standard 8.1: civil rights movement

Post on 04-Oct-2021






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Standard 8.1: Civil Rights Movement GOALS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Background Strategies of the Civil Rights Movement

• GOALS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT 1. Equal treatment for ________________________________________ 2. Right to ____________________________ for African Americans

• Failure of the _____________________________________________________ (Unit 1) • Failure of the ______________________________________ Amendments (Unit 4) • ________________________________________ era (Unit 4) • African American’s responses to _________________________________________ (Unit 4)

WHY AT THIS TIME? 1. During __________________ African Americans demanded more equitable treatment in _____________________________________________

• Roosevelt established the ___________________________________________________- • Many lost their jobs to returning white ______________________________

2. African Americans in the war served in _________________________________ so African Americans from the North experienced ______________________________ in military bases in the South

• Some returning African Americans were ______________________________ • Motivated Truman to establish a ______________________________________________ to desegregate the

military and support anti-lynching 3. Conditions in ______________________________________ called into question race relations in the US 4. Cold War ____________________________ required that the US gain the support of emerging countries in _______________________________ 5. US was internationally ____________________________ because there were not living up to their _____________________________________ promises Had roots in the development of organizations that established ___________________________________

• Like the _____________________________ • Eventually led to the ____________________________decision and the application of Ghandi’s strategy of

________________________________________________________ NON-VIOLENCE STRATEGY

• Sites were specifically selected to show the nation and world the __________________________ • Wanted the gain the support of the ________________________________

MONTGOMERY BUS BOYCOTT • _________________________ was asked to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery,

____________________________ (December, 1955) • She refused and was arrested • Activists from the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) began a _____________________________________

that lasted over a ________________________ • 1956 – Supreme Court ruled that __________________________________ were unconstitutional


Four African-American college students in Greensboro, North Carolina, ordered coffee and doughnuts at a Woolworth’s _____________________________________________

Restaurant _________________________________ to serve them, so students sat there until it ____________________________

Sparked similar restaurant ________________________, along with “____________________” at libraries, “____________________” at beaches, etc.


_____________________________________, 1960 – segregation in interstate transportation unconstitutional

Freedom ride on two Greyhound buses going from ________________________________, to _______________________________________ – seven blacks and six whites

One bus was ________________________________ in Anniston, Alabama other bus attacked by a mob in _________________________________________, Alabama

U.S. marshals sent in when bus reached Montgomery, Alabama and riders ______________________________ in Jackson, Mississippi

Hundreds more were inspired and joined the freedom rides KENNEDY’S RESPONSE

• Federal government was _________________________________________________ • JFK got leaders in ___________________________________ to agree to protect freedom

riders • Federal Transportation Commission ordered ___________________________________________ to be desegregated


Birmingham was considered the most ___________________________________________

City leaders got a ban on ___________________________________________________

Politics and MLK Southern Politics Leadership in the Civil Rights Movement

_____________________________________________ joined demonstration and got arrested

Famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

Public Safety Commissioner T. Eugene “Bull” Connor turned _____________________________ and ________________________________ on protestors, including kids

______________________________________________________________ for demonstrators resulted from national news coverage

KENNEDY’S TELEVISION ADDRESS, 1963 • John F. Kennedy spoke on national television • Civil rights were a “_____________________________________________” • Pledged “equal _________________ and equal _____________________________________” • Proposed new ________________________________________________________ • Aided by Attorney General Robert “Bobby” Kennedy (his brother)


August 28, 1963

NAACP, SCLC, SNCC, and other groups

Over 200,000 _______________________________________________________________

MLK’s “_______________________________________________” speech at the Lincoln Memorial

Broadcasted live on ____________________________________________________________ FREEDOM SUMMER, 1964

• Major ___________________________________________________ drive in the South • Approximately 1,000 black and white student volunteers participated • Formed _______________________________________________________________ (MFDP) because Democratic Party

of Mississippi was 100% white SELMA MARCH, 1965

• SCLC march in Selma, Alabama, for ___________________________________________ legislation • “________________________________________________________” – March 7, 1965 • Alabama state troopers and others violently stopped marchers • March 15, 1965 – LBJ spoke for a ________________________________________________ law on national television

• The nonviolent _________________________________ campaign gained ____________________________________

support and the support of the voting public by the 1960s • Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon were advocates


Southern senators tried using a _______________________________________ to block its passage – 80 days of long speeches

________________________________________ – became law

Established the _____________________________________________________________ (EEOC)

Justice Department could prosecute discrimination based on _____________________________ or national origin

Outlawed segregation in _____________________________________________________

Required ____________________________________ to desegregate FAIR HOUSING ACT, 1968

Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 • Outlawed _________________________________ based on race, color, religion, and national origin • 1974 – ____________________________________) to list of protected classes • 1988 – _____________________________ and familial status added • State and local governments (not federal) have, in some areas, broadened their laws to end housing

discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.

For example: • You cannot be denied housing because you have a child, or even a lot of children. • You cannot be denied housing because of your race or sex. • You cannot be denied housing because of a disability.

• Truman’s advocacy of civil rights in 1948 led to the emergence of the _______________________ • Kennedy and Johnson’s support and Nixon’s Southern strategy turned the formerly solid


• The leadership of the _____________________________________ in the North were very different from that in the South

• Southern African Americans could confront segregation by law ________________________ • Northern African Americans had a harder time confronting segregation by _____________________________________


This was African-American’s reaction ____________________________________ to civil rights movement

Varied political ideologies – some adherents advocated _____________________________ and/or the use of

Lessened Support for Civil Rights Impact of Other Minorities

_______________________________________, while others were nonviolent and wanted desegregation and equality

Celebrated African _____________________________________ by adopting African hairstyles, names, etc. • e.g., Stokely Carmichael became Kwame Toure


Formed by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton in Oakland, California

Retaliated against _____________________________________________________ by organizing armed patrols of ___________________________________________

_______________________________________ – “Ten Point” program included calls for “Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice and Peace”

Started _________________________________________ programs (e.g., free breakfasts for kids)

J. Edgar Hoover called them “the greatest threat to the __________________________________ of the country” and used numerous unlawful methods to destroy the group


Honors student who ended up in ____________________________________________

Converted to _________________________________________________ while in prison

X replaced his “slave name,” Little

Initially advocated __________________________________________________

1964 – broke away from Nation of Islam, formed own group, and went on ________________________________ (pilgrimage to Mecca)

Trip to Mecca, where he saw all races _________________________________________________, convinced him that Islam ____________________________________________ race

1965 – _______________________________ by members of the Nation of Islam

• Televised reports of ___________________________________________ and radical rhetoric alienated the __________________________________ and undermined the support for government action

• _____________________________ involvement prompted the creation of organizations such as ____________________________ (National Women’s Organization)

• Wanted to promote their _________________________________ • Were fairly ________________________________________

• ______________________________ and ______________________ had similar movements for rights

• Also lost support when they became more __________________________________

Standard 8.2: Johnson and Nixon’s Presidency Tragedy Strikes

LBJ Becomes President LBJ Angers the South The “Great Society”

• On a sunny day on November 22,1963, Air Force One landed in Dallas with ____________________________________

• JFK received warm applause from the crowd that lined the downtown streets of ____________________ as he rode in the back seat of an open-air limousine

• As the motorcade approached the _________________________________, shots rang out • JFK was shot in the _________________ and then the ________________________ • His car was rushed to a nearby _______________________l where doctors frantically tried to

revive him • President Kennedy was ________________________ (11/22/63)

• The Vice-President, Lyndon Baines ____________________________, became President after JFK

was assassinated JOHNSON’S LEGISLATION

• Johnson pushed through legislation that had been proposed by __________________________ over the opposition of opposing ___________________________________________ 1. Civil Rights Act of 1964 2. Voting Rights Act of 1964 3. Fair Housing Act of 1968

CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 • In July of 1964, LBJ pushed the Civil Rights Act through

_____________________________ • The Act prohibited discrimination based _______________________________________ or

national origin, and granted the federal government new powers to enforce the law VOTING RIGHTS ACT 1964

• Part of the _____________________________________________ was to insure voting rights for all Americans

• The act prohibited _______________________________________ or other discriminatory practices for voting

• The act insured consistent __________________________________________

• Johnson’s “________________________________” policy helped African Americans, but antagonized some _______________________________

• Especially the solidly ______________________________________ • These voters turned to the ____________________________________ starting with the election

of 1968

• In May of 1964, LBJ summed up his vision for America in a phrase: “_________________________”

• By the time he left the White House in 1969, Congress had passed ______________________ of LBJ’s Great Society legislative initiatives

HEALTHCARE • LBJ and Congress enhanced _________________________________ by establishing Medicare and

Medicaid • _______________________________ provided hospital insurance and low-cost medical care to

the elderly • ___________________________________ provided health benefits to the poor

THE WAR ON POVERTY • Following his tax cut and Civil Rights Act successes, LBJ launched his War on Poverty • In August of 1964 he pushed through Congress a series of measures known as

_____________________________________________ • The Act provided $1 billion in aid to the ______________________________________

Johnson’s Lasting Impact Nixon’s Presidency

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT • THE EOA legislation created: • The ________________________________________ • _____________________________________ (Volunteers in service to America) • ____________________________________________ for underprivileged preschoolers • ________________________________________________________ which encouraged the poor

to participate in public works program EDUCATION

• Johnson considered education “the key which can unlock the door to the Great Society” • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act provided $1 billion to help public schools buy

_________________________ and _____________________________ • This Act represented the first major ______________________________ for education ever

• Extended the government’s committal to _________________________________ that had

started with the ___________________________________________ • Won the African American vote for ___________________________________ • Opposition to him would lead to a resurgence of ______________________________ • Liberals will complain when these programs are not fully funded due to the


• Richard Nixon won the election of __________________________ • Campaign slogan:

“____________________________________________” • Promised to bring an end to the _____________________________________________

NIXON’S DOMESTIC POLICY • ___________________________________ the efforts to build a Great Society • -Some efforts still continue like Medicare or Medicaid • Limit the enforcement of _______________________________________ • “______________________________________” was designed to gain support from southern

conservatives for the Republican Party • Turned the South into a _________________________________ stronghold!

NIXON’S ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY • Nixon signed into law the _________________________ and ___________________________

Acts • Created _________________________________________ Act • Also developed the __________________________________ Protection Agency (EPA) • Conservatives argued that the EPA limited the opportunity for __________________________ to


• Spending on the Vietnam War caused _________________________________ while economic growth stagnated

• Nixon responded to this “_____________________________________” with wage and price controls

• Unpopular with the __________________________ in his party FOREIGN POLICY

• Intervened to negotiate an end to the _______________________________________ (embargo from Middle Eastern oil providers) because US economic dependence on ________________________

Standard 8.3: Vietnam War The Struggle for Vietnam

Johnson’s Presidency

• The Vietnam War split __________________________________ and ________________________ in the post WWII era

• Developed as a result of ______________________________________ and the ________________________________ policy

• After WWII the French attempted to restore control of _________________________________ • Met with resistance from _______________________________________ (nationalists forces) • Leader was _______________________________________________ • _______________________ were defeated (even with help from

______________________________during Truman and Eisenhower administration) GENEVA ACCORDS

• Geneva Accords was a __________________________________ in Switzerland that attempted to unify ________________________ and restore the peace in ______________________________

• Divided Vietnam at the ___________________ until elections were held US SUPPORT

• US backed ______________________ and ______________________ governments in South Vietnam. Why?

1. Thought Ho Chi Minh was a communist directed by ________________________________ 2. ____________________________________theory

• Vietnamese governments refused to ________________________________ and were supported by Eisenhower. Why? 1. _______________________________ would have won

VIET CONG • _________________________ were a resistance movement that was formed in response to the

_________________________________ government • US supplied ____________ and ___________________________ to the government of South

Vietnam • North Vietnam supplied help to the _____________________________ • ________________________ Vietnamese people supported the government less and less • A ________________________________________________ overthrew the corrupt president of

South Vietnam • The president of South Vietnam was ___________________________________ • Shortly after ___________________________________________ was assassinated

• Gulf of _______________________________ Incident: 1964 • US ship engaged three Vietnamese _______________________________________while collecting

intelligence • No ___________________________________________________, only mild damages to one

aircraft carrier • Led Congress to pass the ___________________________________________________ which

allowed the buildup of American troops to help the ________________________________________ without specific authorization of Congress

• Congress never officially __________________________________________ INCREASED AMERICAN FORCES IN VIETNAM

• Later Tonkin Gulf incident was shown to be _____________________________________ • Not wanting to lose the war Johnson started a _____________________________________

against North Vietnam and sent more troops • Did not want to be called “________________________________________________________”

by his opponents • By 1967, there were 500,000 American troops in Vietnam

OPPOSITION • Seen as the “_________________________________________________”

Nixon’s Presidency

• Draft was seen as ______________________________________ • Some young men were granted medical exemptions and college deferments • Some enlisted in the _______________________________________ to avoid having to go to war • Organizations that had started in response to ____________________________________ and civil

rights turned their attention to the Vietnam War • Protests became more ________________________________ and lost public support

TET OFFENSIVE • Extensive _________________________________ of the war and protests

divided the nation into ____________________________________________________

• Media coverage of the ____________________________________ in 1968 showed that forces could attack at anytime or anywhere

• Tet Offensive was a series of surprise attacks at a time when there were not supposed to be any attacks

• Led to a shift in _________________________________________________ ELECTION OF 1968

• Johnson withdrew his name from consideration for the ___________________________________ presidential nomination in 1968. Why? 1. Public ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ within the Democratic Party 3. Began negotiations to end the conflict

NIXON’S WAR • Nixon was elected and voters understood that he would ________________________________ • Nixon was unable to admit that the war could __________________________________________ • Extended the war with a secret, massive bombing campaign of Laos and Cambodia • Started ____________________________________________________which was supposed to

take troops out • Protest movement continued • Nixon administration ended the ____________________________and started the

_____________________________ • Protests were calmed until American forces invaded Cambodia to close the

___________________________________ KENT STATE SHOOTING

• Resulting protests led to the _______________________________________________ • Took place at Kent State University in ___________________________ • Four students were killed and nine were wounded when

____________________________________________ fired into the crowd during a protest • Some who were shot were protesting the ______________________________________ of

Cambodia • Others were __________________________________ or observing the protest from a distance

NIXON’S FOREIGN AFFAIRS • Nixon opened a dialogue with ________________________________ in hopes of undermining

Chinese support of ___________________________________________ • Followed a policy of ____________________________________ with the

Soviet Union in hopes of dividing then and China END OF THE WAR

• 1972: US reached an agreement with the North Vietnamese • Troops were _________________________________________________________ • American __________________________________________ were returned home in 1973 • 1975: __________________________________ fell to the North Vietnamese and the war was

over • ____________________________________________________________ failed in Southeast Asia

VIETNAM AS A CULTURAL PHENOMENON • Called into question American values on:

1. _________________________________________________ Massacre 2. Use of ______________________________________________ and Napalm 3. “__________________________________________” and heavy use of drugs among the troops 4. Mistreatment of _______________________________________________________

MY LAI MASSACRE • __________________________________________ of hundred of unarmed Vietnamese civilians

during the war • Most of the victims were ___________________________________________________________ • Many of the women were allegedly raped before they were killed

AGENT ORANGE • ________________________________________________ warfare • US sprayed _______________________________________ on forests and rural lands to try to kill

some of the foliage so _________________________________________ would not have cover to hide behind

• Also targeted food crops with _____________________________________ (similar) • 400,000 people were killed or maimed • 500,000 children were born with birth defects

PENTAGON PAPERS • New York Times revealed the _________________________________________ which gave

information about political-military involvement for Vietnam • Proof of __________________________________________ being provided to the public • Increased “______________________________________” • It was the situation in Vietnam that led to ________________________________, Nixon’s

resignation and further mistrust of government THE WATERGATE SCANDAL

• Break in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the _____________________ complex in Washington, D.C.

• ________________ and his administration attempted to cover up the questionable actions and led to his ________________________ hearings.

• Nixon _______________ the presidency on August 9, 1974 and Gerald Ford became his successor.

VIETNAM SYNDROME • Congress passed the ______________________________________ to try to curb the President’s

war-making powers • Fear of the “Vietnam syndrome”: Fear that we will become involved in a

_______________________________________________________________________ • Influenced US’ foreign policy for the next several decades

Standard 8.4: Conservative Movement Conservative vs. Liberal Basic Differences Events that Created Conservatism

• Have been in ________________________________ throughout history especially in times of _________________________________________ change (1920s and 1930s, 1960s and 1970s)

• Politics positions on issues span a _________________________________ • From Far Right to Far Left with moderates • Not everyone in a party believes exactly the same thing • Respond to swings in ________________________________ and become

either more ________________________ or more ________________________ in order to reflect the current concerns of voters

• Political parties have been means by which ________________________________ influenced the government and shaped _________________________________ that reflect positions on issues

• Federalists and Anti-Federalists: disagreed about the role and power of _________________________________________

• Differences developed as a result of varied responses to the ____________________________ and the New Deal, _______________________________________________, and the Great Society

• __________________________________ and ________________________________ on the 1960s strengthened the conservative movement

• A _______________________________________ to the Brown decision was further fueled by television images and media reports of __________________________________ evident in riots in cities in the North and West

• ________________________________ programs and _________________________________ plans passed as part of Johnson’s Great Society were seen by some conservatives as helping African Americans at the expense of the whites

• Reactions to civil rights and affirmative action pointed out the basic differences between conservatives and liberals about the role of the _______________________________________

• Conservatives believe that a large federal government threatens _________________________________________

• Feel that the majority of the governing should be left to the ________________________ • Believe in ______________________________________ and that government should leave

charity to the private sector • Do not support the extension of ________________________ because they think it makes

recipients permanently dependent and are too costly • Liberals believe the federal government should take an ___________________________ in

protecting the rights and welfare of the individual and of minority groups against local prejudice • Advocate __________________________________________ to help those who cannot care for


CONSERVATIVISM RISES OUT OF WOMEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT 1. _____________________________________ movement challenged the status quo 2. _________________________________: did not allow states to criminalize abortion and invade women’s privacy

• Outrage conservatives and created the “_________________________________” movement • Believe that the Supreme Court should overturn the decision allowing ______________________

3. Opposition to the _____________________________________________ for women 4. First woman, Sandra Day O’Connor, appointed to the _______________________________ by Reagan CONSERVATISM RISES OUT OF THE VIETNAM WAR

• Vietnam war further divided the country into conservative “__________” and liberal “______________”

• Conservatives were enraged by protests and marches that could be seen on the

Conservatism under Nixon Change to Democrats Carter’s Administration

Reagan’s Administration

________________________ • The fall of Vietnam to ____________________________________ in 1975 intensified many

conservatives anti-communist world view and fear • The _________________________________ of the ________________________________

contributed to the sexual revolution on the 1960s which further alienated many conservatives • Felt there was a decline in “_________________________” • Increased ____________________________ • Higher divorce rate • Increase in the number of _________________________________ people living together

• Richard Nixon: ________________________________________________________ • New Right! Who?

1. Businessmen who opposed _______________________________________________ as a job-killing limit on their economic freedom 2. People who were united in their opposition to ____________________________ 3. Fundamentalists and ________________________________________________ became the cornerstone of the conservative movement 4. _________________________________________________ and radio personalities used the media to reach missions

• By the 1980s cable TV, the 24 hour news cycle, and political talk shows intensified the feelings of _____________________________________________________________

• Nixon resigned due to ___________________________________ and was pardoned by President ______________________________________

• This was extensively covered by the media and led to the election of Democrat ______________________________ in 1976

• Carter was beset with _________________________________________ with the Vietnam War and the ongoing crisis in the Middle East

• Double digit __________________________________________ • Energy crisis • Eroded middle class prosperity and undermined support for

______________________________________ programs • Stage was set for change when Carter was unable to end the

____________________________________ situation

• Ronald Reagan campaigned on patriotism and a “_____________________________” attitude • TV coverage of the return of the hostages on the day of Reagan’s inauguration supported this

REAGAN REVOLUTION • _____________________________________ for the wealthy to promote

investment and the creation of jobs • Cut

_______________________________________________________________ • Thought that if the wealthy have more money, then prosperity will

“______________________________________” to the rest of society • As the rich invest in building _______________________________ and hire workers, money will

trickle down • Found support among ___________________________________________ who were opposed

to the New Deal REAGANOMICS

• Liberal opponents of Reaganomics said: 1. The _____________________________________________________ of the nation depends on the ability of all people to consume the goods produced

Differences in Opinion End of the Cold War

Reagan’s Impact

2. Increased demand will cause ________________________________________to create more jobs 3. People with jobs will spend more money 4. Wealthy should pay taxes in _____________________________________ to their ability to pay 5. Tax cuts should go to the lower and middle class who will use those funds to _____________________________________ which prompts investment, jobs, and prosperity

• Liberals believe that the government should stimulate_____________________________ the economy through ____________________________________________ in hard times

• Conservatives advocate ______________________________________________ • After a ________________________________________________, the economy entered an era

of growth and prosperity BUSINESS REGULATIONS

• Reagan administration limited the enforcement of regulations on __________________________________________________

• Found support with economic conservatives who thinks that the regulation of business constrains the ______________________________________________________ system

• Liberals typically support regulation ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS

• Reagan also limited the enforcement of environmental protections • Conservatives argue that jobs are more important than the environment and deny the impact of

____________________________________________________________ • Liberals think that we can have both jobs and __________________________________________

• Reagan also took a _________________________________________ against the USSR and

significantly increased Cold War spending • Republicans credit Reagan with the ___________________________________ of the Soviet

Union • Liberals attribute the fall to _______________________________________________ and change

in Soviet leadership IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY

• Yearly ______________________________ due to defense spending contributed to tripling the _________________________________________

• Failure of many financial institutions led to massive ______________________________________ that added more debt and a crisis in economic confidence

• Neither conservatives or liberals addressed the movements of ____________________________________________ to other countries

• New jobs that were created were most often in low-paying _______________________________ • Low wages and Reagan’s tax policy led to an increase in the gap between rich and poor

• As a TV personality Reagan changed the _____________________________________ of politics • Made Conservatives synonymous with economic growth and

______________________________________ • Made liberalism synonymous with ___________________________________________ and

overweening government • Liberals tried to counteract this by portraying themselves as champions of the

___________________________________ and by portraying the role of government as protecting the middle class

Standard 8.5: Globalization Globalization Impact of Globalization

Globalization is the growing trend towards ___________________________ and integration of worldwide ______________________________________

HOW IS THE US IMPACTED? • Economic issues further intensified the

___________________________ between conservatives and liberals in the past 25 years

• US is the foremost

_________________________________________________ after WWII • Greatly affected by fluctuations in world _______________________________________

EUROPEAN COOPERATION • In the 1990s the European Common Market developed into the

_______________________________________________ to provide political cooperation • Promoted democracy, _____________________________, and the development of European

economies • Majority of members adopted a ______________________________________________

NORTH AMERICAN COOPERATION • ________________ (North American Free Trade Agreement) attempted to

increase trade by elimination trade barriers in the _________________________________ Hemisphere

• 1994 _______________________________ (General Agreement of Tariffs and Trades) lowered tariffs around the world

• The US industries are experiencing greater ________________________________________ • Industries were growing _____________________________________________ balance of trade • _________________________________________ of jobs to foreign country led to

unemployment for some American workers RISE IN TECHNOLOGY

• Increased use of technology (computers, cell phones, etc.) brought about ___________________________________________

• Satellite and internet communication promoted _______________________________ of some jobs

• Globalization and ___________________________________ are causing a loss of manufacturing jobs and continues the shift of jobs to the ______________________________

MOVEMENT OF JOBS • There is _____________________________________________ for jobs as there is an influx in

________________________________ who are willing to work for low wages • Labor unions experienced a decline in _______________________________ with the loss of jobs

and increased competition • Move from industries from the “_______________________” to the

“______________________” meant a big population shift to the “right-to-work” states EDUCATION SYSTEM

• Globalization also raised questions about the education system and how well students can ________________________________ with students in other countries

• “____________________________________” was passed through George W. Bush • State mandates that students are tested to see if they meet increasingly difficult goals to

demonstrate _____________________________________________________ DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES

• Economic conditions make it more likely that ________________________________ have to

Clinton’s Presidency

2000 Election

work • Demand for ________________ and _______________________________ has grown • Obesity increased

MEDICAL CHANGES • Medical advances ___________________________life for Americans • Aging population leads to rising ____________________________________________ and health

insurance costs • Many Americans lose their _________________________________ as companies drop benefits

to maintain competitiveness • Lack of basic healthcare increases the burden on _____________________________ and makes

health care costs rise • The attempt to pass health care legislation under Clinton was met with intense

_________________________________________ and did not pass • Health care legislation was passed by Obama and a Democrat-controlled Congress continues to

be politically controversial SOCIAL SECURITY

• There is also political controversy over Social Security • Baby ________________________________________________

BUDGET DEFICITS • In the 1980’s yearly budget deficits contributed to accumulating __________________________ • Mostly spent on ____________________________________________ • This was a campaign issue during the early 1990s • Elected in 1992 • Introduced ________________________________________________ legislation • Modified decades of policy dating back to the ____________________________________ • Fought with Republicans about how to balance the budget and stimulate the economy

CLINTON’S IMPEACHMENT • Problems between parties was evident in continuous ___________________________________

of Clinton by special prosecutors • Reached a peak when the Republican-controlled House of Reps tried to

_______________________Clinton • Clinton maintained that he had not committed an impeachable offense • Tried by the _____________________________________who refused to convict • Clinton remained in office

DEBT REDUCTION • __________________________________________ plan • Increased taxes • Cut _______________________________________________ • Establishment of the earned _______________________________________________ was

passed • The ____________________________________ kept inflation in check and stimulated the

economy with interest rates ECONOMIC GROWTH

• Economic growth brought _______________________________________, but the gap between the rich and poor continued to grow

• When Clinton left office there was a budget _________________________________ and the national debt was shrinking

• Outcome remained ______________________________________ for several weeks as

Democrats and Republicans contested the counting of ballots in _____________________ • __________________________________ stopped the recount and

________________________________ won the election

Election of 2008

Current Situation

BUSH’S ECONOMIC POLICIES • Tax cuts for the ________________________________________were designed to stimulate the

economy but further increased economic disparity and eventually budget deficits • When the US became involved in the wars in __________________________________________

defense spending climbed • US again experienced ____________________________________________ and escalating debt

ECONOMIC DECLINE • At the end of the Bush administration the _______________________________________ burst

and the Bush administration turned to _______________________________________ to stop the decline

• ________________________________ and ___________________________ for banks were used to forestall a deepening depression

GREAT RECESSION • Unemployment rates hit ___________ • ________________________________ fell and deficits grew • This Great Recession saw the worst economic conditions since the

______________________________ of the 1930s

• Came amid these _______________________________________________ economic conditions • Barack Obama was elected • Obama administration passed a second _______________________________________________

in an effort to jump-start the economy ECONOMIC POLICIES

• Conservative critics objected as deficit spending increased the ____________________________ • However Congress did not repeal the _________________________________________ for the

wealthy to help balance the budget END OF THE GREAT RECESSION

• Economists have declared the ___________________________________ has ended • Lack of confidence in the economy because of political wrangling and the worsening debt crises

in Europe continue to dampen ________________________________________________

Currently: • ___________________________________ and debt continue to grow • Many Americans remain __________________________________ despite low interest rates and

significant case in the hands of businesses • Gap between rich and poor continues to grow • Conservatives and liberals seem unable to find a ___________________________________ • _____________________________ control the debate

Standard 8.6: America’s Role in a Changing World America’s Involvement in Europe America in Russia

End of the Soviet Union US after the Cold War

• At the End of WWII the US helped European nations to recover from the war in order to stop the spread of ___________________________________

• Protected Europe through the ________________________________________________ (NATO) and deployed weapons to Europe

• Europeans created the _________________________________________ to improve trade

• Eventually this creates the _____________________________(common currency)

• _____________________________________ credit the US policy with dissolution of the Soviet Union

• Liberals credit forces _________________________________________________ for bringing about change

• Mikhail ____________________________________became the leader of the Soviet Union • He advocated glasnost (________________________) and perestroika

(_________________________________) • Soviet block unions were also seeking ______________________________ (ex. Poland and the

Baltic states)

• Soviet invasion of ___________________________________ had left their economy strained and near collapse

• 1989: Destruction of the _______________________________ symbolized the end of the Cold War and the end of the USSR

• Soviet hardliners attempted to overthrow _________________________________ • The confusion led to the ___________________________ of the Soviet Union

WHAT IS THE US’ ROLE? • Buildup of arms during the __________________________________ put strain on the Soviet

economy • However the USSR fell due to _____________________________________

• The end of the Cold War left the US as the only ________________________________ • Had aroused _______________________________________ • Liberals and conservatives had different ideas on the proper role of the US in the world • Establishment of ___________________________ as a homeland for

__________________________________ created ongoing conflict in the Middle East • US recognized the state of Israel in 1948 (Truman) • ___________________________________________ applied to the Middle East (Eisenhower) • US wanted to maintain _____________________________________ on the border of the USSR • Overthrew the nationalist government in ________________________________ • Supported a _______________________________________ of the Shah until he was overthrown

by Muslim fundamentalist US AND ISRAEL

• US supported Israel in its ongoing defense against Arab neighbors and ___________________________________________________ (PLO)

• Palestinian terrorists attempted to hurt Israelis by hijacking airplanes and cruise ships and sending suicide bombers to murder civilians

US policy was to never negotiate with _____________________________ But US needs _________________________________________

• Came after 18 months of negotiations between Egypt, Israel, and the US • Led to the _________________________________________________: mutual recognition and

Israel removing troops from the Sinai Peninsula • Led to the leaders of these nations receiving the __________________________

IRAN HOSTAGE SITUATION • Invasion of the American embassy and holding of 179 Americans hostage by the Iran government

contributed to ______________________________ in the 1980 presidential election • US withdrew troops from ____________________________ when terrorists bombed a US army

barracks and negotiated with the _____________________________________ to release the hostages (under Reagan)

US INFLUENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAST • US attempted to exercise leadership in the Middle East due to dependence on

______________________________ • Led the world in response to the _____________________________________________ of

Kuwait in the early 1990s • ________________________________________________________ restored the independence

of Kuwait (George HW Bush) • Prompt withdrawal of US military forces from ____________________________ after the First

Gulf War did not alter the balance of power in the Middle East • Presence of US troops in bases in __________________________________ aroused enmity of

religious fanatics • These formed with other terrorist groups, like the ___________________________, to form

terrorist groups like _______________________________ WAR IN IRAQ

• After the bombing of the World Trade Center on 9/11 by al Qaeda, the US sent military forces to overthrow the Taliban in _____________________________ because they harbored al Qaeda

• US government used the suspicion of the presence of ___________________________________________ (WMD) to invade Iraq

• These weapons were never found CURRENT CONFLICTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST

• US continues to have troops in _________________________________________ and is supporting the development of democratic institutions in Afghanistan and Iraq

• During the _________________________________________ of 2011, the US provided diplomatic support to those protesting for more democratic institutions and gave air support to Libyan pro-democracy forces

• Relations with Iran continue to be strained because of Iranian development of _______________________________________________

• US continues to try to mediate the issue of a ___________________________________ with little success (Clinton and Obama)

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