social issue reasearch +facts (task 4)

Post on 27-Jan-2017






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Great Examples

This poster is effective as it is very simple, the message comes across clear and if viewers went past it, they wouldn’t not read it because it was to long. The have used a fairly calming colour scheme that is using the rule of three with different colours which while the orange is bright it is toned down because of the background. The letters themselves are in different fonts to stress the more important points. The have used literal stress in the fact that the info it presents is very enlightening. The word decimate has been very well used, not only is it bold and very clear but it could have been replaced with words like cover or consume, but decimate is a very powerful word the radiates power and destruction.

This add uses many different shades of green as the base colour scheme but has flecks of dark grey and mustard yellow, it is stylish but remains informative and gentle on the eyes. There is lots of information on the page but comes with many illustrations so that it remains interesting, and viewers would read the whole thing. It is a very simplistic style but a lot is happening which gives it a very balanced view with a lot of information but not being overcrowded. The main points of the article are all in the same style, bold white inside a blue box which makes sections and the points they are making clear, everything else is smaller and in a different colour or scheme.

This article has used block colours with everything, and there is a clear difference between the different sections. They have also used the real icons of the most famous forms of social media. the colours are bright but do not throw themselves out to the reader. There is use of layering in the sense that the white seems to be at the back but everything else goes on top of it and there are gaps which give you the info. The literal info is not many facts and figures it seems to be trying just to raise awareness of the issue. It is almost challenging those that read it to try and see if they can ‘switch it off’, so it forms a goal between them and the viewer so that the viewer will hopefully think and meditate upon it. And if that is something that the general public do then as this poster is trying to aid awareness, it has done its purpose and very well too.

A poster that focuses more on the addiction side of my social issue, this is a poster from ‘addaction’ a well known company help all those who suffer from one or another form of addiction. This poster uses the rule of three, using three images of a girl to help emphasize the point. They have also used a shock factor with the transformation of the girl from the left to the right, this is generally used with addiction issues as the best deterrent and reason to quit is the shock factor, which I will try to replicate. There is no bright colours which portray a very bleak and grey setting which is also what ‘addaction’ are trying to say. The subjects jumper gets brighter the further to the right she gets, this is probably to emphasize the darkness and bad points of her skin and expression.

VS.Two very different posters, of which I need to combine. The poster on left is talking more

about the addiction side of things, and the poster on the right is more about facts and figures on technology.

The first and most obvious thing about these posters is the tone. On the left it is a very literal grey setting, that looks extremely bleak and unforgiving, probably trying to dissuade people from using drugs. Whereas on the right, the colour scheme is fairly vibrant and cherry with a calming and smooth green complexion, I assume this is because it is not trying to get the point across via shock. Secondly the left poster has very few words on it, this would be to stick in your mind because the poster on the right has lots of words on it and you will probably forget a lot of them, however because of its style it’s the sort of thing you would mind looking at for a long time, or multiple times.Lastly it is the physicality of it, drugs affect people, and because of that they have used physical people in their advertisement, whereas with technology and things like the internet, there is no physical presence, and so they have created a design and representation of everything.

When it comes to creating my poster, I think I will tend to lean more towards creating posters like that on the right, informative and typography styled, however I will definitely include in shock factor and showing the real problem like that of the poster on the left.

Primary Research

This bar chart shows that while their is slightly more females that filled out my questionnaire, as I only got 35 responses this is not the most accurate data, however from general knowledge and from primary research it can be seen that my audience is very even across genders.

Because of this data, I need to have all my advertisements gender neutral. This means including both male and female participants in any images that I use. I will have to make the colour scheme with universal colours, rather than sticking with a pink blue colour split that will clearly show discrimination to a gender. And any research or examples that I use should come from a range of people from all genders.

Clearly here with the topic about technology and social media and so on younger people will be my target audience, strengthened by the primary research that I did above nearly 80% of those who filled out my questionnaire are 16-25.

Because of this I need to base my advertisements towards them, so while I will focus it more towards teens and young adults, I shall not exclude any others, so while not tailored to them, any other ages could happily look at my advertisements and not be put off.I will make sure that my advertisements are stylish but informative and notion more recent or

relevant facts and figures for young people. I can also put my message across media platforms such as social media, YouTube, TV and so on, because not only will my target audience see it more, but it is using the same platforms that I am warning about so they will have no choice but to think about it.

The most common amount of time that people check their phones, with the data I found, is 6-15, and any less or slightly more time is also very common, meaning on average my audience are checking their phones very often.However I did a cross reference of my target audience who are 15-25 year olds with these responses, as shown in the table below. And over 60% look at their phone every 30 minutes, being the biggest time gap, and nearly a fifth checking their phones every 5 minutes.

As only 8% of my audience don’t use any form of social media, I can exclude them in favor of the masses.Other than that ,there seems to be a balanced use of social media except for Instagram which has the largest amount of responses.Because of this when I talk about social media I will most like use or reference Instagram or perhaps others like Facebook which also got a lot of results.

When I created this, I was well aware that nobody would willingly live forever without any form of technology, so I scaled down to what seemed more reasonable. It seems that people would not be willing to live a week without technology on average. However what is interesting is the fact they could be saying that as a challenge, they could be thinking of it as a experiment, such as ‘yeah, ill see if I can last a week without technology’, so it could very well be that while people are willing to try it for a week, they probably wouldn't really be willing to try it over and over again to change their lifestyle, but they would do it out of curiosity once.

Here there are multiple clear symptoms of becoming addicted to technology that they public feel. The three main parts are, spending more time on technology than with people, thinking that your phone is vibrating or ringing when it isn’t, and using 2 or more media platforms at once.Clearly people are not just experiencing these things but realizing them as well, they just aren’t necessarily making the connection.

One of my most important questions. All of the boxes on the question above were ticked, many more than once or some people ticking more than one. so the direction I need to take in my advertisement is raising awareness, because people just don’t realize the danger that is around them. Perhaps it is because it has become the normal thing. Or maybe it is just they don't want to think they are because they don’t want to give it up.Either way I need to help people to realize how technology has made its way under our skin without us realizing , I think the best way is to show them using statistics and facts, not just of the extreme, but also the masses.

People here would least likely want to give up their phone, however I think that is half due to the utility of texting and calling, and the usefulness it provides.What is very interesting is that out of these five media platforms, it appears that people would be most willing to give up social media, so people realize that they do not need it and not only is it not the most important thing in their life but it is also the least important media. When it comes to advertising, I believe I should stress the fact that giving it up isn’t the worst thing in the world, in fact it is one of the best things you could lose, however I don’t think people would want to hear it, because they wont immediately or want see any immediate effects of having it. So it makes sense that all I do is try to alert them to how long they are spending on it, and get them to spend less time on it.

The majority of people who answered this question said that it was good so that they could keep in touch with friends. Because of this I have made a profile of those who said this. I have found out:• 64% of people who said this are female.• 71% are 16-25 years old• Most check their phones from every 6-60 minutes with a most being closer to

6.• 71% use Instagram.• 50% would only willingly live a day without technology.• Most have had symptoms with a 100% response to using 2 or more media

platforms at once.• 78% don’t think they are addicted.• And would be most willing to give up gaming with TV or social media a close

second.In my style of advertising everything is still very balanced, so I will still keep my advertising gender neutral but will definitely target it more towards younger people that do spend a lot of time on media platforms.

While far more varied than the last question, the most common answers were that there is risk of bullying. Those who thought this seemed very opinionated and thus I have made a profile on them, this is the result:• 60% are male• 60% are 16-25• 40% look at their phone every 6-15 minutes or every 30-60 minutes• The most commonly used social media used is Instagram• 60% would willingly live without technological media for 1 week, the rest would

only do it for a day.• Most have had symptoms of technology addiction with a 100% response to

using 2 or more media platforms at once. And spending more time with technology than people and thinking their phone is ringing when it wasn't are also very high.

• 60% actually thought that they were addicted to technologyThis group of people seemed more aware of the dangers and also believed that they were addicted to technology. As they are aware, when it comes to advertising I must make sure that I don’t just give them statistics that make them think they might be, because they already know they are. Instead I must just give them a reason or motivation to not give it up, but nullify it.

Perfect Target Audience ExampleThis is the type of person that I am trying to reach those that are young, check their phone as often as they breathe, use social media, wouldn't’t want to live without technology, have felt symptoms but don’t think they are addicted. This is what I need to combat, people who don’t know why they are like this, don’t want to stop being like it, and cant see a reason to change. I need to show them that there are risks, it does affect people, and it happens all the time.Hopefully I can show them this…

The Client

The client:Get Safe Online is the UK’s first national internet security awareness campaign, founded in 2005. Get Safe Online is a joint initiative between the Government, the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA), Microsoft, and other private sector sponsors from the worlds of technology, retail and finance.The initiative aims to help individuals and micro-businesses to protect themselves against internet security risks by raising awareness of the need for internet security and providing information, advice and updates through its website

Get safe online deal with a multiple amount of issues, the deal with security for computers, phones and tablets. The help by giving advice about viruses and scams and potential threats that you can be on the lookout for.

They campaign on how to protect your computer, how to protect yourself online, how to safely work your phones and tablets, shopping and banking payments, safeguarding children and social networking.

Since the introduction of Get Safe Online 10 years ago, cases of scam and computer based hacking has decreased by 15% in relation to the population.

they are hoping to eventually put an end to all UK based online injustice, in relation to child safety, scams, spam and so on.

Facts and figures:

• An average restaurant will witness over 36 cases of someone ignoring who they are with because of their phone per dinner session. Plus 97% of people say that their food tasted worse as a result of this.

• 87% of teens would rather communicate via text than face-to-face.• London has nearly 13,000,000 cases of ignorance because of phones.• Gamers who are addicted to first person shooters display higher level of trait impulsivity. • Compared to control subjects, individuals classified as addicted to the Internet reported greater

feelings of depression and rated their family functioning as more negative.• Compared to a control group, those addicted to the Internet scored higher on measures of

depression and anxiety, and lower on measures of self-directedness and cooperativeness.• 60-80% of people’s time on the internet at work have nothing to do with work.• Research reveals that it may actually be harder for an alcoholic or 3 pack a day smoker to give up

their substance than someone who’s addicted to technology to give up their phone.• Around 2.5 billion people use social media every day.• If you lived for as long as the average time spent on social media each day, you would die aged

200,114 years old.• Did you know that ‘Phubbing’ is the act of ignoring someone in favor of your phone. And if someone died every

time they were ‘phubbed’, the human race would be wiped from the face of the earth in under 6 days.

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