social media: understanding its relevance in the public sector environment

Post on 12-May-2015






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Presentation for Alabama County Administrators


Social Media: Understanding its relevance in the public sector environment

Anne Mims Adrian, PhDExtension Specialist, Alabama Cooperative Extension System

What do you know and think?

What are the benefits of social media?

What are your fears?

What do you want to learn and understand today?


100 Million Twitter accounts

Twitter messages growing exponentially On the way to 10 Billion tweets That’s 10,000,000,000


48 hours of video uploaded every minute to YouTube (March 2011)

Will take 8 years to watch videos that

uploaded in a single day


800 Million Facebook accounts

140 Billion Photos have been uploaded. 70 Billion will be added this year.

In July 2010 time spent on Facebook surpassed time spent on Google.

Mobile and social

Mobile Social Networking App audience grew 126% to 42.3 Million users in the past year.

38% of Americans own a smartphone.

An average of 35 apps installed.

Mobile and social

40% of Tablet and Smartphone Owners use them while watching TV.

Email (men & women)

Social networking (more women than men)

Sports scores (more men than women)

Source for information about politics (rely on most)

Local Newspaper18-39 years old 16%40+ years old 34%

Local TV18-39 years old 19%40+ years old 34%

Internet18-39 years old 26%40+ years old 12% 

Source for information about local government (rely on most)

Local Newspaper18-39 years old 9%40+ years old 26%

Local TV18-39 years old 7%40+ years old 16%

Internet18-39 years old 6%40+ years old 5%

Local Newspapers

69% Americans say that if their local newspaper no longer existed, it would not have a major impact on their ability to keep up with information and news about their community.

Newspapers is the source people rely on most for most local related topics.

Increases internal communication.

Builds leadership.

Improves existing relationships.

Increases organizational visibility.

Improves media coverage.

Social media benefits

Social media benefits

Expands influence.

Improves customer service.

Adds learning from clients.

Increases responsive.

Increases potential of innovativeness and creativity.

Before creating strategy

Set goals and objectives.

Align social media goals with the organization’s goals.

Before creating strategy

Stop thinking of social media as another broadcast method.

Before creating strategy

Relax and experiment (some).

Learn with an individual account.

Social media strategy

Establish an organizational presence.

Establish a way to listen and respond.

Encourage individual participation.

Evaluate and re-establish goals and objectives.

Hint: Explore and seek diversity

Connect with people like you and people not like you.

Don’t create and promote ‘echo chambers’

Example objectives

Facilitate communication and collaboration, internally.

Provide timely and relevant news efficiently (via RSS).

Facilitate communication and collaboration, for the interested public.

Monitor Media and Internet (for information and PR).

Social media guidelines

Guidelines that allow for the use of social media that aligns with the goals.

Existing organization policies.Do they need to be adjusted.

Realistic individual participation.

Future Trends

Search is becoming harder to use effectively.

Social recommendations are becoming more important online.

Future Trends

Mobile Video

Gaming Geolocation

Future Trends

Media literacy: consuming and producing

Network literacy: effectively using online networks

Curation: gathering, filtering, making sense in context

Other sites and applications

Don’t fight it: It is what it is

Questions? Comments?

Anne Mims Adrian, PhDExtension Specialist, Alabama Cooperative Extension System


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