source: digital media - mrs. huddleston caption writing

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Source: Digital Media - Mrs. Huddleston

Caption Writing

Digital Media Caption Writing 2

Captions are the most widely read copy in the yearbook.

Caption Action

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Captions link the photograph to and supplement the story.

Captions tell the reader what happened before and immediately after the captured action of the photograph.

Captions identify all people in the photograph on whom the action is centered.


Digital Media Caption Writing 4

ALL pictures get captions, no exceptions.

First sentence is always in present tense.

Later sentences are always in past tense.

Should be between 3-5 sentences. (One sentence summaries technically are not called captions; they are referred to as cut lines.)


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Answer 5Ws and H. Identify ALL people in photograph. Identify people going to left to right

in the photograph, but do not label within the caption “Pictured left to right are . . .”

Include date of photograph if relevant.

What’s in a caption?

Digital Media Caption Writing 6

The obvious. Do not simply restate what is going on in the picture. Give background information that is not evident to the reader.

The irrelevant. Stick to the facts of the story.

Beginning with names. This is simply very uncreative and is the lazy man’s method of writing captions.


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Clichés. Overusing gerunds. Gerunds (verbs ending in “ing”)

are fine to use on a limited basis, but not for every lead.

Editorializing, which means using your opinion in a news story.


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School name, mascot name or school initials. This should already be obvious since this is the publication for this particular school.

School year or “this year”. All copy should obviously be about this school year.

Making predictions. You are reporting on what has already happened, not what might happen.

Compound and complex sentences. Always use simple sentences.


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“Pictured above,” “Shown here,” “Seems to,” “Appears to,” “Looks as if,”

“Attempts to,” “Tries to,” or other phrases that fail to give an actual result.

To be verbs: is, are, was, were, etc. “During” as a lead. It is fine when

used in moderation in the body of the caption.


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Check your facts. Use quotes. Quotes should only be used if

they add to the content of the story. Be sure to cite the person speaking and their grade level/title.

Use action verbs. Elicit emotion. Draw the reader into the

photograph and into the story. Don’t be afraid to make them laugh or cry.

Definite Do’s

Digital Media Caption Writing 11

Use headlines. They should be short and clever, but never misleading.

Vary leads. Use placement directions if captions are

not directly tied to a photograph. Record accurate figures. Never use

ambiguous words such as “many,” “numerous,” “some,” “a lot,” etc.

Definite Do’s

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Use “said.” Spell check. Check your grammar.

Four reel.

Definite Do’s

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1. Short headline.2. First sentence: Answer as many of the

5Ws and H as possible. Present tense.3. Second+ sentences: Answer

remaining 5Ws and H and give other background information. Past Tense.

4. Quote from person involved in action or eyewitness of action. Use “said.”

The Formula

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1. Create a list of questions you want to know about this picture.

In Class Activity

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• Who is the skier?• Others involved?• Name of stunt?• Day trip or vacation?• Which lake?• How long has subject

been wakeboarding?• Best memories of trip?• Any low points?• Interesting facts about

subject, trip?• Awards? PRs?

In Class Activity

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Write a caption based on the Write a caption based on the following information.following information.

• Junior Dillon Hanson, competitive wakeboarder

• Lake Powell, AZ• Summer family vacation, June

2006• Best friend Steve Jones with

family• Annual vacation spot – 10th

summer• Placed 2nd in 2003 free-style

category; 1st in 2004• Practiced all week for July

competitions• “It was great to have the chance

to practice before my competitions began in July. My family and friends are a huge support for me. Taking first after losing to a big rival last year made all my hard work worth it.”

In Class Activity

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CONCENTRATION. During the annual family vacation at Lake Powell, junior Dillon Hanson practices for the Southern California Wakeboarding Competition in July. Hanson earned a first place medal in 2004 competition. “It was great to have the chance to practice before my competitions began in July,” he said. “My family and friends are a huge support for me. Taking first after losing to a big rival last year made all my hard work worth it.”


Expanded caption

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