sreejith sreejithp@sesametechnologies

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Sreejith . Pre- Reqs. Experience working with Javascript Good Understanding of HTML Experience working with css. Agenda. Getting start with Jquery Why use jQuery & How referencing Jquery Using CDN with a Fallback Using the jQuery Selectors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Experience working with Javascript Good Understanding of HTML Experience working with css

Pre- Reqs

Getting start with Jquery Why use jQuery & How referencing Jquery Using CDN with a Fallback Using the jQuery Selectors Intracting with the DOM Handling Events Working with Ajax Features


What is Jquery?◦ Javascript Library(single file)◦ Cross-browser support◦ Select HTML element◦ Handle events◦ Animate HTML element◦ Make Ajax Call◦ 1000’s of plugins available

Getting Start with jQuery

How do you locate element with specific class??

How do you apply styles to multiple elments?

How do you handle events in cross-browser manner?

How many hours have you spend dealing with cross-browser issue??

Why use JQuery

Go to Choose ur compression level Download

Referencing a Jquery script

Content Delivery Network(CDNs) Provide Several benfits:◦ Catching of Scripts◦ Support for http and https◦ Regional server – decreased latency◦ Allows for more concurrent call(parallelism)

Content Delivery Network(CDN)

CDN Providers : Google,Microsoft,jQuery and others provide CDNs that host script such as jQuery:

<script src=“//"></script>

OR<script src="//"></script>

You can get google CND from

Using a content Delivery Network(CDN)

No protocol define

If there was a problem with the CDN u can load the script locally

<script src="//"></script>

<script> window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/libs/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"><\/script>')


What if CDN is Down

Use $(document).ready() to detect when a page has loaded and is ready to use

Call once DOM hierarchy is loaded (but before all image have loaded)

<script type=“text/javascript”>$(document).ready(function(){ //Performaction here})</script>

Using the jQuery Ready Funciton

CSS Selectors

element {} #id {}class {}selector1, selector2 {}

ancestor descendant {}

parent > child {}

:nth-child() {}

CSS Selectors vs jQuery Selctors

jQuery Selectors




$('selector1, selector2')

$('ancestor descendant')

$('parent > child')


What is Selectors◦ Selectors allow page element to be selected◦ Single or multiple element are supported◦ A selector identifis an HTML element/tag that u

will manipulate with JQuery code<div id=“EmpDiv” class=“higlight”> < span

class=“Text”>John < /span></div>

$(‘div’).text(‘ABC’) or jQuery(‘div’).text(“ABC”)$(‘.Text’).text(‘xz’) or jQuery(‘.Text’).text(‘xz’)

Using jQuery Selectors

Iterating Through Nodes Modifying DOM Object Properties Modifying Attributes Adding and Removing Nodes Modifying Styles Modifying Class

Intracting with the DOM

each(function(inedex,element){}) is used to iterating through jQuery Object:

$('span').each(function(index){alert((index+1)+" -- "+$(this).text());}); Iterating through each div element and

returns its index number and text $('span').each(function(index,elem){alert((index+1)+" -- "+$(elem).text());});

Iterating Through Nodes

The this.propertyName statement can be used modify an object’s property directly

$(this).each(function(){this.title=“Some title”

});Or Get Attribute Var x=$(“.DivClass”).attr(‘title’)Set Attribute$(“.DivClass”).attr(‘title’,’Some tilte’)

Modifying Object Properties

To modify multiple attributes, pass JSON object containing name/value pair

$(‘img’).attr({style:”border:2px solid black”,title:”My Image Title”});Json object passed and used to change title

and border

Modifying Multiple Attributes

Four key method handle inserting nodes into elements;◦ .append()◦ .appendTo()◦ .prepend()◦ .prependTo()

To remove node from element use .remove()◦ $(element).remove()

Adding and Removing Nodes

The following HTML and .wrap() function: <div class=“state”>Kerala</div> $(‘.state’).wrap(‘<div class=“India”/>’);

Result:<div class=“India”>

<div class=“state”>Kerala</div></div>

Wrapping Element

The .css() function can be used to modifying an Object’s style:

$(“div”).css(“color”,”red”) Multiple style can be modified by passing a

JSON object:


Modifying Style

The four method for working with CSS Class attributes are:◦ .addClass()◦ .hasClass()◦ removeClass();◦ toogleClass();

Modifying CSS Classes

Click() Blur() Focus() Dblclick() Mousedown() Mouseup() Keydown() Keypress() See more att

Handling Events

.click(handler(eventObject)) is used to listen for a click event or trigger a click event on an element

$(‘#myID’).click(function(){alert(“The element myID was clicked”)}).Trigger$(‘#myID’).trigger(‘click’) or$(‘#myID’).click()

Handling Click Events

.bind(evnetType,handler(eventObject)) attaches a handler to an event for the selected elements

$(‘#myDiv’).bind(‘click’,function(){◦ //handle click event

}) .click() is same as .bind(‘click’)

Use bind

Bind() allow multiple events to bound to one or more element

Event names to are separated with a space:

$(‘#myDiv’).bind(‘mouseenter mouseleave’,function(){

$(this).toggleClass(‘enterd’); })

Binding Multiple Event

.unbind(event) is used to remove a handler previously bound to an element:

$(‘#test’).click(handler); can be unbound using


Specific events can also be targeted using unbind()


Using Unbind()

live() and delegate() allow new element added into DOM to automatically be “attached” to an event handler

live() – allows binding of event handler to elements that match a selector, including future element.

delegate() replace for live() in jQuery 1.4 Attaches event handler directly to the selector context.

live() and delegate() function

Loading HTML content form Server $(selector).load(url,data,callback) allow

HTML content to be loaded from a server and added into a DOM object

$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘#hlbbutton’).click(function(){

◦ $(‘#Mydiv’).load(‘helpDtl.html #mainTOc’); }) })

Working with Ajax Features

Promise in Action

Many apps scatter Ajax calls throughout the code



var cust= data[0];$('#ID').text(cust.ID)$('#FirstName').text(cust.FirstName)$('#LastName').text(cust.LastName)



When submitting a form use .serialize()

$('#myform').submit(function(event){event.preventDefault();var formUrl=$(this).attr('action'), formData=$(this).serialize()‘$.ajax({ url: formUrl, data: formData});})


Before jQuery 1.5, these were handled by tree more option()


$.ajax({ url:'/url/to/serverResource', success: function(response,status,xhr){ //do something after successful request }, error:function(xhr,status,erroThrown){ //handle failed request } complete: function(xhr,status) { //do something whether sucess or error }}

Ajax Resoponses

tHank yOu

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