speech business communication

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by

articulate sounds.A person's style of speaking.

Good speech habits may be considered soft skills in the


Slang, street talk and bad grammar can give customers the impression

you are not a professional organization

Employees must be able to convey instructions, orders and guidelines to other employees in a clear and

concise manner

The ability to speak well is related to the ability to listen well too.

Employees who cannot listen well cannot perform well, because

many instructions are relayed by managers verbally

Business speeches can be important when it comes to

promoting a new achievement or product.

Audience. First, determine who your audience is and customize your writing

accordingly. High school students hearing about a great literary figure or a historical

event will have a somewhat different vocabulary and level of knowledge than

would a graduate class in literary analysis. Avoid terms or jargon the first group is

unlikely to understand, and don’t dumb it down for those who are in the know.

Purpose and message

Brainstorming (an idea or way of solving a problem )It may take you some time to figure out just what the purpose and main message of your speech will be, especially if

you have a lot of diverse knowledge about your subject.

Categorize. Your brainstorming session should yield several areas that will be subcategories of your

main message

Attention grabber. Remember your audience will not be feeling any of

the anxiety you are likely to fee

Introduction. Body. Conclusion

Questions. Be sure to allow enough time for your audience to

ask questions.

Practice, practice.

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