spelling prefixes

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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TREVOR Define 1-20

BIMONTHLY adjective 1. occurring every two

months. 2. occurring twice a month;

semimonthly. noun 3. a bimonthly publication


noun 1. the middle of the day; noon or the time centering around noon.

adjective 2. of or pertaining to the middle part of the day: a midday news broadcast.

SEMICIRCLE noun 1half of a circle; the arc from one

end of a diameter to the other. 2. anything having or arranged in the

form of a half of a circle.

TRISECT Verb 1.to divide into three parts,

especially into three equal parts. Sorry. couldn’t find any pics

BICYCLE noun 1. a vehicle with two wheels in tandem,

usually propelled by pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain, and having handlebars for steering and a saddlelike seat.

MIDTERM noun 1. the middle or halfway point of a

term, as a school term or term of office. 2. Often, midterms. Informal . an

examination or series of examinations at the middle of a school term.

adjective 3. pertaining to or occurring on or about the middle of a term, as a school term or term of office: a midterm recess; midterm elections.

SEMIFINAL adjective 1. of or pertaining to the round

preceding the final one in a tournament from which losers are eliminated.

2. pertaining to the second most important bout on a card, usually immediately preceding the main bout.

noun 3. a semifinal contest or round. 4. the second most important bout on a


MIDAIR   noun any point in the air not contiguous

with the earth or other solid surface: to catch a ball in midair.

SEMIANNUAL adjective 1. occurring, done, or

published every half year or twice a year; semiyearly.

2. lasting for half a year: a semiannual plant.

MIDAFTERNOON 1. the part of the afternoon centering

approximately on three o'clock; the period approximately halfway between noon and sunset.

adjective 2. occurring in or pertaining to midafternoon: a midafternoon nap.

SEMICOLON noun the punctuation mark (;) used to

indicate a major division in a sentence where a more distinct separation is felt between clauses or items on a list than is indicated by a comma, as between the two clauses of a compound sentence.

BISECT verb (used with object) 1. to cut or

divide into two equal or nearly equal parts.

2. Geometry . to cut or divide into two equal parts: to bisect an angle.

3. to intersect or cross: the spot where the railroad tracks bisect the highway.

verb (used without object) 4. to split into two, as a road; fork: There's a charming old inn just before the road bisects.

TRICYCLE 1. a vehicle, especially one for children,

having one large front wheel and two small rear wheels, propelled by foot pedals.

2. a velocipede with three wheels propelled by pedals or hand levers.

3. a three-wheeled motorcycle.

MIDNIGHT noun 1. the middle of the night; twelve

o'clock at night. adjective 2. of or pertaining to midnight. 3. resembling midnight, as in darkness.

BIFOCALS adjective 1. Chiefly Optics . having two

foci. 2. (of an eyeglass or contact lens)

having two portions, one for near and one for far vision.

noun 3. bifocals, bifocal eyeglasses or contact lenses.

SEMISWEET adjective somewhat sweet; containing a

small amount of sweetening: a semisweet cookie; semisweet chocolate.


noun 1. a closed plane figure having three sides and three angles.

2. a flat triangular piece, usually of plastic, with straight edges, used in connection with a T square for drawing perpendicular lines, geometric figures, etc.

3. any three-cornered or three-sided figure, object, or piece: a triangle of land.

4. a musical percussion instrument that consists of a steel triangle, open at one corner, that is struck with a steel rod.

5. a group of three; triad.

BIWEEKLY adjective 1. occurring every two weeks. 2. occurring twice a week; semiweekly. noun 3. a periodical issued every other


MIDLAND noun 1. the middle or interior part of a

country. 2. ( initial capital letter ) the dialect of

English spoken in the central part of England. 3. ( initial capital letter ) the dialect of

English spoken in the southern parts of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and in West Virginia, Kentucky, and eastern Tennessee, and throughout the southern Appalachians.

adjective 4. in or of the midland; inland. 5. ( initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to


adjective partly formal; containing some formal elements: a semiformal occasion; semiformal attire.


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