side effects of common medicines overdose

Post on 15-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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Side Effects of Common Medicines Overdose

What is overdose?

Overdose occurs when you take in more than the recommended amount of a medicine. Since a medicine is a foreign particle, the result of its overdose varies from mild effects such as drowsiness or feeling sick (nausea) to serious complications that can even be life threatening. The amount of medicine taken in by the individual, his immunity and the nature of the drug collectively determines the extent of effects of the overdose.

Source: Healthtap

An overdose is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention as it involves the well being of a person.

Some Common Medicines:

Overdose can be intentional or accidental. There is usually a prescribed intake of medicines but sometimes people take more than that thinking it will help them heal faster, but this perception can have a negative effect on the person. Some common types of medicines that are usually overdosed are:

Pain Relievers

Psychiatric Drugs

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs




Headache tablets

Liquid cough medicines

Sinus tablets

Diet pills

Sleeping pills, etc.

Many-a-times, when we have a hectic schedule or even during weather change, we may face many issues like headache, lethargy, insomnia or fever, we prefer taking medicines without any prescription due to which the actual reason behind that discomfort (if any) remains hidden. The actual reason behind these issues is that our body is trying to adapt in changing conditions for which its metabolism alters and then returns to its original state after sometimes on its own. But if we take medicines, we not only hamper the adaptability of our body but also alter its natural metabolism, and thus resultantly our immune system is affected as well.

Symptoms of overdose:

The first sign of an overdose is feeling uneasy and the opposite of what the medicine ought to do:

Loss of consciousness

Difficulty walking


Vital signs: temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure. Vital sign values can be

increased, decreased, or completely absent.


Confusion and coma

Skin Symptoms: hot or cool, sweaty or dry.

Chest pain due to heart or lung damage.

Shortness of breath-breathing may get fast, slow, deep, or shallow.

Abdominal pain

Nausea or vomiting


Vomiting blood, or blood in bowel movements

Specific drugs can also damage specific organs

Better safe than sorry

Make sure you look out for these signs and understand the repercussions they might have on the person concerned. An overdose will have effects on the entire body. Treatment for a common medicine overdose varies depending on the situation. One should always seek medical help regardless of the type of drug, the amount taken, or the individual involved. It is always better to be safe and quick than sorry in these situations. Medical professionals should know what a victim took in and in what amount to be able to treat him/her accordingly.

Official Resource: mChemist

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