short story

Post on 05-Oct-2015






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a beautiful love story between bestfriends from grade school days


There were two best friends named Candice and Lorenzo who lived with their parents in the same street of Nashville. They are neighbors; they come visit each other every day after school. One day Candice promised Lorenzo that she will not leave Lorenzo alone because Lorenzo is always bullied in school by other big boys. Lorenzo is weak because of his heart disease, he has this difficulty in breathing and when the big boys bullys Lorenzo, Candice always arrive on time to save him from the bullies, she is like Lorenzos hero. Thats how they became best friends.Lorenzo is hiding something very personal, i.e., he has a crush on Candice but the problem is Candice doesnt have the same feelings with Lorenzo. For her, Lorenzo is just her boy best friend. They grew up together until they became college students and the time passed swiftly Then came one day Candice, are you ready for your flight? asked Candices mother Tita Collie. Yes mother! said Candice. Candice was leaving that day to study medicine in the States. She didnt say anything to Lorenzo because she is afraid to tell him and hurt his feelings because Candice has now special feelings for Lorenzo. They arrived at the airport on time before her flight will commence.

On the other hand, Lorenzo is preparing for revealing his feelings to Candice. When he arrived at their house he saw their car is gone, and then someone said, What are you doing here Lorenzo? asked Yaya Carline. I will reveal my feelings to Candice. Shhh be quiet, said Lorenzo. What! Uhmmm Im sorry Lorenzo, Candice just left for her flight to USA to study. Didnt you know? said Yaya Carline. What?! shouted Lorenzo. Lorenzo went home with a broken heart. She didnt say anything. How could she?! Lorenzo said to himself.

After 3 days, Lorenzo decided to go to the States for Candice. He will surprise her and ask her to be his girlfriend even if he knows Candice doesnt have special feelings for him and to ask her why did she leave him behind and broke her promise. Then when Lorenzo arrived at Candices house in States (he knows the address because Yaya Carline gave it), he saw flowers and people dressed in black. He then entered the house to know why, then he saw Candices dead body, he started crying Why?! he shouted.

Tita Collie rushed to comfort Lorenzo. She then explained to Lorenzo how it happened. Lorenzo Im sorry, Candice was just making a kind of medicine that cures all kinds of diseases even cancer and also to cure your disease, when the electricity went off, she started to walk to the generator to make it run so she can continue her work. Unfortunately, she tripped over a chair and accidentally poured the muriatic acid she was holding on top of her head which caused her instant death. The police showed me the video from the CCTV of the laboratory. said Tita Collie.

After a while, Tita Collie handed him a note from Candice. It was scribbled by Candice when she was in the plane and it says: Dear Lorenzo,

Im sorry best friend for leaving you without saying anything to you, and I know that I broke my promise. Im sorry I was just afraid to hurt your feelings and mine too. The truth is, I had a crush on you since we were in high school. And as the time we were always together, that feelings grew I think Im in love with you! I love you Lorenzo! I just dont know how to tell it to you. Love,Candice With a heavy heart, Lorenzo whispered softly I love you too Candice."

-The End-

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