special characters

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Warhammer fantasy special characters supplement.


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    CONTENTS BRETONNIA Sir Amalric of Gaudaron Gilon Sir Richmont Iselda The Holy Knight Gravain the Fair Gullaume of Grenoullie Aloys of Montjoie Elanor of Quenelles Bagrain DAEMONS OF CHAOS Belakor Amon Chakai Azazel DARK ELVES Rakarth Kaldor the Cruel Malida Caldath the Black Mortharor DWARFS Grombrindal Alfrik Ranulfsson King Kazador of Karak Azuk Kragg the Grim Burlok Damminson Umgrim Ironfist Garagrim Ironfist Byrrmoth Grundadrakk Brok Stonefist Crazed Khargrim Krudd Mad-Mattock Grung Grudge-Bringer Skag the Stealthy Drong the Hard Queen Helgar Longplaits Loki Whitebeard Bazrak Bolgan Skeggi Threkkson Grim Dead Eye Grunnson Durzak Dragonback Grombold Kruddson THE EMPIRE Magnus the Pious Thyrus Gormann Aldebrand Ludenhof

    Valmir von Raukov Valten, Champion of Sigmar Valten, Chosen of Sigmar Valten, Exalted of Sigmar Rutgar Manfred von Bock Konrad Ulrich Magister Zorn HIGH ELVES Alarielle Imrik Belannaer Eltharion the Swordmaster Sea Lord Aislinn Selafyn of the Annulii Gilead and Fithvael Salendor Liandra Athinol Fendar Tethan Ardath Eldroth Calaidan Imrallion Alatar Kelendar LIZARDMEN Nakai the Wanderer Lotl-Botl Inxi-Huinzi Ten-zlati OGRE KINGDOMS Ghark Ironskin Braugh Slavelord ORCS & GOBLINS Borgut Facebeater Gorfang Rotgut Morglum Necksnapper Oglok the Orrible Badruk Eadsplitta Git Guzzler Kapn Skabend & Slygit Grabnatz Sourbelly & Gulag Grotsnag Durkol Eye-gouger Grotfang Uzguz

    Nazgob Snagga Oddgit SKAVEN Nurglitch Ghoritch Klawmunkast Morbus Sanguis TOMB KINGS Nagash the Immortal Sehenesmet VAMPIRE COUNT Zacharias the Everliving Neferata Melkhior the Ancient Sethep the Merciless Dieter Helsnicht Walach Harkon Luthor Harkon The Red Duke The Dark Knight The Banshee Renar the Necromancer WARRIORS OF CHAOS Vardek Crom Arbaal the Undefeated Egrimm van Horstmann Count Mordrek the Damned Valnir the Reaper Aekold Helbrass Dechala Harald Hammerstorm WOOD ELVES Ariel Naieth the Prophetess Thalandor Lothlann the Brave Durthu the Treeman Wychwethyl the Wild Sceolan Scaw the Falconer Gruath the Beastmaster Athelwyn of Athel Loren Elthryn Gwercus the Treeman Yolath the Terrible

    Compiled & Edited by: Mathias Eliasson Cover Art: Games-Workshop

    Art: Games-Workshop, WarCry, Warhammer Invasion, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Warhammer Online, Black Library, Adrian Smith, Ralph Horsley, David Sondered, Chammadai, mysticaldonkey, jbcasacop, tenebraestudios, mrkamehameha. Book Design: Mathias Eliasson. Rules Updates: Mathias Eliasson. Original

    Material: Games-Workshop, by various authors.

    Special Thanks To: Stefan Wolf, and all the players that have contributed with feedback and ideas.

    This book is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. The Chaos devices, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop

    logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Lord of Change, Nurgle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are

    either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

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    Of all the Grail Knights in the service of Bretonnia, few are so famed as Sir Amalric of Gaudaron Keep, scourge of the undying and blessed champion of the Lady of the Lake. As a young knight. Amalric passed his early years in the service of Baron Prithard of Carcassonne, one warrior amongst many in the Baron's service. Prithard, whilst a noble and just lord, needed the support of worthy knights if he were to defend his domains, for though well schooled in the courtly arts, the skills of diplomacy forever eluded him. As such, he often found himself at odds with his peers and could rely on little support from them. Though young, Amalric swiftly proved to be great skill at arms, and he was soon confirmed as a full Knight of the Realm and appointed master of Gaudaron Keep. an old but serviceable castle on the foothills of the Vaults.

    It was shortly after the young knight was installed in his domains, that the accursed fiche, Hardakh, rose from his crypt deep within the Vaults, and led an army of mouldering corpses into the southern Carcassonne territories. Amalric was one of many bold knits who met with Hardakh upon the field of battle. It seemed that the blessing of the Lady flowed through Amalric with unprecedented vigour for the Undead warriors could not stand before him. Wherever Amalric rode, the Necromancer's evil magics seemed to ebb and fade. Skeletal warriors collapsed into dust and spectral hosts dispersed in the wind at his coming.

    Even the vampiric echo of Sir Morten the Black, scourge upon the lands about Gaudaron for some two hundred years, aged and died even as he offered challenge to Amine. With his army crumbling about him and the men of Bretonnia emboldened, Hardakh had no choice but to retreat from battle (though within a league, his unclad form suffered a short but pointed encounter with Baron Prithard's favorite hippogryph, Dagonct). Recognising the instrumental role that Amalric had played in the victory, the Baron offered him rank and great wealth. Such a reward would have brought a new age of comfort on Amalrk's impoverished family yet. spurred on by visions and faith, the young knight chose instead to commit himself to the path of the Lady.

    To this day, ballads are still sung of the Quest of Sir Amalric - largely on the insistence of his family who benefited greatly from his fame. Though some of the claims made of Amalnc's travails arc mythical - he did

    not engage in a game of riddles with one of the fey folk - or embellished - the Chaos Champion Karnak had merely three heads, not five he performed many great deeds. On the slopes of the Grey Mountains, Amalric beheaded the ferocious Beastlord Shadeflench and scattered his followers.

    It was Amalric who single-handedly defended the Tower Perilous from Goblin raiders, and he who twice defeated and slew the Barrow King, Bracht the Eternal. Ultimately, with the blessing , of the Lady as his guide and companion. Amalrics quest was a successful one. On the banks of the Brienne, Amalric supped from the Grail and truly became the chosen of the Lady of the Lake. Little was he to know that the greatest trial of his life was yet to await him for, shortly after, the Lady bade him ride deep into the fey and dangerous forest of Athel Loren where he would confront one of the most powerful Necromancers to ever walk the Old World.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Amalric 4 6 3 4 4 2 5 3 8 Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

    POINTS: 160 TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Morning star, heavy armour, shield, barding.

    SPECIAL RULES: The Grail Vow, Virtue of Stoicism. Bane of the Undead: Amalric's presence is deadly to all manner of unliving creatures, dispelling the unholy magics that bind them together. Any Undead units in base contact with Amalric at the start of the Combat phase automatically suffer D6 wounds, with no Armour Save possible. These wounds are distributed as combat casualties and count towards combat resolution. MAGIC ITEMS: The Icon of the Lady This holy relic protects Amalric from the gravest of harm, shielding him from the blows of his enemies.

    Talisman. The Icon bestows a 5+ Ward Save upon Amalric and grants him Magic Resistance (1).

  • Duke Gilon is the ageing Duke of Aquitaine. He is a great leader of men and an able warrior. In a debid to save his dukedom, he has led his men to fight against the Undead horde. This is a great gamble, for if the Bretonnians don't win here, there will be no one lefto defy the Undead in all of Aquitaine. The responsibility weighs heavily on his shoulders and he knows that he can show no fear or anxiety in front of his men.

    M WS BS S TGilon 4 6 3 4 4Fulminer 8 3 0 4 4

    POINTS: 280


    GILON Duke of Aquitaine

    ageing Duke of Aquitaine. He is a great leader of men and an able warrior. In a desperate

    he has led his men to fight against the Undead horde. This is a great gamble, for if the Bretonnians don't win here, there will be no one left to defy the Undead in all of Aquitaine. The responsibility weighs heavily on his shoulders and he knows that he can show no fear or anxiety in front of

    T W I A Ld 4 3 6 4 9 4 3 4 2 5

    TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Cavalry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Giant Blade, heavy armour, shield.

    SPECIAL RULES: The Grail Vow.

    Virtue of Devotion The Knight is so utterly devoted to the Lady of the Lake that be enjoys her special favour, protecting hthe magic of his foes.

    The Knight is completely immune to hostile magic spells. A spell simply does not affect him. Note that the spell is not dispelled as such, and can affect other troops even though the Knight remains unharmed.

    Commander: Gilon is a veteran of a dozen campaigns, and knows precisely how to command his men under pressure. He is also ageing and greymen will feel ashamed if they flee while he is still fighting. Any fleeing unit within 12" of Duke Gilon at the beginning of the Bretonnian player's turn will rally automatically. MAGIC ITEMS: Giant Blade Duke Gilon has brought his most potent artefact to this battle, an ancient heirloom of his house that bestows its wielder with the strength of a giant.

    Magic Weapon. Duke Gilon gains +3 to his Strength when using this enchanted broadsword

    Monstrous Cavalry (Special

    Giant Blade, heavy armour, shield.

    The Grail Vow.

    The Knight is so utterly devoted to the Lady of the Lake that be enjoys her special favour, protecting him from

    The Knight is completely immune to hostile magic spells. A spell simply does not affect him. Note that the spell is not dispelled as such, and can affect other troops even though the Knight remains unharmed.

    n is a veteran of a dozen campaigns, and knows precisely how to command his men under pressure. He is also ageing and grey-bearded, so his men will feel ashamed if they flee while he is still

    Any fleeing unit within 12" of Duke Gilon at the nning of the Bretonnian player's turn will rally

    Duke Gilon has brought his most potent artefact to this battle, an ancient heirloom of his house that bestows its wielder with the strength of a giant.

    Duke Gilon gains +3 to his Strength using this enchanted broadsword.


    Sir Richemont is the son of Duke Gilon He decided to ride against the Undead host. hoping to desArti the bridge over the river Morceaux to win more time fur his father to gather his forces.

    Sir Richemont is young, brave, some would say reckless, and a mighty knight. undefeated in tournament. His devotion to the Lady of the Lake deep as his belief that Bretonnia is a sacred land that must be protected at any cost.

    Duke Gilon is concerned about his son, for he knows that a ruler must have other qualities apart from bravery and devotion. He hopes that time will nurture Sir Richemont's wisdom and that one day he will be a wise ruler of Aquitaine.

    M WS BS S TSir Richemont 4 5 3 4 4Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3

    POINTS: 160 TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, lance, Protection, shield, barding.

    SPECIAL RULES: The Knights Vowthe Joust.

    Vive Bretonnia! Sir Richemont is determined to win glory in the battlefield and will not be put off by a bunch of walking bones. Once per game, at the beginning of the Bretonnian


    SIR RICHEMONT Sir Richemont is the son of Duke Gilon He decided to ride against the Undead host. hoping to desArti the bridge over the river Morceaux to win more time fur

    Sir Richemont is young, brave, some would say reckless, and a mighty knight. undefeated in tournament. His devotion to the Lady of the Lake is as deep as his belief that Bretonnia is a sacred land that

    Duke Gilon is concerned about his son, for he knows that a ruler must have other qualities apart from bravery and devotion. He hopes that time will nurture Sir Richemont's wisdom and that one day he will be a

    T W I A Ld 4 2 5 4 8 3 1 3 1 5

    Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).

    , Armour of

    Vow, Virtue of

    determined to win battlefield and will not be put off by a

    the Bretonnian

    player's turn, you may declare that Sir Richemont is yelling his battle cry and will charge against his enemy. Sir Richemont, and any unit he is with, can roll an additional dice when determining their charge distance, In addition, they are immune to rest of the turn.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Armour of Protection Sir Richemont wears the traditional aheirs of Aquitaine the Armour of Protection.

    Magic Armour. Heavy armour. The wearer gains a 4+ Ward save.

    player's turn, you may declare that Sir Richemont is le cry and will charge against his enemy.

    Sir Richemont, and any unit he is with, can roll an additional dice when determining their charge distance, In addition, they are immune to Fear and Terror for the

    Sir Richemont wears the traditional armour of the Armour of Protection.

    Magic Armour. Heavy armour. The wearer gains a 4+

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    ISELDA Keeper of the Tower

    Lady Iselda is a magician of considerable power. As the only child of the Baron Artrange, she was sent to Altdorf as a child to study magic. When she returned, she decided not to marry but to devote her life to magic and assisting the inhabitants of Aquitaine. She is the

    most powerful mage in Aquitaine, and she ranks as one of the advisors of Duke Gilon in his council.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Iselda 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 8

    POINTS: 245 TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, Dispel Scroll.

    MAGIC: Iselda is a Level 3 Wizard. She may use spells from the Lore of Life, Lore of Beasts or Lore of the Heavens.

    SPECIAL RULES: Aura of the Lady.

    Favour of the Lady: Before the battle Lady Iselda may bestow her favour on one character by giving her veil to the fortunate Knight. This Knight will be able to re-roll any failed armour save once.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Amber Amulet This talisman of protection is charged with the power of the Lady of the Lake.

    Talisman. At the start of the Bretonnian player's turn, Iselda recovers 1 wound she has suffered. If Iselda is slain outright the Amber Amulet is powerless to save her.


    The Holy Knight is the last of his order,thousand years ago by the Keeper of the Tower of Wizardry. He has abandoned his name and all his worldly possessions, save for his weapons and armour.Revered by the villagers of Mercal, he fives alone, devoting his time to prayer and tending to the chapelSereine. It is his duty to watch over the graves of the Knights who once served the Red Duke. There h



    ast of his order, established a thousand years ago by the Keeper of the Tower of Wizardry. He has abandoned his name and all his

    ly possessions, save for his weapons and armour. Revered by the villagers of Mercal, he fives alone, devoting his time to prayer and tending to the chapel Sereine. It is his duty to watch over the graves of the Knights who once served the Red Duke. There he sings

    the chansons of the Lady of the Lake so that they may rest peacefully and undisturbed.

    Now the time of his trial has arrived, for the Red Duke has returned. The Holy Knight must fight against the Duke's vile servants to protect the sleep of the dethat they will not become instruments of evil once again.

    M WS The Holy Knight 4 5

    POINTS: 120 TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Righteous Furyshield.


    Virtue of utter Serenity: Only a Knight of the Holy Order may have this Virtue, and since the Holy Knight is the last of them, this Virtue is unique to him. As long as the Holy Knight is alive, no Necromantic spells may be cast against him or a

    MAGIC ITEMS: Righteous Fury The Holy Knight uses a magical hammer named Righteous Fury, which is charged with celestial power.

    Magic Weapon. Any Undead model struck with this will be wounded automatically. Against living opponents, Righteous Fury has no special effects but functions exactly like a normal hand weapon.

    the chansons of the Lady of the Lake so that they may rest peacefully and undisturbed.

    Now the time of his trial has arrived, for the Red Duke has returned. The Holy Knight must fight against the Duke's vile servants to protect the sleep of the dead so that they will not become instruments of evil once

    BS S T W I A Ld 3 4 4 2 5 3 9

    Infantry (Special Character, Hero).

    Righteous Fury, heavy armour,

    The Grail Vow.

    Only a Knight of the Holy Order may have this Virtue, and since the Holy Knight

    last of them, this Virtue is unique to him. As long as the Holy Knight is alive, no Necromantic spells may be cast against him or any unit within 6.

    The Holy Knight uses a magical hammer named which is charged with celestial power.

    Any Undead model struck with this will be wounded automatically. Against living

    has no special effects but functions exactly like a normal hand weapon.

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    Gravain of Beaumarachais, being the son of the Duke de Beaumarchais who died in the battle of Malmerre, did not inherit his father's land. A rival errant knight acquired them instead, together with the hand of Isabelle, Gravain's sister. Gravain, however, turned out an honourable knight and committed himself to the Grail quest. This noble vow of devotion towards the Lady of the Lake caused Isabelle to knight him as Gravain de Fair.

    Gravain has already been called to find the lost chapel of the Lady of Challote through visions. If he succeeds in his quest, he will probably be one of the very few knights who have seen the Grail with their very own eyes.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Gravain 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 4 8 Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

    POINTS: 130. TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, great weapon, heavy armour, shield, barding.

    SPECIAL RULES: The Questing Vow, Virtue of Purity.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Mantel of Damsel Elena This coat was a fare-well present from Gravains sisters.

    Talisman. The wearer is immune to Poisoned Attacks and Killing Blow.

    GUILLAUME OF GRENOULLIE Castellan of Quenelles

    Guillaume of Grenoullie is a giant of a man with a huge scar across his face. He is infamous for his uncontrolled outbursts of fury. His duty is to watch over the castle, gates and walls of Quenelles a task which he performs with excellence and loyalty. Under his command is a large retinue of men-at-arms, archers and squires who fear their master more than the enemy!

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Guillaume 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 4 8 Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

    POINTS: 125. TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, morning star, heavy armour, shield, barding.

    SPECIAL RULES: The Questing Vow, Virtue of the Knightly Temper.

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    ALOYS OF MONTJOIE Baron of Quenelles

    The Duke de Montjoie is the most arrogant and impetuous baron in the whole dukedom of Quenelles. Adding to that, he is extremely religious and display an excess of bravery, which almost can be seen as foolhardiness. It requires no saying that he is therefore regarded as the embodiment of Bretonnian virtue in Quenelles and that he is highly honoured.

    Aloys is a great benefactor to the grail chapel of Quenelles. A few years earlier he dispensed his possessions and set off for the Grail Quest. Later he returned with many relics he had taken from various enemies. Today he watches over and protects the Grail chapel of Quenelles. It is not very surprising that he joined the pilgrims and became their leader.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Aloys 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 4 8 Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

    POINTS: 170. TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, great weapon, heavy armour, shield, barding.

    SPECIAL RULES: The Grail Vow, Virtue of the Impetuous Knight.


    Damsel of the Lady

    As the youngest daughter of the duke of Quenelles, she is not allowed to inherit his estates and she will therefore not marry an errant knight, which then would inherit her father's realm. Therefore she decided for the holy service in the grail chapel of Quenelles, as a virgin. There she became famous for having healed many knights and she even brought some back from the doorstep of death. These deeds of a bretonian damsel can be compared to the achievements of a knight on the battlefield.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Iselda 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 8 Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

    POINTS: 155. TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, barding.

    MAGIC: Iselda is a Level 2 Wizard. She may use spells from the Lore of Life.

    SPECIAL RULES: Aura of the Lady.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Potion Sacre Like all grail damsels, Eleanor knows how to brew magic potions.

    Arcane Item. One use only. Before rolling to cast a spell, Elanor may drink the potion. If she does so, she may add +1 to the result of one Power dice.

    Icon of Quenelles Arcane Item. One use only. Eleanor can open this casket at any time during the game. She and the unit she is with immediately gains the Blessing of the Lady.

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    BAGRIAN Abbot of la Maisontaal

    Bagrian is a unique character. Under the superficial appearance of an old, learned scholar, he hides the great powers of an incarnation of the wildest forces of nature. His obsession with fighting against all forces that can upset the balance of nature has recently led him to the capture of one of the vile Skaven artefacts known as the Black Arcs of the Horned One. Now, he and his monks will pay the price for such a daring act.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Bagrian 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8

    POINTS: 250 TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon. MAGIC: Bagrian is a Level 4 Wizard. He uses spells from the Lore of Beasts.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Staff of the Owl: This oaken tool of magic channels the forces of nature and infuses new strength into the bearer's spells.

    The staff gives Bagrian +1 to cast spells.

    Amber Periapt The bearer of this statuette, which represents the god of nature himself, is surrounded by a golden halo that protects and refreshes him as long as his faith remains true.

    Talisman. The periapt confers a 4+ Ward save on

    Bagrian. In addition, once per battle, Bagrian can recover all the wounds he has lost up to that moment (though he needs to be alive to use the periapt's power!).

    Parchment of Bark The lore of Taal is recorded on sheets of bark ritually taken from the holiest of birches.

    The Parchment counts as a Dispel Scroll.

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    BE'LAKOR The Dark Master

    Most fell of the creatures of Chaos are the Daemons. Spawned from the nightmares of mortals and given form by the raw Chaos that pours from the north, Daemons are often only fleetingly attached to the world. Random possession, fleeting visions and temporary incarnations are enough to make them a plague upon the world.

    Yet when the Realm of Chaos yawns wide and magic spills across the land in invisible waves, the threat of the Daemon becomes terrible. Legions of unnatural beings break through from their otherworldly realm, their dread voices rising up in praise of their masters, the arcane battlecries and unholy screams and bellows turning men insane on simply hearing them.

    Such was the force brought forth by Be'lakor, also known in recent times as the Dark Master, though he has been known by many names and titles through the centuries and in different lands. First Daemon Prince of Chaos, Be'lakor's hubris was turned against him and Tzeentch cursed him to millennia of insubstantial, maddening existence. Where once Be'lakor thought himself worthy to lead the legions of the gods in their final conquest of the world, now he was damned to crown the mortal champions of the gods, his heart seething with jealousy and betrayal.

    That curse was lifted upon the crowning of Archaon, and Be'lakor rejoiced in his freedom. A thing of shadow and terror, the Dark Master conjured up a great portal for his ancient armies to march through, accompanied by raucous blaring of horns and guttural shouts of triumph. In the wake of Archaon's advance, Be'lakor drove his legions southwards towards the lands of men.

    It was in the cold, frozen lands north of Kislev that Be'lakor was drawn to a certain place, and upon arriving recognised it as the battlefield upon which Volkmar the Grim had faced down the Everchosen. Frozen corpses littered the bloodied field, half-eaten by crows and vermin. And in the midst of that deathly, immobile scene he spied the ruins of the Grand Theogonist's war altar, its trapping broken and its images of Sigmar cast into the bloodied, frozen mud. Amongst the ruin of the battle chariot lay the body of Volkmar himself, frozen in his final agonising death throes, a sparkling gash of blood across his chest, and the broken remnants of the Jade Griffon amulet lying at his feet.

    Sensing a means to assert his superiority over Archaon, Be'lakor drew forth his most ancient magics and laid his hand upon the chest of the Grand Theogonist's body.

    Dark energies coursed from the Daemon Prince into Volkmar, and with a shuddering scream the Grand Theogonist's soul was dragged back into its body.

    Pain flaring through him, Volkmar breathed again, and his eyelids fluttered open. Even the faith of the mighty Volkmar was sorely tested as he looked upon the terrifying apparition that stood before him. He could feel the taint of Chaos magic seeping through his limbs, his heart and his mind.

    Be'lakor had the Theogionist taken up and chained to the battle standard of his legion, from where the agonised cursing and wailing of the priest could be heard, and his writhing body seen. While Archaon had merely slain the leader of the Church of Sigmar, Be'lakor sought to inflict a lifetime of physical and mental torture upon Volkmar. He would see him broken and weeping and pleading for the forgiveness of the gods for his false ways. Already he owed his life to the dark powers of Chaos, and it pleased Be'lakor to ponder the tormented thoughts that would plague the priest until his mind was finally broken by it.

    With his unholy standard marching at the head of the legion, Be'lakor headed south once more, pleased with this small victory over his rival. When Middenheim

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    fell, he was sure that it would not be at the hand of the upstart Archaon, but by his own mighty deeds. He would become the true champion of the gods and be restored in their favour, as he was destined to be for the last three thousand years.

    Under Be'lakor, the daemon hordes slaughtered the bulk of Karl Franz's army. However, the High Elves under the banner of Teclis, the emissary of the Phoenix King, arrived on the field. Teclis was accompanied by three hundred of the vaunted Swordmasters of Hoeth and several magical relics designed for fighting the forces of Chaos. Be'lakor turned his forces against the Swordmasters, allowing Karl Franz to march on to Archaon's forces and usher the end of the Everchosen's campaign. Be'lakor at first gained the upper hand, losing many daemons but inflicting far grueler casualties against the High Elves.

    Teclis saw this plight and decided to use one of his most potent spells. He whispered incantations into a sphere in his hands, and an ethereal flame spread from his form, engulfing everything daemonic on the battlefield. While no daemons were killed, everything bearing the Mark of Chaos, including Be'lakor himself, was sent back into the Realm of Chaos.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Belakor 6 9 0 5 5 5 9 5 10

    POINTS: 675 TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon.

    MAGIC: Belakor is a Level 4 Wizard. He knows all the spells to the right.

    SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Fly.

    Whispers in the Darkness: All enemies suffer -1 on all attempts to rally. Enemies within 6" of Be'lakor suffer -1 to any Leadership-based tests they take (so an enemy within 6" of Be'lakor suffers -2 to rally!).

    Night Wards: Any spells directed at Be'lakor will be Miscast on the roll of any double (if a spell is cast at him with Irresistible Force, it will be cast with Irresistible Force, then the wizard will suffer an immediate Miscast).

    Eternal Terror: Be'lakor causes Terror. However, so terrifying is he that a unit must take a Terror test every time they are charged or wish to charge Be'lakor, or if he is within 6" of them at the start of their turn, even if

    they have already passed a Terror test earlier in the game.

    Shadow-shroud: All enemy shooting aimed at Be'lakor, or any friendly unit within 12 of him, suffer -1 to hit.

    Insurmountable Rage: At the start of each turn, Be'lakor must take a Leadership test. If this is failed, then he must charge an enemy if there is one in range that he can see. If there are no valid enemies for him to charge, he must move towards the closest enemy model, stopping 1" away from them if his movement would take him further. Be'lakor may re-roll all his failed rolls to hit, but must always pursue fleeing enemies that he breaks in combat.


    Bolt of Dark Light Cast on 6+ The Bolt of Dark Light is a magic missile with a range of up to 18". If successfully cast, it hits its target and causes D6 Strength 5 hits.

    Nightmare Cast on 6+ Nightmare is a hex spell with a range of 24. If successfully cast, the unit immediately takes a Panic test.

    Curse of the Dark Master Cast on 7+ Curse of the Dark Master is a hex spell that can be cast on an enemy unit anywhere on the battlefield. If successfully cast, all models in the unit suffer a penalty of -1 to all their rolls to hit (both shooting and close combat attacks). Remains in play.

    Fog of Death Cast on 9+ Fog of Death is a direct damage spell. Each enemy unit on the table suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, randomised as shooting. Be'lakor has only a limited control over the nightmarish creatures he has summoned, so the casting player must roll a dice for each of his own units (excluding Be'lakor himself or the unit he is with). On a 1-3 nothing happens, on a 4-6 the unit is affected by the spell exactly like an enemy unit.

    Coils of the Serpent Cast on 12+ Coils of the Serpent is a direct damage spell with a range of 12". This can be cast on a single unengaged enemy model. The victim must immediately take a Toughness test. If failed, the model is crushed to death and is removed from play, with no saves allowed.

  • 15

    AMON 'CHAKAI Lord of Change

    Amon 'Chakai is the wisest and oldest of all the Lords of Change. While others of his kind are intelligent beyond human comprehension, Amon 'Chakai alone holds ultimate knowledge over fate and destiny. This great Lord of Change despises civilisation and order, and delights in bringing the world into ruin and Chaos. He can impose his omnipotent will upon hapless mortals, twisting the natural flow of their destiny and bringing misery and ruination to their lives. Nothing pleases him more than seeing the world broken and made anew, in the endless flow of change.

    Amon 'Chakai can see the threads of destiny as clearly as a mortal man can see the path ahead of him. He can destroy or elevate both his followers and his enemies by what appears to be a mere whim, for the motives behind the actions of Daemons are not for mortals to comprehend.

    For a thousand years Amon 'Chakai has sat immovable on his throne in the Impossible Fortress, studying the antics of mortals in fascination. Now he has been roused from this state, perhaps by the whim of Tzeentch or maybe by his own design. He has summoned his Daemonic minions to battle, and now commands the greatest Daemonic army ever assembled in the Realm of Chaos. His ambition does not end there for he has now turned his diamond-like eyes upon the

    mortal realm. Madmen locked away in the sanatoriums of the Old World see visions of the Great Winged Daemon, and scream that the end of the world is coming. In the far north of the Dark Elf realm of Naggaroth, the Sorcerers of the Witch King studying the Realm of Chaos read their auguries and omens and shudder in terror, for they show a promise of the entropy and destruction brought about by Amon 'Chakai.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Amon 'Chakai 8 9 9 7 7 8 9 6 10

    POINTS: 760 TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon.

    MAGIC: Amon 'Chakai is a Level 4 Wizard. He knows all the spells from the Daemon Lore of Tzeentch.

    SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Large Target, Terror, Fly, Flaming Attacks.

    Hates Nurgle: Amon 'Chakai Hates all Nurgle Daemons, and any models with the Mark of Nurgle.

    DAEMONIC GIFTS: Master of Sorcery.

    The Hand of Destiny Amon 'Chakai can doom any mortal to die in combat. The doomed one is almost certain to perish, such is the power of Amon 'Chakai.

    One enemy model, chosen by the Daemon player, is doomed to perish by Amon 'Chakai. All close combat and shooting attacks against this model will automatically hit. This lasts until the end of the battle, even if Amon 'Chakai is killed.

    All Seeing Eye The baleful gaze of Amon 'Chakai reveals the innermost hopes and fears of any who fall under it.

    At the start of the game, after both sides have deployed, you may nominate any one model in the enemy army. Your opponent must then reveal all equipment, magic items, special abilities and spells that the model has. In addition, if the model is a wizard he loses one of his spells (randomly selected) which he may not use for the rest of the battle.

  • The last door opened before Witch Hunter-General Gunther Munz. Now he finally stood atop the Impossible Fortress, his quest to slay Amon 'Chakai was near its end. He stepped into the Chamber of Glass and saw the Greater Daemon sitting upon his throne deep in meditation, its omnipotent will travelling the vastness of the multiverse. Taking a deep breath Gunther raised his enchanted sword and prepared to strike down the foul Daemon. Suddenly its eyes snapped open, shinin.g with amusement as it studied the man before it. Gunther knew he should strikenow, but could only stare into those facinating eyes. Amon 'Chakai spoke. "I have watched you since your birth, Gunther Munz and I have watched the birth of your father, his father, and all your ancestors from the time when they still roamed the Plains of the Sun in the Southlands. I have watched you grow


    The last door opened before Witch General Gunther Munz. Now he

    finally stood atop the Impossible Fortress, his quest to slay Amon 'Chakai was near its end. He stepped into the Chamber of Glass and saw the Greater Daemon sitting upon his throne deep in meditation, its omnipotent will

    ling the vastness of the multiverse. Taking a deep breath Gunther raised his enchanted sword and prepared to strike

    Suddenly its eyes snapped open, shinin.g with amusement as it studied the man before it. Gunther knew he should strike now, but could only stare into those facinating eyes. Amon 'Chakai spoke.

    "I have watched you since your birth, Gunther Munz and I have watched the birth of your father, his father, and all your ancestors from the time when they

    f the Sun in the Southlands. I have watched you grow

    and I have watched your studies. I saw how your plans to destroy me came to fruition. I have seen every footstep you have taken to come before me. There is nothing I do not know. You are here because I wished it. Did you not know that! For a fleeting moment the Daemon held the gaze of the Witch HunterThen released him and he collapsed to the floor. Gunther struggled to his feet, but lacked the strength. In the glassy surface of the floor he saw reflection. His arms were thin and feeble, his hair white, his face ancient and withered. It seemed as if fifty years had passed him by, though it had been but a moment. He had been a man in his prime, now he was old and weak. The mocking laughter of rang in his ears as it rose from its throne and moved towards him.

    and I have watched your studies. I saw how your plans to destroy me came to fruition. I have seen every footstep you have taken to come before me. There is nothing I do not know. You are here

    ished it. Did you not know

    For a fleeting moment the Daemon held the gaze of the Witch Hunter-General. Then released him and he collapsed to the floor. Gunther struggled to his feet, but lacked the strength. In the glassy surface of the floor he saw his

    His arms were thin and feeble, his hair white, his face ancient and withered. It seemed as if fifty years had passed him by, though it had been but a moment. He had been a man in his prime, now he

    The mocking laughter of Amon 'Chakai rang in his ears as it rose from its throne and moved towards him.

  • 17

    AZAZEL Prince of Damnation

    When Azazel abandoned humanity and pledged his mortal soul to the service of Slaanesh none can say, but it is rumoured that in the distant past he was the leader of the Gerreon tribe, one of the twelve great peoples that followed Sigmar, the first Emperor. The legend says that he betrayed his liege lord and escaped to the Northern Wastes, pledging loyalty to Slaanesh, the young Prince of Chaos.

    Azazel was greatly favoured by his master, and rose quickly in his esteem. After slaying Arthar, the exalted Champion of Khorne in single combat, Slaanesh turned his eyes upon Azazel and elevated him to Daemonhood, making him commander of the Prince of Chaos' daemonic legions.

    It is said that the beauty of Azazel is second only to his patron. But as irresistible as his beauty is, there is a deadly edge to it. Those who have gazed upon him never forget the sensual temptation his presence arouses. It is a beauty which evokes loathing and a temptation that sickens the soul. Azazel's hair is long, jet-black, and as fine as flax. Two great lacquered horns crown his handsome brow. His eyes are full of innocence and yet they are cruel, calculating and without pity. His smooth skin is white, the colour of the finest porcelain, and his movements are graceful, his limbs long and delicate. In his right hand he carries an enchanted blade that writhes as if alive, and his left hand is a long, chitinous claw, delicate and yet deadly. His wings are of the purest white, their beauty unmatched by swans or other creations of nature. He soars over the battlefield, sometimes sweeping low to strike his foes, and yet his feet never touch the ground. Azazel dresses in robes made of the finest silks, and his body is bedecked with gorgeous jewels and shining gems.

    Azazel commands a legion of Daemons of his master, and under his command the armies of the Prince of Chaos have enjoyed one blissful triumph after another. Most of their opponents give up the fight before it even begins, for few can bring themselves tnharm such an enchanting and wondrous being as Azazel. Azazel, on the other hand, has no such qualms...

    Azazel sees into the very hearts and souls of men, and even their deepest desires and hidden passions are plain to him. With his silvery voice Azazel whispers to his opponents, promising them all they have ever desired if they abandon the folly of opposing Slaanesh and embrace the Prince of Chaos instead. And there are very few that can resist his temptations. All who know of him dread to face him in battle, for the cost of losing to Azazel is not only the death of the body, but the damnation of the soul as well.

    At the Battle of the Moors a force of zealous Templars of Ulric had made vows before the Flame of Ulric in Middenheim that they would banish Azazel or perish trying. But before the battle ended the Templars had been reduced to gibbering imbeciles, slaves to the slightest whim of Azazel. He set collars around their necks and made them walk on all fours like dogs to amuse his patron Slaanesh. The Questing Knight, Guido de Brionne, sought out Azazel, intending to challenge him to single combat to fulfil his grail quest, but instead he kneeled before the Daemon Prince, begging him to accept his undying devotion. Laughing, Azazel severed the head of the Bretonnian Knight, who stood unmoving, convinced in the justification of the act. Woe to those who face Azazel, the right hand of Slaanesh.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Azazel 6 7 7 6 5 5 9 6 10

    POINTS: 665 TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon.

    MAGIC: Azazel is a Level 2 Wizard. He knows spells from the Daemon Lore of Slaanesh.

    SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Terror, Fly.

    Aura of Slaanesh: The Daemon is surrounded by a mild-altering aura that befuddles the enemy. Any enemy unit in base contact with Azazel reduces its Leadership by -1.

    Temptator: Those who come face-to-face with the awesome presence of Azazel risk gambling with their very souls. Many who see him lose their free will and become incapable of opposing him. They are used as playthings by Azazel until he grows bored of them and disposes of them as he sees fit.

    At the beginning of the Close Combat phase select one model is base contact with Azazel. The selected model must take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the victim is controlled by the Daemon player in that Close Combat phase. The model will direct its attacks against his own side. The model cannot be attacked by either side during that Close Combat phase but after combat resolution has been worked out, he reverts immediately to the original players control and can therefore use his Leadership for any Break tests and can be broken and pursued as normal. If the model has no friendly

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    models in base contact, it will not attack that round and attacks can be directed against it, hitting automatically.

    DAEMONIC GIFTS: Soporific Musk.

    Weapon: Daemonblade.

    Great Claw Azazel's left arm ends in a gigantic, lustrous claw.

    Azazel may make an additional attack at Strength 8 with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.

    Dark Halo Azazel is crowned by the Dark Halo of Slaanesh, marking him as the favoured one of the Prince Chaos.

    This halo gives Azazel a 4+ Ward save.

    Striking Tail Azazel has a huge double-headed tail. In battle he uses it to fend off the blows of his opponents.

    One model in base contact with Azazel (chosen by the Daemon player) will lose one attack. Declare which model will lose the attack before making any dice rolls.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Daemonblade Azazel wields a mighty enchanted blade, a deadly living weapon against which mortal armour is no proof.

    Magic Weapon. No armour saves are allowed against attack made with the Daemonblade.

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  • 20

    RAKARTH Beastlord of Karond Kar

    The Dark Elves have always made use of enslaved monsters, both for their fleets and for their land armies, but although there have been many famous Beastmasters in the past, none have approached Rakarth's consummate skill or expertise. It is said that the dungeons of Karond Kar are filled with creatures that Rakarth has tamed, and that amoungst them can be found one or more of all the creatures known in the Warhammer World.

    Even as a child Rakarth had an almost supernatural ability to subdue wild creatures. When Rakarth was only eight years old his father had been gifted with a particularly fine Dark Steed. The beast was called Bracchus and was faster and stronger than any other in the Rakarth stables, but it had a vicious temperament and would buck and rear uncontrollably if anyone tried to ride it.

    Rakarth's father attempted to break Bracchus, and was quickly hurled to the ground and almost trampled to death under the creature's hooves. Wild with fury,

    Rakarth's father ordered Bracchus destroyed, but Rakarth strode forward and asked if he might have one attempt to ride the creature, and that if he succeeded he might keep Bracchus for himself. Rakarth's father readily agreed, for Dark Elves love all forms of gambling, even above the safety of their own children. Rakarth slowly walked towards Bracchus, fixing the steed with his steely gaze. Bracchus was visibly shaken at the young child's ice-cold stare, recognizing instinctively that here was a being that out-matched it in sheer cruelty and ability to inflict pain. Lowering his head, Bracchus allowed Rakarth to jump easily on to his back, and meekly obeyed Rakarth's every command. From that day on Bracchus was Rakarth's faithful mount, serving him well until he was slain at the battle of Finuval Plain some 30 years later.

    The Black Dragon that Rakarth rides into battle now is named Bracchus in honour of the steed that he rode as a youth.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Rakarth 5 6 5 4 3 2 7 3 9 Bracchus 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 5 8

    POINTS: 475 (155 for Rakarth, 320 for Bracchus). TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero). Bracchus: Monster.

    EQUIPMENT: Whip of Agony, lance, Beast Armour of Karond Kar.

    SPECIAL RULES (Rakarth): Eternal Hatred.

    Beastlord: Any friendly monster taking a Monster Reaction test within 12" of Rakarth will always pass the required Leadership test. If the Beastlord is slain whilst riding his black dragon Bracchus, the dragon does not need to take a Monster Reaction test and will fight on as normal. In addition, a monster that is defeated in close combat by Rakarth becomes dominated by the Beastlord and will come under his control. This only applies to ridden monsters, and only once the rider is killed. The monster does not flee, but rather is moved back from Rakarth an inch, and is considered to be a part of the Dark Elf player's army immediately. The monster will remain under Rakarth's control for the remainder of the game. If Rakarth is killed then any monsters under his control revert to the control of their original owner. If Rakarth survives the battle, then any monsters under his control are assumed to be destroyed in regards for working out victory points. Note that an enemy does not get any victory points for killing a monster enslaved in such a way by Rakarth.

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    SPECIAL RULES (Bracchus): Fly, Terror, Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Noxious Breath. MAGIC ITEMS: Whip of Agony Belonging to the feared Beastlord Rakarth, the Whip of Agony inflicts damage that even the most thick-skinned and mindless creature can feel.

    Magic Weapon. Beastmasters Scourge. When wielding the Whip of Agony, Rakarth strikes with Strength 5. No other modifiers can ever modify this. In addition, at the beginning of any close combat phase, Rakarth may make a special attack with the Always Strikes First rule. Roll to hit as normal. If the attack hits, do not roll to wound like normal. Rather, the enemy model must take an immediate Ld test. Ridden monsters must test on their own Ld value. If that test is failed, they are overcome with pain, and must roll 6's to Hit in that round of close combat. After this special attack has been made, the combat continues as normal, and Rakarth may attack with his normal attacks.

    Beast Armour of Karond Kar: 1+ armour save. This cannot be improved by any means.

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    Kaldor the Cruel is the mastermind behind the Dark Elf attack against House Coraith, intent on seeking vengeance against his twin brother Calaidan. Their father chose Calaidan to take over as Lord of House Coraith, and ever after Kaldor has brooded and plotted his vengeance. He finally fell so low that he betrayed his family and joined the Dark Elves of Naggaroth to carry out his wicked plans.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Kaldor 5 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10 Dark Steed 9 3 0 3 3 3 4 1 5 POINTS: 250. TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Doomsinger, heavy armour, shield.

    SPECIAL RULES: Eternal Hatred.

    Bitter Hatred: Kaldor truly hates his High Elf kinsman for robbing him of his hereditary title and lands. Such is the hatred Kaldor feels towards his brother that he will always accept the challenge of single combat against him, and he will always issue it if Calaidan does not.

    Destiny: As said in the prophesy of the oracles of Isha, Kaldor can only perish in battle if he is slain by his brother. Kaldor may never lose his last wound or be slain by spells or magic items. The only exception is if he is in combat with Calaidan in which case he may be slain as normal. He may be broken in battle and caught in pursuit by an enemy apart from Calaidan as normal.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Doomsinger This is the twin sword of Deathsinger, Calaidan`s sword. It is decorated with one of the jewels called the Tears of Isha.

    Magic Weapon. At the beginning of each close combat phase, roll a D3. Kaldor may add the result of this to his Strength, Weapon Skill or Attacks value.

  • 23

    MALIDA Hag Queen of Karond Kar

    Malida is one of the ancient Hag Queens, the mistress of all the Witch Elves of Karond Kar. She demanded the right to cleanse Eagle Pass of defenders, knowing that ther wll not retreat, and will have to give their blood to Khaine, the Lord of Murder.

    She is one of the youngest Witch Elves ever to have risen to the status of Hag Queen. Though she is thousands of years old, Malida is still young compared to many of her sisters. In battle her thirst for blood has

    made her one of the deadliest servants of the Witch King, for she wishes to become the greatest of the Hag Queens ever to have ruled over the Sisterhood.

    Malida sees the campaign in the Shadowlands as a perfect opportunity to spill blood in the name of Khaine, and dreams of restoring the Great Temple of the Bloody-handed God in the ruins of Anlec to its former glory.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Malida 5 6 5 4 3 2 7 3 9 POINTS: 170. TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Blood Blades.

    SPECIAL RULES: Eternal Hatred, Frenzy.

    Blood Dance: Malida is swift and has unique style of fighting which gives her a 5+ Ward save.

    Devotee of Khaine: Malida may join units of Witch Elves only.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Blood Blades Malida is armed with two magic swords which eternally drip poisoned blood.

    Magic Weapon. Paired weapons. The Blood Blades have give Malida Strength of 5 and the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.

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    Caldath is the confident and arrogant Master Assassin of Karond Kar. He volunteered to destroy the Shadow Warrior camp, for he wishes to find his equal in combat, and the fame of the Shadow Prince is well

    known in the bleak land of Naggaroth. If he can slay Alatar then he will prove himself to be the superior sword master.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Caldath 6 9 9 4 3 2 10 3 10 POINTS: 150. TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Two hand weapons.

    SPECIAL RULES: Eternal Hatred, Khainite, Always Strikes First, Poisoned Attacks, Scout.

    Arrogance: Caldath the Black's arrogance is legendary and knows no bounds. He is always ready to accept any challenge to personal combat made by an opponent. He must always initiate and accept all challenges. When fighting in challenges, he gains +1 to Hit.

    Dodge: Caldath is one of the greatest ever Assassins of Karond Kar. His inhuman swiftness and lighting reflexes allow him to dodge attacks that would kill a normal man. As such, Caldath has a 4+ Ward save.

    General: Caldath is the leader of his own flock of Assassins. As such, he can be army General, and units in this army can use his Leadership value.

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    MORTHAROR Captain of the Harbringer of Pain

    Mortharor the Cruel is the captain of the Black Ark Harbinger of Pain. He is a merciless warrior and his name is feared in many coastal towns of the Warhammer world. He is utterly determined to cany out Kaldor's plan by destroying the High Elf Beacon of Pearls.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Mortharor 5 6 6 4 3 2 8 3 9 POINTS: 250. TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).

    EQUIPMENT: Dragons Claw, light armour, Sea Dragon cloak.

    SPECIAL RULES: Eternal Hatred, Slaver.

    Cruel: Mortharor's cruelty is legendary even amongst his own kind, and the Dark Elves are the cruellest of all the inhabitants of the Warhammer world. A unit that loses a round of combat against Mortharor suffer an additional -1 to their Leadership for the Break test taken that round.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Dragon's claw Mortharor uses a razor-sharp Dragon's claw in combat. The claw can rip any armour apart.

    Magic Weapon. The Dragons Claw gives Mortharor +1 to his Strength, has a -3 armour save penalty and the Multiple Wounds (D3 special rule).

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  • 27

    GROMBRINDAL The White Dwarf

    Every Dwarf, from the youngest beardling to the most wizened Longbeard, can recite the Saga of Grombrindal from memory. An epic tale that runs into many hundreds of verses, the Saga of Grombrindal tells how this Dwarf of legend strides the mountainous paths known only to the Dwarfs, appearing unannounced at times when his help is needed most.

    Quite who the White Dwarf truly is none know for sure. Some claim he is none other than Snorri Whitebeard of Karaz-a-Karak, the only Dwarf King to receive due honour and respect from the Phoenix King of the Elves. Others claim that he was once the paramour of Valaya and beloved of all the Dwarf gods. Whatever the truth, the Saga of Grombrindal contains these and no less than forty-three other suggestions. The White Dwarf is a hero from the time of legends and the knowledge that he walks the world today fills every Dwarfen heart with hope and pride.

    Many are the times when a solitary Dwarf, cloaked and hooded, has joined with a Dwarf army on the eve of a great and terrible battle. Solitary and stern, this mysterious figure keeps his own company, nursing his ale and stroking his lustrous white beard in silent contemplation. It is only when battle is joined that the true nature of this mysterious visitor is revealed, as the worn grey cloak is cast aside and, with ancient fire blazing in his eyes, Grombrindal reaps a bloody toll upon the hated foe.

    So it was at the battle of Whale Bridge, when Grombrindal held the causeway against the horde of An-Cas the Boastful, and the arrogant Goblin Boss was decapitated with a single blow. So it was at Bitter Peak, when the numberless ratmen were put to flight by the woefully outnumbered Miners from Barak-Varr, a white-bearded ancient holding their tattered ranks together with shouts of encouragement. So, too, it was at Cragmere, when the mightiest Dwarf heroes of the age crushed the advance of an army of Beastmen, Orcs and Goblins, and stood atop a mound of the fallen fully ten corpses deep. These tales and a thousand more besides all bear testament to Grombrindal's heroism and the miraculous nature of his arrival - always appearing when the flame of hope is guttering and the spirits of the Dwarfs are at their lowest ebb.

    On the eve of a battle, when dread looms over the hearts of the Dwarf host like a dark shadow, beardlings and Longbeards alike stoke the watchfires a little brighter and keep a tankard of ale aside in case a grey-cloaked stranger seeks to join the throng...

    This legendary Dwarf is known in Khazalid - the Dwarfish tongue as Grombrindal, which roughly translates as 'The White-bearded Ancestor'. He has been given many names over the centuries, but this is the one by which he is moat widely known.

    No one knows where thy White Dwarf will appear. He turns up wherever and whenever his folk are hard pressed. When the odds are against the Dwarfs, he comes. He has been seen many times throughout the long history of the Dwarfs, his strange and unexpected appearance In the darkest hour of battle is recorded in many sagas. Each time he appears, the tide has turned back in the Dwarfs' favour. There was the rime when Umthi the Doomed and his folk were surrounded by Goblins. When all seemed lost, the Goblin horde shrank back in dismay Umthi's clan warriors were heard to whisper in awe "the White Dwarf".

    Deep in the midst of the foe the white, bearded one could be seen swinging his mighty axe, cutting a swathe through the ranks of the enemy. Inspired by the sight, Umthi's folk, though bleeding and exhausted, took heart and surged forward one last time in a desperate effort to reach the White Dwarf, who stood alone amid the Goblins. When the victory was won, and Umthi gazed across the stricken field, the White Dwarf was gone and no trace of hint was found,

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    except- for the heaps of slain enemies. A shrine to Grombrindal now stands In this place, one of many throughout the Dwarf realms.

    Some say that the White Dwarf is none other than Snorri Whitebeard. the Dwarf King of Karat--a-Karak, who was the only Dwarf to receive the due and proper respect of the High Elf Phoenix King of Ulthuan. That was a long, long linty ago though - before the War of the Beard - and ilk is true, then the White Dwarf is truly an Ancestor, and in some uncanny way must surely have crossed the bounds of mortality.

    In the Saga of Grombrindal it says that he wanders the Worlds Edge Mountains, following the old Dwarf roads disguised as an aged prospector, swathed in it great cloak. He accepts a swig of good Dwarf ale from any traveller he meets and in return offers them a prophecy. Many are the times when a strange lone Dwarf of this wry description has been seen in the Dwarf camp on the eve of a great battle, keeping his own company.

    Sometimes such a figure has been seen walking the ramparts of a besieged stronghold and this is held as an omen of victory and hope. In the bank the following day the White Dwarf has appeared, bedecked in all his regal panoply of war, like some ancient king of legend, a true Ancestor, a figure come to life from the old Dwarf carvings.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld The White Dwarf 3 7 4 4 5 4 5 4 10 POINTS: 500.

    TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Rune Axe of Grimnir, Rune Helm of Zhufbar, Armour of Glimril Scales.

    SPECIAL RULES: Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless.

    Grombrindal has no Fear! The White Dwarf is so ancient and battle-hardened that he is Unbreakable. So fearless is he that if his chosen unit breaks and flees, for any reason, he will always stand his ground. If the unit was engaged in combat, he will stand firm and continue to fight while his unit flees, denying the foe the chance to pursue.

    Grombrindal can even join a unit that does not have the Unbreakable special rule - this is an exception to the normal Unbreakable rules.

    Disguised The White Dwarf wears a disguise until he is ready to reveal his true self. This disguise is usually in the form of a huge cloak he wraps around himself to conceal his enormous white beard, a clear sign of an Ancestor!

    If you wish, the White Dwarf may start the game hidden in the ranks of any Dwarf unit except a war machine and its crew. If disguised, the White Dwarf is not placed on the table during deployment, but is assumed to move along with the unit within which he is hidden. At the start of the game, make a note of which unit he is concealed in. If the unit is wiped out or flees then the White Dwarf will be revealed, and will stand his ground even though the rest of the unit may be fleeing or slain.

    The White Dwarf may reveal his true self at the start of any Close Combat phase. At this point he is immediately placed in the front rank of his chosen unit, displacing one of the normal rank-and-file models. If there are no such models in the front rank, then he must be placed in the second rank.

    Once revealed, the White Dwarf operates as any other character model.

    Note that if the White Dwarf is the Army General, then units can only benefit from his Leadership after he has been revealed.

    MAGIC ITEMS: Rune Axe of Grimnir The mighty axe wielded by the White Dwarf answers the description of the Rune Axe of Grimnir, mentioned in several sagas and legends. Perhaps Grimnir gave the legendary weapon to the White Dwarf?

    Magic Weapon. This axe gives Grombrindal +2 Strength and allows him to re-roll any failed rolls to hit and any failed rolls to wound. In addition, models

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    wounded by the Rune Axe of Grimnir must re-roll any successful armour saves. Rune Helm of Zhufbar Those Dwarfs who have glimpsed the awesome helmet worn upon the White Dwarf's troubled brow have described the sight they beheld. Runesmiths have identified this magnificent helmet as the Lost Rune Helm of Zhufbar, which vanished many years ago when that particular stronghold was overrun by greenskins.

    Magic Armour. Any fleeing unit of Dwarfs will pass Rally tests automatically if they are attempting to rally within 12" of the Rune Helm of Zhufbar.

    Armour of Glimril Scales After the Battle of Thraag, in which the White Dwarf slew 10,000 Warriors of Chaos to rescue the foolhardy Ungi No-Chance and his folk, a single scale of armour was found clenched in the teeth of the Lord of Chaos. It was forged from a metal totally unknown by the Dwarf folk. The Runesmiths were completely mystified and called it Glimril, believing that it had been forged by the Ancestor Gods themselves!

    Magic Armour. The Armour of Glimril Scales gives the White Dwarf a 1+ armour save, and also a 4+ ward save.

    Rune Cloak of Valaya The runes embroidered on the great cloak worn by the White Dwarf display, without doubt, that it was woven by Valaya herself. At least one saga relates that Valaya, the Dwarf Ancestor Goddess and protector of

    the Dwarf folk, fell in love with the White Dwarf on account of his magnificent white beard and gave him the cloak as a token of her esteem.

    Talisman. The White Dwarf has Magic Resistance (3) when wearing the Rune Cloak.

  • ALFRIK RANULFSSONDwarf King of Karak


    ALFRIK RANULFSSONDwarf King of Karak-Hirn

    "Now if anyone could help soothe the parched throat of an old warrior I could continue. When I was a young 'un there was never any need for a battle-scarred drink as his cup was always full. Nor was... oh, thank you." Durgrim drained the newly-filled flagon in a single long draught, wiping the foam from his moustache with the back of his hand as be banged the mug on the table to again. "Now where was I? Ob yes. The few noble Dwarfs left that keep the old ways. Thorek I've told you about, but there's also King Alrik Ranulfsson of Karak Even though he has to deal with all the lesser races who come to trade with him, King Aold ways. The army of Karak-Hirheart glad, with ranks of Clansmen and Ironbreakers backed up by loyal Dwarfs with crossboold days. None of your modern rubbish like fland Gyrocopters littering the place and stinking up the clean mountain air with their fumes. Don't know what those engineers were thinking. anyhow. Karak-Hirn is one of the younger holds, founded after the Great Quakes. It was a tragic time anwere great leaders. The founder of greatgreat- great-grandfatber, was one such Dwarf. Kurgaz was probably the tallest and strosmite an Elf He stood bead and shoulders abofollowers and could lift an entire ore wagoAs he fled the disasters of those dark timesfollowers, he happened upon the his new home: Karak-Hirn, the Hcamped with his kinsmen above ground inunusual and troubling practice but necesstrembling earth is twisting even the finesttunnels. As dusk drew in, the deep blare ofsounded across the valley Thinking his kindKurgaz rallied his bodyguard about him and set off towards the sound. They climbed for hours, feeling for handholds as they approached the sound which still sounded eerily across the mountains. Just as dawn broke, they reached a largstopped to rest. Without warning, the wind blew through the entrance of the cure, down the passageways and all around them, causing deep roar that bad summoned them. Kurgaz roared in but this time with laughter, and soon the whole of hbad tears running down their cheeks. 'It is a sign from Grungni,' he said, 'To show us how to laugh even times as these, and to show us a safe haven. ' And with that set about exploring his new domain. Over the years the caverns have bethe winds still blow through the Hornhall of KarakCleverly constructed doors, valves and hollows amplify the sound just so, and cunningly set fires draw the air through


    Now if anyone could help soothe the parched throat of an arrior I could continue. When I was a young 'un there

    scarred veteran to ask for a drink as his cup was always full. Nor was... oh, thank you."

    filled flagon in a single long draught, wiping the foam from his moustache with the back of his hand as be banged the mug on the table to be filled

    The few noble Dwarfs left that 've told you about, but there's

    also King Alrik Ranulfsson of Karak-Hirn.

    l with all the lesser races who , King Alrik has stayed true to the

    Hirn is a sight to make your smen and Ironbreakers backed

    by loyal Dwarfs with crossbows. Just like it was in the days. None of your modern rubbish like flame cannons

    place and stinking up the clean ir fumes. Don't know what those

    engineers were thinking. anyhow.

    ounger holds, founded after the ragic time and what were needed

    were great leaders. The founder of Karak-Hirn, Alrik's was one such Dwarf. Kurgaz

    probably the tallest and strongest of our kind ever to an Elf He stood bead and shoulders above his

    could lift an entire ore wagon single-banded. disasters of those dark times with his army of

    happened upon the mountain which would be Hirn, the Hornhold. Kurgaz was

    his kinsmen above ground in a small valley, an troubling practice but necessary when the

    twisting even the finest Dwarf-wrought drew in, the deep blare of a Dwarf warborn

    the valley Thinking his kind were in danger, his bodyguard about him and set off towards

    , feeling for handholds as they still sounded eerily across the

    mountains. Just as dawn broke, they reached a large cave and

    lew through the entrance of the ys and all around them, causing the

    summoned them. Kurgaz roared in turn, but this time with laughter, and soon the whole of his guard

    heir cheeks. 'It is a sign from Grungni,' he said, 'To show us how to laugh even in such

    s a safe haven. ' And with that be set about exploring his new domain.

    Over the years the caverns have been greatly enlarged, and ugh the Hornhall of Karak-Hirn.

    valves and hollows amplify the set fires draw the air through

  • the sounding chambers so that the mountain itself can bsounded to call the warriors to battle or scare away Tolls.Now as I said, young Alrik is even more traditional than his father Ranulf and his armies are a sight to make an old warrior glad. But there's more to him than that. For be has taken Karak-Hirn's Book of Grudges and soughsingleminded dedication to erase every slight. To this end be campaigns against greenskins, Skaven, or Elves and payment in blood for their past misdeeds. It is oftbear of bow our kin have been badly mistreated, but few seek vengeance like Alrik. He would erase every grudge by his clan, and if be lives long enough by Grungni he'll do it. Already he carries one of the volumes of the Boocompletely scoured of unpaid food-debts. Thisfollowers with boundless hope, as it does me and should you."

    Even amongst a race as steeped in custom and tradition as the Dwarfs, King Alrik is regarded as particularly devoted to the customs of his ancestors. Perhaps it is because Karak Him, as one of the Grey Mountains holds, is regarded by many Dwarfs as being somehow new and unproven (despite being several thousand years old) that makes Alrik such a stickler for the old ways. Borne into battle upon the shield of his greatgreat-great-Grandfather Kurgaz, considered a giamongst Dwarfs and founder of Karak Him, Alrik has endeavoured to settle many scores from the Karak Him Book of Grudges.

    M WS BS S TAlrik 3 7 4 4 5 POINTS: 380. TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Axe of Retribution, Hrappi

    SPECIAL RULES: Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless, Shield Bearers.

    Lord of the Hold: If Alrik is included in your army he must be your army General.

    Traditional army: Alrik doesn't trust the unusual machineries of the Engineers' Guild and only rarely includes them in his army. If Alrik is in the army thenGyrocopters, Flame Cannons and Organ Guns take up twice their points cost in Rare unit percentage allowed. In addition, your army cannot have more models armed with a handgun than a crossbow.

    RUNE ITEMS: Axe of Retribution As the Karak-Hirn Dwarfs fight their enemies, the bright flash of silver is easily seen as the Axe of Retribution rises and falls in deadly arcs. Alrik had this axe made especially for his crusade to avewrongs done to his Hold, and he has sworn not to let it rest until they have all been struck from the Book of Grudges.


    the sounding chambers so that the mountain itself can be ors to battle or scare away Tolls.

    even more traditional than his mies are a sight to make an old

    re to him than that. For be has es and sought with

    se every slight. To this end be reenskins, Skaven, or Elves and extracts a

    misdeeds. It is often that you badly mistreated, but few seek

    ik. He would erase every grudge ever held Grungni he'll do

    volumes of the Book, debts. This alone fills his

    dless hope, as it does me and should

    ven amongst a race as steeped in custom and tradition as the Dwarfs, King Alrik is regarded as particularly devoted to the customs of his ancestors. Perhaps it is because Karak Him, as one of the Grey Mountains holds, is regarded by many Dwarfs as being somehow new and unproven (despite being several thousand years old) that makes Alrik such a stickler for the old ways. Borne into battle upon the shield of his great-

    Grandfather Kurgaz, considered a giant amongst Dwarfs and founder of Karak Him, Alrik has endeavoured to settle many scores from the Karak Him

    T W I A Ld 5 3 4 4 10

    Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    Retribution, Hrappi-klad.

    Ancestral Grudge, Resolute,

    If Alrik is included in your army he

    Alrik doesn't trust the unusual neers' Guild and only rarely

    includes them in his army. If Alrik is in the army then Gyrocopters, Flame Cannons and Organ Guns take up twice their points cost in Rare unit percentage allowed. In addition, your army cannot have more models armed

    Dwarfs fight their enemies, the bright flash of silver is easily seen as the Axe of Retribution rises and falls in deadly arcs. Alrik had this axe made especially for his crusade to avenge the wrongs done to his Hold, and he has sworn not to let it rest until they have all been struck from the Book of

    Magic Weapon. Great weapon. has been inscribed with the Grmisses against one nominated Master Rune of Breaking (hits destroys opponents magical weapon).

    Hrappi-klad Suits of heavy golden armour are the traditional battle garb of the King of Karak Him and his Shield Bearers. They are plain and unadorned in the functionaof the Dwarfs, but the protection they offer is far greater than any suit of finely filigreed Elven armour.

    Magic Armour. Gromril armour. It is inscribed Rune of Shielding (2+ Ward

    Kurgaz's Shield This ancient shield bears a protective but is of tremendous size and is far too heavy to use normally. However, since it is a valued heirloom of their founder, the Kings of Karakbattle nowadays as a fighting platform borne by two of their strongest followers.

    Magic Armour. The Shield gives Alrik a

    Helm of Eagles The cunningly wrought runes on this ancient battlehelm give the wearer the sharp eyesight of the hunting eagle as he soars above his prey. No lurking assascan hide from him, nor secrets be held from him whilst he wears this helm. Alrik can see the details of enemy troops wherever they are on the battlefield.

    Enchanted Item. At the start of each Dwarf turn, Alrik may gaze at one enemy unit. Your opponereveal any hidden troops within the unit (such as Assassins or Night Goblin Fanatics) as well as all magic items carried by models within the unit.

    Karak-Hirn's Book of GrudgesThe Great Book of Grudges, Dammaz Kron, is held by the High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer, but this is not the only such book. In fact, each Hold has their own book, as indeed do many individual Dwarfs. Actually this is only one volume of the many that comprise Karak- Him's collection of grudges. However, this is a unique volume because all the grudges described in its pages have been avenged!

    Enchanted Item. This book gives Alrik the Hold Your Ground special rule, just like a Battle Standard

    When I were but a lad, my father, the King taught me three things: Never accept a gift from an Elf.Never trust gold that glistens in darkness.Never forget a grudge. On his deathbed I swore to uphold those values to me own dying day, and Grungi willing l will.

    King Alrik Ranulfsson of Karak Hirn

    Great weapon. The Axe of Retribution has been inscribed with the Grudge Rune (re-roll misses against one nominated enemy model) and the Master Rune of Breaking (hits destroys opponents

    Suits of heavy golden armour are the traditional battle garb of the King of Karak Him and his Shield Bearers. They are plain and unadorned in the functional manner of the Dwarfs, but the protection they offer is far greater than any suit of finely filigreed Elven armour.

    Gromril armour. It is inscribed with the Ward against missile attacks).

    shield bears a protective magical rune, but is of tremendous size and is far too heavy to use normally. However, since it is a valued heirloom of their founder, the Kings of Karak-Hirn still take it to

    nowadays as a fighting platform borne by two

    The Shield gives Alrik a 5+ Ward save.

    The cunningly wrought runes on this ancient battle-helm give the wearer the sharp eyesight of the hunting eagle as he soars above his prey. No lurking assassins can hide from him, nor secrets be held from him whilst he wears this helm. Alrik can see the details of enemy troops wherever they are on the battlefield.

    At the start of each Dwarf turn, Alrik may gaze at one enemy unit. Your opponent must reveal any hidden troops within the unit (such as Assassins or Night Goblin Fanatics) as well as all magic items carried by models within the unit.

    Hirn's Book of Grudges The Great Book of Grudges, Dammaz Kron, is held by

    rim Grudgebearer, but this is not the only such book. In fact, each Hold has their own book, as indeed do many individual Dwarfs. Actually this is only one volume of the many that comprise

    Him's collection of grudges. However, this is a e because all the grudges described in its

    Enchanted Item. This book gives Alrik the Hold Your ust like a Battle Standard.

    When I were but a lad, my father, the King taught me

    gift from an Elf. Never trust gold that glistens in darkness.

    On his deathbed I swore to uphold those values to me own dying day, and Grungi willing l will.

    Alrik Ranulfsson of Karak Hirn


    Kazador is the aged King of Karak Azul. He is a massive Dwarf, and incredibly strong even by the extraordinary standards of Dwarf kings. He is said to have once lifted a fully-laden ore pony which had stumbled and become trapped in a crevasse. In his younger dayscheerfully repeat the performance when challenged. It is said that he could (and frequently did) out drink all the Dwarfs in his kingdom. His younger days were full of feasting and fighting, bawdy songs and raucous humour, and, of course, battles. Lots of battles, so that the Orcs soon started to avoid the area altogether. Ruling over a kingdom surrounded by greenskins gave Kazador few worries. In fact he found it rather convenient, and spent the summer months hunting Goblins in the mountains.

    Sadly those days are long gone. Today nothing gives King Kazador joy. He no longer has any appetite and food always displeases him. Ale is always weak and is unable to lift his spirits. He no longer hunts Goblins in the mountains or bellows with laughter at some casual jest. Today he sits in the darkness of Karak Azul and broods. His subjects trace his decline to the Orc attack when Gorfang the Warlord of Black Crag infiltrated the stronghold, pillaging and looting. Although the Orcs were driven out they took captives, including many of Kazador's own kin. Even today Kazador knows that his own people are rotting in the dungeons of Black Crag, and so far he has been unable to recover them or to avenge their deaths (if dead they be).

    Kazrik, the king's son, suffered a fate nearly as bad. Captured along with his kin folk in the king's own throne room, the young Dwarf Lord was not taken captive but shaved and nailed firmly to Kazador's throne as a gesture of contempt. The king has promised half his hoard to the Dwarf who brings his kinsfolk back alive; a quarter of it to anyone who brings their dead bodies back to rest in Karak Azul. To anyone who kills Gorfang he has



    is the aged King of Karak Azul. He is a massive Dwarf, and incredibly strong even by the extraordinary standards of Dwarf kings. He is said to have once lifted a

    laden ore pony which had stumbled and become trapped in a crevasse. In his younger days he would cheerfully repeat the performance when challenged. It is said that he could (and frequently did) out drink all the Dwarfs in his kingdom. His younger days were full of feasting and fighting, bawdy songs and raucous humour,

    . Lots of battles, so that the Orcs soon started to avoid the area altogether. Ruling over a kingdom surrounded by greenskins gave Kazador few worries. In fact he found it rather convenient, and spent the summer months hunting Goblins in the mountains.

    adly those days are long gone. Today nothing gives King Kazador joy. He no longer has any appetite and food always displeases him. Ale is always weak and is unable to lift his spirits. He no longer hunts Goblins in the

    some casual jest. Today he sits in the darkness of Karak Azul and broods. His subjects trace his decline to the Orc attack when Gorfang the Warlord of Black Crag infiltrated the stronghold, pillaging and looting. Although the Orcs were

    k captives, including many of Kazador's own kin. Even today Kazador knows that his own people are rotting in the dungeons of Black Crag, and so far he has been unable to recover them or to avenge

    ffered a fate nearly as bad. Captured along with his kin folk in the king's own throne room, the young Dwarf Lord was not taken captive but shaved and nailed firmly to Kazador's throne as a gesture of contempt. The king has promised half his hoard to the

    warf who brings his kinsfolk back alive; a quarter of it to anyone who brings their dead bodies back to rest in Karak Azul. To anyone who kills Gorfang he has

    promised the pick of his treasures. Since Kazador is wealthy as only a Dwarf king can be this offa lot of excitement in the Dwarf realms. The only thing that lightens Lord Kazador's gloom is being able to settle old scores and to this end he has led armies all over the Dwarf realms. He has become a dark and brooding avenger, a pursuer oand callous destroyer of evil wherever he finds it. As he leads his armies into battle he sounds the great Thunderhorn to proclaim that King Kazador has come to take his revenge once more. Perhaps he hopes that one day he will meet Gorfang in battle, so that at last he can avenge himself on his enemy and lift the burden of responsibility that lies upon his heart.

    M WS King Kazador 3 7 POINTS: 350. TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Hammer of Karak Azul, Armour of the King of Karak Azul.

    SPECIAL RULES: Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless.

    RUNE ITEMS: The Hammer of Karak AzulThe great Hammer of Karak Azul has been borne by the royal line of Azul since the time of Grungnonly he lifted by a member of Kazador's clan. This mighty two-handed warhammer is forged from gromril, and it bears an unusually potent combination of runes.

    Magic Weapon. Any model wou(after saves) is automatically slain.Hammer of Karak Azul bears a Rune of Strikinand a Rune of Might (double Strength against T5 or more models).

    The Armour of the King of Karak AzulThis armour was forged in ancient days and is worn by the King of Karak Azul whenever he marches to war. It is forged from the finest gromril.

    Magic Armour. This Gromril armour bears the Master Rune of Adamant (+1T) and a Rune of Resistance (refailed armour saves).

    The Thunderhorn The Thunderhorn is carved from an ancient tuskhave been brought by the Dwarfs from the distant south in ages past. It has been carried into battle by every Lord of Azul since Karak Azul was founded.

    Enchanted Item. The Thunderhorn bears the Master Rune of Dismay (one use only, enemy units mudeclare charges next turn).

    KING KAZADOR OF KARAK AZUL promised the pick of his treasures. Since Kazador is wealthy as only a Dwarf king can be this offer has caused a lot of excitement in the Dwarf realms. The only thing that lightens Lord Kazador's gloom is being able to settle old scores and to this end he has led armies all over the Dwarf realms. He has become a dark and brooding avenger, a pursuer of his people's enemies, and callous destroyer of evil wherever he finds it. As he leads his armies into battle he sounds the great Thunderhorn to proclaim that King Kazador has come to take his revenge once more. Perhaps he hopes that one

    Gorfang in battle, so that at last he can avenge himself on his enemy and lift the burden of responsibility that lies upon his heart.

    BS S T W I A Ld 4 5 5 3 4 4 10

    Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    Hammer of Karak Azul, Armour of the

    Ancestral Grudge, Resolute,

    The Hammer of Karak Azul The great Hammer of Karak Azul has been borne by the royal line of Azul since the time of Grungni, and it can only he lifted by a member of Kazador's clan. This mighty

    handed warhammer is forged from gromril, and it bears an unusually potent combination of runes.

    Magic Weapon. Any model wounded by the hammer ) is automatically slain. In addition, the

    Hammer of Karak Azul bears a Rune of Striking (+1 WS) ouble Strength against T5 or more

    The Armour of the King of Karak Azul This armour was forged in ancient days and is worn by

    ever he marches to war. It is forged from the finest gromril.

    Magic Armour. This Gromril armour bears the Master Rune of Adamant (+1T) and a Rune of Resistance (re-roll

    The Thunderhorn is carved from an ancient tusk said to have been brought by the Dwarfs from the distant south in ages past. It has been carried into battle by every Lord of Azul since Karak Azul was founded.

    Enchanted Item. The Thunderhorn bears the Master Rune of Dismay (one use only, enemy units must pass Ld test to

  • 33

    KRAGG THE GRIM Master Runelord of Karaz-a-Karak

    Kragg is the Master Runelord of Karaz-a-Karak. He is the oldest and by far the greatest living Runesmith -a gnarled old Dwarf, strong and enduring as a weather-beaten oak. His mighty white beard reaches to his feet. His great beetling brows cover eyes deep as wells set over features as rough hewn as a granite cliff. His expression is one of eternal disapproval. This is quite normal for a Dwarf of his age who has seen many wonders and watched the inevitable decline of craftsmanship and respect. Runesmiths come from all over the Dwarf realms to sit at his feet and listen to his wise words. He knows many of the secrets of ancient days, long forgotten by others, and is a living link with near legendary past times.

    Kragg emerges only rarely from the Underhalls of Karaz. Within the city's deepest depths he has what virtually amounts to his own personal realm, a complex of mines and forges near the roots of the mountain where many Runesmiths labour on great projects under Kragg's supervision.

    Kragg is armed with the finest weapons that a Runesmith can fashion. His great hammer, which he forged when he was a young Master Runesmith, bears Kragg's own hidden and secret rune. The old Dwarf is jealous of his lore and protective of his reputation and so far he has not shared the secret of his master rune with any of his apprentices, so only he may use it. Perhaps someday the master will teach it to his successor, but so far he has not found a Runesmith worthy enough to inherit his knowledge.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Kragg the Grim 3 6 4 4 5 3 3 2 10 POINTS: 400. TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

    EQUIPMENT: Kraggs Hammer, Kraggs Armour.

    SPECIAL RULES: Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless, Rune Lore.

    RUNE ITEMS: Kragg's Hammer Kragg's Hammer hears Kragg's Master Rune. This will be the old Runesmith's greatest legacy to the Dwarf realms when he releases it, if he ever does. Kragg devised his rune to aid him when forging. It heats up the hammer till it glows red hot and then transfers the heat to whatever it hits. It also drives the hammer forward with crushing force. The hammer is so hot that enemy affected by fire are affected by the hammer as if it were actually burning.

    The bearer counts as having a Strength of 10, and in addition has the effects of a Rune of Fire (Flaming Attacks) and a Rune of Fury (+1A).

    Kragg's Armour Kragg's armour is forged from heavy gromril. Over the years the Runelord has laboured long and hard on it, turning each separate component into a lovingly crafted work of art.

    Kraggs armour bears a Master Rune of Gromril (1+ armour save), a Rune of resistance (re-roll failed saves) and a Rune of Warding (Magic Resistance (1).

    Kraggs Runestaff This ancient staff of oak is adorned with the skull of a minotaur which Kragg slew while still a youth of just a hundred winters. The skull has been coated in brass to preserve it.

    Talisman. Kragg's staff bears the Rune of the Furnace (immune to fire attacks), two Runes of Spellbreaking (auto dispels) and a Master Rune of Balance (take one power dice from enemy and add to dispel pool).

  • 34

    BURLOK DAMMINSON Engineer Guildmaster

    The Dwarf Engineers Guild is an ancient and enduring craftsguild. The craftsguilds are special clans, where fathers pass on their skills and knowledge to their sons. Burlok son of Dammin is the Guildmaster of the entire Engineers Guild, the leader and most important Dwarf in the entire Guild. It is the engineers who make the pumps and engines which keep the Dwarf mines from flooding, and who construct the more technical engines of war such as the flame cannons and gyrocopters. Engineers are very traditional in their views and take great pride in their workmanship. Dwarf machines are covered with ornate brasswork, elegant decoration, and precise engineering. Such things bring tears of joy to the eyes of Dwarf craftsmen, and Burlok is no exception in his respect. He is also a great traditionalist who discourages innovation and

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