stand-out leaders do micro-manage

Post on 26-May-2015






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There are certain things a leader should NOT delegate; architecting what the "Customer Moment" must look like is one of them...


Stand-Out Leaders DO Micro-manage

Leaders Micro-manage

Leaders MUST Micromanage!

I know, Leaders are supposed to set the tone and direction for the organization and then let people drive to deliver the results expected.

Leaders Micro-manage

A Leader that micromanages is often scorned and

encouraged to “get out of the kitchen” and let the workers do their thing.

There IS, however, one area that not only needs

Leadership hands-on involvement, it DEMANDS it if success is the end game.

Leaders Micro-manage

The Customer MomentThat special instant when your most precious asset “touches” your organization.

The Moment of Truth when things will either go brilliantly well or horribly wrong.

Leaders Micro-manage

The Moment when, based on the outcome, your customer will decide to either continue doing business

with you OR leave you and scream how terrible you are to their friends.

Leaders Micro-manage

THIS Moment requires an active deep-dive by The Leader to ensure that the customer is DAZZLED, SMITTEN, WOW’D, BLOWN AWAY and LEFT BREATHLESS.

THIS Moment requires The Leader’s fingerprints

Leaders Micro-manage

11 things Leaders should do to micromanage The Customer Moment

Leaders Micro-manage

1. Tell your organization what you are up to and why it is so critically important to have BLAZING Moments with your customers. Make sure everyone understands why you are “getting into the engine room” and getting your hands dirty.

Its not a trust issue; its strategic.

Leaders Micro-manage

2. Declare what you expect every Moment to “look

like”. The key behaviors you expect everyone to exhibit.

Leaders Micro-manage

3. Monitor Moments. Open up your calendar to get to the Frontline and witness how Moments are being handled.

Leaders Micro-manage

4. Provide real time feedback and coaching to your people engaging with Moments.

Leaders Micro-manage

5. Show ‘em how it’s done. Take some Moments yourself and give your folks a picture of what you expect a Moment to be for the customer.

Leaders Micro-manage

6. Catch them doing the right thing. Praise someone who has just handled a Moment

brilliantly. Recognize them to their peers.

Leaders Micro-manage

7. Take notes of the things that get in the way of people being able to deliver DAZZLING Moments. Rules,

procedures and policies that are barriers to WOW. Be the champion who goes back inside the

organization and removes The Grunge that prevents the Frontline from doing what they have to do to achieve the right Moment outcome.

Leaders Micro-manage

8. Have fun. It you are seen to be enjoying The

Moment, they will too. Be spontaneous.

Leaders Micro-manage

9. Show up unannounced. Leave your entourage behind. Make it about you, your folks and The Moment.

Leaders Micro-manage

10. Stream your experience to the rest of the

organization. Publish what you learn in “Roy’s Moments” for all to see and learn from.

Leaders Micro-manage

11.Be consistent. Don’t let the flame diminish. Keep your fingerprint on The Moment. If you let it wane in your personal priority list others will see, and conclude that The Moment is simply

another “flavor-of-the-month”.

An Invitation

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