high school- pupils whohad pcrrect attendance for thesE.'cond six WE't'ks wetc: Sl'niol's,Dolores Baird, Jack I Brockman,Virginia Lettrnan. DUHIW Nt'ary,LnuTH Jane Quinn. Marian SclJ['oe­de!' Bnd Dick Wade: juniors, AileeBaird. Dille Behmer. Alice Brum­mond, Marian Dammp. Ar.t!llll·Fleer. Delifa F1C'cr, Donna hoell,Nanna Jean Uhst, Dallas SchC'l­lenbcrg, Ruth SpcnglC'r andYvonne Marquardt, sophomor~s,

Beverly Benshoof. \'t'I'~on B-rad('l>Willie Dammc, Flonne Graet,Janic(' Hilp{'rt, Clwstcr Marotz,HUOCoI-t McClary, Eugene Weible

.~ nnd Bill Witte: frC'shmen. CaN)­line Brummond. Hichard Car~t('ns.

MarCt:'lla HalTlIn. Ema Jaeger.Irvin Jaeger, Mary Jt'ns('n, MaryLea Jensen, Shu·l<.'y Krucger.

Helen St'-dlak. Jpanrw Lcwis,Duane 1kClary, Lornllne Voss.Dwayne \YJllfTs ilnd LHura Jam'Wylie.

The chairmen of the postf'rcommittf'es (or the junior play8re Norma Jean Ohst. YvonneMarquardt. Lf'onard JankC', Mari­an Damme. Jim Lewis and JIe!e11\-Vy!i/,.

Biolog-y clas.:; had <1. lahc1l'atorystudy of the mosquitn :Vlondayl<isl \v('ck. In tests ovpr the .'iulJ­ject, Florine Graef ll'd the cli-iSSwith 97 perct'nt grade. E\'t'ITt tSchuetz and Marian Dunghf'rghad 95 nnd 9·~ Iwre-en"" MananDangberg ]Pd the class in thenumber of pages of suppleml'ntal')'reading.

In'sewing t('sts. Helcn WyliE' kdthe class Hnd Alice Mac Brum~

mond, Delila Frese and RuthSpengler tied for second place

Janice J Hlpert and Florine'Grad are .still kilding tlw gf'O­metry class Ilnd E\"t.'fett SchuetzIs c1osl' bchind them.

Helen Wylie amI Leonard _Jank('tied for fil·~t placc in thp 8dvanf'l'dalgebra . examination and nalcBehmer was only tWll percent be·low them.

Tht~ beginning- nlg-l'lml ('1a-"~ wasunusually high in th!' pcrcent of8ccuracy in an pxaminatlon. MaryJpnsen han(It'd in a [)erf('cl. paper.Six m{'mbf'rs of til(' class had anaccuracy of 92 pcrcent or above.

(i-rnnunar Roorn.Thp room had p;'dl'('j atlf'n­

diltl('{' IH~t \v{'Pi" Tho~w

I){'rfl'ct attpndancl' Inr llll'

wpeks aI'(' noris :'vIal' Hlllliling-,Leonard Galin'll. Stanlcy Housel.Norma .Jean Cary, Ronnie LouFisher. Robprt Milkr, Ilazl'l Sed­lak, Ebic Wylie. Loi:-; {~alinat.

Mf~ry Gl'o'lrf. Marnn I lC'rscheidand VIrginia Jackson

Mary Alicf' Wyll(,. Lois Galinatand 1\1a 1'\'111 lfC'l"scheid ('iH'npd Aplus in thC' six w('f'I"s arilhmptictest DOriS Mllc Boulting andMarilyn Le'wis had A plus. in theSIX wepks spt'lling 1l'st

In the first U weeks of schoolthe room has purchased :l00.4U indefense stamps.

Elementary N l:'!WS.Donald Boul ling, Leon Koch,

Darrell Miller, Larry Bowers,Bobby Dilm:·m. Myron GrR.ef,Donna Loehsack. Darrel] Wylie,Russel! Eheling, Sylvia Nelson andClaire Apking haw perfect Ht­tendanet' fllr the year thus far.

Bobbv 1)ltrnlln rf"('f'j\"pd Rn Aplus in ~lri1hfl1('tlc in the ."lx wC'ckste5i.

Thl' room's P\lITJWSP of rleff'nspstamps till.., month amounts to$3,60,

The 5th gra(}(' pupils al"C col­It-cling pictures for their booklets Gladys ReichertFrpmon t Friday

Mrs, Emma Ull'ic'hWayne Saturday.

Gurncy Hanscn was in \VayneSa t urday morning

John ;\lartpns sp{'nt Sundaymorning at Wm. Wylic·s.

Earl Carr !-ifX'nt Thanksgivingin the Louis Ehlers home.

Vcrdcll Nipmann spent Sundayafternoon at M. B. Barner·s.

C;corgc Von Seggcrn visited atWm. Wylie's Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Pyott Rhudy visited atWm. Wylie's last Wednesday eve­ning.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ulrich calledat Carl :-.Iurnbcrg's Sunday after­noon

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lewis wereSunday afternoon callers at BenLewis'.

Mrs. Mildrcd Witte and Mrs.L. E. Norling were in NorfolkSaturday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Gablercalled at H. C. Han.sen's Saturdayafternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Burt Lewis wereThanksgiving dinner guests atG. A. LeWis's.

Leona Johnson of Carroll, spentthe week-end in the Mrs. GcorgeFarran home.

The Ted Foote family wereThanksgiving supper guests atW. B. Werner·s.

Mrs. GC'orge Farran and Glendaand Mrs. Elva Hamm were inWayne Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Fischer call­ed in the Oscar Hoeman homeSunday afternoon.

Harold Andersen of KansasCity, Kan., spent Saturday eve­ning at Wm. \Vylie's.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swansooand family spent Sunday eveningat Edgar Swanson's.

C. B. and Chet Misfeldt drove toFort Leavenworth Thursday toreceive their discharges.

Mrs. Martha' Christensen ofBushnell, spent from Friday toSunday at M. Jorgensen's.

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conley wereThanksgiving guests in the FredJohnson hOIJ;le' at Hoskins.

The James Troulmanfamilycalled in the Carl and Vern Trout­man homes Sunda.v afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Price anddaughter planned to leave thisI"'r..""""'...-----.;............;.;..,;....;.....;._....;. .J I Wednesday for their home at



Wayne, Neb.


P & 0 3-bottom Tractor Plow.Steel tank2 tank heaters, Cowboy and

Submarine (Potato planter3 50-gal. barrelsBrooder house, 12x12 (new>General Electric brooder

"stove (new)DeLaval cream separator, with

new bowlMany other articles

Hay and Grain

Lunch Wagon on Grounds

Sherry Bros. ProducePhone ZOO

3 Head HorsesSorrel gelding, 3 years old, weight 1600Sorrel gelding, 6 years old, weight 1500Roan mare, 6 years old, weight 1600

61 Hogs10 Purebred Duroc gilts Duroc boar43 head Duroc stock hogs and some summer pigs


12-ft. thampion hay rakeJohn Deere spreaderTriple wagon boxDouble box wagonHayrack and gearMcCormick corn binderEnsilage cutterHorse drawn 2-row cultivator2 single row disc cultivatorsSingle row shovel cultivator2 sets work harness and collars,

I set new

farm Machinery, Etc.


Tuesday, December 4Beginning at 12 o'clock, noon

46 Head Cattle

.WilLARD MOORE, O\¥,..erT~mHughes,Auctioneer . W. R. Scribner, Farmers starte Bank, Carroll, .Clerk,,' "i, ' ," -.. . I· '.-:i

Terms.' Cash or mak~ arrangements with your banker. All property to be settled [or before being remov-ed from premises. c •

2 small calves

2 Holstein milch cows, 6 years old, fresh in January

7 Shorthorn cows, 5 and 6 yrs. old, fresh in January

24 head Shorthorn stock cows and heifers

10 head of yearling steers and heifers in feed yard

Ayershire milch cow, 6 years old, fresh soon

Jones gain elevatorMcCormick-Deering tractor on

rubber A-I shapeCultivator and plow, very goodNew John Deere dragIO-ft. McCormick disc, practically"

newHoosier endgate seeder6-ft. McCormick mowerDeering binder with Carlson

power take-off, very goodshape

As I am moving west for benefit of my health, I will sell at Public Auction at the farm [) miles westand lJ:.l mile north of Carroll, 3 miles south of Sholes,14 miles west and 3% miles north of Wayne, 1 mileeast and 12 miles nQrth of Hoskins, 6 miles south and 3 miles east of Randolph, on--...

1..lons Meet.Lions club mel Tuesday evening

to dis('H."." Christmas plan.<=;.

Salem LutheJ"ftft Church.(R(>v. Curtis W. Wiberg, pastor)Women's Missionary society will

meet this Thursday afternoon at 2o'dock in the church parlors.

Choir rehearsal tonight, Thurs­day, I1t 8:30 o'clock.

Saturday, 1 p. m., catccheticalinstruction class.

Saturday, 2 p. m,. Junior Mis~

sionary society will meet in thech\lrch parlors. This will be theannual business meeting. Commit­te-e: Mardelle Mortenson, KarenMortenson, Robert Hollman, CarolHollman, Barbara Ekberg, LeonEkberg.

Sunday school and Bible classes10 a. m. Holy communion serviceat 11 a. m. Evensong and medita­tion at 7:45 p. m,

Every member visitation for the1946 budget on next Sunday.

A hearty welcome awaits you atSalem Luth~ran.

Chrlstlatn ClmrC'h.~('ho()l at 10. C'ommun­J)(}uglas McQuistian of

San .IDSI', Cal.. will be guest speak~

er throughout th(' month of De­cember.

Christian Endeavor Sunday eve­ning at 6:30.

Choir practice Thursday at 8:30,Community youth service will

meet Thursday evening at 7:30 atthe Presbyterian church with Rev.Chus. Rnbenherg as leader.

Pr~shyt('!rinn Church.(R('\,. C'!Jas.·Rabf'nberg, pastor)Sunday school at 10. Morning

worship ;ll 11. \Veslminste-r fellow­ship at 6::~().

Communi ty youth service will behf'ld Thursday evening at 7:30, inthe Presbyterian church with Rev.Rabenberg as leader.

Choir practice at 8:30, Thursdayevening.

Ladies' Aid will meet Thursdayafternoon at the church with Mrs.L Spenner, Mrs. Catherine Krulland Mrs.•John McCorkindale ashostesses.

If:nK_ St. John's Luth. (lhur('h.r Hp\·. HOlH'rl Krusp, pastor)

Sunday .school and Bible class at10, ~f'J'\-i('f's ilt 10:4:'i.

Choir n'hp(-lr~al TUf'sday at 8p. Ill.

Chri<;tmas program rcheal"salwill hi' twld Sunrlil.Y afternoon from::' 1\) 4 p. I"n.

Chun'h ~('h(]()l Satunlny nt 1 :30p. TTl

Social.Ente.rtalns He",.

Lee Stauffer entprtained of young folk~ Friday eve­ning at hIs home. Aft0r II socialtime. luncheon wa~ served.

The great majority of beerretailers in Nebraska arethemselves' among thestrongest champions of beerindustry Self-Regulation.They know their own repu­tations may suffer because as:':attered· Lew sometimes fail~ recogmze the responsibili­ties of a beer license.

RepUlJ,ble beer dealers wel­come suggestions ~rom thisoffice for improving condi­tions in their places. They re­spond gladly and promptly.

As for the few who fail tocooperate, this Committeemakes appropriate represen..tations to legal authorities.

you. the public, can help thebeer industry and the en'"forcement officials to keepbeer retailing on II highplane. One way is to tl$ttictyour pdtronage to reputabledealers. And -an occasionalword of' approval to' the

~an:~:~h~-ru.~.s~ exception­ally H~and orderly place '.will encourage him to keep

. lip thegoo4 work.


Beer Retailers

Boost Self-~


In Sioux City IlbsPit&l.Mrs. J. E. Bergerson spent from

Monday last week until Thursdayin a Sioux City hospital receivingmedical carc.

On All-star Team.LRp Stauffer, halfback was

named one of 19 members of th~

nl1 4 star squad recently chosen byHusker conference football offi­cials,

'r~~~$lI:'Jm~. ..........-.-, THE \,VASNE HERALD. WAl"NE. NEBRASKA. Tlf{;il,SDAY. NOYEl\ffiER 29. 1945'1:''1'';-- .._-- .- --.. .. .....~-~-- ------ - -' '- .. -"71"

W·.. a"kef-I'eld Department Way'ne Herald ~~:~~g in the Walfred carl~~~~~.~~i~~~1:~~~ga:~refa~iY"~1!~~~n~~t~~~~~;e~v~fn~O~~r[~~'. Thanksgiving dinner guests at WinsIde, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto latter stayed until Sunday. Other.' . '. . . . ." . Osrar Horman's were Mr. and Christens and family of Norfolk. ThankBgivivg dinner guo,\.<; at Pe·

Mrs. Louis Schulte. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rubeck and terson's were Mr. and Mrs. AbnerBY MISS EMELyN GRIFFITH Victor KniescJfle and sons. Mr. and Jacqueline of Council Bluffs wert' Pearson and Duane Lind~ay.

Mrs. Hprbcrt Gerle-man and Mr. Thanksgiving gUN>ts of M;. and Those having coo p (' rat i veoMr. and Mrs. Elmer Felt andl ..-----------.IThank.:;giving dinner guests at and Mrs. Otto Gerleman. Mrs. Bert Graham he're. Mr. Ru~ Th.anksgh·ing dinner with Missfamily and Mrs. Clayton Andrews. Southwest Wayne Clarence Beck's: -------- ut'ck is a brother of Mrs. Graham. Lettie Scott were Rev. P. Pearson,

Mrs. Grover Larsen of SIdney, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Greunke of LOC,AL NEWS Mrs. Irm.a Kraemer an.d Mrs. MM',:SssS RCUlatir'aansdmMotlhSeSrsM. aMY'·SpSeaMrsaorny•visited Thursday in the A. C. (By Staff Correspondent> Arlington. W(,I'(" Monduy to We.d_ E fBiehel home. She, along with Mr, n£'sday last wC'l'k gupsls at IIcl'- Miss Minnie Will was here from rnest ,5:(' ke~ cn.tertamed at Walker, Miss Coral Stoddard, Miss81;ld Mrs. Bichel, Marvin, Bob and The Clarencf' Bccks were Sun- bC'h Gerlt'mun's. Sioux City to spend the weck-end. ~hank;glV~gdm~e~m the Slef~;n Verna Elefson, Miss Stella Traster,Dick, and Jean Larsen, Were day last week dinm'r guests at Ed. The- If. W. WintC'rstC'ins w{'re at Mr. and Mrs. A\'Pry Jasperson of kame MOl' I'd a~ ~. F~d SI~f- Miss Ida Fisher, Miss JessieThanksgiving guests in the Mrs. Surber's. T. C. Winterstein's at Carroll W

dest Point, wer{' Sunday last week r:n

, Kr't a~ b rs. ;o'h ughes, S~('phen, Mrs. Celia Pearson ahdDptlef Kay home. Sunday aftprnoonandwere at i~nl,cs~.gLu::ashIS aJtoJ-a:nmni~. ~.aeaffuEw'n>ro_ mersr'anct

aCs·,·efukrenerfa'man".I"ets. e Krac- Mrs. Clara Heylmun.

Mr. and Mrs. Erie lIitz were The Russell pryors We're at Wm and V{'rn S h 'h "'"... ...- ,- ~- '-'''' -~Sunday visitors in the Hoy Van ~~~a~~e~~rlson'sMonday evening evpn·ing. on c noor stat tume? Sunday to her teaching at Miss Bernicce Pl'lerson and Miss Office---;-~-~os-p~~~Donln home at Norfolk. Mr. and Miss..Rosalie Hoeman sprnl. last Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Winterstein ~~~f'~~~~~ after being home for the Florenz Peterson of Sioux City, Dr. S. A. Lutgen has his office

~~~fO~~a~~lt~r~~~~~:~~t ~:en~:~ week-end :in Lincoln ..... ilh Miss ~~.B~It.IY;.f ~~~~~~~t~r~ ~;~ea~~J ,Miss Ethel J.pan Olson who spent Thanksgi\'in~here in !hc Os-~_~~~~ Way~~~pital. Phone 61.Uorans, returned to Wakefield Loretta Hoeman. the Lcstr-r Klinge} 't B' , teaches at Amsworth, spent.:r------------'-------------Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hitz. Leonard Lenzen, jr., of Omaha, stan TI1i1-nk:;givjn; d1~;e a drn~ Thnnksg"iving" vacalion in her par· BETTY SUE b Sh B l

Thanksgiving supper guest.s in spent last week-cnd in the Joe Miss BC'lly and Miss Patt cntal Olto Olson home. y erry ros.the Wm. Thoms('n home included Pi~r~l:~~ ~~~eFred Erif'kson of MilIikpn came from Si~ux Cit~ I Harold Sca~s of Lincoln, spentM.r. and Mrs. Martin Thomsen Winside, aalled at Albert Milli- 19s~ Wedne!:iday to ~pcnd Than.ks- I~;~ ;;~~l;~~~~.m ~~ W~~~;~n7sss

-and daughtE:'rs, Mr. and Mrs. Law- ken's Sunday last wc('k. glvmg at Albert Mlllikpn's. They brother of M B',. I . a '

;:~'l~r'~~~~lIl~~~'~r~n~~;~ionn:m:~d ~~ The Wayne Andersons wore r('lurnpr! Thursday ewning Mayor and r~rs.reiI~~~an Lund-children of Wayne, and Joe Mattes Thanksgiving evening dinner. Last wf'C'k S~nday dinner guC'sts berg and Miss Ruth Luncllwrg wereof Allen. guest~ at John Wendt's nt Pilgl'r. m llw .Joe Pmkf'lman home in- in Omaha to spend Th::mksgwing

M d M R Id H rd.1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin firuns and eluded MI'. and Mrs. Robt. Pinkel- with the Jens('n sist('r~ and broth- ~. "'~ ~a~t1 r'f~~~ilY ~~re o~hanks~ivi~~ t!1e Alber1 Gamhles wen' ill Don- ~~an ri AJzn~a, Mone, Mr. and'sts in the Mrs. C K. Fischer ld M'lrk ' S I 1 n, k :s'. ('my ('ozen find family of Jack Dawson of lIm,tings, washomf'. Other guests included Mr. ~or dir:n~/n s uncay il."t w·:f Wmsldf', Mr. nnd Mrs. Bf'rnard here from Wcdnpsday until FridayIlnd Mrs. Paul Fisch('r and. Paul- The Ralph Beckenhalwrs were ~cnzC'n foi{ R~~do;ph, and Donald wilh his family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.('tip and Mr. Rnd Mrs. John Fisch- guests at oyster supper Thanks- l'gl'r a ar mg on. Echtenkamp were aim Thanksg-iv-<'r ami Harold. Cooperative dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frevert, Mrs. ing guests at Dawson's,was s('rvcd. ~i~li~:rgev:~n~ne~ in the Hcubcn Clan'nce Carlson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gildf'r.

. ~r. and Mrs. Russell Pryo~ and slepw' and son, nickif'. of Ha.sting.s,Mrs. E. GranqUIst, Mr. flnd Mr,;;. Sharolyn, Mr. ilnd Mrs. Gllbprt were guests at Thanksgiving din­

Ed. Surber, Mr. and Mrs. Sflm DangbC'rg and Dennis, Mr. and Incr Sun'day last \V(>ek in the I-1ar­Noyes Bnd De,:,onnc, Mr. anrl Mrs. Mrs. Donald Carlson and family old Gilders!e('v(l homf' hNC.

Harry GranqUIst and famIly wpre I wert' ditlllcr gucsts Thanksgiving: GUf'Sts in the Alfred Koplin,


IPllSt Prellidents MN"t.Past Pf('sidenfs' Pnr]cy met

Monday afternoon at Mi.".s EdnaDahlgren·s. Ladies completedplans for the bazaar which will be

Prizes Are Earned held in December.

. By Local Church WAKEFIELD LOCALSMission Covenant church won Mrs. \tV.m. Hugelman went to

regional and national prizes of $25 Norfolk Saturday to visit friend~.

each in the church paper week Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomsen andcontest sponsoied by the Covenant Della visited in the John BrockWeekly, a national church paper. home at Leigh, Friday.The divisional prize was given for Mr. and Mrs. R G. Lf'hmnllchurch mC'mbf'rship and thE' grand weri' Thanksgiving !linne-I· .l':\l('s(sprize was givcn for having Ol(' in t 11C' Fred Lphman hOIlle­highC',<:;t ilumbrr of credits n'gard- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Nlwrnhf'q:;f']'ress; of church mrmbf'I'Ship. G. 1". nnd Mi."s Failh sp0nt Thanksgiv­IIE'dslrund of Chicng-o, ('ditor of the ing €'\'t'ning in j he' HilY Diljs )10111('Covenant Weekly. will be in Wak('- l\-ti."s Phyllis lIypsp of Omahn.field Sunday: to award the prizes. spont tl1(' Thanksgiving hl)lldny~

-- 'I'in h('l' pFlI'f'ntnl.TMLnsferred in PacUk. home

Bill Byers: C'lectrician .mate third Mr.' and i\'lrs, Roy, who IS on .~ut~ m the Pa~ and family had Th"nl<"gh'irrgclfte near the PhIlippines, was rc- ner in the ClarCllcecently transferred from the C. S. homf'

,._ S. Wachapreague to the U. S. S. lUI'. and Mrs. V. IfCyrene. All the m:n with the fe\\,'- and Vicki Nye wcrp Thanl<sghir,gest number of POints mad€" the dinner guests Ht ]1nt

;, '< transfer and the C~'rene if; not ton's.)I; .sCh:-du]C'r! to arrive In the states Miss Evorlin Hf'nry of Clwrnkf'(': until March, 1946, whereas t'he 18., spent tlw Thanksgi\'lllg Jlo1j~

Wach~'lPI'('a~uE" has docked hPI'!? clays with her mother, :'\IJ's FrankF.M3( nyprs. son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry':". L. ~1yers, has served in the Pa~ Mr. and Mr<:;, L. ('clflC b months. and Mi,!;s Faith W('I'(' 111

Friday to gpt Mrs, Rolli'rjberger.

Mr. and Mrs. LC'f' Stlluffl'r \'is­itf'd Mr. Staufff'r's .sistpr, MrsHerman Schowalter, in <1 ]\'orfnlkhospital Sunday.

Miss Vena Grecn and nephew,Joe Keagle. were Thanksgivingdinner guests in the Harry Keaglehome in Sioux City.

MI~s Faith NUflrnhergcr ofOmaha, spent the Thanksgivingholidays in the her parental, L. C'.

Irwin Stronberg of Omaha, N~~~~~:('~r~.o~.e·A.SriI' W0]'f' in:~P~~m~~e Thanksgiving holiday.s Lakf' View, In., with their daugh­___________._.______ tel', Mrs. Leon Kolbe, and family

for the Thanksgiving holidays.Miss Edna Hoydar, who -"pent

the Thanksgiving holidays in hf'rparental F. J. Hoydar home, re~

turnfld to Gree1£'y, Colo., Satur_day.

Mrs. Chas. Nyc went to ChicagoTuesday last week to meet. hrrhusband, Ensign Nye, who n'cent­ly returned from' duty in thePacific.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woltflrsand children and Mrs. Wm. Wol­ters were Thanksgiving dayguests in the Wm. Klein home atBattle Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson andfamily, Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Caeand Earl Cae of Atlantic, la., wereThanksgiving guests in the Mrs.Max Cae home.

Dr. and Mrs. Vl. L. Byers RndPaul spent from Wednesday lastweek until Friday evening inOsceola, visiting Mr. Byers', Mrs. Sarah E. Byers.

Supt. and Mrs. Roval Crawleyand, Miss Florence Ekeroth wentto Sioux City Wednesday eveninglast week to attend a concert bythe Don Cossack chorus.

Mr, and Mrs, Herman Utechtand Mr. and Mrs. Emil Utechtand MelVin of Wayne, wereThanksgiving dinner guests in theMrs. Anna Kohlmeier home.

Lt. (jg) and Mrs. Stanley Kea~

gle were Monday last week call~

l!'1"S in the Miss Vena Green home.Lt. Keagle was being transferred Mil'sion Covenant Church.from Atlanta, Ga., to Kansas City, (Rev. Ervil Gustafson, pastor)

M~l. Borg and Dale went to Comm'!nity yo~th service Thurs-Sioux City Saturday. Mrs. Borg ~~e~~:~I~~U~~h7.30 p. m., at Pr(>s~went to t!'te city Saturday evening Choir rehears~l Thursday eve­and all V1s~ted Mrs. Borg's moth- nlng at, Mrs. WIll Zurcher, The Borgs Confirmation class Saturday 2returned Sunday. '

Mrs, Glenn ~rcoe and children p. ~·nd~Y, Sunday school at 10 a.m,of Blair, viSited Saturday and Morning worship at'11 with GSunday last week i~ t?e Frank ro. Hedstrand of Chicago, editor ofHolm home. Mrs. MInnie A?~er- the Covenant Weekly, speakingson of Omaha, was also a VISItor and awarding the prizes won byin the Holm home. _ the Mission churCh ~ the nVional

.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soo~t and church paper we~Jt:.cphtest?':"BIlly of Washougal, Wash., and Gospel service Sunday eteningMr. and Mrs. John Longe and at 7:30. '_ '.,;<;-t

Karen of Be~verton. Ore.. were Mary Martha fall Wltlval will beFriday dittn~r. guestS in the Mrs. held Tuesday evening. ' DecemberAnna KbbJnjeler home. 4 at 8 o'clock Refteshmeilts will

Sunday 'evening last week vlsi.. ~ served. .tors ~n the Mrs. Wm. Wolters Ladies' Aid wilt meet cWednes­home Included Rev. and Mrs. C. E. daY, December '5. for the aWlUaJ.

, • >'" - -- J_' Fredricksl!n and ValeUa of Car-- busineSs meeting. Hostesses areNEBRASKA OOMM~ roll, Rev. and Mrs< Robert Kruse Mrs. Russel Wenstrand. Mrs. Jos-

, - ", ',I ' ana Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. eph' Erickson anfl' Mts. ~ubeniJ1J'iltd"$i(ji~$"; Leonard Dersch an~ Vivian, Johnson.

Brewtts Mrs. Evelyn Wi\Zains and Shiro . _.!eyMaeWlgga'l'ns spent from Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Berres had': FoundiiJioll Tue~daY last week until Sundar asTIwnIa:giVing dlnn~r lWests Mr.t" .. L"; i ...' .....•••.':'c. ylslbng in .the M. P. Bressler andMl'S.E.C.BllteofLlt1l!oln;Mi'.~'.,O~lesi(;.•sandalI,;S~~P'~" !~?ieHt Gordon. Mts.,Jlressler Is and Mri.ElmerMeyer,al\dclluJgh.

i:.!_::,.:,i""'.'..:.c""!:;';~':":;:;';.:-.~.r.~:,~.,~~.,q.i,.t.·:..';_~.,r,:.,:.~:~.t.:.'~'···~~~fJLI· ..... ..' " ~llhterO~gM':.;,,:!!t~~s. <¥n- :~;::'~:'.;~,=~~~o'i~:e=:::_ ~ > ~h~:Jf~~t~~~~~,; ~~~~~t;ri~:~~~~~~:'=~i=;

and Mrs. Erie HitZ. cart,,:woW~~.

,,..i:JTToCollect Gifts S· h.,'j, For Veterans Here • e OCle..3 ••.:: Wakefield Auxiliary unit is malt. Social Forecast.~~... lng' plllns to collect Christmas Jolly Bidders meet this Thurs_III gifts which will be given to hbS. day at Mrs. Larry Holder's.u pJUlliied'/veterans, both men and Methodist Aid will meet Thurs·~ w~gn~ ,Who participated in either 'day, December 6, with Miss Luella• t World 'WlIr I or n. The drive, en- Nuernberger and Mrs. IrmaI \ titled ;"~'Oive to the Yanks who Brown senring as hostesses.: Gave;'" il3l'Qpel1 to anyone wishing What·So·Ever club meets thisI to participate. Boxes have been Thursday evening at the church

· ~ placed in thEt various stores in tor a regular meeting, followed byj Wakefield where gifts may be de- n party for husbands of club mem-! posited. Any. gift. excepting food hers.

sturf or sharp articles, will be AC­cepted. The Wakefield Auxiliarymembers wilJ re·wrop the gifts

..... into packages worth approximately$3. These will then be sent tohoodquarters B t Lincoln, whE']"ethey will be distributed in hos­pitals throughout the United

Ii States. All gifts should be in to the'l!' Wakefield Auxiliary by December

1 as tHey must be at Lincoln byDecember 10.






Powder Mlttii-

\\-'rislf'y'" ~lIall--

50(' to !ji3.00

Tolld Wlltf'r-$1.00 to $3.00

DlIstln~ PO\HI"r-7:')(0 to $1.25


Wayne, Neb.


For Highest Prices Sell YourCream, Eggs and Poultry to

Phone 41 for Poultry Pick-up

Nebraska Hollostone Co.

Minnesota Te$ted Paints

White Rock While Wyandotte

New Hampshire Red

Tractors AppreciateThe Service We Offer

Earl Fitch 'Produce


We Pay 12c Over Top Price in Wayne



Produ('ers of Hollolitone Cement Building Tile

Building Contractors Wisner, Nebr., Phone 3214

OffiC'e antI I'lant: 7 mUp'S north\v,est of Wisner on Highway 15

Phone 134

Our treatment is thorough and effi­cient. The genuine IRe parts we useare tops as they fit any make of farIrtequipment. And they wear like theoriginals. Let us serve you today. Wehave the parts and the skilled mechan­ics to take care of all your farm equip­ment repairs.

Phone 308

LOCAL NEWS Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. H, R Janos

Lll~;\~~nt~~~ ~~ich;i~e~d~~d ,~~ Ja_n_d_M_r._a_n_d_M_rs_._,_1,_.1_._F_r_lh_o_r_

Saturday dinner guests of Mrs.Mae Young.

MI'. and Mrs, G. L. Rogers ,andMrs. Mino Mutz were Thanksgiv~

ing guests in the WaltC"l' Rogershome at Pender.

1\1r. and Mrs, Art Auker of Win~

~id(" spent Sunday afternoon in theW, E, Lindsay home, Mrs. DoraBenshoof wa.o.; a dinner guest.

Thanksgiving six o'clock dinnerguests of ?vIr. and Mrs. WaldenFelbpr \\"('1'(' fI.'1I'S. Edna Davis. Mr.and ;'viI's. Burr Davis, Jimmy and



l09'Main a. ..




~~e:h~OnneO8~t;l4223 Sl~e: f~~t::::~~i

H. fJ. BRANDSTETTER & SONis too Kood a storf': for you nottn as~odate with! See the De­I ..Rval Milkf"T and (;ream Sepa­rator before you decide. Comein to Sl"e us today and let usshow :rou our complete stock.

11=tE~E.5 1'00 MANYGOOO FOLKS IN il-ns HEREWOI'lLD FER A FtL'-.E.R1"0 AGSOClATE W\1\-I -niEM~T5NO'f,

(By~!~~~~JThe' Ray Gamhle's w('n" :It Albert

Gamble's Sunday c\"C'lling lastweek.

Mr. and Mt"S. Louis Millf'r WPt'C

Thanksgiving gUt'sts at ('a I'] 1\'1l'1~lick's. c

Mr. and Mr<;. Gpo. nruns wrotto Wpst Poinl FridllV tn SI'P thl'latter's sisler, Mrs. !It'nry Clau~lln,in a hospital.

The Claren('(' Bnkprs Wpre atLouis Test's Thursday evening.Carol Kavanaugh was a SUpperguC'st that evening- at Test's.

The Fred Hurtis WP]'P Thanl{s­giving dintwr glll'sls :It AllwrtKni's Ilf'Hl· }lpnd!T. Tlw ForrestS/('pl('s of Emf'['son, wcrl' hlsalht'rC'.

T\wsrlay ('\'('ning supprr gut"'stslll~t w('{'k at Frf'd Thun's \\'('1'(' Mr's.Leo Flnn, I lick Hnd JIlIll' of Creigh­ton, ]\11'. and Mrs. Matt Finn, Dt'alland John.

Donald and ('nro] Mac Bronzyn~

;:;ki of Winsid{', sp{'nt lilStw('ck at Hay Gamhlr's 1\11'.and Mr~. Ci-Irl Bronz}-:nski wpre InSioux Clfy.

Mr. and MrK Frf'd TJllln nnddaughtf'r~ Wf'n' Th;}nksgi\'ing din­ner gup>;1s Ht John Finn·.o.; nf'arCarroll. Mr. Hnd MI's. M. \V. Ahrrnand Billie of Cnrroll, \VPI'(, alsothere.

Thf' Adnlph nni('r~ rntfT1llinf'd atSunday 1;\.s1 wl'{'k dinn('l' for Mr.and !Wr.s. Hf'lllwn !\1('vpr and ;'\Jlln~

cy, i\IL and Mro;. \\"111. ,'Slavcr,Glenn and <. ',ll'nl .J(';-\O Df l'icrcf',Inez Baif'!" and Clyde Baker. Mrs.Julius M('nl{(~ and Eilene callpd inthe afkrnoon.

Mr. and Mr~. James Brps.sler pn­t('l'lnioed at Thanksgiving dinnerSunday for Mr. and Mr". EnosWilliams and ftunily, Evan Wil­liams, Mr. and Mrs. \\:ayne Wil­liams and family, Mr. and l\lrs.

~:r~f~~s~k~~:~n~hf;; ~:~I ~fk~rr~~l~:Mr. and Mrs. lfarold Frc!lI'icksrJnof Sioux City, and Mr. anti :\-11':-;. W.W, RoC'. ----- .~-~---_.-

E.~mm.~••••••••••••••••••••g ••••••••••• ~•••a••••••Mr. and Mr~. J. M, Strahan of I.Scottsbluff, w('rC' in Lincoln the:w('pk-('nd or NOH'mh('!" 17 10 hc I.with tht'ir c).Jildl.,'n, Mi.o.;s Barbal':l. :

~~~r~P\7·1;pn~~C';r~~dl(~(~::,n;~(7~II~i~ ;1~t~ 51ion at Iowa City, Ll~ I:.

Feeding Helfer~ Stock Helrera

~::~~~~F~:~rie:~HrrB. ~~oe~~~~~~W8 I~ORDERS SOLICITED •

•= Carroll, Nebraska

: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••D•••••~~

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•••••••aHatching Eggs :

, =F',~Anyon(' hnvlng these hre<,ds nnd wantlnR" to sell to the hatchery ~;i;.•.:,i"

s{'(' us for more infor~atlon about selling hate-hlng eggs. : -"Se••••••••••••smma•••a.aDQ•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••m.

;;D•••••D••~••aas••••••••••••••ws•••••••••••· .• •• •• •• •• •• •.. .• =•••a


*..._O~~~;;;;;ijiiiiIiI-T*( ~

CITIZEN JltE f$~{~~~ ~~Heroism fs that virtue whlth In limes ~ ~..... -6

men when libel1y must be presened. ~ 1,,1,1Out mosl of aD, Joe Willits endllling f(ij~ . ~ \p.."'. !reedow, a lob. • hom. and. t\It.. ;;::, }famo)'. It's up 10 us to see that Joe )"-_ ~

h.. his opportunity. Th....... girl ~ '/,who pia...'en DOW 10. happy day. 1,- r-,/-4-ahead-her genuine OrftJlQe Blossom \' , • I Jdiamond enpgement rIPg sen", asthe f4dllllli reminder or • lJ4eredbvsL lef. 8IIV8 • place ror.loe or...... • plate 1 1dm whell he 00....

...m&-lo ,

here last week with the former'sbrother, Glenn Hall, and sister-in­law. Mrs. Russell Hall. Til(' threeHall familips were in 'the iRs. Mil­ler home at Coleridgp, Sunday. A'gifl was pJ'pSt'nlpd to tHe hanI falls. The G-Il"nn Hulls and IVHnHalls were fit Geo. IIanspn'sThanksgiving.

Thanksgiving guests at WesleyRubeck's were the Vern Wohlmanfamily, Mrs. Russell Campbell andW('slt'y of Wynot, Pvt. WayneCnlnp[)cll of Fort Bragg, N. c.;l)e!'win McKinh'y family of Ncw­cilsllp. JVlr·s. Henry Christensen,John 1't'rson. Mr. and Mrs. O. ll.Bragg, Sgt. and Mrs. Tony Garrat­tn and lIarold Cllmpbell of SiouxCdy, Harry Camphell of Vprmil­lion. Joan Rubeck accompanied theSioux City folks home and return­ed Sunday.

H.c'\-. and Mrs. D. T. Burrpss Hnd.",m. Ralph, of Ansley, carne TUl'S~

day last week to the Ivor Morri~

honH'. The first two were also atTVlorri,,' Wednesday night andRl1ph was jn thE' Chas. Whitneyhome, The Burress family hadThanksgiving dinner in the RobertGemmell home. That afternoontlll'Y called at E. L. Pparson's andtl]('ll wcnt to Walthill to haw e\'e~

ning dinner with Mrs. Burrc-ss' sis~

tn, Mrs. Alva Clark. The Ot tohlliTS of Wayn('. Hnd Mrs, GraceC;ilIHHln of llll~an. ,were 81:-;0 lIlf'rp.Thl' Burres~ family canw to Baier'sal \-Vayne. Friday and stayI'd un­til Sa1urday when they returnedto Ansley.

St. Paul LuthAran Chu:roh.11\.('\'. C. E. Fredricksen, pastor)

Services Sunday at 10:30, Thpmc,Tlll' Challenge to Us of the NewChurch Year. Sunday school at10:30.

(;ongregatlonal ChtlN"~.

Rev, D. T. I3urrcf>s of l'\ns!('y,prv[lch('d the Thanksgiving ~ermonlHsl Wednesday eVf'ning.

Sunday sd~ool npxt Sunday at10..

Lnclies' Aid met Wedne~day thiswC'ek with Mrs. G, Eo Jones,

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Liedtke werein Sioux Gity Thursday to meettheir daughter. Mor.<;. Dorothy Gra­bowski, who came from Ft, Sherl~

dan near Chicago where she hadreceived her honora:ble discharge.

Methodist Church.(Rev. F. J. Sch,ank, pas1or)

Family day was observed lastSunday with a large attendance.Families sat together and the twolargest family group~, those of Al­len Stoltenht>rg and C. H. Morris,received a yE'ar's subscription eachto the Christian Horne. Six were ineach group. .

Closing session of the first se­ries of mission studies was heldTUf'sdflY at. the church parlors,Mr's, Roscne ,Jones had u('en incharge.

W. S. C. S. m('t in the churchparlor~ Wcdopsuny this w('ek withMrs. Evan Jonps and Mrs. StanleyGriffith hostesses.

Sunday: Church school' at 10 andworship at 11. Young people'smeeting in the evening.




SocJa.l Forecast.Mrs. John Kay entertains E. O.

T. December 6.Delta Dek meets Dt'Cf'mber 7

with Mrs. W. R. Scribner.Mr·s, Otto Wagner ent~rtalns

We-Fu this Thursday evening.\'lomen's club pluns a Christmas

purty December 13 with Mrs. TomRoberls.

Royal Nt'ig-hbors nw('t n('(~t'm~

her 18 \\-'lth r...lrs. W. 11. ScribnCl'.Offic('!'s will be elected.

Knitting club meets next Tu('s~

day with Mrs. Maggie Evans forChristmas party and gift exchange.

Hillcrest club will meet afterthe leaders' training ml'eting whichwill be at \-Vinside t hp middll~ ofD{'c('mbl.~r

Happy \Vorkers meet with Mrs.Louis ,knkins DecembC'r 7. AChristrna!'. party (01' nwmbers andfamilil's is planned December 14in tht, Lewis Johnson home. Gifts\vill he exchanged.

Rod-at.Hlwe Party Friday.

Young folks had a party at theMethodist parlor.s Friday eH'ning.A hobo theme waS used,

For ellthulle Aid.Catholic Aid met Tuesday with

Mr~. qalTY Nelson for social timeHnd ('(,\·o.;red dish luncheon.

1.. L. L. nns Ml"cting.I, I .. 1.,. members elltertained

wives at St. Paul church Sunday('vening, serving after a program.

Aid l\J('t~b. Wednt..,,,dn:r.Baptist Aid held an all-day mp(+

ing WE'dnrsday in the church par­lors. Pot luck dinner was served atnoon,

Delta Dek Party.Delta Dek memb<>rs and lhf'ir

husband,.;, also Mr. and Mrs. Don­ald Morris were gue~t~ Friday eve­ning in the Lloyd Morris home,hostesses being Mrs. Morris, Mrs.G, E. Jones and Mrs. Chas. Whit­ney. Prizes went to Mr. and Mrs.T. P. Roberts, Mrs. Donald Morrisand Otto Wagner.

Have FfU"eWt"IIl Party.Happy Worki'rs had a farC'wf'lI

party with Mrs. RN'S RichardsFriday bf'fort' the Richards familymoves to N.,rfolk. A gift was prl'­s('ntp<! to Mrs. Richard" and cov­en'd lunclwon was "t'J'\'('d.

Boards to Meet.School board. meets Mumby and

town board Tuesday.

Moved to VIJogInla.

Pvt. Merlin Kenny and Pvt. PaulPeterson who had reported at FortRiley, Kan., have arrived at CampPickett, Va.

Carroll Department--- Wayne HeraldBY DOROTHY HUSE NYBERG . ,

News of SchoolDuring Past Week

TIltro six-week ',period opened inCarroll school Monday,

&!.&'kNball team gocs to BeldenFridllY this week.

Junjors present their play nextweek.

Itoms In Mil"ium He-nrickson was III

nnd unable to teach Monday in.~rall1mal· room. Ruth OWl'tlS sllb~

stituted for her.In in tl.'l"lllptib tt' rHom J lim' Gay

\V~lgnt'r and Shidl'Y Hampton \\'I'reon the honor roll

Tht' ~th grad!' is studying fl-ac­tions and the ·Hh gnld(" mlllt.lplica~

tion llnd division by six and S('ven.Honol' students in primary room

\vt:>re Shl.'l'rill J-1l'nrlek~on, Arlene­BO\\'l'r~, Duane Johnson. RushTuckC'r, CllHrlut h' ,1l'nkins ilndGary Grahek,

Primilry pupils who ImnH'd oneor mort' I ()\)',; in tf'sto5 an' DaVIdRollPrts. S!lClTill lknrickson, Ar­lenI' Howpn; lind Phyllis Carlson.

Primary pupils with perfl'ct at·tpndall(,'~ 0](' pnst six wpeks flrePhyllis (\,rl.o.;on. Elll"!inf' Fitch.Slwnill l/cn!"ickson. Jun('il(, Jl'n­kins, j"lI'!lwrt Noellp. Dayid Rob­Pr1:-. Chnrlottl' .Jenkins, Vin]a,LtnH'~

:4mplltate FingerInjured by Car

D;lh' StollL'no('rg, 9, son of theAIlt'n Stoltcnberg-s, hnd tlw [orC'flllgl'r 1111 his right hand amputatedFl'lda~', :"Jo\Tmhl'I' H;, in 11 \VaynellOspita1. Ht' \\'a~ nble 10 com€'hom!' J'l'1nndn\' Inst wPck. Aboutfive \\"('e'k~ ago thp lad l'an be­tWf'l"n two caT;; on Main street hereone Saturrlny nig-ht and caught thefingt'r on n hroken car fenrler. Thefingp,· Was so badly torn that itcould not be saved. J Ie WIiS in thehospital nine days.

Officer to SpeakTo Men on Fl"iday

Leave for Kansas..1'k and Mrs, Geo. Linn held a

SUCcl's~rul sale of their householdgoods Saturday and left Tuesdayfor th('ir new home in Lindsborg,Kan, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Morrisaccompanied them and plan to goto Wlchila. The four were in theLc\'i Hoherts home over the week­end. IvIr. 1'Ind Mrs. Elmer PhillipswiJl mo\'(' later to the Linn housewhich thl'Y bought.


131'\'(']"ly AndtTSOll of Dl'nv('!".nf Mrs. Emma Barteb of I1onoNld at Chur("h.

fr'<lctuI'l'l! a \'('rtehra in his ::\11'. and Mrs. Gf'o. Linn and Mr.hal'k TllI'"L!iI\' la"t wl'('k when he and Mr.s. Donald MOlTis. who left1','11 dU\\11 ."t~lirs ilt the office in Tw'sday, WP)"(' honon'l! Slmday at\\l\lI'lt 11(' i~~ ('Illpluyl'd for the Ever- noon basl{{,t dilllHT al llll' Mpthod­~h;lrp p-f'llcil ('Olllpany. H(~ llnd his ist parlors. A largE' numll1'I' <It­Wdl' and son had plunned to come tended. Rev. F. J. Schank and G.

;;~;:~'()];'n:~ ~:~li~,n~;~g\~(~n~~c~r~t ~17~ [~~r~i~;~t~i;:i~~. tHl~, \\:~~~ie I;'~~\~·orl{. lIl' wcars u bl'l1cG. was given to the Linns from the

group. W. R. Scribner making thepresentation. The Linns are locat­ing at bindsborg, Kan., and theMorrises plan to go to Wichita.

('ails from New York.pre. Nonl1an Clark who spent 17

months in the European theatre,telepholwd Friday from New Yorkto hi" wife here. He expects to be110IlW in a couple of weeks.

To l\-lIsslnnary Tr'bJ.nlng.:i\'Ti'is \Vilma Gemmell, daughter

of :'\11', Hnd Mrs. Robert Gemmellof Canoll, will be graduated inJanuary from Howard-Payne col­If'gP in Texas. She then plans totakl' slwclal missionary training atthe Baptist seminary In FortWorth. Miss Gemmell was herela~t wI!ek and went to Omaha Fri­clay tn see her sister, Mrs. P, J.Hack and brother, Fred Gemmell,enrouk to her school work.

Lt·. Cot. F. Valdemar P€'ten;on,just N'c('ntly back from the China­India~Burma thcatrl:'. will be guestsp<>akel' here Friday evening whenmen of the community hono,· serv­ice men at dinnC'r in the ME'thod­ist parlors. Methodists are sponsor­ing the dinner and 40 servic(' men\vill be guests.

Is N f''W Bank Clerk.Mrs. Robf'rt Johnson began work

. Monday as clerk in the bank, SllC­c('-'C'ding Mrs. JamC's Smith whosehusband is enroute home fromPearl Harhor.

S · f Sunday dinner guests at S1anley pa, Idaho, arrived Friday to visit•. fit ocae., .. Grirtith's. the former's brother, Ed. Moore,r. Mrs, John Nelson and daughters and others a few days, They used

of Norfolk, were at Victor John~ to live here.son's Sunday. The Otto Wagncrs were in the

Mr. and Mrs, M. 1. Swihart had Ted Staplcman horne at Laurf'l,TllIl.nksgiving dinner in the Glenn f()l' Sunday dinner. They were in

Je~~~~~ hS~~i~h and RoWe' of j ~~~'~~~I~I~,t~~I~:~~g to see T. Sgt.

Omaha, Wt'n' al T P. Hoberts' MI". and Mrs. Harold Sears ofSunday hunting. Lincoln, called on Earl Fitch here

The .John Guynn family spf'nt 1\'londay. Mr. Scars, former rcsi­Thl 'lksgi\'Ing In tht' Hprbert dent of Waynp, is manu bel' of theCOl,ghtry home. slatL' fann at Lincoln.

Fnlllk Lorenz and Wnltrr II"mm Rev. and Mr". F. C, Doctor ofof Randolph, W('l'(' SundHY callers \Vaynp. and Ilt'v. and Mrs: E. .John Hamm·s. I3orgm<:'ycr of Concord, were 1\1"on­

The John lfamms \\,prp in the day evcning dinner gUf'sb in theClyde 'Nilson home a t I foskins, Rev. C. E. Fredricksen homC' here.Sunday afternoon Mrs. Ruth Gibson and family of

Glenn Garwood and daughtC'rs of Randolph, the Blaine Gettmans ofWnlthill. were Friday guests in the Dixon, Mr~. Emma Hartels andJ. C' Woods honlC'. John GeUmans were at Gf'o. Bllr­

Ml'. and Mrs. W. n. Smith and tels' for no-host Thanksgiving din­Mrs, Olaf Swanson Wl'l'C at \\'m. ncr.SWBn~on·.s Sunday. l\Irs. Ilulh Gibson and Ruth Ann

Thp Hrnry Schmilz family of of Ilnmlolph. \\Trp here Friday to\Vayne, spent Sunday hC're in the h('lp Mrs. Emma Bartels close h('rJohn H. Jones homf'. homp for thf' winkr. Mrs. Bartels

Th(, Ed, Hokamps spent Sunday \vill ~t;ty at Aug. Bphre'nrl's thisafternoon in tIl(' Alfred Bit'rschl'nk win leI'.hom(' near RRndolph. The' Perry John~ons werp in

Tll(' )l1'ITY Johnsons wert' in 1hp Omaha on businC'ss last Wedn('~~

ClarC'll('c John:;on 11001(' IlPar Em- dHy. Alvin Johnson ilccompanicder:;on, Sunday afternoon, tlwm and 1h('y v,'ent to Lincoln to

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jon('s, Mr.s. hring "J\lrs. Alvin Johnson home forLloyd Tl'xley, Clliir and C'craldinc the week-end.wert' in Norfolk Salunlny. ThiUl1{sgi\'ing guests at no-host

Mi"s Valda r~latl{jr>rs or Rnn- dinnf'r at Lp(J Jordan's \\,f'1'(' Mr.dOlPh., spent, Fddny Rnd s[~unj;-lY Clnd Mr.". E. 0. Hehmer and !h~here with MIS~ Junp PPBrso . familips of Vernon Behmer. Alhert

TIl(' Emrys Morris fam y of I1('hnwr. Lloyd B('hmpr and HenryWaYTlt'. had ThankRgi\'ing !to'lPpcr Asmus, all of t'lll' Lloyd Morris h0I1.1e h 1'('. ]'vIisi'; Ina Pcarson and Miss Irene

MISS lone .JOIlC'S rt'lurnt I 10 ThomsC'n of \Vayne, Howard Cur­Doane collpge [It eretl' Sunda aft- ry nnd Lloyd Mprritt of Ponca,('I' b(-'Ing home for the w('ek-end. w('n' Sunday ~upper guests in 1he

Mrs. T. C \\'interstf'in, Mi:-;s E. L, F'('urson homl:'. Lloyd is home13f'tty Wintf'rstl'in and Miss Cleo on furlough from 1hc army.Davis W('rt' in Norfolk Salurday. Mr, and Mr~. Wm. Swan~on, Mrs.

MI's. Carl hl'l'~('n ,mrl Richard Clarcncp Morris, Mr. and Mr~.

of Vermillion, wcn~ W('dnL'srlay ChiI' Swanson w('re in the Daleand Thursrlny gUf'sts nt John Gri- Curtright home at Neligh, forC'I"·s. Thanksgiving. The Rollie Curt~

Th(' Rudy Vlns<lk family and rights of N!'Jigh. were also theretMrs \\"('n' Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swan~on, Mrs.dinnf'r in the Cpo. ()v'.-'f'ns Olaf Swnnson. Mrs. Lpo Slr>vf>ns11001(' and Jim, Mr. nn(l Mrs. Lpwi~

Mr. and Mrs. Victor lInlls(' nnrl .lohn.o.;on amI Mr. ilnd Mrs. ClairRonnil' ilnd l'\'lrs. Aug. 1!:last' of SWan9)Jl w('r(' Sunday supper\-Vaynl', w('r(' ~l! lIt'nl'y 1[a;IS("S gu('sts in thr' ('1<1r('n('e MorrisSunday home.

Rev. and Mrs. C'. F.. Fr('dricJ{~('n 7vlrs. \-Vill Pritchard, Tom andwert" in till' J()hn Kr..i and H.l'ub('n Allcll Pritch:lrcl, Mrs. FUa Glass, Presbyterla.n Church.Swanson homes near Randolph. 11](' Vern Frink family and the Sunday school at 1, PreachingSunday. " Levvis Jenkins family w('re Sunday by Rev. O. B. Proett at 2. C. E.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelley and dinner guests in the Albert .Jen- at 7.Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jorge!1S('n WE're killS homf'. - Westminster Guild meets in theSundBy sllJlIwr guests at F. E. ThE' Ern'in Wil tlpr and Frf'rl church parlors Fciday evening. No-Beyekr'~. Lorenz fami1if's of Hoskins. had ho~tess luncheon will he ~f'rved.

MI's. Elray Fiplds "nd ('hildrf'n r1innpr with FrC'-d Lor('nz Sunday Aid rewmes meetings in De-af Wayrw, ;qld the Hoy In hr>lp him c('1chra10 his hirthday. c('mbcr.were Slllld;IY ."uP1Il'l· g\Jl'~ts ilt In lh(' ('\'('Iling IIlI"' Randolph folks Mis~ Elva FishE'r is in charg(' of,Jorgi'11.000Prl·0.;. .'Jnrl trw Clirfnrd Linds;lYs W('re nt 11\(' ('hristmas "l'rvice which is hc~

Mi~.s l';lrnlyn P,'rrln ]'('tlll'lwtl .John I[ilmm's, ing pr(lpared.Monday 1n IWI' \\'ork in Sio1]x Cily Th(' F,lmr'l' TJ'nm~ family rptuT"n- Biblp Sunday will be oh.<;erYC'd;10PI' lleinJ.-: IHHlll' t,) 1'I'('!J\'('1' fl"nm f'{} Sundny from a ThClllksgiving December oppration. visit in Huron, S. n. Mr:-; . .John

Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rulll'r nnd DAVis r('/llmN] \vith lhem to spendsons of Ha~tings, W(,T'(' here fmm somf' time with her daughlf'rs, Mrs.Thur~day to Snturday in tlw W. R. Trams. Mrs. Evan Jones and Mrs.Scrihner home. Stflnl('y Griffllh.

Mr. Clnd Mrs. nh('l'1in Morris and Mr. ~nd Mrs. R. .l. LidmiJa, Mrs.Gary w('rf> Sund,ly ]a~l Wf'f'k din- Bud King and Kar('n, and Ed. Lid­n('r guests in thl' Elwyn .lon('s mila of Norfo1k. Rnd Mr~. CRther­home in \\Taync. in(' Longe Rnd Roh of Madison.

The Perry John~ons w('re at Jul- wer(" Thanksgi\'ing gUP~ts in thpiu~ Knud~en's at LAurel, Fdday H('nrv Haasp home. The last twoevpnrng. The Harold Knudscn~ remalnpd until Sunday.w('re also there. The Herman Thun~ were Sunday

Mr. ann Mrs. Roh<>rt OWf'ns of dinnf'r gll('~tS at Frpd Thun's nParRloomfielrt. Wflrf' Sunday nfter- Wnyne. Othprs th('rf' w('rp Augustnoon nnd ~upper glll'sts in thp Thun. OSr'ar, Rob(>rt: nnd LnuipGpo. Uwpns homf'. Thun. Mr. norl Mrs. Otto Miller

llH' Harry Grirfith" nnrl Ohflr- and Flain(' of Waynp, nnd Mrs.lin Morrises wpr(' in tht' Elmf'r Hn.rry E('htC'nknmp and family ofLeiting- home at Randolph, for B('Jr}en.Thanksgiving- dinner. Mr, and Mrs. Seymour Hansen.

Carole Volk-was with D0'1na Miss Bonnie Owens rf:'turn",d to MI'. and Mrs. Merritt Jones andEckert Sunday. " Stanton and Mi.<;s Marilyn Owens Jon. Mrs. W. E. Jane.';, Miss Vir-

Mrs. Ivor Morris called in the 10 Madison Sunday after being ginia Jone~ and Mr. and Mrs. MalR. E. Jones home Sunday. horne for Thanksgiving. Jones. all of Norfolk, were Thanks-

Mrs. Emma Eddie haB b(-'cn ill Mrs, E, J. Davis and the fnm- giving guests in the u\'i Robertsat her home several days. die~ of J. H, Owens and Owpn Ow- home-. Miss VirginiA Jones remain-

Duane and Marvin Eckert were pns had Thanksgiving- dinner in cd until Saturday.with Kenneth Graves Sunday. th(' L. E. Jenkins home. ThE' Ax<>l Smiths entrrtained at

Billy and Betty Kenny were at The famili<>s of T. P. RohC'r1s dinner Thanksgiving for Mrs. Wm.Lynn !sam's Sunday afternoon. and Dave Rf'es and Erwin Jones Pritchard, Tom and Allan Prit-

Oscar and Robert Thun were at had no---ho~t Thanksgiving dinner chard. Mr. and Mrs. Leonar..d Prit-Herman Thun's Friday evening. in the Frank R('f's home. chard ann. baby. Allwrt Jenkins

The Alvin Petersons were at Mr. Ilnd Mr~. Geo. Linn and Mr, fflmily, Loui~ Jenkins family, RoyFloyd Andrews' Sunday evening. and Mr~. Donald Morris were' Jenkins family, Mrs. Ella Glass and

Catholic Aid bazaar and lunch Thanksgiving guests in the Supt. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis John~on.Dec. 5 in the- community haiL n29t1 Hugh Linn horne at Laurel. Mrs. Al('x Eddie stayed Satur~

The Duane Thompsons of Win- Ml', and Mrs. A. r. Sahs and the nny Hnd SundRy nights with herside, were at Ed. Olmstead's Sun- Gilmore SHhs family were Th<lnks- rtaug-hte'r, Mrs. John Grier, .ir. giving dinner gll('~ts of thf' Arthur and Mrs. Art Lage and Mollie and

Mr. an? Mrs. Cl,air, Swans?n ICooks and Chas, Garwo.ods. thf> .Myron Larsen family called atwere at Carl Nelson s F nday e\c- Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conley and Grier's Saturday, Mr~. Robert Ed-nlng, Mike Conley of Winside, Mr, and dif', Bruce ann Eva, Ed, Hokamp

The Leonard Pritchards weN:" Mrs. Lewis Johnson were at Clair and the Walter Lage family caDedSunday, dinner guests at Axel Swanson's Sunday for dinner. Sunday.Smith·s. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoffman, jr.. Mr~. W. 0, Taylor of Lovell,

Uons Club Meets. Mrs. Geo. Noelle and sons w;ere Patty Fickle and Marlene Hoffman ~Wyo., Mrs. Frances Smith of Pow~Lions club met Tuesday evening Sunday dinner guests at C. W, of Wayne, were fit Gerhard Wack- ell, Wyo.. and R. C. Bartels of

at the Davis cafe, J. M. Petersen Perrin's. er's Tuesday evening last week. Glenrock, Wyo., left Monday lastarranged for a speaker. Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Honey were Mrs. Gerhard Wacker and Ron- week for home after visiting' their••••••••II•••••••••DII•••••IlII1I1I1I1I1Il1I1I1!!I!II1!1I!!1I1I1I1UI!lI!UIllU:a.1I11 aId, Mr, and Mrs. Hollis Williams mother, Mrs, Emma Bartels. The• , II and Marlis were at Geo. Wackf'r's fil"'t two had been here a few:: =near Randolph Sunday evening. weeks and R. C. Bartels came• G Id N F d • Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Church were Thursday, November 15.: 0 ' U9get: ee : Thanksgivin~ dinner guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Arling- George• • Harrv Ferris home. They were in came from Plainview last Wednes~=. = the Tom Church home for supper. day to spend Thanksgiving with• 'We now have 320/0 Concentrate for your chick~ DI Mr. and Mrs. Will Shufeldt and Mr~. Ne-ll Georg-e and Miss Peggy.=: ens and also Gold Nugg~tLaying Mash for your g V:irgil, and MillArd I Ral~ton were TJlJe la~t named went with them to:: h . m Sunday dinner guests at Will Shu- Plainview Fridav and l'(>turned• ens, 10 the new printed bag. g feldt's for Melvin Shufeldt's birth- Sunday. The Arling Georges came= ~ day.. . here again Wednesday and will re-'. Pilot Brand Oyster Shens m Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Fredricksen main until Sunday when they leave= m and Miss Valetta were at the Rev. for California.• Stock Salt and Block Salt mF. C. Doctor home near Wayne, for Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Wacker= I!J social conference Tuesday last and Ronald Were at John Mohr's at• I: week. . Laurel, for Thanksgiving dinner.5 ,Mantles and Chimneys for Your Aladdin Lamps ! an~~::~~n~i~G~~~~;,:r~dSr;;:~ ~~n~~~~i~~.R~:~~ek~~:::: BRING US YOUR CREAM; EGGS and POULTRY II day supper guests in the Oherlltl man and Mlttlene, Mr. and Mrs.=: • Morris' home. They were there Otto RO$a"eker and family and John

'" • :: overnight. Roll were also there. Virgil, Vivian;; Da·v··81S· p. ·d .. III Miss MIriam and Miss Ruth and Larry Hofeldt were there in'::' . III . ro uce =Roberts who teach in Meadow the afternoon.

,'1'ii,,"!:il, • Grove. ret~t!led to their teachi!'g Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hall of Se-

':"'::'\:l'·'Ph '78 Ca ,: Sunday after spending ThanksglV- altle. the former in fite cqntrol ••~••••••••IIiI••••••••••i1.~~"~i:~!':;-f:i':;J":'l,!" one , ' , ,~11, Nebr. =,ing at home. the n.avy, thecouple.~ar-o••••••••••••••••••II••II.. Mr. and Mrs., Doc Moore of Nam- rled III Jul:v III the west, vlSlted

,,:.\ ~'$







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omu Heikes in the ehas. Heikes guests in the Arthur Brummond lV,Irs. L. B. Young and Mr. and reI, Mr. Temeyer of Sioux ity, by-Misfeldt, the foregoing resalu- Myrtle J<. Johnson, Dir. Iv, Central Supply Co., repairs 28.80home. home at S'taotoo. Mrs. Verner Barelman of Wisner. and Mr. Brummond of Norfolk. tion is declared rW1animously salary, Nov 140.00 Road Maintenance DisLINo. 2 _

Mrs. Christina Gathje and sons Mr. and" Mrs: Otto Fleer. ThomM Mr. and Mrs. Clarence SchlJnes Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and adopted. Geraldine Manning, visitor, Swihart ~were Sunday afternoon last week as Hansen and James Hansen and family of Wakefield, were sons, Ens. Warren L. Smith and The following claims are on mo- same .. 120.00 Ted Winterstein, operat-

L_...::...,...__...; -...!lvls1tors ill the Ed. Gathle home. were Thanksgiving dinner guests last week Sunday evening visitors James Smith, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ren tion audited and allowed and war- Jean Graves. same _.. __ . 80.00 ing patrol and repair1 I ,I ed Mr. and Mrs. John Lull and in the Erwin Fleer home. in the Lawrence Utecht home. Smith and son, Pfc. Arthur M. rants ordered drawn on the re- Myrtle D. Johnson, Dir. IV, work 84.70t Mr., and, Mrs. Earl Jones: call Adryce' were Thanksgiving supper Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Utecht Sunday last week dinner guests Smith, and daughter, Irene, all of spective funds as herein shownl; mileage and postage _ 9.85 Bp;(ch Hurlbert, ~~intain-~.y evening last week at C. guests in the Harvey Lull home. and Janice were Thanksgiving in the Willard Bleeke home in- Yankton, spent Thanksgiving here warrant. available and ready for Geraldin. Manning, mileage 9.85 In~ and work on patroL. 85.40Jt. I'voger~. . Mrs. Don DiMaio of Ainsworth, supper gBests in \the Walter eluded Mr: and Mrs. Otto Lutt with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Smith. delivery December 1, 1945: Unemployment Relief Fund Road Maintenance Dist. No.3 __: ,Mrs.,~ta Perry was a Thanks~ spent the Thanksgiving holidays Utecht home at Wakefield. and Delores. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ens. Smith, who received his com- General Fund Benthack Hospital, bal. due MisfeldtI!~.)ng ~unner guest in .the q. R. in her parental Ed. Damme home. Mrs. Frank Hicks and Mary Lutt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lutt, Mr. ~s~io~f~ove"lber5. goes to an is· C. A Bard salary Nov $166.66 on care of cli~nt 20.00 Oliwr Rpichert, grading

. ~gel horne. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Willers Rnd Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hicks and Mrs. Charles Nichols and an 0 eorg a to. study radar for Izor~ Laughlin. sa~e : 125.00 Leonard Pickering. medical 14.69 and repair work 86.25,', Mr. and.'·Mrs. Paul Baier were were Sunday evening last week and family were Thanksgiving Larry and Emil Lutt. 13 months. Prc. Smith had a 30- Amy Pearl Barnes, same 100.00 care . Farm~r~ Union Co-op. Ass'n,5"hanksgivi,ng guests at the Julius supper guests at Gordon Jorgen- guests in the Roy Day home. day furlough befor~ leaving for the Esther Erxleben, same. 90.00 Bertha Ehz,abeth Home. anti-ftT(-'I.(' 5.60Menke home. sen's. Nevin and Lavonne Rockwell LOCAL NEWS Pacific to serve with the ground Keys Ptg. Co., supplies 11,02 care?f chent !1.00 Itoad Di,..trkt li'unds

ll~~:;;:~:~~:;~~i~~:~:d \V~. s~~~~r:~e~~~a~~~:~~n~ ~~~t2':v".~: s'~~~:;~~s~o~:~~ ~;~~ Miss Mildred Pipe,' was with her ere;m~fi~e~f:~ ;~ZSfrom Omaha ;~:~e1°~::J,~~r~~~N~:,e1~~:~ ~~~~~~hr;:;kt:,::;,~e, same ~~~g Ilenry ~<~':~~I~;:~~~~~~~~~~,- t:JJenbetg home. the Marvin Brudigam ~~~;.uests in the Chas. Heikes ~e~~~~' t~ S~i~~:y.City from Wed- ~~es~~~e;~a~~~i~~~~7: f~~fI~- Leona.Bah~e. same 125.00 Ta:~~a. Ho e, care of chil- 2U.OO R;~:I~~'~.\~Il, ~1:mH' 84.00'

~uM.nJ~~~t:::~~~~tN;~~e:i~~~; Pi~:~~~vc:dse~~~~tla~~o~eeo~ to ~l:~ ~~;~ei~{aI%~~I~~t:tu~~~~·pe~J~r~~e::r~·h~~~~I~i~u~~~s~;?,~Mngr.~a~n~d~~M~:rss'.Sp~e~tf<l•.~. ~.,:~1~1~;;~~~:.e~;.~77:s~ 1~~ Micvarts,I.~slf.I~:~:~~O~~~i;y C\~l~l:t:l~rI:;;II~d~'o., cul- ::::

r;~. ~~d~~~O~iibert Rauss dinner guests in the Curtis Foote day last week, when Mr. and Mrs. ,in the Paul Zeplin home. Jensen, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Sum~' a~v. for express .87 General Road l'~lmd H.60 Road District No 11

!flstted ThankSkiving evening in hO;:;~~ and Mrs. Ed. Gathje and ~~f~rh~~~I~~/~:.e to the Russell m~~sss~::~at~aeS~~~~en~f ~~;; merfeld and daughter. Mr. Som- Davld J. Hammer, salary, Comm. DisC No. I-Erxleben ~.m~~ ~I:)~~~l,\~:; fen(,Hl~ 16.20:heMHr.eannrYd RMarsuss.G~~mrge~ Fox were sons were' Thahksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinkman with 'Miss Marion Vath. ffierfeld arrived Monday last week Nov - ': _- : 166.66 City of Wayne, light and Fullerton Lbr. Co., ma(e- 15.00

uests in the Mrs Christina GaUl and family and Mr. and Mrs. Prof. and Mrs. C. H. Lindahl from Ft. Lewis, Wash., where he Isuteo~va~\~art time ass t 15.75 water at Co. garagc 5.:24 rial 24.43~nksgiving guests in the Elmer f h . - Lawrence Thomsen and sons were and family and Mrs. Ray Bryan received his honorable discharge. F' t N t"l B k fl Harry Miller, operating Texley Salt,s & Service,Gibbs home at Newcastle. e M~~:~d Mrs. Don Heuerman of Thanksgiving guests in the Wm. were in Sioux City Friday. The Sommerfelds will be- here at - I~ a ;n h' koat 12.80 scoop 84.00 traclor 422.40~':~dr~ra,~~~ha~~~giryvi;gllSJ~~n~~ ·Pender,. were Sunday eve~ing last Thomsen home at Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spearman and Steffen's for a while until they de- J ~ar~~~r:; SC lec s N······· 170.83 Cliff Miller Mchy. Co., re- H. H. EOn!11, welding andre week Visitors in the Emil Barel Thanksgiving guests in the Roy two sons of Brunswick. spent Sun· cide1where they will locate. 'J L'uve'rna H"lt'on

a, asarmY'e ov... 90.00 pairs 35.80 I ~nO\v [";"'ncing

,uests at Herbert Frevert's. h - Grimm home were Mr. and Mrs. day in the Pau'l Zeplin home. Omaha Ptg. Co., sUhpl,'es 68.64 Langemeier Oil Co., tire Vern Frink. 'tOad \vork~ Mrs. Henry Relleke spent last man orne.. .. . J Th M d M N I Mrs W It H rd' d COUNTY BOARD P d b 2 60 flFrld~y in. Sloux City, where she Ile~;' :'~~eM;~~;~SI;u:s~~hr~~~~ ens ompson, r. ~ r~. Me s West~ile o~ ~;neo, ~pe~~ I~~'t w~~k Wayne, Nebraska J. M. Cherry, Co. Judge, 0 ~n tu ~I C 4. Pam: ()j! Co., fuel andtnet her Sister of Sheldon, In. Leland Thompson home Thanks~ Grimr; ~nd Na~c~ 1 ~ ~n rs. here in the W. R. Harder home. November 20, 1945 cash adv. for supplies 5.00 lCbUrYhl ectro 'hemical 21'"' 8'"' rcpillrs~ Eleanor Benthack was a d JO;~ ~lm~. an d' e s e sont · Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zeplin left Board met as per adjournment. Hans Tietgen. salary, Nov., ~., e o~.t~ N 2 S -h' t;) 1:' I :-:;H(Jild District No. 1~

, ~8nksg,~ying dinner guest of Ray- gi~~;3 a~~ry Hicks of Platts- the ~~I~g~~~~ghO~nen~~cl~~~dsrd; Monday for Ft. Collins, Colo., for All members present. mileage and jailor fees 118.27 sam~~:~e IS. O. - WI ~\') 8') ·.~~/'p.';j;';~:1·~;')17· scoop lindmouth. spent the Thanksgiving and Mrs. Willard Blecke and fam~ a week's visit in the AI. Johnson f Marie Wright, salary, Nov., M I 's 'h t h d f .. ' 1 J' I (week-end with her mother, Mrs. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mau and homc. am~~~~t~~~ :;;~~~~~meeting exw and mileage .- 175.00 'repai~ :~ci ~~~r(':sv. or (i.~6' 'ItUI; in)~-;\~!:~s~;llding <~_~d 7'"' 60Frank Hicks. sons and Ben Nissen and family. Miss Josephine Ahern returned The following report showing Marjorie Swinney, part Wm J Hansen {)pe~;ltin~T H_O'ld IJistnct No 11 J .

'~ Y _A/ R d M K th d F M d MEt F t to her sC'tJool work at Ames Sun- flit d d ·ct t th time ass't to Co. Supt. 25.00 s" ., "3;UilJ f \\' . -d d- .1~~~I' _d. 1J;1'fI and e~uaen An~S'weer~neSundeayr~~~~ and r. ~l;<;. ~~~ldeirn~~rth re;~;c day after being home over Thanks- t~e~~~s~~e~w~~ e:~in~d :n~o~~: Frankel Carbon & Ribbon C :CtOO~ Sur 1 C 1 ~() II j i-ync, ran IS- 1 r:

: ~It· week dinner guests in the Ed. Thanksgiving evening visitors in giving. proved: Hans Tietgen. county Alco"/~fPIiCS I N 6.~ T~~I~; Sale~Pt. S~~i~~UI\l .. Nos. i'~.~: ~25. 726, Old Ag/2~~(!~


4,: C·.GLD· WS~;'.RIV_EMEI D~;~n~O~~. Ed. Granqui~t and ~~('~~e('n~~<'s~~~~t:~o~~oa~a~e~~~~ F/a~~~~~he~~y~eerre~h:I~~Sgi~~~ ~~~~~\~~~,~~1~~~:September, Oc,~ w:~e/R~Ct;~;~e~,r~~m:v. ~g:~ La~~~~xt~e~~~ Pipe' :)~H~:~~ ;.;~~;~~~ ~;.~.~a~~c~n:pp~~:;~fo~~;~~MJl Myla and Mr. and Mrs. Will LuU ill. guests at the Ira Lyon home in RESOLUTION Lois Lubberstedt, same. Comm. Dist. No.3 ._- Misfeldt mOlll h of i\'"o\'cmbcr, 1945.

HOME lilT were Thanksgiving dinner gu("sts Mr. Rnd Mrs. Lawrence Wam- Norfolk. Pursuant to the prOVisions of Lincol~. Office Sup. Co., 691 Oldbury Electro Chemical . I.alli Over Claims),a,HII""'uln.Hull in the Otto Lull home. be"g of Corvallis, Ore., arrived Mrs. Clara Heylmun. Miss Cnral Legislative Bill 351, 1945 Session C~~'::'~::~d, rent;<Jf ehureh 2:25 Co., chlorate "IS.S3 The folluwing claims are on file::l~~i:nC::ic~·~~:~ t}'f~-~.".. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner Thursday to visit j the Chas. Stoddard. Miss Jessie Stephen and Laws of Nebraska, be it C E C 1 N 80.00 \Vm. J. Misf~ldt, averse.e- I".'1111 IIp' county clerk. but have not160 Curhn. 60 end CP'"y. ~;_ and family called in the Mrs. Heikes pome and wi h other rela· Mrs. Marion Palmquist werc in RESOLVED that the sum of City 'of ~;~~e~~i:~~: w~:~~ ing and mileage - Oct. bl'I'n flilSSCU on or allowed at this

~:r.:Fr.~~~i::' ~::;. of :m~ ~o~Ui~a~~~~~Vi~~m~in~'erwakefieid :~~e~f ~;Sa:a~~r ~~k:sdaugh- :N~;;~~;;~~;eDa;~~~:s W~;'~~ Einir:~~~£;:i~~~~i;;!i~:~~ j;i~ repairs at C. H. and 6430 M~~~U~~~~~17:~f:c::,g~:, ,961 i ~::t~~~;::()F\::;;15, N21j'17~; m~:Griess Rexall Store Mr'. and Mrs. Ernest FreVC'rt Thanksgiving guest in the Fred Thanksgiving in the James Harnp- t f th f h W Bridge Fund repairs and labor 17i'.~~J I'H. ,J Wayne, Nebraska ~~~:~:~~'~~.~.a~~t~i;". ~~~~~~ ;~~k~~.s~~~~i\aJ~a~~~la':~~ef~~ ton home at Carroll. ~~~~;'y orVet:r~~~ 0 C~O~~i a~~: James Shufelt. bridge work 36.00 Automobile or Motor Vehicle Fund (:('!wnl! Road I Fund _ Comm.

~::;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;~N~1~5-~J~3P~;gK~0~rt~h~,,~.e~re~T~h~a~n~k~Sggi~Vi~n~g;;d~i~n~ne~r~il~y~,;;;A~l~r,~.. ~H~e~n~ry~B~r~U~se~,~D~r~.~a~n~dl E.~~·H~~:·t~:~r~;};~r~~~s~~~~ Committee in defraying the 1- ~h~~l~ro~~;.s~~~ge & 36.00 Road Mainte;:~:b~ISt. r-;o. 1 --- ~g~.t;~~t No.~, Swihart, No. 651 forL--- C' W N b Th k .. ayerYara, nod! °thffeieceoCuXnpetynsSee'rvf"cOee OOf~,e_ Cit 17040

l' . Y ergs were an Sgl\'lllg ( up. 0., cu ver s . Lonnie Henegar, opcr.ating I Whereupon board adjourned toguests at Don Wightman's. cer to be appointed by 'said Com- Full rton Lbr. Co., Ibr., patrol and cash adv. ~1.:.~5 December 4, 1945.

Dale Anderson 10ft Sunday to mittee. pO! and nails 51.51 Leon Hansen, operating C. A. BARD.spend this week attending to husi- On motion by Swihart, seconded A< nistrattve Expemloe tund patrol 15.0(J n:.!Qll Clerk.npss in Omaha and Hastings. Hiswife and daughter accompaniedhim.

Miss Katherine Kirwan whoteaches in Ute, Ia., ~pent the week.­end here at A. J. Kirwan's, rcturn~

ing Sunday. Shc was in LincolnFriday.

P. L. March was in Vermillil:lnSaturday to s",c his brother,Georgc, who has returned homeafter receiving a discharge fromservice.

Mrs. Wayne Lflkp and Linda re~

turnf'd Sunday after visiting li-lstweek in ....Aberd('f'n, S. D., WIth theformer's parent.s, Mr. and Mrs.Rkhtcr.

Mr. and Mrs. \Valtcr Lernt'r andKathryn, Mr. and Mrs. AntoneLerner and Wm. Lerner wereThankfigiving dinner guests atFrank Heine·s.

Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. Soden andMrs. Frank Soden of Wisner, wrrehere Saturday. They brought Mrs.\Vm. Elton who had visited a fewdays in the Frank Soden home.

Mrs. Elma Daeschner of LeMars,was here from Wednesday to Sun­day with her brother, Wm. Beck­enhaucr, and sisters. Mrs. AnnaPaul and Miss Emma Beckenhau­cr.

Miss Irmgard OUe roturnf'd Sun­day to Lincoln after spendingThanksg-iving week-end in theKarl Otte home here. Miss Otic isemployed at Arrow airport in thecity.

Mr. and I Mr.s. Walter Bre:-is!er,sr., and Mr. and Mrs. WalterBressler, jr., and son spent Thanks·giving visiting relatives in CouncilBluffs. They returned to WayneFriday.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Petcrson,Mr. and Mrs. Adcn Austin, CpJ. andMr.-s. Ralph Austin and, Mrs. EvaAsh were luncheon guests in theRay Perdue home Thanksgivingevening.

Sunday guests in the Dave Syl­vaq,us home at Carroll, were Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Parker, Mr. andMrs. Matt Holt, sr., Donna MaeHolt, Mr. and Mrs. John Horstmanand Dc]pha, and Tom Sylvanus.

Miss Gertrude McEachen re­turned to her teaching at the stateuniversity at Lincoln, Sunday. Shewas accompanied by Miss Jacque­line Wightman, Miss Nancy Minesand Miss Dorothy Casper, studentsat the university.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ross andMr. and Mrs. Clarence Ross ofLaurel, arrived here Friday fromChicago. While in the city they at­tended the national Legion Conven·tion and had the pleasure of hear­ing Gen. Dwight Eisenhower.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ross andbaby, Donald J., came from Lin­coln Sunday to visit in the A. W:Ross home. Bob Ross is beingtransferred from Lincoln to Sheri­dan, Wyo, His family will remainhere until he finds living quarters.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cunninghamand Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchins ofSioux City, and Miss Lenore Ramwsey were with Mrs. C. I-I. F'Jaherand Mrs. Clara Ellis for Thanks­givi111r'dinher. The Sioux City folkscame Wednesday and returned Fri-day. (

Carl E. Nicholaisen and MissCarol Nicholaisen of Chicago, werehere at their home from Wednes­day until Sunday. Ernest Nicholai~

sen who travels in this area, washome over Thanksgiving. Mrs.Clifford Largen of Creighton, wasin the Nicholaisen home here fromWednesday to Friday,

Those ,having no-host Thanksgiv­ing dinner In th~ Andrew Parkerhome were rho and Mrs. MattHolt. sr,. Mr. and M.". John H!l1'l!t­man and Delpha of Carroll, .1'4r.1and Mrs. Matt Holt. jr., and Donna 1..--------------------------------------::----::----..., M~e~ Mrs.-Gla~ McMann of Lau· ~"'

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