social-cognition for learning as a deaf student gary morgan tom in learners.pdf · 2014-10-28 ·...

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Social cognition for learning 1

Social-cognition for learning as a deaf student

Gary Morgan

Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre

Language and Communication Science

Northampton Sq.

City University London


RUNNING HEAD: Social cognition for learning


This research was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council of Great Britain (Grant

620-28-600 Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre). I would like to thank Ros

Herman and Mar Perez for their comments during the writing of this chapter.

Social cognition for learning 2

Social-Cognition for Learning as a Deaf Student


Success at capturing academic information in the classroom and assimilating this into existing

knowledge relies on an intertwined set of cognitive and social skills. These are both basic: audition,

vision, attention, and more complex: language development, social-cognition (Theory of Mind) and

conversational pragmatics (how we use language in interaction). All of these skills are typically

well developed in hearing children‟s psychology when they arrive for the first time in the

classroom. One of the ways young children first develop social-cognitive abilities is through rich

interaction involving language and communication with their caregivers. While some social-

cognitive abilities may appear very early in development,, for example, joint attention and non-

verbal interactions, communication and language allow these abilities to flourish and fully mature.

This higher level of complexity is important for children to reach, as through language children can

appreciate more complex social-cognitive concepts uttered by others around them and also express

their own developing ideas. Most deaf children do not have language impairment but find natural

language acquisition effortful, and this includes pragmatics which enable an understanding of the

conversational needs of your interaction partner, that is, „what do they know, what do they not

know and how specific or general do I need to be when I speak to them‟? Perhaps not

coincidentally, young deaf children with hearing parents find tests of social-cognition difficult.

This chapter reviews the research on how deafness influences early interaction and language

development, what deafness means for picking up ambient knowledge about others‟ mental states

and what social-cognitive delays might mean for academic learning. The take home message is for

professionals to devote time in the school to social-cognitive as well as speech and language

interventions and with this aim the chapter concludes with several ideas for future interventions in

this important area.

Key words: Theory of mind, language, deafness, false belief, intervention, learning

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Social-Cognition for Learning as a Deaf Student

This chapter describes research findings on deaf children‟s understanding of others -

an ability termed „social-cognition‟ with one important component called Theory of Mind. The

chapter attempts to link up what we know about social-cognitive development and its function for

deaf students in a school classroom. With this in mind, it is aimed at teachers, Communication

Support Workers (CSWs) and parents of deaf children. The title is purposefully about how social-

cognition enables or facilitates academic learning and for this reason will highlight research

findings that might be relevant for deaf children‟s future and current academic progression. In this

chapter „learning‟ refers to the mastery of academic concepts: numeracy, encyclopaedic knowledge

and the epistemological skills to appreciate different points of view in science etc.

In the UK 1 in 1000 children are born each year with a significant hearing loss which

affects their language and educational achievement (Davis et al., 1997). The recent survey by the

Consortium for Research in Deaf Education (CRIDE, 2012) estimated this equated to 37,400

school aged children in England. Furthermore 95% of these children are born to hearing parents

with little experience or knowledge of deafness. While intelligence scores are within the normal

range for these children (Braden, 1994), they lag behind their hearing peers in educational

achievement. Powers et al. (1998) reported only 14% of 16 year old deaf children achieved the

higher grades (GCSE A-C) necessary for advanced studies compared with 44% of hearing children

at this age. Powers et al. (1998) in a systematic review of educational achievement of deaf children

reported significant delays in language, reading, writing and mathematics which they concluded

was an indication of pervasive under-achievement.

Much research over the same time period has described developmental differences

between deaf and hearing children in their social-cognitive skills (see recent review in Meristo,

Helmquist & Morgan, 2012), yet there is very little research that addresses the question of social-

cognition and academic learning directly or even what happens with deaf children‟s interactions in

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the classroom (e.g., Delana, Gentry & Andrews, 2007; Singleton & Morgan, 2006). How might

academic achievement and social-cognitive development be linked? It is generally accepted that the

early home environment, especially early, rich interaction and language can provide children with

good social-cognitive foundations for school learning (see Hintermair, this volume; Tang, Yiu, &

Lam, this volume. The same can be assumed for how deaf children develop social-cognitive skills

needed for academic achievement.

This chapter focuses on how deaf children view other people and understand the

social consequences of their own and others‟ behaviour and thinking. An increased understanding

of this aspect of deaf children‟s development might help teachers appreciate why deaf children

could be different types of academic learners. For example, if a 6 year old deaf child does not

understand other people‟s thinking, this will have an influence on how well they can participate in a

classroom discussion about the reasons for different outcomes in a story. Deafness might affect

learning in many ways, for example, by affecting the development of language comprehension, by

its consequences for different aspects of non-verbal intellectual development (e.g., memory,

attention and executive functions) or more widely in terms of the level of parental involvement in a

deaf child‟s education (see Hermans, Vugs, Berkel, & Knoors, this volume). However a child with

delays in understanding the reasons for other people‟s behaviour and mental states will be at a

disadvantage for learning in a classroom as well. Social awareness and abilities in understanding

others are crucial elements for a deaf child‟s full inclusion in the mainstream classroom.

The chapter is organised as follows: first a working definition of social-cognition in

classroom learners will be outlined. This involves more specifically what Theory of Mind (ToM)

and understanding of false belief entail. Many studies have linked language development with ToM

and especially children‟s understanding of explicit false belief tasks (tested with questions and

answers) and this will be described in the second section. The third section will describe research

on deaf children‟s performance on ToM tasks. In the same section, a framework based on access to

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conversation as a trigger for ToM development will be described (Siegal, 1997), followed by a

summary of research in this area with deaf-child hearing-parent dyads. The chapter concludes with

a section on possible intervention and training studies for improving social-cognition in deaf

children in their families and classrooms. The purpose of this last section is to stimulate discussion

on how educational professionals and groups who work with parents of deaf children can intervene

in social-cognition development at various levels.

Unpacking social-cognition

Social-cognition revolves around how we learn to understand other people‟s mental

states (knowledge, beliefs, desires, emotions etc.) and how these states are related to certain

patterns in other‟s behaviour. To illustrate one aspect of this domain, appreciating other people‟s

false beliefs, an every-day family interaction is described here. Picture this scene: you arrive home

from work and your 6 year old daughter Ruby announces that she has made you a cake. Ruby is

wearing an apron and is carrying a dirty bowl. You take this as evidence that there is a cake

somewhere that can be eaten. Your 1 year old son James is observing this from his high chair and

watches you as you proceed to the kitchen. But on opening the oven you are confronted with a very

wobbly looking pile of playdough made of different colors in the rough shape of a cake. You

hesitate a second before laughing, Ruby really got you this time and both of you share the joke. At

the same time James is looking at the both of you trying to understand what has happened: is there

a cake after all, why is this all so funny and what are these two people thinking about as they


This story describes an example of people using their social cognition. Specifically,

Ruby planted a false belief in the parent‟s mind: he believed that he was going to eat a real cake.

Ruby knew what he was thinking while at the same time she knew that this belief was false – there

was no real cake. This ability to reason about other‟s beliefs is enabled by what psychologists term

„meta-representation‟ and is at the heart of the ability to reflect on the reasons for other people‟s

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behaviour. Meta-representation allows the child to hold in her mind another person‟s cognitions or

thinking, which in the cake example is in fact different from her own understanding of reality. The

child knows there is no real cake but also knows that her father is thinking that there is. Being able

to do this allows you reason about, predict and explain the behaviour of others.

Ruby was able to understand and even predict your surprise at opening the oven and

clearly enjoys the confusion which the false belief led you to. This is all fine for the 6 year old;

however the interesting question is what did James get out of it? This question is over 30 years old

in the research literature on social-cognitive or ToM development. To be able to enter into the

theory of mind game children need to be able to understand the language and pragmatics of the

situation („we made you a cake‟ but we know it is not a real cake) which entails some appreciation

of the rules of conversations, understand the emotional response (surprise, laughter) and why it had

come about and also importantly be able to represent another person‟s belief (he thinks the cake in

the oven is going to be a real cake but only I know that) and finally reason about that representation

(I know his belief is false). All of these complex developments are required before children can

fully understand what has happened in the false belief situation.

The first studies of false belief understanding proposed these abilities emerged in

typically developing children between 4-5 years of age. What enabled this development to happen

(i.e. the previous stimulation or triggers) is still the subject of much debate. One area of research

proposes that ToM development is determined by language acquisition. For this reason, a large

number of studies has investigated social-cognitive development in deaf children who have

different degrees of language development delay. If we imagine that the children in the cake

scenario were the deaf offspring of hearing parents what would we expect of them in terms of

understanding false beliefs? Would a 6 year old deaf child playing the cake game have this

complex ability to manipulate meta-representations of the beliefs of adults, and how much would

the one year old deaf child understand if everyone playing the game around him were hearing and

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speaking? From many studies of children born deaf to hearing parents it is clear that these kinds of

social-cognitive skills develop significantly later than in both deaf children with deaf parents and

hearing children of hearing parents (e.g., Courtin & Melot, 2005; Figueras-Costa & Harris, 2005;

Schick, deVilliers, deVilliers & Hoffmeister, 2007; Meristo et al., 2012, Morgan & Kegl, 2006;

Wimmer & Perner, 1983). There is however continuing debate as to what factors in deaf children‟s

development may be different or deficient that lead to such ToM delays.

While little of the previous research concerns exactly how delays in understanding

false belief would affect academic learning in classrooms, we can speculate how the two areas are

related. We know that understanding false belief is linked to appreciating other people‟s emotions,

mental states, desires, and intentions, and so a difficulty in reasoning about the mental lives of

others would affect how successful a child is in accessing the inter-personal dynamics of the

classroom. Equally, understanding the social-cognitive factors that explain other people‟s

behaviours would offer children in the classroom a better grasp of the reasons for specific requests

from teachers and other children. This would be important when these requests involved

understanding pragmatics, for example, rhetorical questions from teachers, reflecting on why one‟s

own actions and behaviour is linked to other people‟s emotions, and so on. ToM would allow deaf

children to navigate between different perspectives on the same situation, discussions of scientific

or philosophical points of view, for example, in the question: are all wars bad? A well-developed

ToM would be extremely important for deaf children‟s understanding of abstract concepts

discussed in the classroom that require some level of meta-representation of mental states. While

ToM might not be necessary for all academic learning it is an important skill for accessing the

classroom dynamics where learning is taking place.

Two related issues in deaf children‟s language development are important to set out

early. First, language itself (via the semantics, syntax and grammar) will facilitate understanding of

complex ToM related concepts encountered in classrooms for the first time. For example

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appreciating the difference between “remember,” “recall,” “call to mind,” and “rings a bell,” as

well as understanding sentence structures used in hypothetical language, for example, “if you were

X.” In the wider field many theorists have linked the role of language development to the

development of ToM in typically developing hearing children (e.g., deVilliers & deVilliers, 2000;

Milligan, Astington, & Dack, 2007). Secondly, there is an issue about how deafness affects access

to language in the ambient discourse where abilities in understanding other‟s talk around you will

be important for accessing mental state knowledge. The first issue has been very well documented

in deaf children and results are changing rapidly. However despite great improvements language

development (especially spoken) is effortful and usually delayed in deaf children with hearing

parents (e.g., Quittner et al, 2013 and reviews in Spencer & Marschark, 2006). However the second

issue: access to overheard ToM related talk of others in the classroom has received much less

attention in the research literature. Hearing children typically experience much everyday

discussion and conversation of different points of view just by overhearing older siblings or parents

talking (O‟Brien, Slaughter, & Peterson, 2011) and enter naturally into what Nelson, Plesa and

Henseler (1998) termed the “community of minds.” There is very little research looking at

mainstream classroom interaction with deaf children, but we could speculate that even those

children with good hearing because of their use of cochlear implants (CIs) will be less able to

access this ambient language in noisy classroom environments. CIs, while they work well for face-

to-face communication if a child can use spoken language, do not give a child fully functioning

hearing for multiple conversations around them in a noisy classroom to the same extent as for

typically hearing children (Akhtar, 2005).

For full participation in classrooms and for effective learning, deaf children need to be

able to better understand social situations involving themselves and other children. When other

children act in particular ways in response to the teacher, it is important that deaf children in

mainstream classrooms grasp what mental states are driving these actions. For example a hearing

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child in a classroom hears the upset cry of a fellow hearing pupil on another desk. The first child

looks up and while still holding his pencil to the paper works out what has happened. The second

child has ripped her drawing. The first child overhears the word “rubber” (eraser) and surmises the

second child was upset because while rubbing out her picture the page got ripped. This happens in

a split second and the first child takes this in then looks down and continues with his work. The

deaf peer sat nearby missed all of this happening. At break time the two hearing children brush past

each other and the second child acts as if she is angry about the collision. The first hearing child

correctly understands the motives for this reaction are linked to the previous event with the paper

and rubber and is able to regulate his own behaviour as a result. The deaf child looks at the angry

girl in confusion.

Any deaf child would find this social-cognitive situation quite challenging to resolve,

ambient noise and incidental language might be more difficult to process quickly in a noisy

classroom, even for a hearing child. A skilled classroom assistant working with a deaf child is

going to struggle to explain everything that is happening around a deaf child. We can also think

about how much incidental learning happens in the home between parents, siblings and friends.

How much information is relayed to young deaf children about things happening beyond their

hearing range?

For typically developing children, teachers and parents explain incidental social

situations as learning is taking place. As children read, for example, the teacher may be asking one

child “explain to your friend what you are reading because she doesn‟t understand the first line.”

Deaf children might be getting reduced input of this incidental discussion of mental states. Children

develop their social cognition through informal overheard and direct conversation, experience of

rich accessible social situations and through their developing language ability (Akhtar, 2005). If

even those deaf children with good language skills and some amount of hearing are missing out on

some incidental information around them this will contribute to difficulties in completing the

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complex picture of how world and social knowledge fit together. There is a part of the ToM

difficulty therefore linked to how much young deaf children are active participants in social

situations which is connected to their language and conversational skills, and how much they miss

from (not) over-heard information occurring around them.

There are significant academic consequences of social-cognitive delay, for example

access to higher levels of literacy will require high levels of pragmatic comprehension of plot

components and ToM abilities. Teachers and educational professionals need to know more about

social-cognitive development and how deaf children are at risk for this important set of milestones

<1>A selective retrospective on ToM research

The first published studies of ToM begin with Wimmer and Perner (1983) and

typically developing hearing children where, in the standard test scenario, the experimenter

introduces the child being tested to two dolls called Sally and Anne. The experimenter uses the

Sally doll to hide a marble in a basket in front of Anne‟s view. Then Sally is removed from the test

situation by telling the child that the doll had to go outside. While Sally is absent the experimenter

uses the Anne doll to move a marble from the basket to a closable box. Now the experimenter

brings back the Sally doll and the child is asked “Where will Sally look for her marble”? Wimmer

and Perner (1983) argued that the ability to appreciate another person‟s false belief went through a

change during 4 - 5 years of age. While younger children answer that Sally will look for her marble

in the box (thus failing to appreciate that Sally has a false belief) older children answer correctly

that she will look for it in the original location, that is, in the basket.

Following this study, Baron-Cohen, Leslie and Frith (1985) showed that children with

autism and Downs Syndrome had difficulties with these types of task but when children with Down

Syndrome got older and achieved a sufficient language level to understand the story, they were able

to pass the test (i.e., make the correct predictions). Children with autism, even with sufficient

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language skills, however, had persistent difficulties in the task. This pinpointed one of the areas of

difficulty for children with autism as being in the social-cognition domain. At the same time,

linguists were investigating the role of language in the ability to use cognitive meta-representations

to solve false belief problems. For many years philosophers and psychologists have questioned

what role language has for thinking (e.g., Carruthers, 2009). One theory argued that children

needed to have developed an understanding of the syntax necessary to embed one clause in another

(termed sentence compliments), for example, Sally thought that, the marble was in the basket. The

theory was that by being able to do this in language children would be able to manipulate the two

clauses in an internal meta-representation.

Other researchers (e.g., Milligan et al., 2007) have argued that rather than syntax, it is

lexical development that triggers children to think about mental states more explicitly. This

research highlights the acquisition of vocabulary linked to mental state verbs – “to think, to know,

to not know” and so on. But other researchers instead have claimed that the key to understanding

the role of language in children‟s ToM development is to look not at their acquisition of formal

properties (verb semantics, syntax etc.) but instead their experience of language and

communication in conversation (Siegal, 1997). This point of view focused on how children come to

develop the pragmatic skills necessary to understand conversations and interaction between

themselves and others, which was thought to be the trigger for ToM development.

<2>ToM development in deaf children

As described previously language and social-cognitive development have been

investigated extensively in deaf children over the past two decades. Currently, what childhood

deafness means for development is going through rapid and profound changes. The spoken

language abilities of deaf children has changed over the last 15-20 years, with advances in neo-

natal screening (C. Mayer & Leigh, 2010; Watson, Archbold, & Nikolopoulos, 2006); hearing

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technologies (Davis et al., 1997) and changes to educational provisions (Knoors & Marschark,

2014). In the classroom, language development is important for all types of academic activity

(literacy, discussions, following instructions, interpreting complex situations, planning your own

work etc.) and this might be why much effort is placed on deaf children‟s learning of vocabulary,

grammar, and literacy in the early school years. With the increasing popularity of CIs, it is clear

that deaf children have greater spoken language development than ever before. However it is not

clear if this is the same for all other areas of communicative development, especially their

pragmatics (Surian, Tedoldi & Siegal, 2010). More recently, Rinaldi, Baruffaldi, Burdo, and Caselli

(2013) looking at a sample of deaf Italian 12-36 month olds that despite improvements in spoken

language vocabulary as reported on the MacArthur-Bates Child Development Inventory (CDI)

vocabulary checklist, the young deaf children still had severe difficulties in the pragmatic aspects

of language.

Children in a mainstream classroom who use CIs may cope well one-on-one or in a

quiet room but as conversation partners, ambient noise, and distances between speakers increase

more complex pragmatic skills may be required for academic learning. Despite improved outcomes

for hearing and spoken language for children with CIs many still have disruptions to their spoken

and signed language development leading to language development delays. In a recently study

Woll, (2013) looked at a sample of deaf children with hearing parents who had an early diagnosis

of deafness. Using the English and British Sign Language versions of the CDI vocabulary checklist

Woll found in both their spoken English and BSL they were significantly delayed compared to their

native signing or speaking peers. In other countries changes to the spoken language outcomes of

intervention for young deaf children with CIs is also changing rapidly (e.g., Perez, Valmaseda

Balanzategui, & Morgan, 2014). One potential concern for language development delay and,

especially in pragmatics, is on social-cognitive functions.

When the first studies on deaf children‟s ToM began to emerge in the 1980s there was

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a clear negative affect of deafness on this social-cognitive milestone. There was a wide range of

delays reported for deaf children of hearing parents from between 3 to 10 years (for a recent review

see Meristo et al., 2012). These findings continued apace throughout the next 20 years with studies

appearing in deaf children in different countries. There were variations in how much delay was

reported across these studies but there was clearly a difficulty for deaf children on false belief tasks.

Many of the early studies were less able to control a number of factors important for passing these

tasks, for example, hearing levels, language levels and family background. This made interpreting

the overall results difficult. Part of the reason several different delays were reported across different

studies may also have been due to different testing methods, including the use of signing or

speaking in the testing situation or the use of sign language interpreters to explain tasks.

The main problem in several early studies was that the groups that were tested were

very diverse. For example some studies included deaf children from deaf parents (DCDP) and

hearing parents (DCHP) in the same sample. This led to great variability in performance and

suggested that all deaf children, regardless of prenatal hearing status were performing similarly on

the false belief tests. Woolfe, Want, and Siegal (2002) ruled out the notion that deafness per se was

the cause of false belief failure by demonstrating that a group of 4-5 year old deaf children of deaf

parents passed a standard ToM test at age equivalent levels. Following on from this work Schick et

al. (2009) further resolved these issues by comparing groups of children based on parents‟ hearing

status and language preferences: the DCDP and hearing children groups passed standard false

belief tasks at the same ages, but the two DCHP groups (educated using oral methods or ASL)

displayed a 3 year delay.

Interestingly, family signing skills may not be the only predictor of children‟s success

on ToM tasks. Meristo et al (2007) compared social-cognitive development of DCDP in different

school situations. The groups of native signers were in either signing schools adopting a bilingual

approach to communication in the classroom (teachers could use sign and spoken language

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fluently), while the other native signers were being educated in oral language only school

situations. Recall that this group of deaf children has been reported to have typical development of

social cognitive skills compared with the deaf children of hearing parents group. Strikingly the

children in the oral schools had more difficulty with social-cognitive tasks than their peers in the

bilingual signing schools. The argument Meristo et al. (2007) put forward was that the bilingual

signing schools provided an accessible environment and stimulation which further developed the

native signers‟ social-cognitive skills. While ToM development progressed well in both groups up

to the point of starting school, the necessary conditions for the further development of these

abilities were less available in an oral language only school.

<2>Social-cognition beyond false beliefs

Up to this point it has argued that hearing children of hearing parents (HCHP) pass

ToM tasks involving false beliefs during their 4th


year and this means ToM typically develops in

this time-window. The shortcoming with this idea is that it equates understanding of “false belief”

with more basic skills involved in ToM and in wider social-cognition. But appreciation of false

beliefs is only one area which children use to understand others. What might be more accurate is

that there is a spectrum of abilities in ToM and these develop in children over a protracted time

frame. From basic precursors of understanding others to more advanced levels of mental state

reasoning. Wellman and Liu (2004) put forward just this perspective in a five-stage ToM scale

which begins with children first acquiring knowledge about the mind through an understanding of

desires (“I like, she likes, wants, doesn‟t like” etc.), then diverse beliefs (thinking differs across

people), followed by an understanding of knowledge and ignorance (e.g., seeing leads to knowing,

not seeing leads to not knowing), then false ideas/beliefs, and finally children gain an

understanding of hidden emotions (e.g., “she is pretending to be sad”). Peterson and Wellman

(2009) went on to investigate the ToM scale in 93 children (33 deaf; 60 hearing) aged 3 to 13 years

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who were tested on a set of six ToM tasks. The results showed that deaf children were substantially

delayed in the chronological age they passed the tests compared to hearing children, especially in

understanding pretending and false belief, and this was correlated with the deaf children‟s delays in

social pretend play. But the results also confirmed the five-step developmental progression for

ToM. Both groups progressed through the same sequence, in the same order, albeit at different


To summarize the ideas up to this point, social cognition includes a spectrum of

abilities linked to understanding other minds and how mental states link to others‟ behaviour. One

area of development thought to be crucial is the meta-representation of mental states through

language, that is, “she thinks that X….” Many researchers have argued that some linguistic abilities

lie behind children‟s use of meta-representations to reason about ToM and research on deaf

children with hearing parents and their ability to pass ToM tasks has been used to confirm this.

Understanding other‟s thinking is an important skill for many areas of children‟s lives, especially

mental health, emotional regulation, understanding of complex language and pragmatics, and

therefore any delays can be problematic. Once a deaf child demonstrates atypical development of

social understanding, this can lead to consequences in other areas of his/her development, for

example, appreciation of complex mental state dilemmas in narratives and being able to monitor

and regulate one‟s own emotions (e.g., Rieffe, & Meerum Terwogt, 2006; see Rieffe, Netten,

Broekhof, & Veiga, this volume). If a deaf child has difficulty with social-cognition, this will affect

their academic learning both directly as a barrier to integrating into the shared discourse around

ideas in the classroom. More indirectly, the cognitive resources required for understanding others

may also divert resources away from the task of academic learning. While different perspectives

exist around what aspects of language are important for social-cognition, a main area this chapter

has focused on is conversational interaction.

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<1>The importance of conversation for social cognition

There have been many attempts to find a causal explanation for deaf children‟s difficulty with ToM

tasks and these have identified the formal structures of language being delayed in this group‟s

development. We can also think about language not just as a system of words and sentences but as

a way people communicate with each other. Through interaction and especially conversation,

speakers enter into series of interactive mind-reading activities. This can also happen even when

they are not directly involved in these interactions, as in overhearing others‟ conversations (Siegal,

1997). These skills emerge early in typically developing children, during the first year of life (e.g.,

Carpenter & Liebalk, 2012). During this period, children establish joint attention and this

connectedness to the “conversation” partner is seen as a precursor to later ToM development. Joint

attention is something many deaf children with hearing parents have problems achieving (Harris &

Chasin, 2005; Lederberg & Mobley, 1990; Lieberman, Hatrak & Mayberry, 2013; Moeller &

Schick, 2006). In the preschool, professionals working with deaf children often anecdotally report

3-4 year old deaf children of hearing parents have difficulty with knowing when to look at adults at

the right time when they speak or sign.

Connected to the argument that early conversations play a role in the development of

ToM skills is work on the importance of the quality of input to young children from their

caregivers. Taumoepeau and Ruffman, (2006) reported that maternal mental state talk to hearing

infants correlated with these children‟s later ToM skills. Parents who were more engaged in

mental-state talk had children who were more able to solve ToM type tasks later. From previous

research, we also know that the types of conversations hearing parents have with their deaf children

are somewhat different to those that typically developing children experience (Janjua, Woll &

Kyle, 2002; Lederberg & Mobley, 1990; Moeller & Schick, 2006). Language addressed to deaf

children tends to be simpler, directive, with more naming and questions. This is also found in other

parent-child dyads where hearing children have been identified with a disability.

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How does this relate to deaf children‟s social cognitive development? In a recent study,

Morgan et al. (2014) carried out an analysis of the conversational experience of deaf and hearing

children with hearing parents, aged 17–35 months. Parents had to describe pictures that elicit

mental and emotional state language to their children following the Taumoepeau and Ruffman

(2006) methodology. Parents of the deaf children could describe the pictures in their preferred way,

whether in sign or speech or a combination of both. We analyzed the content and “connectedness”

of the conversations, finding that input to the deaf hearing children from their hearing care-givers

differed greatly in terms of mental state labels compared with hearing mother‟s taking to their

hearing same age children. Parents of hearing infants referred to cognitions, that is, using words

like “think,” “know” or “remember,” significantly more often than did those of deaf infants. There

were no differences between groups in references to desires or emotions. For conversation

connectedness the parents with a hearing child produced significantly more connected turns overall

than did the parents with a deaf child. Among parents with a hearing child, turns were significantly

more likely to be connected than initiated and more likely to be connected than failed. But for the

parents with a deaf child, turns were both more likely to be failed than connected and more likely to

be initiated. Parents with a deaf child thus have a difficulty maintaining a conversation and initiate

turns more. This suggests conversations are more parent led when a deaf child takes part.

A last finding from the Morgan et al. (2014) study has consequences for how we think

about early language intervention with young deaf children and their caregivers. In the hearing

child-parent dyads only 2-5% of the interaction concerned references to cognitive and mental

states, but this presumably will be sufficient to trigger their typical ToM development. This final

point highlights that the amount for parents to adapt their language and conversation style when

they talk to their deaf children might not be large.

<1> Future directions for interventions on social cognition

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From the previous literature review, it should be clear that deaf children of hearing parents are at

risks for delays in development of social-cognition. Deaf children‟s spoken language skills are

improving but it is still the case that these children‟s ToM development is an issue (e.g., Remmel &

Peters, 2000). In the school context deaf children in the classroom are learning some of the pieces

of the social puzzle but continue to have difficulty making it all fit together. So how can we try to

remedy this?

From studies of false belief understanding we see that deaf children‟s development is

delayed, but they do catch up rather than displaying permanent impairments as in children with

autism. This is an important difference as this opens up the opportunity for focused interventions.

However any early delays can lead to later academic difficulties as the level of social-cognitive

problems children are faced with increases exponentially as they enter primary school and on to

adolescence in secondary schools. As children get older the higher level ToM skills needed to be

socially included in the classroom get more complex.

Many schools are aware of the importance of social-cognition for hearing children

and have in place practices to make this area of development a priority. In the United Kingdom for

example it is now common-place to hear about Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL),

and this policy has been shown to be affective at increasing social inclusion (Durlak, Weissberg,

Dymnicki, Taylor & Schellinger, 2011). It is timely that research efforts move from identifying the

problem to investigating solutions for deaf school children. The question is how to intervene based

on the research evidence to date to try to close the social-cognition gap for deaf children with

hearing parents and their peers. Researchers can systematically evaluate what types of interventions

are viable and, if through training outcomes change, ask if these affects are long lasting. This final

section summarizes research work on interventions for social-cognition in different populations of

children. However before this happens it is important to note that in general moving from results

from research to an intervention does not happen directly but instead requires several steps:

Social cognition for learning 19

1) First, identify the risk factors that seem to be evident from the research. For example deaf

children have a delay in passing false belief tests and there appears to be a link between this

difficulty and their language and communicative development. Furthermore, in some studies deaf

children are shown to be involved in qualitatively different types of early interaction with their

hearing parents. In this chapter we have identified two risk factors: delays in ToM development and

lesser access to conversations.

2) Next, it is necessary to test the reliability of the emerging research findings through replications

of these in different contexts and cultures. This is especially important where the initial research

was carried out with small numbers of participants, as is often the case with deaf children. The

follow up research should include bigger groups as well as an attempt to include parents and

children from wider social backgrounds.

3) When designing the intervention an important question is what exactly is the work aiming to

achieve (i.e., what is the outcome measure?). In our context, is the training going to attempt to

increase deaf children‟s ability to pass a false belief test, or is it aimed more generally at improving

their classroom academic learning? Both of these elements might be related but are very different

in terms of how easy they can be evaluated.

4) Following this planning stage, some time needs to be devoted to understanding how a training

study is going to be run, before embarking on a bigger and longer intervention project. A training

study in this context is a smaller-scale piece of work aimed at implementing some intervention in a

small group to test out its feasibility before widening this to a full-scale intervention with a larger

group of children and parents. For example, is training parents to involve more mental state

conversation in their early interaction a feasible thing to ask parents to do?

5) In developing the intervention, the location and participant details needs to be decided upon:

Where will it take place, that is, in a clinic, the home? Will it involve the family, school, siblings

etc.? Each of these options opens up a different set of issues for researchers when collecting

Social cognition for learning 20

evidence of change.


6) What are the details for each type of intervention being tested: the duration, rate, who does it,

how do you measure change, what are the post-intervention evaluations, are randomized control

trials (RCTs) feasible?

It is no surprise that many researchers avoid tackling intervention research given this list of

challenges. Fortunately there are many areas of research that have been translated into intervention,

especially with children with autism, reading difficulties and developmental language impairments.

Here, some of these studies are reviewed with key points highlighted for designing a future ToM


The first example of a training study stems from research on the linguistic skills

hypothesized to be behind children‟s development of meta-representations of mental states. Hale

and Tager-Flusberg (2003) carried out this work with 60 typically-developing children aged 36-58

months who were randomly assigned into 3 groups who received focused training on understanding

social-cognitive problems and different types of language structure: Group 1 had training on false

beliefs (FB); Group 2 relative clauses (RC), that is, “which one did Mary want to buy,” and Group

3 focused on sentence complements (SC), that is, “Mary said that she would like to buy the blue

one.” The researchers first evaluated false belief, complements and relatives before training the

children. The three groups then received two amounts of training with one week apart given by the

experimenter. In the context of a carrying out this type of training work with deaf children, in a

school setting it would be possible for a teacher or teaching assistant to do this amount of work

with deaf children without disturbing their everyday learning.

The training consisted of re-enacting FB scenarios (in a Sally-Anne story) aimed at

better understanding of these scenarios through feedback. This is also relevant for schools where

deaf children are placed, as many preschool children engage in role playing activities. The two

Social cognition for learning 21

language training groups also re-enacted RC and SC sentences. Two days after the training the

children were tested on three different FB, SC and RC assessments. The results were that children

with SC training improved on FB scores, FB training improved FB but training on RC did not lead

to gains on FB assessments.

The conclusion we can draw from this ToM training study is that quite a small

amount of training over a short time span can make a difference to understanding of ToM in

typically-developing children. A more recent study with similar outcomes was reported in Gavazzi,

and Ornaghi, (2011). The question for work on deaf children is whether this amount and type of

training would be sufficient. Also, it is not clear how the language training would work especially

with deaf children who use a sign language. But the false-belief role play is an interesting idea and

could be carried out quite easily. During the classroom or assembly time when a conflict is

discussed it could be a good time for children to express what caused a problem and why other

children might not have understood these causes. These situations stimulate much discussion on

false belief. Children can start to talk about mental states that were incomplete of incorrect, for

example, “you thought that but I thought something different.” Proffessionals working with deaf

children might need to make these kind of discussions more explicit using drawings or role play in

the classrooms.

Turning to studies with children with a social-cognition disability, Golan et al. (2010)

carried out a training study involving children with autism which aimed to improve their

understanding of the links between facial expressions and emotions. Much information used in

social-cognition is expressed via the face and thus can help to interpret other‟s behaviours.

Individuals with autism generally avoid engaging with other people via facial expressions. Deaf

children do not have difficulties with face processing; but some research has suggested they might

have problems interpreting emotions correctly (e.g., Rieffe & Meerum Terwogt, 2006). Thus this

intervention study is a relevant methodology to consider for social-cognition in deaf children.

Social cognition for learning 22

The study had 20 children with autism (aged 4–7 years) and two matched control

groups who were made up of children with autism who received no intervention and a typically

developing group. The training consisted of children watching computer animated cartoons called

“Transporters” which were about trains which had human faces and their interactions. The children

in the training groups watched the video daily for 4 weeks. Children were tested pre and post

training on their understanding of emotional vocabulary and emotion recognition. Post training

evaluation was based on watching videos and naming emotions in novel situations. The importance

of evaluating effects in novel situations is to test if training had transfer to comprehension of

emotion in a wider rather than narrow manner, that is, further than on just the items they had been

trained on. The results were that the intervention groups did better than non-intervention groups on

the post training evaluations and this transferred to novel situations.

Summarizing this study, it was found that in a relatively easy to carry out intervention

involving watching videos every day, children with autism improved on emotion comprehension

and this transferred to novel situations. In terms of deaf children with delays in ToM, similar videos

could be made with FB role play. These scenarios could be devised with real word characters or

animations with either signing characters, subtitles, signed captioned interpreters or non-verbal


A last study looks at results of communication and language training for parents of

deaf children. Botting and Morgan (2007) evaluated an already existing family training package

delivered face-to-face and via web-based materials to parents of deaf children (see The research looked at whether training

hearing parents on communication skills and British Sign Language (BSL) vocabulary would lead

to improvements in the children‟s language development, beyond those occurring over time. The

study compared pre and post-test scores on the BSL CDI (Woolfe et al., 2010) in children whose

parents had and had not received training. There were 29 deaf children of hearing parents (0-5

Social cognition for learning 23

years) and a matched control group who had no training. Both groups were scored on the CDI at

two time points with access to the communication training in between. Training was through face

to face courses and access to a website with 300 BSL phrases listed under family-oriented topics.

The analyses revealed faster vocabulary development for the children whose parents

received training on several of the CDI subsections: overall sign understanding; use of content

words and grammatical/syntactic words. While these results are preliminary, they suggest that

parents who get involved in some training can improve communication and this affects their

children‟s language development. Taking from these three studies we can see that an intervention

aimed at social cognition in deaf children could target language and ToM skills, using a video or

play setting and could be delivered as a parent training component in a course or as web materials.

<2> Proposals for three levels of ToM intervention for deaf children

Training for deaf children, their parents and teachers in social-cognitive skills can be viewed as a

gradual process based on the Wellman and Liu (2004) stage framework. Here some ideas for

intervention are discussed across three time points:

(1) A first period of intervention can be aimed at early communication in infancy with family

members during the whole of the first 12 months of the deaf child‟s life. While this is a crucial time

period for ToM intervention, there are also major effects of early diagnoses of deafness on the

family happening at this time which will impact on feasibility. Training will develop skills around

establishing joint attention, turn-taking and interaction in direct/indirect conversation about

intentions and emotions.

(2) The second period of intervention is aimed at early pre-school aged children (12-36 months). It

focuses on parent‟s being able to discuss mental states and emotions in conversations, exercises in

developing child-parent conversations about knowledge and ignorance, talking with the child using

de-contextualised language (i.e. not only the here and now “what happened yesterday,” “when

Social cognition for learning 24

granddad was a boy”…), encouraging conversations about overhearing news and stories and also

developing skills in “book reading.” Many of these activities can take place in the context of

symbolic play. For example in a nursery-school (kindergarten) classroom where there are different

learning zones or corners one area can be dedicated to Theory of Mind. If a deaf child has very

little expressive language it can be the case this will negatively affect the complexity of symbolic

play as it may impede games where an object is substituted for another, for example, a box is

played with by a group of children as if it is a mountain. Children who have developed a good level

of meta-representations can use their language skills to underpin their manipulations of such

symbols. For example with linguistic labels such as “imagine if, let‟s pretend that, this is really an

X but let‟s make it a Y etc.” Intervention by professionals can work well here, if during the play

situation they can provide deaf children with labels for objects through this level of hypothetical

language and propose how to make one object stand-in for another. Another activity around

knowledge and ignorance is based on guessing where an object is hidden and clues from a parent,

for example, hot and cold help the child find the hidden thing. This game highlights the idea that

one person can be thinking something another person does not know and can be played with simple

signs or words.

(3) Finally, a school intervention aimed at deaf children aged 3-5 years tackles explicit ToM

reasoning. Here the training aims to develop false belief understanding through role play, scenarios

where knowledge comes from multiple sources, training on “I do not know situations” where

children have to explore what happens when they do not something about someone, second order

false belief (“I know that she knows that I do not know”), conversations about unusual ToM

situations, training on managing and inhibiting your first response in social situations, and also

scenarios with moral dilemmas. All of these activities revolve around social-cognition. These

activities and interventions can be linked to literacy time in the classroom. Texts that are rich in

false beliefs, for example in the storybook “The Gruffalo” (Donaldson & Scheffler, 1999), can be

Social cognition for learning 25

chosen for deaf children to read and explain the stories and jokes to adults or other peers. This

could be done in small groups or in the whole class using an electronic whiteboard. In other

contexts, for example, class or year assembly deaf and hearing children can work together on

shared social-cognitive activities. In one of these, for example, each child has a suitcase containing

several objects that are important to him/her. The aim is for the other children to get to know more

about the child though finding out about the contents. This type of activity encourages children “to

put themselves in the shoes of the other child” and to understand more about their tastes and

likes/dislikes. Professionals working with deaf children‟s language development as well as parents

might need to work before hand with the deaf child on the language skills required for these

activities. Children can express themselves through their preferred way (speech, signs, pictures or

even telling a close friend who could then tell the whole group). In all classroom activities

(preschool and primary school), it is important these types of interventions are carried out

systematically and regularly so that deaf children can anticipate and predict what is going to

happen. If professionals are working on augmenting the child‟s mental state language then anything

in the classroom has to be relayed to parents so that they can carry on the activities at home.

<1>Final comments

Several aspects of understanding other people underpin how deaf children learn, as navigating

social situations supports inclusion in educational contexts (Chilton & Beazley, 2014). In modern

preschools and classrooms, deaf children are achieving greater access to information through

hearing and speech and there is a very big emphasis on the evaluation of their vocabulary and

literacy. However it is crucial not to neglect the social experiences of these children to avoid

exclusion. Interactions in the family and classroom based around complex understanding of mental

states and the pragmatics of conversation are still a deficit area for deaf children, and this can be

traced back to different early experience of conversations (Surian, Tedoldi, & Siegal, 2010).

Social cognition for learning 26

Interventions with deaf children thus need to start in the home and build up through pre-school and

primary school. As the demands of communication grow once children enter education, the need to

be socially aware and have a fully developed ToM also becomes important for learning. Future

research needs to be carried out to evaluate the impact of such interventions and the transfer of any

effects onto wider school learning.

Social cognition for learning 27


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