sparkles #21

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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The birthday issue :-)


Inside this issue:

Poets from the

Lake District


Oscars 4

Critical Thinking









Inside Story 6

Did you know? - DR. SEUSS

Theodor Seuss Geisel (March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991) was an American writer and cartoonist.

He was most widely known for his children's books, which he wrote and illustrated under the

pseudonym Dr. Seuss. His 46 published children's books are characterized by imaginative characters,

rhyme, and frequent use of anapestic meter. The most-celebrated ones include the bestselling Green

Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, The 500 Hats of Bar-

tholomew Cubbins, Fox in Socks, The King's Stilts, Hop on Pop, Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose, Horton

Hatches the Egg, Horton Hears a Who!, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas!. His works have spawned

numerous adaptations and he won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1985 and again in 1961. His

birthday, March 2, has been adopted as the annual date for National Read Across America Day, an

initiative on reading created by the National Education Association. ▪ I.P.

Once upon a time in MARCH

March 1, 1974 - Seven former high-ranking officials of the Nixon White House were indicted for conspiring to obstruct

the investigation into the Watergate break-in.

March 5, 1770 - The Boston Massacre occurred as a group of rowdy Americans harassed British soldiers who then

opened fire, killing five and injuring six.

March 5, 1946 - The "Iron Curtain" speech was delivered by Winston Churchill at Westminster College in Fulton,

Missouri. Churchill used the term to describe the boundary in Europe between free countries of the West and nations of

Eastern Europe under Soviet Russia's control.

March 10, 1862 - The first issue of U.S. government paper money occurred as $5, $10 and $20 bills began circulation.

March 10, 2013 - The first issue of Sparkles© magazine was published online.

March 12, 1938 - Nazis invaded Austria, then absorbed the country into Hitler's Reich.

March 12, 1994 - The Church of England ordained 32 women as its first female priests. In protest, 700 male clergy

members and thousands of church members left the church and joined the Roman Catholic Church which does not allow

women priests.

March 15, 44 B.C. - Julius Caesar was assassinated in the Senate chamber in Rome by Brutus and fellow conspirators.

After first trying to defend himself against the murderous onslaught, Caesar saw Brutus with a knife and asked "Et tu,

Brute?" (You too, Brutus?) Caesar then gave up the struggle and was stabbed to death.

Issue 21/15 March 2015 Monthly newsletter for and by English learners and teachers Editors:

Maja Ivanović, prof. Komercijalna i trgovačka škola Bjelovar

Irena Pavlović, prof. mentor Srednja škola Čazma



And that is all true. But there isn't

much we can do about it. We

can choose to be negative and

pessimistic, but the situation won't

change - just because we are

bitter, angry or even depressed,

the world is not going to turn

itself upside down. What is more

likely is that our students will

become the same, reflecting our

disappointment and showing the

same level of 'enthusiasm'.

However, what we can do is

change our perception of how

things are. It simply isn't true

there is nothing good in our

everyday work - if nothing else,

there are many amazing young

people with a strong desire to

learn. And because of them we

have to enter the classroom with

a smile, ready to do our best,

give them all they need and

motivate them to make a step


Just like we have made. Instead

of whining, we've put our heads

together, we've created

something and hopefully given

a good example. Thanks to all

those wonderful people who

have helped to make the spark

even bigger. Let's keep up the

good work. All of us. ▪ I.P.

Two. We are turning two.

And it feels like it's been only a

few months since the two of us

were sitting on a bus, discussing

what it means to be a teacher in

the 21st century classroom and

teach teenagers nowadays. We

have recognized the need for

quick access to information, for a

variety of topics which should be

3in1: interesting, useful and fun,

and for fresh ideas to spice up

our everyday life in and out of

the classroom. But most of all, we

have shown it is possible to be

constructive in today's world.

Most people see only the

negative side of everything and

never do anything but complain.

The laws that we need to obey

are faulty, the programmes we

are supposed to follow are

outdated, there is not enough ICT

equipment in our classrooms, we

are overworked and underpaid.

And so on and so forth.


Romana Gašpar, prof. mentor

School of Economics and Tourism Daruvar


Page 2


The Lake District, also known as

The Lakes or Lakeland, is a

mountainous region in North West

England. It is a haven wherein you

can experience nature at its very

best. Historically split between

Cumberland, Westmorland and

Lancashire, the Lake District is now

entirely in Cumbria. The land which

comprises this district is nested at

the middle of breath-taking terrains,

crystal clear glaciers and serene

bodies of water. It is a popular

holiday destination, famous not only

for its lakes, forests and mountains

(or fells) but also for its literary


So, do you like what you see on

these pictures? Fancy this amazing

landscape? Feel like taking a walk

and draw some inspiration from the

lakes, woods and picturesque

villages? Well, you are not the only

one. With a template as

beautiful as this, it is no wonder that

the district has been home to some

of the most famous poets in English

literature. The spectacular landscape

has been a huge influence on the

Romantic poets of the late 18th and

19th century, known today as the

Lake District Poets.

The first poet who decided to come

to this beautiful part of England is

also the Lake District’s best known

son, William Wordsworth. Apart

from his sister, Dorothy,

Wordsworth took with him his

greatest friend, Samuel Coleridge,

who already had a considerable

reputation as a poet, having

produced some of his best-known


Together with Robert Southey and

Thomas de Quincey and, later on,

John Ruskin and Alfred Tennyson,

they sought creative inspiration

among the dramatic peaks,

meandering tarns and misty fells and

left a significant trail not only in

English literature, but also on the

entire history of poetry. ▪ I.P.

Page 3


Wordsworth was born in Cumbria, in 1770. His parents died

at an early age, leaving him and his four siblings orphans. The

course of his early life brought about his interest and

sympathy for the life, troubles and speech of the “common

man” which proved to be of the utmost importance to his

entire work.

Wordsworth’s earliest poetry was published in 1793 in the

collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. Beside

his family life, equally important in his poetic life was his

friendship with Coleridge. It was with him that Wordsworth

published the famous Lyrical Ballads in 1798. While the poems

themselves are some of the most influential in Western

literature, it is the preface to the second edition that remains

one of the most important testaments to a poet’s views on

both his craft and his place in the world.

Wordsworth’s most famous work, The Prelude (1850), is

considered by many to be the crowning achievement of

English romanticism. The poem, revised numerous times,

chronicles the spiritual life of the poet and marks the birth of

a new genre of poetry.

Wordsworth spent his final years settled at Rydal Mount in

England, travelling and continuing his outdoor excursions.

Devastated by the death of his daughter, he seemingly lost

his will to compose poems and died in 1850, leaving his wife

to publish The Prelude three months later.

The leader of the British Romantic movement was born in

1772, in Devonshire. The youngest of fourteen children,

Coleridge was a student at his father’s school and an avid

reader. His father had always wanted his son to be a

clergyman but his views began to change over the course of

his early years when, together with Robert Southey, he

constructed a vision of pantisocracy and planned emigrating

to the New World and set up a commune there. However,

the project was abandoned and Coleridge began his career

as a writer.

In 1795 Coleridge befriended Wordsworth, who greatly

influenced his verse. While his early work had been

celebratory and conventional, he began writing in a more

natural style. The following year, he published his first

volume of poetry, Poems on Various Subjects. He lived near

Wordsworth in Somersetshire and they collaborated on a

joint volume of poetry - the collection that is considered the

first great work of the Romantic school of poetry and

contains Coleridge’s famous poem, The Rime of the Ancient


Over the next two decades Coleridge lectured on literature

and philosophy, wrote about religious and political theory,

and lived on Malta in an effort to overcome his poor health

and his opium addiction, off of financial donations and grants.

He published poetry and prose, notably Sibylline Leaves, Aids

to Reflection, and Church and State and died in London in 1834.


Page 4



The Oscars, which used to be known as The Academy Awards until 2013, is an annual American awards ceremony honouring cinematic

achievements in the film industry. The various category winners are awarded a copy of a statuette, officially the Academy Award of Merit,

better known by its nickname Oscar. The awards, first presented in 1929, are overseen by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and

Sciences. Although there are some twenty-five categories all together, some are considered more important that the others. Here are the

ones usually highlighted, together with the 2015 winners. ▪ I.P.

Best Picture, Best Directing &

Best Original Screenplay


(or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Best Actor

Eddie Redmayne

The Theory of Everything

as Stephen Hawking

Best Actress

Julianne Moore

Still Alice

Best Supporting Actor

J. K. Simmons


as Terence Fletcher

Best Supporting Actress

Patricia Arquette


as Olivia Evans

Best Adapted Screenplay

The Imitation Game

Graham Moore from Alan Turing:

The Enigma by Andrew Hodges

Best Original Song

"Glory" from Selma

Music and Lyrics by

John Legend and Common

A TRIP TO SARDINIA After having finished the first project year successfully, with mobilities to France and Spain, and hosting our

partners in Daruvar and showing them the beauties of the Plitvice lakes, the second project year started with

a trip to Arzachena, Sardinia, Italy. Students Davor Brkić, Matija Ivan Volšanski and Hrvoje Heron were

privileged to enjoy the beauties of Sardinia and Venice. Davor and Matija had a task of presenting the

traditional cuisine of our region and Croatia, rural houses and farms, while Hrvoje had to bake Peasant’s pie,

prepared according to the traditional recipe of this area. Dinka Ivanović, headteacher, Miroslava Bukač Nađ,

culinary teacher and Romana Gašpar, the project coordinator, also participated in this mobility.

Beside doing the tasks and discussing the tasks for the next mobility in Romania, the hosts justified the name of

the project My Heritage, Your Holiday by taking us to see the beautiful National park Arcipelago di La

Maddalena, natural stone formation Capo d'Orso and Nuraghe La Prisciona, ancient ruins from

Nuragic civilization. The Croatian team also got a chance to see Venice.

Being hosted by Italian families was the highlight for the students as not only did they get to know how they

live but they needed to use foreign languages to communicate and they could all hang around together.

Matija Ivan Volšanski said about his trip to Sardinia: “I had never flown by plane before and the flight from

Venice to Olbia, together with all the things I saw and experienced, was an out-of-this-world experience for

me. Sardinia was like a movie scene…sunshine, beaches, palm trees….The Italians are warm and friendly, their

food is excellent…. The hardest thing was having to say goodbye to my new friends.“ ▪ R.G.

Page 5


Page 6


"Habits of Mind are dispositions that are skillfully and

mindfully employed by characteristically intelligent,

successful people when they are confronted with problems,

the solutions to which are not immediately

apparent. When we draw upon these mental resources,

the results are more powerful, of higher quality, and of

greater significance than if we fail to employ those habits."

Thus, they are useful and even necessary for both, teachers

and students. Take a couple of minutes and explore them...


Have you tried…. creating a class blog or Wiki???

Encourage your students to respond to in-class lessons or

current events and topics, and devise a system for posting

thoughts, news or impressions of them to a class blog or

Wiki. They will love improving their creative writing skills

and seeing their work appear online, and parents will love

being able to feel more connected to the classroom. As the

school year progresses, it's often great fun to watch a class'

page fill up with posts and discussions, and see students,

parents, and educators engage in more frequent and

ongoing dialogue.

Page 7

1. Select the right platform to communicate. √

2. Send large files. √

3. Take a screenshot on PC, Mac, and mobile devices. √

4. Appreciate memes. √

5. Explain how and why to use technology to those who don’t use it. √

6. Use digital media in light of privacy, copyright, and other legal issues. √

7. Communicate clearly. √

8. Search for, install, organize, use, and delete apps. √

9. How to create, open, use, and share a variety of file types. √

10. Help students share files. √

11. Subscribe to and manage YouTube channels, podcasts, learnist and

pinterest boards, and other dynamic sources of digital media. √

12. Create and maintain digital portfolios. √

13. Blog. √

14. Share learning data with students. √

15. Research effectively. √

16. Manage your own social media and internet use. √

17. Plan around a lack of technology elegantly. √

18. Personalize learning. √

19. Troubleshoot stuff that breaks. √

20. Skim and process large quantities of information. √

21. Use the cloud to your advantage. √

22. Model digital citizenship. √

23. Casually name-drop reddit. √

24. Support students in finding their own voice. √

25. Use formal or informal learning management systems. √

26. Leverage the relationship between physical and digital media. √

27. Highlight the limits of technology. √

28. Visualize learning data for students. √

29. Record, process, mash, publish, and distribute digital media. √

30. Connect with other educators both in person and online. √


The 20th issue of Sparkles© listed the twenty-five signs you’re

teaching in 2015, showed the components of the 21st century

classroom, compared the 20th and 21st century view of education and suggested a few ways of morphing into a new millennium

teacher. Now, we give you a list of things every modern teacher

needs to know. Make sure you tick off all the items on it.

~ MISCELLANEOUS ~ English language competition - county level

On February 26, the county level of the English language competition for second and fourth-grade students was held in High school Čazma.

The atmoshpere was great, the students did really well, and the mentors were extremely proud. Here are the results. Congratulations,


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