stages of pregnancy month by month

Post on 16-Jul-2016






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Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the world.A child makes you a complete woman and changes your entire perspective towards the world.The golden nine months of pregnancy, teaches you patience and makes you responsible, no matter how much fun loving and careless you were in your early life


Stages in Pregnancy

Introduction• Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the world.• A child makes you a complete woman and changes your entire

perspective towards the world. • The golden nine months of pregnancy, teaches you patience

and makes you responsible, no matter how much fun loving and careless you were in your early life.

• The nine stages of pregnancy have its own pros and cons.

• Many complications arise during the pregnancy period.

• You may face various allergies, may have a change in taste, but the feeling of carrying a baby within helps overcome such mental and physical traumas.

Stages Of The Pregnancy:

• The pregnancy period consists of nine months.

• Each month has its own symptoms, complications and fetal development.

• The growth of fetus changes dramatically during these nine months of pregnancy.

• A woman experiences many changes in herself during pregnancy, such as hormonal changes and weight gain.

• A fetal develops and grows in a common pattern.

Three Trimesters of Pregnancy

• There are three trimesters in pregnancy each of more than thirteen weeks.

• Gestational age is used for measuring pregnancy.

• Gestational age begins with the very first day of the last menstruation period of a woman.

• A general thinking that pregnancy consists of nine months, but according to gestational age, it lasts about for 40 weeks is about three to four weeks before the actual pregnancy is also considered.

• It is quite confusing, but roughly, the pregnancy is of ten months, according to gestational age.

1. First month:

• If you miss, your period there is a chance of getting pregnant.

• When the egg in the uterus is fertilized pregnancy begins.

• The first trimester begins with the first month.

• The egg that is fertilized moves through the Fallopian tubes and reaches the uterus after three to four days post fertilization.

• The cells are divided and form a ball, which floats freely in the uterus for the period of two to three days.

• When the ball of cells is attached to the lining of uterus pregnancy begins.

• This process is known as implantation. It takes three to four days to be completed.

Symptoms experienced in the first month:

• Missed period is the first symptom of pregnancy• Mood swings• Fatigue• Morning sickness• Nausea• Swollen breasts• Frequent urination• Tiredness It is not necessary that all the women have all the abovesymptoms, but it is quite common that they can have any one ormore of them.

Complications that may arise in the first stage of thepregnancy are:

• Improper digestion : release of progesterone hormone in high level during pregnancy leads to gastrointestinal activity leading to constipation and digestion problems.

• Improper diet: in the early stage of pregnancy the mother suffers morning sickness that leads to change in taste

• Stress

• Inactive lifestyle

2. Second Month:• In the second month of the pregnancy an embryo is developed.

• This stage generally lasts for the period of five weeks. During this time internal development starts.

• In the duration of the fifth to sixth week of pregnancy, the length of the embryo is about four to five millimeters or can say 1/5 inch.

• Heartbeat as well as the circulatory system is developed. The buds for the legs and the hands are developed.

• Formation of neural tube starts. Umbilical cord starts to develop.

• In the seventh to eighth week, the length of the embryo increases to seven to fourteen millimeters.

•Webbed toes and fingers are developed. External organs such as ears, eyelids, eyes, upper lips etc begins to develop. Heart is formed.

Symptoms in second month of pregnancy:

• Increase in heart beat.• Fatigue• Vomiting• Heartburn• Frequent urination• Health Complications:• Constipation• Feeling Drowsy• Stress

3. Third month:• In the starting of the third month the size of the embryo

increase and it becomes one to one and a half inches.

• The toes and fingers become long. The umbilical cord connects the fetus’s abdomen to the placenta.

• The fingernails and skin start growing at this stage. External sex organ begins to develop.

• Small movements are experienced. Symptoms of the first two month continue.

• In some cases, it gets worse. Weight gain is experienced.

• There is a chance for the mother to get diabetic also. Most of the miscarriages also occur in this stage.

4. Fourth month

• In the first two weeks of the fourth month, the CRL of the fetus is around three inches.

• Sex organs are seen during ultrasound. Hair growth starts. Ovaries and prostate glands began to develop in female and male fetus respectively.

• In the next two weeks the CRL is around four and a half inches.

• A symptom like nausea is fairly reduced in fourth month.

• The breast becomes harder. Breathing problems may start. • Bleeding gums are also experienced.

• Pregnant women start fainting due to the changes in blood vessels.

5. Fifth month• In the fifth month of the pregnancy, the fetus is about six and a

half inches.

• The body is covered by lanugos. The skin is covered in a greasy material known as vernix caseosa, which protects the skin.

• A female fetus develops uterus. The mother experiences fetal movements. The symptoms of the fourth month continue.

6. Sixth month• In the starting of the six months, the bone marrow starts

developing the blood cells. • Taste buds are formed. Eyelashes, and eyebrows start to form. • Symptoms in this stage are that milk production starts

commonly called colostrums. Braxton contraction starts in many women.

7. Seventh Month:• The CRL of the fetus grows about ten inches.

• Uterus of a woman keeps expanding.

• In many cases, back pain is also experienced. The symptoms of the sixth month continue.

8.Eighth month:

• The fetus grows about eleven inches. Lanugos shed away.

• Breathing problems and tiredness is felt. In some cases varicose veins are experienced which swollen veins mostly in the legs.

• Stretch marks develop. Urination on laughing, sneezing also occurs.

9. Ninth month:• This is the last month. The fetus CRL is around 12.5 inches.

• There is no wrinkled skin on fetus now. The fetus now if fully developed.

• Symptoms at the end of the pregnancy are varicose veins, fatigue, trouble sleep, breathing problems.

• Heartburn and constipation is quite common throughout the pregnancy.

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