social media emergence in china

Post on 11-May-2015






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This is a quick-work ppt for my Intro Marcom presentation.


Social Media

Its emergence in

To be discussed

The Chinese internet market size

Sample Chinese social media sites

Blog and BBS

Implications for companies

Chinese Internet Market Size

1.3 billion

Total population

The total of Chinese internet users V.S The total of the U.S

162 million V.S 212 million

Penetration:12% V.S 70%

Occupies 35% of the total of Asia internet users

Use Growth ( 2000-2007 ) - 620.0 %

1.4 million new users/month

43 percent: BBS

76 million: video sharing sites

24 percent:blogs.

0.16 billion

12% of the whole population

Social NetworkChinese : Xiaonei Chinese : Wealink

PodcastChinese : Tudou

MicrobloggingChinese : Fanfou

Photo Sharing (Content Communities)Chinese : Yupoo

BlogChinese BSP: Sina Blog

Sample Chinese social media sites

Blog and BBS

Most important 2

Blog Report Four in ten Chinese claim to read blogs at least once a

week, a higher frequency than was recorded for every Western nation.

Chinese men are as likely as Chinese women to read blogs, but report reading blogs more frequently.

Three in 10 people interviewed in China, are likely to be spurred to action after reading a blog, which is significantly higher than Japan (18%) and South Korea (19%).


Established Chinese business people, from real estate tycoons to IT entrepreneurs, write blogs.

The Chinese government has also embraced blogging

Allowing junior and senior officials, police officers, and other representatives of the government to maintain blogs, complete with comment sections and other mechanisms to obtain reader feedback.


First Corporate Blog in China?

Shanghai based real estate companyFrontier Investment Management Limitedlaunched China Real Estate Market Views Blog in 2005

A company using a blog as an online tool to get to their clients.

Multinational companies?

Google China Blog

Blogs @ Intel China

CEO Blog

Pan Shiyi ( Chairman of SOHO China )

Pan is not the richest man in China, nor is his company; however, SOHO China and himself definitel

y get lots of attention because of blogging.

the Chinese blogosphere so powerful

Internet penetration and usage is high and growing among the emerging Chinese middle class

Traditional media in China operates as a monopoly. Rigid agenda Lack of desired content

Blogs and BBS give writers and journalists a platform to publish compelling materials.

Because many people in China’s news and media industries write and read blogs, and follow leading BBS, information from the Internet can quickly find its way into the mainstream media


Famous BBS internet forums Tianya & Xici

Enormously popular and typically frequented more than blogs.

The preference of anonymity of posting messages

All major Internet portals and many state-owned media outlets, such as The People’s Daily, incorporate reader feedback and BBS sections on their Web sites.

Implications for Companies in China

Implications for Companies in China


Issues and crisis China’s state-owned media and national newspapers.

Notable example: 2006 DellAttacked online by outraged consumers who discovered the company falsely advertised its laptop processors. Issues exploded on the internet and quickily found its way into mainstream media


Understand consumer and stakeholder sentiment, listen to conversations about their brands, and directly engage consumers who comment on and write blogs.

4 million messages and comments are being tracked and monitored on BBS sites for automobile industry. Very rich and deep consumer insights


Delicate medium and complete transparency

Blogs and BBS

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