social media introduction

Post on 12-May-2015






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These are visual aids for my talk on Introduction to Social Media.



Visual Aid for my Social Media Introduction talk

Business Owners Often Say…

I am busy. Finish in 2 minutes “who has the time for such stuff?” “Looks interesting, but I have no time for

anything” “It is good but I may not have time for follow-up” “Don't have time for all these online stuff”.

These objections are mostly false and stems from misconceptions.

Such People IGNORE Social Media


Social Media is a set of tools designed for online social interactions.

business owners should be asking

“Can I afford not to be connected with Social Media one way or the other? “

“Can I afford not to learn?”

The Answer is…

It is very important to “get-in there” in the beginning stages to capitalize the most out of “customer shifts to on-line”.

Online communities are growing by the day.

Is Social Media a Hype?

Social Media site visits is ahead of personal email as online activity.

Social media visits as numbers are contending with most populated countries in the world.

It is not just a hype.

10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Social Media

Your customers were only in market place. Now they are in cyberspace also.

Image via Wikipedia


Potential business through internet is not achieved by a website, but with online social interactions.

Image via Wikipedia


You need to sense and respond not only with products but also sentiments.

Image via Wikipedia


You need to shift from a marketer monologue to customer dialogue.

Image via Wikipedia


First you need to listen to on-going conversations.

Image via Wikipedia


Participation is a must. By participation, I mean real and on-going conversations.

Image by Kris Hoet via Flickr


Customer acquisition alone is not important.

Retaining and satisfying are more important.

Image by Matthieu Dejardins, eCommerce Activist via Flickr


Markets are changing faster than your marketing.

Image by Brajeshwar via Flickr


You need to watch quickly changing trends and align business model to it.


By PR you should mean real relationships with public beyond press releases and pitches to a publication.

Image by DoktorSpinn via Flickr

A Precursor to Social Media Strategy

Social Media change processes involve changing from one culture to another.

When you do new things, you also start thinking in new ways.

Its time to take the first steps and start now.

Extension Of Real World Practices To Social Media

Content is crucial in customers allowing us to connect with them.

In real-world, references work. So do with online communities.

People look for help and provide help in real-world. More so with Social Media.


Imagine the power of a Computer and an Internet connection and what it can do to your Brand.

You can publish Audio, Video, Images and Texts about your Brand for free and get a Global Audience for it.

Image via Wikipedia

When to Start?

Don’t be Afraid. Don’t Negate. Start and Stay

Focused. Take the risk of

showing your product to the customers. They may like it.

Start Now

Image by amirjina via Flickr

Example of Insurance

Conservative Legal Roadblocks More Local Traditional ways

Example of Insurance

FAQs that are highly repetitive Job of Educating customers. Satisfied customers spread the word.

Where to Start?

Start Now, Start Here

Express Yourself Content Comments Engagement

Connecting to People with Objectives through a Strategy using Technology

e-Patients Example

Have you found useful information online as a patient?

Have you discussed that information with your Doctor?

What had been the experience?

Changes brought by Social Media

Acquiring Information Interaction and

Questioning Changing habits and

decision making. Changes consumption


A big role in the reputation of a Brand

Image by br1dotcom via Flickr

Examples of Social Media Tools LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Blogs YouTube SlideShare FlickR

Example of a Social Media Tool : Blog

Why Blog? What does it do to your company or

brand? How is it different from the old ways?

Blogs Bring Business

Blogs are online versions of your materials and media. Blog helps customers to refer, share or use it with others.

Customers feel equipped to refer. Since they are online versions, they are searchable(by search engines).

Blog brings new visitors who can be potential customers. Visibility. New Business.

5 Questions Towards A Social Media Strategy

What are the objectives? Towards those objectives,

where do we stand today ? What are the tools available

that will help us achieve those objectives?

If we use those selected tools, what will be the results and how will it fit the objectives?

What are the barriers towards the whole exercise?

Keep in touch…. Twitter: @VaradhKrish LinkedIn:


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