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Post on 11-May-2015






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Speech Gems are witty tips and sayings about speaking written by Coach Laurie Schloff of The Speech Improvement Company (laurie@speech improvement.com)


By Laurie SchloffSenior Coaching Partner

The Speech Improvement Company, Inc.

Confidence Building


The definition of confidence is thinking about yourself in useful ways.  

Develop a Communication Consciousness

What are strengths in my communication?

What can I improve?  

The most important talking…

…is the talking we do with ourselves.

Nervousness is just a sign that you care about your


You can control nervousness before it controls you.

Trust me, it takes a lot of work to come across as effortless.

“Pick a tic.” Find a nervous habit you can have in front

of people…

…squeeze your thumb and another finger together…

…squeeze your fingers around a pen…

…or squeeze your hands against a table.

The big speech is no time for breaking in those new


Confidence doesn’t have that much to do with speaking


…you can be a great speaker with low self esteem…

…or a poor one who eats confidence for lunch.

Fear of speaking is a normal human trait for 90% of us… 

…The other 10% are speech coaches.

Preparation and Organization


Preparation, not desperation!

Thinkmind over


Question: How much practice do you need?

Answer: As much as

it takes to be effective.

It’s better to make five points well than fifty in

a frenzy. 

There's no such thing as over preparation…

…but under preparation is


The amount of preparation time…

…should be proportionate to the importance of the event.

When a client says he wants to be spontaneous…

…he really means he’s not prepared! 

When a client says he’ll “wing it…”

…I worry.  

Don't be ashamed of notes…

…they're a sign of preparation.

Your main point is like a headline. Make it 15 words or


Use the Four E’s for Extra credit as a speaker:


Experiences Examples  Evidence Editorials

Experiences: Stories that support your headline.

Your stories should be short and have a point.  

Examples: Specific instances of the


…Don’t talk about fruit--talk about kiwis and kumquats.

Get it?

Evidence: Facts, research, and statistics.

Editorials: Opinions, recommendations, and


Delivery Gems:How you Look and


Speech Gems: You As a Visual

You are the best visual in the room.  

Always dress a half step fancier than your audience…

…and have one interesting accessory.  

Tilt your head and you look sweet…

…Keep it straight and you look strong.

Not moving at all is better than moving too much.

Speech Gem Practice:

Face Contact

I prefer the term “face contact” to eye contact… 

Use face contact. For every phrase you say, look at a

different face.  

…You don’t have to look in people’s pupils.

Speech Gems: How to Use Your Visuals

The slides aren’t the presentation…

…you are.

You should control your visuals-- they shouldn't control


If you have words on your slides, say more than you


…and show less than you say.

Speech Gems:Oral Image

Be a great presenter.

Add verbal value to the visual.

(The difference between guilty and not guilty is one syllable!)

Speech Gem Practice:

Vocal Variety

One word in EVERY phrase should jump out and be


Practice this sentence:Brides don’t need to wear long


Emphasize a different word each time you say the sentence.

Relationships and Meetings


Intent is more important than content.

Move from information…

…to Inspiration!

Move from Message…

to Motivation!

A kind word is the best gift you can give.

Don’t be afraid: your audience is comprised of people…

…not piranhas.

If a client says he doesn't know anything about an upcoming meeting…

…it usually means he hasn’t asked.

You already know about yourself—so, put your focus on



"Make me feel special."  

Everyone is wearing a sign that says:

Maya Angelou said, "People will forget what you said…”

“…people will forget what you did…”

“…but people will never forget the way you made them feel.”

Keep in touch and send me YOUR Speech Gems!Laurie SchloffSenior Coaching PartnerThe Speech Improvement

Company, Inc.laurie@speechimprovement.com


As Paul McCartney wrote, “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you


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