smithfield west public school stage 2 remote learning plan

Post on 15-Oct-2021






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NSW Department of Education

Smithfield West Public School

Stage 2 Remote Learning Plan – Term 3 Week 5, 2021

● Hi Stage 2 students and family members. Welcome to Week 5 of Remote learning. We are almost half

way through the term!!!!!! You should have received your pack last week which contained the magazine

you will be using for some of the reading activities.

● Remember to post pictures of your work in the appropriate manner and correct location in Google

classroom. This is under the assignment your teacher has created for the day which you can find under


● It is VERY important as the fight against COVID 19 continues you are staying home and not accepting


● Please complete the tasks for each day in an exercise book or on sheets of paper. Staple all activities

for each day together. You will be able to hand them to your teacher when we return to school

● If you have access to a device, please go to Google classroom each morning and watch for any

messages from your classroom teacher. If you need to correspond with your classroom teacher to ask

questions this is the best platform. Please remember, teachers will only be available between 9 am –

3 pm to provide any remote learning assistance.

● You are welcome to use your class Stream on Google Classroom to communicate with your teacher

and friends, however, remember that what you write can be seen by all and must only be positive and

polite. Your teacher will post a message to your class on Google Classroom for you to reply to so we

can check your internet connection. Please read what you teacher writes very carefully

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

● If you need help with your work, please contact your teacher through Google Classroom using a private

message. All we ask is that you do your best, try hard and present work you are proud of and that is

reflective of your best efforts. We know for some of you, it will not always be easy

● Please ask your parents to call the school office on 0459 861 534 and leave a message if they need to

speak to your teacher and we will call them back from our homes



● Take care, Mrs Papadatos, Miss Chand, Mrs Cahill, Mr Kirby, Miss Ida, Mrs Gee, Ms Palmer, Miss Reddy

and Miss Novak


Remember to log on to Google classroom and type ‘I’m here’ under your classroom teacher’s comment at 9am.

Ms Palmer will be online for 4K from 11:20 am – 12:20 pm and 3F from 2:00pm – 3:00pm in the STEAM classroom.


Learning intention: Make personal connections with a text

Do this first before reading the rest of the reading activity. Before starting this reading activity, spend 5-10 minutes looking out the window of your home. Write down some of the things you notice that are happening outside. Watch the following video of a text written about this time of coronavirus Go back to the same window and sit there again for 5-10 minutes. See if you notice anything different this second time. Write or draw a labelled diagram to describe what you have noticed.

Write a short paragraph on the people and places you are most looking forward to seeing or going to when this lockdown ends.

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom


Learning intentions: Write a paragraph using technical vocabulary, relating verbs and pronouns ● Last week we learnt what technical vocabulary and what paragraphs mean ● We also learnt about relating verbs and technical vocabulary. Remember technical vocabulary are specific words to a

creature. For example, you would say snout for a pig’s nose or feathers for a bird’s skin.

● Today we will learn how to write a paragraph using technical vocabulary, relating verbs and pronouns ● There are two links you can use to read and gather facts about seaturtles

nature/reptiles/sea-turtles/ ● ● (If you are working from your pack, use the information sheet titled ‘sea turtles’, along with an infographic titled ‘A

guide to sea turtles’) ● Use the informative video that will give you extra information ● Using the sentences on the sheet or information gathered online, write a paragraph about the appearance of sea


● Think about pronoun use (as covered in reading) and examples of other words which can be used instead of sea turtle (Examples will be modelled in the explanation video)

● Extension: Highlight all the technical vocabulary and relating verbs used

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

BREAK – 30 minutes


Year 3 words Year 4 words












triangle tricycle tripod triathlon trilogy

irregular regular rhombus trapezium octagon engulfed gasped reasoned recognised nervously announced aggressively forcefully

Homophones sighs size seas sees seize Suffix ‘able’ able capable adorable disposable believable

Challenge ‘able’ knowledgeable comfortable justifiable measurable acceptable Topic Words magma cooled melt molten observation

● Practise saying aloud each of the words

● Copy your words down on a piece of paper

● Sentences Activity for your Year Group

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

Mathematics - Year 3

Learning Intention: Count by fours, sixes and eights using skip counting

This week we are looking at skip counting. Skip counting is when you count by a certain repetitive number (3, 6, 9, 12, 15 etc). Have a look at the problem below and see what you would have to skip count by in order to work out the answer.

Important vocabulary to remember: multiply, multiplied by, product, multiplication, patterns, multiples, factors, multiplication facts

Problem of the day

Practise saying your 4 x, 6 x and 8 x tables. You should all know how to play crazy clocks. If not, watch the instructional video below. Time yourself playing crazy clocks using the above multiplication facts. Do you notice a pattern that is happening in the units column? Notice how the 8 x tables are double the 4 x tables? Complete the worksheet titled, ‘Monday skip counting’ and skip count by the number given. You will need to cut and paste each of the numbers in the correct order. If you’re online, you can click and drag the numbers into order and submit. For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom BREAK – 45 minutes

Mathematics - Year 4

Learning Intention:

Use mental strategies to multiply a one-digit number by a multiple of 10 (3 x 20) including:

- Repeated addition (20 + 20 + 20 = 60)

- Using place value concepts

- Factorising the multiple of 10

Watch the video in Google classroom to revise multiplying numbers by 10 or 100. (If you are working from a package then read the presentation slides for this lesson).

Complete the worksheet in the slides presentation by typing (writing) in the text box - or writing problems on paper.

If you are still confused about multiplying numbers by 10, login to studyladder and watch the tutorial video to show multiplying by ten. Click the link below once you are logged in.

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

Studyladder, online english literacy & mathematics. Kids activity games, worksheets and lesson plans

Continue to complete the multiplying by 100 activity after viewing (reading) the next slide.

Science and Technology Learning intentions: Draw an annotated diagram of soil solutions collected

Discuss what components of soils could change over time

● Last week in Science we learnt about the features of different soils. Today

we are going to draw a diagram and label parts of a soil solution collected

and discuss what components of soils could change. E.g. texture, colour,

stone content and porosity (the space between the particles).

Why do we use a labelled diagram? We use a labelled diagram to show

the shape, size and features of an object.

What does a labelled diagram include? A labelled diagram might

include a title, an accurate drawing, a scale to show the object’s size and

labels showing the main features. A line or arrow connects the label to the feature

● We know that soil is the loose surface material that covers most land. It consists of inorganic particles and organic matter.

Therefore each type has particular strengths and weaknesses for agricultural production.Soil structure influences plant growth

by affecting the movement of water, air and nutrients to plants.

● Above is an image about soil texture, structure and drainage characteristics. From this image you could see the different

features of soil.

● Task: Using the image titled ‘Soil Solution’

1. Draw an annotated diagram using this soil solution collected. ------------->

2. Label measurements of each layer next to your drawing

3. Answer the following questions:

a. What components of soil changed?

b. What things might mean that soil changed? for example, if the

vegetation changes?

(If you are working from a pack and or online your worksheet is titled ‘annotated diagram soil


Additional activities – if you have completed the mandatory activities above for the day

● Revise your multiplication facts – aiming for quick, accurate recall of all table facts

● Spend 30-minutes on StudyLadder

● Write the letters of the alphabet and find the most interesting item in your house starting with that letter. You should end up with

26 of the most interesting words

● Play a board game with someone and take a photo of yourself. Upload it to your Google classroom

● Rewrite a different start and ending to your favourite movie

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212


Remember to log on to Google classroom and type ‘I’m here’ under your classroom teacher’s comment at 9am.


Learning intentions: Connect information by observing text connectives You will be learning about connectives this week in both reading and writing activities. Connectives are words that link ideas in sentences or between paragraphs. Below is a table which highlights a detailed list of connectives. The following youtube clip also gives examples of the different types of connectives and how they are used There are also some examples below in your next writing lesson of sentences that use connectives. Llisten to the link below which is a talk from a 7 year old girl from the Gold Coast As you are listening to this, write down all the connectives that you notice that Molly uses in her talk. Your Task Play for 10 minutes on a device by yourself. After this, play/talk for 10 minutes with another person (parent/carer, brother or sister) not on a device. You are then to write a paragraph comparing what you did for both activities and how you feel after each 10 minutes of your play. You need to include at least 2 connectives in your detailed paragraph.

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212


Learning intentions: Identify and use grammatical features (connectives) to accurately link ideas and information Identify a variety of connectives in texts to indicate time, to add information and to clarify understanding Yesterday we wrote a paragraph using technical vocabulary, relating verbs and pronouns about sea turtles. Today we will identify and use grammatical features to link ideas and information.

● What is a connective and what do they do? ● A connective is a word that is used to join two ideas within a sentence.

Have a look at different connectives we covered in term 1.

● Example: ● Sea turtles inhabit tropical and subtropical waters around the world, like

coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves. While they spend most of their life in sea, females come ashore during breeding season, and can also lay 110 eggs in their nest at the one time.

● Purpose ● The purpose of using the connective ‘also’ in this sentence is to connect the idea of sea turtles, come ashore during breeding season and lay

110 eggs at the one time. Your task today is to complete cloze passage. You are to open the Google Doc titled “Sea turtle Connectives Cloze Passage” and fill in the appropriate connective from the word bank. Read the sentence first and add the connective that fits perfectly. It helps to read the sentence out loud.

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

BREAK – 30 minutes


● Go to the Years 3 & 4 Library Google Classroom if you have access, otherwise use the worksheets

● Mrs Gee will be online between 11:20 am - 1:10 pm for all Years 3 and 4 classes on the Library Google classroom

● Complete the activity sheets about the ‘Japanese Macaque’ and ‘Australian kangaroo’


Year 3

Learning intentions: Count by fours, sixes and eights using skip counting

Use mental strategies to multiply a one-digit number by a multiple of 10 (3 x 20)

Count by fours starting from 6 (the next ten numbers) Count by sixes starting from 10 (the next ten numbers) Count by eights starting from 12 (the next ten numbers)

Important vocabulary to remember multiply, multiplied by, product, multiplication, patterns, multiples, factors, multiplication facts What is another way I could write 6 x 3? 6 + 6 + 6 = 6 + 6 = 12 12 + 6 = 18 What is another way I could write this sentence? 20 + 20 + 20 = 60 I could write it as 20 x 3 = 60 This is called repeated addition

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

3 x 50 is the same as 50 + 50 + 50 = 150

4 x 30 is the same as 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 120

Complete the worksheet titled, ‘Lesson 2 repeated addition’.

Watch the instructional video on Google classroom if you have access


Year 4

Learning intentions: ● Make generalisations about numbers and number relationships ● Use mental and informal written strategies to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number including:

○ - using known facts, eg 10 x 9 = 90 so 13 x 9 = 90 + 9 = 9 = 9 = 90 =27 =117 ○ - multiplying the tens and then the units

(If you are working from a package then read the presentation slides for this lesson).

1.We can use known multiplication facts and then extend these facts to work out a multiplication fact that is greater than our times table knowledge. View an example of this strategy and complete the worksheet in the slides presentation by typing (writing) in the text box - or writing problems on paper. 2.Using known multiplication facts is not always the most efficient way to multiply a two-digit number by a single digit so another strategy is multiplying the tens and then the ones. View an example of this strategy and complete the

worksheet in the slides presentation (online or paper in your package) by typing (writing) in the text box - or writing problems on paper. 3. Problem of the Day

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

BREAK - 45 minutes


- Copy out each of your words - Complete the Crack the Code Activity for your Year Group

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

Additional activities – if you have completed the mandatory activities above for the day

● Revise your multiplication facts – aiming for quick, accurate recall of all table facts ● Spend 30-minutes on StudyLadder

● Test your Olympic knowledge by completing the following quiz.

● Design and draw your very own Olympic mascot - use your imagination. Here is a link of different Olympic mascots from

previous years if you are lost for ideas Upload your drawings onto our

google classroom


Remember to log on to Google classroom and type ‘I’m here’ under your classroom teacher’s comment at 9am.

Ms Palmer will be online for 3N from 9:00 am – 10:00 am and 4C from 11:20am – 12:20 pm in the STEAM classroom


Learning intention: Connect information by observing text connectives We have learnt about connectives this week. You also looked at some information on sea turtles. Watch the following video on how to draw a sea turtle

Follow the video to draw your own sea turtle. When you have finished drawing your sea turtle, watch the video again. As you are watching, write down all the connectives used in this video around your drawing of the turtle. Write a short paragraph on how and why the use of connectives are really important when writing informative texts.

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom


Learning intention: Identify and use grammatical features (connectives) to accurately link ideas and information

● On Monday we wrote a paragraph using technical vocabulary, relating verbs and pronouns about sea turtles. Today you are to edit this paragraph with the addition of adding connectives. (Use Monday’s instructional video and model how to add connectives.)

● Your task today is to highlight the connectives you used in your paragraph ● If you have added connectives in your writing, all you need to do is identify them

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

BREAK – 30 minutes


Year 3

Learning intention: Count by fours, sixes and eights using skip counting

Use mental strategies to multiply a one-digit number by a multiple of 10 (3 x 20)

Important vocabulary to remember: multiply, multiplied by, product, multiplication, patterns, multiples, factors, multiplication facts Yesterday we looked at repeated addition by following the example below:

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

3 x 50 is the same as 50 + 50 + 50 = 150

It is important to understand that when working out mathematical answers we need to always think of the quickest way to work out the answer. Is it through addition or our understanding of multiplication? Your task for today is to consolidate what you know about repeated addition by matching the multiplication sentence, repeated addition and answer to each other. Look at the second sheet attached to the link below for your activity.

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

Year 4

Learning intention: Use mental and informal written strategies to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number including: - multiplying the tens and then the units using an area model.

This video explains the strategy: Area Model Multiplication (2-digit x 1-digit) - YouTube This is a good video but the

last step involves addition - the video uses an algorithm which we have not covered yet - use a jump or split

strategy to solve the addition to avoid errors.

The strategy is explained in the lesson video / PowerPoint presentation please watch this (read it in your package)

Complete the worksheet problems in the presentation slides.

Problem of the Day

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

Spelling - Copy out each of your words

- Complete the crossword activity for your year group

BREAK – 45 minutes

Creative Arts – Music Find different household items that can be used as instruments. An example could include pots and pans as drums, spoons, jars of rice, etc. Experiment with how you can create different rhythms using these household items. Take a video of you working with different household items as musical instruments and upload it to Google Classroom. Here are some ideas: Watch this video for more ideas:

Additional activities – if you have completed the mandatory activities above for the day

● Revise your multiplication facts – aiming for quick, accurate recall of all table facts

● Spend 30-minutes on StudyLadder

● Go for a walk with an adult at home and take pictures of your journey.

● Have a go at drawing MIRAITOWA Tokyo 2020 Olympic mascot

● Complete the find-a-word for your Year group

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212


Remember to log on to Google classroom and type ‘I’m here’ under your classroom teacher’s comment at 9am.


Learning intention: Use comprehension strategies when reading texts

Year 3 You will need the magazine titled, Countdown July 2021, issue no.6

Read Bob Hightails it! Pages 18 - 23

Answer the following comprehension questions. There is no need to post your answers on the CLASSROOM STREAM.

1. Why is it fascinating to watch Bob hammer nails? 2. Describe the way Bob’s tail moves when he hammers nails. 3. What does ‘posterior’s prowess is perfect’ mean? Refer to page 19 4. What was the last time the tail saved Bob’s life? 5. Describe Greenslad Maloney. 6. A lot of words are shortened in the text, what do you think is the purpose for this? 7. When Bob spoke sheepishly (page 20) what was he describing? 8. List all the characters which have been mentioned in the text. 9. On page 22 ‘Otter-ageous’ is said by one of the characters, what do you think this means?

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

10. List the three main events in the story.

Year 4 You will need the magazine titled, Blast Off July 2021, issue no.6

Read Hillbilly Heroes pages 27 - 32

Answer the following comprehension questions. There is no need to post your answers on the CLASSROOM STREAM.

1. Describe the town and all its surroundings. 2. What were the events which occurred after yoga? 3. How do we know the presents left by the hillbillies weren’t actually presents? 4. What is the longest day of Summer referred to in the text? 5. Who do you think Vincent van Giat, Elvis Goatly and Cleogoatra are actually referring to? 6. Why is Farmer Jack so annoyed? 7. Why is the deck referred to as star-gazing? 8. What was Farmer Jill’s brainwave? 9. What does the drumming sound of rain mean? 10. List all the main events in the story.


Learning intention: Identify and use grammatical features (conjunctions) to accurately link ideas and information

● Yesterday we learnt to use connectives in our writing. Today’s lesson we will revisit conjunctions

● Conjunctions are words which join sentences together ● Your task is to complete a mix and match activity. In the

activity you will match the missing conjunction with the relating ideas. ‘Sea turtle conjunction’

● See google doc attached or a worksheet in your packs titled ‘sea turtle conjunction’

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

BREAK – 30 minutes


Year 3

Learning intention: Draw representations of regular and irregular two-dimensional shapes in different orientations

Important vocabulary to remember two-dimensional shape (2D shape), circle, trapezium, triangle, quadrilateral, circle, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, kite, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, irregular shape, regular shape, features, properties, sides

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

● 2D shapes are ones that are two dimensional (flat). Without looking at the 2D shapes chart, write down as many 2D shapes you can think of. Have a look at the chart and see if you have missed any

● Take note of the amount of sides each shape has. These shapes can also be called regular 2D shapes, meaning they are drawn the way they are meant to be

● The word irregular suggests shapes are drawn with the same amount of sides but not in the standard way. Have a look at the two examples below

Notice how the pentagon in the middle is drawn in regular form yet the other shapes still have five sides but don’t necessarily look like regular pentagons? They are called irregular pentagons.

Task: Your task is to draw each of the 2D shapes listed in regular and irregular form

triangle, rectangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon and decagon

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

Year 4

Learning intention: Use digital technologies to create tessellating designs What is tessellation?

A tessellation is a pattern made of identical shapes, so they have no gaps or overlaps. Activity 1 Using formatting tools in Google drawing to copy, paste and drag shapes to create a tessellating pattern using triangles. Open the Google drawing 1 and 1b. files and follow the instructions. For those students without access to the Google classroom look around your home to find some examples of tessellating patterns. Write down where you found these patterns. Choose one pattern and draw it (including the colours in the pattern.) Activity 2 Using formatting tools in Google drawing to create a tessellating pattern using triangles. Open the ‘Tessellating patterns 2’ drawing document. From the Format drop down options choose Format options then select the size and rotation option. Experiment with flip and rotation to make a tessellating pattern with the green and purple triangles. For those students without access to the Google classroom you will have a sheet of purple and green triangles and another with blue and pink hexagons. Cut out the triangles and by using translation (sliding), reflecting (Flipping) create a tessellating pattern. Repeat for the hexagons. Problem of the Day:

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom


● Practise saying aloud each of the words

● Complete the definitions task for your Year Group

BREAK – 45 minutes


Time to get active!

● Complete the following exercise routine

● Complete as much as the routine as you can

● If you cannot finish, come back to this another day and see if you can make it further along

Additional activities – if you have completed the mandatory activities above for the day -

● Revise your multiplication facts – aiming for quick, accurate recall of all table facts

● Spend 30-minutes on StudyLadder

● Learn how to play solitaire

● Draw a clown fish (Nemo) on the following link


Remember to log on to Google classroom and type ‘I’m here’ under your classroom teacher’s comment at 9am.

Technology –

Ms Palmer will be online from 10am – 11 am for some online fun in the STEAM LAB Google classroom

● For those not online, complete the worksheets which have been provided about the QWERTY keyboard

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

PDHPE (nutrition content)

Learning intention: Understanding energy in food

Look at the attached document on foods from the 5 food groups

The below table represents the recommended daily intake of food for children your age from those 5 food groups.

Your Task

Using the 5-food group diagram and the above recommended daily intake table, create a meal plan for a school week. An example for Monday has been completed for you below.

Meal Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Breakfast Muesli & Milk

Lunch Wholemeal sandwich with tuna, cheese, tomato and lettuce

Dinner Fish and roast vegetables (capsicum, potatoes and pumpkin)

BREAK – 30 minutes


Year 3

Learning intention: Construct regular and irregular two-dimensional shapes from a variety of materials

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

Important vocabulary to remember two-dimensional shape (2D shape), circle, trapezium, triangle, quadrilateral, circle, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, kite, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, irregular shape, regular shape, features, properties, sides

Time to be creative. Think about some of the resources you have at home; toothpicks, straws, spoons, pencils,

rulers etc

Your task today is to model the regular and irregular shapes for a triangle, rectangle, square, pentagon, hexagon and octagon using the resources you choose from home.

If you are working in an exercise book just draw the pictures of what you created or take a photo and print it. If you’re online, take a picture and upload it to the Friday classwork.

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom

Year 4

Learning intention: Determine which of the special quadrilaterals can be used to create tessellating designs

Explain why tessellating shapes are best for measuring area

A tessellation is a pattern made of identical shapes, so they have no gaps or overlaps. Some shapes tessellate while there will be gaps with other shapes. Some tessellating patterns are created by combining shapes so that when they are combined there are no gaps or overlaps. It is not possible to create tessellating patterns with all shapes.

In this lesson we will explore which of the special quadrilaterals will tessellate.

1. Explore tessellating patterns around your home. ( for example, kitchen tiles, floor tiles and other flooring, patterns on screen doors, fly swatter, chess board, bricks on your house)

2. Fill out the table in your worksheet to discover which of the special quadrilaterals are used in tessellating patterns most often.

Problem of the day

For further assistance please watch the instructional video provided on Google classroom Cooking time It’s time to have some fun in the kitchen or online to look for a great recipe. Your task is to video record yourself to either help cook a meal with an adult or if no heating is required show us your cooking skills. Some ideas could be fruit stick, sandwiches, frosting cupcakes etc

© NSW Department of Education, Jul-212

If you’re unable to create a meal, then find three different recipes online which you may want to show your family to try out and explain why you picked these meals

BREAK – 45 minutes


Time to get active

For this lesson You will need a medium to large bouncy ball. Start the lesson by reading the 'Eye hand coordination' document below. Stop to warm up, when you get to the links.

Complete the 3 minute warm up with the Shakira 'Waka Waka' Kids - click on the link below. Return to the 'Eye hand coordination' lesson and follow the links to watch the activities being modelled. Then complete the activity and move on to the next activity. Try your best and don't give up.

For students who don’t have access to the internet - play some music and warm up to your favourite song for 2-3 minutes.

With a large bouncy ball

1. pat bounce the ball with your left hand 10 times, then 10 times with your left hand. Repeat 3 times. 2. Pat bounce the ball with left and right hand alternately 20 times - Repeat 3 times 3. Hold the ball in your right hand and pass it behind your back to your left hand. Repeat 3 times.

Repeat steps 1-3 five times.

Additional activities – if you have completed the mandatory activities above for the day

● Revise your multiplication facts – aiming for quick, accurate recall of all table facts

● Spend 30-minutes on StudyLadder

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