spring 2011 update

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Spring 2011 Update



Dear Friends & Constituents,

As we head into spring I wanted to take the opportunity to update you on the work I have been doing on

behalf of you & your family and our community. Another session of Parliament is underway and it is clear the

Conservative Government is choosing to WASTE taxpayer dollars on prisons, planes, and photo-ops. From a

56 billion dollar deficit to 6 billion dollars given in tax cuts to rich companies to 16 billion dollars wasted on

fighter jets, the Conservative Government is WASTING YOUR hard earned tax dollars. I believe we should

spend money on reducing wait times at the Brampton hospital, getting more doctors, creating more jobs,

preventing crime, investing in pensions and retirement security and supporting education for youth.

Brampton families deserve a government that provides RESULTS on their priorities. Many of you have

expressed your support for the priority of the Liberal party on families and its announcement of benefits for

those caring for sick or loved ones. Thank you to many Bramptonians who have joined me for my “coffee &

tea with your MP sessions” to tell me of your issues and priorities. It is evident from all of these discussions, at

the town hall forums I have hosted, events I have attended, or meetings I have held at my office that there is a

great deal of burden being felt by many Bramptonians in making ends meet. You have shared with me your

fears of the rising cost of debt and the struggle to choose between having to pay your mortgage and rent,

your gas and your kids education. So many of the seniors have shared with me their fear of the future and

the need for greater pension security. Please be assured as a grassroots MP I will continue to fight for you and

urge the government to STOP waste and invest in priorities to Brampton residents including greater

investment for pensions, an increase in the number of jobs, and greater resources for our young people

and the vulnerable.

One of the highlights of the past few months has been my visits to the local schools in the constituency. Most

recently I visited Madoc and Springdale Public Schools. The energy and enthusiasm of the kids and youth is an

inspiration. Meeting with many of the parents and the teachers I have learned of the great appreciation they

have for the Brampton Springdale Youth Advisory Council which was formed to help develop and design

solutions for the challenges kids face at school and at home. The number of young people participating is

growing day by day. Parents and youth have also appreciated the opportunity for youth to complete their

community service hours at the office. It’s a great opportunity for youth to participate, learn and make a

difference. If you know of someone who wants to volunteer please do not hesitate to let me know.

As many of you already know if I or my office can ever be of any help please do not hesitate to let me

know! Thank you for your continued support! Working together we are making a difference and building a

strong and safe community.

Kind Regards,

Working for Bramptonians

Keep In Touch!

Constituency Office

270 Orenda Rd, B

Brampton, ON

L6T 4X6

(905) 874-6868



Ruby WORKING for

her constituents...

Visiting a local school to

promote reading & learning

Joining President of Peel Poverty

Action Group, Edna Roth & her

husband for Edna`s 80th birthday


With actors Dharmendra & Sunny

Deol at the launch of the World

Punjabi Parliamentarian Forum


SUPPORTING Airport Drivers in labour dispute

Dr. Dhalla, joined her Liberal colleagues to present a motion at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport to request a study regarding the current situation between the drivers of airport limousines for the Toronto Pearson Airport, the McIntosh Group of Companies and the Greater Toronto Airport Authority. Despite Conservative opposition the motion was passed with the support of the Liberal, Ndp, & Bloc MP`s on the

committee. Since December 1, 2010 airport limousine drivers have unfortunately been locked out by their

employer, the McIntosh Group of Companies, after the company refused to release provincial license plate stickers due to the allegations by the driver’s of unfair business practices. “This lockout has jeopardized the livelihoods of over 200 drivers and their families, many of which live in my riding of Brampton-Springdale. In addition it has resulted in the disruption of service and lengthy wait times for transportation for travelers. It is my hope that this study will result in a positive outcome and provide an opportunity to improve transportation services at one of the busiest airports in Canada,” said Dhalla. In addition to raising this issue in Parliament Dr. Dhalla has also written to the Federal Minister of Transportation, and both the Federal and Provincial Ministers of Labour requesting that the urgent matter be immediately resolved.

Recently, the local Service Canada office in Brampton has installed parking meters which charge Bramptonians parking fees when they visit the office. Hundreds of Bramptonians have approached Dr. Dhalla frustrated with the parking fee charges. In response to these complaints Dr. Dhalla has written to Service Canada as well as to the Minister to request that this undue hardship on Bramptonians be put to a STOP. Many individuals approach Service Canada for help with programs

and services including assistance with employment insurance, pensions, disability benefits and veteran's benefits.

In many cases the residents seeking assistance are not employed or are looking for some form of income support. Ruby believes it is unacceptable for visitors to have to pay for parking to access programs their tax dollars are paying for. Dr. Dhalla is committed to advocating on behalf of her constituents to ensure this situation is rectified.

HELPING Bramptonians receive better service

I am happy to provide special occasion certificates

to constituents that are celebrating milestone

birthdays or anniversaries.

The Queen (Birthdays 100+, Anniversaries 60+)

The Governor-General (Birthdays 90+, Anniversaries 50+)

The Prime Minister (Birthdays 75+, Anniversaries 25+)

MP Dr. Ruby Dhalla (Any Special Birthday or Anniversary)

Having A Special Day Ruby’s Guide For Brampton Seniors

I am happy to provide Brampton Seniors

information about various government programs

and services available to them. Including:

CPP, OAS, GIS, Disability Benefits

Information for Veterans

Helpful tax information

Home Renovations & Adaptations

(905) 874-6868 or dhallr@parl.gc.ca

WORKING to stop WASTE of taxpayers’ money

Upon research Dr. Dhalla discovered that $6.4 million of tax payer dollars was WASTED by the Conservative Government on advertising for Google Ad words. It was also discovered that a number of Government departments were using taxpayer money on Google Ad words for keywords and websites, which objectify and demean women and promote violence. "Instead of helping families and seniors that are struggling to make ends meet, this Government has wasted hard-earned

taxpayer dollars. Taxpayers money must be respected and WASTE STOPPED," said Dhalla. To highlight this waste Dr. Dhalla held a press conference and spoke in the House of Commons during Question Period demanding the Government stop this WASTE. Ruby believes taxpayer dollars should be invested in services Bramptonians need like health care and creation of jobs.


Conservatives make CUTS to Organizations Thousands of Bramptonians will be left without the necessary services due to the decision by the Conservative Government to cut a number of settlement programs across Brampton and the GTA. Despite the increased number of new immigrants coming to Brampton and the challenging economic conditions, federal funding for language, counseling, mentoring and job training to help new Canadians integrate and support themselves was cut by $53 million in December.

African Community Services of Peel, Canadian Hate Prevention Network, Social Planning Council of Peel, Big Brothers and Sisters of Peel and the Peel District School Board's "We Welcome the World Centes" are some of the agencies that help Bramptonians and will lose their funding. Dr. Dhalla spoke in Parliament to hold the Government accountable for their actions and its hardship on Brampton families stating: “Within the first 18 months that the “We Welcome The World Centres” opened, they helped service over 4,400 families hence the decision by Citizenship and Immigration to cut nearly half of the operating budget is mind boggling. For the sake of Brampton families and all Canadians who are dependent upon these services, I join Bramptonians in demanding the government immediately reverse these cuts,” said Dhalla.



Seniors Benefits

Transit & Infrastructure

Foreign Affairs Childcare







City Postal Code


Phone Number

I would like to receive E-messages from Ruby

YOUR Voice Matters!YOUR Voice Matters! Please share your views on the issues that are important to YOU.

I would like to text messages from Ruby

The decision by the Conservative Government to reduce overall immigration levels next year by reducing the number of parents and grandparents entering Canada under the family reunification category is an insult to all new Canadians.

According to information obtained the Conservative Government is planning to reduce the overall immigration next year by 5% by drastically cutting family reunification visas. New figures indicate the Conservative Government will reduce the number of family reunification visas issued for parents and grandparents sponsorship from 15, 000 last

year to 11, 000 this year. According to experts this reduction of the number of parents and grandparents accepted under the family reunification category, may result in an increase of wait times of up to 13 years.

“Since the Conservative Government has been elected many constituents have seen the wait times for sponsorship of parents and grandparents under the family reunification category increase from 3 years to almost 6-7 years. These wait times for parents are getting worse and families are suffering hardship due to the neglect and cuts by the Conservatives. It’s unfortunate Conservatives are abandoning the door on immigrants. Our nation has been built on the hopes, dreams and hard work of immigrants and that must never be ignored or forgotten,” said Dhalla

Conservatives CUT Immigration

Recently Dr. Dhalla raised the concerns of the Mayor of Brampton and the Chair of the Region of Peel regarding the Government’s decision to scrap the mandatory long-form census which is used by many government agencies and community organizations to develop programs related to essential services for Bramptonians such as transit routes, health status reports and infrastructure planning.

In addition the information collected has been vital to providing necessary resources and support for

seniors as well as those with disabilities, and from ethnic communities. “Thank you to all the constituents who wrote emails and signed petitions requesting that the Government reconsider its decision. It is clear that many vulnerable Bramptonians, seniors and disabled Canadians are being ignored by the Conservative Government. Bramptonians deserve a Government that listens and cares,” said Dhalla.

Conservatives CUT the Census


Coffee & Tea with your M.P. in HeartLake




Return to: Dr. Ruby Dhalla

Member Of Parliament

151 Sparks Street House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Since being elected in 2004 Dr. Dhalla, has continued to raise the issue of fraud marriages in Parliament on behalf of her constituents & Canadians who have been victimized by a fraud marriage. In her constituency Dr. Dhalla has met with a number of victims & their families & most recently, raised the issue in her visit to India. Dr. Dhalla took time to visit Ramoowalia village in Moga,

Punjab where she met with young girls & families who were the victims of fraud marriage. Throughout her visit to the ancestral villages & cities of her constituents from Punjab, Ruby hosted an awareness campaign to stop fraud marriages & empower young girls & women. Dr. Dhalla highlighted the issue of both holiday grooms & that of marriages of convenience in which people are using marriage for the purpose of gaining immigration to Canada. Within Parliament Dr. Dhalla has been pressuring the Government to take strong action against fraud marriages & those individuals abusing Canada’s immigration system.

WORKING to STOP Fraud Marriages

In Dr. Dhalla’s continued efforts to reach out, listen, and connect with her constituents many residents of Heart Lake joined Dr. Dhalla at Loafer’s Lake Recreation Centre to discuss issues important to their family including jobs, education, healthcare, childcare, crime and pensions. Many families from the Heart Lake area appreciated Dr. Dhalla's accessibility and approachability and her leadership in advocating for their concerns and priorities in Parliament. Dr. Dhalla was also

commended for her ongoing support of Heart Lake residents in their fight AGAINST the proposed high-rises.

WORKING for a SAFE Brampton Ruby is working with youth, teachers,

parents, peel police, & community

organizations to develop local solutions for

crime in Brampton

Ruby believes in a Tough on Crime

approach with Smart on Crime solutions

Ruby believes victims must be protected

Ruby has been a strong voice to keep

DRUGS out of Brampton

Ruby has raised the issue youth violence in


Ruby developed the Youth Advisory

Council which engages young people from

all the schools to design & develop


Ruby believes we need investments in

crime prevention– to STOP crime before it


Ruby PROMOTING Education

Promoting reading & learning among children is vital to Brampton's future. As a passionate supporter of our young people I have taken the initiative to visit all schools in the constituency & meet with kids, youth, teachers and principals. My latest visit was with the grade 1 classes at Madoc Drive Public School where I read them a book to promote reading. All of the students at the school & their Principal Tim Pedersen & teachers are to be commended for their initiative to promote learning.

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