special series: iran sanctions introduction part 1: the

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Part 1: The Nuts and Bolts Part 2: FSU Contingency Plans Part 3: Preparing for the Worst

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An Introduction

Editor’s Note: This introduces a three-part series on what sanctions againcould mean for Iran, U.S.-Russian

st Iran

relations, Israel and the global economy.


signals on whether it will even agree to discuss its nuclear program when it comes to the table.

oes its usual diplomatic song and dance, another deadline passes and negotiations end in stalemate.

olders in the conflict realize it or not, things could turn out very differently this time around.


ent and (theoretically, at least) coerce Tehran into making real concessions on its nuclear program.

is in the Islamic world, after all, the more room Russia has to maneuver in the Eurasian heartland.

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On Oct. 1, Iran will sit down for negotiations with six global powers — the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany. The Western powers in the group are hoping that ttalks will in some way tame Iran’s nuclear ambitions, but Iran, having already flouted a Sept. 24 deadline to negotiate, has thus far sent mixed

This may seem like a familiar routine: the United States threatens sanctions, Israel hints at military action, a deadline is set for Iran to enter serious negotiations, Iran d

But whether the main stakeh

U.S. President Barack Obama has made it clear that should the postponed negotiations fail to produce any real results — and the Obama administration has already conveyed that it doesn’t have high hofor the talks — then it will have little choice but to impose “crippling sanctions” against Iran. What makes the sanctions so “crippling” is the fact that the United States already has a campaign under wayto pressure major energy, shipping and insurance firms to curtail their gasoline trade with Iran. Since Iran must import at least one-third of its gasoline to meet its energy needs, such a sanctions regime could have a devastating effect on the Iranian governm

No sanctions regime, however, is airtight — and this one is no exception. Iran has a few limited contingency plans in place to prepare for a gasoline deficit, but the real vulnerability in the sanctions comes from Russia. Iran has become a major pressure point in Russia’s ongoing geopolitical tusslewith the United States, and Moscow has signaled in a number of ways that it isn’t going to be shy about using its leverage with Tehran to turn the screws on Washington. Moscow has a list of core demands that revolve around the basic concept of the West respecting Russian influence in its former Soviet periphery. As long as the United States continues to rebuff these demands and write off Russiaas a weak power, the Russians not only can refuse to participate in sanctions but they can also blow the entire sanctions regime apart. The more bogged down the United States

The United States may have gained more room to maneuver with Russia following a leaked announcement Sept. 16 regarding a complete revision of U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) plCentral Europe. The BMD issue — which symbolizes a deep U.S. military footprint on Moscow’s doorstep — has long been a sticking point for Russia in dealing with the United States. Russia remunconvinced of Washington’s apparent retreat in Central Europe and has thus far refrained from changing its tune on Iran. Instead, Russia has treated the BMD change in plans as part of a debt Washington has owed since Russia agreed to provide the United States with alternate transit rights for


the war in Afghanistan. The atmosphere may now be slightly more conducive for negotiations between

Moscow and Washington, but unless the United States makes a more concrete concession that recognizes Russian hegemony in former Soviet territory, Russia will continue to hold onto its Iran card.

Israel understands what Russia is capable of when it comes to Iran. From the Israeli point of view, even if Iran is still years away from the bomb, a potentially nuclear Iran poses a fundamental national security threat better dealt with sooner rather than later — especially if Russia can prevent the successful implementation of sanctions, and complicate any potential military strikes against Iran by providing strategic air defense systems.

In other words, the Israelis have lost their patience with U.S.-Iranian merry-go-round diplomacy. The Americans promised the Israelis crippling sanctions against Iran, and if those sanctions don’t happen or prove ineffective, other options are likely to be explored that would necessarily involve the skills and services of the U.S. military. Meanwhile, Iran — whether faced with the threat of crippling sanctions or military strikes — has the ability to wreak havoc on the global economy by going so far as to mine the critical Strait of Hormuz, through which more than 40 percent of seaborne globally traded oil passes. This is the “real” Iranian nuclear option, if you will.

In this special series, STRATFOR examines in depth what a sanctions regime could mean for Iran, U.S.-Russia relations, Israel and the global economy. Part one will describe the nuts and bolts of an innovative U.S.-led sanctions campaign and reveal the major energy firms, insurers and shippers who are either already cutting back trade with Iran or are insulated enough from the United States to pick up some of the slack for the Iranian regime. Part two will discuss the array of options available for Russia to satisfy Iran’s gasoline needs and neutralize the sanctions. Russia can do so directly by rail or sea, or it could enlist former Soviet surrogates like Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, all of which have more than enough spare capacity to cover Iran’s gasoline needs but also varying political and economic constraints to consider. Part three will focus on Iran’s likely response to these sanctions, including its contingency plans to reduce gasoline consumption at home and its last-resort options designed to stave off a military strike or retaliate against one.

Come Oct. 1, the world’s major powers will be engaged in a high-stakes round of diplomacy. Israeli patience is wearing thin, Russia is prodding Washington with the Iran issue, and Iran is looking at its options of last resort. This geopolitical panorama does not leave Washington with many options, especially when a number of other issues are already competing for the administration’s attention. It does, however, have the potential to break the Iranian nuclear impasse.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

Part 1: The Nuts and Bolts Summary

The real thrust of Western sanctions against Iran is a subtle one. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) — a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization — is so entrenched in the Iranian economy that any corporation would be hard-pressed to do business in Iran’s energy sector without touching the IRGC. And these corporations could quickly lose confidence in the safety of their investments in the United States, the largest consumer market in the world. Nonetheless, a number of firms are still willing to take such risks in supplying gasoline to Iran.


The United States has strongly implied that Iran’s failure to negotiate seriously and place curbs on its suspected nuclear weapons program will result in long-threatened, “crippling” sanctions against the Islamic Republic. The U.S. administration has not detailed precisely what would make these sanctions so “crippling,” but an effort is under way to target Iran’s Achilles’ heel — the country’s heavy reliance on gasoline imports for roughly one-third of its domestic energy needs. Despite being a major crude-oil exporter, Iran is sorely lacking refining capacity thanks to economic sanctions, lack of foreign investment and rapidly rising consumption.

The assumption built into a sanctions regime focused on Iran’s gasoline trade is that with enough diplomatic muscle, the West can pressure companies supplying gasoline to Iran into turning their backs on Iran for the sake of maintaining healthy investment relations with the West. The policy also makes an assumption that by squeezing Iran’s gasoline supply, the Iranian regime can be coerced into engaging with the West and making real concessions on its nuclear program instead of resorting to more drastic retaliatory options (an issue that will be explored in more depth in the third part of this series).

The Evolution of Iranian Sanctions

The United States has a broad sanctions regime against Iran that began under the Carter administration nearly three decades ago. The United States government currently prohibits U.S. investment in any area of Iran’s economy and bans most U.S.-Iran trade relations with a few exceptions, including pistachio and rug imports (for the most part). Washington stepped over the extraterritorial boundary in 1996 with the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, which penalizes any foreign company that invests more than $20 million in developing Iran’s energy sector. Iranian military and banking institutions have also been cut off from the American financial system since 2007. In addition to Washington’s unilateral sanctions, there are four U.N. Security Council (UNSC) sanctions that target corporations and individuals linked to Iran’s nuclear program.

As with most sanctions regimes, such economic policies are not always easy to enforce when political and trade relations with other countries have to be taken into account. No company has ever been officially sanctioned by the United States for dealing with Iran. Foreign investment can still flow into Iran, even though most major foreign investment projects, like the development of South Pars, are stalemated. The closest thing to sanctions enforcement was the not-insignificant $80 million fine that the United States slapped on ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, in 2005 under the Bank Secrecy Act for failing to comply with the U.S. sanctions on Iran and Libya. Though the ABN Amro fine was a clear warning to foreign firms dealing with Iran, more often than not the U.S. executive branch will sign waivers for foreign firms (such as Total [France], Gazprom [Russia] and Petronas [Malaysia]) to avoid a serious spat with a firm’s country of origin.

But the United States has also grown smarter about sanctions. Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey, who also served at the Treasury Department under the previous


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

U.S. administration, figured out a more subtle yet effective way to pressure corporations to see eye to eye with U.S. policy. Levey’s approach doesn’t require formal sanctions legislation or U.N. Security Council resolutions to operate. Instead, the Treasury Department employs its own form of financial strangulation tactics against Iran by zeroing in on foreign banks dealing with Iran and pressuring them to do a cost-benefit analysis of continuing to do business with the West versus risking the consequences for dealing with one of the many Iranian front companies that could also be engaged in illicit activity, such as supporting the Iranian nuclear program.

The real boost to this strategy came in late 2007 when the U.S. Congress designated Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization. Given the IRGC’s pervasiveness in the Iranian economy, the risk of getting branded by Washington as a company dealing with a terrorist entity started to be taken much more seriously by foreign financial institutions and companies. The record shows that since 2006, more than 80 banks have allegedly cut ties with Iran.

‘Smart Sanctions’ on Gasoline

This financial strangulation model is now being applied to the gasoline trade. Gasoline suppliers, shippers and insurers that deal with Iran have been quietly approached by U.S. officials and informed of the risk of dealing with a rogue country heavily engaged in deceptive financial practices. No level of due diligence by these firms is likely to completely absolve them of indirect dealings with a blacklisted entity like the IRGC. The IRGC is deeply entrenched in Iran’s economic system and has firm control over Iran’s harbors and seaports, providing a substantial financial base for the group’s illicit activities. According to STRATFOR sources, the IRGC is known to pocket about 20 percent of gasoline for its own use and as part of its own patronage system. Iran’s state-owned National Iranian Oil Company is also known to have a close relationship with the IRGC’s main construction arm, Khatam-ol-Anbia (Ghorb), which builds most of Iran’s oil and natural gas pipelines.

This more subtle approach to gasoline sanctions has been under way for some time, and the results are slowly coming to light. Iran typically gets the bulk of its gasoline from the following five firms: Vitol (Switzerland/Netherlands), Trafigura (Switzerland/Netherlands), Reliance Industries Ltd. (India), Glencore (Switzerland) and Total (France). The United Kingdom’s British Petroleum would also be included in this list, but after considering its substantial upstream and downstream investments in the United States (BP’s revenues from the U.S. market totaled $130 billion in 2008), the energy giant has not directly shipped gasoline to Iran since November 2008.

India’s Reliance is another energy firm that appears to be jumping off the Iranian bandwagon — at least for now. Now that its massive 580,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) Jamnagar refinery is online, Reliance is looking to the U.S. market to store and directly sell its fuel. Just in the past month, Reliance ordered storage for 1.3 million barrels of clean product in the New York Harbor area, a clear indicator that the firm’s investment strategy for the United States is moving forward. After having been the number-three gasoline supplier to Iran last year, Reliance started cutting down supplies in January 2009. When U.S. President Barack Obama took office and started promoting his path of engagement with Iran, Reliance thought the political temperature had dropped enough for it to resume supplies in March. Over the past three months, however, there are no signs that Reliance has been directly selling gasoline to Iran. Neither would it be a stretch to assume that the issue of Iranian gasoline sales came up when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to India in July and had breakfast with Reliance chairman Mukesh Ambani.

Total also appears to have recently curtailed its gasoline shipments to Iran, but is already starting to waver in its commitment to Washington on these sanctions. The company — which has millions of dollars worth of exploration and development work in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and hundreds of retail stations throughout the United States and owns a 174,000-bpd refinery in Port Arthur, Texas — put a halt to its energy investments in Iran in 2008 but continued trading gasoline. With French President Nicolas Sarkozy aligning himself closely with Washington on the issue of Iran, the U.S.


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administration has had notable success in its quiet diplomacy with Paris, as evidenced by a recent drop in Total shipments to Iran.

However, Russia has been working diligently in softening up Paris’s commitment to these sanctions with enticements, such as potential development rights to Russia’s massive Yuzhno fields for Total. After a meeting between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and a French delegation led by Prime Minister Francois Fillon on Sept. 14, Paris has changed its tune on Iran, with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner warning Sept. 21 that gasoline sanctions may not in fact be the best method of pressuring Iran. Total thus remains a wild card in this sanctions regime.

The Swiss firms in the list have been less willing to cooperate and have a history of sanctions-busting activities in Serbia, South Africa and, most recently, in Iraq, in the oil-for-food scandal. Vitol, Trafigura and Glencore are currently supplying the bulk of Iran’s gasoline shipments, with each shipment averaging between 30,000 and 33,000 bpd. Of the three firms, Vitol has the most U.S. assets at stake should it continue trading with Iran. Vitol, along with Shell, was awarded a $553 million contract in January with the U.S. government to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) with more than 10 million barrels of crude. In January 2008, Vitol also bought Pacific Fuel Trading Corp., which supplies Los Angeles International Airport with jet fuel, a contract that brought in roughly $540 million for Vitol in 2008. In addition to a number of other smaller energy investments spread throughout the United States, Vitol is expanding its investments in the country to include a storage facility for cruise ships in Florida. Glencore also has a deal, along with Shell, to supply the SPR with another 26,000 bpd of crude from May 2009 through January 2010. The firm specializes in the commodity trade and owns one zinc and two major aluminum facilities in the United States. Trafigura, like Glencore, has considerable assets in Canada, where the government has been increasingly focused on ways to curb business activities with Iran.

In spite of its U.S. assets, Glencore may be a tougher nut for the United States to crack. The firm recently merged with United Company RUSAL, a Russian company owned by Russia’s formerly wealthiest oligarch, Oleg Deripaska. Despite losing close to 90 percent of his net worth during the global financial crisis and being put in check by the Kremlin, Deripaska maintains close relations with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who has a strategic interest in keeping an Iranian thorn in the United States’ side.

In addition to these top five suppliers, there are newcomers to the Iranian gasoline trade that the United States is starting to eye more closely. As more and more of the energy majors drop out of the race, opportunities open up for other firms to slip in and profit at a time when Iran is desperately trying to stockpile its gasoline supplies. Malaysia’s state-owned Petronas, for example, began sending gasoline to Iran in August in three separate shipments totaling 93,000 barrels. Petronas doesn’t have significant assets in the United States to concern itself with, but its country of origin, Malaysia, is extremely reliant on U.S. investment to support the country’s high-tech industry — about 19 percent of Malaysia’s exports go directly to the United States, its largest export market. U.S. companies like Dell, Motorola, Intel, Agilent, General Electric, Mattel and Western Digital all have significant operations in Malaysia. In short, it would not take much for the United States to get the Malaysian government to rein in Petronas through quieter diplomatic means. As in the past, Washington would avoid a trade spat with Kuala Lumpur and simply apply pressure (and provide waivers) without officially sanctioning the energy firm.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

The majority of Iran’s gasoline suppliers have significant interests in the U.S. market and are therefore susceptible to U.S. pressure. As a number of the energy majors reduce their exposure to Iran, the Iranians will have to worry about the long-term consequences of being blacklisted by the energy giants that possess the skills and technology that Tehran so sorely needs to repair its energy industry. As the number of suppliers dwindles, however, the U.S. pressure campaign against Iran’s gasoline suppliers has yet to pinch Iran’s gasoline supply in any significant way. In fact, Iran is currently importing a surplus of gasoline with help mostly coming from the Swiss firms and opportunity-seekers like Petronas. Clearly, this pressure campaign still has some way to go before real results can be seen.

In addition to the gasoline suppliers, the sanctions net includes a number of insurers and tankers involved in the gasoline trade that will be difficult to clamp down on. Most gasoline shipments to Iran have been underwritten by Japanese, Norwegian, German and British firms, including the London Steam-Ship Owners, Lloyd’s of London, Munich Re and the Japan Ship Owners’ Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association. Some insurance firms are starting to get the message, but unless the United States gets more aggressive in designating Iran’s gasoline intermediaries as IRGC entities, these firms are more likely to continue resisting pressure to curtail their dealings with Iran.

The tankers are perhaps the most opaque entities to track considering they can operate under a number of different flags and third-party operators. One shipping company that appears to be heavily involved in the Iranian gasoline trade is Sovcomflot, the largest shipping company in Russia. The firm is chaired by Russian presidential chief of staff and former Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Naryshkin, an extremely powerful Kremlin figure who sits in Putin’s inner circle. Unsurprisingly, this Russian firm has taken up a substantial portion of Iran’s gasoline shipping needs.

Pressure is increasing on these shippers, insurers and tankers, but the sanctions regime targeting Iran’s gasoline trade is not airtight. Indeed, a number of tankers can be seen daily using the Jebel Ali port in Dubai as a transshipment point to trade gasoline with Iran. The U.S. administration is conscious of this loophole and regularly pays visits to the Emirati royals to discuss the issue of enforcing sanctions with Iran, but the United Arab Emirates’ trade links with Iran run deep. Rather than acquiesce to the United States and sever relations with Iran, the UAE government is quite comfortable balancing its security relationship with Washington with its economic relationship with Tehran. Unless the United States goes so far as to enforce a naval blockade on these gasoline shipments — an option that may be under consideration but would require a substantial commitment on the part of the administration — the UAE will continue to be a major loophole in this sanctions regime.

Tightening the Screws

While imperfect, the under-the-table sanctions are proving effective in pressuring major energy firms like BP and Reliance to back off trade with Iran. Moreover, they do not require legislation or U.N. Security Council resolutions to make an impact. Should the U.S. administration decide to follow through with its threat of crippling sanctions, the pending Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act, which has broad political support in Congress, will pass and the president will have a symbolic club to use against Iran. But even if the executive branch doesn’t formally act on the sanctions, the pressure campaign against these energy firms, insurers and shippers is already under way to force them to choose between doing business with the West and doing business with Iran.

And the sanctions will not be held hostage by the UNSC. Naturally, any hard-hitting sanctions proposal that enters the UNSC forum would immediately get shot down by Russia and China. U.S. President Obama will still pursue this path to portray the sanctions as a multilateral campaign, but the UNSC is mainly for political show. The real thrust of the sanctions lies in the arena of quiet diplomacy. The IRGC — a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization — is so heavily entrenched in the Iranian economy that any corporation would be hard-pressed to do business in Iran’s energy industry without touching the IRGC. And these corporations could quickly lose confidence in the safety of their investments in the United States, the largest consumer market in the world.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

As part two of this series will reveal, however, Russia’s next moves will likely determine the success or failure of the gasoline sanctions. Even as the energy majors drop out of the Iranian gasoline trade, Russia is preparing contingency plans to cover Iran’s gasoline gap. The Iranians are not exactly thrilled to be more reliant on their unfaithful allies in Moscow, but there is a Plan “B” that threatens to blow the sanctions regime apart should Russia and the United States fail to come to an understanding in the near future.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

Part 2: FSU Contingency Plans Summary

Russia has been using its relationship with Iran as leverage against the United States. In the face of the very real possibility of sanctions targeting Iran’s gasoline imports, Russia could continue using Iran to upset U.S. plans by supplying the Islamic republic with gasoline. However, Moscow knows that such a move would come with a political price.


Russia, having found its strength again, has been pushing back against U.S. influence in the former Soviet Union while the United States has been preoccupied with its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But even with its success against the Western geopolitical offensive in many places on its borders, Moscow still demands that Washington put an end to its plan to expand NATO, drop its backing of Georgia and Ukraine, and abandon any military buildup in Poland.

One of Russia’s favorite pieces of leverage to use against the United States has been its relationship with Iran. Since 1995, Russia has been helping Iran build its nuclear power plant at Bushehr, though Moscow has refrained from completing work on the plant in order to keep the issue alive and in the Russian arsenal of threats against the United States. Russia has continually delayed the delivery of advanced military technology to Iran, like variants of the S-300 air defense system that would complicate a potential military strike. Russia also has routinely blocked hard-hitting sanctions on Iran in the U.N. Security Council. All of this has served to bog Washington down in another Middle Eastern foreign policy dilemma while Russia coaxes the United States into separate negotiations over Russian interests, such as the West backing away from Russia’s near abroad.

This arrangement has not only given Russia a trump card in its negotiations with the United States; as long as Russia can use Iran against the United States, Tehran is more capable of deflecting U.S. pressure.

But now the United States has devised a relatively robust sanctions plan that will bypass the United Nations, so Russia will not have a chance to use its veto power. Yet Russia could create a massive breach in the sanctions.

The new U.S. sanctions plan targets Iran’s gasoline imports, which make up at least a third of the country’s consumption and most of which are shipped to Iran through the Persian Gulf. Such a supply cut could devastate the Iranian regime and economy, forcing Tehran to make real concessions on its nuclear program. Venezuela, another state hostile to Washington, has offered to step in and fill some of Iran’s gasoline needs despite the sanctions, but Venezuela’s shipments to the Persian Gulf theoretically could be interrupted by even a minor U.S. naval blockade. Therefore, if Iran is to circumvent U.S. sanctions and get its gasoline, it will have to look closer to home.

Russia and several former Soviet states bordering Iran have one of the few alternative supply options — sending gasoline in by rail or ship from the north — which neither the United States nor Israel could block militarily. Moreover, these countries have spare gasoline refining capacity.

Spare Capacity

Iran’s gasoline imports fluctuate frequently but average about 176,000 barrels per day (bpd) — although the Iranians currently are importing more than 400,000 bpd as they are stockpiling in preparation for possible sanctions. Russia — and quite a few other former Soviet states — would be able to fill Iran’s basic import needs.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

In this discussion, an understanding of gasoline refining capacity is necessary. Every refinery typically has facilities that convert oil into several different products, ranging from gasoline to diesel fuel to kerosene. For most refineries in the former Soviet states, gasoline accounts for about 10 to 15 percent of their total refining capacity. However, it is rather simple to increase that percentage. Refineries do it frequently, such as when gasoline inventories get built up in preparation for peak season demand. At the higher end of refining gasoline, most refineries produce at 45 percent, but theoretically refineries can scale up gasoline production to up to 70 to 85 percent of total refining capacity before the feedstock becomes “over-cracked” and gasoline yield falls. Since gasoline refining can fluctuate over such a wide range, STRATFOR will simply report the total refining capacity for each country.

Russia is currently the world’s largest oil producer (it recently surpassed Saudi Arabia) at 9.9 million bpd. Russia exports 7.4 million bpd of that oil in either crude or refined products, mainly to Europe. But Russia is also one of the largest refiners in the world, with a capacity to refine 5.5 million bpd of oil products.

Russia’s oil production has been declining, mainly because market demand has slumped following an economic slowdown, but Russian refineries are still working at about 80 percent of their capacity. Considering the size of Russia’s refining sector, increasing their refining closer to capacity could cover Iran’s basic import needs many times over.

Russia is not the only energy giant in the region. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are all net crude and gasoline exporters. STRATFOR sources have indicated that Kazakhstan is not considering any gasoline sales to Iran, due to the large U.S. economic presence in the Central Asian country. This leaves Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, both of which are among the top 20 global oil producers, both of which border Iran, and both of which have plenty of spare refining capacity.

Azerbaijan currently produces about 1 million bpd of crude and has a domestic refining capacity of 442,000 bpd. However due to a lack of global Azerbaijan is only refining at 27 percent of its capacity, leaving a spare capacity that could cover Iran’s import needs twice over. Turkmenistan is in the situation — producing about 195,000 bpd of crude, but only refining at 20 percent of their 286,000 bpd capacity. This means that Turkmenistan’s spare capacity alone could easily cover Iran’s



import needs.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

Between Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, there is plenty of spare capacity to produce the gasoline that Iran would need in the event of sanctions. The next issue is how to get the gasoline to Iran.

Rail Transport

The former Soviet states have a vast series of rail interconnections, and their close proximity to Iran makes this transit option one of the most likely. Russia’s southern belt of refineries lining the northern Caspian region is along a series of rail networks that could transport gasoline to Iran in the matter of a few days. Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan’s refineries are along rail networks that could transport gasoline to Iran in less than a day. A typical gasoline-carrying train in the former Soviet states is capable of transporting approximately 40,000 barrels of gasoline. For any of the former Soviet states to fulfill Iran’s current gasoline needs, the trains would have to be sent four or five times a day.

One problem with this is that the former Soviet Union’s rail network is on a different rail gauge from most of the rest of the world — a leftover from Soviet times, when Josef Stalin wanted to prevent any potential invader from using the Soviet Union’s rail network to sustain an offensive inside Soviet territory. The rail gauge in Russia and the former Soviet states is 1,520 mm. Iran is ostandard 1,435 mm gauge that most of the world uses. In the past, any cargo traveling from one of the former Soviet states by rail would have to be off-loaded from the Russian train cars and reloaded onto foreign cars with a different gauge — wasting days on the journey. However, since 2003 Russia has been mass-producing rail cars with an adjustable gauge, allowing for the gauge to be shifted in mere hours.

n the

Due to increasing oil prices, the Russians also mass-produced liquid tank cars, increasing their fleet from 100,000 cars to more than 230,000. Since demand for crude and gasoline declined, most of these tank cars are sitting idly in Russia, so there would be no shortage to send to Iran.

(click here to enlarge image)

But for Russia to get its gasoline to Iran, it would have to go south along the Caspian via Azerbaijan or through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Azerbaijan or Turkmenistan could also use the Russian rail cars to send gasoline to Iran.

There is a problem with either Azerbaijan sending gasoline to Iran via rail or Russia using rail connections via Azerbaijan to supply Iran: The rail lines in the region do not actually run into Iran. Of the two rail lines from Azerbaijan to Iran, the most extensive runs from Azerbaijan to Armenia, to the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan. This line was severely damaged during the Nagorno-Karabakh War and remains in disrepair, so it cannot handle any traffic. The second rail line runs along the Caspian Sea from Russia to Iran via Azerbaijan, with multiple refineries along the way.

However, this line ends once it reaches the Iranian border; all cargo has to be trucked into Iran. Azerbaijan has used this line to send gasoline to Iran before, and there has been much talk about expanding the line farther into Iran (though no progress has been made on construction). This line is running at approximately 27 percent capacity, which means it has room for a surge of rail cars going to Iran.

Azerbaijan’s rail lines might be problematic, but Turkmenistan has rail lines that connect with Iran’s rail network. However, for Russia to send gasoline to Iran via Turkmenistan, the trains would have to transit Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan’s relationships with Russia and Turkmenistan are deteriorating, and STRATFOR sources in Kazakhstan have said the country has taken part in discussions on allowing such a transit. There is no indication, however, that Uzbekistan has been approached about the subject.

DigitalGlobe Inc. A rail line near the Iran-Azerbaijan border May 28, 2009

Shipping Options

There is also much discussion of shipping gasoline to Iran on the Caspian Sea, which is bordered by Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran — five countries that have continually bickered about dividing up the sea among them.

Currently, only a nominal amount of gasoline is shipped across the Caspian, but such shipping could be accelerated very easily as the basic technology of ports and pipelines that ship crude oil can be quickly converted to handle gasoline — particularly when considering the very limited infrastructure of a port. Iran’s northern port on the Caspian, Neka, for example, can currently handle 300,000 bpd of crude. Even with a 50 percent loss rate from a switchover, this one port could theoretically handle all of Iran’s import needs (and Neka also boasts the necessary road, rail and pipeline infrastructure required to then distribute any imported gasoline supplies to the rest of the country).

The problem with Russia shipping gasoline to Iran is that Russia’s northern Caspian ports — Astrakhan and Makhachkala — are frozen over for more than four months out of the year. Kazakhstan has been expanding its capacity to ship crude and gasoline at Aktau, though Astana is not planning to fulfill this particular supply request for political reasons.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

The ports in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, however, are equipped to ship gasoline or crude to Iran. Azerbaijan’s Baku port has a 301,200 bpd liquid cargo capacity. In 1996, Baku sent 50,000 bpd to Neka when its gasoline exports to Russia were cut off due to war in the Caucasus. The capacity at Turkmenistan’s Turkmenbashi port is unknown; it is only known that there is some capacity.

Iran’s port at Neka can handle 300,000 bpd of liquid cargo — more than enough to fill the Iranians’ demand for gasoline. Neka also has crude and gasoline storage, though only for 45,000 barrels.

The Russian Dilemma

Russia and the former Soviet states are clearly able to fill in Iran’s gasoline needs should the United States successfully cut off supplies. But Moscow is weighing the political decision on whether to do so very carefully. The Russians have continually that they feel the United States’ new push for sanctions would not be successful, though it is Russia itself that would prevent that success. The new sanctions are designed to pressure the companies involved in operating in Iran, supplying Iran with gasoline or insuring those supplies, but with


Russo-U.S. relations in decline, Russia will weigh the benefits of successfully crushing U.S. sanctions plans against the pain any U.S. economic pressure could create.

STRATFOR sources in the region have confirmed that Russia is taking this issue very seriously. Currently it is unclear whether Azerbaijan would take part in defying the sanctions since the United States has such a large economic presence in the country. Azerbaijan does have energy swap deals in place with Iran and has also made more plans to increase other energy supplies, like oil and natural gas, to Iran. But Baku has not made a decision yet on the specific issue of gasoline supplies, though STRATFOR sources have indicated that Baku has at least been included in talks with Moscow and Ashgabat.

Turkmenistan is the more likely player to create gasoline supply contracts with Iran. Turkmenistan is still one of the most isolated countries in the world, despite the government’s proclaimed push to change that fact. The United States has no real leverage it can use to force the country to not supply its neighbor with gasoline. Moreover, Turkmenistan is in a financial crunch because Russia stopped receiving energy supplies from the Central Asian state, and Turkmenistan is looking for a new source of income. But Moscow has ensured that it holds enough influence over Turkmenistan in the realms of the military and social stability to keep Ashgabat from making such a move without its consent. Russia wants to make sure that no other country will usurp its ability to ruin U.S. sanctions.

(click here to enlarge image)

Overall, the decision for any of these states to deliver gasoline to Iran comes down to Moscow. Russia is using this threat in order to pressure the United States into recognizing its sphere of influence. This trump card could force the United States to act against Iran militarily, as all the U.S. “diplomatic” efforts will by then have been exhausted. Then again, if Russia plays this card, it could also force the United States to act more aggressively against Russia, which will have proven its willingness to support Iran through its actions, not just its rhetoric.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

Part 3: Preparing for the Worst Summary

Iran has long been preparing itself for U.S.-led sanctions against gasoline imports and is confident in its ability to circumvent them. But even if the sanctions did get Iran’s attention, they would not necessarily bring it to the negotiating table. Iran takes resistance very seriously, and while extolling the virtues of self-sacrifice it could close the Strait of Hormuz, which would wreak havoc on the global economy.


As the Iranian regime continued apace with its nuclear program, it understood that it was only a matter of time before the West would aim for its gasoline imports, a potential Achilles’ heel for Iran. Although Iran may be one of the world’s top-five crude-oil producers and exporters, its rogue reputation isn’t exactly good for business. The Iranian energy industry has been sagging under the weight of sanctions for decades as the foreign energy majors with the technical skill Iran so badly needs wait for the geopolitical storm clouds to clear before tapping the country’s vast energy reserves.

To contain domestic political dissent, the Iranian regime has heavily subsidized the population’s energy needs. The drawback to such a policy is that ridiculously cheap gasoline prices (gasoline in Iran costs around 9 cents per liter) tend to fuel rapid consumption and rampant smuggling. As Iran’s population continued to grow, so did its appetite for gasoline, and the regime has now reached a point where it simply cannot keep up with domestic demand without importing at least one-third of its fuel.

So, while Iran’s Arab rivals, such as energy heavyweight Saudi Arabia, profited immensely from record-high crude prices in 2008, the Iranian regime was still struggling to balance its accounts. Then came the global economic collapse, which sliced the country’s oil revenues in half. And given the sponsorship by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of militant and political proxies in Iraq and Lebanon, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s repeated raids on the country’s rainy-day oil funds for his political campaigning, and funding for the Iranian nuclear program, Tehran does not have much cash to spare.

Unreliable Allies

Iran is not oblivious to its gasoline vulnerabilities, but it also isn’t left without options should Washington become more aggressive with its sanctions campaign. As discussed in detail in part two of this series, Russia — for its own strategic reasons — has developed a contingency plan, most likely involving Russia’s former Soviet surrogate, Turkmenistan, to cover the gasoline gap should Iran start experiencing shortfalls. The Russians are certainly not planning to do this out of the goodness of their hearts and sincere loyalty to their allies in Tehran. On the contrary, sabotaging Washington’s sanctions regime against Tehran is yet another way Moscow can turn the screws on the United States if the Obama administration refuses to take seriously the Kremlin’s demand that the West respect its influence in the former Soviet sphere. Since the Obama administration backed down recently from its Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) plans in Central Europe, there could be more room for Russia and the United States to engage in serious negotiations. That said, there is no guarantee that Washington would be willing to pay the price of Russian hegemony in Eurasia in return for Russia’s cooperation on Iran, and Moscow will drive a hard bargain before it even thinks about sacrificing its leverage with Iran.

Iran could certainly use Russia’s help in maintaining its gasoline supply, but Tehran is also quite wary of becoming that much more dependent on Moscow’s good graces for its energy security. Russia and Iran have quite a tumultuous history (the Soviets briefly occupied Iran during World War II), and the


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

Iranian leadership is fearful of being abandoned by Russia should Moscow reach some sort of compromise with Washington.

Iran’s other energy-producing ally hostile to the United States is Venezuela, which recently announced it would come to Iran’s aid in the event of sanctions and supply its Persian friends with 20,000 barrels per day (bpd) of gasoline starting in October for an $800 million annual fee. Beneath the revolutionary rhetoric of oppressed regimes sticking it to their imperialist foes, this Venezuelan-Iranian energy deal is filled with holes. For starters, Venezuela — much like Iran — is facing serious refining problems due to mismanagement and a severe drop in foreign investment. Also like Iran, Venezuela’s populist regime heavily subsidizes its constituents (gasoline in Venezuela is even cheaper than in Iran at 4 cents per liter), sending consumption soaring over the past four years. While Venezuela is currently refining around 420,000 bpd, it still needs to import gasoline to help meet domestic demand.

Caracas could always go through a third party to supply gasoline to Iran from a source closer to the Persian Gulf, but finding a willing supplier could prove difficult and costly when insurance premiums and political risks are taken into account. Moreover, should push come to shove, Washington has substantial leverage over the Venezuelan regime given the abundance of assets that Citgo, the refining unit of Venezuelan state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, has spread throughout the United States. The United States also is the largest recipient of Venezuela’s crude exports and one of the few markets in the world with the technological capabilities to process Venezuela’s heavy crude, leaving Venezuela without much of a viable alternative market.

Iran has already turned to China to help backfill its gasoline supply. Latest estimates show that starting in September, China began to directly supply up to one-third of Iran’s total gasoline imports. Until now, Chinese involvement in the gasoline trade had mostly been limited to shipping companies. In the run-up to the Oct. 1 talks, China now has the extra incentive to poke the United States and profit from these gasoline shipments to Iran. After having boosted its refining capacity this year, China has surplus gasoline to sell on the international market. In August alone China exported 140,000 barrels of gasoline per day. Like Malaysia’s Petronas, which began supplying Iran with gasoline in August, China sees an opportunity to profit off of Iran’s gasoline trade at a time when political tensions are rising and major energy firms, such as BP, Reliance and Total, have already stopped or are cutting back their shipments to Iran. But Iran may not be able to rely on Chinese aid over the long term.

China currently is in a heated trade spat with Washington over a recent U.S. tariff on Chinese tire imports and could push back against Washington even further by flouting the threatened sanctions regime. However, this is a decision with major strings attached. Washington still has a great deal of leverage over Beijing in the form of Section 421, a U.S. law that was incorporated into China’s accession agreement with the World Trade Organization in 2001 and allows the United States to legally impose tariffs on nearly any Chinese export until 2013. Now that Obama has put Section 421 to use in restricting tire imports, the Chinese have to think twice before making any moves that could compel Washington to go even further in slapping trade restrictions on China. Additionally, China is a massive energy importer itself, so shipping any sort of energy product to the Middle East, where its supply lines are unprotected, is something that works directly against most of China’s energy security strategies.

The United States has not yet formalized the gasoline sanctions against Iran in the form of legislation or a U.N. Security Council resolution, and this may be providing Beijing a limited opportunity to hit back at the United States during the trade spat and demonstrate the limits of Beijing’s cooperation. However, Beijing will be far more cautious than Russia when it comes to blocking sanctions against Iran and will keep a close eye on Russia’s intentions in deciding its next steps. China has long been noncommittal when it comes to sanctions against Iran and will align itself with Russia in forums like the U.N. Security Council to demonstrate its opposition to punitive U.S. economic measures. Of course, if Russia folds and reaches some sort of compromise with Washington, China will comply with the sanctions and avoid being left in the spotlight as the sole sanctions-buster allied with Iran.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

In short, Iran has friends that it can turn to if necessary, but the reliability of those friends is by no means guaranteed.

Fending for Itself

In the spirit of self-sufficiency, Iran has long been preparing itself for a U.S.-led offensive against Iranian gasoline imports. Over the past two years, as talk of gasoline sanctions intensified, Iran sought out willing suppliers to help stockpile its gasoline reserves. Iranian gasoline consumption currently stands at around 300,000 to 400,000 bpd, but over the past several months, Iran has been importing well in excess of that amount from mostly Swiss suppliers and now newcomers like Malaysia’s state-owned Petronas, which are looking to replace the energy majors that are dropping out of the Iranian gasoline trade while political tensions are high. Iranian and U.S. intelligence sources claim that Iran currently has at least three months worth of gasoline needs (estimates average around 30 million barrels) stockpiled. The director of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company claims Iran’s gasoline storage capacity is about 15.7 million barrels, which gives Iran about four months of in-storage capacity. Some of the surplus gasoline is sitting on tankers off Kharg Island, but the bulk of the supply is stored on land, where it is less vulnerable to airstrikes.

The Iranian government continues to make bold claims about its ability to massively ramp up its refining capacity and become self-sufficient in gasoline production within four years, but this is mostly hot air. Iran simply doesn’t have the capability to meet its gasoline production goals on its own without the necessary foreign investment. And even if Iran had willing partners in places like Central Asia, it would still need to overcome its extreme reluctance to actually foot the bill for such projects.

It may strike some as odd that Iran has acquired a capability to develop nuclear technology but still struggles to build and operate refineries on its own. There are a number of reasons for this, but the simple answer is that the technology for a nuclear program dates back to the 1930s and 1940s and has not changed much since, while refining technology is continually updated and Iran has been out of the global oil-and-gas mainstream for 30 years now. A nuclear weapons program requires a couple dozen or so highly trained scientists and engineers to operate it, and these personnel can be trained in any number of institutions around the world. On the other hand, a permanent staff for a refinery producing around 300,000 bpd would require some 1,200 highly trained technicians and petroleum engineers, and most of Iran’s intelligentsia — particularly the group with strong technical skills — left the country following the Iranian Revolution. Iran’s stated energy goals are full of delusion as well as ambition.

Confronting the Subsidy Problem

Iran thus has little choice but to figure out a way to reduce gasoline consumption at home. The Iranians started on this initiative in June 2007 when the regime implemented a rationing system. Though the move was extremely unpopular and instigated a spate of riots in Tehran, the backlash was swiftly contained and, according to energy industry sources, Iranian gasoline imports dropped from 40 percent of total domestic consumption to about 25 to 30 percent.

The next step is for the regime to start cutting untenable subsidy rates by raising the price of gasoline. This is a plan that has long been in the works but has been put off time and time again due to the regime’s deep-rooted fear of sparking major social unrest. This especially became a concern following


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

the June presidential election debacle, which gave scores of Iranian citizens the courage to pour into the streets to voice their dissent against Ahmadinejad. Though the protests have dramatically dwindled in size, they continue sporadically and are a persistent irritant to the regime. Iranian sources claim that the coming gasoline price hike will not be that dramatic in the beginning. The government would likely continue to subsidize domestically produced gasoline while allowing the cost of imported gasoline to rise so it can pass along a portion of the costs to the consumer and further dampen demand.

Besides the potential political fallout, there is another significant issue with this gasoline price-hike plan. Since gasoline prices are heavily subsidized in Iran and are, therefore, much cheaper than the gasoline sold in neighboring countries, Iran has a major problem with gasoline smuggling to these countries. Iranian sources claim that more than 750,000 barrels are smuggled every month from Iran to Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq, and this puts a considerable drain on Iran’s energy revenues. The smuggling rings are run by a variety of actors, from Iranian organized crime entities linked to the IRGC to Balochi tribesmen to Kurdish smugglers, and they are extremely difficult for the regime to dismantle. Moreover, Iranian officials tend to turn a blind eye to these smuggling practices in order to buy political patronage from non-Persian minorities (Kurds, Balochis and Azeris) in the borderlands who could otherwise cause serious trouble for the regime. With the political situation at home particularly dicey right now, the Iranian government will have to proceed cautiously with any future price hikes, which are sure to be applied unevenly across the country.

Natural Gas Relief?

Iran also has an alternative-fuel plan under way that capitalizes on the country’s natural gas resources and reduces its reliance on refined crude, but the results have so far been limited. The plan involves encouraging the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) for Iranian motorists. Cars that can run on CNG, which are prevalent in South Asia and Latin America, can be more economical and environmentally friendly. In fact, the price of CNG retails at around 4 cents per cubic meter (roughly equivalent to one liter of gasoline). Moreover, the technology used to compress natural gas is far less complex than that needed to refine crude. Considering that Iran is the world’s fourth-largest producer of natural gas, the switch to CNG makes sense, but there is one big drawback. Vehicles must be modified to run on CNG, and CNG stations would have to be built across the country. None of this would be quick or cheap for Iran.

Nevertheless, Iran has made notable progress since kicking off its CNG plan in 2007, when Iran Khodro Industrial Group — Iran’s leading automaker — invested $50 million in low-consumption, flexible-fuel engine production lines. Former Iranian Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari said in July that there are currently 880 CNG stations in Iran, with plans to build an additional 400 within the next several months. Since Iran Khodro started ramping up production of CNG-capable vehicles, Iran has become the world’s fourth-largest CNG-vehicle producer following Argentina, Pakistan and Brazil, according to the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles. As of May 2009, Iranian government officials claim the official count of CNG-capable vehicles on the road totaled 1.4 million. The total number of cars in Iran was estimated to be 11.7 million in 2008, according to the Global Market Information Database. All in all, estimated fuel replacement by CNG is currently around 7 percent of Iran’s total automobile fuel consumption, up from zero five years ago. While Iran seems to be making steady progress in the CNG arena, it still has a way to go before the switch to CNG would make a significant dent in the country’s gasoline imports.

Responding to Pressure

When STRATFOR speaks to Iranian sources, we get the sense that the regime is feeling fairly confident in its ability to slip the sanctions noose while continuing to work on its nuclear program, using the same rhetoric it has used for the past seven years to drag negotiations into a stalemate. This continued confidence may be due to the fact that the Iranians have yet to feel the pinch of Washington’s quiet campaign against Iran’s gasoline suppliers. Though the energy majors appear to


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

be dropping out of the Iranian gasoline trade, the numbers we have seen indicate that Tehran is importing surplus amounts of gasoline in preparation for tougher days to come. However, should Iran fail to outmaneuver the P-5+1 come Oct. 1, those tougher days could arrive sooner than it thinks.

In the weeks and months ahead, Israel will likely determine whether Iran and the United States are headed for a collision course in the Persian Gulf. The Israelis were promised “crippling” sanctions against Iran by the Obama administration. If that promise goes unfulfilled, and the Iranians (as they are expected to do) refuse to freeze their enrichment activities, the Israelis are likely to turn to the military option and demand Washington’s cooperation. Israel understands Russia’s leverage over Iran — particularly its ability to arm the Iranians with critical defense systems and sabotage a gasoline sanctions regime — and would rather deal decisively with the Iranian nuclear issue while the program is still several steps away from a critical phase.

Israel, unlike the United States, never had much faith in the sanctions to begin with. The U.S. administration appears to be operating under the assumption that severe sanctions against Iran will create a dire economic situation in the country, galvanize the masses against the clerical elite and thus coerce the regime into making significant concessions on its nuclear program. More imaginative policymakers believe that such economic sanctions could build on the dissent that followed the election and produce a third front to challenge and topple the regime. But Tehran’s actual actions are unlikely to mesh nicely with Washington’s preferred perception of the regime’s mindset. Iran — at least for now — has no intention of meeting the West’s demands to curb its nuclear program and takes the idea of resistance very seriously.

A Doomsday Scenario

Israel is willing to see how the sanctions regime plays out, but it also knows that it has a limited menu of options. If the sanctions are blown apart with Russia’s help, the Iranians will obviously feel little pressure to negotiate seriously and the Israelis will have to turn to alternative options. If the sanctions prove effective because of Russian cooperation, a U.S. willingness to risk trade spats to enforce the sanctions or a combination of the two, the Iranians will be left feeling extremely vulnerable. However, that vulnerability would not necessarily bring Iran to the negotiating table. On the contrary, the Iranians are more likely to turn increasingly insular and aggressive with their nuclear ambitions. While extolling the virtues of self-sacrifice for national solidarity, the Iranian regime would begin to seriously threaten to use its “real” nuclear option — closing the Strait of Hormuz with mines and its arsenal of anti-ship missiles.

This is an option of last resort for the Iranians, but if Tehran feels sufficiently threatened, either by sanctions or potential military strikes, it could wreak havoc on the global economy within a matter of hours.

Setting ablaze the Strait of Hormuz would undoubtedly inflict intense pain on the Iranian economy, but this may be a pain that the regime is willing to bear while it watches energy prices soar and the world’s industrial powers plunge deeper into recession. At such a level of brinksmanship, the United States would have to seriously consider a military campaign to preempt an Iranian move to close the strait, providing Israel with an opportunity to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities. If the United States failed to act in time and Iran succeeded in mining this critical energy chokepoint, then the U.S. military would have to clear the strait. Either way, the Persian Gulf would become a war zone and the global ramifications would be immense.

This may be a doomsday scenario, but it is one of increasing credibility given that the main players — Iran, the United States, Russia and Israel — continue to raise the stakes in pursuing their respective national imperatives. A number of questions remain: Will the United States put its trade relations on the line and aggressively enforce sanctions? Will Russia go the extra mile for Tehran and bust the sanctions regime? Can the United States and Russia reach a strategic compromise that will leave Iran


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com

out in the cold? Has Israel’s patience regarding Iranian diplomatic maneuvers run out? Will Iran resort to its real nuclear option and threaten the Strait of Hormuz?

STRATFOR does not know the answers, and neither do the main stakeholders in this saga. However, come Oct. 1 these stakeholders must begin making some critical decisions that could dramatically alter the geopolitical landscape.


© 2009 STRATFOR 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 900 Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1-512-744-4300 www.stratfor.com


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