spanish for badasses

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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Improve The Spanish Language - Spanish For Badasses

Who is this Learning Spanish Book meant for? This Learning Spanish Book is meant for those Spanish American Students who can at least read in English, for those Spanish American Students who can’t get enough, for those who are the most experts whom are always learning (whether these ones are Spanish teachers or not); of course, these ones not being native speakers of the Spanish language, and specially for those who are BADASSES Spanish students.

Si quieres Aprender o mejorar el Idioma Ingles descargar el libro:

Ingles Para Badasses, al hacer clic sobre este botón.

You Decide

! ! If you want to improve your English Language, you can

download: English For Badasses by clicking on button.


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Who is this Learning Spanish Book meant for? This Learning Spanish Book is meant for those Spanish American Students who can at least read in English, for those Spanish American Students who can’t get enough, for those who are the most experts whom are always learning (whether these ones are Spanish teachers or not); of course, these ones not being native speakers of the Spanish language, and specially for those who are BADASSES Spanish students. It is highly recommended that if you’re going to read this book, you should read it completely, as it represents an idea as a whole; and therefore it’s highly likely that you might misunderstand it, if you don’t get to read it entirely.


I want you to notice that this learning Spanish system, of which we’ll be explaining here, with just one week of using it, you will notice whether it’s worth continuing learning from it or not. I challenge you to use the methodology provided in this book. At the end of this document you will get your first Spanish lesson completely free, do not forget to download it. We will be posting at least a lesson a week at Note: This Book contains several links, which by clicking on the images and/or the words in blue called click, they’ll prompt you to where the products of which we’ll be speaking here are..


Hi I’m a native Spanish speaker and in this book, and I’ll be speaking a lot on how I’ve been able to really improve my American English language. So what I’d like you to know is that although I’ll be talking mostly about how I’ve been learning the English language, the process is the same for learning Spanish. So don’t get confused. What I’m trying to say is, If I’ve been able to get better at my English using the methodology that I’m going to tell you, I’m completely sure that is a no-brainer that you can learn or improve your American Spanish language from it too. I mean, through the English version of this course, It’s how I’ve been learning how to understand, to read, to speak, to think and even to write (well a least a small amount of it) correctly in English without focusing on grammar rules, I mean, I’ve just been basically learning sentences and phrases.


A Huge Apology Disappointed My Story I Went Shopping on the Internet Speeding Things Up Everything but Easy Impatient As Kids Native Speakers Fair Use Doctrine It’s Important to buy the film AudioVisual Book AudioVisual Lesson (AL) Virtual TextBook (VT) Vocabulary Support (VS) Repeat At Least 7 Times Lines

The Standing up Thing Actor/Actress Just Play Them All Do Not Learn a Word Alone The Out Loud Thing is Important To Think in English Memorizing and Learning Friends This is Amazing What Do You Need? What You Have to Keep in Mind I don’t have the answer Babies have to Spend from 24 to… Course of Millions of Dollars Focus on One Thing By Impact

By Repetition Just Think About it! It Only Depends on You Download your First Lesson PowerPoint Viewer Microsoft Office 2010 Bilingual Community Property Share it! I Thank You! Love

9 10 11 24 28 30 33 34 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

45 46 48 49 50 52 55 58 59 60 73 83 84 85 86 87

88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99

Table of Contents


The Perfect English Learning Guide

mistakes in the process of reading this book, so please, I really do need you guys to bear with me, Now, with the cards put on the table, let me start by telling you what this is all about.

First of all, I want you to know that I owe you a huge apology. Why am I telling you this? Just because my writing skills are certainly horrible; as a result, you might run into a few

A Huge Apology

provided by a lot of English companies; most of them, right from the internet. And I should add that I was able to complete them…

As an English student, in the recent past, I had been very disappointed. Why am I telling this? Well, it’s only because I had used a gigantic amount of learning English methods


… However, after that, I realized that my listening and speaking skills weren’t that good at all. And to be honest, I didn’t care too much about having good writing abilities at that point. Well, the story is this one:

I was living in the country where I was burn, and one day I was wondering something like: What would I be doing If I was living in the United States right now with the amount of English I already know?…

My Story

… Would I be able to understand the people? With those questions, it’s how everything happened. I must say that I didn’t get on an airplane and leave the country right off the bat.

However, what I did do, it was to take all the original movies and TV series that I had bought in the past of which I had at home, some of them are…

My Story

… relatively old ones such as Just Shoot Me and Friends, and then after watching some of the episodes, I realized that I was really wasting all my time and money for years…


My Story click

… Pretty much killing myself trying to learn how to manage the English language. Seriously, you guys what I felt back then it was terrible…


My Story cl


… I mean, for example, let’s say that the vocabulary of a native English speaker is of an 100%. Well, what I suppose I felt, it was like I was understanding just 5%,

from the TV series vocabulary. From Just Shoot Me, I watched the first two seasons completely, and from Friends…

My Story

… I only got watched the first two episodes, and I should add that I wasn’t using any subtitles just because REAL PEOPLE DO NOT USE ANY SUBTITLES WHEN THEY SAY SOMETHING TO YOU (yeah, I know they weren’t real people in

my room, and that I wasn’t capable of really being next to them and touch them, but I was thinking mentally as if they were real, so I didn’t need to leave the country in order to be around English speakers) and being honest with you guys…

My Story

… I felt really scared and like a total loser, since I had spent all my time, strengths and enthusiasm, attempting to understand this totally difficult language. As a result, I have to tell you guys that I truly wanted to give up.

YEAH I WANTED TO QUIT LEARNING ENGLISH. I mean, the amount of stuff I was understanding back then, it was so low…

My Story

… I definitely did not know what else to do. So I threw myself in bed, then I was seeing the ceiling and thinking to myself, I thought something like,

Geez, I had spent a lot of time at this. I shouldn’t give up now, I certainly cannot quit…

My Story

… However, there was huge problem, I kind of didn’t have new English lessons, then to top it off, I was out of Just Shoot Me new seasons too.

From Friends I had nearly a complete season, but I didn’t want to watch it, because it was too difficult for me to know what they were talking about…

My Story

… So I decided to watch Just Shoot Me once again, and guess what guys! First, let me express myself clearly. I want you to know that I’m not a scientist,

and that these percentages that I’m writing in this book; they’re absolutely not provided by a group of scientists using a machine or something like that…

My Story

… I mean, the less thing I’d like is for you to get me wrong. What I’m trying to say, it’s that I’m using percentages in order to get across

or communicate the ideas that I’d like you to understand. Yet again speaking about Just Shoot Me…

My Story

… When I started rewatching the first episode, all of a sudden, I realized that I was understanding so much more than when I did so at first.

And I was kind of like, Oh my God, wait! Wait! Hold your horses buddy! Why can I understand what you’re talking about now?...

My Story

… It’s not like, I was getting everything they were talking about. However, it was like a big jump from 5% to pretty much 30%. And I’m going to tell you the truth guys,

I felt awesome at that moment, and right after that, I became aware of this is how the babies learn their respective native languages…

My Story

… What did I do next? Well, I went shopping on the Internet, and there was a TV series that I always wanted to watch one more time and more or less I had a perfect excuse to do so, that one was

Malcolm In The Middle, I bought the first season, I also bought a bundle of three season of Arrested Development as well as 4 seasons of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia…

I Went Shopping on the Internet

… And some animated movies. I know that some of the TV series that I’ve been talking about so far, they’re relatively old ones, but honestly, the old ones are

the best for learning, Why? Because , you have...



I Went Shopping on the Internet

already watched and heard them in your won tongue. And therefore, that may help you to combine what you have understood with your own native language with what you’re learning using your brand new language, which in this case is Spanish…




I Went Shopping on the Internet

… And how I said before I’m not a scientist, and I don’t want to sound arrogant either. However I do know I’m saying; I mean, when I’m watching a movie in Spanish I automatically start to translate it into English mentally…



I Went Shopping on the Internet

… Without even looking for it, it’s like I can’t control it; it’s great, that’s what I meant when I was saying (combine with). Well, after a couple months I got watched all those TV series and movies.

I remember that I thought of something like, God!, okay , my listening skills little by little are improving, but then again, Jesus Christ!, I really need to speed things up…

Speeding Things Up

How could I get better at my listening and speaking skills at the same time? Then, the idea arrived without hesitation, and that idea was to edit the movies I had.

And this is what I’ve been doing since then, I mean, this method that God had helped me to build. It really works! Of course that the only way for you to know if this is true: It’s just by trying this method out.

Speeding Things Up

I’m not telling you that this method is going to help you to learn the easy way, because this methodology that I’m going to detail you guys, in no time, it is everything but easy.

I mean, if you looking for a weak and easy way of learning Spanish, maybe this is not the right course for you. Don’t stop reading this though.

Everything but Easy

Let’s continue with all this. As I said in the beginning of this learning Spanish book

I wasn’t burn in the United States, but on the other hand, I’m an American citizen, I know, I know, who cares about that?...

Everything but Easy

… I don’t want you guys to get me wrong, I’m not telling you this in order to show off or something like that. I’m telling you this, because I need you to understand that through these techniques;

I’ve been able to get across ideas with native English speakers back and forth without any problems…

Everything but Easy

… Now, If you have gotten to this point, I suppose you might be feeling a least a little impatient. Okay. Don’t worry, I’ll start to describe you all of this right now. So, how was I be able to totally improve my English?

Well, I’ve been editing some of movies that I’ve been buying through the Internet as well as I purchased some programs such as TextAloud, Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary…


… And the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. As kids native speakers use cartoons, movie films, TV series, books, music and even video games to learn and improve their languages, here we’re kind of going to be using same stuff

to learn Spanish what I’m trying to say, it’s that in America everyone knows who Batman and Superman are. So we also need to get to know them, but this time through the Spanish language.

As Kids Native Speakers

How can you all start learning Spanish with this system? Well, I’ll be releasing parts of animated movie films and normal movie films.

Now, all these parts of which we’re going to be using here, we’ll be calling them AudioVisual Lessons (AL), and we’re going to be using them under The Fair Use Doctrine. What is fair use thing about?...

Fair Use Doctrine

… Fair Use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders.

Examples of Fair Use include commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship…

Fair Use Doctrine

… As you’ve read above, since I’m teaching you to learn Spanish, we kind of fell in the place where is says: Teaching. Now, considering that the Fair Use has limited use, we’re just going to be

releasing parts (AL) of films which pretty much will contain vocabulary only. So you will need to buy the movie films that we’re going to be studying in the Spanish lessons in question…

Fair Use Doctrine

… In order to understand it from the beginning to the end completely. I mean, in the plots of the movies there are a lot of scenarios and details that you strongly must see to know

what the characters are talking about. And the advantages of having the entire movie film doesn’t stop there…

It’s Important to buy the film

… What did I mean by that? Well, what I’m trying to say now is quite simple and it’s that after you get finished all lessons from a movie story, you’ll have something like sort of an AudioVisual Book, in fact,

that’s how I’ve been calling the movies and cartoons that I have been using to learning English, I mean, I don’t see them like movies/cartoons anymore, but books. Isn’t it great?

AudioVisual Book

The parts of films or AudioVisual Lessons (AL) that I’ll be rolling out, They’ll be having around from 4 to 8 minutes in length.

Each AL will have a Virtual TextBook (VT) along with it, and the VT will have its dictionary of vocabulary (Vocabulary Support [VS]) integrated in it…

AudioVisual Lesson (AL)

How are you going to be using the AudioVisual Lessons and the Virtual TextBooks? Well, You’ll watch and listen to the AL in question at a good…


Virtual TextBook (VT)

… volume level (you have to listen to everything clearly) at least four times before reading the VT, and one more time after reading it (5 times in total).


Vocabulary Support (VS)

Well, to be honest with you guys, the Virtual TextBook is the hardest part of all this matter, and it isn’t because is long, since it is not long at all, but because you have to

repeat each and every single line at least 7 times in order to allow the reading to stick in your brain. (You guys, in this situation a line is a phrase, sentence or a multiple group of them…

Repeat At Least 7 Times

… It doesn’t matter the amount, since the union of them reflects a complete idea. You can see a line in the VT under a number (46) and a real white line, like the one that is marked with a red semicircle in the picture).



Furthermore, You need to use the Virtual TextBook and the AudioVisual Lesson for 7 days in a row, and wait I haven’t finished yet,

while you’re reading the Virtual TextBook you have to be standing up, yeah! This standing up thing is really important…

The Standing up Thing

… Why is this important? Well, It’s just because you shouldn't be reading the VT in a careless way. You’ve got to do the opposite of that;

I mean, you have to read every Virtual TextBook with a lot of care, Why? It’s quite simple because while you’re reading the VT you’re going to be an actor/actress…


… I mean, you have to feel yourself and act as if you were a real actor/actress, (Note: I’m not telling you something like you have to do this

thing so real that you somehow end up crashing your head against the wall or something that)…


… In other words, If you have to play like a man, a woman, a car, a dog whatever or whoever that/who is able to speak Spanish, play it, just play them all. Now, regarding the standing up thing.

It would be better off for you being alone in a room, since you going to spend a bunch of time studying in there, It would be a good thing for you not to be disturbed by someone, believe me!

Just Play Them All

When you read a line, you have to read the entire sentence or phrase, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT LEARN A WORD ALONE, Why? Because a word alone means nothing; of course, unless that particular

word is self-explanatory. When you read a line on your computer’s screen, you need to hold the line idea in your mind and then, take your eyes off from your computer’s screen…

Do Not Learn a Word Alone

… while you’re saying the line, you have to do it OUT LOUD. It’ll be just as if you were memorizing your respective speech for your school or collage. I really want to emphasize concerning the

OUT LOUD thing; while you’re holding a line idea mentally and you’re repeating it, you’ve got to do it OUT LOUD, it’s just as if you were talking to a person who is like 12 feet away from you.

The Out Loud Thing is Important

Now, you might be thinking that I must be kind of crazy; and you know what? I don’t blame you, because maybe, I probably am. Perhaps the speaking out loud or aloud thing doesn’t

make any sense to you, but let me tell you that when you’re speaking out loud, you’re capable of noticing when you’re saying anything the right or wrong way…

The Out Loud Thing is Important

… Your tongue get accustomed to the new words you’re learning, and what it could be slightly more important from my point of view: It’s that when you’re speaking out loud,

you’re capable of listening to your own voice in Spanish, and let me tell you that the ability of listening to your own voice in Spanish is what it’s going to help you TO THINK IN SPANISH…

To Think in English

… Yes, that’s right, that’s what you just read, TO THINK IN SPANISH, and as I’ve been saying over and over again, I’m not a scientist or something, I’m just talking about my own experience using the English version of this course.

Allow me to tell you how this thing happened! At the first few weeks when I began using this method, I suddenly started to feel a lot of thoughts (ideas) in English floating around in my head back and forth…

To Think in English

… It was something really great and uncomfortable at the same time, why was it great? Well, it was great just because I was FINALLY starting to think in English, Why was it uncomfortable? It was because

I was translating my ideas into a brand-new language that I couldn’t handle very well at will at that time, and that was just because of the lack of vocabulary that I had back then.

To Think in English

When I said before this: “It’s just as if you were memorizing your respective speech for your school or collage”. I didn’t mean that you really have to memorize anything,

but that you have to try to learn everything. Memorizing and learning are not the same thing, in any language…

Memorizing and Learning

… What am I saying? Well is simple, when you memorize something you could easily forget that thing, anyway, when you learn something, that thing becomes part of you

it is too difficult for you to forget it. I mean, in your own language you have learned what an apple is, it’s nearly impossible for you to forget it, that thing is already part of you…

Memorizing and Learning

… On the other hand, maybe you had tried to memorize a phone number that someone gave you in the past, and somehow you forgot that number, in just a matter of minutes.

Where am I trying to get with this? How could you learn and/or improve utilizing this method, Well, I said it before; you need to FEEL it, you have to FEEL what you’re reading rather than reading just for reading…

Memorizing and Learning

Remember when I said at the beginning that I didn’t want to watch the TV series Friends because I wasn’t understanding almost anything at all?, Well,

after using this method for nearly a year let me tell you that I have already watched 8 entire seasons and I’ve felt that I’ve been able to understand 90% or even more of it without subtitles…


… You guys this is amazing, now I’m capable of understanding any movie, TV series, YouTube video or to read whatever I want in English (of course in Spanish too), and best of all this is that I can get across ideas with native English speakers

back and forth normally and as I said when it comes to writing, I kind of suck big time, despite of that, I have gained so much confidence in English that I’ve written these learning books. Nowadays…

This is Amazing

… I feel so comfortable when I use the English language, You guys can’t even imagine, well, maybe I’m exaggerating, because you certainly can, since I’m kinda feeling the English at this point,

as if it were my mother tongue and it’s getting better week after week. So, What do you need to do this adequately? Well, to buy each and every single tool…

What Do You Need?

… All of which are must-have here, some of them are: TextAloud including the Rosa16 and Alberto16 AT&T voices, the Oxford Spanish Dictionary, and of course, the entire animated and/or

normal movie films of which we’ll be utilizing, you will be able to find the movies right at and as I told before I’ll be posting edited parts (AL)of them weekly…

What Do You Need?

… On the website at however, they’re going to contain the scenarios with vocabulary only. So remember that you need to watch the whole scenario of the movie in question in order to understand

very well the story, and I want you to know that when you buy a movie film of which we’re going be using here (on the website), you’ll have it as if were an AudioVisual Book, which will help you to review everything…

What Do You Need?

… You have learned in question of minutes by just watching it and listening to it whenever you want to. The TV series are strongly important too, you have to watch and hear them at a good

volume level at least 1 episode a day, even if you aren’t capable of understanding them in the beginning; don’t worry, because if you do what I’m telling you, in the near future I’m sure you will…

What Do You Need?

… You’ll also need to watch at least an entire movie film a week without paying attention to the subtitles (turn them off);

anyway, if you want to read the subtitles, you’ll got to watch the movie twice, one time with subtitles and another one without them…

What Do You Need?

… Why is the subtitle thing so important? Well, because when you’re reading subtitles you’re not paying the right attention to the scenarios of the movies or TV series, and trust me, if you really want to learn Spanish through this method,

you’ll need to pay close attention to the details (objects, gestures of the people and environment) of the movies and TV series. And as I said above, since you have to see movies at least on a weekly basis…

What Do You Need?

… In order to do this properly, you can either go to the movie theater so you can watch the movies or you can buy it through a movie store near you in your respective country (Note: I don’t know if where you live they broadcast movies in

Spanish at the movie theaters). I particularly have chosen to use Netflix, so I don’t need to go to the movie theater every week, well, unless I have to go out with my friends or something…

What Do You Need?

… Netflix is a streaming service that works through the Internet, they claim having more than 100,000 movies and TV series, and these days they have a great offer through of which they can provide you their service for a month

completely free, and if you don’t like the service during that period of time, you just can cancel your subscription and they won’t changer you with not even a penny, so if you’re going to do this learning thing with me…

What Do You Need?

… You should to take Netflix under advisement. (Note: I certainly don’t know if in the country where you live Netflix broadcasts movies and TV series in Spanish, You’ll have to do your web search to know...



What Do You Need?

… this, however in order to help you with this, I’ll be posting links at through of which you will be able find movies and TV series in the American Spanish either through or

What Do You Need?

Amazon iTunes

TextAloud: What is TextAloud about? TextAloud is a Text to speech program that may help you to transform the text into voice simply by either typing or copying and pasting into it, a word, phrase, sentence or whatever amount of them that you want to listen to…


What Do You Need? click

… It is as simple as that. I highly recommend you to purchase it with the Rosa16 and Alberto16 programs which have very natural sounding voices. Believe me! You won’t be able to do this the right way without TextAloud, it is strongly important. Seriously, you guys,

here TextAloud is certainly a must have program, since it may help you to get out of confusion when you get confused with the pronunciation. Oxford Spanish Dictionary. Well, I know that here I don’t have to explain too much since it’s pretty…

What Do You Need?

… obvious knowing the use of a dictionary. The Oxford Spanish Dictionary is a bilingual one, I think that if you going to study Spanish through this method of learning you’ll end up using this dictionary one way or another, I highly recommend this dictionary.


What Do You Need? cl


So, to sum everything up let’s say what you need to keep in mind: You need to watch and listen to the AudioVisual Lesson (AL) at a

good volume level at least 4 times before reading the Virtual TextBook (VT) and another one after reading it, 5 times in total…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… You’ll have to this during 7 days in a raw. When you’re reading the VT you have to do it, while you’re standing up, my personal recommendation is for you to this as I told you before,

in a room alone, since you’ll be walking back and forth in there, You can also make gestures as you repeat the lines that you’ll be reading, that truly can help you to learn even faster…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… When you’re reading the VT, you have to repeat each and every single line out loud at least one by one 7 times or more. At the first three days when you start to read the VT and repeat the lines,

it’s going to be very rough for you to pronounce the words and maybe to understand the idioms as well. Don’t worry though. Since at the first three days you’ll be getting familiar with the vocabulary…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… You can start studying from the day in the week you want to. I always start new lessons on Mondays, so for example let’s say that you’re going to do the same thing so I can teach you this modus operandi (in this situation: Way of studying). On

Monday and Tuesday are going to be the worst days, since as I said early you’ll be getting familiar with the vocabulary; so don’t go crazy if you can’t understand, pronounce, or handle the lesson at will those days…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… Anyway, you’ll be noticing that everything will be getting easier as the days going by. On Wednesday is the deadline to figure the entire vocabulary out. You have to try to understand everything on that day.

On Thursday You’ll be speaking faster, regardless of that, You’ll need to try to speak even faster than that. How can you do that? Well, Let’s say that you’re reading a sentence in a line and that sentence contains these words: Voy Aprender A

Hablar Español...

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… (I’m Going To Learn To Speak Spanish) When we’re reading something we tend to read it word by word, whether we do it fast or not. Even so, when we pronounce a sentence in our mother tongue,

in order for us to communicate with another person we combine all the words together as if they were one…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… So, what I’m talking about here is that when we pronounce something, for example, let’s use the previous sentence in Spanish shown before again. We pronounce it like this: VoyAprenderAHablarEspañol, See!

All the words are stuck together as if they were a big new one. This is how the native Spanish speakers get across their ideas. So, if you desire to learn to speak Spanish as a native speaker does. Well, honestly, I’m afraid you’ll have to do the same thing…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… I mean, When you reading the VT or anything else, you mentally have to stick all the words together as if they were one, that will help you to speak really fast. So let’s continue. Remember that when you’re reading the Virtual TextBook you must take the line idea and hold it

mentally, and then, take your eyes off from your computer’s screen. Right after that, you got to walk around in your room as you repeat the line in question. From Friday to Sunday everything gets much more easier. Despite of that, You’ll need to give it your best shot…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

I mean, you got to speak as fast as you can, it doesn’t matter if you do it better or faster than the actor or actress does in the lessons, just do it! (Yes! I know, I said better and faster than the actor or actress does. Trust me, after spending a while using this

you’ll know what I meant by that) After Sunday you’ll have to start all the process from scratch with a brand-new lesson. You should do this process week after week. However, every once in a while, you should take a week off…

What You Have to Keep in Mind

… Since this tough methodology could kill your throat, ha! ha!, I mean, It’s not like it’ll really kill your throat, but it might leave you hoarse for a couple of days. Folks,

I almost forgot this, You need drink water from time to time while you’re reading the Virtual Textbook. It’ll help you to keep your throat in good shape.

What You Have to Keep in Mind

When will you learn to speak and understand the Spanish American language as native speakers do? Well, I’ll give it to you straight I don’t have the answer to that question. As I’ve been saying until now, I almost have a year

using this method and when I watch movies or TV series I can nearly understand the whole thing completely, and it is even easier when I talk to the people, I haven’t stopped learning though…

I Don’t Have the Answer

… I mean, you know what they say out there that the babies have to spend from 24 to 30 months to learn their respective languages. So, what I want you to notice is that if I had to spend the same amount of time than babies do, well, I afraid, I would,

I’m determined to, I’m willing to, What I’m talking about is that the opportunities of learning are limitless, you won’t get stuck here, since these lessons are pretty much without limits. I know you know what I mean.

Babies have to Spend from 24 to 30

… When you have to buy a movie in order for it to help you to learn (or improve) the Spanish language don’t feel bad, I mean, the companies invest millions of dollars to produce movie films.

So when you have to spend 7, 10 or 15 dollars on a movie, think of it as a Course of Millions of Dollars which is costing you an extremely little amount of money; actually, that’s what I do.

Course of Millions of Dollars

Don’t worry about committing mistakes with this; because, that’s part of the learning process. If you’re going to learn something from me, it’s to focus on one thing, I mean, do not do a lot of stuff simultaneously, I know, I know, who am I to tell

you not to do a bunch of things if you want to? And of course, you’re right. I’m no one, but I’m just telling you this from friend to friend. So I only want you to know that if you focus on one thing you might be able to see things in it that nobody else does, and perhaps…

Focus on One Thing

… You might become the best doing it. I didn’t tell you this before, anyway, I wanted you to hold this idea into your head, as a matter of fact, this is the core idea of this course, seriously you guys. Back in 2003 a graphic

arts teacher called Gerald told me that the people can learn the things of two ways. One way is by impact, and it’s when something (good or bad) affects or happens to you so intensely that you wouldn’t be able to forget it anymore…

By Impact

… And the other one it’s by repetition. And it’s when you say something over and over again; you repeat that thing so many times that you might never be able to forget it either. Remember this, since it could help you to learn whatever you want to.

I had a few more things that I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to get you bored too much though, So, I think that I’ll unveil them in the lessons to come If God wills it. Look guys, I feel that I’m the idiotest person on earth, and despite of that…

By Repetition

… I was able to discover this method of learning, and through this course I’ve been able to learn what I needed to about a couple programming languages such as HTML, CSS and a Design program called CorelDraw X5, the button line is: if I being the

idiotest person was able to discover this methodology of learning and I’ve been able to handle a least a little bit these programming languages and the design one just mentioned. What would a smart person like you do with this course? Just think about it! …

Just Think About it!

… You might be wondering something like: Would it be worth trying it out? Well, I would be very happy if you give it a shot, and what’s more I dare you to do so, at least for a week so you’ll see whether It’s worth or not to spend

more time with this course. So, do you think you have what it takes? Because I certainly know you do; even so, it only depends on you. Now, I’ve left you the link to your first lesson which its name is Hulk VS Wolverine…

It Only Depends on You

… And the lesson is part of the Animated movie film Hulk Vs. You can download it, just by clicking where is says download, right next to the picture.





Download your First Lesson

Folks, I also want you to know that most of the layout of the Virtual TextBook is made with PowerPoint 2010, even so I’ll release a PDF version of it, however, the PowerPoint 2010 version is much more user friendly,

so if you want to use the PowerPoint 2010 version of it you can either download the PowerPoint Viewer from by clicking right here (It’s completely free), or…

PowerPoint Viewer

… You can buy the Microsoft Office 2010 by clicking on the image that you’re looking at on the right.



Microsoft Office 2010

… If you have any questions or concerns about what I have written or anything else, do not hesitate and send me an email at, I will answer you as soon as I have a chance, believe me I will.

And also feel free to leave comments (you can do it either in English or Spanish) about the lesson you are studying, as the purpose of, it is to discuss the subjects as a bilingual community...

Bilingual Community

… of learning, respecting each other as friends. Do not be afraid of asking questions! There are no stupid questions, only fools who do not ask them.

Bilingual Community

Many of the links posted here allow the author of this book to gain a commission if you buy products through them (I wanted you to know this). All logos shown and products named in this book are property of their respective owners.


This book is completely free, and therefore it must not be sold under any circumstances, feel free to share it with anyone you want to, and what’s more, I beg you to do so.

Share it!

I thank mainly and primarily to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, not only for enlightened me to write this book, but for being the basis of inspiration of all my life. I love you Jesus. I also thank to my parents who have been very patient with me. My brothers, Danny, Ariel and Gerson; I thank you for being my brothers. All the people who have gone through my life, whether they have done good or bad things to me, since thanks to them I can have the mentality I have the day of today. And I especially thank you dear reader for investing some of your so valuable time in me.

Thank You!

I doesn’t matter who you are, in which country you live, if you are poor or rich. I might never see you face to face and hug you, but I really REALLY want you to know that I love you from button of my heart. Written by R.E.G.J.


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