southeast focus of class is again a single native nation tsalagi a name the spanish rendered as...

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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SoutheastFocus of class is again a single native nation

TsalagiA name the Spanish rendered as Chalaque

The English Cherokee

As Europeans began to touch on the edge of North America

They brought diseaseMicrobial warriors who decimated the native population

Of which more laterThose who stood the best chance to survive were those who lived away from the coast

The Cherokee were one such group

There had been early entries into the Cherokee homeland by the Spanish

Disease had hit the Cherokee at this time

Followed by a period of consolidation

This left the Cherokee with time to recover and develop some resistance before the English would turn up in the late 17th and early 18th Centuries

Principal Spanish Explorations of North America

Spanish Missions in Florida and New Mexico c. 1675

The region that the Cherokee lived in was one of the most diverse regions of flora and fauna in the United States

And also lived at a variety of elevations

From the peaks of Appalachia to the lower levels leading towards the coast

Running through it all was the “Long man”

The Tennessee River

The Cherokee lived in distinct regions

Overhill TownsMiddle TownsLower TownsOccasionally listed

as 4Valley Towns


The centre of a Cherokee town was the council house

7 Sided1 for each clanOutside - Uku standardBehind - Treasury

Blue, or Panther, Clan (AniSahoni)Long Hair Clan ( AniGilohi)Bird Clan ( AniTsisqua) Paint Clan ( Ani Wodi)Deer Clan (Ani Awi)Wild Potato Clan ( Ani Gatogewi) Wolf Clan (Ani Waya)(Eighth clan – left humans to become bears)

As the image suggestedCherokee were MatrilinealEach clan was descended from an original clan mother

Attakullakulla talking to the British in 18th C

“It is customary among [us] to admit women to our councils”

“[Since] the white people, as well as the red, are born of women, is not that the custom among them, also”

Creation Story of the Cherokee

Kanat’i Selu

TsituCherokee Trickster Character

DeerMajor character in Cherokee Lore

Early French Explorers

Giovanni da Verrazano explored Atlantic coast from

Carolinas to Nova Scotia in 1534

Jacques Cartier explored St. Lawrence

Valley between 1534 and 1543

Samuel de Champlain led eleven voyages to Canada by 1645Established colony at

Acadia (Nova Scotia)Founded Quebec in

1608Sought friendly

relations with Native Americans

Efforts were made to restrain fur trade in the colony’s population

Coureurs de BoisPopulation 3,000 by


Early French Explorers (cont)Catholicism only acceptable religion in

1625Important role of Jesuit Missionaries

Totally opposed to presence of Protestants in colony

Believed the Indians could retain their traditions while still accepting Catholicism

Concentrated attention on five confederated Huron nations

Mastered Indian languages and culturesOnly Europeans who measured up to Indian

standards of braveryLost ground after 1640s and especially after

the crown assumed control of New France after 1663


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New France and the Jesuit Missions

New France Under Louis XIVLouis tried to transform colony into model

absolutist societyGovernor generalProfessional soldiers to provide defenseSeigneurs

Frenchmen also settled in the CaribbeanFounded sugar colonies on Saint-

Domingue, Guadeloupe, and Martiniqueboucanier

VideoBlackrobe next class

And now ladies and Gentlemen at Great expense Hist. 111

brings you Group ???With their

presentation of Chapter One

Class questionsWhat enabled relatively backward European

societies to establish dominance?Why were the Native peoples of the Americas

extremely vulnerable to European diseases?Why did the number of Indians who chose to

become catholic far exceed the number that accepted Protestantism?

Don’t forget NO CLASS on MondayKeep up on the readingEnjoy the holiday weekendAnd now its time for your Friday video


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