sstable reader cassandra day denver 2014

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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A journey through implementing a solution to consumer Cassandra data directly on Hadoop MapReduce.


Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Reading Cassandra SSTables Directly for Offline Data Analysis

Ben Vanberg@jackbyrd


Cassandra Day Denver 2014

A Journey

● Solving a problem for a specific use case

● Implementation

● Example Code

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Person API

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Goal: Analytics on Cassandra Data

● How many queries per search type?

● How many profiles have social data and what type? (facebook, twitter, etc)

● Total social profiles of each type?

● Connections (email > twitter, twitter > email, etc)

● Response codes to staleness for cache tuning.

● Whatever!

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Key Factors

● Netflix Priam for Backups (Snapshots, Compressed)

● Size-Tiered Compaction (SSTables 200 GB+)

● Compression enabled (SnappyCompressor)


Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Where we started

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Limiting Factors

● 3-10 days total processing time

● $2700+ in AWS resources

● Ad-Hoc analytics (not really!)

● Engineering time!

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Moving Forward

● Querying Cassandra directly didn’t scale for MapReduce.

● Cassandra SSTables. Could we consume them directly?

● SSTables would need to be directly available (HDFS).

● SSTables would need to be available as MapReduce input.

● Did something already exist to do this?

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Netflix Aegisthus

● We already use Netflix Priam for Cassandra backups

● Aegisthus works great for the Netflix use case: (C* 1.0, No compression)

● At the time there was an experimental C* 1.2 branch.

● Aegisthus splits only when compression is not enabled.

● Single thread processing 200 GB+ SSTables.


Cassandra Day Denver 2014


● Support for C* 1.2!

● We got the job done with KassandraMRHelper

● Copies SSTables to local file system in order to leverage existing C* I/O


● InputFormat not splittable.

● Single thread processing 200 GB+ SSTables.

● 60+ hours to process


Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Existing Solutions

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Implementing a Splittable InputFormat

● We needed splittable SSTables to make this work.

● With compression enabled this is more difficult.

● Cassandra I/O code makes the compression seamless but doesn’t support


● Need a way to define the splits.

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Our Approach

● Leverage the SSTable metadata.

● Adapt Cassandra I/O libraries to HDFS.

● Leverage the SSTable Index to define splits. IndexIndex!

● Implement an InputFormat which leverages the IndexIndex to define splits.

● Similar to Hadoop LZO implementation.

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Cassandra SSTables

Data file: This file contains the actual SSTable data. A binary format of

key/value row data.

Index file: This file contains an index into the data file for each row key.

CompressionInfo file: This file contains an index into the data file for each

compressed block. This file is available when compression has been enabled

for a Cassandra column family.

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Cassandra I/O for HDFS

● Cassandra’s I/O allows for random access of the SSTable.

● Porting this code to HDFS allowed us to read the SSTable in the same

fashion directly within MapReduce.

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

The IndexIndex

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Original Solution

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Final Solution

Cassandra Day Denver 2014


Reading via live queries to Cassandra 3-10 days $2700+

Unsplittable SSTable input format 60 hours $350+

Splittable SSTable input format 10 hours $165+

Cassandra Day Denver 2014


Cassandra Day Denver 2014


AbstractType keyType =

CompositeType.getInstance(Lists.<AbstractType<?>>newArrayList(UTF8Type.instance, UTF8Type.


protected void map(ByteBuffer key, SSTableIdentityIterator value, Context context)

throws IOException, InterruptedException {

final ByteBuffer newBuffer = key.slice();

final Text mapKey = new Text(keyType.getString(newBuffer));

Text mapValue = jsonColumnParser.getJson(value, context);

if (mapValue == null) {



context.write(mapKey, mapValue);


Cassandra Day Denver 2014


protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context)

throws IOException, InterruptedException {

// Make things super simple and output the first value only.

// In reality we'd want to figure out which was the

// most correct value of the ones we have based on our C* cluster


context.write(key, new Text(values.iterator().next().toString()));


Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Job Configuration






SSTableInputFormat.addInputPaths(job, inputPaths);


FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(outputPath));

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Running the indexer

hadoop jar hadoop-sstable-0.1.2.jar com.fullcontact.sstable.

index.SSTableIndexIndexer [SSTABLE_ROOT]

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Running the job

hadoop jar hadoop-sstable-0.1.2.jar com.fullcontact.sstable.example.SimpleExample


-D hadoop.sstable.cql="CREATE TABLE ..." \

-D \

-D mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks=1 \

-D io.sort.mb=1000 \

-D io.sort.factor=100 \

-D mapred.reduce.tasks=512 \

-D hadoop.sstable.split.mb=1024 \

-D"-Xmx2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" [SSTABLE_ROOT]


Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Example Summary

1. Write SSTable reader MapReduce jobs

2. Run the SSTable Indexer

3. Run SSTable reader MapReduce jobs

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Goal Accomplished

● 96% decrease in processing times!

● 94% decrease in resource costs!

● Reduced Engineering time!

Cassandra Day Denver 2014

Open Source Project

Open Source @

Roadmap (Q4 2014):

● Cassandra 2.1 support

● Scalding support

● Hadoop 2

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