st peter’s newsletter -

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St Peter’s Newsletter 16, Green Lane, Hazel Grove, SK7 4EA Phone 0161 483 3476 Fax 0161 419 9592 email Fr Peter Sharrocks

Part of the

Mother of God

Local Pastoral Area

in Stockport

Advent Week 1 - Year B Weekday Readings - Cycle 1

Divine Office Psalter - Week 1

Sunday 30th November 2014 - First Sunday of Advent (Year B) 8.30am Rose O’Connell (RIP) 10.00am People of the Parish 6.00pm Helen McGlue (RIP) Readings Isaiah 63:16-17.64:1.3-8; Ps 79; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37

Monday 1st December 2014 12.00noon George Parker (RIP) Readings Isaiah 2:1-5; Ps 121; Mt 8:5-11

Tuesday 2nd December 12.00noon Hubert (Hughie) Travers (RIP) Readings Isaiah 11:1-10; Ps 71; Luke 10:21-24

Wednesday 3rd December - St Francis Xavier, P 12.noon Yvonne Murphy 7.30pm Exposition followed by Sons & Daughters Prayer Group at 8.00pm Readings Isaiah 25:6-10; Ps 22; Mt 15:29-37

Thursday 4th December 12.00noon James Minogue (sick) Readings Isaiah 26:1-6; Ps 117; Mt 7:21:24-27

Friday 5th December 12.00noon Maria Fitzpatrick (Birthday intention) Readings Isaiah 29:17-24; Ps 26; Mt 9:27-31

Saturday 6th December 11.00-11.45am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 12.00noon Bessie & Victor Kerr 6.00pm Vigil Mass in Polish Readings Isaiah 30:19-21.23-26; Ps 146; Mt 9:35 10-1.6-8

Sunday 7th December 2014 - Second Sunday of Advent (Year B) 8.30am Eileen Stuart (Birthday intentions) 10.00am Terry Maguire (RIP) 6.00pm People of the Paish Readings Isaiah 40:1-5.9-11; Ps 84; 2 Peter 3:8-14; Mark 11-8

The Word of God

First Reading Isaiah 63:16-17.64:1.3-8 Psalm 79 Response O God of hosts, brings us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved Second Reading 1 Cor 1:3-9 Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving help! Alleluia! Gospel Mark 13:33-37

Sacrament of Reconciliation

will be celebrated on Saturday from 11.00-11.45am

The next meeting of the Parish

Pastoral Team will be on

Tuesday 9th December

You are all welcome to our Church

We warmly welcome you all to St Peter’s. To help those who might not be familiar with the words of the Mass, some book-

lets and leaflets are available at the back of the Church. Please ask a Welcomer for one.

New parishioners are invited to fill in one of the forms at the back of Church and hand to Fr Peter or put in the collection basket.

A little friendly word to someone could be the only greeting they have today. It could make all the difference to them.

LIVE ON THE INTERNET To access our Masses go


stockport Food bank collection next Sunday - 7th December

the sick - we pray for those who are sick remembering all those in the parish, in our hospitals and nursing homes who are sick. We also remember those who are housebound and are unable to come to Mass.

those who have died recently -

those whose anniversaries occur at this time - Dick Drain, Ann Burgess, Theodora Mowatt, Mary Theresa Brammer. Y


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To prepare for this prayer, spend a few moments asking the Holy Spirit to open your mind and heart to hear this Word being spoken to you today.

1st Sunday in Advent (Year B) - Mark 13:33–37

J esus said to his disciples: 'Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come. It is like a man travelling abroad: he has gone from home, and left his servants in charge, each with his own task; and he has told the doorkeeper to stay awake. So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming, evening, midnight, cockcrow, dawn; if he comes unexpectedly, he must not find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake!' Copyright…1966, 1967 & 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, & Doubleday & Co. Inc. and used by permission

1. Spend some time quietly reading and rereading the passage, noting the words/phrases that draw your attention. 2. Take time to reflect on your approach to waiting in everyday life. 3. ‘Stay awake’ … Keep watch … Wait patiently …’The Master is coming’ … In this season of watchful waiting, pray of the grace to become aware of all that God has given you…and for the grace to respond from the depths of your heart. 4. Take time to talk with Jesus about his call to you to ‘Stay awake’ to welcome his presence midst all the daily busy-ness.

For those who find these gospel reflections helpful you may wish to look at where you can see next Sunday’s reading and reflection by Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB

For Conversation How a conscious watchfulness, waiting for God, might become

a greater part of you/your community’s life.

Diocesan News DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS for 2015 are on sale at the back of church priced £4.00

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND Contemplating Christ with Mary—A journey through the Holy Land with the Rosary

The second diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Land will take place next autumn October 19th–26th led by Bishop Davies. The cost is £1395 based on sharing a twin room and half board. Details are on the parish notice board, the diocesan website and from Fr Peter.

Catechist Days - see notice board for full details Saturday 6th December - day three for new and existing catechists

Diocesan Youth Event Krakow 2016 is the next International World Youth Day and Pope Francis invites you to join him. The journey to Krakow starts now - want to know more? Want to meet other young Catholics? Come along to another step on our journey on Sunday 30th November at Sacred Heart & Saint Peter Church in Baguley at 3.30pm (until 6.30pm). Open to all young people in Year 10 and above. The event will include Mass. Email for more info.

ADVENT REFLECTION organised by the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission takes place at Wistaston Hall, Crewe on Sunday 7th December from 4 30pm— 6 30 pm and will be led by Liam Purcell from Church Action on Poverty

Local Pastoral Area News

CONFIRMATION 2015 The next session will be on Monday 8th December. PRAYER SPONSORS REQUIRED - Please would you consider being a prayer sponsor for one of the 38 young people who were enrolled on the Confirmation Preparation Programme at last weekend's Masses ? There are prayer cards at the back of church, with a candidate's name on each. Please take the WHITE prayer card home to use, and sign your name on the ORANGE card and leave that in the box. This will then be displayed in church so that the young people can see a visible sign of the parish community's support as they prepare for this important sacrament over the coming months.

RCIA The next session is on 4th December at 7.30pm in the Evron Centre. Subject ‘Advent Liturgy’

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS RECOLLECTION takes place next Saturday morning December 6th at St Vincent’s Bramhall from 10 00 a.m. till 12 noon.

The ADVENT RECONCILIATION SERVICE will take place at St Joseph’s on Monday December 15th at 7 30 p.m.

Parish Events THE WELCOME LEAFLET. We try to ensure there is always a Welcome leaflet inside each hymn book so that everyone who comes to our church is helped and encouraged to participate fully in our Mass. It would be very helpful if regular parish-ioners could leave the leaflet inside the hymn book. Please don’t hand them back separately. If you don’t have one in your hymn book, take one from the stocks in the porch alongside St Peter’s statue.

Baptisms Into our parish community we welcome Lexi Rose Beveridge, Noah Joseph Alan Beswick, Daniele Ana Grinjte who were baptised here last weekend. Please remember the children and their families in your prayers.

FIRST SACRAMENTS An important part of the programme is the prayerful support of the parish and so we do ask you to keep the parents, children and catechists in your prayers as they begin their programme of preparation for the sacraments. One group received the sacrament for the first time on Friday evening and another group yesterday afternoon. The next group will be on Thursday December 11th and Saturday December 13th

St Peter’s Justice and Peace Advent Project – To provide medical aid for Syrian refugees in Jordan. More than 3,000,000 people have fled their homes in Syria and many have gone to neighbouring countries who themselves are very poor. It is estimated that over 600,000 are in Jordan. They arrive with nothing, having left their worldly possessions behind in order to travel quickly to save themselves and their families from the atrocities being committed in their homeland. From the hospital in Amman Sr. Elizabeth Mary Chakkiath writes as follows: “It is impossible to explain the true misery of body and mind of our poor Syrian brothers and sisters. If you see our hospital in the morning hours it is utterly busy, with more and more desperate people arriving each day.” Every penny we raise will be sent to Jordan and divided equally between the two hospitals IRT (International Refugee Trust) support. Some typical costs are: In patients Normal delivery of baby £230, Caring for premature baby £400, Tonsillectomy £330 Out patients Skin rash from scabies £20, Gastroenteritis £30 Please give generously in the re-named Cafod boxes at the back of church to support those families who are fleeing violence and the horror of war and who find themselves in a foreign land looking for shelter and medical attention.

Advent Calendars, Christmas cards and gifts are available in the Piety Stall after the two Sunday morning Masses. Cafod World Gifts - leaflets are available at the back of church. Traidcraft Christmas Cards Catalogues containing Traidcraft Christmas Cards and Gifts are available at the back of church, and at Teas & Coffees in the Parish centre (after 10am Mass). The Christmas cards supporting Traidcraft Exchange, CAFOD, SCIAF and Christian Aid, are available to order from Matthew & Maria Oates at Teas and Coffees, or email, or order them directly through the website.

Advent & Christmas As we prepare for Christmas, we remember that we are preparing to welcome Christ. To find out more about the preparations and celebrations at St Peter’s Church, take a look at the website and go to the "Advent and Christmas" page. We welcome you to join in - there is something for everyone!

Parish Posada 2014 Rota: To sign up to take part in our first Posada, please follow the link on the Advent & Christmas page of our website, or go directly to: or speak to Maria Oates, Teresa Thiele or Rachel McKay

St Simon’s School warmly invite parishioners to join them for a short Liturgy every morning at 9.15am during Advent (with the ex-ception of Wednesday, 17

th December). Everybody is welcome to join us in prayer as we await the birth of our Saviour,

Jesus. For further information contact the school on 0161 483 9696. The Needlecraft Club at St Simon’s School wish to express their thanks to all parishioners who have contributed wool and knitted squares for their blanket project this term. We are starting to put the squares together to form blankets ready to distribute to worthy charities chosen by the children. If anybody still has squares to donate, please deposit them in the box at the back of church by next weekend. We are enormously grateful for your support.

Christmas Tree Festival/Craft Fayre The Lourdes Group are planning a Christmas Tree Festival on 13/14th December. They are inviting Parish Groups to decorate a tree (3ft maximum, natural) which will be displayed in church and will portray their group. Also on the 14th there will be festive refreshments and a Craft Fayre in the Parish Centre. For anyone not involved in a group who would like to have a table at the Craft Fayre the cost will be £10. All donations and proceeds will be divided between the Parish Groups who take part. If you would like to partake in either or both of these events please ring Helen on 07854 928 072.

SVP Appeal - A big THANK YOU to everyone who supported our appeal last weekend. The total raised so far is £1277.50 (including a cheque for £50 from someone who was watching on the internet!). About half of this was Gift Aided so we expect to receive an extra £150 from the tax man at the end of the financial year. Once again, your generosity has exceeded all our expectations and the money will be used to help the poor and to fund activities for older people within the local community.

SVP Meeting - The next meeting is on Monday, 1st December at 8.15 pm in the Meeting Room. We will be finalising plans for the Christmas Party on 11 December. New members are always welcome, so please come along if you wish to find out more about what we do.

Alpha - This Tuesday is the last session of Alpha at St Peter's school. This weeks theme is "How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?" Starts at 1.30 pm - 3.20 pm. All welcome. CaFE continues this Thursday. This will be the last session before Christmas. This week's talk is "St Benedict - A Rhythm of Prayer." The Thursday morning session starts at 10.30 am in the meeting room finishing in time for midday Mass. Also the same session runs on Thursday evening starting at 7.30 pm till 9 pm in the Parish Centre. Everyone welcome.

Walking Group today. Meet at Disley Station car park for a 10.00am start. Circular walk up to Black Hill, down to the canal at Furness Vale. Muddy in places and one steep climb up to the ridge at Black Hill.

Lambs meet today in the Parish Centre from 4.00-6.00pm and will appreciate help with refreshments.

CONGRATULATIONS to St Simon's Primary School who recently had their Ofsted inspection and the school was found to be good, which in the revised Ofsted way of doing things, and is an excellent result. The Sunday Times published their 200 Top Primary schools in the UK list on Sunday 16th November. I am delighted to share with you that St Peter’s are listed 5th – a truly superb achievement! Congratulations to all staff, pupils, parents and governors for their significant contributions to the continued success of the school.

Congratulations to both schools for their first rate service to the young people of our parish.

A thought from Pope Francis I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since “no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord”. - _ftn1 The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms. Pope Francis – paragraph 3 of Evangelii Gaudium 2013

Sunday Tea and coffee in the Parish Centre after 10.00am Mas Lambs in the Parish Centre from 4.00pm to 6.00pm Monday Dancing in the Parish Centre at 2.00pm Brownies in the Scout Hut - 6.30-7.45pm Youth SVP at Shepley House at 7.00pm SVP in the Meeting Room at 8.15pm Tuesday Centring Prayer in the Parish Centre at 11.15am Alpha Course in St Peters Primary School at 1 30 p.m. Cubs in the Scout Hut - 7.00-8.30pm Guides at School St Guide H.Q. 7.45-9.30pm Slimming World in the Meeting Room at 7.00pm Wednesday Luncheon Club in the Parish Centre at noon (contact Margaret Hulme on 07775 162 694) Beavers in the Scout Hut - 6.00-7.30pm Scouts in the Scout Hut - 7.30-9.30pm Thursday Little Fishes in the Parish Centre at 9.30am CaFE at 10.30am in the Meeting Room Rainbows in the Scout Hut - 6.15-7.15pm CaFE in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm Adult Choir practice - 8.00-9.30pm Friday Local History at 10.00am in the Meeting Room Junior Choir Practice at 5.30pm Children’s Rosary at 6.15pm in the Meeting Room Saturday Irish Dancing in the Parish Centre from 10.30am-1.30pm





The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No 234025

Admin Matters Collection Counters Monday, 1st December - St John Fisher’s Guild Monday, 8th December - St Edmund Campion’s Guild Offertory Gifts Thank you for your donations last week which amounted to £1,243.57 plus £570 by Standing Orders. If you attend Mass in one of the other parishes and use envelopes from St Peter’s then do please put them into the collection wherever you attend Mass and they will find their way back to us. This is specially important if you are on GIFT AID. Equally if you are visiting from another parish you may leave your Offertory envelope here and we will return it to the right parish - honest! Cafod Thank you for your donations of £46.25 Cleaning - Team 1 are on duty this week Callers - Could we ask that callers to the Presbytery please use the front door and also if you are putting an envelope through the letter box there is no need to ring the bell. References - Could we remind anybody who is putting Fr Peter down as a referee to contact him in person, not by phone or email.

Some useful phone numbers Stepping Hill Hospital Chaplaincy 419 5889 for requests for Holy Communion

To page the Catholic Chaplain in an emergency 483 1010 and ask for Catholic Chaplain St Peter’s Primary School 0161 483 2431 St Simon’s Primary School 0161 483 9696

St James High School 0161 486 9211 Harrytown High School 0161 430 5277 Aquinas College 0161 483 3237


Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 22nd September 2015 organised by Brenda Ackroyd, Sale. Save around £100 if paid by 1st December 2014. . See poster on Notice Board for full details. YOU TUBE Fr Cupit has been busy recording again, this time about the Mass. You can find it by going to and clicking on Youtube CAFOD Fun Run at Bollington - Saturday 27th December at 11.00am (warm up 10.45am). Details Stepping Hill Hospital Carol Service will take place here in St Peters on Tuesday December 16th at 7 30 p.m. with contributions from our parish primary schools and there will also be carol singing on the wards on Christmas Eve - more details to follow

St Peter’s Parish Centre The Centre is available for parties (birthday, wedding, anniversary, christenings etc) Bookings are to be made as follows: Friday to Sunday bookings requiring the bar and children’s parties on Saturday should be referred to the Bar Supervisor,Tracy, on 077799 63535. For all other bookings Monday to Thursday phone Helen on 07854 928 072. Meeting Room Will anyone wishing to use the Meeting Room please contact Helen on 07854 928 072 New Year’s Eve Family Night £10 per adult, £2 per child, or £20 Family Tickets for four (2 aduls, 2 children). DJ, Games, Raffles and food. From 7.00pm til late. For tickets or any information please contact Tracy on 07779963535

Theatre Trips All ticket prices, unless stated otherwise, include coach fare. Cheques should be made payable to ‘St Peters.’

One Man Two Guv’nors - 15th January 2015. Cost £29 including coach. SOLD OUT.

NEW CHRISTMAS SHOW - ‘Peter Pan Goes Wrong’ at The Lowry on Friday 2nd January 2015 at 7.00pm. Suitable for all ages. Price £23 including coach. Please put your name on the sign up sheet on the Notice Board. Only 1 ticket left.

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