smart cities, smart regions and the role of open data

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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  • 1. Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. Smart + Smart REGIONS!

2. Donau-Universitt Krems. Die Universitt fr Weiterbildung. Juli | 2013 | Seite 2 Who we are Center for E-Governance, Danube University Krems Advanced training towards MSc & MBA in Management & IT Research on the Intersection of IT-Usage Government Processes and Procedures Citizens 3. Donau-Universitt Krems. Die Universitt fr Weiterbildung. Juli | 2013 | Seite 3 Our Projects Austrian Chancellery Project Group eDemocracy and workplace of the future Round table Public Sector Register Architecture Open Data Applications for Austria Development of Open Government Data Standards Ministry of Finance Re-occuring jour fixe with IT-department City of Vienna Study on the implementation of the Open Government strategy Support on Open Data projects 4. 1. FACTS 5. Cities give home to +50% of Mankind 6. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 6 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. FACTS As of ~ 2009, more than 50% of worlds population is living in cities Until 2050, this will rise to 75% 7. Cities are a melting-pot of Growth & Innovation 8. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 8 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. FACTS In 2020, 600 cities will account for 65% of BNP 80% of national BNP is generated in cities (in developed countries) Compactness allows higher efficiency 9. Cities require us to redefine Imagination & Reality 10. Babylon 11. Atlantis 12. Metropolis 13. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 13 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. Still of the night? Green fields? Redefine Reality 14. 2. Claims 15. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 15 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. CLAIMS Urban areas contribute disproportionally to national productivity. However, the structural productivity of cities will at least in part rest upon an efficient supply of serviced land and reliable infrastructure, including transport, power, water and sanitation as well as information & communication technologies. UN Habitat Report State of the World's Cities 2012/2013, p. xiv 16. In other words . There is no Smart City without a Smart Region ecosystem Vienna Ljubljana Budapest Bucuresti Danube eRegion Energy Workforce Food Resources 17. Data is the Oil of the 21st Century Neelie Kroes, EU Commissioner responsible for the Digital Agenda (without pollution side effects) 18. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 18 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. CLAIMS 1. Smart Cities and Regions are characterized by informed decisions based on facts by government representatives and private parties (Citizens, Economy, NGOs) 2. Traditional understanding of city-planning will have to evolve to meet the challenges of an interconnected world 3. Information Technology enabling the free-flow of Data & Information will contribute to the smartness of a City 4. Cities are not yet network organized enough to fundamentally rise decision quality through efficient corporation 5. Cities will have to open significant amounts of data to enable government with the public to co-create public services of the 21st century. 6. Data and Information has to be interoperable in order to leverage network effects 19. Wait Plan Build Hope The traditional approach 20. The new approach Consulate Integrate Co-create Innovate Imagecourtesy 21. The quadruple Helix 22. 23. with ubiqituous data all around 24. 3. Open Government Data 25. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 25 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. OGD in Austria - Evolution 1. Public urge Started 2009 by Citizen Democracy Interest groups Approaching administration through City of Vienna public funded research project Bottom-up initiatives by scraping existing publicly available data sets 2. Administrative response Public discussion started spring 2011 by City of Linz Inception of Cooperation OGD Austria summer 2011 Fall 2011: City of Vienna pioneers first government-driven OGD portal Spring 2012: Today: 898 datasets by 20 organisations of every federal level 26. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 26 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. OGD in Austria - Principles 1. Legal Provision: A dataset is an OGD dataset if it released on an official data portal using CC-BY-license and described by a defined meta data description Ongoing: Liability concerns 2. Organisational Cooperation OGD Austria steering committee, organized in working groups with focus-topics (meta data, business needs, content federation) No regulatory power, though directly advising public administration 3. Technical CKAN repository (minimal adaptions to be released as OS) 3-stars according to TBL-taxonomy Meta data description heavily influenced by international standards and good practice Linked data: ongoing topic 27. Austrian Federal Law as Open Government Data 28. 7 Applications making use of it Citizen empowerment Unpaid work 29. Real-time public transport Linz 30. 3Applications 31. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 31 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. Added Value? 1. Would the City have commissioned concurring services? NO 2. Do the applications create value? Probably 3. What was the city effort? Hard to measure (City also received value) 4. Who profits most? Most likely SMEs (as localized data is just to cumbersome for the big players) 5. Will it pay back? YES (By stimulating entrepreneurship and local business) 32. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 32 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. OGD in Austria Reusable patterns Metadata description Influenced by DCAT & INSPIRE, fully compatible to DCAT-AP Version 2.1 stable since spring 2012 Coordinated with OGD Germany and Switzerland Steering committee Cooperation OGD Austria Ad-hoc and informal collaboration of public administration entities Sub-working groups including public (academia, business, NGOs); Collaboration of the eager and aware ~ 4 meetings a year to approve work by or assign tasks to sub working groups 33. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 33 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. Combining OGD endeavours: DCAT-AP (Intermission) DCAT-AP IS A specification, which relies on DCAT DCAT-AP CAN Describe Metadata fields and supporting infrastructure (eg. a data portal) DCAT-AP will become The meta data format of the European Open Data portal 34. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 34 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. Combining OGD endeavours: Mapping DCAT-AP Austrian meta data recommendation maps lossless to DCAT-AP Name [DE] ID CKAN-ID Cardinality Controled Vocabulary Required / Optional Property Cardinality Occurrence Catalog:dataset N M Catalog:description N M Catalog:license 1 M Catalog:publisher 1 M Catalog:title N M Eindeutiger Identifikator metadata_identifier extras:metadata_identifier 1 dcterms:identifier R Dataset:identifier N O Datum des Metadatensatzes metadata_modified extras:metadata_modified 1 dcterms:issued R CatalogRecord:update/modification date 1 M Titel des Metadatensatzes title title 1 dcterms:title (mit language tag "de") R Dataset:title N M Beschreibung description notes 1 dcterms:abstract R Dataset:description N M Kategorie categorization extras:categorization[,] N dcat:theme R Dataset:theme/category; Maybe Category:preferred label N R Schlagworte keywords tags N dcat:keyword R Dataset:keyword/tag N R Datensatz oder Dienst Link resource_url resources:url N dcat:accessURL R Distribution:download URL N O Datensatz oder Dienst Format resource_format resources:format N dcterms:format R Distribution:format, Distribution:media type 1 O Datenverantwortliche Stelle maintainer maintainer 1 dcelements:creator R Agent:name N M Lizenz license license 1 dcterms:license (sollte URI des Lizenzdokuments sein) R Distribution:license; Maybe License Document:license type 1 M Zeitliche Ausdehnung (Anfang) begin_datetime extras:begin_datetime 1 dcterms:temporal R ~ Dataset:temporal coverage N O Datensatz oder Dienst Bezeichner resource_name resources:name N rdfs:literal O Distribution:title N O Bezeichnung der Metadatenstruktur schema_name extras:schema_name 1 dcterms:alternative O Implicitly by vocabulary URI Sprache des Metadatensatzes schema_language extras:schema_language 1 dcterms:language O There is no equivalent in DCAT-AP, however it can be implicitly modelled using RDF Character Set Code des Metadatensatzes schema_characterset extras:schema_characterset 1 cnt:characterEncoding O Weiterfhrende Metadaten metadata_linkage extras:metadata_linkage N dcat:dataDictionary O Distribution:access URL N M Attributbeschreibung attribute_description extras:attribute_description 1 dcterms:description O Kontaktseite der datenverantwortlichen Stelle maintainer_link extras:maintainer_link 1 dcterms:creator O Dataset:contact point N R Datensatz oder Dienst Verffentlichungsdatum resource_created resources:created 1 dcterms:issued O Dataset:release date 1 O Datensatz oder Dienst nderungsdatum resource_lastmodified resources:last_modified 1 dcterms:modified O Dataset:update/modification date 1 O Verffentlichende Stelle publisher extras:publisher 1 dcelements:publisher O Dataset:publisher 1 M Geographische Abdeckung/Lage geographic_toponym extras:geographic_toponym 1 dcterms:description O Dataset:geographical coverage N O Geographische Ausdehnung geographic_bbox extras:geographic_bbox 1 dcterms:spatial O Dataset:geographical coverage N O Zeitliche Ausdehnung (Ende) end_datetime extras:end_datetime 1 dcterms:temporal O ~ Dataset:temporal coverage N O Aktualisierungszyklus update_frequency extras:update_frequency 1 dcterms:accrualPeriodicity O Dataset:frequency 1 O Datenqualitt/Herkunft lineage_quality extras:lineage_quality 1 dcat:dataQuality O Titel und Beschreibung Englisch en_title_and_desc extras:en_title_and_desc 1 dcterms:abstract (mit language tag "en") O Dataset:title, Dataset:description using RDF literal language annotation EN Gre des Datensatzes oder Dienstes resource_size resources:size 1 dcat:bytes O Distribution:byteSize 1 O Lizenz Zitat license_citation extras:license_citation 1 cc:attributionName O Sprache des Datensatzes oder Dienstes resource_language resources:language 1 dcterms:language O Dataset:language N O Character Set Code des Datensatzes oder Dienstes resource_encoding resources:characterset 1 cnt:characterEncoding O Cooperation OGD sterreich Metadata Description DCAT-AP V0.0.6 35. Cities Federal States Ministries Further Potential Companies Society & Individuals Interoperability here (where the magic happens) 36. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 36 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. How to realise this? 1. Homegenous access 2. by provision of data described by metadata 3. through a single point of access 37. 23.-24. September | 2013 | Page 37 3rd Danube eRegion Conference DeRC 2013 Department for E-Governance Danube University Krems. The University for Continuing Education. More Information 38. Deadline for the submission of papers, workshop proposals, reflections: 6. December 2013 Notification of acceptance 7. February 2014 Camera-ready paper submission 28 February 2014 Conference 21. - 23. May 2014 Open Data, Transparency and Open Innovation E-Democracy and E-Participation E-Voting Bottom-Up Movements Social and Mobile Media for Public Administration Open Collaborative Government Democracy, Globalization and Migration Connected Smart City Technology and Architecture Self-governance in Complex Networks Rethinking Information Visualization for the People Freedom and Ethics in Digital Societies Design and Co-creation for E-democracy PhD Colloquium Important Deadlines 39. Johann Hchtl

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