sharing and collaboration

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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John Crosbie & Ed’ Fowler

Business Information Management

Sharing and Collaboration

| Group Presentation

© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Through 2015, 80% of enterprises will lack a coherent approach to dealing

with information from social media

Source: Gartner 2011

| Group Presentation

© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Sharing & Collaboration - Value Proposition

Collaborate in What?

Share What?

For What Purpose?

For What outcome?

Who Benefits?

What makes us different?

Where is the Value?

Why us?

“Our approach must incorporate migrating away from 1950s office culture with language and

structures aligned to that era (Inboxes, folders, Outboxes) and move to a more efficient era

of Groups, Shared Practices and Streams”.

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© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Elevator Pitch For organsations who wish to build a sense of community internally and with various

external parties

Dissatisfied with, the lack of intimacy and the failure to connect people and assets


Capgemini’s solution is an, appreciation of the value which can be generated

and the rewarding enhancements to a companies communication & Sharing culture

That provides, the best 21st Century methods to exploit technology to bring about

tangible business benefits

Unlike other, outdated, restrictive and inadequate traditional communication


Capgemini offers modern thinking coupled with real life business value utilising our

market leading consulting services and world class technology.

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© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Social Media Statistics

Social Media Landscape 2011

Companies are forced to understand

the unprecedented opportunities

► >800m users on Facebook: Equivalent to

the EU population

► 34% of bloggers post opinions about products

and brands

► 25% of search results for the world's top

20 largest brands are linked to user-

generated content

► 80% of Twitter usage is on mobile devices:

People update from anywhere, at anytime

Social Media Potential

► 44% of consumers trust “people like them”

► 64% of consumers trust independent experts

► 74% of consumer purchasing decisions are

affected by key influencers on social networking


► Only 17% of consumers find corporate

advertising credible

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© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Collaboration Capabilities




Collaboration Organizational


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© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Link Device Roadmap - Mobility

iPhone Blackberry Windows Phone 7 Nokia

Growing demand to push content out to mobile devices promoting field based

collaboration through Knowledge Management information exchange

Windows Phone 7 Android Blackberry iPhone Nokia

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© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Scenarios for Business Communities

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© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Social Media offers unprecedented possibilities

for consumers and companies to interact

The power has shifted to the customers – a new challenge for companies to interact with

their costumers and employees on a global scale


Social media is a rich ecosystem with perpetual evolution and a rapid user growth


Customers/Employees publicly share and discuss their opinions on brands and products - studies

show that they tend to believe other users’ posts more than official company messages


Social media provide great opportunities for companies to benefit from a large array of

online services and social platforms


Companies have started already to adopt to the new reality and are gaining benefits


Capgemini has identified this challenge and offers its customers a wide range of social

media solutions


| Group Presentation

© 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Burning Platforms….

The retrieval of Inaccurate content

Time taken to locate the right information

Organic data growth – lacking governance, structure and control

KM and Social Attempts have failed in the past

Different parts of the business have their own approaches

Multiple Versions of the truth

Existing systems difficult to navigate

Poor end user experience – users not engaged….

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The information contained in this presentation is proprietary. ©2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved

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