social customer experiences that deliver real business...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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The new “Kodak moment”

is that moment when you

realize that customer

behaviors and

preferences changed so

dramatically from your

assumptions that it’s too

late to change. @briansolis

Digital Darwinism

The evolution of society

and technology and its

impact on behavior,

expectations and customs.

Many dominant companies built their reputations on giving customers

what they could expect consistently…predictable experiences. Now,

connected consumers want the opposite of that.

The future of retail

balances in-store, web,

mobile, social and

emerging tech to deliver

frictionless, seamless and

innovative customer

experiences. You are now

experience architects. #experiencearchitecture


begins here

and here

and here

As times, tastes and trends change, you

have to be willing to innovate and re-

imagine your value proposition. Always.

You must take risks knowing that

sometimes you will fail. But overall, these

failures will teach you, give you new

experience and expertise and make your

company and team stronger.

What is brand experience?

What is customer experience?

XExperience is the sum of all engagements a customer has with you during the customer lifecycle.

What is experience?

Experience is something you

feel, something you sense

and interpret…it’s measured

by how you react.

86% of consumers say they are

willing to pay more for a better

customer experience.

BrandOur promise and our

investments in CX

ExperienceWhat people actually feel and

share in every moment






The Future of Retail in 1 Picture

Meet Generation C – “Connected”



Master Total Re-CXing

People look at their phones 1,500x each week.

They spend 177 minutes on their phone per day.



And, digital introverts…

Connected customers see the world differently. They’re “always on.”


Ladies and gentlemen,

The Cluster Funnel

The 90s

called…they want

their Internet back.

I tried to be innovative, but I got stuck in meetings.

Innovation in experience design is all the work you do to conform to expectations and aspirations of people as they evolve instead of making them conform to your legacy perspectives, assumptions, processes and metrics of success.



Micro-moments unfold through

a variety of common “I want”

scenarios that help people

take steps or make decisions

I want to learn…

I want to buy…

I want to know…

I want to go…

I want to do…

• Webrooming more common than showrooming (69% to 46% respectively), according to Harris poll

• Millennials prefer webrooming

• Amazon remains #1 for both showrooming and webrooming

If you’re waiting for someone to tell you what to do, you’re on the wrong side of innovation.

Inspired by Matt Ballantine

There is no 1 way to succeed in the future. Success

is dependent on a balance of iteration, innovation and

disruption. If you do not disrupt yourself, it will be a

gift given to you by someone else.


“When we think about ourselves, we think about constantly

innovating and staying ahead of the curve,” says Bridget Dolan, vice

president, Sephora Innovation Lab.

“The mission is to make sure we are listening to our clients’ needs,

our internal employees and the ideas they have, and keeping a

finger on the pulse of trends, all the while competing with ourselves

to make sure we’re always innovating.”

“A lot of work Labs is doing is focused

on understanding the shopper, the

actual consumer, relationship with the

brand. It's about how we facilitate the

ability for any kind of engagement,

anywhere, anytime, any way. ‘Shop

my way.’

- Andy Hedges, Director of Shopping Centre Management and

Marketing, Westfield

The price tags in the store have been printed from digital ink,

meaning prices can be adjusted centrally and instantly.

Customer Loyalty is getting a makeover

Loyalty cards will be replaced by targeted, data-

driven, customized rewards derived through

integrated data sources:

Transactional data

Demographic data

Social data

CRM data

Existing loyalty data

Proprietary data

Sensor data

Supply chain data

Location data

1. Expectations

2. Intent

3. Context

4. Immediacy

Reverse Engineer

Retail Experiences

Fix the fundamentals

Eliminate friction points



The Pyramid of

Retail Innovation

Fix what they hated + give them

something they didn’t know they

wanted and now can’t live without.

Innovation begins with us The distance between here and the future is only

separated by a vision for what’s possible and

improbable and what we do to make it reality.

Brian Solis

Altimeter Group, a Prophet Company


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