shiftlings - from gamejam to consoles

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Changes we went through and decisions regarding publishers during the development of our upcoming PC/Console Game "Shiftlings"


From NM i Gameplay to Consoles

Size DOES matter..(sorry guys!)Co-Op,  conjoined space alien fun where size actually matters!

Game Jams are awesome!

..for once..

Henning created the characters super hang-over on the 1st of January Around 40 to 50 Assets were made from scratch for the Prototype Assets re-used: One Robot in the background in one level (from O&S) Unique Levels Designed: over 10 (but 5 were used for the prototype) We had no time to create specular maps so we used 100% speculars on all platform

assets Only 5 days for development Pizzas destroyed: countless Beers consumed: too many Gamepads broken: 1 Bugs created: about as much as we killed The thing that used up the most time both mechanic, design and graphic wise was

the seesaw and it’s only used in one level Angry wives: 2 (?)

Some facts about the NM development

More stuff!

Play it again, Sam!

Got story?

..the galaxies are watching

..and Zookod is hosting

Adding some meat…eh planets..

Alien Evolution?

Alien Evolution?

Even more stuff! (and and some fun facts)

• Zookod was made without a concept-(sketch)• Most of the old assets were thrown away• There are around 3000 words of text in the game • We tweaked the Unity physics system so much that we basically created your

own• We have references to Star Wars, Firefly, Dr. Who, Austin Powers, Lovecraft,

Red Dwarf and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in the game (to only name a few)

• The 2.5 seconds Cutscene in the Garbage area was especially created to give a nod to Star Wars <3

• Additional mechanics including bots

“The sight alone is enough of a giggle, but you should see them wobbling across the screen - it's hilarious." (“.. a hilarious but brilliant brightly

coloured mess that will have co-op gamers arguing over puzzles and ‘accidentally’ killing one another in a quantity not seen since Portal." (“Shiftlings has a main mechanic that

not only allows for puzzle design, but acts as a rich source of slapstick too. For that, it gets a gold badge due to causing smiles to erupt over my face like acne on a teenager."(

"There may be many parents biting their tongues whilst playing with their kids to avoid red, snotty, tear-stained faces after an outburst along the lines of “STOP PRESSING THE DAMN BUTTON YOU LITTLE SHIT!” (

Game Connection and GDC

America 2014

…you might wonder

..because this

..and also this

David vs Goliath

Freaking sharks everywhere

What’s next

“Zomegacorp Marketing – Telling you what to think so you don’t have to!”~Zomegacorp Marketing


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