spring 2013 review

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Semester Review

What are the defining characteristics of the Early Statehood Era?

• Texas becomes a state

• Border disputes with Mexico

• Increased population

What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

• War with Mexico ended in 1848

• U.S. acquires the Mexican Cession

• Border is settled

3. What are the defining characteristics of the Civil War Era?

• Southern states secede

• 4 year war between the U.S. and Confederacy

4. List the main causes of the Civil War

• States’ rights

• Slavery

• Tariffs

• Election of Lincoln

5. What prompted the removal of Sam Houston as governor?

• He refused to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy

6. What was the purpose of the Union blockade?

• To stop trade in and out of Texas

7. List the Civil War battles in Texas.

• Galveston

• Sabine Pass

• Palmito Ranch

8. What did the 14th Amendementguarantee?

• Citizenship and equal rights of African Americans

9. List the effects of Texas Reconstruction.

• Texas adopts the Constitution of 1866

• Freedman’s Bureau is created

• Southern states create Black Codes

10. Define sharecropper.

• A tenant farmer who could not afford to own land and received a share of the crop value minus rent and other expenses.

11. What are the defining characteristics of the Cotton, Cattle, and Railroad Era?

• Period of growth and prosperity

• Cotton industry rebounds

• Demand for beef in east leads to cattle drives

• Railroad end cattle drives but lead to settlement in western Texas.

12. Define Buffalo Soldiers. What was their purpose?

• African American soldiers on the Texas frontier.

• Purpose was to protect settlers from Native Americans.

13. Why was there a need for cattle drives? What was the final destination?

• Get cattle to eastern cities.

• Final destinations: Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming

14. Why did cattle trails expand after the Civil War?

• As settler and railroads moved west, new trails also expanded west.

15. What impact did windmills have on settlements and the open range method of


• They accessed underground water.

• Led to settlements and farming in West Texas.

16. What brought and end to cattle drives?

• Barbed wire

17. What are the defining characteristics of the Age of Oil?

• New industry in Texas

• Increased population

• Growth of urban areas

• Factories in cities

• Progressive Era and labor unions

18. Define fossil fuels and give examples.

• Non-renewable source of energy.

• Examples: oil and coal

19. Identify Spindletop. Explain its importance and the year it was drilled.

• First major oil discovery in Texas in 1901.

• Began growth of oil industry in Texas.

20. Define labor unions. Explain why they were organized.

• Urban worker formed unions to gain better wages and working conditions during the Progressive Era.

21. What effect did the oil industry have on West Texas towns such as Midland?

• Towns grew as the demand for oil increased.

22. Which industry had the greateseconomic effec on East Texas in the early

1900s?• Oil

23. What did the 1900 hurricane in Galveston cause the city to build to protect itself from

future storms?

• A seawall

24. What was the Progressive Movement?

• A social movement that wanted to help urban workers and make government more efficient.

25. List the major reforms of the Progressive Movement.

• Prohibition of alcohol

• Laws governing elections

• Women’s suffrage

26. What are the defining characteristics of the Great Depression and WWII?

• American fought in two world wars.

• U.S. experience the Great Depression and Dust Bowl

27. What was a social effect of WWI and WWII on the lives of women?

• Women entered the workforce.

28. What was a social effect of the Dust Bowl?

• Many people left Texas and moved to California.

29. Who was Sam Rayburn and why was he important to Texas?

• U.S. Speaker of the House

• Had ability to get legislation approved by Congress during the Great Depression and WWII.

30. What was the main purpose of New Deal programs during the Great

Depression?• Provide jobs to unemployed Texans.

• Jobs include building roads, bridges, and improving state and national parks.

31. What were economic effects of WWII on Texans?

• Food and other items were rationed.

• Women joined the workforce

32. What was a social effect of WWII?

• Minorities began to work for equality/civil rights.

33. What are the defining characteristics of Civil Rights & Conservatism?

• Realization of social and economic discrimination experienced by minorities led to demand for equal rights.

34. Identify Hector P. Garcia

• Founded the GI Forum and WWII to help Mexican Americans receive benefits under the GI Bill.

35. Identify James L. Farmer.

• Founded CORE to end racial discrimination through the U.S.

36. Explain Brown vs. Board of Education.

• Segregated school ruled unconstitutional.

• Led to desegregation of schools.

37. Identify Barbara Jordan.

• First African American woman in Texas Senate since 1883.

• First African American woman from the south in U.S. Congress.

• Member of Watergate hearings.

38. Identify Henry B. Gonzalez.

• First Mexican American from Texas elected to U.S. Congress.

• Worked to pass civil rights legislation.

39. What have U.S. citizens used to promote the 1st amendment idea of civil rights?

• Public demonstrations

• Press

40. What was the Civil Rights Act and who was U.S. President when it was passed?

• It provided civil rights for all (Equal opportunity).

• President Lyndon B. Johnson.

41. What was the original goal of LULAC?

• Created to support the civil rights of Spanish-speaking people in the U.S.

42. What are the defining characteristics and events of Contemporary Texas?

• More growth due to oil.

• Technology (space program, medicine)

• Cultural diversity

43. What effect did the oil boom have on the state of Texas in the 1970s?

• People from the U.S. and other nations moved to Texas, leading to increased population and cultural diversity.

44. Identify the following individuals.

• Michael Debakey & Denton Cooley-heart surgeons, developed techniques used in surgery today.

• Walter Cunningham-Apollo astronaut

• Michael Dell-Started the Dell computer company.

• Benjy Brooks-First pediatric surgeon in Texas

45. What is the significance of Houston to various industries in Texas?

• Medical Centers


• Petroleum

• Agricultural Chemicals

• Research

• Largest seaport in Texas

46. List example of festivals and celebration in Texas that reflect cultural diversity.

• St. Patrick’s Day parade

• Cinco de Mayo festivals

• Octoberfest

• Kwanzaa

• Livestock shows and rodeos

• Celtic heritage and festivals

47. What industries have led to greater economic interdependence between Texas and the World


• Oil and technology

48. What industries have experienced boom and bust cycles in Texas in recent years?

• Oil

• Real estate

• Computer technology

• Banking

49. Identify and explain the five freedoms stated in the 1st Amendment.

• Speech

• Press

• Assembly

• Religion

• Petition

50. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote?

• 19th Amendment

51. What is the relationship between the U.S. and Texas Constitutions?

• The Texas Constitution was patterned after the U.S. Constitution.

52. Identify key features of the Texas Constitution.

• Bill of Rights

• Separation of Powers

• Checks and Balances

• Limited government

• Election of judges and officials

53. Why did the writers of the Texas Constitution believe in the separation of


• To limit the power of the government by dividing it into 3 branches.

54. Which principle of government allows citizens to vote for government officials?

• Repubilcanism

55. Define the following terms:

• Bicameral-A legislature with 2 houses (Senate & House of Representatives)

• Amendment-An addition to a document, such as the Constitution

56. How many people serve in the Texas State Legislature?

• Senate-31

• House of Representatives-150

57. Who leads the Texas Senate?

• Lt. Governor

58. Who is the leader of the municipal (city) government?

• Mayor

59. What are the voting requirements in Texas?

• Must be at least 18 years old.

• Resident of Texas

• Must register to vote

60. What are civic responsibilities of Texas citizens?

• Vote

• Pay taxes

• Serve on a jury

61. Contrast the human & physical characteristics of the Coastal Plains and Great

Plains regions of Texas.

• Coastal Plains-Human (Higher population, more and larger cities), Physical (more rainfall)

• Great Plains-Human (More wind farms), Physical (dry)

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