some seo changes right after massive updates

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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Some SEO Changes Right After Massive Updates

A lot of website has lost their glory in the past year or

two because of Google’s changes which removed all

the automated backlinks and spam. Almost all of the

top websites were reconsidered and literally changed

their strategies because of these changes. In fact, a lot

of them have not yet recovered. But those who

learned their lesson and changed their methods, they

have risen up from ground and soared on high once


Google Panda was made to get rid of low quality

contents from highest ranks in search engines. This

would include spun and auto-made articles as well as

PDF files and other publications. The first edition of this was on 2011 and another update was made

later that same year. The biggest hit was received by article directories that were not following the right

road and publish only high quality contents placed in the right category. These were then labeled as

“content farms”, only the good ones survived the ordeal. Ezine articles in particular though were

affected at first stood strong. The reason is how they really filter the articles being submitted to their

site. They may also have changed some of their methods.

Penguin update on the other hand was done on April 2012 which was more cleaning the spam. It

targeted sites that were trying to get high ranks with the use of software, link buying etc. Those who did

their methods the right way were not affected much but those who had higher number of backlinks

really suffered. Search engines make mistakes at times. That’s the reason why they make changes and

updates. This is being done to make their services more reliable and trustworthy to their users.

There will be future updates and it’s rumored that in 2013,

this year, Google Zebra is going to come. Although not much

of this have been known to be true but web owners are

warned to really make a well-outlined and strategically

designed SEO, focus on relevant keywords, categories and of

course contents. This update is more likely to catch on sites

that are getting their contents from other websites, love

spinning and automatic link building as well as those who are

spamming social media with irrelevant links and creating fake

profiles for sharing links.

Now, this is what will probably happen after these updates. This should be the things every website

owners should work on. They should get original, well-written contents for their website. They should

get links from relevant authority sites. They should avoid buying links or do automatic link building. They

should post their articles in most relevant categories. They should use LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing

Keywords and not stuff their keywords on their contents. And lastly, they should get the best proficient,

native SEO article writer. This particular knowledge is the only way we can survive the war on search

engines. Know more about this by contacting Digital Organics and get more information.

For more information visit this link.

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