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Skills Academy Investigation Studies

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation

Skills Academy Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Corporate Investigation

Skills Academy Certificate in Corporate Investigation

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Corporate Investigation

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Criminal Justice

Skills Academy Certificate in Criminal Justice

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Criminal Justice

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation

Skills Academy Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Investigation Studies

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents

Skills Academy Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Private Investigation

Skills Academy Certificate in Private Investigation

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Private Investigation

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Security Risk Management

Skills Academy Certificate in Security Risk Management

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Security Risk Management

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling

Skills Academy Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling

Phone one of our friendly Student Registrars TOLL FREE on 0800 040 040 and get expert advice on our full range of courses.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course in Accident Scene Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Road Accidents/ Collisions Module A · Measuring Methods Module A

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Road Accidents/ Collisions Module A · Measuring Methods Module A · Introduction to Road Accidents/ Collisions Module B · Measuring Methods Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Accident Scene investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Road Accidents/ Collisions Module A · Measuring Methods Module A · Introduction to Road Accidents/ Collisions Module B · Measuring Methods Module B · Drawing and Accident Scene Sketch Module A · Drawing and Accident Scene Sketch Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Accident Scene Investigation.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course in Corporate Investigation

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course in Corporate Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Document Fraud Examination Module A · Definitions and Elements of Fraud Module A

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Corporate Investigation.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Corporate Investigation

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Corporate Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Subjects · Document Fraud Examination Module A · Definitions and Elements of Fraud Module A · Document Fraud Examination Module B · Definitions and Elements of Fraud Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Corporate Investigation.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Corporate Investigation

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Corporate Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Document Fraud Examination Module A · Definitions and Elements of Fraud Module A · Document Fraud Examination Module B · Definitions and Elements of Fraud Module B · Types of Corporate Crimes Module A · Types of Corporate Crimes Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Corporate Investigation.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course in Criminal Justice

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course in Criminal Justice, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Document Fraud Examination Module A · Definitions and Elements of Fraud Module A

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Criminal Justice.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Criminal Justice

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Criminal Justice, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older


· Introduction to Criminal Law Module A · Introduction to SA Criminal Justice System Module A · Introduction to Criminal Law Module B · Introduction to SA Criminal Justice System Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Criminal Justice.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Criminal Justice

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Criminal Justice, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Criminal Law Module A · Introduction to SA Criminal Justice System Module A · Introduction to Criminal Law Module B · Introduction to SA Criminal Justice System Module B · Search and Seizure According to the Criminal Procedure Act Module A · Search and Seizure According to the Criminal Procedure Act Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Criminal Justice.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course in Cyber Crime Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Computer Crimes Module A · Computer as a Crime Scene Module A

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Computer Crimes Module A · Computer as a Crime Scene Module A · Introduction to Computer Crimes Module B · Computer as a Crime Scene Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Computer Crimes Module A · Computer as a Crime Scene Module A · Introduction to Computer Crimes Module B · Computer as a Crime Scene Module B · Cyber Crimes Module A · Cyber Crimes Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Cyber Crime Investigation.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course in Investigating Fraudulent Documents, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Report Writing Module A · Evidential Value of Forensic Questioned Documents Module A

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Report Writing Module A · Evidential Value of Forensic Questioned Documents Module A · Report Writing Module B · Evidential Value of Forensic Questioned Documents Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Report Writing Module A · Evidential Value of Forensic Questioned Documents Module A · Report Writing Module B · Evidential Value of Forensic Questioned Documents Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Investigating Fraudulent Documents.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Private Investigation

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Private Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Private Investigation Module A · Surveillance

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Private Investigation.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Private Investigation

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Private Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Private Investigation Module A · Surveillance · Introduction to Private Investigation Module B · Intelligence

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Private Investigation.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Private Investigation

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Private Investigation, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Private Investigation Module A · Surveillance · Introduction to Private Investigation Module B · Intelligence · Entrepreneurship – P.I Business Module A · Entrepreneurship – P.I Business Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Private Investigation.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course in Security Risk Management

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course in Security Risk Management, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Risk Management

Module A · Operational Risk Management

Module A Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Security Risk Management.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Security Risk Management

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Security Risk Management, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Risk Management Module A · Operational Risk Management Module A · Introduction to Risk Management Module B · Operational Risk Management Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Security Risk Management.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Security Risk Management

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Security Risk Management, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · Introduction to Risk Management Module A · Operational Risk Management Module A · Introduction to Risk Management Module B · Operational Risk Management Module B · Approaches to Risk Management Module A · Approaches to Risk Management Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Security Risk Management.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Short Course in Trauma Support and Counselling, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · The Impact of Traumatic Events Module A · Trauma Intervention Methods Module A

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Short Course Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Short Course Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Short Course Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 4 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · The Impact of Traumatic Events Module A · Trauma Intervention Methods Module A · The Impact of Traumatic Events Module B · Trauma Intervention Methods Module B

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 6 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling

Course Structure In order to complete the Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling, students must complete ALL of the following Subjects:

Subjects · The Impact of Traumatic Events Module A · Trauma Intervention Methods Module A · The Impact of Traumatic Events Module B · Trauma Intervention Methods Module B · Care for the Caretakers · First Aid Concepts

Assessment and Award Skills Academy will require you to complete the recommended assignments. The assignments are designed to help you through your learning to make sure that you completely understand all the topics covered and that you can apply this to your working environment. You will be awarded with a Skills Academy Advanced Certificate in Trauma Support and Counselling.

Programme Type: Skills Academy Advanced Certificate Programme

Partner Institute: Not applicable

Award Type: Advanced Certificate

Award Issued by: Skills Academy

SAQA NQF Level: Not Applicable

SAQA ID: Not Applicable

Membership: Not applicable

Course Duration: 8 months

Entrance Criteria: Grade 10 AND the ability to read and write in English AND Learners must be 16 years or older.

Investigation Studies 2014

For your notes

Investigation Studies 2014

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· At Skills Academy we are so confident about the service and study experience we

offer our students that we have a unique 30-day Money Back Guarantee.

· This means that if there is anything you are not completely satisfied with within the first 30 days after registering with us, then you can cancel your studies and get all your money back. No questions asked!

· In other words, if you are unhappy with something within the first 30 days – whether it’s with our service, study material, attitude, or absolutely anything else – we will refund you!

· All we need in return is for you to tell us what went wrong so that we can improve this for future students.

· Should you experience any problems or you're not satisfied with our service or study material after the first 30 days, we can accommodate you with our Easy Cancellation Process.

Phone one of our friendly Student Registrars TOLL FREE on 0800 040 040 and get expert advice on our full range of courses.

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