social networking

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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NETWORKINGArsela Mallick

Pd 9


Social Networking is a way that users communicate with friends and strangers through websites like Facebook on the internet.

It has completely changed the way people interact today, making it possible for people from different sides of the world to connect.

The Pew Internet & American Life Project claims that more than 93% of both teens (12-17) and young adults (18-29) in the United States use the Internet on an everyday basis and more than 70% of them use social networking sites.

CONS OF SOCIAL MEDIAo Productivity and

attention span heavily decreases

o Very obsessive and addicting.

o Leads to harsh cyber bullying that can result in depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

o Harmful to people’s privacy.

o Causes students obsessed with social media to receive lower grades.

Students who used social networking sites while studying scored 20% lower on tests.

Students who used social media had an average GPA of 3.06 versus non-users who had an average GPA of 3.82.

o Heavily affectsyounger generations.


All posts are permanent. Once something has been put onto the internet, it can never be taken down or erased.

People with disabilities who already feel isolated begin to feel even more lonely and alone, resulting in depression.

People become less connected with their loved ones and do not meet with them face-to-face.


Unite people from all over the world. Great place to meet new people and

make new friends. Significant news spread quickly and

efficiently to people worldwide. Teens and young adults have access

to new methods of learning, like watching videos.

Allow for contact between old

and current friends.

o Give people chances to get discovered for their talent.o Provide businesses with a new way to thrive such as online advertising.



Name: Mina o Works at the mall o Currently a college student in her early 20’s.

INTERVIEW QUESTIONSQ1: What is your personal opinion on social media and

its affect on the world today?A: It has its pros and cons. It affects a lot of

relationships. You are able to meet people from other sides of the world. It is also good for businesses.

Q2: To what extent do you think social media has influenced teenager’s lives?

A: Hella a lot. Relationships are so much more different with social media. Also, little siblings are getting highly influenced. They do not go outside anymore. However, it helps teens in that they can use websites like Khan Academy to help them with school work. Teens just have to learn how to use social media properly.


Q3: In what ways has social media affected your life?A: It has definitely distracted me from my grades.

Once I got my iPhone, I got worse grades. It is a huge distraction, but it is also great for me. I have this website where I can just talk to someone anonymously when I need help with anything.

Q4: If you could change one thing about social networking, what would it be and why?

A: I would not want all my personal information saved even when I delete it off my profile. I know that Facebook does that and I wish it wouldn’t.


SUMMARY The internet has had an enormous impact on the

world today by changing the way people socialize and interact with each other.

Social media offers various advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of social media include improving social skills, providing an area for self display, increased intelligence, and a broad world for youth with disabilities.

Disadvantages consist of less privacy of personal profiles, cyber bullying, and isolation of youth with disabilities.

Overall, teenagers using social networking sites must handle them with control and caution.

FOLLOW UP Movies: The Social Network

Magazines: 1. Social Media Marketing Magazine 2. The Social Media Monthly Professional Individual: Mark Zuckerberg Website: “Teens and Social Media”

REVIEW QUESTIONS1. What are some cons of social media?One con is that face-to-face interaction

between people decreases. Another con is that teenagers get worse grades.

2. What are some pros of social media?One pro of social media is that it is universal.

Another pro is that it helps businesses flourish.

3. Is social networking more popular with 18-30 year olds or with 50-60 year olds?

18-30 year olds.

WORKS CITED "A Word about Social Networking.”): N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2014.>.

"Social Networking" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2014. <>.

Lenhart, Amanda, Mary Madden, Aaron Smith, and Alexandra Macgill. "Teens and Social Media." Pew Research Centers Internet American Life Project RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2014. <>.

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