
Post on 15-Jan-2016






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This is the list of bugs/imbalances I've encountered so far (some of them are not yet listed or not yet found, lol)

1 - are things you should consider fixing first

2 - are things you should consider fixing afterwards

3 - ...

Hotkeys and tooltips: 1 Please,please,please, switch the spells and hotkeys of Q and E spells on

Anasterian. The reason I ask this is because I usually want to check the health of the units around my hero before pressing Q(heal). It is done by holding ALT key. If you press ALT+Q+Q in game you will quit mission and leave the game. It happened to me more than a few times and it is highly annoying. I am well aware of the fact that you can put "Always show HP bar" but,that way, I can't enjoy the game fully.

3 Farstriders' Q spell (Searing Arrow) should have hotkey and tooltip changed to Q instead of R

because R is Summon Eversong Lynx.

3 Summon Silver Moon Archers has tooltip errors.

3 Silver Moon Archer's Q spell Wind Walk's tooltip should be corrected to 40 bonus damage and not


3 Elven Farm has wrong hotkey even though tooltip says it's F.

3 Soul Stalker needs fixed tooltip and hotkey on W spell. There is no "Bind" spell. His change form

back to normal also needs to have W hotkey.

3 There are some inconsistencies regarding F9 (passive abilities like Midnight Aura on Noth, Scourge

having 90minutes, Anub'Rekhan having Cannibalize and similar, probably left over from versions before).

1 Balance considering items:

Items like Thuzadin ring, when stacked on int heroes is too imba. In fact, all items that are not one use should be reduced to one per hero (unique). I mean, that way, you can have +75 int (saying we leave one slot open for healing potion or teleport) on your hero which means that he will never get out of mana, have higher damage and higher mana capacity. On Noth that tactic is waaaaaaaay too good, it means 24/7 Q,W,E usage.

Same thing goes for Horn of Silvermoon, +5 to all stats x 5 = imba hero. It should be one per hero. If you do this (which I highly recommend) you should also add 1-3 new items to Arcane Vault.

Considering legendary items (Hood of Cunning & Cloak of the Farstrider), I am against them being in the game. Here is why, I will give an example. Let's say all players in the map were me. Knowing that the person who has those items will have quite an advantage I would rush the troll camp as red/lb/teal/yellow. Green would go take the cloak so elves would never be in a lose-lose situation. So, even if you somehow lose Hood you still got cloak. It could be said that one negates the other but I do not really think so. I'd say Hood is more of a straight out buff and cloak is more of annoying-all-around thingy which promotes hero-only playing around.

I'd really like to hear why are they even there in the first place. It makes the fight kinda predefined because the side that gets 1 or both of the items has the advantage. Imo, they should either be removed or put that they drop from random troll (certain amount of % any troll on the map but if it drops once it won't drop again). Maybe add some kind of item that, again drops from random troll, which gives int, mana regen and chain lightning ability or something similar. From what I've seen, those items are ruining the gameplay because you either rush that item locations or have a disadvantage, meaning, it limits the amount of tactics people can use at the beginning of the game. I don't think that is good.

Talassian Emerald's item ability shouldn't be allowed to be casted on waygates rendering them useless. This game is great for having a lot of possibilities of changing the frontline/focus of the map by taking another way/approach.

Disabling the ability to block waygates(say you can't use the item 600-800 units around the waygate) and reducing the cooldown a bit (to make it useful) would be great because I don't see any people using it unless they want to block the waygate. Perhaps, add a +3 stats boost and make a hero unable to take more than one of these.

1 Balance considering Heroes:

I don't think it is balanced that Arthas can tank anything past level 7-8. He runs around Quel, killing anything in his way despite being slowed, can't get out of mana(Q mana cost 45, E mana cost 30), and after you lose AT LEAST half of your army he teleports out if in danger, heals up and repeats. He can get wherever he wants with the Sky Barge...

Don't confuse it for me crying thinking I play elves only. I've done it as Red, as well. Solution for this might be to increase the amount of mana cost of Death Coil so Arthas can't do Q+W all the time but left out only with W which would not promote solo play (hero only) simply because he would die faster. His base MS should be reduced, as well. He moves/flanks around too fast.

1 Bugs with A.I.:

When all of the southern bridges(them being blue's bridge, bridge leading to teal and yellow's first base, bridge that can be used to backstab teal and yellow's first base, bridge leading out of green's base)are destroyed, brown's units that spawn in light blue's base their pathing gets seriously bugged (they move left and right around green's destroyed gate or travel as far to the gold mine north of the troll ziggurat(where you kill the troll that drops the item that opens passage to hidden groove). It is not as simple as targeting them and A-Move to some place. When you do that they override the command multiple times, so you have to issue the command for like 10-15 seconds and even then, if they are still nearby the gate they return to being bugged.

Only once I saw orange's units also have extreme pathing issues. They were patrolling from south-eastern power generator to middle gates (near teal's second base) and to sunwell. I do not know what caused that.

1 Terrain bugs:

There is a hole in blue's first gate. More precisely its south-western wall as shown in the picture:

2 Balance considering buildings:

Black Citadels(Don't forget Halls of the Dead, as well) should be restricted to a certain number. I managed to one shot Anasterian with 4 control groups of Black Citadels. Since they are considered a flying unit, they can be stacked in one place. That is why the Sunwell was 4-5 shotted mere moments later.

Even though a fairly good counter to them is the Ballista I don't think it is fair. Black Citadels do not cost any food unlike Ballista.

My opinion is that you should make them restricted (Necro,Halls and Citadels) to something like 5 and increase their armor and hp. Making them more useful as a forward base instead of mass murder buildings. :D

I am unsure for Spirit Guardians(ziggurats) because I thought they are OP but I can see that those forward points and unit production buildings need to be guarded with something. Maybe reduce their attack speed a bit? I don't know. Maybe this is not necessary.

Shield Generators get taken out by air units way too easily. You need max frost wyrms and 24 gargoyles to take it out really easily without giving the elves the chance to react. Maybe put a thing like Force Shield thing from Anasterian and Crystal Nexus that lasts for like 30 seconds (CD 3min) to give elves the chance to defend it? Add multishot to it? Only other way is towering it up but it takes some time.

2 Balance considering units:

I think that air units like gargoyles and nerubian terrors should be restricted. Something like 36 or 48. If not that then increase the gold cost slightly and definitely remove normal armor from nerubian terrors. Air should take extra damage from piercing attacks. I mean I do not think it is good that newbies spam only gargoyles and think they will get to somewhere with it...

Nerubian Seer's teleport ability is waaaaay too good, it should be removed. You can sneak a shade in and just mass teleport to it. Not to mention they melt frontline with magic attacks and take reduced damage from piercing attacks.

2 Other things worth noticing:

You should disable any kind of friendly fire between the allies. I.E. Dark Rangers that purposly attack Scourge's buildings and units.

3 Cinematic:

Everything goes mad in intro cinematic if a certain player(s) lag (waiting for players). Meaning, things like Sylvanas disappearing during cinematic without even getting near the bridge (last scene in intro cinematic).

Outro cinematic when Scourge wins occasionally (I saw it only twice) has a necromancer or some other unit going the same way as Sylvanas, apart from the 2 banshees

A question: Where are Dark Green's units, anyway? Why is he a computer?

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