singapore · physics & applied...

Post on 27-Mar-2020






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(ii) Certified English translations of supporting documents (i.e. certificates, testimonialsand transcripts) must be submitted for documents that are not in English.

(iii) The application form and supporting documents must be of A4 size and printed on1 side only.

(iv) The application form must be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs or the relevant agency responsible for the Singapore Scholarship Award in yourcountry (please refer to the url: '' for list of therelevant agencies)

(v) 4 copies of the application form and 4 copies of supporting documents must besubmitted to the Singapore Embassy, High Commission or Consulate-General in yourcountry through the relevant agency responsible for the Singapore Scholarship Awardin your country.

2. All applications must reach the Singapore Embassy, High Commission orConsulate-General in your country by 23 December 2011. Applications receivedafter this date will not be considered.

3. Candidates from Malaysia & Brunei can submit their applications after theirrespective results for the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level and SijilTinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) are released in March 2012.

4. The Singapore Scholarship covers full tuition fees, return economy class airfarebetween the Scholar's home country and Singapore when commencing thebridging/undergraduate course and upon successful completion of theundergraduate course, a living allowance of S$4,300 per academic year (coveringmeals, transport, textbooks and course materials during academic semester) and aseparate full accommodation allowance during academic semester based on thedifferent room rates at each university or designated hostel.

5. For more information on the Singapore Scholarship, please check our website: or contact the Singapore Embassy, High Commission orConsulate-General in your country. You may also write in to:

The Singapore ScholarshipTechnical Cooperation DirectorateMinistry of Foreign AffairsTanglinSingapore 248163Tel No: (65) 6379 8000Fax No: (65) 6479 3357Email:


recentphotograph of

APPLICATION FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 201212013 yourself here

1. "'" , .. :' -" ,,', " ,,""" --",','., .','" ,," :·~g.~~~i';;"v""",'{';'«~: 'I,:"~'''':».'PERSONAL PA8II£U.':~J~S}~(p/ep.se_u~eg~.£ITAL letters)<-

",', ,.,', .. '(':,'" ',,':;;c:,;j'jy::

Name (Please underline surname) :

Identification No.: Citizenship:

Date of Birth ( dd/mm/yyyy ): Country of Birth:

Religion: Ethnicity:

Marital Status: Single / Married/ Divorced / Widowed # Gender: Male / Female #

Postal Address:

Telephone No: - - Fax No: - -(country code) (area code) (tel no.) (country code) (area code) (fax no.)

Mobile No: - -(country code) (area code) (tel no.)

E-mail address (if any):

(Candidates are strongly advised to provide either a fax no. or an email address to facilitate correspondence)

Name of ParenU Guardian/ Next of Kin #:

Relationship: Occupation/ Designation:


Contact Number:

Do you have a family friend/ relative in Singapore? Yes / No #

If Yes, please give details:

Name: Relationship:


Contact Number:

* The Singapore Scholarship covers full tuition fees, return economy class airfare between the Scholar's home country and Singapore whencommencing the bridging/undergraduate course and upon successful completion of the undergraduate course, a living allowance of S$4,300 peracademic year (covering meals, transport, textbooks and course materials) and a separate full accommodation allowance based on the differentroom rates at each university or designated hostel. Page 1 of7

2. PARTICULARS OF PARENTS, BROTHERS AND SISTERSFull Name (CAPITAL Marital Citizenship Relationship Date of Occupation Name and Address of Home AddressLETTERS) Status Birth (if deceased, Employer

state so)

NUS NTU SMUArts & Social Sciences 01 Art, Design & Media # 08 Accountancy 41

Bioengineering 41 Business & Computing 17 Business Management 42

Business Administration 07 Mathematics & Economics 42 Economics 43Business Administration with 32 Accountancy 21 Information Systems Management 44Accounting

Chemical Engineering 12 Accountancy and Business 21A Social Science 45

Civil Engineering 42C Business 22Computer EngineeringUointly by Engineering and 48 Computer Engineering 23School of Computing)

Computing 13 Materials Engineering 25

Electrical Engineering 43E Sports Science & Management 26Engineering (Common) 14 Communication Studies 28

Engineering Science 47 Biological Sciences 29

Environmental Engineering 18 Bioengineering 30Industrial & Systems Chemical & BiomolecularEngineering 451 Engineering 31

Industrial Design 20 Maritime Studies 32Material Science & 46M Computer Science 33EnQineeringMechanical Engineering 44M Environmental Engineering 34

Pharmacy 15 Economics 35Project & Facilities 30 English 36ManagementReal Estate 31 Chinese 37

Science 02 Psychology 38

Sociology 39

Chemistry & Biological Chemistry 46

Aerospace Engineering 47

Physics & Applied Physics 48

Physics & Mathematical Science 48AManagement

Mathematical Sciences 49

Civil Engineering 94C

Electrical & Electronic 94EEngineering

Mechanical Engineering 94M

# Candidates applying for NTU 'Art, Design & Media' course are required to submit 4 items:(i) A 3 minute movie with a personal explanation/performance demonstrating why you should be admitted into the Bachelor of Fine Arts

(BFA) course. The movie format should be a region-free DVD, or a QuickTime or MediaPlayer file on a CD-ROM. Movies longer than 3minute will not be reviewed.

(ii) A short written composition in English of no more than 400 words as to why you are uniquely qualified to enter the BFA course.(Hi)A portfolio or demo reel of personal artwork includes projects developed in secondary education. The portfolio should demonstrate

general artistic proficiency plus ability in the desired area of BFA expertise(Le. animation, photography, design, etc)(iv) '0' level or equivalent passes in Mathematics.All applicants will also be required to take a FaCUlty Test. Application deadline for all materials are at admission application closing date.There is no exce tion.

Detailed descriptions of each course are available in the admission prospectus enclosed in the Singapore Scholarship brochure. Updateddescriptions are available from the universities' websites: NTU: / admissions/undergrad, SMU: Page 3 of?








4;' EDQ9~~I"g~~?'h"~UA_~!f:!Q~j-!I?N~;%-'Y¥?"'Please indicate the course/programme you are currently studying(GCE 'A' levels, STPM, VEC, Standard XII, SMV VAN, High School Certificate, Thai Mathayom, Tertiary Entrance Exam,International Baccalaureate or others)

SAT Reasoning Score (Ifapplicable) :

Educational Record: Please give us all details of secondary/high school, Polytechnic, University education which youhave completed or are currently pursuing. Certified copies of all certificates, transcripts or school reports showing gradesawarded must be attached.

High School/ University attendedName of school/ Location

5. ACADEMIC ,ANlIFINANCIALAWARDS(eg.llonours, distinctions, booKprize~,';sgb~J~t~h1IP~S)WOI1.iriJ~~)l·ij;t"last 3 years. Ple'aselist inchronol6gicalgrder and submitcopies of docurnentary evidence. "".:,<: "",:

G. CO-CURRICULAR AcrlYI'1"IEs (p]~a$e~ubm,it9~pi~$'otdoc~M~rJtary;,~~i,~$6'q~)i;":;:"~';

,······""',H:i<;i·;/:,;:,,..:,i'\':": '.<""il:",:'

,'" ...... ", ..... ': ,"", , :.. ,"",' ....... : .....• ,.: .. > .. ' ... ",","',"",', .. ",:,' ••'"

Activities involved in School

Date/Du ration Brief Description of Activities Office Held (e.g President, Secretary, etc.)

Sports at School (State / National Level)

Date Name of Sport Level (e.g. National or State, etc)

Other activities, in which you assumed leadership positions, and community/voluntary services

Date/Duration Brief Description of Activities Position Held

7., ,WOR.KEXPERIENCE,;,' -.-.,-'

In a separate attachment, write (to be typed written) a short essay on a sUbject of personal importance to you(300-500 words). You may choose any topic. Examples include: an event which has influenced you; why youwant to choose an Engineering career; or a family member/friend/person who had a significant influence onyou. Please note that the essay is an important part of your Scholarship application.

Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law of any country?If yes, please give brief details:

I hereby declare that the information provided in this application is correct. I authorise theUniversities/Institutions to obtain official records, if necessary, from any educational institution attended byme.

I am medically fit and free from any medical problem which may impair my ability to attend to my studies inSingapore;

I understand that any provision of inaccurate or false information or omission of information will render thisapplication invalid and that, if admitted on the basis of such information, I can be required to withdraw fromthe Scholarship.

Signature: _(Please note that unsigned applications will be rejected)

to. . OFFICIAL DECLARATldN(tobe'confpl~ted by th~nQrninating go9~':nfrtehtF' .

This application form must be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or therelevant agency responsible for the Singapore Scholarship Award in your country. Please attach relevantsupporting documents, which are to be submitted with the form. INCOMPLETE AND/OR UNENDORSEDFORMS CANNOT BE PROCESSED.

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