sp09 mis 460560 chapter3 part 1 osi

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  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    Chapter 3

    OSI 7 Layer Model

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI 7 Layer Model

    OSI 7 Layer model is an example of


  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI



    The science of classification

    Scientific tool

    Major categoriesof a phenomenon

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI




    In biology animal science:



    .html http://www.indianchild.com/animal_kingdom


  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI



    In biology animal science:

    There are billions of different kinds of living things (or organisms) on earth.To help study them, biologists have devised ways of naming andclassifying them according to their similarities and differences.

    The system most scientists use puts each living thing into seven groups(or

    taxons), organized from most general to most specific. Therefore, eachspecies belongs to a genus, each genus belongs to a family, each familybelongs to an order, etc.

    From largest to smallest, these groups are:








  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI




    Helping us understandcomplex phenomenon

    Helping us explaincomplex phenomenon

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI 7 Layer Model is a taxonomythat is widely used in networking

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    Networking is Complex

    Complexprocess = involving a lot ofactivities

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel (OSI Model)


    Grouping networking activities into 7 majorgroups

    Outlining of what it takes to send data fromone computer to another

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)Seven-Layer Model

    Mnemonic phrase: Please Do Not ThrowSausage PizzaAway

    Layer 7 =Application Layer

    Layer 6 = Presentation LayerLayer 5 = Session Layer

    Layer 4 = Transport Layer

    Layer 3 = Network LayerLayer 2 = Data Link Layer

    Layer 1 = Physical Layer

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    This Picture Shows How OSI Model isUsed in Actual Data Communication





  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)Seven-Layer Model

    Understand the sequenceof the activities

    Networking activities performed in thesenders computer will also be performed inthe receivers computer in reverse

    Understand the encapsulationand thedecapsulationof the message

    OS (O S i ) S

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 7: Application Layer(The first layer at the sender,the last layer at the receiver)

    Taking command from the user (at the SENDER)

    Executing the command (at the RECEIVER)

    OSI (O S t I t ti ) S L

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 6: Presentation Layer

    Converting the command from the format that is

    used by the Application layer into the format thatcan be processed further by the lower layers ofthe OSI model (at the SENDER)

    Converting the code that is received from thelower layers of the OSI model into the formatthat is used by the Application layer (at theRECEIVER)

    OSI (O S t I t ti ) S L

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 6: Presentation Layer

    Encryptinginformation that is received from the

    Application layer (at the SENDER)

    Decryptingencrypted information that is receivedfrom the lower layers of the OSI model (at the


    OSI (O S t I t ti ) S L

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 6: Presentation Layer

    Compressinginformation that is received from the

    Application layer (at the SENDER)

    Decompressingthe compressed information that isreceived from the lower layers of the OSI model (at the


  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 5: Session Layer

    Establishing connection, determining the type ofconnection, managing multiple connections, andterminating the connection

    The types of connection

    Full duplex: Two way, simultaneous

    Half duplex: Two way, NOT simultaneous

    Simplex: One way

    OSI (O S t I t ti ) S L

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 4: Transport Layer

    Breaking/disassemblinginformation into packets(segmentation) (at the SENDER)

    Sequence numbering

    Reassemblingpackets (at the RECEIVER)

    OSI (O S t I t ti ) S L

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 3: Network Layer

    Addingsource and destination logical addresses

    (e.g., IP addresses) to each of the packets(at theSENDER)

    Destination address: to allow the packet to be sent to the rightparty

    Source address: to allow the receiver to contact the sender if

    there is a problem with the packet received

    Decapsulating the packets (at the RECEIVER)

    OSI (Open S stems Inte connection) Se en La e

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 2: Data-Link Layer

    Creatinga frame= packet + source and destinationphysical addresses(e.g., MAC address) + error

    checking/detection information (e.g., Cyclic RedundancyCheck (CRC)) (at the SENDER)

    Determiningwhich computer has access over thecommunication medium (at the SENDER)

    Decapsulatingthe frames (at the RECEIVER)

    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven Layer

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven-LayerModel

    Layer 1: Physical Layer

    Converting the binary codeof the frame intoactual electrical signal/light/radio wave(at theSENDER


    Converting the electrical signal/light/radio waveback into the binary codeof the frame (at theRECEIVER)

    Physically sending the electricalsignal/light/radio wavefrom one computer toanother over communication medium

    N t ki P t l (P t l)

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    Networking Protocol (Protocol)

    Every activity(ies) in each layer must be performed based on certainrules (Protocol)

    For two (or more) computers to exchange resources successfully, allcomputers must use the same (compatible) protocol

    A set ofprotocols is called Protocol Suite/Protocol Stack

    Example: TCP/IPis a protocol suite that governs networkingactivities in Network layer to Application layer. Ethernetis a protocol

    suite that governs networking activities in Data Link layer to Physicallayer

    For two (or more) computers to exchange resources, more than oneprotocol (even more than one protocol suite)must be used.

    Why? No protocol controls all networking activities

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    OSI Seven-Layer Model and Protocol Suite(Protocol Stack)

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    Networking Protocol (Protocol)

    OSI 7 layer model is also used to group:

    Networking protocols (Protocols)

    Application layer protocol:

    Protocols that specify howApplication layer activitiesmust beperformed. Examples: Telnet, SMTP, POP3, FTP, NNTP, HTTP

    Presentation layer protocol:

    Protocols that specify how Presentation layer activitiesmust beperformed. Examples: Telnet, SMTP, POP3, FTP, NNTP, HTTP

    And so on.

  • 8/10/2019 Sp09 MIS 460560 Chapter3 Part 1 OSI


    Benefits of OSI Seven-Layer Model

    OSI Seven-Layer Model is a taxonomy to organize: Networking activities(processes) Networking protocols Network devices (technology)(hardware and software)

    Example: Web browsertakes the command from the user (e.g.,www.uah.edu), uses a set of rules (i.e., HTTP) to compose arequest message, and then passes the request message to thelower layers of the OSI model. Because this activity/process, i.e.,taking the command from the user and passing it to the lowerlayers of the OSI model, is included in the Application layer, Webbrowseris considered to be Application layer software

    Example: UTP cablecarries electrical signal carrying data fromone computer to another. Because this activity/process, i.e.,carrying electrical signal from one computer to another, is includedin the Physical layer, UTP cableis considered to be Physicallayer device

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