standing together with one spirit

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Standing Together

With One Spirit

Philippians 1:27-28

Philippians 1:27-28

Above all, you must live as

citizens of heaven, conducting

yourselves in a manner worthy of

the Good News about Christ.

Then, whether I come and see

you again or only hear about you,

I will know that you are standing

together with one spirit and one

purpose, fighting together for the

faith, which is the Good

News.28Don’t be intimidated in

any way by your enemies. This

will be a sign to them that they

are going to be destroyed, but

that you are going to be saved,

even by God himself. NLT

If one is a citizen of

heaven there should

be indications of this

in his or her life.

Standing Together

Stand Firm, To Persevere,

Persist Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon

Ephesians 6:11-13 - Put on all

of God’s armor so that you will

be able to stand firm against all

strategies of the devil. 12For we

are not fighting against flesh-

and-blood enemies, but against

evil rulers and authorities of the

unseen world, against mighty

powers in this dark world, and

against evil spirits in the

heavenly places.13Therefore, put

on every piece of God’s armor

so you will be able to resist the

enemy in the time of evil. Then

after the battle you will still be

standing firm. NLT

Acts 4:32 – All the believers

were united in heart and mind.

And they felt that what they

owned was not their own, so

they shared everything they had. NLT

Acts 2:44-46 – And all the

believers met together in one

place and shared everything they

had. 45They sold their property

and possessions and shared the

money with those in need.

46They worshiped together at the

Temple each day, met in homes

for the Lord’s Supper, and

shared their meals with great joy

and generosity... NLT

God Commands

Love & Unity

John 13:34-35 – So now I am

giving you a new commandment:

Love each other. Just as I have

loved you, you should love each

other. 35Your love for one

another will prove to the world

that you are my disciples.” NLT

John 17:21-22 – I pray that they

will all be one, just as you and I are

one—as you are in me, Father,

and I am in you. And may they be

in us so that the world will believe

you sent me. 22“I have given them

the glory you gave me, so they

may be one as we are one. NLT

Romans 12:16 – Live in harmony

with each other. Don’t be too

proud to enjoy the company of

ordinary people. And don’t think

you know it all! NLT

1 Corinthians 1:10 – I appeal to

you, dear brothers and sisters,

by the authority of our Lord

Jesus Christ, to live in harmony

with each other. Let there be no

divisions in the church. Rather,

be of one mind, united in thought

and purpose. NLT

Galatians 5:13-15 - For you

have been called to live in

freedom, my brothers and sisters.

But don’t use your freedom to

satisfy your sinful nature. Instead,

use your freedom to serve one

another in love.

14For the whole law can be

summed up in this one

command: ”Love your neighbor

as yourself.” 15But if you are

always biting and devouring one

another, watch out! Beware of

destroying one another. NLT

Ephesians 2:13-14 – But now

you have been united with Christ

Jesus. Once you were far away

from God, but now you have

been brought near to him

through the blood of Christ.

14For Christ himself has brought

peace to us. He united Jews and

Gentiles into one people when,

in his own body on the cross, he

broke down the wall of hostility

that separated us. NLT

Ephesians 4:30-32 – And do

not bring sorrow to God’s Holy

Spirit by the way you live.

Remember, he has identified

you as his own, guaranteeing

that you will be saved on the day

of redemption.

31Get rid of all bitterness, rage,

anger, harsh words, and slander,

as well as all types of evil

behavior. 32Instead, be kind to

each other, tenderhearted,

forgiving one another, just as God

through Christ has forgiven you.


Philippians 2:2-5 - Then make

me truly happy by agreeing

wholeheartedly with each other,

loving one another, and working

together with one mind and

purpose. 3Don’t be selfish; don’t

try to impress others.

Be humble, thinking of others as

better than yourselves. 4Don’t

look out only for your own

interests, but take an interest in

others, too. 5You must have the

same attitude that Christ Jesus

had. NLT

Fighting Together

Striving – Standing –



John 14:6 – Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the

life. No one can come to the

Father except through me. NLT

Galatians 6:17 - ...I bear on my

body the scars that show I

belong to Jesus. NLT

Colossians 1:24 - I am glad

when I suffer for you in my body,

for I am participating in the

sufferings of Christ that continue

for his body, the church. NLT

2 Thessalonians 1:4-8 - We

proudly tell God’s other churches

about your endurance and

faithfulness in all the

persecutions and hardships you

are suffering. 5And God will use

this persecution to show his

justice and to make you worthy

of his Kingdom, for which you

are suffering. 6In his justice he

will pay back those who

persecute you. 7And God will

provide rest for you who are

being persecuted and also for us

when the Lord Jesus appears

from heaven. He will come with

his mighty angels, 8in flaming

fire, bringing judgment on those

who don’t know God and on

those who refuse to obey the

Good News of our Lord Jesus.


Meditation & Application

Christians are

> Citizens of heaven and are

to live that way

> To stand together in one

spirit & one purpose

> Not to be intimidated by

their enemies

> To to be united in fighting

for their faith

Above all, we must live as

citizens of heaven,

conducting ourselves in a

manner worthy of the Good

News about Christ. We are to

stand together with one spirit

and one purpose, fighting

together for the faith, which is

the Good News.

We won’t be intimidated in any

way by our enemies. This will

be a sign to them that they are

going to be destroyed and that

we are going to be saved by

God himself - Amen.

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